. "Electrical engineering"@en . . "Space System engineering"@en . . "Satellite Engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Em compatibility and radiation Issues"@en . . "5" . "AIMS\n\nStudents will know how to design electronic system with respect to electromagnetic compatibility and ionizing radiation issues. Students will be familiar with design rules for systems operating in free space (Earth orbits, interplanetary space), their testing and evaluation according to valid standards.\nLEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able to\n- find appropriate EMC standards required for particular application\n- perform system analysis and point out critical design aspects with respect to EMC\n- design a system with respect to EMC requirements\n- analyze and solve EMC problems in systems not meeting EMC standards\n- discuss general effects of ionizing radiation on electronic systems\n- analyze requirements on an electronic system with respect to desired mission profile\n- propose suitable radiation shielding for electronic components COURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. EMC: definition, history and future. Sources and consequences.\n2. Distortion coupling mechanism and its elimination.\n3. Interference suppression, PSB design practice, EMI suppression filters.\n4. EMI shielding: theory, implementation, limitations.\n5. Interference measurement methods, analysis of measurement results.\n6. Communication interface immunity testing.\n7. Metastability, practical examples of EMC issue solutions.\n8. Near-Earth and free-space ionizing radiation: types and sources, effect on electronic systems.\n9. Semiconductor component radiation hardness: SEE, TID, MTBF.\n10. Minimizing of SEE occurrence and its consequences: system design, shielding, TMR, ECC, FEC.\n11. Radiation hardness testing: methods, analysis.\n12. Software requirements for environments with ionizing radiation.\n13. Ionizing radiation sources: regulations, operation, available sites." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space structures design"@en . . "4" . "AIMS\n\nThe aim is to acquaint the student with the basic aspects of space research, with space technology and provide him with space to use this knowledge in optimal decision-making and self-solving individual problems. LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nIt is assumed that the student will be able to analyse problems in a broad context, in evaluating the problems from various perspectives, as well as from different levels.\nSYLLABUS\n\n1. Introduction to space technology\n2. Basic concepts of cosmology and astronomy\n3. Artificial satellites, classification, functions, factors influencing an artificial satellite during flight\n4. Areas of use of artificial satellites\n5. Construction and basic systems\n6. Space stations\n7. CubeSats and space debris\n8. Return systems, their possibilities, advantages and disadvantages\n9. Materials for space technology\n10. Use of artificial satellites and satellites for near and far space research\n11. Use of artificial satellites for remote sensing of the Earth\n12. Use of artificial satellites in meteorology\n13. Use of artificial satellites for navigation systems" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space flight mechanics"@en . . "3" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nLearning basic principles of space flight mechanics. Acquiring knowledge of aerospace techniques (launchers, space vehicles and stations).\n\nAIMS\n\nThe goal is to familiarize students with the branch of the area of aeronautical and cosmic means of transport that develops in a progressive way and with main problems of space flights.\nSYLLABUS\n1. Historical introduction to astronautics.\n2. Basic problems of space flight and its technical solutions.\n3. Definition and clasification of space vehicles. Coordinate systems in mechanics of space flight.\n4. Passive motion in a central gravitational field. Kepler's laws.\n5. Position and velocity of cosmic bodies in orbit. Integral energy.\n6. Description orbit. Orbit elements.\n7. Active motion of space vehicles. Dynamics of rocket motion.\n8. Flight performance of space vehicles. Specific impulse.\n9. Launch of artificial Earth satellite. Characteristic of space velocities.\n10. Maneuvering in orbit. Active-controlled movement of space vehicles.\n11. Meeting spacecraft in orbit.\n12. Interplanetary space flight.\n13. Re-entry problems.\n\nEXERCISE\n\n13 hours, compulsory\nTEACHER / LECTURER\n\nIng. Jaroslav Bartoněk\nSYLLABUS\n\n1. Calculations of basic parameters of the orbit in the central gravitational field.\n2. Time course of motion of a cosmic body - solution of Kepler's equation.\n3. Calculation of position and velocity of a body in the perifocal coordinate system.\n4. Calculation of position and speed using Lagrange coefficients.\n5. Position and velocity of a cosmic body in orbit in space.\n6. Transformation between geocentric and perifocal coordinate system.\n7. Determination of orbit elements from the state vector.\n8. Calculation of the position of a body in topocentric horizontal coordinates. system.\n9. Flight performance of single-stage and multi-stage missiles during vertical takeoff.\n10. Coplanar changes in orbit and change in inclination of the orbit.\n11. Calculation of the general transition path between two circular paths.\n12. Hohmann transition path.\n13. Bieliptic transition path." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite control and management"@en . . "7" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate of the course is able to describe basic satellite components, describe and explain differences in radio communication in terrestrial directional and satellite links, describe disturbing effects affecting the propagation of radio waves in terrestrial directional and satellite links, explain the principles of satellite navigation, basic components of the satellite body.\nPREREQUISITES\n\n\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Introduction, history of directional and satellite links.\n2. General description of satellite systems, ground and space segment\n3. Orbits of artificial cosmic bodies with disturbing influences and their predictions\n4. Propagation of electromagnetic waves and interfering influences in satellite communications\n5. Basic structure of a satellite - space probes, design\n6. Satellite navigation systems, methods of position stabilization, maneuvering\n7. Satellite transponders\n8. Satellite technology\n9. Link budget of a satellite link\n10. Signals: types of transmitted signals, ranging, commanding, telemetry\n11. Global satellite navigation\n12. Deep Space Network\n13. Research and experimental spacecrafts\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to explain the specifics of radio communication in terrestrial directional and satellite communications, to acquaint the students with the problems of motion and satellite construction, to teach them to evaluate the energy balance of the connection and describe the basic features of important communication systems in this area." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Vacuum technology"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nBased on the verification of the student's knowledge and skills in seminars, laboratory work and in the written exam, after completing the course the student is able to:\n\nInterpret the ideal gas laws: Boyle-Mariott, Gay-Lussac (Charles´s) and Dalton laws.\nDerive and interpret the Equation of state of ideal gas.\nDerive from the Equation of state numerical value of the Universal Gas Constant, Avogadro's Number and Boltzmann constant.\nDerive from the Equation of state the relation between pressure, gas concentration and the temperature.\nDefine conditions for modeling the processes in gases using the Kinetic theory of gases.\nCalculate the number of incident molecules per unit time per unit area.\nCalculate the mean free path of particles in the gas and discuss its impact on the processes in vacuum.\nDefine and explain the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution of particles in the gas.\nCalculate the mean velocity, root mean square velocity and most probable velocity of particles in a gas.\nDescribe and discuss the volume and transport phenomena in gas - particle diffusion, viscosity and thermal conductivity of gas.\nDescribe and discuss surface processes in vacuum.\nDefine and explain the basic adsorption isotherms - Langmuir, Henry and BET isotherms.\nDefine saturated vapor pressure and discuss the processes associated with the saturated vapor pressure.\nDefine the vacuum-resistance and vacuum-conductivity of the vacuum pipe.\nDefine respective gas flow mechanisms for different types of gas flow.\nCalculate and measure the conductivity of a vacuum pipe for different types of the gas flow.\nDefine nominal and effective pumping speed of the vacuum pump.\nDefine the equation of continuity and interpret its meaning for pumping of vacuum equipments.\nDescribe the processes and mechanisms that are used for pumping of vacuum devices.\nDescribe and discuss the influence of vacuum leaks and desorption processes.\nCalculate the ultimate pressure of vacuum equipment.\nCalculate the required pumping speed pumps with regard to the arrangement of the apparatus.\nCalculate the time of exhaustion to the desired pressure.\nMeasure the pumping speed of the pump using a constant pressure and constant volume methods.\nDescribe and explain the operation of transport pumps.\nDescribe and explain the operation of sorption pumps.\nDefine and explain methods for measuring the vacuum-pressure.\nDescribe and explain the operation of thermal vacuum gauges.\nDescribe and explain the operation of Penning ionization vacuum gauge and triode vacuum gauge.\nDesign and build a simple vacuum apparatus.\nDescribe and discuss the design of high voltage power sources for vacuum technology.\nDescribe and discuss the design of radio-frequency generators for vacuum technology.\nDescribe and explain the methods of measurement of very low current for electro-vacuum equipments.\nDescribe and explain the methods of potential insulation for electro-vacuum equipments.\nDescribe and discuss electronic protection circuits for electro-vacuum equipments.\nDescribe and explain operation of mass flow-meters.\nDefine and explain electromagnetic and electrostatic deflection.\nDescribe and explain operation of mass spectrometers.\nDescribe and explain operation electron microscopes.\nDefine superconductivity and explain examples of use of superconductivity.\nDescribe and explain methods of thermal insulation.\nDescribe and discuss the operation of cryopumps.\nDefine the types of gas-discharges and give examples of their use.\nDefine plasma parameters and explain the measurement of plasma parameters.\nDescribe and discuss the technology of cathode sputtering.\nDescribe and discuss the technology of plasma deposition from gas phase.\nDefine the technology of dry etching and give examples of its use.\n\n\n\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Gas, vapour, pressure, units of pressure and their mutual conversions.\n2. Basic principles and laws for the ideal gases. Boyle-Mariott law, Gay-Lussac law. The state equation of the gas. Dalton law. Important constants.\n3. Kinetic theory of gases - basic principles. Relation between pressure, concentration of gas-particles and temperature of the gas. The mean free path of gas molecules. The thermal velocity of the gas particles , Maxwel-Boltzmann statistic.\n4. Volume processes and transport of gas, diffusion of gas-particles , viscosity of the gas, thermal conductivity of the gas.\n5. The gas transport through the vacuum pipes. Gas conductance of Vacuum pipes. Ohms law in gas transport. The volume-flow and mass-flow of the gas. Mechanism of the gas transport in turbulent, viscose, molecular and effusion types of gas flow.\n6. The limit pressure of the vacuum equipment. Pumping speed of the vacuum pumps and its measurement. The time of equipment exhaustion. The influence of a leakage. The influence of the surface desorption.\n7. The surface processes, adsorption, desorption, monomolecular and multimolecular layers, basic adsorption isotherms, saturated vapour pressure.\n8. Theory of operation of vacuum pumps. Types of vacuum pumps. Pumping processes.\n9. Transport vacuum-pumps. Rotary vacuum-pumps - Rotary vane vacuum-pumps, Roots pump, Turbomolecular pump. Ejector vacuum pumps. Diffusion pump.\n10. Getter pumps, Ion pumps. Titanium sublimation pump. Diode and triode Ion pumps. Cryopumps. Sorption pumps, Molecular sieve .\n11. Pressure measurement (absolute and relative), Torricelli tube, U- tube, Thermocouple Gauges, Pirani Gauges.\n12. Ion Gauges, Cold Cathode Gauges , Alfatron , Penning Gauges. Design of the triode Ion Gauge. Alpert-Bayard and Helmer-Hayward tube design.\n13. The basic principles of vacuum equipment design. Technological processes in low pressure gases.\nElectronic circuits for electro-vacuum instrumentation. High voltage power sources. High frequency generators. Circuits for measurement of very low current. Circuits for the potential isolation. Electronic protection circuits.\nDevices based on gas volume and gas particle properties. Vacuum gauges. Mass flow-meters.\nDevices based on trajectory of charged particles. Electromagnetic and electrostatic deflection. Mass spectrometers. Electron microscopes.\nDevices based on cryogenic technology. Superconductivity, examples of the use of superconductivity. Methods of thermal insulation. Cryopumps.\nDevices based on gas discharge. Types of discharges, examples of their exploitation. Plasma parameters, measurement of plasma parameters. Cathode sputtering. Plasma deposition from gas phase. Dry etching.\n\nAIMS\n\nAcquirement of the knowledges about modern vacuum technics for use in electronics, in electrotechnical and mechanical industry" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Electromagnetic interference analysis"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nAfter successfully passing the course, a student understands basic concepts of EMC with an emphasis on their underlying physics and mathematical description. Furthermore, the student is able to (a) apply the Laplace transform to the analysis of causal signals; (b) derive the shielding efficiency of planar shields; (c) derive the characteristic impedance of simple transmission lines; (d) derive integral equations for EM scattering analysis; (e) describe EM radiation from fundamental antennas; (f) apply the Lorentz reciprocity theorem to systems EM susceptibility analysis.\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Introduction to ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)\n2. A brief tour to vector calculus and integral theorems\n3. Fundamentals of EM field theory\n4. Signal analysis with an emphasis to the Laplace transform and its applications\n5. Properties of EMC standard pulses; spectral (Bode) diagrams and spectral bounds\n6. Shielding effectiveness of conductive sheets\n7. Time-domain transmission-line theory; calculation of the characteristic impedance\n8. Integral representations of EM fields\n9. Integral-equation EM scattering analysis\n10. EM emissions from radiating sources\n11. Lorentz reciprocity theorems; interaction with Kirchhoff's systems\n12. EM susceptibility of Kirchoff's systems\n13. Transmission-line susceptibility analysis\nAIMS\n\nThe course is aimed to introduce students to (a) the mathematical representation of causal, EMC related signals with an emphasis on applications of the Laplace transform; (b) the modeling of electromagnetic (EM) interference of Kirchhoff circuits and transmission lines; (c) the EM emission analysis; (d) the disturbing EM susceptibility analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Numerical modeling fundamentals"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able to:\n- understand principles of selected optimization techniques and choose appropriate method for selected problem, formulate the fitness functon,\n- understand principles of basic numerical methods,\n- use these methods for simulation and design of various structures.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Optimalization - basics, optimality conditions, aggregation methods, gradient methods\n2. Optimalization - global single-objective methods\n3. Optimalization - global multi-objective methods\n4. Numerical differentiation and integration\n5. Finite elements method\n6. Finite differences method\n7. Simulation of electromagnetic phenomena\n8. Microwave lines and antennas\n9. Simulation of mechanic phenomena\n10. Elasticity, strength, stress\n11. Simulation of thermal phenomena\n12. Multi-physics modeling - MEMS\n13. Multi-physics modeling - thermal effects of EM fields\nAIMS\n\nThe subject aims to learn students about tools of numerical analysis for modeling and design of microwave circuits and mechanical structures. Obtained knowledge will be applied to design these structures with the help of CAD modeling." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace photonics"@en . . "4" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate of the course will be able to: (a) describe the basic aspects of photonics, photon and optical wave; (b) describe and explain the principle of the passive components function of the photonic system; (c) describe and explain the function of optical detectors; (d) explain the interaction of optical beams with the transmission medium; (e) describe the profile of the atmospheric transmission medium in the horizontal and vertical directions; (f) describe adaptive optics systems and PAT systems; (g) name and describe statistical and stationary parameters of photonic links; (h) calculate the photonic link energy budget; (i) design the photonic link; (j) name, describe and compare different types of photonic links; (k) name and describe optical satellite systems.\n\n\n1. System aspects of photonics – photon and optical wave\n2. Passive components of photonic systems\n3. Laser beam shaping\n4. Optical transmitters, optical fiber amplifiers, repeaters, and EO modulators\n5. Optical detectors and optical signal receivers\n6. Interaction of optical beams with a transmission medium, propagation of optical beams in optical fibers and in a vacuum\n7. Horizontal and vertical modeling of the Earth's atmospheric transmission medium\n8. Adaptive optics, optical systems, and PAT systems, multi-hop relaying\n9. Statistical and stationary parameters of photonic systems, modulation\n10. Photonic link budget\n11. Properties and parameters of individual types of ground-to-air, air-to-air, space-to-space, space-to-ground photonic links\n12. Satellite systems – European Data Relay System, SOTA, OPALS, OSIRIS and etc.\n13. Expected development of aerospace photonic systems\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to acquaint students with the principles of photonics and basic components of optical and photonic systems, to explain the principle of laser beam shaping, to explain the principle of optical sources operation, amplifiers, repeaters, and modulators. Another goal is to acquaint students with the principle of laser beam detection, to explain the principle of interaction of optical beams with transmission media. Students will get acquainted with horizontal and vertical photonic communication systems, which include adaptive optical systems or PAT systems. In the course, they will learn to calculate the energy budget of photonic links. The aim of the course is also to acquaint students with specific optical satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Antennas and propagation"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able to:\n(a) explain a principle of the operation and describe basic steps of a design procedure of selected types of linear antennas (dipole, monopole, folded dipole, log-periodic antenna, Yagi antenna, helix antenna);\n(b) explain a principle of the operation and describe basic steps of a design procedure of linearly and circularly polarized microstrip patch antennas;\n(c) explain a principle of the operation and describe basic steps of a design procedure of horn, reflector, and slot antennas;\n(d) explain basic principles of antenna bandwidth increasing;\n(e) explain a term \"electrically small anntena\";\n(f) explain basic principles of antenna modeling;\n(g) explain basic requirments on antennas for satellites;\n(h) specify basic antenna types for satellites;\n(i) explain basic requirments on antennas for Earth station;\n(j) specify basic antenna types for Earth station;\n(k) explain basic procedures of antenna testing for space applications;\n(l) explain basic principles of radio wave propagation;\n(m) specify, for a desired frequency band, a dominant mechanism of propagation, appropriate types of antennas;\n(n) describe atmospheric effects (attenuation by atmospheric gases, hydrometeor attenuation, depolarization, radio noise, scintillation) on a satellite link;\n(o) calculate satellite link budget \n COURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Antenna basics, antenna analysis.\n2. Linear antennas, antenna arrays.\n3. Microstrip antennas.\n4. Horn antennas and reflector antennas.\n5. Slot antennas and wideband antennas.\n6. Electrically small antennas.\n7. Introduction to antennas for space applications.\n8. Antennas for satellites.\n9. Antennas for Earth station.\n10. Testing of antennas for space applications.\n11. Fundamentals of radiowave propagation.\n12. Attenuation by atmospheric gases, hydrometeor attenuation and depolarization on satellite paths.\n13. Radio noise, scintillation, satellite link budget calculation.\nAIMS\n\nThe subject is aimed to present basic antenna types, their applications and technical design with particular attention mainly on space applications, and further, principles of radio wave propagation and atmospheric effects on a satellite link." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate of the course is able to describe and explain:\n- theory of gravity in the physical image of the world. Development of views on space, time and gravity.\n- Einstein's law of gravitation.\n- formal scheme of KM Principle of superposition in KM and its consequences.\n- description of planetary motion, Moon motion. Outline of solar and lunar eclipse calculations.\n- origin, evolution and final stages of stars, galaxies, quasars.\n- photometry. Radiation detectors - human eye, photographic emulsion, photomultiplier. Photoelectric photometers.\n- spectroscopy. Principles of spectroscopy. Optical prism and diffraction grating.\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Theory of gravity in the physical image of the world. Development of views on space, time and gravity. Principle of equivalence, its various formulations and corresponding experiments.\n2. Einstein's law of gravitation. Basic observational data about the universe as a whole - mass distribution, Hubble's relation, relic radiation, 'big bang'.\n3. Wave function - properties and interpretation. Operators of physical quantities - mean values, eigenvalues ​​and eigenfunctions.\n4. Formal scheme of KM Principle of superposition in KM and its consequences. States of microsystems as elements of vector space.\n5. Astrometry. Phenomena affecting coordinates - refraction, parallax, aberration, self-movement, precession, nutation. Instruments for terrestrial astrometry, interferometers, astrometric satellites. Doppler effect.\n6. Exact time. Stellar time, equations of equinoxes. Right and mean solar time, time equation. Atomic time, UT1 times, UTC, pole motion, motions of solar system bodies. Description of planetary motion, Moon motion. Outline of solar and lunar eclipse calculations.\n7. Calculation of trajectory elements from observed positions, units and quantities in astronomy and astrophysics. Electromagnetic radiation, laws of radiation of an absolutely black body.\n8. Origin, evolution and final stages of stars, galaxies, quasars. Classical methods of star observation. Spectral classification, luminosity classes, multidimensional classification, classification of variable stars and their places in HRD. Pulsating variable stars.\n9. Our Galaxy. Structure, kinematics and dynamics, rotation. Oort constants. Galactic core. Galaxies and quasars. Hubble classification of galaxies. Active galaxies and quasars. Optical systems of telescopes: Newton, Cassegrain, Gregory, Schmidt, Maksutov.\n10. Photometry. Radiation detectors - human eye, photographic emulsion, photomultiplier. Photoelectric photometers. Principle of CCD detector. Photometric systems and their applications. Ultraviolet and infrared photometry.\n11. Spectroscopy. Principles of spectroscopy. Optical prism and diffraction grating. Dispersion curve. Spectrograph. Microphotometer. Comparative spectrum. Unconventional spectroscopy. Atlases of spectra, tables of spectral lines. Spectrum processing - speed guidance.\n12. Radio astronomy. Antennas. Receivers. Point and area objects, continuous and linear radiation. Interferometry, aperture synthesis, VLBI. Radar equation. Ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma astronomy. Instruments of solar physics. Helioscopic eyepiece, whole state, solar spectrograph, coronograph\n13. Properties and detection of polarized light. Stokes parameters. Polarimeter, Wollaston polarizer\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is for graduates to have a deeper overview of the basics of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Graduates will gain advanced knowledge in the major parts of classical and modern astronomy, astrophysics. They will also gain an overview of general areas of physics - theoretical mechanics, quantum physics, thermodynamics, statistical physics and general theory of relativity.\nThey will be able to define the basis of astrophysical phenomena and gain a general overview of the physical laws of the universe.\nThey will gain an overview of modern observation techniques and methods, they are ready for the analysis of observation data and the creation of numerical models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "High frequency circuits"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nStudent will be able: (a) to design common radio frequency circuits in modern transceivers; (b) perform numerical calculations for given specifications and computer simulation for functionality verification.\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Passive RF filters with lumped elements.\n2. Passive RF filters with distributed elements.\n3. Linear amplifiers\n4. Linear amplifiers 2\n5. High efficiency amplifiers\n6. On wafer measurements\n7. Passive/low power circuits on chip design 1\n8. Passive/low power circuits on chip design 2\n9. RF chip design 1\n10. RF chip design 2\n11. Homework project defense\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to get students acquainted with the theory of analysis and synthesis of the modern radio-frequency transceivers." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Nanosatellite design and electronics"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able to: (a) describe the nanosatellite structure of the CubeSat and PocketQube formats; (b) describe the basic electronic systems of a nanosatellite; (c) evaluate functional safety and necessary tests; (d) define the requirements for the design of a selected nanosatellite subsystem and its integration.\n\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Nanosatellites basics, CubeSat and PocketQube. Development cycle. Target payloads. Orbit.\n2. Mechanical structure. Deployer, ride-shared missions. Orientation, propulsion options. Antennas and their release.\n3. Nanosatellite electronics. Computer (OBC), attitude control (ADCS), radio communication.\n4. Electrical power system (EPS), solar panels, batteries. Energy budget, monitoring.\n5. Functional safety, hardware and firmware requirements. Redundancy. Latch-up, watchdog.\n6. Applications and scientific missions of nanosatellites. ESA projects.\n7. Internal connections, I2C, CAN, TCP/IP. CubeSat Space Protocol, AX.25. Data budget.\n8. Communication, modulation, radio link budget. Doppler effect, frequency stability.\n9. Ground station. Transceiver, rotator, TNC. Telemetry reception. Satellite tracking, TLE, SatNOGS network.\n10. Pre-start tests. Vibration, temperature, vacuum. Thermal design.\n11. Practical realizations I.\n12. Practical realizations II.\n13. Practical realizations III.\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to provide students with a basic orientation in the issue of nanosatellites such as CubeSat and PocketQube, to familiarize them with the basic components, structure and procedures in their design. An important part of the course are the practical implementation of satellites." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Selected lectures on mathematics"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nAfter completing the course, students should be able to independently solve problems associated with mathematical modeling, verification and testing of designs for space applications.\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\nLectures:\n1. Vector algebra and analysis\n2. Differential geometry\n3. Differential calculus of a function of two or more variables (including extrema)\n4. Integral calculus of functions of two and more variables (double, triple integrals; use in geometry and physics)\n5. Transformation: Z-transformation, KLT, SVD, FFT.\n6. Relationship of impulse char, and LTI transfer functions. FIR filters\n7. Basics of probability and statistics. Random variable. Moment characteristics.\n8. Theory of estimation in general: BLUE, ML, LS. Estimation quality criteria.\n9. Theory of estimates and testing (point and interval estimation, testing of moment characteristics).\n10. Reliability of systems.\n11. Random processes. Stationary, ergodic.\n12. Spectral analysis of stochastic signals. Autocorrelation.\n13. Detection of signals hidden in noise.\n\nExercises\n1. Vector algebra and analysis\n2. Examples from the field of differential geometry\n3. Differential calculus of a function of two or more variables (including extrema)\n4. Integral number of functions of two or more variables\n5. Modeling and use of KLT, SVD, FFT transformations in Matlab.\n6. Design of filters and modeling of the relationship between impulse response and transfer function of the system.\n7. Test or individual work\n8. Modeling of a random variable and calculation of their characteristics.\n9. Work with estimates and measurement of their quality.\n10. Hypothesis testing: simulation, numerical analysis and testing in Matlab.\n11. Simulation of random processes.\n12. Spectral analysis of stochastic signals. Autocorrelation.\n13. Detection and testing of signals hidden in noise. ROC curve.\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to present to students a specialized mathematical-statistical apparatus, which is important for understanding and interconnecting the principles of electrical and mechanical systems and practical verification of acquired skills." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Microcontrollers and embedded systems"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able: (a) describe the structure of ARM Cortex-M core; (b) describe basic blocks of STMicroelectronics STM32; (c) create firmware in C language including GCC specialties; (d) design and use connection of selected microcontroller peripherals; (e) design and assemble own device with microcontroller including firmware.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. C language: constants and operators, control structures, preprocessor, functions, memory classes, pointers.\n2. C language: arrays, strings, struct, union, enum, bit operations, inline, volatile, naked, state machines.\n3. C language: introduction to libc libraries, arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler, printf and stdout.\n4. C language: specialties in libc and gcc, combination with ASM, basic libraries.\n5. Source code: Doxygen, Subversion; coding style.\n6. Embedded systems design principles, introduction to RTOS, cooperative RTOS.\n7. ARM Cortex-M core: architecture, features, NVIC, GPIO.\n8. STM32 peripherials: counter/timer (SysTick, tone generator, PWM etc.), RTC, ADC, DAC.\n9. STM32 communication: UART (RS232/485), SPI, I2C, 1-wire, DMA.\n10. High-level firmware development, middlewares, STM32CubeMX tool.\n11. Preemptive operating system FreeRTOS, application debugging over SWD.\n12. Peripherals: buttons, normal LED, multiplexed LED, rotary encoder, text display, beeper, shift registers.\n13. Peripherals: graphic display (drivers, vector graphics, TV screen); motors (DC motor, bridges, stepper motor, servo, BLDC).\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge of microprocessor technology and programming in C, to familiarize them with ARM Cortex-M core, with STMicroelectronics STM32 MCUs, and learn to design the hardware and firmware for the most common peripherals." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reliability and maintainability of aircraft"@en . . "4" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe course provides students with basic knowledge of the area of dependability (reliability and maintainability) of aircraft. This includes information about modern methods and procedures for safety assessment (reliability analyses, etc) and information about international standards and airworthiness requirements.\n\nAIMS\n\nThe main course objective is to give students an introduction to procedures and methods used to ensure safety and dependability of an aircraft (and other industrial products).\n\n LECTURE\n\n26 hours, optionally\n\nSYLLABUS\n\n1.Concept of dependability (reliability and maintainability) assurance in aerospace engineering.\n2.Terms and definitions in dependability.\n3.Mathematics used in dependability. Basics of systems dependability.\n4.Inherent dependability of products. Dependability (with focus on reliability) of non-repaired systems.\n5.FMEA/FMECA.\n6.Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD).\n7.Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).\n8.Dependability of repaired systems. State Space Method (SSM).\n9.Reliability analyses and airworthiness certification.\n10.Software reliability. Introduction to the reliability of space devices.\n11.Evaluation of reliability tests and operational data.\n12.Evaluation of reliability tests and operational data.\n13. Software tools in dependability.\nEXERCISE\n\n13 hours, compulsory\n\nSYLLABUS\n\n1-2.Application of probability principles for the purpose of component reliability calculation.\n3-5.Inherent reliability calculations for complex systems.\n6.Application of FMEA/FMECA.\n7-8.Application of reliability block diagrams (RBD) and fault trees (FTA).\n9-11.Certification analysis of a representative aircraft system.\n12-13.Evaluation of reliability tests and operational data." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Team project"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nAfter completing the course, students will gain an overview of project management in the field of innovative technologies and practical experience with the application of this knowledge in teamwork.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Project assignment (topics, framework), introduction to project management\n2. Classical and agile management techniques\n3. Budgeting & Cost control, Risk management\n4. Presentation 1 - project proposal\n5. --- team work ---\n6. --- team work ---\n7. --- team work ---\n8. --- team work ---\n9. --- team work ---\n10. --- team work ---\n11. --- team work ---\n12. --- team work ---\n13. Presentation 2 - project solution\nAIMS\n\nThe course is focused on practical aspects of project management. The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basics of project management and to apply this knowledge in solving a team project during the semester." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Wireless communications"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate of the course is able to: (a) choose a suitable filter for intersymbol interference reduction; (b) discuss the methods of optimal reception; (c) explain the principles of modulation techniques; (d) create a MATLAB program simulating the principles of digital communication theory; (e) illustrate the structure of OFDM modulator and demodulator; (f) compute the output of the space-time coders.\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Radio communication system, radio communication signals, complex envelope\n2. Deterministic and stochastic acces techniques\n3. Detection of radio communication signals, hypothesis testing, AWGN channel\n4. Passband modulations, QAM, MPSK, CPFSK\n5. Spread spectrum systems - DSSS, FHSS, spreading sequences\n6. OFDM - intersymbol interferences, IFFT-based modulation, cyclic prefix and orthogonality\n7. Synchronization I - estimation of RF carrier parameters, symbol timing estimation\n8. Synchronization II - frame synchronization, network synchronization\n9. Channel coding I - block coding, Hamming and cyclic codes, RS, LDPC\n10. Channel coding II - convolutional and Turbo codes, interleaving\n11. Multi antenna techniques - MIMO, beamforming\n12. Examples of commercial satcom systems - Inmarsat, Intelsat, Starlink\n13. Examples of communication systems for space missions\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to make students familiar with the wireless communication link, representation of information, signal detection, methods of intersymbol interference supression, advanced coding techniques including Turbo and LDPC, radio channel characteristics, digital keying, synchronization techniques and with properties of OFDM, CDMA and MIMO techniques in communications." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced 3d modelling"@en . . "4" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\n- The student will be apprised with the EPD - Electronic Product Definition - electronic product definition.\n- The student will be able to create more complex shapes in the SolidWorks system, including the production of sheet metal parts of the cabinet type.\n- Student will be able to master animation * .avi format including creation in 3D Photo View.\n- The student will have an overview of the PDM, PLM, ERP systems as a CAD system upgrade.\n- The student will be familiar with the CAM system and with the possibilities of creating the NC code.\n- The student will have an overview of 3D printing options.\n- Student will have an overview of the possibilities of CAE Computer Aided Engineering - output of 3D volume modeling as a basis for mathematical and physical analysis.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\nLectures:\n1. The way of technical preparation of the production before the onset of IT, a significant change coming with the advent of IT (CAD, PDM, PLM, ERP, CAE, CAM systems).\n2. Computer Aided Design (CAD), computer supported projecting, last development, 2D, 3D, explicit and parametric modeling.\n3. The principles of parametric modeling, EPD (Electronic Product Definition).\n4. Drawing documentation in the age of 3D volume modeling.\n5. PDM as an extension of CAD. Product Data Management (PDM) – enterprise data management and management, as a system for managing and managing product data and related work processes: CAD models, drawings, BOMs, parts data, product specifications, NC programs, analysis results, related correspondence, etc., document editing. PDM users: developers, designers, factory workers, project managers, people from sales, marketing, purchasing, finance, who can also contribute to product design.\n6. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) – Product Lifecycle Management as a product lifecycle management process from the first idea through design, construction and production to servicing and disposal of the product. PLM as the central repository for information: Dealers' sales notes, catalogs, customer responses, marketing plans, archived project plans, and other information gathered over the life of each product.\n7. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Resource Planning. Enterprise system for computer management and integration of planning, inventory, purchasing, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, etc.\n8. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) – engineering analysis, economic benefits, relation to the experimental tests.\n9. Finite element method – basics, using.\n10. Finite volume method – basics, using, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), calculation of the fluid dynamics.\n11. Computer Aided Manufacturing - computer-controlled production, computer-aided production. Use of specialized programs and equipment to automate the production, assembling and control of products.\n12. Computer Aided Manufacturing CAM. Methodology of NC code creation.\n13. CAD, CAM, CAE, PDM, PLM, ERP, CAM – overviews.\n\nPractices:\nThe 3D volume model creation, more complicated shapes.\nCreating drawn profiles.\nCreation of sheet metal parts - cabinets of switchboards.\nKinematic analysis\nCreating a video presentation\nMaking video presentation in 3D Photo View Studio\nSolid CAM\n3D print issues\nAIMS\n\nThe goal is to apprise the students with the new trend in technical preparation of the production, when the development is taking complexly by deployment of the system from the development to the production. The students deepen knowledge in making more complex 3D volume models. They obtain the overview of the possibility of kinematic analysis, the movie making in the 3D studo environment PhotoView, output on CAM and 3D print." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Foundations of cryptography"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nStudents will obtain theoretical foundations of cryptography and computer security. Based on these foundations, students will be able to analyze and design security solutions for information and communication technologies (ICT). Students will be able to explain basic principles of algebraic structures used in cryptography, basic cryptographic primitives (hashes, RNG, provably secure protocols), basic algorithms and describe the internals of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Students will be theoretically prepared for follow-up courses from data transfer and ICT security areas.\n\n\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Introduction to cryptography, history\n2. Introduction to number theory\n3. Primes and their use in cryptography\n4. Basic structures used in cryptography I\n5. Basic structures used in cryptography II\n6. Modular arithmetic\n7. Complexity theory, problem classification\n8. Cryptography algorithms I\n9. Cryptography algorithms II\n10. Practical encryption\n11. Practical authentication and digital signature\n12. Provable security I\n13. Provable security II\nAIMS\n\nThe goal of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of cryptography and to provide them with information necessary in more advanced courses in information and communication security. During the course, students will study the theoretical foundations (mainly the algebraic structures and their properties), the most common algorithms and concepts used in modern cryptography." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace excursion"@en . . "4" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able to propose an association of selected partners into an international project for solving a specific task.\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\nDays 1, 2: Prague\nDay 3: Kadaň\nDay 4: Weßling\nDay 5: Darmstadt\n---\n- Proposing a consortium of an international project\n- Presenting the proposal\nAIMS\n\nIn frame of the seminar, students visit selected companies and organizations which are active in field of space applications." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Diploma thesis seminar"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate of the course is able to: (a) understand a professional presentation conducted in English; (b) describe the nature of selected modern techniques used in satellite systems; (c) understand the nature of a professional journal article; (d) prepare and defend a technical presentation in English.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Introduction, organization\n2 - 12. Professional lecture in the field of satellite technology\n13. Presentation and evaluation\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is (a) to acquaint students with the latest techniques and trends in the field of satellite systems, (b) to develop students' ability to understand a professional text and (c) to support presentation skills." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Czech language"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Theory of dynamic system"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nAfter passing the course, the student is able to:\n- demonstrate and explain the difference between state space and input output description of the system\n- explain the concept of causality, realizability, reachability, controlability, observability and reconstructability of the system\n- identify and approximate basic types of dynamic systems and discretize the system\n- apply the principles of block algebra and Mason’s gain rule for the evaluation of the system’s transfer function\n- design the state observer and state feedback\n\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Dynamic systems - definition and subdivision.\n2. Different types of system description: input-output, transfer function, frequency response, polynomials.\n3. Modeling of dynamical systems in MATLAB Simulink.\n4. Stability of linear and nonlinear systems.\n5. State space description, state equations, their solution.\n6. Model realization: serial, parallel, direct programming. Canonical forms.\n7. Controllability, reachability, observability, reconstruct-ability of systems.\n8. Block algebra. Masons’s gain rule for transfer function computation.\n9. State feedback controller.\n10. State observers.\n11. Methods of continuous time system discretization.\n12. Stability of interval polynomials.\n13. Reserve, review.\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to introduce general system theory and its application to dynamic systems and systemic approach towards control tasks solution." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Solid state physics"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe student is able to:\n- explain the behavior of an electron in a potential well and a potential barrier,\n- describe the basic nanostructures and their applications (quantum wells, wires, dots, a single light emitting diode, a single photon detector),\n- describe the basic properties of atoms,\n- describe the crystal structure of solids and explain the formation of energy bands,\n- describe the drift and diffusion in solids,\n- compute the mobility of charge carriers from the experimental data,\n- compute the lifetime of minority carriers and the diffusion length of minority carriers from the experimental data,\n- apply the continuity equation and Poisson's equation,\n- describe the basic types of generation and recombination processes in semiconductors,\n- describe the formation and properties of a PN junction,\n- describe a LED and a solar cell.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1) Basic concepts of quantum and atomic physics. Particles and waves, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, de Broglie waves.\n2) Schrödinger equation, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, potential wells and barriers, energy quantization, electron traps.\n3) Atoms. Hydrogen atom, Bohr theory of hydrogen atom, quantum numbers, some properties of atoms, Pauli exclusion principle, periodic table of elements.\n4) Structure of solids. Electrical properties of solids, crystalline solids, crystalline bonds, crystal lattice, crystal systems, Miller indexes.\n5) Crystal lattice defects, lattice vibrations, fonons.\n6) Band theory of solids. Free electron, quantum mechanical theory of solids, formation of energy bands, effective mass.\n7) Distribution function, density of states, charge carrier concentration, Fermi level, insulators, metals, semiconductors, intrinsic and doped semiconductors.\n8) Transport phenomena in semiconductors. Thermal and drift movement, Boltzmann transport equation, electrical conductivity, Ohm's law in differential and integral form, mobility, relaxation time, scattering mechanisms.\n9) Hall effect, thermoelectric effect, Peltier effect, influence of external fields on electrical conductivity, diffusion.\n10) Semiconductor in non-equilibrium state. Minority carrier lifetime, continuity equation, ambipolar mobility, diffusion length, Poisson's equation.\n11) Generation and recombination of carriers, recombination centers, traps, photoelectric properties.\n12) Inhomogeneous semiconductor systems. Homogeneous and heterogeneous PN junctions, capacity, VA characteristic, PN junction breakdowns.\n13) Semiconductor sources and detectors of radiation. Radiative and nonradiative recombination, mechanisms of radiation excitation, LED, solar cell.\nAIMS\n\nThe objective is to provide students with knowledge of selected electrical and optical properties of solids, including examples of a wide range of interesting applications. Practical knowledge will be verified in the laboratory exercises." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Space Applications"@en . . "https://www.vut.cz/en/students/programmes/programme/8381?aid_redir=1" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The program \"Space Applications\" offers a master-degree study of the design and development of space applications. The study is conceived as an interdisciplinary association of electrical and mechanical engineering. Together with technical knowledge, students become familiar with fundamentals of project management and team work. A practical education in international companies and organizations, which are active in research and exploitation of space, in an important part of the education. The graduates gain a professional basis for an individual and team research, development and management. The study is aimed to a complex preparation of engineers for international companies and organizations. Moreover, a high-quality basis for consecutive doctoral studies at an arbitrary university is another objective. Therefore, the education is fully provided in English.\n\nGRADUATE PROFILE\n\nThe graduate of the study program \"Space Applications\" will acquire basic knowledge in the theoretical and engineering disciplines of space technology. They shall be theoretically and practically equipped for design activities in the field of satellites and space applications. One is acquainted with current concepts and methods used in the design and implementation of space applications and can use them actively and independently. The study program includes project and language preparation, which will enable graduates to participate in international space projects. The interdisciplinary interconnection of electrical and mechanical engineering, which is necessary for the development of space applications, makes the graduate unique. An integral part of education is practical education in cooperation with partner companies.\nThe graduate is able to design the basic components of space applications and is able to connect these components by system design. They can use the necessary development tools when designing and implementing space applications. The graduate has expertise for all phases of design, integration, verification, testing and operation of space applications.\nThe graduate combines knowledge in the field of electrical systems (electronic communication, radio and optical systems, electromagnetic compatibility, radiation resistance) and in the field of mechanical systems (space mechanics, space flight mechanics, space technology, aircraft technology and its reliability). The graduate is familiar with the design and technology of space applications. During the study, the graduate will get acquainted with the principles of building small satellites. The graduate has experience with practice in companies focused on the development and production of space applications.\nThe graduate is able to independently solve engineering tasks related to the development, production and operation of space applications. He or She is able to propose, discuss and take decisions necessary to perform the assigned task in a specified time. It is the ability to present one's own professional opinions in English. The graduate is able to search for, expand and update their expertise and apply it to the assigned problems. He or She is able to lead a development team.\nThe graduate's knowledge is verified by exams in the subjects of the profiling basis and by the final examination at the state exam. The graduate demonstrates practical skills and general competences during the study in compulsory laboratory exercises, individual and team projects. The ability to produce quality engineering works and the ability to present the achieved results is demonstrated by the graduate mainly by independent elaboration and defense of the diploma thesis. The graduate is prepared to find employment in technical practice, in creative work, research and development, in production, in management and managerial positions in technical or commercial companies or organizations whose activities are related to space applications."@en . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "1000.00" . "Euro"@en . "1000.00" . "None" . "Graduates of master’s program \"Space Applications\" can participate in research, development, operation and management of space applications in specialized companies and organizations. Educating student in English, graduates are ready to work in foreign and international companies active in research and exploitation of space. Knowledge of preparation, management and control of projects makes the graduate suitable even for research organizations and universities. Thanks to a complex interdisciplinary education at the border of electrical and mechanical engineering, the graduate can be employed at an arbitrary technical position."@en . "1"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication"@en . .