. "Electrical engineering"@en . . "Space System engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Applied electrotechnics"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit: By completing the course the student will gain basic knowledge of the analysis of simple linear electrical circuits (EO) with stationary, sinusoidal and non-harmonic periodic circuit quantities (voltages and currents) in steady as well as in transient state. Based on the acquired knowledge, the student will be able to calculate circuit quantities for a particular circuit. The students will also get in touch with the circuits with distributed parameters and their use in cosmic engineering technology. Successful completion of the course is therefore an essential basis for understanding the subject matter, which is the content of subjects dealing with space communications. \n Course Contents:\nBasic concepts and laws in electrical engineering. Ideal and real elements of electrical circuits, equivalent circuits of real elements. The concept of technical source, connecting of sources, maximum power transfer from source to load, efficiency. Harmonic (sinusoidal) voltages and currents, complex representation of circuit quantities, phasor, complex impedance. Methods for solving linear circuits in harmonic steady state. Energy, work and power of electric current. Non-sinusoidal circuit quantities. Fourier series. Analysis of circuits with non-sinusoidal quantities. Transients in electrical circuits. Circuits with distributed parameters. Homogeneous transmission lines, characteristic (wave) impedance. Complex load matching methods. Narrowband adaptations, wideband matching. Fundamentals of electric and magnetic field. Introduction to electromagnetic field theory. Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical devices." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astrodynamics"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit: Student is able to mathematically describe the motion of both natural and artificial satellites in the orbital trajectory. Student is also able to analyze motion in both 2D and 3D space.\nStudent can describe the gravitational field and determine the effect of perturbation on satellite trajectory and to analyze trajectories using flyby maneuver. Student knows how to program, display and evaluate the motion of satellite and its and trajectories . \n Course Contents:\nTwo body problem. Motion in inertial frame. Relative motion. Angular momentum. Energy law. Trajectories. Time and position. Three body problem. Orbits in three dimensions. Orbital elements. Calculation of elements. Orbital perturbations. Perturbing forces. Geopotential. Orbit propagation. Variation of parameters. Interplanetary trajectories. Gravity assist maneuver. Orbital maneuvers. Impulsive maneuvers. Hohmann transfer.Non-Hohmann transfer. Plane change maneuvers." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Materials and design of space systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit: With successful completion of the subject the student will get basic theoretical knowledge of vacuum, the space systems materials, their properties, the physical principles of material processes, fabrication technologies, the quality criteria of materials and basic constructions of space systems. Students will acquire the knowledge of characterization methodology and testing of the parameters of the materials and the basic elements made of them. Student will understands the relationship between influence of external conditions and material properties and can quantify their impact. A graduate of the subject is capable to make a selection of suitable materials and design constructions of simple space systems Course Contents:\nMaterials applied in space systems. Vacuum: preparation, diagnostics, suitable materials and its use, Physical principles of processes occurring in materials, material properties requirements, characterization and testing of properties of materials and basic elements. Trends in material research, fabrication technology, and quality criteria. Basic structures of space systems. Impact of external conditions on material properties. Selection of suitable materials and structures for simple space systems.." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Robotic technologies for space"@en . . "5" . "The student has knowledge of the application of robotic technologies in aerospace - from the construction of orbiting satellites and landing modules designed to explore other space bodies to assistance systems for manned cosmonautics. He/she understands the principles of sensors and actuators for use in robotic applications. He/she knows the basic mechanical structures of robotic arms and mobile chassis, as well as various ways of their control. He/she can design a suitable type of interface between the operator and the controlled robotic device.\n\nThe student will gain knowledge:\n- design of robotic manipulators\n- design of mobile robots\n- various aspects of human-robot interaction\n- robotic applications in aerospace\n\nThe student will gain skills:\n- selection of a suitable type of kinematic structure\n- selection of a suitable type of drive and sensor system\n- selection of a suitable type of robot control\n\nThe student acquires competencies:\n- select a suitable type of robot for specific applications in aerospace\n- design its kinematic structure, propulsion and sensor system\n- participate in the design of various types of robotic applications\n- participate in research in the field of aerospace robotics Course Contents:\n1. Robotics - Definition of subject, related scientific and technical disciplines, historical milestones of robotics development in connection with distance exploration of Earth and other cosmic bodies.\n2. Robot and its subsystems, autonomous and remote-controlled systems, robot classification according to various criteria\n3. Mobile robots - design principles of robots moving on a solid surface, on and below the (water) surface, respectively, in the gaseous atmosphere and in the cosmic space. Position and orientation control. Methods of landing on cosmic bodies of different types.\n4. Robotic manipulators and other mechanical constructions for use on mobile platforms and piloted cosmonauts. Description of basic kinematic structures. Exoskeleton.\n5. Driving systems for use in robotics, motors and transmission mechanisms - basic description and properties\n6. Sensory systems for use in robotics - basic principles and properties. Sensors of internal variables, sensors of localization systems. Sensors for remote and in situ exploration of physical properties of cosmic bodies.\n7. Power sources for mobile robots, energy management, internal temperature stabilization, protecting systems against adverse environmental influences.\n8. Human-robot interaction - basic ways of controlling and programming robots. Ways to communicate with robots. Visual and haptic feedback. Enhanced and virtual reality.\n9. Current applications of robots and robotic technologies in remote Earth exploration and exploration of other cosmic bodies. Robotics in piloted cosmonautics.\n10. Trends in the development of robotics with a focus on remote Earth exploration and other cosmic bodies. Service robotics. Sample gathering and transport to the Earth. Mining of raw materials on other cosmic bodies." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Sensors and actuators"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nBy passing the course a student acquires the information about basic physical principles, technical parameters, the properties and the preparation technology of selected sensors and actuators, studies the methodology at the design, modeling and simulation of various sensors and actuators types, obtains the knowledge about new development trends of selected sensors and actuators in aerospace applications and deepens the knowledge towards their possible miniaturization and integration into the functional microsystems and the smart platforms. Course Contents:\nThe history of sensors and actuators and their parallels with microelectronics, optoelectronics and micromechanics.\nTechnical and technological requirements for sensors and actuators for aerospace as well as for non-standard and harsh environments.\nDesign rules, technical parameters and required properties of sensors.\nPhysical and chemical effects and the specifications of sensors and actuators for aerospace as well as for non-standard and harsh environments (high temperatures, large range of the pressures, gravitations, aerospace radiation).\nModern trends in the development of sensors and actuators: smart materials, material structures and progressive technologies of the fabrication.\nPressure, position and temperature sensors.\nAcceleration, vibration and chemical composition sensors.\nActuators using electrostatic forces, magnetic fields.\nActuators using piezoelectric effect, thermal energy." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astrophysics"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe student will be able to mathematically rigorously describe various types of trajectories of planets and space probes in the solar system on the basis of physical laws. They will be able to analyze all significant effects affecting the stability of spacecraft orbits. The student will be able to determine and simulate the positions of bodies derived from their ephemeris. The student will gain the most important knowledge about the evolution of planetary systems and their central stars. The student will gain a sufficient general basis about the structure of galaxies and the organization of large-scale structures in space.Course Contents:\n• Newton's law of gravitation and Kepler's laws as starting points for the dynamics of gravitationally bound.\n• Classification of body trajectories in the spherically symmetric gravitational field of a central mass body.\n• The solar system as a gravitationally bound system of the Sun and its planets.\n• Basic types of spacecraft trajectories in the Solar System and the importance of gravity-assisted maneuvers.\n• Lagrange points in a system of two gravitationally coupled bodies. Significance of Lagrange points of the Sun-Earth system for observations and space research.\n• Electromagnetic interactions and their main effects in the space (light pressure, magnetic fields, cosmic plasma, etc.).\n• Ephemeris of objects (natural and artificial) and their meaning.\n• Calculation and simulation of the motion of artificial satellites in a real (not perfectly spherically symmetrical) gravitational field and under the influence of the most important perturbation influences (light pressure, remnants of the atmosphere).\n• Energy sources of stellar energy and strong interactions (pp and CNO cycle of thermonuclear fusion of stars of the main sequence)\n• The planets of the solar system, their main characteristics as the reflection of their distance from the Sun and the consequence of the planetary systems formation.\n• Physics of interplanetary and interstellar space and cosmic radiation.\n• Current knowledge about the structure and properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Rotational speeds of stars in spiral galaxies and other indirect signals of dark matter (motion of star clusters, gravitational lenses and large-scale fiber structures)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Reconfigurable electronic systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit: A student has knowledge on design, simulation, synthesis, verification and implementation of reconfigurable electronic systems based on high-level HDL (hardware description language) design methodology. Students gain practical skills of front-end synthesis and back-end physical implementation using different methods. Based on this, students are able to design a digital system (e.g. a control unit) and implement it to the field programmable gate array (FPGA) structure.\nStudents have skills to use common EDA (Electronic design automation) tools for design and implementation of reconfigurable digital systems. \n Course Contents:\n1. Motivation for reconfigurable electronic systems for space applications.\n2. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA).\n3. Hardware description language (HLD) methodology of digital system design.\n4.-5. Design of digital systems at different level of abstractions - logic level, register transfer level (RTL) and system level.\n6. Digital system design flow.\n7. Introduction to verification of digital systems.\n8. Logic synthesis to FPGA, technology mapping.\n9. Optimization constraints. Reconfiguration.\n10.Physical implementation.\n11-12. Design example of a control unit." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Diploma project 1"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe student will learn methods and procedures for solving complex tasks. He will demonstrate the ability to independently and creatively solve complex tasks of a research nature in accordance with current scientific methods and procedures used in the field. He can take a critical approach to the analysis of possible research solutions and modeling. Course Contents:\nStudy of assigned issues and acquisition of literary resources.\nStudy of searched literary sources and analysis of the assigned problem.\nWritten processing and presentation of the results of the project solution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interaction of radiation and matter"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent gains knowledge about influence of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on a matter. Furthermore, student will know the principles of various types of radiation detection which are widely present in a space. Important part of the knowledge is basic construction and principles of detectors which are used for various types of radiation detection. Graduate will be able to consider the influence of various radiation types on elements and systems exploited in outer space. Course Contents:\nNon-ionizing radiation and matter interaction.\nIonizing radiation and matter interaction.\nDestructive and non destructive influence of radiation on matter.\nPrinciples of various types of radiation detection.\nConstruction and principles of non-ionizing radiation detectors.\nConstruction and principles of ionizing radiation detectors.\nProtection of constructions and systems from dangerous radiation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Power sources"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nAfter completing the course, students have knowledge of basic electrochemical energy sources with emphasis on primary and secondary batteries and fuel cells for use in space engineering and space applications. Students understand the principles of operation of these resources, they are acquainted with their construction, degradation mechanisms, and systems for managing their performance. Students are also informed about hydrogen generators and methods of its storage. The knowledge is focused on the design and use of electrochemical energy sources for space applications, but they can also be used in other industries.\nStudents also have knowledge of solar radiation and its use, they will learn the principles of photovoltaic transformation. The knowledge is focused on materials and material structures for photovoltaic transformation with an emphasis on extraterrestrial applications and specific conditions in the space environment.\nBy completing the course, students will gain knowledge of the constructions and materials of cable systems used for the transmission of electrical energy in space applications. They will also gain basic knowledge of the nuclear energy sources used in space Course Contents:\nRequirements for electrochemical sources in space, principle of electrochemical energy storage, primary and secondary batteries, Li-ion batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen systems, hydrogen generators and hydrogen storage, degradation mechanisms of energy sources with emphasis on space conditions, power management systems for electrochemical energy sources, construction of energy sources for space applications.\nEnergy systems for space applications. The sun as a source of energy, solar radiation in terrestrial and extraterrestrial conditions. Photovoltaic transformation, photoelectric and photovoltaic phenomenon, solar cells and modules, specific requirements of space applications, photovoltaic systems in space. Degradation processes. Thermal energy, waste heat.\nTransport of electricity, wires and cables for space applications. Nuclear energy sources in space. Radioisotope thermoelectric generators (X-ray). Nuclear reactors for space applications." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Safety-critical digital systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nA student has knowledge on reliability of digital systems and design of safety-critical systems. Student is familiar with faults in digital systems that are induced by cosmic rays and is able to apply suitable fault-tolerant architectures to ensure the reliability of space electronic systems. Students are able also apply advanced FPGA technologies for space engineering. Students have practical skills advanced methods of digital system verification and debugging. Based on this, students are able to design, verify and debug a safety-critical digital system with a given level of reliability, suitable for use in space applications. Students are able to use common EDA tools for design and implementation of digital systems.Course Contents:\n1. Safety-critical electronic systems for space applications.\n2. Need for design verification, test and diagnostics.\n3. Advanced methods of system verification (OVM, UVM).\n4. Defects, faults, error, bugs, failures. Test and testability.\n5. Design for testability methods. SCAN approach.\n6. BIST. Memory testing.\n7. FPGA technologies for space engineering (Rad Hard FPGA). Debugging in FPGA (JTAG).\n8. Error mitigation techniques for FPGA.\n9. Faults in digital systems induced by cosmic rays. Reliability. Six Sigma.\n10. Fault-tolerant digital systems. Hardware and information redundancy.\n11. Built-in self repair (BISR) systems.\n12. Systems-on-chip (SoC)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space devices"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudents will be able to understand the reason for the use and placement of scientific instruments in the universe and learn the physical principles of their activities.\nThey will know how to determine their main parameters and the conditional possibilities for their use.\nStudents will also learn about the main design principles of these devices and learn the most important practical examples of their deployment.Course Contents:\nReasons for placing observation and measuring instruments in space.\nThe main categories of space - based observation instruments.\nAstronomical cosmic optical telescopes (their focus and main characteristics).\nAstronomical telescopes observing outside the optical region (their focus and main characteristics).\nApparatus for basic research (particle detectors, other special apparatus)\nEarth observation instruments (main characteristics of telescopes and radars)\nOptical instruments for observing the Earth in visible light and near IR\nMicrowave and UV Earth observation instruments\nRadars with synthetic finish\nTesting principles and quality criteria for space technology and instruments.\nAn overview of the most important knowledge about the Earth obtained through observations from space.\nAn overview of the most important knowledge about the universe obtained through observations from space." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Mechanics and thermokinetics of space systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent is able to analyze satellite components as well as whole satellite from viewpoint of structural stiffness and heat transfer. Student is able to analyze structural satellite design loaded by static and dynamic forces. He is able to perform a modal, harmonic and transient analysis of satellite components using Finite Element Method (FEM). Student is able to realize heat transfer analyzes of individual components considering individual heat transfer modes. Student is able to perform, similarly to structural analysis, thermal analysis using FEM. Course Contents:\nSatellite structures and materials. Satellite subsystems. Satellite structural design. Strength analysis of space systems. Static strength analysis. Modal analysis. Harmonic response analysis. Thermal deformation analysis.Spacecraft structural analysis using finite element method.Heat transfer mechanisms. Conductive heat transfer. Fourier's law of heat conduction. Convective heat transfer. Newton's law of cooling. Radiative heat transfer. Stefan-Boltzmann law. Heat generated by the spacecraft electronics. Passive and active thermal control. Spacecraft thermal analysis using finite element method." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radioengineering and antennas"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe graduate of the course has an idea of electromagnetic (EM) fields excited by a harmonic quantity. Energy transfer through EM fields and the events that occur during this transfer.\n\nKnowledge and understanding\nAfter completing the course the student:\n- knows the transmission of energy through EM fields and the events that occur during this transmission,\n- knows the impact of individual obstacles on the propagation of the EM field,\n- knows the basic / elementary sources of EM fields.\n\nAcquired skills and competencies\n- ability to analyze and synthesize the radio-electronic chain,\n- ability to adapt the radiator to the transmission line,\n- ability to measure high frequency parameters of circuits,\n- ability to apply existing solutions to new problems associated with the transfer of information between space objects,\n- ability to design antennas,\n- the ability to design a solution, defend a solution, present a solution and work in a team to implement it. Course Contents:\nMaxwell equations (differential and integral form), boundary conditions, power and energy EM field. Wave equation and its solution for resource-free, loss-free environment, for loss-making environment in different co-ordination systems. Wave propagation and polarization, wave transition to the second environment, wave reflection, vertical impact, oblique impact. Elementary sources EM field, elementary dipole, elementary loop. Dipole with finite length, half wave dipole. Pocklington integral equation. Indoor and outdoor antenna tasks. Antenna systems. Radiocommunication equation. Methods and equipment for measuring electromagnetic parameters and fields." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Artificial intelligence and data processing"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nBy completion of the subject Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing, a student gains knowledge on artificial intelligence, the theory and applications of machine learning and data processing. The subject offers systematic approach to the best known methods of machine learning, especially neural networks. Methods of signal processing, analysis and recognition are systematically studied. Course Contents:\n1D and 2D data processing and analysis in time and frequency domain, convolution, Fourier transform, filtering, image reconstruction.\nPattern recognition.\nPrinciples of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and neural networks.\nConventional and deep neural network architectures and learning.\nkernel methods, support vector machines, clustering, conventional and deep neural networks and learning." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Team project"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nPreparing students for teamwork on larger projects. Be able to work in a team, demonstrate the ability to communicate, divide tasks and create a product (part of it.) Communicate your solutions clearly to others. Demonstrating these capabilities is the creation of a common integrated product - the result of a project solution. Course Contents:\n1) Creation and specification of the team, publication of topics and requirements for elaboration of the offer, processing and evaluation of offers.\n2) Division of tasks within the team, creation of a project plan, solution design.\n3) Problem analysis, implementation of individual parts of the product, user presentation of the project solution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Control systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent will learn control design procedures for a dynamic system based on a state space model and its verification by simulation in Matlab/Simulink environment, will understand the respective practices and procedures and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the control of various processes in aerospace field. Introduces state-space representation of dynamic systems and state-space approach to feedback control systems. Covers modelling approaches for dynamic systems – data driven and first principle ones, nonlinear models, linearization. Design methods are focused on state space controller design including pole placement, linear quadratic regulator, state estimation, Kalman filter, LQG. Basics of digital control systems and digital implementation of controllers. Performance limitations and robustness. Extensive use of computer-aided control design and simulation (in Matlab&Simulink environment). Applications to various aerospace-motivated control problems, including basic DC motor (positional and speed servo), satellite attitude control, and navigation guidance (reference tracking) are considered throughout the course" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space research methods"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe course is a systematic introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of methods of exploring the universe. Special care is given to the extrasolar planets detection which is a young field in planetary science. The basic exoplanet detection methods are covered, based on the underlying physical concepts. Physical principles behind planet characterization are explored, and tied to observations and interpretation of exoplanet properties such as trajectory, size, composition and temperature. Students will know the basic methods and principles of exploring the universe.Course Contents:\nProperties of light. Measuring the distance in the universe. Hubble’s Law and its implications for galaxy motions, and the observational basis for the expansion of the universe.\nPhysical principles behind different exoplanet discovery techniques. Measurement of a planet's radius, semi-major axis, and orbital inclination from a planet transit data set.\nMeasurement of a planet's mass and semi-major axis from an exoplanet radial velocity data set." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Diploma project 2"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe student will learn methods and procedures for solving complex tasks. He demonstrates the ability to independently and creatively solve complex tasks of a research nature in accordance with current scientific methods and procedures used in the field. He can take a critical approach to the analysis of possible research solutions and modeling. Course Contents:\nStudy of assigned issues and acquisition of literary resources.\nStudy of searched literary sources and analysis of the assigned problem.\nSolution design.\nVerification of selected parts of the solution.\nWritten processing and presentation of the results of the project solution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Navigation systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe aim of the subject is education of basic navigational systems used in cosmic engineering, especially satellite systems and space rover's navigation. Course Contents:\nLectures:\n1. Kinematics, dynamics, control, traversability (construction) of rovers\n2. GNSS systems, dead reckoning\n3. Gyro (mechanical, optical, MEMS), laser rangefinder\n4. Depth cameras, visual systems (principles)\n5. Data processing I. – models, features\n6. Environment representation, planning (Wavefront, A*+JPS, RRT)\n7. Data processing II. – octrees, kd-trees\n8. Localization I.\n9. Localization II.\n10. Navigation I. – basics\n11. Navigation II. – VFH, TFH" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space communication"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudents will acquire basic knowledge concerning satellite and deep space communication challenges and approaches how to address them from information theory and communication theory point of view. Particularly they will know which channel models and signals are applicable in space communication and why transmission coding is inevitable for deep space communications and advantageous for satellite communication systems. They will know the concept of optimal receiver for linear and nonlinear modulations used in space communication, transmission codes starting from first used in space and finishing with up to date ones, how they are encoded and decoded using hard and soft methods starting from syndrome decoding and finishing with turbo and belief propagation decoding. They will be able to calculate link budget for space communication systems, know basic modulations and multi access method used in satellite communications systems. They will also become aware about application of communication and communication-like signals in telecommunication, navigation and sensing satellites Course Contents:\n1. Satellite, deep space and terrestrial communication systems and bandwidths for wireless communication;\n2. Channel models and signals applicable in space communication and their interaction with systems;\n3. Optimal receiver;\n4. Space communication from Information theory perspective;\n5. Channel capacity and why transmission codes are inevitable in space communication in AWGN channel;\n6. Convolutional codes-first transmission codes in applied in space;\n7. From first block codes applied in space- Golay codes to Reed Solomon codes;\n8. Up to date space codes;\n9. Link budget;\n10. Satellite systems;\n11. Multiple access in telecommunications satellites;\n12. Bandwidths, signals and transmission codes for satellite communication, navigation and sensing.." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Diploma project 3"@en . . "8" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudents learn methods and approaches of a solution of complex problems in the field of applied informatics. They demonstrate the ability to independently and creatively solve complex problems, even of a research character in concordance with nowadays methods and approaches in a respective field of application, separately, creatively and critically do analysis of possible solutions. He is able to report and present solved problems and obtained results. Course Contents:\nDetailed problem solution.\nRevision and critical evaluation of decisions from previous stages.\nComplex verification of the solution.\nWritten presentation of the project results." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Microsystem technology"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent will gain theoretical knowledge about the basic physical principles used in microsensors and microactuators, their properties and parameters. He can use modeling and simulation procedures in the design and preparation of various types of microsystems. He knows the principles and can evaluate the impact of preparation processes on the miniaturization and integration of elements into microsystems. He has knowledge of different types of microsystems used for space applications. Course Contents:\nMotivation for the transition from standard conditions of preparation of microcomponents to microsystems and MEMS elements.\nDesign requirements, parameters and specifics of different types of microsystems.\nMicrosystem techniques and preparation technologies.\nWireless detection microsystems (Bluetooth, NFC, RFID, Zigbee, radar systems).\nEnergy collection techniques to power wireless microsystems in space.\nIntegrated energy collection, storage and hybrid sensors.\nFunctional materials for gas sensing applications and preparation methods.\nApplications of gas-sensitive microsystems in the space industry\nBuilt-in microsystems for monitoring the technical condition of space assets." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astrobiology"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe goal of the course is to provide an introduction to the exciting new field of astrobiology, including all of the major disciplines astrobiology is related to. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge, by successfully completing this subject, on the: astronomical and planetary context for the origin of life; concepts of pre-biological chemical evolution and the history of life on Earth; prospects for life elsewhere in the Universe, together with its scientific and philosophical issues; and the potential of humanity to expand beyond Earth. Course Contents:\nIntroduction to Astrobiology: latest news, history and direction of the research field. The origin and distribution of biologically important chemicals in the Universe. Initial conditions in the early Solar System and on Proto-Earth. Basic tools for terrestrial life - replication and metabolism. The origin of life on Earth - from abiogenesis to panspermia. History of life on Earth. Limits of the biosphere and extremophiles. Biosignatures and the requirements for life. Looking for life elsewhere in the Solar System. Exoplanets and habitable zones. Search for extraterrestrial intelligence in the Universe. Expansion of humanity into space." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Propulsion systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent will be able to mathematically describe physical processes in different types of rocket propulsion systems. He will be able to analyze chemical rocket propulsion systems from the viewpoint of thermodynamics and fluid flow in engines and motors. Student will be able to analyze the performance characteristics of rocket engines with different input parameters as well as in different ambient conditions. Student will be able to analyze the physical parameters of the working fluid using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Student will gain knowledge of the design of various types of electric rocket propulsion as well as their deployment in different types of space systems. Course Contents:\nClassification of different types of rocket propulsion systems.\nChemical rocket propulsion (overview, main types and uses).\nBasic flow equations and thermodynamics of gases.\nIsoentropic flow and nozzle flow.\nPerformance characteristics of chemical rocket engines (according to individual types).\nRocket engines for liquid and solid fuel.\nCFD simulation.\nElectromagnetic rocket propulsion (overview, main types and uses).\nPhysical principles of operation and reasons for the use of electromagnetic propulsion systems.\nPerformance characteristics of electromagnetic rocket motors (according to individual types).\nMain structural elements of electromagnetic rocket motors.\nExamples of practical use of electromagnetic drive systems." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Space Engineering"@en . . "https://www.stuba.sk/english-1/stu/ects-label/ects-information-package/information-on-degree-programmes/all-programmes.html?page_id=5552&f=30&le=2&l=all&c=0&pg=1&ad=true#" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The graduate of the second-degree study program Space Engineering will acquire a full university degree in the field of Electrical Engineering with a dominant focus on modern and multidisciplinary engineering technologies used mainly in high-performance cosmic and space systems, but also in other electronic system components. As part of the study and completion of profile subjects such as: Materials and construction of space systems, Sensors and actuators, Energy sources, Microsystem technology, Interaction of radiation and matter, Space devices, Space research methods, the graduate will acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills in areas that are an integral part of integrated technological systems for space applications. The graduates will be able to solve complex technical tasks and research issues under different individual projects. Students will also practice working in a project team, where they gain management skills and other soft skills. Thus, the graduates of Space Engineering study will obtain competitiveness not only in space applications but also in other research areas, industry fields, as well as social life. Key Learning Outcomes:\n\"The graduate will learn to design, optimize, and construct advanced embedded electronic systems, sensor systems, various types of microsystems, robotic and propulsion systems, as well as control, navigation, and communication systems, and will use information technology and artificial intelligence in their design.\nThe graduate has knowledge of astrophysics, astrodynamics, astrobiology as well as mechanics and thermo-kinetics of space systems and can apply skills in the use of modern engineering CAE tools, including modelling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems.\nThe graduate is prepared to solve theoretical and practical tasks in the development of complex systems, especially for space applications using modern engineering tools, technologies, and an interdisciplinary systems approach.\""@en . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Master"@en . "Final Exam of content of DP" . "15100.00" . "British Pound"@en . "31100.00" . "None" . "The graduate will find employment not only in the field of space engineering and advanced electronic systems, but also in related areas of industry, such as robotics, mechatronics, informatics, automotive industry (mechanical engineering), and others. Application is not limited to employment in the Slovak Republic and its surroundings, but also abroad, where graduates can offer high expertise in several industries."@en . "1"^^ . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Slovak"@en . . "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI)"@en . .