. "Remote Sensing"@en . . "Environmental sciences"@en . . "Geology"@en . . "Hydrology"@en . . "English"@en . . "Statistics and data analysis in physical geography"@en . . "7.50" . "This course aims at preparing students for thesis research and introduces data processing and statistical data analysis techniques. The objectives of the course are:\nTo learn and being able to apply the elementary statistical techniques for the analysis of continuous datasets\nTo understand and apply regression analysis techniques\nTo learn and apply multivariate techniques for the analysis of complex data sets consisting of more than two variables\nTo understand the main geostatistical techniques for the analysis and mapping of spatial data\nTo learn how to perform effective and reproducible data processing and (statistical) analysis using R\n\nContent\nStatistics play an integral role in today's research in physical and social sciences, as they are used to quantify results of studies. Statistical analyses lend credibility to theories and are essential for the general acceptance of scientific statements. This course focuses on widely used statistical and geostatistical techniques in earth science research.\n\nThe first part of the course will cover the theory and application of elementary statistics, including topics such as distributions, covariance, correlation, statistical tests, regression, statistical significance, and an introduction to geostatistics. Students' understanding of these subjects will be assessed through a midterm exam. In the final weeks of the course, students will apply their acquired knowledge in a data analysis project conducted in small groups. The project will be assessed based on a presentation and a written report.\n\nThe course will be taught using the statistical software R.\n\nSpecific skills that will be learned by the student are:\nProblem-solving skills\nAnalytical/quantitative skills\nTechnical skills" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Principles of groundwater flow"@en . . "7.50" . "Course goals\nPlease note: the information in the course manual is binding.\n \n \nThis course introduces the basic principles and methods necessary to quantify flow of water and transport of solutes through saturated porous media.\nIn addition, students will be introduced to basic numerical methods and (professional) software for modelling groundwater flow. \nContent\n\nThe importance of groundwater as a resource and as a critical component in many environmental issues is widely recognized. Groundwater hydrology is a rapidly evolving science and plays a key role in understanding a variety of subsurface processes.\nPorous media properties such as porosity and intrinsic permeability, hydraulic conductivity, erosion, fractures, continuum approach, Representative Elementary Volume REV- concept, up-scaling from pore-to continuum scale, basic fluid mechanical concepts.\nGroundwater flow: Darcy's Law, hydraulic head, hydraulic conductivity, pore pressure, anisotropy, Dupuit assumptions, mapping of flow, flow in fractured media.\nFlow equations in confined and unconfined aquifers: combining the mass balance equation and Darcy’s Law, boundary conditions, storage properties of porous media: compressibility of groundwater and compressibility of the solid phase, Boussinesq approximation, initial and boundary conditions, flow nets, dimensional analysis, analytical solutions of simple hydro-geological problems.\nDensity-dependent flow, coastal aquifers.\nSuper position principle, method of images, Analytical Element Method.\nTransient flow of groundwater, pumping tests, slug tests, constant head and falling head tests.\nGroundwater flow modeling, modeling approaches (schematization), simulation, evaluation model results, model verification and validation, finite differences, grids, integration in time, initial and boundary conditions, computer models, introduction to ModFlow, modeling exercises with ModFlow.\nParticle tracking in groundwater modeling.\nTwo excursions are an integral part of this course. In general a visit to a bank-infiltration water supply pumping station (De Steeg of Oasen) and a trip to a groundwater related site/event" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced gis for geoscientists"@en . . "7.50" . "By the end of the course, the student will have acquired:\nAn advanced skill level in performing a spatial analysis with a large GIS: being able to input data, perform GIS analyses and present results.\nA theoretical background on GIS.\nA view on GIS practice within and outside the University.\nA working experience with large and small scale spatial data and being able to apply that in research.\nPresentation of a GIS research: report, oral and poster.\nIn this “hands on” course the emphasis lays on working with GIS together with a theoretical embedding. The Software used is ArcGIS 10 (desktop) and ArcGIS PRO together with Erdas Imagine (eATE, Virtual GIS and Stereo Analyst) and Agisoft Photoscan.\n- Learning advanced theory of geospatial data analysis\n- Performing a complete GIS-analysis: datainput - analysis - dataoutput/mapmaking – scientific reporting\n- Getting familiar with DEM extraction methods\n- Training in oral and written presentation of the individual exercises\n- Training in designing and developing a poster on DEM extraction.\n- Getting familiar with current Geo-spatial-datasets\n- Getting familiar with current GIS practice. Content\nPlease note: maximum capacity for this course is 40 students. \nPriority will be given to Earth Surface and Water students, track Geohazards and earth observation.\n\nIn this “hands on” course the emphasis lays on working with GIS together with a theoretical embedding. The Software used is ESRI ArcGIS (both desktop and workstation) together with Erdas Imagine (LPS eATE, Virtual GIS and Stereo Analyst, Agisoft photoscan).\n\nThe course exists of two major parts:\nThe assignment is a traditional workflow existing of the making of a “Potential Erosion Map” of a part of South Limburg, the Netherlands. Part of the data is available (Top10 and contour lines) in digital form. Another part must be digitized (soil map). The analyses are calculating derivatives and combining the data to one or more resulting maps. The maps must be presented through hardcopies in a scientific report.\nDEM extraction of aerial photography. This project must be presented in a poster and oral presentation.\nAdditional smaller assignments can be given and must be handed in.\n\nStudents work in groups of 2 or alone if seats or software licenses allow.\nLearning advanced theory of geospatial data analysis.\nPerforming a complete GIS-project: datainput -> analysis -> mapmaking/report.\nGetting familiar with DEM extraction methods.\nTraining in oral and written presentation of the individual exercises.\nTraining in designing and developing a poster on DEM extraction\n.\nDevelopment of Transferable Skills\nHandson training GIS.\nReport writing.\nOral presentation, presentation will be video recorded.\nGiving feedback on oral presentations and posters.\nPoster making: A0 scientific poster.\nTechnical skills: using the computer programmes ESRI platform, ErdasImagine. Agisoft, introduction python." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Field research instruction geochemistry"@en . . "7.50" . "The students become familiar with the key processes controlling nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments.\nThey obtain knowledge about the societal, economical, and environmental implications of anthropogenic perturbations of the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. Students learn how to design experiments or how to plan the collection and analyses of environmental samples in order to answer research questions.\nFurthermore, they learn how to combine experimental data and field measurements and to integrate them with knowledge from scientific literature in order to answer the research questions and to evaluate the obtained information in a broader context. \nContent\nIn this course students learn how to perform a field campaign and biogeochemical experiments in order to answer research questions related to the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. This includes: testing and preparing analytical and experimental methods, collecting and analyzing environmental samples, performing experiments, interpretation of analytical and experimental data, and presentation of the results orally and in a written form.\nThe fieldwork consists of three parts: a preparation period in Utrecht, a field campaign, and a period of data interpretation and report writing in Utrecht. During the preparation period, the students give presentations related to the subject and the objectives of the fieldwork. Furthermore, they practice analytical procedures and experimental methods which are required during the fieldwork. During the fieldwork campaign, water samples from rivers, estuaries, and marine locations are collected and analyzed. Additionally, sediment cores will be taken and analyzed. Laboratory experiments are conducted in order to quantify individual processes related to the nutrient fluxes in the investigated environments. The analytical and experimental data are finally integrated in order to characterize the trophic state of the investigated systems, to determine the nutrient fluxes between the different compartments of the systems, and to investigate the interplay between physical and biological processes in controlling the nutrient dynamics. The results of the fieldwork are presented in reports\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nLeadership: Students work in teams; each day someone takes the task of the team leader who takes the responsibility that the team activities are target orientated and who reports about the team activities.\nAbility to work in a team: All tasks are performed in teams. The teams often operate independently during field campaigns. Important hereby is making decisions about the selection of sampling sites and sampling approaches.\nWritten communication skills: Results of fieldwork are presented in reports. Feedback is given on the reports and students have to revise the reports based on the comments.\nVerbal communication skills: Students have to give scientific presentations about a subject related to nutrient dynamics in aqueous environments.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: students have to integrate the data collected in the field and in the laboratory, in combination with knowledge from scientific literature and model calculations, in order to answer the allocated research questions.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on conditions and observations during field campaigns and during laboratory work, the sampling programme or the analytical / experimental approach have to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to a variety of methods to characterize the chemical and physical properties of water or sediment samples. They are introduced to methods to determine processes and fluxes in situ or in laboratory experiments.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nLeadership: Students work in teams; each day someone takes the task of the team leader who takes the responsibility that the team activities are target orientated and who reports about the team activities.\nAbility to work in a team: All tasks are performed in teams. The teams often operate independently during field campaigns. Important hereby is making decisions about the selection of sampling sites and sampling approaches.\nWritten communication skills: Results of fieldwork are presented in reports. Feedback is given on the reports and students have to revise the reports based on the comments.\nVerbal communication skills: Students have to give scientific presentations about a subject related to nutrient dynamics in aqueous environments.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: students have to integrate the data collected in the field and in the laboratory, in combination with knowledge from scientific literature and model calculations, in order to answer the allocated research questions.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on conditions and observations during field campaigns and during laboratory work, the sampling programme or the analytical / experimental approach have to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to a variety of methods to characterize the chemical and physical properties of water or sediment samples. They are introduced to methods to determine processes and fluxes in situ or in laboratory experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental hydrogeology"@en . . "7.50" . "This course aims at providing a firm basis for the modelling of complex flow and transport processes in the subsurface relevant to the environmental problems in soil and groundwater. This includes transport of soluble components of organic liquids, viruses, colloids, and heat as well as basics of multiphase flow. Several important methods for remediation of soil and groundwater are discussed in detail. The students will develop the ability to set up mathematical models for quantitative description of complex subsurface transport phenomena. Through a comprehensive class project, the use of PMWIN package for modeling flow and solute transport in real-word problems will be taught.\n\nPlease note: This course will be taught compressed in a 5-weeks full time format (week 17 up and until week 22)\nContent\nReview of major soil and groundwater pollution sources and processes\nAdvanced topics in adsorption (two-site kinetics, nonlinear kinetics, double porosity media, - etc.)\nModelling dissolution and transport of organic liquid compounds\nModelling biodegradation\nPrinciples of multiphase flow\nPrinciples of virus transport and colloid transport in the subsurface\nPollution due to agricultural activities\nNatural attenuation of soil and groundwater pollution\nReview of major soil and groundwater remediation methods\nDetailed description and modelling of Pump-and-Treat method\nDetailed description and modelling of Hydraulic Removal of LNAPL method\nDetailed description and modelling of Soil Vapour Extraction method\nWorking extensively with PMWIN model of flow and transport." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master's excursion earth surface and water"@en . . "7.50" . "To recognise and reflect upon topical scientific and societal issues in the field of Earth Surface and Water (i.e Physical Geography and related fields) and to be able to put these issues in the context of the landscape. Special emphasis will be given to (1) Landscape evolution (2) morphodynamic processes in coastal, estuarine, and riverine environments (3) hydrology, water management, river restoration, flood protection; (4) climate driven and manmade vegetation change and ecosystem dynamics in north-western Europe.\n \nContent\n Placing ongoing fundamental research and societal issues into the context of the landscape, focussing on the fields of geomorphology, hydrology, and palaeoecology. \n Demonstration of scientific and societally relevant problems related to the field sites. \n Theoretical context based on the international scientific literature. \n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\n\nAbility to work in a team: Participants are expected to take responsibility for a smooth execution of the excursion, both logistically and content-wise.\nVerbal communication skills: Participants will give a scientific presentation about a topic related to the excursion programme. Participants are expected to actively take part in discussions.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on for example weather conditions, the excursion programme need to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: Participants are introduced to a variety of methods and techniques in fundamental or applied research and the application of these methods will be demonstrated." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Climate change, hydrology and the cryosphere"@en . . "7.50" . "After successfully completing this course, the student will:\nhave an in-depth overview of the functioning of the hydrological cycle and the cryosphere as part of the climate system;\nhave attained knowledge about the impact of climate change and climate variability on terrestrial hydrological fluxes such as precipitation, evaporation, glacier and snow melt and river runoff;\nhave attained knowledge about the interaction between hydrological states and fluxes and the climate system, including feedbacks related to groundwater, soil moisture, ice and snow;\nappreciate the many sources of uncertainty in climate change projections that are caused from an incomplete description of terrestrial hydrological cycle and are acquainted with examples of running debates and controversies.\n\nContent\nTraditionally, the terrestrial part of the hydrological cycle is mainly studied by hydrologists while the atmospheric part is left to atmospheric science and the cryospheric part to glaciology. As a consequence, apart from the study of evaporation, the three sciences have shown limited interaction. The last two decades however, have shown an increased interest in climate change and its impacts, not only by the atmospheric and cryospheric science community, but also by hydrologists. The first studies on hydrology and climate that were performed by hydrologists mainly focussed on the impact of climate change and variability on the water balance and river discharge. Recently, atmospheric scientist have turned more and more to hydrology to come up with better land-atmosphere parameterisations in order to improve climate models and weather prediction. The same holds for the cryosphere. There is an increasing number of cases where glacier dynamics and snow hydrology are integrated in basin scale hydrological studies. These developments together have led to an almost separate hydrological discipline called 'climate hydrology' where hydrological systems are viewed as part of the climate system being both influenced by climate change and variability and the cryosphere, as well as constraining the climate system through positive and negative feedbacks. The study of the hydrological cycle in the context of the climate system and the cryosphere has developed sufficiently to warrant a self-contained course on the subject.\n\nThe course consists of a set of lectures, in which a separate subject is treated by an expert. The course outline is divided in three main blocks: the climate system, fundamentals of the atmosphere, cryosphere and the hydrosphere and climate change impacts.\n \n1.The climate system\nAn overview of the global climate system\nThe role of the hydrological cycle in the climate system\n2.Fundamentals of atmosphere, cryosphere and the hydrosphere\nMeasurements and physics of precipitation\nMeasurements and physics of evaporation\nPrinciples of the atmospheric boundary layer\nClimate, soil moisture and groundwater feedbacks\nMountain meteorology\nSnow hydrology\nPhysics of glaciers\n3.Climate change impacts\nClimate model and downscaling\nDynamics of glaciers, ice sheets and global sea-level rise\nThe intensification of the hydrological cycle\nClimate change impacts on mountain hydrology\nIn addition, there will be hands-on exercises and case study work to get familiar with commonly used tools, methods and key concepts. There are three short hands-on exercises of half day each. The topics of the hands-on exercises are:\nClimate change impacts on snow and glaciers part I: downscaling\nClimate change impacts on snow and glaciers part II: snow\nClimate change impacts on snow and glaciers part III: glaciers\nThe final part of the course will be to develop a short movie in groups. the movie is focused on \"raising climate awareness for the broad public\" using material from the course. You will first participate in a masterclass by a professional moviemaker." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aquatic and environmental chemistry"@en . . "7.50" . "Course goals\n\nWouldn’t it be fascinating to understand which chemical principles play a key role in the Earth’s near surface environments? At the end of the course, you will have the theoretical foundation and practical skills to interpret and predict the composition of natural or contaminated waters based on equilibrium thermodynamics. You will have an overview of quantitative concepts to describe acid base properties of solids and solutions, redox speciation of certain inorganic and organic compounds in aqueous solution, solubility of solids, metal speciation in aqueous solution, distribution of compounds between different phases, and the adsorption of ions at the solid-liquid interface. You will also have learned how to use computer-based chemical speciation models and practiced your writing and assessment skills.\nContent\nThe course deals with processes that control the composition of water in aquifers, soils, lakes, and in the ocean. The focus lies on using equilibrium approaches to describe and quantify these processes. The course is organized around three main themes:\nSpeciation of dissolved compounds in aqueous solution:\nAcid-base reactions, complexation of metals, redox speciation, introduction into quantitative methods in aquatic chemistry including the tableau method and speciation models.\nPartitioning of compounds between different phases:\nThermodynamics of equilibrium partitioning, gas – water partitioning, solid-water partitioning, liquid – liquid partitioning\nAdsorption at the solid-water interfaces:\nadsorption isotherms, surface reactivity of solids, surface complexation, ion exchange\nThe course includes project-based work. These projects are devoted to processes controlling the composition of waters in surface and subsurface environments or the phase distribution and transformation inorganic compounds in aquatic environments. Computer equilibrium models will be used to solve quantitative problems related to the different projects.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nAbility to work in a team: The quantitative problems related to various projects in the course are solved in teams, typically couples. Important part of the team work is the critical assessment and discussion of results obtained from the chemical equilibrium models.\nWritten communication skills: students are introduced to the scientific review process. They write a scientific manuscript, review manuscripts from their fellow students and improve their manuscripts based on the comments. \nProblem-solving skills: In the projects, students have to find a strategy to answer the given research or practical questions.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students have to learn to conceptualize processes affecting the composition of natural waters. Conceptual understanding is a prerequisite to properly define problem sets in chemical equilibrium models.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to the methodology to solve quantitative problems in the field of aquatic chemistry including chemical equilibrium models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Quantitative water management"@en . . "7.50" . "At the end of the course the student will be able to:\npresent an overview of quantitative regional and local water management issues, with focus on drainage (Dutch topic) and design and management of reservoirs (international topic);\nperform calculations that promote understanding c.q. proper application of current theory and practice in the above mentioned fields;\nappreciate different visions and occasional conflicts between the theory and practice of regional and local water management;\nreflect on current and future developments in quantitative water management in the context of global change.\nContent\nGroundwater drainage: Donnan, Hooghoudt and beyond.\nGroundwater drainage practice in The Netherlands: agricultural vs. urban areas.\nUrban stormwater drainage and the urban water assignment: pluvial flooding and sewer management, flooding from regional surface waters, and governance issues.\nSide effects of drainage: downstream flooding, land subsidence, salinization and operational water resources management, ecohydrological drought, and foundation damage.\nReservoir management and irrigation: basics of irrigation scheduling, hydrological change and sustainable reservoir planning and management" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hydrogeological transport phenomena"@en . . "7.50" . "Students learn concepts and principles related to the movement of solutes in soil and groundwater. We study processes affecting the spreading of contaminants in porous media, such as advection, diffusion, dispersion and adsorption, including a quantitative analysis by making use of the corresponding governing equations. Students will develop the ability to analyze hydrogeological situations and to set up mathematical models for quantitative description including initial and boundary conditions. Besides the application of analytical solutions, students will gain insight into the standard subsurface software package ModFlow. The course aims to stimulate scientific thinking and enhance the skill of problem solving. A key prerequisite here is the motivation for self-study, contextual thinking and quantitative analysis.\nContent\nThe subsurface environment plays an important role in many human activities as well as in natural systems. Both, soil and groundwater are vulnerable natural resources. Moreover, the subsurface is frequently used for storage of mass and energy,facilities construction and infrastructure. Understanding and prediction of flow and transport processes is extremely important for a sustainable use of the subsurface. In particular, knowledge of the flow of water and the movement of dissolved chemicals is essential for the design of various activities occurring in the subsurface.\n\nThis course fosters the understanding and quantification of processes which affects the fate of dissolved groundwater components. The generality of the underlying physical principles allows to apply the knowledge to many other disciplines studying porous material, such as human tissues, plants, construction materials, or paper. Topics of study are:\nTransport of solute by advection, diffusion and dispersion\nDetermination of flow velocity and dispersion coefficients\nDescription of adsorption: linear and nonlinear isotherms, kinetic adsorption\nDetermination of adsorption coefficients\nDecay and degradation processes\nPartitioning of chemicals in water, air and liquid phase.\nPhysical principles of transport, mathematical description and solution\nDiscussion of initial and boundary conditions\nColloid and virus transport" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reactive transport in the hydrosphere"@en . . "7.50" . "The course teaches students how to create and use mechanistic and spatially explicit models to study (bio)geochemical processes in the various compartments of the Earth’s hydrosphere including sediments, aquifers, rivers, lakes, and oceans.\n\nBy the end of the course, students will\nhave a general understanding of concepts and methods needed to quantitatively describe (bio)geochemical reactions and transport processes in various compartments of the hydrosphere;\nbe able to formulate models (conceptually and with mathematical equations) to describe transport and reactions in Earth's surface environments;\nbe able to solve models numerically using appropriate modeling software (R, with relevant packages ReacTran & deSolve);\nbe able to perform sensitivity analyses to understand model implications;\nbe able to interpret the results of the models in the relevant context (e.g., geochemical processes in rivers, lakes, aquifers, sediments, oceans);\nbe able to report the results in written and oral forms.\n\nContent\nModel formulation: from conceptual diagrams to differential equations\nIntroduction to R\nSpatial components and parameterization of models\nModel solution (using R-packages deSolve and ReacTran)\nApplications and case studies:\ncoupled chemical reactions: atmospheric ozone dynamics\nsurface reactions: mineral dissolution/precipitation\nacid-base chemistry: pH dynamics\necology: aquatic food-webs\nepidemiology: COVID pandemic\nglobal-scale models: Earth's global carbon cycle\nbiogeochemistry in water bodies: anoxia in an estuary\nbiogeochemistry in porous media: early diagenesis in sediments\n\n\nThe course will also help develop the following transferable skills:\nAbility to work in a team: Practical exercises and group projects will be done in teams of 3-4 students. Students will need to distribute the tasks, organize and execute the workflow, and share responsibility for presentation of the results.\nWritten communication skills: results of group projects will be presented as reports. Feedback will be given after report submission.\nVerbal communication skills: results of group projects will also be presented orally, as a group effort. Students will receive feedback on the quality of their presentations.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Throughout the course students will solve quantitative tasks using numerical methods. They will also interpret their results in the wider environmental context.\nStrong work ethic: Students will be required to follow fixed deadlines for delivering results of group projects." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stable Isotopes in earth sciences"@en . . "7.50" . "By reading the isotopic composition of a sample—be it solid, liquid, or gaseous—one can tell a story about its origin and history. For example, if the sample is a mineral, one can elucidate the mechanisms or environmental controls involved in its formation or transformation. If the sample is an organism, one can elucidate its activity or eating habits. This course will teach you why this works, where it is applicable, and how it is done in practice.\nSpecifically, you will learn the theoretical principles behind equilibrium and kinetic stable isotope fractionation, understand the principles behind techniques used to analyze stable isotope composition of materials, become acquainted with a broad range of applications of stable isotopes in Earth sciences, and develop practical skills in processing and quantitatively interpreting stable isotope data.\nAdditionally, you will learn how to use certain data processing programs, and develop your writing, analytical, evaluation and communication skills.\n \nContent\nFirst, theoretical principles will be explained for equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope fractionation, mass-dependent vs. mass-independent isotope fractionation, and the temperature dependency of each. Subsequently, the following applications will be discussed in detail:\natmospheric carbon cycle, role of natural (assimilation vs. mineralization) and anthropogenic activity. Tracers: 13C in CO2, 13C and D in CH4.\nhydrological cycle, and its link to paleo-thermometry. Tracers: 18O and D in H2O, clumped isotopes (13C and 18O) in carbonate minerals.\nunderstanding the mechanisms of mineral formation and transformation from their isotopic composition (natural or experimentally perturbed); \nrole of biological activity (assimilation vs. mineralization pathways) on fractionation factors, tracing sources of biogenic minerals and conditions of their formation. Tracers: 13C in carbonates.\nreconstruction of food-webs. Tracers: 13C and 15N in specific compounds (e.g., lipids or fatty acids).\nquantification of organism-specific (e.g., microbial) rates of activity, stable isotope probing. Tracers: 13C, 15N, 18O, D" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Unsaturated zone hydrology"@en . . "7.50" . "This course covers the theory and principles of soil physics, soil moisture storage, unsaturated flow and transport, matric flow, infiltration, preferential flow and evaporation, the determination of soil physical parameters, soil moisture dynamics, the use of state-of-the-art 1D and 2D unsaturated zone models and a critical evaluation of unsaturated flow theories. After completing the course the student has in-depth knowledge of the above mentioned topics.\nContent\nThis course covers the theory and principles of soil physics, soil moisture storage, unsaturated flow and transport, matrix flow, infiltration, preferential flow and evaporation, the determination of soil physical parameters, soil moisture dynamics, the use of an unsaturated flow model (Hydrus), the use of an integrated soil-water-atmosphere-plant model (SWAT) and a critical evaluation of unsaturated flow theories. After completion of the course a student has in-depth knowledge of the above mentioned topics.\n\nContributions to the following skills:\n2. ability work in teams (practicals)\n4. Problem solving skills (homework exercises)\n8. Analytical/quantitative skills (equation solving)\n9. technical skills (computer skills)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Land surface hydrology"@en . . "7.50" . "GEO4-4404 Land Surface Hydrology covers the hydrological processes that interact with streamflow over a range of scales. It considers the mechanism of runoff generation in light of atmosphere and land surface interactions. In addition, it considers changes in the travel time and storage as stream flow travels downstream along the drainage network (routing). All these phenomena manifest themselves in the hydrograph or discharge time series that traditionally forms the starting point of hydrological analysis. \nThis course will impart the student with knowledge of the relevant physical processes and the implications thereof in the natural and built environment. It will also provide him/her with the capacity to analyze these processes quantitatively through a variety of models.\n\nAt the end of the course, students will be able to:\nCharacterize and quantify the hydrological processes that operate at various points and times within a catchment through measurements and modelling;\nAnalyze total catchment behaviour by means of hydrograph separation and frequency analysis techniques;\nPerform simple river discharge routing and interpret the results of more complex schemes;\nEvaluate the consequences of errors and uncertainty in measurements and modelling of catchment hydrological behaviour;\nInterpret stream flow data for design and planning purposes.\n\nContent\nThis course concentrates on land surface hydrology and the ways by which it is influenced by different environmental factors, including man. The course focuses on quantitative analyses, including modelling, and offers students an opportunity to improve their analytical skills and understanding of hydrology. The course content will be applied directly during practicals and in the individual assignment that the student has to complete over the duration of the course.\nThis course will be taught on the basis of a textbook and a reader comprising the exercises, additional background materials and articles. Details are published in the course guide.\n\nAcademic skills\nOnce completed, the student\nHas obtained expertise in the field of understanding / modelling / simulation of key underlying processes in the field of study;\nHas obtained the ability to integrate / interpolate / extrapolate (incomplete) knowledge at a high level including information gathered from research-articles;\nIs able to think / develop / apply (partly) original ideas in a (semi) research context;\nDemonstrates skills for pursuing (advanced) research in a (sub) field." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Land surface process modelling"@en . . "7.50" . "To retrieve a theoretical basis of land surface modelling, including approaches to represent processes and approaches to combine observations and models.\nTo learn how to execute all steps in the model development cycle: development of the conceptual model, programming the model, model calibration, validation, and error propagation modelling.\nTo learn principles of software environments for modelling and how to use these software environments.\nContent\nNumerical simulation models of processes on the earth surface are essential tools in fundamental and applied research in the geosciences. They are used in almost all disciplines in the geosciences, for instance hydrology, geomorphology, land degradation, sedimentology, and most fields in ecology. They are important instruments in research for a number of reasons. First, they provide understanding of how systems work, in particular how system components interact, how systems react to changes in drivers, and how non-linear responses emerge. Also, simulation models can be used to forecast systems, which is essential in planning and decision-making. Finally, land surface process models provide a means to evaluate theory of simulated processes against observational data.\nIn this course we will focus on generic principles of land surface modelling. You will study a number of different approaches to represent land surface processes in a simulation model, including differential equations, rule based modelling, cellular automata, individual (agent) based approaches, and probabilistic models. We will discuss how local interactions can lead to complexity at a larger scale and the implications of this for forecasting. Also, you will learn how to combine information from observational data and simulation models using error propagation, calibration, and data assimilation techniques.\nDuring the course you will learn how these principles can be applied in a number of different disciplines, in particular in the field of hydrology, geomorphology, sedimentology, and ecology. You will also learn how very similar approaches are used in other fields, for instance in urban geography and social sciences.\nIn addition to principles of land surface modelling, you will learn how to use software tools for land surface modelling. You will study theoretical concepts of software environments for land surface modelling, and you will learn how to program land surface models. In this part of the course we will use the Python programming language and PCRaster. These tools provide standard frameworks for model construction and techniques to combine a model with observational data. Other tools for model construction use similar concepts, so you will be able to apply your knowledge from this course to other software environments. This course can also be interesting for MSc students in ecology, environmental science, sustainability science, or energy science.\n\nDevelopment of Transferable Skills\nAbility to work in a team: Oral presentations and the case study report are written in teams of 2-3 students. Students will learn how to distribute the work over team members and how to cooperate efficiently.\nWritten communication skills: Three two-page papers are written on which students get extensive feedback from the tutor. In addition, a longer case study report is written structured like a scientific article.\nProblem-solving skills: Students learn to execute all phases of numerical model construction. This requires to solve problems related to concepts of process-based models, the implementation of these models using a programming environment, and the use of various empirical data linked to models. Students are challenged considerably regarding this aspect in the case study project at the end of the course which is done largely without support from the tutor.\nVerbal communication skills: Students present their work in two working group sessions. This teaches them mainly to prepare a well-structured talk in the time span of a few days; in addition they get limited feedback on the quality of the presentation.\nStrong work ethic: The course is taught as a blended learning course which means that students need to properly plan their own work.\nInitiative: Students are trained to take initiative, particularly in the case study projects.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: A large part of the course relates to various analytical approaches used in forward process-based modelling. Students have to apply these approaches in their own modelling work.\nTechnical skills: The course teaches computational thinking in particular during the computer labs on Python programming and PCRaster programming." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "River and delta systems"@en . . "7.50" . "The intended learning outcomes are integrated physics-based, geomorphology-based and sedimentology-based understanding of the formation and dynamics of rivers and deltas, systems thinking and basic understanding of the societal context of river and delta dynamics, and data analysis skills and modelling skills. Specifically, after a successful course the student:\nhas acquired knowledge, explanations and advanced understanding of fluvial morphodynamics at length scales ranging from particles to valleys and deltas and seconds to millennia, and interactions between these scales\nhas advanced his/her knowledge and understanding of fluvial morphodynamics and system response to changing boundary conditions, thereby crosscutting disciplinary boundaries of fluvial morphodynamics, engineering, sedimentology and geology both in understanding and language of concepts\nhas developed quantitative skills, including physics of flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics, reconstruction and budgeting techniques, and programming\nis able to develop empirical, analytical, experimental and numerical tools to reconstruct and predict fluvial phenomena, and is able to evaluate critically the power and limits of these approaches\nis able to position the knowledge and understanding in the wider societal context of river basin and delta management, engineering and nature rehabilitation with the boundary condition of global change\nis able to analyse and interpret scientific data and literature on fluvial processes, morphology and modeling, and is able to apply this within the fluvial system framework of this course, and clearly present this in writing or oral presentations.\n\nContent\nFluvial and deltaic systems will be studied at all relevant scales from morphodynamics in a channel, to river pattern variation in a valley, to distributary dynamics in a delta. River systems cover about 80% of the Earth’s surface and about one-third of humanity lives in them. The entire course is a unique integration of process-based geomorphological, sedimentological and engineering approaches. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Within each theme, the necessary initial and boundary conditions for certain phenomena are studied, the underlying physical processes identified and derived, and the consequences for morphology, stratigraphy and so on described. The course alternates between reach and system scale, for longitudinally simple cases (one source, one sink) to complex systems with multiple sedimentation basins and terraced floodplains as well as entire deltas. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Systems thinking and the interactions between physical and biological processes and humans provide important concepts for understanding and forecasting. Some subjects:\nReview of channel flow, sediment transport and fundamentals of fluvial morphodynamics. This part mostly comprises review and deepening of required foreknowledge. References will be provided, particularly for students with deficiencies in background.\nRiver patterns: empirical descriptors and predictors for river patterns (which refers to bar pattern, channel pattern and to some extent floodplain pattern), and reconstruction how these patterns changed in response to late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change, sea-level rise and human interference.\nRiver displacement on plains and deltas is about how a river fills larger spaces by migration and displacement (avulsion). Such larger spaces include valleys, fluvial plains and deltas. Furthermore, in between the fluvial deposits peat develops, that later on might considerably affect the development of deltas. During displacement, channel bifurcations divide water, sediment and hazards over the delta, which can be understood from basic physical insights.\nFrom just below the mountains to near the sea is about the fluvial system from upstream alluviated valleys (e.g. with terraces) to the sedimentary (deltaic) zone. Given the required time of significant change, the system at this scale is strongly affected by boundary conditions such as base level change (downstream boundary), climatic change (upstream boundary) and forebulge dynamics (‘initial’ condition).\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills:\n \nThe computer practicals (Python) will improve your:\nability to work in a team (through collaboration with fellow students),\nwritten communication skills (through abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nwork ethic (through collaboration and submission deadlines),\nanalytical/quantitative and technical skills (through data analysis and modelling with Python). \nThe Delta research project will improve your:\nability to work in a team (projects will be carried out in groups of 3-4 students),\nproblem-solving skills (by going through the process of defining a research question, developing an appropriate method, gathering data, and analysing results),\nengagement with the scientific literature\nwritten communication skills (through extended abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nleadership and work ethic (through working in groups)\nadaptability (conducting your own research project will most likely involve dealing with unforeseen circumstances)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Morphodynamics of tidal systems"@en . . "7.50" . "After the course, the student:\nWill understand the basic hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes caused by tides.\nWill be able to develop and use models to analyse tidal time series and to predict the hydrodynamics,sediment transport and morphological change in tidal systems.\nIs able to critically read scientific literature and to position detailed research results in the broader picture of coastal research.\nWill be able to apply his knowledge in coastal research and consultancy.\nWill be able to to present and discuss results in written reports and oral presentations.\nContent\nThis course is the second course in a series of three (period 1: River and Delta systems, period 3: Morphodynamics of wave-dominated coasts) . Other courses in the MSc that focus on delta and coastal systems are Coastal Ecology and Managing Future Deltas.\n During this course the dynamics of tidal systems will be studied at all relevant time scales (few hours to millennia) and spatial scales (kilometers to global scale). We will follow the pathway of the tidal wave from its generation in the ocean to the dissipation of tidal energy in the shallowest regions of tidal basins and estuaries. Along its paths, tidal waves induce current that transport sediment and cause morphological change. Main topics of the course are:\nGeneration of tides by the gravitational interaction of earth, moon and sun.\nTidal dynamics of shallow shelf seas.Hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of shallow tidal basins.\nTides in estuaries: Effect of geometry on tides, river-tide interactions, estuarine dynamics, fine sediment dynamics and morphological change.\nTime series analysis of water level and flow velocity data.\nEvolution and depositional architecture of tidal systems under sea level rise.\n\nDevelopment of Transferrable Skills\nAbility to work in a team: During the course the students have to work in teams to do computer exercises, write reports and do research.\nWritten and verbal communication skills: Students have to deliver reports. You will get feedback on the content.\nProblem-solving skills: Students have to work on programming exercises and apply it to analyse data sets or model tidal phenomena.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students have to analyze data sets, to apply equations to field cases, and to program Python code.\nTechnical skills: Students will have to program in Python and will learn to use the codes to study tidal phenomena." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Morphodynamics of wave-dominated coasts"@en . . "7.50" . "By the end of the course, the student:\nHas acquired an in-depth, quantitative understanding of wave statistics (including time series analysis), wave transformation, wave-induced and aeolian sand transport, and morphological evolution in wave-dominated coasts;\nCan program assignments related to time series analysis, modelling and data-model comparison using Matlab or Python;\nCan differentiate and recommend modelling approaches for waves and wave-driven morphodynamics;\nIs able to critically read scientific literature and to position detailed research results in the broader picture of coastal research;\nCan describe and motivate the choices in the management of the wave-dominated coasts (with a focus on the Dutch context), including dunes.\nContent\nWind-generated waves are the main driving force for the evolution of the nearshore zone (water depths less than 10 m) on time scales of hours (storms) to decades. As waves approach the coast, they transform by altering, among other characteristics, shape, height, length, and orientation. This results in a wide variety of other processes, including alongshore currents and rip currents. Also, it leads to the transport of sand perpendicular to and along the coast. As a consequence, the morphology of the nearshore zone changes continuously as the offshore wave conditions change with time and when mankind intervenes with coastal processes, for example, by artificially placing sand to enhance coastal safety. This makes the nearshore zone one of the most dynamic and complicated regions within the oceanic domain.\nMain topics of the course include:\ncross-shore transformation of wind-generated waves, and the resulting currents;\nsand transport and morphological evolution;\nmodelling of waves, currents, and sand transport;\nat a range of time scales (hours - decades) and in natural and humanly altered wave-dominated coastal settings. The later setting provides the student with insight into issues related to present-day coastal zone management." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Coastal zone and river management"@en . . "7.50" . "At the end of the course the student has:\ndeveloped a good understanding of the physical, ecological, socio-economic, political and legal factors that play a role in practical river and coastal zone management;\nknowledge of the role of decision makers, policymakers and stakeholders in developing and implementing coastal zone and river management strategies and solutions;\nunderstanding of key threats and opportunities of the world’s deltas and the challenges for delta management;\nlearned about the interdisciplinary nature of coastal zone and river management;\nbecome familiar with approaches, methodologies and tools involved in delta management, such as: Ecosystem Valuation, Cost Benefit Analyses, Sea-level rise projections, and stakeholder analyses.\napplied this knowledge in a realistic case study, and;\ndeveloped skills to synthesize knowledge on these subjects from scientific literature and reports through discussions, presentations and writing.\n\nContent\nNB. This course used to be called \"Managing Future Deltas\". I've updated the title to better reflect the course content.\n\nThis course focuses on the integrated management of coastal and river systems, primarily in and around river deltas.\n\nThe management of deltas poses considerable challenges, and involves both fundamental knowledge of the physical and ecological processes involved as well as the understanding and negotiating among the different interests from the ‘users’ of these systems. Deltas are affected by hydrodynamics, sedimentation, morphology, ecology, and humans. They support rich ecosystems, intense agriculture and many major cities and harbours are located in deltas. Future climate change, sea-level rise and increasing societal demands further complicate a sustainable management of rivers and coasts.\n \nHow can we integrate our knowledge of the physical, ecological, and societal aspects of delta systems into practical management?\n\nThe course includes classes, a group project, individual work and a field component.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nAbility to work in a team: During the course, you will work together in teams of 4 people. You will learn about team processes, both by doing as through lectures on working in teams.\nWritten communication skills: You will write a chapter of the team report and receive feedback on your writing from your peers and from the supervisor(s).\nProblem-solving skills: The case study work will require you to pin-point the main issues at hand in your case study area and to think about possible solutions for these issues.\nVerbal communication skills: Plenary discussions and presentations as well as communication within your cast study group will provide ample opportunities for practicing verbal communication skills.\nStrong work ethic: As a team member you are expected to respect the team plan agreed during the teams ‘kick-off’ meeting at the beginning of the course.\nInitiative: For your case study work you are expected to contact stakeholders or experts on your cast study area yourself." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reconstructing quaternary environments"@en . . "7.50" . "to provide a sound understanding of how Quaternary climate and terrestrial environmental change can be examined;\nto provide practical skills in the collection, identification and analysis of evidence for Quaternary terrestrial environmental change;\nto discuss specific topics and communicate knowledge, understanding and skills to others.\nContent\nLecture topics (12):\nIntroduction\nPalaeorecords of environmental change\nGeomorphological evidence\nSite selection and sampling strategies\nLithological evidence\nBotanical evidence\nFaunal evidence \nDendrochronology\nC-14 dating and annual layering\nLuminescence and other dating techniques\nStratigraphic correlation\nEnvironmental and climate reconstructions\nIntegration of Ice-core, Marine and Terrestrial records.\n\nSeveral transferable skills will be trained during the course practicals, seminars, and excursion. \n\n\nPracticals:\nAnalytical, technical, and team-work skills are trained in the Microscope Labs on: pollen; core description. \nProblem solving skills are trained in Computer labs: data analysis; C-14 calibration and wiggle-matching.\nWritten communication skills are trained: scientific jounals analysis; article writing and evaluation of research proposals, short reports.\n\nExcursion: Analytical and team-work skills are trained during a lithological description and interpretation of a ca 50m long core from the shallow sub-soil of The Netherlands at Deltares / Geological survey of the Netherlands.\n\nSeminar presentation: training in verbal communication skills during short (15 minutes) individual presentation and discussion of recent scientific papers on different topics: Proxies; Dating and correlation; Events." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Remote sensing"@en . . "7.50" . "After successful completing this course, you will be able:\nTo provide an overview of the most important, currently available remote sensing techniques and sensors for the earth sciences;\nTo explain the physics of (imaging) spectroscopy and other Earth observation methods and the use of spectral libraries to aid image interpretation;\nTo illustrate the study and interpretation of spatial patterns and time series data in remote sensing;\nTo instruct on the use of current desktop- and cloud-based image processing tools\nDuring the course you will develop and train the following skills:\nGiving academic oral presentations about an applied remote sensing topic.\nWritten reporting about image processing and interpretation.\nAnalyze and interpret various types of satellite images using the theoretical knowledge acquired during the lectures.\nHands on use of advanced image processing software to process, interpret, classify and analyze a range of different earth observation images.\nThe student is expected to:\nUnderstand the fundamentals of imaging spectroscopy and its applications;\nBe able to analyze and interpret remote sensing information in their spatial and temporal contexts;\nBe able to do Earth observation image processing and interpretation using available software and effectively use build-in or online documentation to compose their own analyses.\nTo critically evaluate remote sensing products passing your desk.\nContent\nRemote sensing, or Earth observation, is a fast developing and innovative technique of exceptional importance for all geo-disciplines. Earth observation is now widely used to study the dynamics of system Earth and deliver important input in global change models, ocean current models water balance models and at regional level for modeling catchment discharges and erosion processes. Remote sensing enables the collection of information about the spatial distribution of objects at the Earth surface such as crops, vegetation, soil types, rock types, alteration zones, snow, surface water, to identify object properties (vegetation cover, type of crops, soil mineral contents) and to investigate their temporal changes (seasonal or long-term). A wide range of sensors (optical, thermal, radar, lidar) are now orbiting the earth or are available in aircrafts. These basics are presented and discussed during the bachelor course and here we continue with more advanced techniques for information extraction from imagery by hands-on exercises." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hazards and risk assessment"@en . . "7.50" . "By the end of the course, the student: \nHas gained in-depth knowledge of processes and phenomena in and on the Earth’s surface that lead to natural and man-induced hazards,\nHas learned methods and techniques of how to monitor and predict risks and their distribution in time and space, in particular regarding past hazard reconstruction, the use of geostatistics, and the construction of spatio-temporal or GIS-based models,\nHas obtained insight into the way risk analysis and mapping or disaster / damage assessment is done for example by re-insurance companies at local, regional and global scales,\nHas acquired knowledge about the impact of environmental hazards on society (e.g., economy, migration, emotional),\nIs able to critically evaluate available information and data and on the basis of that formulate advice and decision support on how to mitigate unfavourable effects of environmental hazards.\nContent\nThe world is continuously alerted by major environmental hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, flooding and drought, landslides, and their aftermath. Recent events include earthquakes in Haïti, Chile, China, New Zealand or Japan with the resulting devastating tsunami, flooding in Pakistan and Australia, volcanic eruptions in Iceland and Indonesia. These natural hazards become disastrous where a growing population is forced to live in marginal areas with elevated risks, leading to numerous victims and major economic damage in case of events. Building on the knowledge that Earth Scientists have of the Earth System, this course provides the necessary overview of processes and tools necessary to minimize damage and victims, through better understanding links between causes and related risks. Students will then be able to effectively communicate their knowledge to managers and a general public. This concerns not only natural hazards that are highly unpredictable in their precise timing, but also risks related to human activities such as unwanted effects of prolonged pollution (e.g., tipping points of systems leading to hypoxia or toxic algal blooms in aquatic systems), mass movements or induced seismicity related to, e.g., CO2 sequestration, shale gas winning or geothermal exploration.\nThe course is organised in lectures and exercises / practicals that will be given by experts in their respective field, both from within Utrecht University and external. Furthermore, the students will work on independent projects, resulting in a final paper that will be presented to fellow students." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Graduation research"@en . . "30 - 45" . "The MSc Research represents the culmination of the Earth Sciences Master’s programmes. When conducting MSc research, the student demonstrates skills to pursue independent research and shows advanced knowledge in the field of the MSc programmes. The student demonstrates the capability to apply and to integrate advanced knowledge in order to interpret scientific results and to answer research questions. Performing MSc research includes a critical study of the relevant scientific literature, and application of the gathered information to accomplish the research objectives. The MSc research is mandatory for all students and encompasses a credit load of at least 30 ECTS and a maximum of 45 ECTS. The allocated number of ECTS credits should be a multiple of 7.5 (e.g. 30, 37.5, or 45 ECTS credits). The difference in duration should reflect the difference in working time required for establishing the data base for the project and not be associated with different profundity. This implies that the same assessment criteria apply for MSc theses irrespective of duration. The MSc research encompasses a written report (MSc thesis) and an oral presentation, both obligatory in English, which complete the independent research assignment of the Earth Sciences Master’s programmes. The thesis should – in principle – contain material of publishable quality." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Msc guided research"@en . . "7.5 - 30" . "In addition to the Graduation Research, all Earth Sciences MSc students have to perform a second individual project. When conducting a Guided Research project, the student demonstrates advanced knowledge in the field of the MSc programmes and skills to pursue independent research. These skills include:\npreparing and initiating a research project;\nanalysing and processing data;\nwriting a research report. \nContent\nA Guided Research is similar to an MSc Research project but the expectations regarding the autonomy and independence of the student in a Guided Research project are lower. This applies particularly to developing the research objectives and methodology. Furthermore, an oral presentation of the results is not obligatory and not part of the assessment. \n\nThe topic of the Guided Research has to fit within, or has strong links with, one of the Earth Sciences programmes. The methodology can be based on literature studies but can also include practical activities such as: fieldwork, lab-work or computer-based simulation/modelling. In any case, a permanent member of the scientific staff of the department of Earth Sciences or Physical Geography is responsible for the supervision and research assessment. Postdocs and PhD-students may be involved in the daily supervision and can act as second supervisors. It is possible that the Guided Research project is performed at another academic or non-academic institution. In this case, a staff member at the host institution will be in charge of the daily supervision who is typically then also the second supervisor. If the project does not involve a second supervisor, a second reviewer has to be assigned to the project. Typically, the second reviewer is only involved in the assessment of the report. However, the second reviewer takes over the responsibilities of the first supervisor if necessary.\n \nAs part of the project prepares an individual report written in English. This report is a stand-alone document and it is inadmissible that it text overlaps with any other report/thesis, including those produced by the student himself/herself.\n \nThe credit load of a Guided Research can vary between 7.5 and 30 ECTS credits in steps of 7.5 ECTS credits." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Earth Surface and Water"@en . . "https://www.uu.nl/en/masters/earth-surface-and-water" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The Master’s programme Earth Surface and Water involves the study of natural and human-induced physical and geochemical processes, patterns, and dynamics of the Earth’s continental and coastal systems. The main subject areas you will study during the two-year programme consist of the dynamics of coastal and river systems, (geo-)hydrological processes, groundwater remediation, land degradation in drylands and mountainous regions, natural hazards, and delta evolution on centennial and longer time scales.\n\nFocus on societal problems\nModern society puts increasing pressure on the natural environment. The Earth Surface and Water programme therefore focusses on imminent societal problems, such as society’s increased vulnerability to climate and environmental changes and to natural hazards such as drought, flood, and mass movements. It also addresses the threats and opportunities resulting from human activity on our physical environment, including the hydrological cycle.\n\nCore areas of research\nIn the Earth Surface and Water programme you will study the interactions between the natural and the socio-economic systems using quantitative and spatially explicit methods. It addresses the dynamic patterns and processes of the physical and chemical components on the Earth’s surface, shallow subsurface and the coastal areas. Understanding the historic and current processes will help to predict their responses to global change.\nThe programme contains field observations and laboratory experiments with the latest developments in remote sensing and computational methods.\n\nSome examples of the programme's societal and scientific questions:\nHow do river floods affect delta systems and their inhabitants?\nHow can we use natural processes under climate change to maintain safe - yet attractive and dynamic - coastlines?\nHow to leverage remote sensing for detailed monitoring of natural processes and ecological variables?\nWill we have enough water to sustain the world’s rapidly increasing population in 2050?\nWhat is the most efficient way to clean an oil spill that enters the soil and groundwater?"@en . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "2530.00" . "Euro"@en . "23765.00" . "Recommended" . "equipped to work in both fundamental and applied research; career in applied research at government institutes, consulting firms, or industries; Knowledge of coastal and river management, land use, natural resources, pollution, and hazard mitigation; understanding the past, present, and future evolution of Earth’s environment, and human impact on this evolution; Potential career paths physical geographer, geochemist, and hydrologist."@en . "4"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Graduate School of Geosciences"@en . .