. "Geographic Information Science"@en . . "English"@en . . "Mathematics"@en . . "5" . "Linear and euclidean spaces: linear independence,\nbasis, linear mappings, nullspace and range, matrix\nrepresentation, transitional matrix, rank,\neigenvalues and eigenvectors, scalarproduct, norm,\northogonality, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation,\northogonal projection (vector of best\napproximation), Fourier coefficients, least squares method, overdetermined systems, normal system,\nregression line.\nNumerical linear algebra: numerical computation\nand errors, linear systems, matrix decompositions:\nLU, QR, SVD.\nGraph theory: matrix presentation, isomorphism,\npath, cycle, walk, spanning tree, Hamiltonian and\nEulerian cycle, the shortest path problem, weighted\ngraph, algorithms of Kruskal and Dijkstra.\nOrdinary differential equations: linear DE of order n,\nLDE with constant coefficients, linear systems of DE\nof first order, matrix solution of initial problem,\nboundary value problem.\nBasics on partial differential equations: equations of\nmathematical physics, vibrating string, d'Alembert\nsolutions. learning outcomes: basic knowledge and understanding of linear\nalgebra and mathematical analysis\n• mastering of basic computational skills\n• the achieved mathematical knowledge is used\nby the engineering courses\n• mathematics is essential for technical studies\n• ability of abstract formulation of practical\nproblems\n• capability of critical judgement of data and\nobtained numerical results\n• capability of systematical, clear and precise\nformulation of problems\n• ability of reasoning from general to special and\nvice versa\n• skills in using literatur" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geoinformatics"@en . . "5" . "Principles of spatial data quality (terminology in the\nfield of spatial data quality, the importance of data\nquality and standardization, standardized data\nquality models, elements of data quality; data\nquality control in GIS);\nOfficial spatial data sets, voluntary geographic data\nand information collection;\nIntegration of spatial data sets, process models for\ntransformations between different data formats;interoperability, INSPIRE directive, spatial data\ninfrastructure, semantic integration of spatial data;\nopen GIS;\nSpatial data for decision-making, methods of multi-\ncriteria decision-making in GIS;\nInternet and web-GIS, their relation to GIS\ntechnology, web communication and spatial data\ntransfer, web GIS;\nMobile GIS and spatial data handling in the field;\nfield computers, wireless data transfer and\ncommunication;\nCost and benefit analysis and its application in the\ndomain of geoinformation, value chain of spatial\n(geographic) data;\nVector and raster data models for graphical\npresentation of spatial data, 3D- and 4D spatial data\nmodels, advantages and weakness; importance and\ndefinition of topological rules, visualization;\nArchiving of spatial data and spatial data backups;\noptimization of GIS procedures, modelling of data\nschemes, data migrations protocols, automation of\nGIS analyses . Intended learning outcomes: Understanding of the spatial data domain and\nadvanced theoretical approaches and technological\nprocesses in the field of geoinformation;\nUnderstanding of the characteristics, strengths and\nweaknesses of existing data models and data\nprocessing methods for a given application domain;\nUnderstanding of advanced geoinformatics solutions\nand capacity of their suitable use for the selected\npurposes" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite geodesy and navigation"@en . . "5" . "Reference systems and reference frames, geodetic\ndatum. Inertial (celestial) and terrestrial reference\nsystems and frames. The hierarchy of celestial and\nterrestrial reference systems.\nArtificial Earth satellites for surveying; methods of\nsatellite geodesy.\nFundamentals of the theory of time; sidereal time,\nsolar time (universal time), dynamic time, atomic\ntime, coordinated time, own specific time. ethods of global geodesy: VLBI, SLR, LLR, DORIS,\nGNSS.\nSolving interdisciplinary tasks by using modern\nsatellite techniques.\nBasis of kinematic and dynamic motion of satellites.\nObject (point) movement in the central field of\nforce, conservation laws. Satellite transfer into orbit\nand relativistic problem compliance. Movement of\nartificial Earth satellites, Kepler's laws, derivation,\norbits. Undisturbed and disturbed movement of\nsatellites. Keplerian elements. Perturbing forces.\nProtocols and formats in GNSS.\nEffects on satellite observations, modelling impacts,\nuse of models by solving inverse problems: GNSS\nmeteorology, GNSS reflectometry, GNSS for\nmonitoring the Earth's atmosphere.\nGNSS observations and linear combinations, satellite\nposition computation using different ephemerides.\nAbsolute point positioning from code and carrier-\nphase measurements, differential GNSS. GNSS\napplication in navigation. Navigation in problematic\nconditions for GNSS. Intended LO: knowledge and understanding of basic satellite\ngeodesy methods, understanding of artificial\nEarth satellites motion\n• Perception of complexity of contemporary\ninterdisciplinary problems tied to the planet\nEarth, involving geodetic satellite techniques\n• ability of solving practical problems related to\nartificial Earth satellites’ movement\n• student acquires the necessary knowledge for\nthe integration of theory into practice and\ntheoretical basis for participation in\ninterdisciplinary geo-projects related to the\nproblems of the planet Earth." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Adjustment computations"@en . . "5" . "Intended LO: understanding approach to solving the problem\nand evaluating the results of the various\nrealizations of geodetic datum\n• understanding of the quality of observations,\nestimated parameters and mathematical model\nin general\n• understanding of transformation adjustment of\ncoordinate systems\n• understanding of the concept of collocation,\ncovariance and correlation functions and their\nuse in geodesy\n• understanding of the concept and the use of the\nKalman filter in geodetic and surveying practice\n• ability to solve various complex practical\nproblems in geodesy through a comprehensive\nquality control" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geodetic measuring systems"@en . . "5" . "Intended LO: usage of different measuring systems for spatial\ndata acquisition\n• knowledge of the quality and the performed\nmeasurements\n• proper assessment of the applicability of the\nmeasurements results\n• usage of measuring systems for different\nprofessional tasks\n• understanding the demands of experts from\nother branches and ability to give them an\nadequate problem solution" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physical geodesy"@en . . "5" . "LO: understanding different kind of height systems\n• usage of some kind of geoid model and to\ninterpolate geoid heights\n• knowing the importance of geoid heights in\ngeodetic survey tasks i.e. coordinate\ntransformations\n• is capable of solving the GNSS-levelling task" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spatial data analyses"@en . . "5" . "LO: Understanding of the spatial data analysis domain\nTeam and individual work experiences" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Remote sensing and photogrammetry"@en . . "5" . "LO: students gain knowledge for planning and\nmanagement of remote sensing and\nphotogrammetric projects as well as for\npractical accomplishment of procedures\n• they learn to connect theory and practice, they\nare able of deeper understanding of modern\ntechnologies of remote sensing and\nphotogrammetric processes, they become\naware of technological advancement\n• they develop the sense for scientific-research\nwork\n• students are encouraged to work in a team and\nto manage practical projects\n• they improve skills how to search and use\nprofessional literature, improve their research\napproach as well as written and oral reporting\n• they combine and use of knowledge acquired in\nother courses\n• they are able to analyse, interpret and logically\ncombine different data sources in a professional\napproach" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Multipresentation cartography"@en . . "5" . "LO: understanding specifics of multimedia and\ninternet cartography,\n• familiarising to all procedures, activities and\ntasks in the process of creation of contemporary\ncartographic product." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Practicum from spatial planning"@en . . "5" . "LO: understanding the significance and the role of\nthe surveyor in elaboration of spatial documents\nand transfer of spatial planning elements to the\nspecific area\n• use of acquired knowledge for operational work\nin an the interdisciplinary team of experts in\nspatial planning ,\n• students get accustomed to connecting a wide\nrange of information related to planning, with\nan emphasis on surveying activities in spatial\nplanning" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering survey"@en . . "5" . "LO: understand the importance and role of\nengineering surveying for complex object\nconstructions\n• knowing and understanding the difference\nbetween specific measurements methods used\nin engineering surveying\n• knowing different measurement methods for\nstructural deformation surveying" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spatial statistics"@en . . "5" . "LO: Student knows and understands statistical\nmethods for the analyses of spatial data and is\nable to perform them in different problems in\nthe field of spatial planning and geoinformatics.\n• Student is able to choose the optimal statistical\nmethod according to the characteristics of the\nproblem.\n• Student understands the difference between\nstatistical analysis of non-spatial and spatial\ndata." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Land consolidation and rearrangement"@en . . "5" . "LO: understanding and ability for coordination of\nland consolidation procedures as well as other\nforms of land rearrangements in rural and urban\nareas; ability for data acquisition on new\nsituation for updating land evidences\n• understanding of interdisciplinarity of land\nconsolidation and other measures of land\nrearrangements, understanding of importance\nof harmonisation of different interests in the\nspace during these procedures and importance\nof compromises\n• familiarity and ability to use land information\nsystems and GIS tools during the processes of\ndecision making in the framework of land\nconsolidation and other lane rearrangement\nmeasures\n• understanding of study cases, critical quality\nassessment for implemented projects in the\npractice" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Mass real estate valuation"@en . . "5" . "LO: understanding of basic terminology, rules and\nprocedures in the field of real estate mass\nvaluation\n• understanding of theoretical fundaments and\nability to transfer the theoretical knowledge into\npractice\n• distinguishing between different forms of\nengineering solutions in the field, familiarity\nwith methods in profession, understanding of\nprinciples and rules for individual cases and\nlinkage to the practice" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project task"@en . . "5" . "LO: students acquire basic knowledge and\nunderstanding of the methodology of performing\nresearch work, acquisition of relevant bibliographic\nsources, design, writing and presentation of professional or research work,\n- student is able to define a professional problem,\nknows how to design a strategy to obtain\nappropriate solution, is able to individually evaluate\ntheoretical and practical aspects of solution, analyse\nthe obtained results and place them in the area of\nexpertise and the scope of related disciplines,\n- student carries out a specific, more complex,\ncomprehensive professional task,\n- the student prepares a professional or research\narticle which is the result of his/her own professional\nor research work, uses appropriate approaches to\nthe solution, presents the work using appropriate\nprofessional terminology and using appropriate\nsources,\n- the student reviews two articles according to\ndifferent criteria, presents the elements of the\nreviewed article and states the decision on the\nsuitability of the article for publication,\n- the student gains insight into the scope of\ndevelopment, research, administrative and\nprofessional work in the field of geodesy and\ngeoinformation in neighbouring countries and\nelsewhere in the world" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Sports education"@en . . "3" . "understanding the basic concepts and theories\nof human locomotion, cardiovascular and\nrespiratory systems and their most frequent\npathologies in relation to mental health\n• creation of rational and emotional attitude\ntoward physical effort, knowledge of the theory\nof active rest and methods for body\nregeneration, knowledge of healthy diet and\nbody weight regulation,\n• improvement of knowledge in selected sport.\nUse of acquired knowledge and skills in daily life\nto compensate daily stresses and negative\neffects of unilateral load during the study,\n• through the acquired knowledge and behaviour\nincreased quality of life and increased efficiency\nof study and work are ensured,\n• good psychophysical preparedness is a condition\nto solve everyday duties and obligations." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Field project work"@en . . "4" . "LO: upgrading theoretical knowledge by learning\nprocesses in practice\n• the ability to recognize the basic stages and\ncontent of projects in various fields of activity of\nsurveyors in society\n• identifying the tasks and procedures of\nsurveyors in contact with other disciplines and\ndifferent users\n• ability to defend prepared solutions of the\nproject in the form of a report and public\npresentation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geoinformatics"@en . . "4" . "LO: understanding selected theoretical approaches\n• understanding of the spatial data domain\n• understanding the technological processes in\nthe field of geoinformation\n• team and individual work experiences" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Project work in cartography"@en . . "4" . "LO: understanding specific fields of cartography\n• connecting cartography to other disciplines and\nsciences\n• team work" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Quality assurance of the geodetic survey"@en . . "4" . "LO: Knowledge and understanding of procedures for\nthe assurance and control of quality of geodetic\ntechnical works.\n• Knowledge of those processes and\nimplementation in practical work" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optimization of geodetic networks ."@en . . "4" . "LO: knowledge and understanding of specific\nmethods of geodetic networks\n• knowledge of those processes and\nimplementation in practical work" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Selected topics from geodesy and geodetic"@en . . "4" . "LO: Knowledge and understanding of different\ncoordinate systems in geodesy.\n• Knowledge of usage of coordinate systems in\npractical tasks of terrestrial and satellite\ngeodesy and their inter-relations" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astronomy"@en . . "4" . "-" . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Urban planning"@en . . "4" . "LO: Basic knowledge of urban design and\nunderstanding of processes in urban areas,\nknow-how of planning at the local level – land\nuse, local infrastructures, implementation plans,\nsite-specific part of the project for acquisition of\nbuilding permit (PGD), public engagement\n• In companies for urban planning, acquisition\nand development of land; know-how needed by\nadministration staff in urban planning. Use of\nthe knowledge in municipalities, administrative\nunits, in elaboration of spatial development\nstrategies, urban plans, detailed site plans and\nprojects.\n• Students’ own understanding, critical evaluation\nof processes in urban areas, critical approach to\ntransfer of urban development models from the\nEU and elsewhere. Students’ own observations\nregarding the processes in the local\nenvironment and their solving, critical approach\nto illegal spatial interventions" . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geophysics in geodesy"@en . . "4" . "LO: student knows and understand basic properties\nof Earth' physical fields" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "State of the art remote sensing technologies"@en . . "4" . "LO: The course deals with the state of the art topics in\nthe field of remote sensing. It adapts to the trend of\ndevelopment of systems and data processing\nprocedures.\nRadar systems operation\nRadar data\nRadar data pre-processing\nRadar imaging geometry\nRadar interferometry (InSAR)\nProduction of digital elevation models\nDetermination of surface displacements (DInSAR)\nPermanent scatterers (PS InSAR and SBAS)\nDeformation analysis\nOblique aerial images\n3D reconstruction\nApplications\n3D point clouds\nSatellite images time series analysis\nIntersensor calibration\nTemporal smoothing and production of composites\nMultitemporal classification\nMachine learning\nExercises\nApplication of selected data processing technology\nUse of dedicated software\nESA SNAP\nENVI SARScape\nSocetGX" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Point cloud processing"@en . . "4" . "LO: knowledge of point cloud capturing processes\n• evaluation of point cloud quality\n• knowledge of the point clouds usefulness\n• understanding of basic concepts in point cloud\nprocessing\n• knowledge of possible point clouds fields of use" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Geodesy and Geoinformatics"@en . . "https://www.en.fgg.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/1000351_Geodesy_and_geoinformatics_MA_2023-2024.pdf" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "independently solves all kinds of professional and development tasks in the fields of geodesy and geoinformatics\r\nunderstands, applies and develops modern surveying methodologies and technology and is able to upgrade it,\r\nplans, organizes, manages and carries out surveying tasks for the establishment, maintenance and restoration of the basic geodetic reference system,\r\nplans, organizes, executes or leads geodetic works:\r\n– in the land surveying,\r\n– in the construction of all types of buildings or generally in all types of infrastructural development in the physical environment,\r\n– in the procedures of cadastral regulation and registration of real estate,\r\n– in the fields of topography and cartography,\r\n– in the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing,\r\n– at the establishment, maintenance and upgrading of geographic, cartographic and land information systems\r\nparticipates in the preparation of spatial planning documents and\r\nknows the legal, administrative and economic system, important for the surveyor."@en . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "Not informative" . "no data"@en . "Not informative" . "Mandatory" . "no data"@en . "no data" . "FALSE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Slovenian"@en . . "Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering"@en . .