. "Physics"@en . . "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "Mathematics"@en . . "Calculus I/mathematical analysis 1"@en . . "12" . "Knowledge\nThe student who wish to pass the exam must have developed a solid control of logic and mathematical reasoning, and must have deeply understood what are a mathematical statement and a mathematical proof. The specific contents of the course are the notion of limit (of a sequence or of a series), the fundamental result of differential calculus in one variable, as well as some elements of the theory of ordinary differential equations. The student must be able to discuss all the proofs explained during the lessons." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Chemistry"@en . . "6" . "The course has the purpose of providing the basic knowledge of chemistry for the understanding of structure-properties relationship of matter.The main topics that will be treated are: structure of the atom, chemical bonding, gasses, liquid solutions, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "General physics I"@en . . "12" . "At the end of the course the student must be familiar with the vector formalism, have fully understood the laws of Newton's mechanics and the first principle of thermodynamics, know how to apply these laws to the solution of problems involving the dynamics of systems composed by objects with ideal physical properties." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geometry and linear algebra"@en . . "12" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Industrial technical drawing"@en . . "12" . "The course introduces mechanical drafting through technical sketching, orthographic projection, sections, solid intersections, theory and application of geometrical and dimensioning and tolerances. The aim is at teaching design of basic machine elements and the analysis of dimensional and geometric tolerances including the preparation of complete technical drawings. Moreover, the course introduces the fundamentals of computer-aided design, concentrating on 3D modelling and 2D drafting. At the end of the course, students should be able to use a professional CAD package to model 3D representations of engineering components and assemblies, and to create 2D technical drawings of individual mechanical parts." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Materials engineering"@en . . "6" . "Syllabus\n1 -Introduction to structural materials: metallic, polimeric, ceramics,composite and smart materials. Phisical and mechanical properties. Microstructure-thermo-mechalical treatments and properties relationships.\n\n2- Mechanical tests: static, impulsive, fatigue, wear tests. Standard Tensile test: Engineering Stress-deformation and true stress-true deformation curves. Elastic modulus, yield, tensile stress and elongation to fracture. Ductility and toughness of materials.Temperature effects. Hardness tests (HV,HB,HR).\n\n3- Cristallography . Short and long range order. Cristalline and amorphous materials. Unit cell, cristallographic systems and Bravais lattices. C.C.C., C.F.C. and HCP lattices. Coordination number and Atomic Packing Factor. Miller and Miller-Bravais indices. Linear and planar atomic densities. Allotrophy. Bragg law and diffractometric tecniques. Optical and Electronic (SEM, TEM) microscopy.\n\n3- Crystal defects: point, linear, planar and volumetric defects. Dislocation theory: edge and screw dislocations. Glide and twinning. Diffusion in solids: first and second Ficks laws.\n\n4- Plastic deformation of crystals. Primary glide systems for c.c.c.,c.f.c. and hcp crystals. Conservative (cross-slip) and non conservative (climb) dislocation motion. Schmid law and critical resolved shear stress. Movement and moltipication of dislocation (Frank and Read sources). Yielding and Luders band formation in low carbon steels.\n\n5- Failure mechanisms: ductile and brittle (cleavage, intergranular) mechanisms of rupture. Optical and Electronic (SEM, TEM) microscopy. Residual stresses. Fracture mechanics: stress intensity factor, plane stress and triassial stress states and KIC test.\n\n6- Phase diagrams. Tie-line and rule of leverage. Equilibriun and non equilibrium cooling effects. Eutectic, peritettic and eutectoidec trasformations. Fe-Fe3c phase diagram. Steels and cast irons. Isohermic trasformations ant TTT Bain diagrams. CCT curves and factor influencing Bain curves.\n\n7- Fatigue. Fatigue test and Wohler curves. Fatigue initiation, propagation and final rupture. Effect of surface finish, residual stresses, dimension, stress, notch and environment on fatigue resistance. Surface treatments: shot peening and thermal treatments (carburizing, nitriding ecc.).\n\n8- Creep. Stress and temperature effects. Primary, secondary anr terziary creep stages.\n\n9- Siderurgy: cast iron and carbon stees pruduction. Blast furnace and electric furnaces and converter.Elements in steels, impurities, standard elements and alloying elements.UNI-EN 10027 standard steel classification. General purpose constructional Carbon steels, weldaility, HSLA steels, resulphorized steels, hardening and tempering steels, spring steels, bearing steels, ecc. Cast irons.\n\n10- Stainless steels. Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni phase diagrams. Ferritic, martensitic, austenitic, duplex and Precipitation Hardening steels. AISI classification. Maraging steels.\n\n 11- Non ferrous alloys. Aluminium alloys: Aluminium Association classification and Aluminium families. Precipitation hardening treatments and microstructural evolution during artificial ageing of cu-bearing alloys. Copper alloys: classification, brass, bronze and cupronichel alloys.Titanium and its alloys. Microstructure and mechanical properties. Alpha, Beta and alfa + beta alloys.Magnesium and its alloys. Nichel based superalloys.\n\n12- Thermal treatment of carbon steels. Fully annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering. Temprability and Jomini test.\n\n13- Polimeric materials. General properties and mechanical properties. Addiction and condensation process for polimerization. Thermoplastics and thermosetting polimers. Elastic and plastic deformation of thermoplastics and stress-strain curves. Elastomers.Polimers production tecniques.\n\n14- Ceramic materials. Traditional and advanced ceramics. Mechanical testing of ceramics and effect of porosity. Refractory ceramics and abrasives. Glasses.\n\n15- Composite materials.Particulate and fiber reinforced composites. Stree-strain curve of continuous fiber reinforced composites. Polimeric, metallic, ceramic reinforced composites. Production techniques of composite materials.\n\n16- Corrosion and protection of metallic materials. Electrochemical mechanism of wet corrosion. Thermodinamic aspects. Immunity, activity and passivity. Kinetics of wet corrosion: exchange current, overpotential and charge transfer.Tafel equations Anodic and cathodic polarization curves. Evans curves and concentration overpotential. Mechanism of differential areation. Passivity of metals and alloys. Pitting and crevice corrosion. Pren index for stainless steels. Galvanic corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking, Hydrogen embrittlment. Hot corrosion. Oxidation resistance of carbon and stainless steels at high temperatures." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft systems technologies and simulation lab"@en . . "12" . "The aim of the course is to provide fundamental methods and tools for the design and analysis of the main systems employed on aircrafts for the generation, the conversion, the regulation, the distribution and the use of energy and data. All the examined systems are described in terms of general architecture and working principle, and basic design practices are also presented for relevant cases, by using reduced-order analytical models. Specific sections of the course are dedicated to the reliability/safety analysis of onboard systems, as well as to the development of numerical codes for the simulation of systems' dynamics." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied mechanics"@en . . "6" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied thermodynamics"@en . . "6" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Calculus II and complements of calculus"@en . . "12" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "General physics II and electronics"@en . . "12" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to aerospace structures design I"@en . . "6" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Numerical modelling of aeronautical components"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course describes the fundamentals of the mathematical and geometrical methodologies for the setting-up of computation models to represent the geometry of complex and free shape objects. The theoretical and practical elements to model curves and surfaces by CAD tools are given." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Rational mechanics"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to present the main topics of classical mechanics, in the Newtonian and Lagrangian formulation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft manufacturing technologies"@en . . "12" . "Learning outcomes\n\n\nThe manufacturing technologies used for the construction of aircraft components, both in metal and in composite materials, are described, together with the requirements and the peculiarities of aircraft structures." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft propulsion and aerospace propulsion laboratory"@en . . "12" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course is aimed at introducing the students to aircraft propulsion with turbo and reciprocating engines. Basic notions of thermo-fluid-dynamics and engine technology are given for classification, description and selection of the engines, for the quantitative analysis of their performance in steady and unsteady conditions. Methods for the preliminary design of engine components (air intakes, axial and radial compressors and turbines, combustion chambers, exhaust nozzles and propellers) are illustrated. The main maintenance strategies and engine condition monitoring techniques and are also introduced. The course includes a laboratory activity that takes place in the computer room. During the laboratory hours the students are guided in the design and analysis of the performance of aircraft engines and their components through the use of IT tools whose use has been acquired in previous courses (programming in the Matlab environment, computer-aided design , etc.) or in the course itself." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "English knowledge test"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\n\nGraduates in Aerospace Engineering must have a written knowledge of English similar to Level B2, according to the Common European framework of reference for languages. The required level can be certified by means of a specific certificate produced by the Interdepartmental Language Center (CLI) of the University after passing the relevant written test or with the production of suitable certification issued by ALTE certified bodies other than the CLI." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Final examination"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe characteristics of the final exam are the following:\n• 1) The final test aims at evaluating the candidate ability to perform independently:\n• a) the deepening of one of the teachings of the Degree Course, or the integration of curricular activities assigned by the Course;\n• b) the independent illustration in the form of an oral and/or written presentation of the work done;\n• 2) The final exam, and therefore the activity corresponding to it, is awarded 3 credits equal to 75 hours in total.\n• 3) In an academic year there are 6 graduation sessions (Art. 25 University Didactic Regulations) to be held before the relative official proclamations.\n• 4) The final exam is entrusted to a Degree Commission appointed by the Director of the Department, upon proposal of the Degree Course. This commission, having assessed the final exam, determines the degree mark." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Structural mechanics"@en . . "12" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course’s main objective is to give to students the ability to analyze the mechanical behaviour of structures that can be modelled as systems of elastic beams. To this end, it aims to furnish a coherent rational introduction to the mechanics of structures.\nAs a second objective, students are taught the fundamental notions of the classical theory of linear elasticity and consequently develop the ability to analyze the mechanical behaviour of solid bodies modelled as elastically deformable continuous bodies. Lastly, students will develop an understanding of the two failure modes for the elastic behaviour of structures: the first due to the outcoming of inelastic deformations, with increasing external loads; the second resulting from rising instability phenomena affecting the equilibrium." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Complements of aircraft systems"@en . . "6" . "The course aims to complete the general framework of the main on-board systems necessary for the operation of an aircraft, compared to what has already been illustrated in the Aircraft Systems course. The main airport systems, required for ground operations, are also described. For each system, the operating principle is described and for some of them simple analytical tools are provided for a preliminary design." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Fluid dynamics"@en . . "12" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe objective of the course is to introduce the equations and the fundamental physical features of fluid dynamics, and to explain the mechanisms that are at the basis of the generation of the aerodynamic loads on moving bodies. At the end of the course the students should be able of using the methodologies for the prediction of the aerodynamic loads acting on bodies of different geometry, and in particular on aircrafts in subsonic motion." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Signal theory"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course approaches the study of continuous and discrete signals, in case obtained for sampling, and of the systems used for their processing. Representations in the time domain and in the frequency domain will be examined, putting in evidence both theoretical and fulfilling and simulation aspects. The objective is therefore to make the students familiar with the techniques for representing signals and to synthesize analogue and discrete filters for their processing." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Introduction to aerospace structures design II"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course introduces students to the use of modern software developed in the field of structural analysis with the finite element method. In the theoretical lectures the bases of the finite element method are shown while during practical lectures a lot of examples of structural modelling are carried out step by step (beam frames, wing box, fuselage section). When it is possible, students are driven to compare analytical results (based on the elementary theory of structure) with numerical ones." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Numerical methods for engineering"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\n\n\nThe course aims at making the students familiar with the principal calculation methods concerning applied mathematics: equations resolution; linear algebra problems; systems solutions; calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, functions approximation and interpolation, numerical integration." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Variational calculus"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\n\n\nThe course is aimed at providing fundamental notions on the optimization problems, by defining particularly the general problem of Lagrange and those of Maier and Bolza. At the end of the course the students must be able to apply the basic knowledge learned on variational calculus to structural optimization problems." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering"@en . . "https://esami.unipi.it/esami2/ects_cds.php?cds=IAS-L&aa=2022" . "180"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The curriculum of the first-level Degree program in Aerospace Engineering aims at providing the students with the theoretical and applied fundamentals of:\r\n• calculus\r\n• chemistry\r\n• physics\r\n• mechanics\r\n• material sciences\r\n• experimental techniques\r\nas well as with an introductory knowledge of the more specific disciplines of aerospace engineering:\r\n• aerospace structures\r\n• fluid dynamics and aerodynamics\r\n• propulsion\r\n• flight mechanics and dynamics\r\nThe educational program is intended to enable the students to carry out the design and verification of aerospace components, subsystems and systems, to operate in the field of aeronautical services, or to proficiently continue their studies to the M.S. Degree level."@en . . . . "3"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bachelor"@en . "Final Exam of content of DP" . "2400.00" . "Euro"@en . "Not informative" . "None" . "access jobs in aircraft and spacecraft production industries, in air transport industries and agencies, in national and international research institutions of the aerospace sector, in the academic and high school educational system (in particular Technical and Professional Schools), University. In addition, they can exploit their rather general and extensive preparation to find job opportunities in manufacturing or service industries of the mechanical engineering sector. Finally, Aerospace Engineering graduates can further advance their formal education by enrolling in the Master of Science Degree program in Aerospace Engineering."@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Italian"@en . . "Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering"@en . .