. "Satellite Engineering"@en . . "Astronomy"@en . . "English"@en . . "Physics and astronomy student colloquium"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nTo teach the student to communicate Scientific Research\nContents\nThe course starts with 2 times 45 min introduction (February and September) where the purpose of the course is presented, and lectures on how to give a good presentation are given. At the same time, the schedule for the students' own colloquia is agreed upon.\nEach student chooses a subject from physics or astronomy, for example inspired by a recent scientific paper published in a major journal. A supervisor is chosen to help the student with the scientific content of the colloquium. The student then acquaints herself with relevant literature and prepares a 45 min talk on the subject, based on a power point presentation. The talk addresses an audience which has passed the second year of the bachelor study in physics. The student prepares an abstract to announce her colloquium. Approximately one week before the colloquium, the student gives a test colloquium to the supervisor and the person responsible for this course. At the colloquium, please, bring a USB-stick with the final version of the power point presentation as a back-up. The student gives her/his presentation to the audience, and answers any questions.\nThe student participates in five other student colloquia during the same semester." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced projects in cosmology"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology and the project course in Cosmology. The course will be an extension of the courser on the projects in Cosmology and it is a requirement that the student follow the projects course before starting on the advanced project course. The Advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Cosmology lecture course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Cosmology lecture course and the Cosmology projects with the advanced projects in Cosmology. The course will start in the semester following the Advanced Cosmology lecture course. The course on advanced projects in Cosmology will allow more extended projects than the course on projects in Cosmology.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology and the course on projects in Cosmology and will focus on in-depth advanced study and specialisation within research on Cosmology. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced modelling, simulations, advanced data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "10" . "This course provides a comprehensive overview of today’s standard cosmological concordance model and is based on an appropriate blend of theoretical and observational topics. By completion of the course the participants will be fluent in the key principles and observables enabling the establishment of our cosmological model. Participants will also be able to describe in detail key observational probes of our universe and use these to differential between different cosmological models. Finally, participants be able to describe active areas of research currently being pursued by practitioners of the field.\n\n \n\nUpon completion of the course the student is expected to be able to:\n\n \n\n-Identify the three pillars of the hot Big Bang model, the various rungs of the extragalactic distance ladder and an understanding of the accuracy of the measurements;\n-Construct an argument based on astronomical evidence that the Universe has evolved from a hot, dense state and compare the theoretical predictions to current observations;\n-Describe the astronomical observations and the theoretical framework that provide the foundation for identifying the existence of dark matter and dark energy and compare the observations to alternative cosmological models;\n-Present the currently favored cosmological model for the fate of the Universe, and outline the astronomical observations upon which it is based." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced projects in exoplanets"@en . . "5" . "escription of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Exoplanets and the project course in Exoplanets. The course will be an extension of the courser on the projects in Exoplanets and it is a requirement that the student follow the projects course before starting on the advanced project course. The Advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the Exoplanets lecture course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Exoplanets lecture course and the Exoplanet projects with the advanced projects in Exoplanets. The course will start in the semester following the Exoplanets lecture course. The course on advanced projects in Exoplanets will allow more extended projects than the course on projects in Exoplanets.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Exoplanets and the course on projects in Exoplanets and will focus on in-depth advanced study and specialisation within research on Exoplanets. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced modelling, simulations, advanced data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced projects in formation and evolution of the milky way"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialization with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way and the course Projects in Formation and evolution of the Milky Way.\n\nIt is basically an extension of the latter, and it is a requirement that the student follow the project course before starting on the advanced project course. This advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of this lecture and the Projects in Formation and evolution of the Milky Way with these advanced projects. The course will start in the semester following the Formation and evolution of the Milky Way lecture course. \nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to: \nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way and the course on Projects in Formation and evolution of the Milky Way. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced stellar modelling, numerical simulations, advanced data analysis, literature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced projects in stellar evolution"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Stellar Evolution and the project course in Stellar Evolution. The course will be an extension of the course on the projects in Stellar Evolution and it is a requirement that the student follow the projects course before starting on the advanced project course. The Advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course and the Stellar Evolution projects with the advanced projects in Stellar Evolution. The course will start in the semester following the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course. The course on advanced projects in Stellar Evolution will allow more extended projects than the course on projects in Stellar Evolution.\n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Stellar Evolution and the course on projects in Stellar Evolution and will focus on in-depth advanced study and specialisation within research on Stellar Evolution. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced modelling, simulations, advanced data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced stellar evolution"@en . . "10" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is to provide a detailed background for stellar structure and evolution. Focus is on theoretical as well as observational aspects of stellar evolution. \n\n  \n\nThe learning outcomes of the course are: \n\n  \n\nDescribe the basic physical principles determining the structure and evolution of a star. \nAccount for the most important phases in the evolution of stars, for all relevant stellar masses. \nAccount for the circumstances where the simple description is inadequate. \nDiscuss relevant physical aspects during the extreme phases of stellar evolution. \nEvaluate which aspects of the physical description of stellar evolution that in particular causes uncertainties in the modelling. \nCarry out simple derivations of relevant equations for stellar structure. \nDescribe the observational evidence for the different stages of stellar evolution. \nDiscuss and describe observations of stars relevant for stellar structure – specifically with focus on asteroseismology. \nPerform simple analysis of time series data with focus on extraction of stellar oscillation frequencies. \nFind relevant scientific information, e.g., in the original scientific literature, and evaluate and use this information in a written report related to the scientific content of the evaluation project. \nContents\nAfter a brief summary of the basic description of stellar structure, including a more detailed presentation of important aspects of the physics of stellar interiors and an introduction to stellar hydrodynamics, the different evolution stages of stars are presented through a combination of numerical results and simplified analysis. In addition we discuss some aspects of stellar pulsations, explosive stages of stellar evolution, including supernova explosions. An important part of this course we will contain a discussion of observations of stars as well as data analysis with focus on astroseismology and how this can be used to test models of stellar structure and evolution. The exercise classes will include the introduction to and use of the stellar evolutionary codes as well as simple analysis of time series data relevant for asteroseismology. The final exam is a written assignment (project report) where the individual students will write a project report in a subject selected from a catalogue with theoretical as well as observational projects." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Engineering of complex quantum systems"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exoplanets"@en . . "10" . "Description of qualifications\nSince the discovery in 1995 of the first extra solar planet in orbit around a solar like star, this research field has exploded. The aim of the present course is to provide an overview of the knowledge we have gained over the last 25 years and the techniques used to obtain this knowledge.\n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nDescribe the content and background of a number of methods and techniques used in the search for exoplanets.\nDescribe and discuss the background for and content of theoretical models describing the structure of exoplanets.\nEstimate the possibilities and limitations which characterize the exoplanet research activities and explain the reasons for the limitations of the used methods.\nDescribe the main results obtained within the exoplanet research field and compare the results obtained using the different search techniques.\nDiscuss the future expectations for the exoplanet research activities.\nDescribe and evaluate the contents of the research papers discussed in the course. \nContents\nIn short, the course content will include:\n\nOrbital dynamics \nSolar System - Planet formation \nExoplanet search & characterization techniques \nExoplanet demographics & exoplanet system architectures \nGas giant & terrestrial planet structures and their atmospheres \nIntroduction into astrobiology \nCurrent and future instrumentation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Formation and evolution of the milky way"@en . . "10" . "Description of qualifications\nObjective: the course will give the students a detailed account of the evolution of the Milky Way within our current paradigm of large-scale structure formation in a CDM Universe. The course will review the formation processes that shaped the Milky Way, the main structural components of our Galaxy, their chemical, physical, and kinematic properties by detailed analysis of its stellar and gas components, and their evolution and changes across the Hubble time.\nIntended Learning Outcomes:\n\nOutline different methods for determining properties of stars\nReview the observational characteristics and basic dynamics of the main components of the Milky Way (bulge, disk, halo)\nCompare predictions of dynamic and chemical models of the Milky Way with properties of resolved stellar populations\nReflect on the different physical processes shaping our Galaxy throughout its evolution based on state-of-the-art observations\nExplain the theory of galaxy formation in a cosmological framework\nContents\nProperties of composite stellar populations and star clusters\nStructural properties of the Milky Way\nStellar dynamics and chemical evolution of the Galaxy\nFormation and evolution of galaxies in a cosmological framework" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Individual project - astronomy"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe purpose of the project is to enable the student to study special topics in experimental or theoretical astronomy. The topics are chosen in cooperation with a project supervisor, and the project is described by a short title. Through the work on the project the student will be given an understanding of the techiques, results and concepts of the chosen topic.\n\n\nAt the end of the project, and within its topics, the student should be able to:\n\nformulate problems within a limited subtopic\nanalyse the problems\nwork on the problems\nconvey the results found.\nContents\nDepends on the particular project." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Individual project - astronomy b"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe purpose of the project is to enable the student to study special topics in experimental or theoretical astronomy. The topics are chosen in cooperation with a project supervisor, and the project is described by a short title. Through the work on the project the student will be given an understanding of the techiques, results and concepts of the chosen topic.\n\n\nAt the end of the project, and within its topics, the student should be able to:\n\nformulate problems within a limited subtopic\nanalyse the problems\nwork on the problems\nconvey the results found.\nContents\nDepends on the particular project." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Observational course in astronomy"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe objective of the course is to give the students an introduction to the central elements in preparation, execution and data reduction relating observations at a modern astrophysical observatory.\n\nThe student will after having passed the course be able to:\n\n- apply for observing time (although there is no guarantee that time will be granted)\n\n- prepare an observing run. This includes determining when a given target can be observed during the year and on a given night, how long the target should be observed to reach a specified signal-to-noise ratio, establishing which calibration data are needed, and interact with the observatory staff about which instrumental setup is needed for the run.\n\n- Carry out astrophysical observations in an efficient and careful manner.\n\n- Extract the astrophysically relevant information from a dataset and write up a report presenting the conclusions in a clear and comprehensive manner.\n\nContents\nThe course has three elements: 1) a preparation phase, 2) the actual observations at the telescope, and 3) a data reduction and report writing phase.\n\n- phase 1: application for observing time, astronomical instruments, preparation of observing runs (target visibility, finding charts, signal-to-noise considerations). It is mandatory to take part in this phase, which is expected to take ~5 days. The time for this will be agreed with the students.\n\n- phase 2: execution of astrophysical observations at the Nordic Optical Telescope. When possible we will also visit other telescopes on Roque del los Muchachos (e.g., the Swedish solar telescope, the Isaac Newton Group telescopes or the Spanish GTC).\n\n- phase 3: reduction and presentation of data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in cosmology"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Cosmology course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Cosmology course with the projects. The main part of the course will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background following the Advanced Cosmology course. It is required to follow the Advanced Cosmology lecture course in order to follow the project course on Cosmology.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology and will focus on in-depth study and specialisation within research on Cosmology. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in exoplanets"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Exoplanets. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Exoplanets course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Exoplanets course with the projects. The main part of the course will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background following the Exoplanets course. It is required to follow the Exoplanets lecture course in order to follow the project course on Exoplanets.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Exoplanets and will focus on in-depth study and specialisation within research on Exoplanets. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in formation and evolution and the milky way"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is to allow in-depth projects and specialization with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Formation and evolution of the Milky Way course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the course with the projects. The main part of the project will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background from the associated course. It is required to follow the Formation and evolution of the Milky Way lecture course in order to follow the project course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way.\n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way and will focus on in-depth study and specialization within research on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, literature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in stellar evolution"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is to allow in-depth projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Stellar Evolution. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Stellar Evolution course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Stellar Evolution course with the projects. The main part of the course will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background following the Advanced Stellar Evolution course. It is required to follow the Advanced Stellar Evolution lecture course in order to follow the project course on Stellar Evolution.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Stellar Evolution and will focus on in-depth study and specialisation within research on Stellar Evolution. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision, with support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space missions and space technology"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is to analyse, describe and explainlearn the basic concepts of space missions and space technology. The delphini-1 space mission will be used as a practical example throughout the course.\n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to: \n\nDiscuss and understand the background and content of the theoretical and practical parts of space missions and space communication.\nDiscuss Celestial Mechanics and Mission Analysis \nDiscuss and model the space environment (e.g. microgravity radiation, temperature, …). \nDiscuss satellite communications. \nDiscuss different techniques for Earth Observations (remote sensing) and astronomy and perform simple data analyses. \nSearch for relevant scientific literature. \nDesign a space mission (e.g. with the aim of doing remote sensing, astronomy, monitoring signals of airplanes, etc…).\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific analysis. \nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course will provide an introduction to spacecrafts, space systems, and payloads. We will establish the background to understand Celestial Mechanics, Mission Analysis, and the space environment. In addition, the course will give an overview over satellite communications, telemetry and data handling. We will discuss Spacecraft System Engineering with focus on Small Satellite Engineering and Applications. Finally we will give an overview about scientific techniques that can be applied to Earth and Space observations (e.g. Earth remote sensing, Solar System in situ research, astronomical observations). \n\nThe practical part of the course will consist of designing a space mission and presenting it." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Astronomy"@en . . "https://masters.au.dk/astronomy" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "Graduates of the Department of Physics and Astronomy are very much in demand in the job market and they find work quickly. There are many career opportunities, both in Denmark and abroad. Graduates’ skills in image-processing and analysis of large data volumes are highly attractive to the business community, which has employed a high proportion of astronomy graduates over the years. Some graduates continue in research as PhD students, with a view to a career in Denmark or abroad."@en . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "no tuition, other costs may apply" . "Euro"@en . "15300.00" . "None" . "Measurements flow in every day from satellites in space and from observatories all over the world. Students in the MSc in Astronomy programme are actively involved in research and in the discussion of new discoveries and theories. Students in the programme study new planets orbiting other stars, examine the structure and development of the stars through seismological studies, and explore the earliest stages of the development of the universe, working with computer modelling or measurements from state-of-the-art telescopes and satellites."@en . "1"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of natural sciences"@en . .