. "Physics"@en . . "Computer Science"@en . . "Astronomy"@en . . "English"@en . . "Astrophysics I"@en . . "5" . "Introduction, basic definitions, stellar parameters: Astronomy as an observational science,\nastrophysics. Celestial sphere, coordinate systems used in astronomy. Stellar parallax,\ncosmic distance scale, distance ladder. Blackbody radiation. Stellar spectra, flux, effective\ntemperature. Spectral classification. Magnitude scale, bolometric magnitude, luminosity,\ncolour index. Stellar parameters. Determination of stellar masses and radii. Hertzsprung-\nRussell diagram. Tools of astrophysics: Electromagnetic spectrum, observing windows.\nGround-based and space observatories. Telescopes. Detectors. Infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray\nand gamma astronomy. Observing techniques: imaging. Observing techniques: photometry.\nObserving techniques: spectroscopy. Observing techniques: optical and radio interferometry.\nObserving techniques: astrometry. Observing techniques: polarimetry. Stellar atmospheres:\nDescription of radiation field. Interaction of light and matter, stellar opacity. Radiative and\nconvective transfer. Transfer equation and its formal solution. Equations of hydrostatic and\nradiation equilibrium. Gray atmosphere, diffusion approximation, LTE approximation. Models\nof stellar atmospheres. Spectral lines and their profiles, formation of spectral lines.\nAtmospheric abundances of stars. Ages of stars. Stellar structure and evolution: Interstellar\nmatter (IM), dust and gas, absorption by IM. Formation of stars, virial theorem, the Jeans\nmass. Pre-main sequence evolution. Stellar interiors, hydrostatic equilibrium. Basic\nequations. Sources of stellar energy, opacity, equation of state, transport of energy. Models\nof stellar interiors. Degeneracy of matter. Main-sequence evolution. Post-main-sequence\nevolution. Testing the theory of stellar evolution (stellar clusters, stellar pulsations). Stellar\nvariability and its origin. The Sun: Solar interior. Solar atmosphere. Activity of the Sun, solar\ncycle. Solar pulsations. Solar neutrino problem." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Computational methods I"@en . . "6" . "Basic operations. Ordinary differential equations. Boundary value problems. Special\nfunctions, Fourier transformation and Gauss quadrature." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Data analysis in physics and astronomy"@en . . "3" . "Statistical frameworks and data analysis. Classical statistical inference. Bayesian statistical\r\ninference. Data mining and searching for structure in point data. Data dimensionality and its\r\nreduction. Regression and model fitting. Data classification. Time series analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Modern trends in astrophysics I4 or selected topics in astrophysics I4"@en . . "1" . "Presentation and discussion of recent achievements and main research trends in the field of modern astrophysics, including the impact of astrophysics discoveries on our understanding of the world and the progress of science, as well as their civilizational significance." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to solar physics"@en . . "2" . "Solar interior, distribution of physical parameters and chemical composition of solar plasma,\nthe neutrino problem. Interaction of magnetic field with plasma, basics of\nmagnetohydrodynamics of the solar phenomena, solar dynamo. Activity of the Sun; short\nand long term solar variability. Solar atmosphere. Quiescent and active structures in the solar\nchromosphere and corona. Solar eruptions and ejections. Sun-Earth connections. Space\nWeather. Solar wind. Modern space and ground-based solar telescopes and observing\ntechniques. Multi-wavelength imaging and spectroscopic methods." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Laboratory of theoretical astrophysics / laboratory of magnetic activity of the sun and stars"@en . . "3" . "Introduction to MESA stellar evolution code. Description of the possibilities and limitations of \nthe program. Calibration of numerical parameters in order to obtain results that make \nphysical sense. Learning how to model different astrophysical objects: molecular clouds\ncontracting on the main sequence, main sequence stars, red giants, AGB stars, horizontal \nbranch stars, white dwarfs, black holes. Analysis of physical processes in different phases of \nstellar evolution (nuclear reactions, convection, diffusion of chemical elements, energy \ntransport, mass loss, mixing of matter, angular momentum transport). Modeling the \nevolution of binary systems with mass exchange between the components./ Calibration methods for spectroscopic observations of solar flares and prominences obtained \r\nin the optical range. Ultraviolet spectroscopy and photometry of active solar phenomena. \r\nTemporal evolution of stellar and solar flare emissions. Strategies and methods used in the \r\nmodelling of solar and stellar flares. One-dimensional models of the active atmosphere of the \r\nSun and stars. Distributions of non-thermal electrons in the flaring loop (Fokker-Planck). \r\nDiagnostics of star spots based on the photometric modulations. Analysis of solar and stellar \r\nactivity cycles. Detection of stellar flares in global surveys of the sky." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced statistical physics"@en . . "6" . "Statistical physics of interacting gases (Gibbs' formulation of equilibrium state\nthermodynamics of interacting gases. Partition function. Mayer’s cluster expansion. Virial\nexpansion. Beth-Uhlenbeck approach to quantum gases. Equation of state of multicomponent\nplasma with applications to stars. Chemical equilibrium and Saha equation. Gravitational\nequilibrium of stars for different equations of state.) Statistical physics of quantized fields.\n(The method of quantized fields. Low-temperature behavior of Bose gas, Bose-Einstein\ncondensation. Low-lying excitations in Fermi systems. Fermi-liquid theory. Equation of state\nof degenerate matter, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. Weak equilibrium and change\nneutrality conditions. Gravitational equilibrium of white dwarfs and neutron stars.) Phase\ntransitions (Phase transitions in Van-der-Waals gas. Lattice models. Spontaneous\nmagnetization of a ferromagnet. Lattice gas and binary alloys. Ising model in the Bethe\napproximation. Critical exponents. Thermodynamic inequalities. Landau’s theory of second-\norder phase transitions. Crystallization of white dwarf matter. Phase transitions from hadronic\nto quark matter in neutron stars.) Renormalization group approach (Basic scalings. Simple\nexamples of renormalization. General formation of renormalization group equations.\nFluctuation-dissipation theorem. Linear response theory. Photon and neutrino interactions in\nthe stellar matter within the linear response theory.) Fluctuations (Thermodynamic\nfluctuations. Spatial correlations. Fluctuation analysis on the example of Brownian motion.\nStatistical physics of nuclear reaction in stars, pycnonuclear reactions in neutron stars.)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Laboratory of ccd photometry"@en . . "4" . "The student learns about the use of the CCD camera for photometric observations, gets\nacquainted with the properties of various types of images obtained by the camera, performs\nreduction and calibration of photometric observations, constructs and interprets color-\nbrightness and color-color diagnostic diagrams, analyzes the results of photometric\nobservations and derives physical properties of stars, compares the obtained results with\nscientific literature, draws conclusions from the performed analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced topics of stellar structure and evolution"@en . . "5" . "Deepening the knowledge of evolutionary states of various types of stars through expanding \nthe knowledge of physical laws necessary for modeling them. Discussion of issues related to \nthermodynamics, equation of state, energy transport, angular momentum transport and the \neffects of mixing elements in conditions of stellar interiors, cosmic and stellar \nnucleosynthesis. Familiarization with the equations of structure and evolution of stars, \nequations of state for fermions and bosons (in conditions of none, total and partial \ndegeneracy). Getting to know the numerical methods for constructing evolutionary models \nof various types of stars. Getting to know the types of nuclear reactions, cross sections, \nreaction rates, radiation induced reactions, photodisintegration, reactions involving charged \nparticles and reactions involving neutrons. Discussion of changes of the chemical element \nabundances resulting from nuclear processes. Discussion of nuclear reaction cycles (pp, CNO, \nCNO hot cycle, 3alpha, explosive burning helium and other advanced nuclear reaction cycles \ninvolving the burning of carbon, neon, oxygen, silicon)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Quantum electrodynamics"@en . . "6" . "Lagrangian formalism and Noether theorem. Quantization of scalar, Dirac and\nelectromagnetic fields. Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. Feynman rules. S matrix and cross\nsections. Ward-Takahasi identities, LSZ reduction formulas, optical theorem." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Ethics in research"@en . . "3" . "The specifics of ethics, code ethics vs. situational ethics, the difference between ethical codes\nand laws, selected provisions of ethical codes; copyright law and the ethical dimension of\nplagiarism, the ethical foundations of copyright law, copyright law in the field of scientific\nresearch, borderline areas: self-plagiarism, cryptocitation, the problem of duplication of\npublications and \"salami slicing\", the credibility of research, the norms governing co-\nauthorship of papers; ethical aspects of reviewing publications: Conflict of interest,\nchallenges to the anonymity of reviews, the problem of bias, confidentiality of data, scope of\nexpertise; ethical aspects of patent law; conflict of interest in scientific research; falsification\nof research results; social responsibility of the scientist; problems of the modern world;\nproblems of research ethics related to work at the university: closed scientific environment,\nbullying (sexuality, carnality), verbal bullying, types of bullying specific to the university\nenvironment, use of institutional advantage: teacher-student relationship, promoter-doctoral\nstudent, scientist experienced more-less)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "English (b2+ level)"@en . . "4" . "Vocabulary and grammar resources of the English language corresponding to proficiency at\nB2+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Topics within\nthe field of sciences, in particular physics and astronomy. Specialized vocabulary and\ngrammar structures used in academic environment, enabling the student to understand and\nanalyse professional texts/lectures, as well as to describe and present astrophysical issues." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Initial training on ohs and fire protection"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Polish for foreigners (a1 level)10"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysics II"@en . . "5" . "Final stages of stellar evolution: Core-collapse supernovae. Neutrino astronomy. White\ndwarfs. Physics of degenerated matter. Chandrasekhar limit. Neutron stars, pulsars. Stellar\nblack holes. Gamma-ray bursts. Cosmic rays, Cerenkov telescopes. Close binary stars:\nEvolution of binary stars. Accretion disks. Tidal phenomena. Type Ia supernovae. Stellar\nmergers. Gravitational waves and their detection. Solar System, extrasolar planets: Solar\nSystem, planets. Elements of celestial mechanics (orbits, Kepler laws). Small bodies in the\nSolar System. Formation of planets. Extrasolar planets, detecting techniques. Evolution of\nplanetary systems. Galaxies: The Milky Way Galaxy (components, kinematics, the central\nsupermas-sive black hole). Types of galaxies and their parameters. Formation and evolution\nof galaxies. Active galactic nuclei and quasars. The large-scale structure of the Universe.\nGravitational lensing. Cosmology: Friedmann equations. Cosmological models, their\nparameters and testing. Expansion of the Universe and its acceleration. Early Universe.\nInflation. Primordial nucleosynthesis. Microwave background radiation. Dark matter and dark\nenergy. Theories of modified gravity." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Computational methods II"@en . . "6" . "Random numbers and Monte Carlo techniques. Partial differential equations. Particle code\nproblems and smoothed particle hydrodynamics." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Highlights of modern physics and astrophysics"@en . . "3" . "Presentation and discussion of selected topics of modern physics and astrophysics, with \nemphasis placed on major achievements, groundbreaking discoveries and leading trends of \ncurrent research, as well as the impact of astrophysical research on science and civilization.\nReview of literature and other sources on a given topic, preparing an abstract of oral \npresentation, delivering a talk, scientific discussion, writing an essay." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Practical astrophysics at observatory5"@en . . "2" . "Heliophysical part: Getting acquainted with the heliophysical instrumentation located at the \nAstronomical Observatory in Bialkow – Large Coronagraph (LC), Horizontal Telescope (HT), \nMulti-channel Subtractive Double-Pass spectrograph (MSDP spectrograph). Presentation of \nthe principle of operation of the MSDP imaging spectrograph. Spectroscopic heliophysical \nobservations in the hydrogen H-alpha spectral line, by the use both solar telescopes (LC, HT) \nand the MSDP imaging spectrograph. Theoretical introduction to the physics of solar active \nphenomena observed at the Bialkow Observatory (solar flares, prominences, filaments, \neruptions). MSDP data processing and analysis of active phenomena recorded during \nobservations at the Bialkow Observatory. Spectral analysis of the hydrogen H-alpha line \nduring various active phenomena observed on the Sun. Astrophysical part: Acquaint to the \nobservation site and observational instruments. Construction of the telescope located at the \nAstronomical Observatory in Bialkow: optics, mount, CCD detector, filter wheel, autoguider, \ntelescope control, and operation of the observational dome. An introduction to astrophysical \nobservations: observation conditions, small and large ground-based telescopes, space \ntelescopes, photometry, spectroscopy. General discussion of the observation technique used \nat the astrophysical observatory of the University of Wrocław: multicolor photometry, \ndifferential photometry, and photometric time series. Summary of the research subjects \nstudied at the astrophysical observatory of the University of Wrocław: multicolor photometry \nof star clusters (open and globular clusters), color-magnitude diagrams, photometric \nvariability of stars (pulsating stars, eclipsing stars, irregular variables). Discussion and \n(partial) execution of a typical course of astrophysical observations: calibration frames \n(images before and after calibration), observations of selected objects, ways of performing \nof photometric measurements, and a light curve." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Variable stars"@en . . "3" . "Criteria used to classify variable stars. History of the discovery of variable stars, catalogues\nof variable stars. General classification of variable stars, stars exhibiting simultaneously\ndifferent types of variability. Types of Cepheids, use of Cepheids as standard candles, Baade-\nWesselink method, Hertzsprung progression. Pulsating stars in the classical instability strip.\nPulsating stars of the main sequence, Beta Cephei and SPB-type variables. Compact pulsating\nstars (white dwarfs, hot sub-dwarfs). Pulsating types of red giants. The Sun as a pulsating\nstar, solar-type oscillations, their nature and detection methods. Binary stars: classification\ncriteria, proximity effects and tidal effects. Determination of the parameters of the\ncomponents of binary systems (including masses, radii and ages). Cataclysmic and pre-\ncataclysmic stars, novae. Stars exhibiting rotational variability, pulsars. Eclipsing phenomena\nin star-other object (e.g. star-planet) systems. Microlensing, detection methods and use.\nMassive photometric sky surveys – motivations and examples. Variability detection methods,\nautomatic classification of variable stars." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced solar physics and space weather"@en . . "4" . "Solar atmosphere: Introduction to the solar atmosphere and solar spectrum. Radiative \ntransfer equation. Radiative transfer in the solar atmosphere. Absorption cross section for \nbound-bound processes. Spectral line profiles. Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). \nExcitation and ionization equilibria. Saha equation. Spectral lines in local thermodynamic \nequilibrium. The Eddington-Barbier Relation. The Planck Function. The Gray Atmosphere. \nGray Limb Darkening in the Eddington Approximation. Solar spectroscopy: Spectral lines and \ncontinua. Line broadening. Zeeman and Stark effects. UV and X-ray spectrum of the Sun. \nMechanisms of solar radio emission. Dynamical processes in the solar atmosphere: Solar \nphotosphere. Solar granulation and supergranulation as an example of convective motion. \nSchwarzschild criterion for convective instability. Observations of solar oscillations. \nHydrodynamic equations. Waves. Basic assumptions used in the construction of the \nphotosphere models. Solar interior and magnetism: Solar interior. Solar dynamo. Solar \nrotation. Observations of solar magnetic field. Overview of main solar magnetic activity \nphenomena: sunspots, flares, coronal mass ejections. Hydrostatic equilibrium. The basic \nequations of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Dynamics of coronal magnetic loops and Holes. \nElements of helioseismology. Outer layers of the solar atmosphere: Chromosphere and \nspicules. Transition region. UV and X-ray emission of the solar atmosphere. The Sun in \nmillimeter wavelengths (ALMA). Quiet-Sun corona – observations and models. Coronal holes \nand jets. Modelling of the solar photosphere, chromosphere and corona. Non-Local \nThermodynamic Equilibrium (NLTE) methods. Construction of semiempirical models. \nTemperature minimum. Heating of the upper solar atmosphere. Solar activity: Observations \nof solar activity. Active regions. Structure of sunspots. Quiescent and active prominences. \nSolar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). Eruptions of solar prominences. Flare loops. \nNanoflares and other small scale energetic phenomena in the solar atmosphere. Solar activity \ncycles. Activity behavior over the solar cycle. The Sunspot Number and other indices of \nactivity. Long-term evolution of solar activity. Sun-Earth connections and space weather: \nIntroduction to Sun-Earth connections. Solar wind. Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere. \nEffects of solar activity on Earth atmosphere and magnetosphere. Space weather. Structure \nof the heliosphere. Geomagnetic activity and magnetic storms. Geomagnetic indices. Radio \nemission of the Sun." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "General relativity and gravitation"@en . . "6" . "Special Theory of Relativity: Minkowski spacetime, Lorentz transformations, accelerated\nobservers. Einstein’s Equivalence Principle. Tensor calculus. Manifolds and tensor fields.\nAffine and metric geometry: conncection, parallel transport, metric, geodesics, curvature.\nEnergy-momentum tensor. Einstein's equations. Newtonian limit. Tests of General Relativity.\nSchwarzschild's geometry, black holes, hydrostatic equilibrium of stars. Cosmology:\nFriedmann's equations. accelerated expansion, dark energy, dark matter. Gravitational\nwaves." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Laboratory of stellar spectroscopy"@en . . "4" . "The student learns about the use of the CCD camera for spectroscopic observations, gets\nacquainted with the properties of various types of images obtained by the camera, performs\nreduction and calibration of spectroscopic observations, determines the radial velocities of\nsingle and double stars, constructs models of stellar atmospheres, calculates the synthetic\nspectrum, determines atmospheric parameters stars, determines the projected stellar\nrotation velocities, compares the obtained results with the scientific literature, draws\nconclusions from the performed analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galactic astronomy"@en . . "5" . "General structure of the Galaxy. Interchange of matter between stars and ISM. Forms of\nISM: gas and dust, extinction, reddening. Stellar clusters: globular and open, moving cluster.\nMilky Way in near and far infrared. Velocity of the Sun with respect to neighbouring stars:\napex, centroid. LSR and peculiar velocities. Determination of Solar LSR velocity in respect to\nthe Galaxy centre. Determination of the peculiar velocity of the Sun. Simple model of the\nGalaxy rotation: velocity vector of a star in respect to the Sun. Oort's approach to the Galaxy\nrotation. Oort's constants. Differential rotation of the Galaxy: geometric interpretation.\nGalactic rotation curve from radio observations of HI clouds. Determination of the Sun –\ngalactic center distance. Estimation of the Galaxy mass from Oort's constants. Models of\nmass distribution in the Galaxy. Surface brightness of galaxies. Visual versus dynamical mass\nof the Galaxy. Dark matter. Distribution of stellar velocities: fast and slow stars, orbits.\nDistribution of components of peculiar velocities for slow stars: ellipsoid and dispersion.\nRelationship between velocity dispersion, spectral type and metallicity. Asymetric distribution\nof the rotational component of the peculiar velicities. Scattering of the stellar orbits leading\nto the increase of the peculiar velocity dispersion. Disc and halo kinematics. Star counts\nmethodology. Relation between star-counts and their space distribution. Kapteyn's universe.\nLF, ILF and SFR functions. LF for galactic disc and for stars in GC. Height scale and its\ndependence on spectral type. Discovery of spiral arms in the Galaxy. Stability of spiral arms\nand density waves. Mechanism of star formation in spiral arms. Discovery of galactic bar.\nStellar populations of the Galaxy. Thin and thick discs. Gas and dust distribution in the\nGalaxy. ELS model of the Galaxy orogin: free infall and energy dissipation. SZ model of the\nGalaxy formation: acrection. Chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Age and spatial distribution\nof globular clusters. Origin of the thick disc. Centre of the Galaxy with a black hole." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Theoretical and observational cosmology"@en . . "6" . "History of cosmology. Newtonian cosmology, Friedmann equations and matter dominated \nuniverse. Relativistic generalization of Friedmann equations: radiation dominated universe, \ncosmological constant, general equations of state. Light propagation in expanding universe: \nred shift and angular distance. De Sitter universe and cosmological inflation. Inhomogeneous \nuniverse, evolution of instabilities in Newtonian theory (quantitative). Relativistic theory of \ngravitational instabilities. Fluctuations in inflationary scenario and primordial fluctuations. \nCosmic Microwave Background and cosmological parameters. Dark matter and structure \nformation." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Non-equilibrium statistical physics"@en . . "3" . "Basics of kinetic theory (Distribution function, detailed balance, Boltzmann kinetic equation.\nThe H-theorem, transition to hydrodynamics. Weakly inhomogeneous gases. Transport\ncoefficients: thermal conduction, shear, and bulk viscosity Onsager’s relations. Dynamical\nderivation of the BKE from Bogolyubov hierarchy. Radiative transport in stellar atmospheres\nas a kinetic process. Thermal conductivity and shear viscosity of stellar matter in the non-\ndegenerate regime.) Diffusion processes (Fokker-Planck equation. Diffusion of heavy\nparticles in a gas, ionization, and recombination. Stellar opacities in multi-component\nplasma.) Degenerate systems (Quantum liquids, quasiparticles, and their kinetics.\nApplications: sound attenuation in Fermi gases, transport in metals and liquid helium.\nApplications to white dwarfs: electrical conduction of electron gas in the degenerate regime.\nApplications to neutron stars: shear viscosity and thermal conductivity of neutron matter in\nthe degenerate regime from Fermi-liquid theory.) Advanced methods (Green’s functions\nmethods in kinetics, real-time contour formulation of the theory. Projection operator\nmethods, Kubo formula for transport coefficients Electron self-energy and Landau damping\nin white dwarf stars. Computation of transport coefficient of quark matter in neutron stars\nfrom Kubo formulas.)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Machine learning"@en . . "6" . "Machine learning language environments (PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, SciKit-Learn,\nNumPy). Linear and nonlinear regression, polynomial curve fitting, and classification. Bias-\nvariance trade-off. Radial basis functions. Neural networks. Activation functions, optimization\nalgorithms. Cross-validation, regularization, bootstrap. Convolutional neural networks and\nvisual data analysis. Batch-normalization, Dropout. Pre-trained models. Transfer learning.\nDetection of the objects by U-Net type networks. Recurrent neural networks in series\nanalyses. Generative adversarial neural networks." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Polish for foreigners (a1 level)11"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Stellar pulsations"@en . . "5" . "Basic concepts and mathematical issues: oscillation mode, radial and non-radial pulsations,\nspherical harmonics, basic coordinate systems and transformations between them, the\nEulerian and Lagrangian description, perturbation of the surface element and its normal.\nTypes of pulsating variables: stellar pulsations across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram,\ninstability domains, basic properties of different types. Oscillation properties: the Lamb and\nBrunt-Vaisala frequency, acoustic and gravitational modes, propagation diagrams, conditions\nfor trapping of modes, pulsation constant, period-luminosity relation. Mathematical\ndescription of pulsations: general equations of hydrodynamics, linear non-radial non-\nadiabatic pulsations, boundary conditions, adiabatic and quasi-adiabatic approximation,\nSturm-Liouville type problem, variational principle, asymptotic dispersion relations.\nExcitation mechanism: Eddington valve mechanism, self-excitation (opacity) mechanism,\nwork integral, stochastic excitation by turbulent convection. Detection of pulsating stars:\nFourier methods, statistical methods, wavelet analysis. Observed characteristics and\nidentification of pulsation modes: light variations of a pulsating star, changes of radial\nvelocity, modelling of line profile variations, methods of the mode identification from\nphotometry and spectroscopy. Basic effects of rotation: advection, rotational splitting of\nmodes, Coriolis force, Ledoux constant, effects of moderate rotation, centrifugal force. Helio-\nand Asteroseismology: seismic model of a star, the most important achievements of\nhelioseismology, examples of asteroseismic modelling." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astroparticle physics"@en . . "5" . "Introduction (The standard model (SM) of elementary particles. Fermions and bosons in SM.\nUnits in astrophysics and elementary particle physics. Natural units.) Lagrange formalism\n(Introduction. Classical fields. Lagrangian for scalar fields. Conserved quantities from the\nLagrange function. Lorentz-Transformation. Invariance under global gauge transformations.\nNoether’s theorem.) Quantized fields (Spinor fields and Dirac equation. Scalar field and Klein-\nGordon equation. Quantization of the scalar field. Vector fields and quantum\nelectrodynamics: the classical electromagnetic field, lagrangian of the electromagnetic field,\nquantization of the electromagnetic field. The evolution operator. Wick’s Theorem. Feynman’s\ndiagrams. Mott and Rutherford cross-section. The phenomenology of weak interactions.\nLifetime of the neutron and beta-decays. Neutral interactions. Neutrino-electron interaction.\nHiggs mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking.) Thermal evolution of the Universe\n(Physics at lepton era: a recourse in thermodynamics, thermodynamics of ultra-relativistic\nand non-relativistic gases, particle-antiparticle annihilation and neutrino decoupling.\nNucleosynthesis. Recombination: helium-recombination, hydrogen-recombination.) Cosmic\nrays (Primary cosmic rays. Secondary cosmic rays. X-rays and γ-rays. The abundances of\ncosmic rays. Ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Particle acceleration mechanisms. Interaction\nwith CMB radiation.) Supernovae and neutron stars (Stellar evolution and supernova\nprogenitors. Collapse phase. Neutrino emission. Nucleosynthesis in supernovae. Neutron\nstars as laboratories for particle physics. Structure of neutron stars: Equation of state and\ngravitational equilibrium. Neutrino cooling of neutron stars. Axion cooling of neutron stars.\nPhysics of neutron star magnetosphere: composition, particle acceleration, synchrotron\nemission.) Neutrino physics (Neutrino interactions with matter, cross-section. Neutrino\nmasses. Solar neutrinos. Supernova neutrinos. Neutrino oscillations and propagation through\nmatter. Atmospheric neutrinos. Neutrino telescopes, Cherenkov effect in water and ice.\nSources of high-energy neutrinos.)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Laboratory of stellar pusations"@en . . "2" . "Learning how to use computer programs for computing the pulsations of stars of various\ntypes. Getting to know the methods of identifying modes and getting to know the codes that\nenable such identification. Learning the methods of constructing seismic models and\nconstraining the free parameters of the models of stellar structure and evolution. Getting to\nknow the numerical methods used in the computer programs and understanding their\nlimitations." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary systems and astrobiology"@en . . "3" . "Definitions of life (biological, reductionist, cybernetic and others). Organic matter in the\nUniverse (synthesis of organic particles on Earth, extraterrestrial organic matter on Earth,\nformation of biological systems, formation of living organisms). Conditions conducive to the\nemergence and evolution of living organisms (friendly planets and moons of planets,\nhabitable zone of a planetary system, galactic habitable zone). Life in the solar system:\nplanets (energy, organic matter, water). Life in the solar system: Jupiter's moons, Saturn's\nmoons. Living in extreme conditions (extremophiles). Extrasolar planets: methods of\ndetection. Characteristics of extrasolar systems (presentation and discussion of the latest\nresults). Atmospheres of exoplanets. Methods of searching for life on extrasolar planets\n(biosignatures)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced topics of stellar atmospheres"@en . . "5" . "Introductory information: objectives of stellar atmosphere research, spectral classification. \nModelling of stellar atmospheres: assumptions and equations. Energy transfer mechanisms \n(radiation, convection, diffusion). Interaction of radiation and matter. Atomic data required \nto build a model of the atmosphere. Basic models of atmospheres, assumptions: 1D \ngeometry, assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium, mixing length theory, blanketing. \nRealistic atmosphere models: 3D geometry, no local thermodynamic equilibrium, stellar wind \nand more. Models of the Sun's atmosphere. Methods of analysis of stellar spectra. \nDetermination of atmospheric parameters (e.g. effective temperature, surface gravity, \nchemical composition)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Compact stars"@en . . "3" . "Observations of Compact Stars (CS). CS properties. Equation of state for the CS crust Dense\nnuclear matter and quark matter in the CS interior. General relativistic CS structure. Neutrino\nprocesses and CS cooling. CS at birth: Supernovae and protoneutron stars. Gravitational\nwave signals and black hole formation. Exploring CS matter in heavy-ion collision\nlaboratories." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Relativistic astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "Introduction: planets, stars, galaxies – scales and units. Reviewing statistical mechanics and\nintroducing the concept of an equation of state – equilibrium physics. Describing structure\nand evolution of stellar objects using the concept of hydrostatic equilibrium; Newtonian and\ngeneral relativistic approaches. Understanding the decoupling of radiation from matter to\ndescribe stellar atmospheres – opacity and mean-free path." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced general relativity"@en . . "6" . "From Newton to Einstein: conceptual foundations of general relativity. Motion of particles and\ngeodesic equation. Geodesic deviation and curvature. Energy momentum tensor and Einstein\nequations. Gravitational waves, theory and observations. Black holes, theory and\nobservations. Gravitational lensing, theory and observations. Some modern developments in\ngeneral relativity." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gravitational waves"@en . . "3" . "Einstein's equations, linear approximation, post-Newtonian approximation. Mathematics and\nphysics of gravitational waves. Astrophysical and cosmological sources of gravitational\nradiation. Gravitational waveforms of binary systems. Detection of gravitational waves." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Modern trends in astrophysics Iv4 or selected topics in astrophysics Iv4"@en . . "1" . "Presentation and discussion of recent achievements and main research trends in the field of \nmodern astrophysics, including the impact of astrophysics discoveries on our understanding \nof the world and the progress of science, as well as their civilizational significance." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Extragalactic astronomy"@en . . "5" . "Components of the Milky Way Galaxy: stars vs interstellar matter, central object, rotation\ncurve, populations, chemical composition and kinematics. Classification of normal galaxies,\nHubble sequence, different galaxy classification systems. Global parameters of galaxies:\nmasses, sizes, luminosities, composition, stellar populations. Observational evidence for the\nexistence of dark matter. Spectra of galaxies versus their composition. Methods for\ndetermining distances to galaxies. Formation of galaxies, galaxy evolution scenarios, the\nimportance of collisions and mergers of galaxies in their evolution. The Local Group,\ncomponents and characteristics. The nearest galaxies: Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, Magellanic\nClouds, M31 and M33. Dwarf galaxies: types and properties. Virgo and Coma clusters of\ngalaxies, the large-scale structure of the Universe. The unified model of the AGN, Seyfert\ngalaxies, blazars, radio galaxies. Active galaxies, sources of non-thermal radiation in active\ngalaxies. Quasars and their spectra, interpretation of quasar spectra. Supermassive black\nholes, relations between supermassive black hole masses and other galaxy parameters.\nGravitational lensing: conditions and examples of the formation of Einstein rings, double and\nmultiple images. Weak lensing and microlensing." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astero- and helioseismology"@en . . "2" . "Basic issues and concepts: oscillation mode, identification of modes, seismic model of a star,\nevolutionary period changes. Helioseismology: short history, properties of solar oscillations,\nasymptotic relations, principles of helioseismic inversion, inversion for solar rotation and solar\nstructure. Heat driven pulsators: δ Scuti stars, β Cephei stars, Slowly Pulsating B-type (SPB)\nstars, γ Doradus stars, constraints on: rotational profile, element mixing processes, efficiency\nof convection, opacity data. Compact pulsators: white dwarfs (WD: DAV, DBV, DOV), hot\nsubdwarfs (sdB, sdO), WD and sdB pulsators as a boundary condition for stellar evolution\ntheory, WD pulsators as Galactic chronometers, WD pulsators as cosmic laboratories for\nfundamental physics. Solar-like pulsators: asteroseismic diagnostic signatures, asteroseismic\ndiagram, scaling relations, main sequence stars, subgiants, red giants." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "High-energy astrophysics"@en . . "5" . "Physical quantities and units used in high-energy Astrophysics. Observation techniques\n(detectors, Voltaire optics, aperture modulated telescopes). X-ray and gamma astronomy\n(development of techniques for recording and analysing satellite data). Electromagnetic\nprocesses in matter (Coulomb scattering, ionisation losses, braking radiation, thermal\nbremsstrahlung). Interaction of radiation with matter and magnetic field (Cherenkov\nradiation, Compton scattering, inverse Compton effect, synchrotron radiation, synchrotron\nabsorption, synchrotron-self-compton radiation, formation of electron-positron pairs,\npositron and electron annihilation). Accretion disks (accretion efficiency for white dwarfs and\nneutron stars, accretion efficiency for black holes for Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics,\naccretion types, Eddington luminosity limit, black holes in X-ray binaries and AGN, thin\naccretion disks, thick accretion disks, powering the accretion disk, influence of the magnetic\nfield on the accretion disk). Cosmic rays (composition of cosmic rays, energy spectrum,\nmodulation of cosmic rays, chemical content of elements in cosmic rays, the highest energies\nof cosmic rays, Great Atmospheric Air Showers (electromagnetic and muon cascades),\nrecording methods, observation projects, distribution of cosmic rays, energy density,\nGreisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff). Neutrino astronomy (description of neutrino properties,\nastrophysical sources of neutrinos, detection of neutrinos, observations of solar neutrinos\nand the problem of their quantity, neutrino oscillations, other neutrino sources, cosmic rays\nand the Earth's atmosphere, supernova explosions (neutrino formation mechanism and\nobservations), AGN – mechanisms of neutrino formation). Gamma-ray bursts (observation\nproperties, determination of distances, burst formation sites, proposed models, observation\nof kilonova phenomena - detection of gravitational waves, distances, masses, detection of\ngamma rays)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Computational gravity"@en . . "3" . "Computational gravity and the use of modern computer tools (Mathematica and some\nelements of Cadabra software). Various symbolic and numerical computations within the\nframework of General Relativity. Computer-assisted solving of Einstein equations\n(Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker, deriving Reissner–Nordström solution, etc.).\nGravitational models (modified theories, higher dimensions, cosmological constant, variation\nprinciple). Coupling gravity to scalar theory, electromagnetism. Black holes (orbits in\nSchwarzschild and Kerr spacetimes, black hole singularities and Kretschmann invariant).\nSelected cosmology and astrophysical phenomena." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Neutrino physics"@en . . "3" . "A short history of neutrino physics: beta-decay, Pauli hypothesis, Fermi theory, discovery of\nneutrino in 1950s, discovery of muon neutrino. Neutrinos in the Standard Model, charge\ncurrent and neutral current processes. Dirac and Majorana neutrino. Neutrino interactions\nwith electrons, hadrons and nuclei. Detection of neutrinos. Neutrino mass, neutrino\noscillations, neutrino oscillation experiments. Neutrino oscillation parameters. Solar\nneutrinos, solar neutrino flux, pp neutrinos, CNO cycle. Deficit of solar neutrinos. MSW effect\nfor solar neutrinos. Supernovae neutrinos, diffuse neutrino spectrum, information from\nSN1987. Relic neutrinos as Big Bang remnants. Leptogenesis, measurement of CP violation\nin neutrino oscillations. Astrophysical sources of high-energy neutrinos. Neutrino telescopes,\nIceCub, km3net experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Entrepreneurship and intellectual property protection"@en . . "2" . "Introduction to a global high technology market. Assessment of individual business skills. \r\nSelection of a new business idea from a high technology area. Market evaluation of a new \r\nidea/technology. Study of market competitiveness. Possible methods of IP assessment and \r\nprotection. Raising capital for innovative activity/business. Successive stages of the \r\nintroduction of a technology to the market. Registration and introduction of a new entity into \r\nthe market." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Astrophysics"@en . . "https://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/admission-full-degree-studies/programmes-english/astrophysics" . "no data" . "Presential"@en . "The program comprises only a few mandatory courses that acquaint you with general foundations of astrophysics, necessary computer simulation tools and data analysis methods, as well as selected observational techniques. This is supplemented by a wide range of elective courses enabling you to deepen your knowledge and skills according to your scientific interest. You can follow astronomy- or physics-oriented study track that will prepare you for the Master project held in the Astronomical Institute or the Institute of Theoretical Physics, respectively.\nIn the course of becoming an educated astrophysicist, you will gain expertize in mathematical modeling, computer simulations and advanced data analysis. You will also develop universal research competencies, including analytical and critical thinking, rigorous evidence-based reasoning, creativity and complex problem solving, active learning, as well as communication and teamwork skills."@en . . . . "2"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master"@en . "no data" . "1000.00" . "Euro"@en . "2150" . "no data" . "The modern job market awaits people with your competencies! Upon graduation, you will be capable of working in academy, R&D institutes and centers of education, as well as in various knowledge-based economy branches, including ICT, high-tech industry or financial institutions. However, you will be particularly well-prepared to undertake PhD studies and continue scientific career."@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Physics and Astronomy"@en . .