. "Geographic Information Science"@en . . "English"@en . . "Higher mathematics for bachelors of geoinformatics"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the course is to create an idea of the application of mathematical methods in earth sciences and allow creative application of mathematics in the specialty, and facilitate studies in other study-related and multidisciplinary sciences that use mathematical semantics and students' logical and abstract thinking. The objectives of the course are to promote basic knowledge in certain branches of mathematics, which can be used to mathematically correctly describe and solve practical problems, as well as to acquire basic skills in solving various standard mathematics problems.\nThe course will be taught in English and Latvian.\nKnowledge 1. understands the elements of set theory: operations with sets, set equality and equivalence, basic concepts of mathematical logic: construction of expressions, their truth’s values, logical operations, denial of expression, as well as proof of the contrary; 2. understands the methodology of solving systems of linear equations, operations with determinants and matrices, their applications in solving systems of linear equations; 3. understands the definition of a function, elementary functions and their properties, the definition of a function limit, properties and calculation techniques, the continuity of a function, the definition of derivatives and differentials, their calculation techniques and applications in extreme problems and approximate calculations. 4. understand the definition and calculation techniques of indefinite integral and definite integral, as well as applications; 5. understands the definition of binary function, the definitions of their partial derivatives and differentials, calculation techniques and their applications in extreme problems and approximations, definition of double integral, calculation techniques and applications; 6. understands the concept of scalar field, examples, curves of levels, surfaces of levels, derivative in a given direction and scalar field gradient definitions, their properties and applications, vector field definition and examples. Skills 7. independently solve standard tasks on operations with sets, set equality and equivalence, determine the truth values of the expressions by performing logical operations with the expressions, constructing the denial of the expressions, as well as perform proof of the contrary; 8. independently solve standard tasks on systems of linear equations, determinants and matrices and their applications in solving systems of linear equations; 9. independently solves standard tasks on determination of elementary function definition set and value set, property research, limit calculation, continuity research, derivatives, differentials and their applications in finding extremes and approximate calculations; 10. independently solves standard tasks regarding finding an indefinite integral, calculation of a definite integral and applications; 11. independently solves standard tasks on partial derivatives of binary functions, differentials and their applications in extreme problems and approximations, double integrals and their applications; 12. independently solves standard tasks regarding scalar field level curves, level surfaces, derivatives in a given direction, scalar field gradient and its applications. Competencies 13. independently formulates the basic results on set theory: operations with sets, set equality and equivalence, expressions, their truth values, logical operations, construction of denial of expression, as well as proof of the contrary, apply them to standard and practical problems and explain results; 14. independently formulates basic results on systems of linear equations, determinants and matrices, applies them to solve standard and practical problems and explains the obtained results; 15. independently formulate basic results on the properties of elementary functions, properties and calculation of function limits, continuity of functions, derivatives, differentials, apply them to solve standard and practical problems and explain the obtained results; 16. independently formulates the basic results regarding the indefinite integral and the definite integral, the technique of their calculation, applies them to solve standard and practical tasks and explains the obtained results; 17. independently formulates basic results on binary functions, their partial derivatives, differentials, double integrals, applies them to solve standard and practical problems and explains the obtained results; 18. independently formulates the basic results of scalar field level curves, level surfaces, derivative in a given direction, scalar field gradient, its properties, applies them to solve standard and practical problems and explains the obtained results." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Civil protection"@en . . "1" . "The purpose of the course is to provide and promote students’ understanding, refine a knowledge, facilitate skills and attitude on civil protection issues. Course examines the role of civil protection system in Latvia (also its framework in the EU and NATO), the organization and management structure, and main tasks of the system’s subjects. The course explores the disaster management principles and planning aspects, analyses the legal and practical measures of cooperation among state, local government and other stakeholders during disaster situations, opportunities of involvement of resources. Course gives an insight on possible daily dangerous situations and threats, considers and provides safe behavior principles and actions during such situations. The course describes the role, aim and task of early warning and notification system. The course ensures that students are familiar and aware about the role of media (social networks) and its impact on information dissemination during the emergency situations and disasters. Course ensures that students obtain general knowledge on disaster medical system and the role of first aid. The course is developed in accordance to the Latvian national legislation prescribed for minimum requirements for the content of civil protection studies. The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.\nKnowledge: 1. classifies specific issues of civil protection in Latvia and the European Union and for first aid; 2. implement disaster management, planning and rescue measures and develop disaster prevention measures; 3. explain the tasks, rights and obligations of the state, local governments, legal and natural persons in the field of civil protection; 4. distinguish between objects of increased danger, the duties and rights of their owners or legal possessors; 5. explain the operation of the local government civil protection commission, planning of measures, threat risk assessment; 6. recognize dangerous substances, their classification and requirements for their storage and transport; 7. Provides for international assistance; 8. effectively plan the use of personal protective equipment in the event of a disaster; 9. define the special legal regimes (emergency and state of emergency). Skills: 10. provide first aid in critical situations (eg stopping dangerous bleeding, resuscitation measures) as well as calling for help. Competence: 11. solve problems and apply knowledge of the organization and action of the civil protection system in potentially dangerous situations (including basic knowledge of first aid) and prevention of possible risks, developing principles of safe behavior depending on the nature and type of emergency." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to studies"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the organization of geoinformatics education and geoinformatics research in Latvia, to give an idea of study methods and study process planning. The task of the course is to promote the primary knowledge and skills necessary for work in the computer network of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences and to provide students with the ability to use a computer in the intended classes. Develop understanding and minimal skills in working with software.\r\nLanguages of instruction are English and Latvian.\nKnowledge: 1. Describe the geoinformatics profile organizations of Latvia and what research is carried out in them. Skills: 2. Independently plans further studies and understands the principles of planning. Competence: 3. Understands the principles of scientific work planning and is able to choose the direction of his / her further research." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to management"@en . . "4" . "The study course aims at enabling students to learn the modern methods of organisation and planning of business and the professional skills and skills of their use, as well as practices for the organisation and planning methods of economic processes. Description of course tasks: identifying the factors affecting the company and learning the skills of establishing companies; learning the methods of management of companies and their conditions of use; learning modern planning methods and the system of indicators used in planning and learning their skills; learning the skills of building the information system required for the management of the company. Explore the international environment of business activities, meet international agreements, types of international transactions. To meet export and market opportunities. \nCourse Tasks: 1. to explore the nature, forms and environment of business; 2. clarify the general rules and principles of the functioning of an economic undertaking; 3. clarify the methods of choice of business place and learn how to use them; 4. learn the skills and skills of organising and planning economic processes; 5. to choose and evaluate a more economically advantageous business option. 6. learn skills for creating and validating new business ideas\nResults Knowledge: 1. A comprehensive understanding of the theory of business organisation, knowledge and knowledge of the knowledge necessary for the start-up of business. 2. Knowledge of the key methods of management theory and the most commonly used solutions are capable of identifying the methods that are not being applied to solve different challenges. 3. Capable of classifying specific business problems and collecting the necessary information for solving problems. 4. the development of a reasoned plan system for the necessary knowledge system and the creation of a business concept in EB62s. Skills: 5. Demonstrating the results of their studies, students are able to present understandably and reasoned defending their views in EB62. 6. Capable of developing a justification for the establishment of a new establishment; 7. Is capable of clearly demonstrating the development skills of an economic project (business concept) in the computing sector EB42; Competence 8. Students are able to independently develop a business model for a new business model in the computer industry; 9. Students are able to develop and present a minimum product concept in the computing sector; 10. Students are able to formulate the company's competition strategies and offer their enforcement system; 11. Students are able to present their research results understandably and reasoned to defend their views in EB62." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geoinformatics regulations"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to acquire the normative base of the field of geounformatics on which the development and operation of geoinformation infrastructure, exchange of geospatial data in Latvia and Europe are based, to learn to follow the normative acts and apply them in practice; The task of the study course: 1. To learn to work with the State Policy Planning Database POLSIS; 2. To get acquainted with the document of political formation of the sector: “Latvian geospatial information development concept”; 3. To get acquainted with the legislation of Latvia: Geospatial Information Law; 4. To get acquainted with the accompanying orders of the Geospatial Information Law and the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers; 5. To get acquainted with the database of European Union regulatory enactments EUR-Lex; 6. Familiarize yourself with Directive 2007/2 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE); 7. Get acquainted with the regulations accompanying the directive; 8. To learn to orientate in the normative acts of geospatial information and their practical application. The language of instruction is Latvian. \nKnowledge: 1. Understands the regulatory enactments and standards governing the field; 2. Knows the requirements of regulatory enactments regulating the field of geoinformatics. Skills: 3. Select the regulatory enactments necessary for solving the problem; 4. Apply the regulatory enactments regulating the field of geoinformatics in their work; 5. Documents shall be drawn up in accordance with regulatory enactments in the field of record keeping and GIT. Competence: 6. Recognizes and selects the regulatory enactments necessary for solving the problem; 7. To work with the regulatory enactments regulating the industry and apply them." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environment protection"@en . . "1" . "The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of environmental science, its interdisciplinary nature and applications. In course are described potential impacts of human activities and their influence to environment, as well as importance not only about direct impacts, but also indirect effects and possible cumulative effects to nature. Environmental science and their functions are described using systemic approach about element and energy fluxes, as well as explaining different protection strategies of nature and ecosystems. Environmental degradation and effects of climate change caused by the society with unsustainable usage of resources and management methods will be analyzed, also will be shown sustainable development goals and existing experience, applications. The course provides general knowledge of environmental processes, the impact of human activities on them and potential solutions to existing environmental problems and preventive actions. The tasks of the course is: 1. to provide environmental education in the study programs of higher education institutions, taking into account the provisions of the Environmental Protection Law (29.11.2006) article 42; 2. to provide theoretical knowledge of environmental science and sustainable development necessary to participate in smart decision-making processes and predict actions to ensure economic development, sustainable principles of resource management and mining without negative impact on the environment and its quality. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.\nCourse responsible lecturer Māris Kļaviņš\nResults Knowledge: 1. explains the basic principles of environmental science and the issues we are faced nowadays; 2. understands main environmental problems and explains their possible solutions; 3. describe potential risks of human interaction with environment; 4. understands the principles of nature protection and sustainability in solving related problems; Skills: 5. independently develops and improves knowledge of environmental issues (main environmental problems and their possible solutions); 6. acts in the context of the circular economy and is critical of published environmental information in media; 7. analyses environmental, natural, and related economic and social problems, environmental quality in Latvia and Europe; Competence: 8. identifies nature conservation issues and addresses them to the appropriate level of competence; 9. implements activities in accordance with the basic principles of sustainable development; 10. applicates knowledge about significant environmental issues in practice." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Scientific communication"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge of scientific communication, preparation of scientific and popular scientific publications and public professional activities - participation in scientific, innovation and technology exhibitions and conferences, preparation and presentation of reports, maintenance of professional profiles in social networks for other activities. To achieve this goal, the course includes lectures led by lecturers with experience in communication, journalism and public relations at a professional level. In practical tasks, students will have to prepare various samples of communication elements - statements, draft scientific article or report, conference presentation, etc. The practical work performed by the students will be discussed and evaluated in seminars, evaluating the peculiarities of each type of communication. Tasks of the course: To provide an opportunity for students to promote knowledge about the successful and comprehensible preparation of a scientific message to the public, employees of public administration structures and institutions. The course is taught in Latvian or English.\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge: 1. Manages the process of scientific activity, production of scientific publications and their structure, 2. Shows that he has mastered the basics of public relations and the diversity of forms and types of public communication. Skills: 3. Skills of evaluation and planning of communication process and its content implementation, 4. Use of media and social networks in public communication, Competence: 5. Competently assess the risks and opportunities of public communication. 6. Uses an adequate communication tool in international and Latvian practice." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Russian language in geoinformatics"@en . . "2" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Latvian language for beginners I"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the course is to promote the acquisition of the Latvian language knowledge and to build the students’ communicative and intercultural competence at beginners' level. The tasks of the course are the following: - to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills of Latvian; - to develop linguistic competence of Latvian grammar, lexis and syntax.\nThe language of instruction is mostly English.\nResults Knowledge 1. Know basic Latvian grammar. 2. Know topic-based vocabulary acquired during the course at level A1. Skills 3. Understand rudimentary phrases and simple sentences. 4. Read and understand information at A1 level. 5. Communicate in simple everyday situations. 6. Communicate in written form in everyday situations. Competence 7. Use Latvian language in everyday life and study process." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "English for students of geoinformatics"@en . . "2" . "The course aims to develop students’ spoken and written English language skills to be used for academic purposes and in various areas where geoinformatics is applied. The course provides for the acquisition of the fundamental geography and GIS (geographic information system) terminology in English as well as raises students’ awareness of academic and specialized language. The enabling objectives of the course are to develop students’ skills for selecting academic literature, reading it for acquiring information and making summaries, abstracts and reports as well as selecting professional literature on similar topics to compare the specific features of the academic and professional discourse; repeat and consolidate students’ knowledge of grammar at level B2-C1; consolidate students’ skills of expressing a professional opinion in English and update students’ presentation skills. The topics covered in the course ensure ample opportunities for learning and practicing co-operation, interaction and mediation strategies as well as facilitate critical thinking and digital literacy which can be used for further development of their skills and knowledge. The course is organized in accordance with the students’ prior knowledge and acquired skills and more extensive support programme is offered to the students with insufficient skills of independent foreign language acquisition and lower level of knowledge.\nThe language of instruction is English.\nResults Knowledge: 1. Know the basic terminology in English on the topics examined in the course. 2. Know the terminology on the topic of their interest in geoinformatics from the individually studied professional articles. 3. Are aware of linguistically precise use of terms in a sentence and grammatically correct formation of questions, tenses, voice and mood. 4. Understand the key principles of reading EU directives. Skills 5. Ask questions and expressing an opinion (guiding a conversation) and reporting the acquired information by organizing the text in a logical structure. 6. Read and comprehend professional and scientific geoinformatics literature and express opinions on the studied material as well as professional topicalities. 7. Present information in English loudly, clearly and in an understandable manner. Competences: 8. Interactively use various resources (professional and language knowledge resources, scientific, popular and reference resources in English and Latvian) for the acquisition of the necessary information, summarize the acquired information and present it in English individually and in a group). 9. Cooperate within a group – agree on a topic, its rationale, engage in brainstorming; jointly select information and opinions to be presented as well as draft, correct, edit and deliver the presentation material." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Human geography"@en . . "3" . "The objective of the study course is to facilitate understanding about main research fields of human geography; its major concepts and approaches. The study course is created for the academic bachelor study programs of the environmental sciences. The tasks of the course are to provide knowledge about the major topics of human geography (population, social, historical, cultural, political and economic geography), and their research techniques. Language of instruction: Latvian, English\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. Explain concepts, principles, theories and models significant in field of Human geography. 2. Understand the diversity and spatial location of human activity, the main regularities of human-nature interaction and its changes in time and space; 3. Describe the goals and tasks of Human Geography, the specifics of research and the role of Human Geography in society; Skills 4. Plan and acquire data from publish and unpublish sources (including electronic resources) using scientific methods methods; 5. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to describe and explain the diversity and spatial location of human activity, using appropriate tools, approaches and software; 6. Uses written and oral communication in Latvian and scientific terminology in English; Competence 7. Analyze and evaluate the diversity and spatial location of human activity, the main regularities of human-nature interaction and its changes in time and space; 8. Design research and explore significant problems in field of Human geography, considering principles of scientific ethics; 9. Solve interdisciplinary problems and make decisions using knowledge, understanding and skills from field of Human geogrpahy. 10. Communicate with the general public about current issues and direction of Human Geography;" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Databases and information systems fundamentals"@en . . "3" . "Goal of this course is to introduce students to main concepts of relational databases and information systems, as well as to teach students how to create databases and make manipulations with data. The objectives of the course are to acquaint with the advantages and functionality of databases. The task of the course is to give an idea of the concepts of relational databases, as well as to teach students to perform operations in the database - creating a database and tables, inserting, changing, deleting data in a database, making data selection. The aim of the course is to teach students the mathematical foundations of the relational model - functional dependencies and normal forms. Students also need to learn how to build an ER model and create an appropriate database structure. Students learn the components, types and architectures of information systems. Several specific types of information systems are introduced - ERP, CRM, BPM, BI. Students learn about various information systems created by Internet technologies, as well as related problems - security and globalization. Language of instruction is Latvian.\nResults \nKnowledge\n1. Students know concepts of relation data bases. (EB11)\n2. Students know concepts of information systems. (EB11, EB12)\n3. Students know the main security, legal, and ethical aspects of information systems. (eb41, eb42, eb43, EB44, eb53)\n \nSkills\n4. Students have skills to create ER model and data model from informal problem description. (eb21, eb22, EB23,prg26)\n5. Students have skills to create database structure according to created data model. (eb24,prg26)\n6. Students have skills to create functional dependencies graph for the data model. (eb22, EB23)\n7. Students are able to input, delete, update and select data in database. (EB35,adm27)\n8. Students are able to create complex SQL commands for data retrieval from multiple tables and with data grouping. (EB35,adm27)\n9. Students ar able to use and create simple IS components. (EB12)\n \nCompetencies\n10. Students can determine database model normal form. (eb22, EB23)\n11. Students are able to distinguish different types of information systems and to identify how these information systems are applicable in real world situations. (EB12, eb21, eb25)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of physical geography"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to ensure the systematic learning of knowledge about the spheres of Earth, the processes and phenomena in progress, the diversity of their relationships according to generally recognized principles and methods. Objectives of the study course: students can use terms and concepts of physical geography. Students understand the physical environment of the earth, its systems and processes, and their drivers, by studying weather systems, climate, natural vegetation, inland waters, soil and landforms. Course teaching languages: Latvian, English\nResults Knowledge 1. Describes the current research directions of physical geography, data acquisition and analysis methods, as well as the terms and concepts used 2. Explains the nature of the Earth's endogenous and exogenous processes and their manifestation in the formation of the Earth's lithosphere and relief. 3. Describes the course of the processes taking place in the atmosphere and the ocean and their role in climate formation. 4.Understands biogeographical and soil formation processes and explains their role in ensuring the stability of ecosystems. 5. Explains the geological activities of the oceans, surface and groundwater and the course of modern processes in the waters. Skills 6. Assess the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, Earth's surface and biosphere, linking them to the dominant natural processes and changes over time. 7.Reads and interprets physiographic, biogeographical and soil maps Competences 9. Evaluates the interaction of the Earth's spheres and substantiates the consequences of this interaction, according to the geographical location of the site. 10. The expected results of the interaction of human actions and natural processes on a local, regional and global scale shall be substantiated." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cartography"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of an integrated field in which the way of presenting cartography as a spatial relationship is closely interlinked, how modern data mining methods are used, how cartographic materials are used (map reading), and to provide insights on the aspects of applied field use and the possibilities of using in geography and related sciences. Study course tasks: 1. To promote the integration of knowledge in natural sciences; 2. To create a scientific understanding of the mapping of spatial relationships, the problem and properties of the depiction of natural structures and phenomena, to characterize, and to read and analyze the main regularities and changes in time and space of objects, processes and phenomena created by nature and society; 3. To facilitate the acquisition of the specifics of the acquisition and data processing in geomatic field, to introduce students to basic tools of these activities and applied research trends in today's development. Tasks of the study course: 1. To give insight into cartography as the role of a sub-branch of geography science in historical Earth exploration processes and its contemporary role and its relation to other fields of science; 2. To create a scientific understanding of the mapping of spatial relations, the problems and characteristics of nature structures and phenomena, to characterize, as well as to read and analyze the main regularities and changes of time and space in nature and society created objects, processes and phenomena; 3. to facilitate the acquisition of specifics of geomatics data acquisition and processing, to acquaint students with the basic tools of these activities and the trends of contemporary development of applied research; 4. to promote the integration of knowledge in natural sciences. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge: 1. Explains the importance of maps in people's lives and world cognitive processes; 2. Understands the variety and variety of maps, their areas of application; 3. Describes the mathematical basis of maps - Earth ellipsoids, coordinate systems, cartographic projections and their properties; 4. Explains the problems of compiling maps and their types, properties and versatility of use, geometric and informative properties of cartographic images. Skills: 5. Reads map and other spatial information materials, determines coordinates in analogue and computer environment, works in coordinate environment; 6. Uses various data sources for the needs of cartography, evaluates the accuracy and reliability of the map; 7. Using ready-made data sources, is able to prepare the simplest cartographic materials and is able to use maps for spatial analysis and research. Competence: 8. Arguments the content of the card, the reliability and accuracy of the information; 9. Justifies the development of the legend, data sources and their topicality; 10. Determines the methods and basic principles of maps design, aspects of generalization, and issues of practical application of cards. e the development of the legend, data sources and their relevance;" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Software engineering fundamentals"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the course is to give students the knowledge of software development processes, the basic skills needed to create software development documentation and to be able to present the results of the work, as well as to be able to analyze software by exiting documentation. The tasks of the course are - To provide the fundamentals of software development theory and practice. In theoretical part to discuss information system development methods and tools: requirements collection and analysis, system design and analysis, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance. To discuss software engineering standards. In practical part in small teams, design a small information system. The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.\nResults Knowledge: 1. Explains the main concepts used in key software engineering processes. Describes the life-cycle models of software development, the principles of project development teams. 2. Describe the types of software requirements and its modelling capabilities. 3. Describes the metrics used to measure the effort of projects. 4. Describes the software design modelling options. 5. Explains the key principles for software quality assurance. Describes the most important software testing approaches, techniques, techniques. 6. Explains the impact of compliance with the principles of labour safety and ergonomics on the preservation of human health and life. Skills: 7. Analyses the team's work in the development of the system, assess the risks and the possibilities for reducing them, forecast the amount of future effort and plan it jointly with the group 8. Takes part in s reasoned debates in the group on the requirements of the system to be developed and the options for design solutions. 9. Presents a specification of software requirements developed in the group and the selected solutions in the design. Competence: 10. Assesses the compliance of developed software specifications and design documentation with industry standards. 11. Assesses the impact of developed software specifications and design documentation on the quality of the software product. 12. Gives reasoned proposals to improve software specifications and design quality." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Programming fundamentals with python"@en . . "4" . "The goal of the course „Programming Fundamentals with Python” is to provide with the basic knowledge and skills about algorithms, programming and the process of design of computer programs. Course tasks: mastering basic knowledge and skills of programming in language C++; mastering programming skills using structured and object-oriented programming paradigms; mastering the main principles of problem solving with computer programming. The course is intended for teaching in Latvian and English.\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. Explain the main principles of creating algorithms and programming; 2. Describe various programming constructs – branching, looping, functions, classes; 3. Explain the principles of writing and structuring a Python computer program; 4. Explain basic methods of data representation and processing, and data structures. Skills 5. Create Python programs according to a specification; 6. Create computer program using lists, character strings and other data structures; 7. Create computer program using functions and classes; 8. Create computer program to process files. Competencies 9. Able to choose the appropriate solution for the problem; 10. Evaluates usage of programming constructs of different levels to creates programs." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Earth remote sensing"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the study course is to ensure the systematic and integrative acquisition of competencies on the application aspects and application possibilities of modern remote sensing methods and technologies in various fields of Geography and Earth Sciences. Tasks of the study course: to look in detail at the basic questions about the interaction of natural objects and electromagnetic radiation, as well as equipment and techniques for obtaining images in remote sensing. To acquaint students with the geometric and informative properties of the obtained images, image processing and decoding of various objects and their condition (interpretation of information). Language of course teaching: English Latvian.\nResults Knowledge: 1. Understands fields in natural sciences, principles of remote sensing. 2. Understands the application and limitations of photogrammetry and remote sensing in to geography and Earths sciences. Skills: 3. Performs measurements in logos and digital remote sensing images, views, evaluates and analyzes stereo images, performs simple image conversion. 4. Works with remote sensing materials, using various methods, techniques and basic tools and their application in modern applied aspects and research directions. Competence: 5. Evaluates the possibilities of researching the interaction of natural structures, as well as man-made structures and phenomena, using remote sensing materials, as well as the possibilities to analyze the changes of territories in time and space." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geographic information systems"@en . . "4" . "The study course is intended for mastering the theoretical basis and practical application of one of the subfields of geomatics – Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The course provides knowledge about GIS, its principles and the latest achievements. The aim of the study course is to ensure a systematic acquisition of competencies on the methods of Geographic Information Systems and their use. Tasks of the study course are: (1) to promote integration of natural science knowledge and information technology competencies; (2) to create scientific and applied understanding of Geographic Information Systems, their application and modern development directions. Language of instruction: Latvian and English\nResults Knowledge: 1. Understands history of development of Geographical Information Systems and future trends; 2. Knows different approaches to building Geographic Information Systems, their role in information acquisition, processing, display and publishing; 3. Understands principles of modelling the surrounding world with vector data and raster data models; 4. Knows the most popular vector data and raster data analysis methods; 5. Describes advantages and disadvantages of the most popular data interpolation methods; 6. Understands the importance of geospatial autocorrelation and knows its evaluation methods; 7. Knows the basic principles for exchange of geospatial data on the Internet; 8. Understands the causes of data and analysis errors, the most frequently used error estimation methods; 9. Understands problems related to the choice of hardware; 10. Is familiar with problems of successful GIS project implementation; Skills: 11. Makes maps in ArcGIS program; 12. Creates new vector data layers in ArcGIS; 13. Georeferences raster data in ArcGIS; 14. Uses simple vector data selection and analysis methods in ArcGIS; 15. Creates and visualizes terrain models from vector data in ArcGIS; 16. Produces maps in QGIS program; Competences: 17. Integrates geospatial data of various formats from local and Internet sources; 18. Solves geographic problems with GIS data analysis tools; 19. Communicates the results of data analysis with appropriate data visualization methods; 20. Independently organizes his / her work in the use of GIS for the performance of his / her work duties." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Landscape geography"@en . . "3" . "The aim of the study course is to enhance students' understanding of landscape as a result of natural and human interaction, regarding the historical one, as well as current processes of landscape management and change in Latvia and Europe. Course tasks: to introduce to the etymology and semantics of landscape concept, landscape science development during the 20th century and the contexts of European Landscape Convention; to introduce to the main processes of landscape formation in relation to natural conditions and man-made spatial structures, as well as land use in Latvia; to discuss landscape change as one of the major topics in landscape research today (path dependency, landscape driving forces); to characterize historical and modern agricultural practices in landscapes; to analyze the nature of Latvia's landscape during various socio-political periods in Latvia, by developing awareness of the relationship between human activity and the landscape’s spatial structures, processes of change in landscape; to learn the basic principles, methods, and techniques of landscape research. The course is taught in Latvian and English.\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. explain the multidimensional understanding of the concept of landscape, describe the context of contemporary landscape policies; 2. explain the main spatial relationships between nature and human interaction, the drivers of landscape change; 3. explain the main characteristics of the formation of Latvia’s landscape. Skills 4. debate and discuss individually and in groups landscape formation, change and drivers of change, 5. use GIS to identify spatial structures and changes in landscape, 6. present individually and in groups results of research on the historical and current processes of landscape change. Competence 7. capable of obtaining, selecting and analysing independently the information necessary for the interpretation of landscape, 8. evaluate the character of natural and historical processes in landscape development, as well as the main aspects of today's landscape processes." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Nature conservation planning"@en . . "4" . "The study course is designed and implemented in close cooperation with professionals in the sector and is integrated with other courses in the study programme by using the knowledge and skills acquired in those courses. The course helps to develop students' knowledge, skills and competences in the planning and implementation of approaches to biodiversity conservation. Students will develop and strengthen their understanding of conservation data types and specific features, and data management solutions in the nature conservation sector; develop their own in-depth understanding of developments in the nature conservation sector and in-depth understanding of integrated approaches to biodiversity management; develop competency and professional expertise in conservation data management. Workshops and seminars will also contribute to the development of general skills – self-organising (flexibility, persistence, perception capacity, etc.) and collaborative skills (team work, presentation, negotiation, leadership). The aim of the study course is to develop students' knowledge, skills and competences in conservation data management when planning and implementing integrated biodiversity conservation approaches. The objectives of the course are: (1) to develop and strengthen students' understanding of conservation data types and specific features, and data management solutions in the nature conservation sector; (2) to develop students’ own in-depth understanding of developments in the nature conservation sector and in-depth understanding of integrated approaches to biodiversity management; (3) develop competency and professional expertise in conservation data management. Language of instruction: Latvian and English\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. use and explain the technical language of the nature conservation sector, understand fundamental concepts of soil protection and biodiversity conservation and identify the most significant threats, interpret the content and principles of international agreements and national laws. 2. familiar with and able to collect geospatial and related data on biodiversity and soils, classify and identify data according to their characteristics, distinguish between freely available and limited availability data, use data according to their specific nature, understand the specific nature of the conservation data needed for development of nature conservation plans, discuss the most topical issues in conservation data management (including geospatial aspect). 3. distinguish an integrated nature conservation approach from the segregated approach; know and understand examples of successful integration of nature conservation in the agricultural and forestry sectors; account for the opportunities and limitations for the integration of conservation of soils and biodiversity into the agricultural and forest policies. Skills 4. demonstrate the usage of conservation data according to their characteristics, analyse scientific information on data types and interpretation and use it to create new approaches for data anlysis and presentation thus improving the interoperability of conservation data. 5. inspect and evaluate the quality of geospatial data, freely use the nature data management system “Ozols” and international databases, prepare data and information for the needs of nature conservation plans. 6. address practical and theoretical challenges in the processing and visualization of conservation data by applying their data processing skills acquired in other study courses (e.g. Database practise, Applied GIS I (physical geography), Earth Remote Sensing). Competence 7. perform, responsibly and independently, specific tasks for the selection, quality assessment, visualization, and interpretation of conservation data by using geospatial data analysis, cartographic and other methods. 8. expertise in different biodiversity conservation approaches and the principles of soil degradation risk management." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Data analysis in environmental and geosciences"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the study course is to provide opportunities for students to learn data analysis methods in environmental and Earth sciences. Details of data mining schemes in field studies, statistical data processing methods, calculation of statistics, random variable distributions, correlation, variance and regression analysis, principal component analysis, species community structure analysis, ordination and classification methods are given for students. The application of the methods is provided in practical work. Course Tasks: 1. To create and strengthen notions about the need for statistical methods in scientific research. 2. To provide knowledge about the main methods of statistical data processing in environmental and Earth sciences. 3. Introduce a software package programms and the possibilities of its use in data processing and interpretation. 4. To provide knowledge about the presentation of the results of statistical data processing in scientific reports and publications. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge 1. Understands data analysis methods and its application possibilities. Skills 2. Apply knowledge of data analysis with statistical program packages. Competence 3. Plans research, collects and analyzes data and interprets the results obtained in practical and fundamental research projects." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Data processing in cad environment"@en . . "3" . "The aim of study course is to promote insight of the use of the digital technical drawing (CAD, Computer-Aided Design) software in the preparation of geospatial data and cartographic materials, as well as other applications in fields related to Earth and Environmental sciences. Description of course task: to give insight into CAD software, usage opportunities, benefits, and disadvantages in the context of cartographic solutions. Two major CAD programs – AutoCAD developed by Autodesk Inc. and family of MicroStation products developed of Bentley Systems inc. as well as freeware and open source CAD solutions are viewed in this course, to describe spatial data preparation and storage processes in Latvia in the private and public sectors, highlighting the special features and importance of topographic information of high detailed elaboration, the availability of data for research and study purposes, to provide theoretical and practical skills of using CAD basic drawing and manipulation tools for drawing up various thematic and topographic maps and plans, to describe the properties of the coordinate environment in Latvia using CAD solutions, the use of configuration settings, workspace preferences and file settings, element types and their properties, raster and vector reference data, arranging and adaptation of the workspace to facilitating drawing, making it more efficient and preparing software for drawing large-scale topographic maps and plans and using of AutoCAD and MicroStation extensions for cartographic and geological purposes. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge; 1. describes the application of CAD software and differences to GIS software, 2. describes the presentation of digital data on different scales, 3. describes the various types of CAD objects, their properties and maintained attributes, 4. describes different types of reference files, their acquisition methods and application in CAD environment, 5. explains the processes of production and circulation of geodetic and geospatial data in Latvia, 6. explain the specificity of the use of LKS-92 coordinate systems in CAD software, Skills: 7. use the drawing, manipulation, and modification tools of CAD software, for mapping and other tasks of geosciences, 8. apply vector and raster files, various data services and other reference files for creation of cartographic and other visual materials, 9. apply the basic functions of 3-dimensional drawing for creating different spatial models. 10. practically use land surveying data and capable to processing them in specialized workspaces, 11. understand the necessity for the preparation of data of topographic information of high detailed elaboration as well as their preparation processes, 12. analyze the instructions and regulations governing the production of geospatial data shall be used in the data production process, Competence: 13. evaluate the type of software and set required for specific cartographic works, 14. evaluate and justify the settings of files, workspace preferences and software configuration settings for the realization of cartographic projects." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Database practice"@en . . "2" . "The course aims to develop the practical skills in SQL language application. The course includes both theoretical and practical parts. Each theoretical theme is reinforced with appropriate practical work. Examples are demonstrated and exercises are solved in a database management system Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and Transact SQL syntax. Tasks of the study course: 1. To acquire knowledge about Microsoft SQL Server architecture, functionality and data storage organization. 2. To learn Transact-SQL language. 3. To learn how to use Microsoft SQL Server tools for database creation, management and maintenance. The language of instruction is Latvian.\nResults Knowledge 1. is familiar with MS SQL Server concepts. (eb11, eb12) 2. tells about SQL Server architecture, functionality and data storage organization. (eb11, eb12) Skills 3. working in practice with MS SQL Server Management Studio tool, uses tool graphical interface features, as well as write commands in Transact-SQL language. (eb31, eb33, eb35) 4. uses MS SQL Server for database design and management. (eb31, eb33, eb35) 5. practically create and configure database objects, understand the objectives of the different types of indexes and operating principles of integrity constraints, implement the business functionality as triggers, stored procedures and functions, manage the database transactions and perform backup and restoration. (eb31, eb35, eb55) Competence 6. has practical experience in database management, builds databases according to requirements (eb31, eb33, eb35)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Digital terrain models and geomorphometry"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to give students an insight into digital terrain models and their application. The tasks of the study course are: to provide knowledge about different types of digital terrain models; to promote understanding of impact of methods of storage and creation of these models on their quality and potential usage; to introduce popular open access and paid models; explain the sources of errors in digital terrain models and the adaptation of the models to various popular practical applications; to provide skills in the preparation of digital terrain models and acquisition of geomorphometric indicators based on them; to provide practical insight into the possibilities of using models in conducting applied research of physical and human geography. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nResults Knowledge: 1. is familiar with different types of digital terrain models and their acquisition methods; 2. characterizes the impact of acquisition methods on quality; 3. explains the principles of error propagation in the process of development and application of digital terrain models; 4. characterizes geomorphometric measures and their potential use; 5. explains the possibilities of digital terrain model usage in the study of processes of different scales. Skills: 6. prepares digital terrain models; 7. prepares visualizations of digital terrain models; 8. critically analyzes the accuracy and errors of digital terrain models; 9. adapts models for selected application; 10. performs extraction of the geomorphometry characteristics of the terrain; 11. analyzes the directions and properties of water flow; 12. analyzes the visibility of the terrain. Competences 13. reasonably selects the digital terrain model acquisition methodology and storage method appropriate for the intended use; 14. assesses the impact of errors and uncertainties in the data and their analysis on the results obtained; 15. makes suggestions for improving data processing processeses in order to draw higher quality conclusions." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Photogrammetry, lidar and uav"@en . . "4" . "The goal of the course is to introduce students with photogrammetry, LiDAR data acquisition and processing, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) research methods. Tasks of the course, that includes acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences are: 1) to learn photogrammetric data processing methods. 2) to learn basic LiDAR data processing and various interpretation methods. 3) identify shortcomings and advantages of remote sensing methods 4) to obtain competences in practical application of UAV platforms. The course is being studied in Latvian and English\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1.Gain basic knowledge about theoretical background of photogrammetry. 2.Are familiar with LiDAR data processing and interpretation methods. 3.Characterize UAV applications in the context of close-range remote sensing. Skills 4.Are able to work with UAV platforms. 5.Are able to process obtained measurements. 6.Are able to calculate data precision and accuracy. Competence 7.Are capable of selecting most suitable close-range remote sensing method for solution of specific problem. 8.Are capable of integrating close-range remote sensing data in preparation of geospatial information." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Global navigation satellite systems"@en . . "3" . "The goal of the course is to introduce students with Global Navigation Satellite Systems and their applications. Tasks of the course, that include acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences are: 1) to acquire knowledge about GNSS working principles, 2) to learn basic GNSS data processing workflows, 3) identify shortcomings and advantages of GNSS, 4) to obtain competences in practical applications of GNSS. The course is being studied in Latvian.\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge; 1.Describe theoretical background of GNSS. 2.Are familiar with data processing methods in the field of GNSS. 3.Characterize GNSS measurement workflow and error estimations. Skills 4.Know how to work with GNSS equipment. 5.Know how to process obtained measurements. 6.Are able to quantify precision and accuracy of the measurements. Competencies 7.Select most suitable GNSS measurement method for solution of specific problem. 8.Integrate GNSS measurements in preparation of geospatial information." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Information technology project management"@en . . "2" . "Aim of the course: to provide academic knowledge and practical skills in IT project management Course tasks: 1. To develop students' understanding of the most important concepts, methods, tools of IT project management. 2. To develop practical skills of creating IT project management documentation. 3. To promote the application of the acquired academic knowledge and practical skills in team work. The theoretical part of the course deals with project management approaches, tools and methods, with special emphasis on the specifics of IT projects. The training is based on the project management standard developed by the Project Management Institute (http://www.pmi.org) and compiled in the \"Project Management Book of Knowledge\" (PMBOK). In the practical part of the course, using the knowledge gained in the theoretical part of the course, team work skills are developed and basic skills in project management are acquired. The course is offered in: Latvian, English.\nCourse responsible lecturer Jānis Zuters\nResults Knowledge 1. Basic knowledge of internationally recognized project management standards, methods, tools (eb11, eb13, EB14, EB41, EB42, EB43, EB51) Skills 2. Idea generation, written presentation and presentation skills (EB52, EB53, eb54) Competence 3. Teamwork, effective cooperation, division of labor in solidarity (eb61, eb62, EB64, EB65)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Information systems security"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to provide a general overview on information systems security. The tasks of the course are to introduce standards, management, general conceptions, the most important elements and new topics. For the presentation of certain technical topics, an expert on the particular topic could be invited. Often this expert could be one of the students. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tLeo Trukšāns\r\nResults\tKnowledge: 1.Aware of fundamental concepts of information systems security and standards (eb11, EB12, eb51) Skills: 2. Study and present at least one information security topic and its application (eb13, eb54, eb62) 3. Aware of the legal and social aspects of information security management (eb41, eb43) Competence: 4. Create a simple information security development plan (eb44, eb53)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Settlements and economy of latvia"@en . . "3" . "The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge about the location of the Latvian economy and population and the factors that influence it. The tasks of the course are to develop understanding of Latvian economy, transport network and habitable development, natural and human interaction, population structure and economy formation and future trends. as well as the specialization of Latvia in the EU and at the global level and the factors influencing Latvia's foreign trade. The course is taught in Latvian or English\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge 1. Understands the relationship of the Latvian population structure with geographical conditions. 2. Understands the development of the Latvian economy, the location of sectors and their specialization on a global scale. Skills 3. Carry out a permanent geographical characterization and prepare a territory development extrapolation. Competence 4. Critically evaluate territorial development planning documents and prepare a proposal for updating of territorial development planning documents" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geography of latvia"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the course is to master the basics of geography of Latvia, including the peculiarities of natural conditions, society, changes in the cultural landscape and economic development of the territory. The tasks of the study course \"Geography of Latvia\" is: to provide basic knowledge in the fields of nature, human and regional geography of Latvia; to gain knowledge and understanding of the interaction of natural and social processes, territorial differentiation and changes over time in the territory of Latvia. The planned practical works and seminars will strengthen theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in the interpretation of geographic information, geographical analysis of data and critical evaluation. The study course will broaden the horizons of natural science specialists, as well as the development of interdisciplinary and innovative research. Language of study course: English, Latvian\nResults Knowledge 1. Explain with understanding the basic facts about the main processes forming the places and regions of Latvia, 2. Explain with understanding natural and man-made conditions and processes of various scales (global, regional and local), their interaction and significance in the formation of the geographical character of the territory of Latvia; 3. Explain with understanding the interconnections of different factors of Latvia's sustainable development; Skills 4. Carries out the evaluation of the formation, structure and development peculiarities of geographical complexes and territories, using laboratory and field research methods; 5. Demonstrates skills to conduct territory or place research and analysis of the current situation; 6. Identifies and comprehensively evaluates the factors determining the development of territories; Competences 7. Plans the structure, course, activities of the research of territories and places, develops the substantiation for the selection and application of methods; 8. Presents the developed study works and substantiates their geographical content and methods." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Applied gis II (human and society)"@en . . "4" . "The course builds an understanding on the fundamentals of scientific research on the use of GIS in human geography. Study objectives include the integration of natural science and information technology competence, and the generation of scientific and practical comprehension of the use of GIS in the research of human geography sub-disciplines. In order to successfully complete the course, student must submit and pass all practical assignments and the final exam. The course aims at providing students with basic understanding of the use of GIS in scientific research in human geography. The objectives of course are to (1) facilitate the integration of natural science and information technology competence; (2) generate scientific and practical comprehension about the use of GIS in the research of human geography and its sub-disciplines Language of instruction: Latvian and English\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. to understand the possibilities of the use of GIS-based software in relation to human geography research (e.g. data collecting, variability of GIS methods and their limitations). Skills 2. to use GIS in the main sub-disciplines of human geography by collecting and editing necessary and most suitable spatial and statistical data; choosing methods that are the most compatible and appropriate in order to efficiently analyse and interpret research results. Competences 3. to identify the necessary data, their acquisition possibilities and compatibility with chosen research methods, and to use in research work 4. to analyse and interpret research results obtained from their chosen data and methods." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Applied cartography and design3"@en . . "3" . "The aim of the study course is to promote students' understanding of cartographic activities, map visualization. The objectives of the course is (1) to teach students the concepts, principles and techniques related to maps and map making. (2)It is expected that students will develop knowledge and competence in map types, data selection, compilation, map design, mapping tools and production techniques, visualization, as well as cartographic communication. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge: 1. where and how to obtain data for cartographic activities; 2. how to perform data selection, sorting and visualization; 3. how to generalize the data according to the reduced map scales; Skills: 4. create map layouts; 5. mark maps using cartographic placement methods; 6. select symbols and colors to adequately represent geospatial data; 7. to design the content of the basic map that supports the interpretation of the data, 8. to prepare a legend for a map of a certain topic; 9. Identify specific card design requirements based on user needs and create a product that meets user goals. Competence: 10. Knows the computer programs that are used in the production of maps in the modern cartographic workflow; 11. Understands the design theory that applies to map creation and the application of these theories in the whole map creation process; 12. Is able to make proposals for the creation and design of various maps with arguments." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Applied remote sensing"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the study course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the application of remote sensing materials for support of land resource management. The goals of the course are to explain the principles of optical and radar (SAR) image processing and interpretation; to demonstrate applications in solving problems in marine, agricultural, forestry and urban domains; to introduce into various automatic image classification options; to explain quality evaluation of the obtained results. The course focuses on the possibilities of freely available satellite data, with a special focus on the EU Copernicus program Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellite data. Course languages: English, Latvian\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge 1. knows the peculiarities of interaction of the optical and microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum with the Earth's surface and objects on it; 2. understands the reasons for differences in the spectral properties of plants; 3. describes the most popular remote sensing data acquisition platforms; 4. describes various automatic classification methods; 5. explains the possible causes of changes in SAR image series; 6. is familiar with the use of SAR in marine applications; 7. describes the possibilities of remote sensing in agricultural and forestry monitoring; 8. understands the limitations of remote sensing methods in urban research. Skills 9. retrieves EU Copernicus satellite data from the data repository; 10. visualizes multispectral and hyperspectral images; 11. prepares SAR images for interpretation; 12. analyzes remote sensing images using automatic classification methods; 13. calculates quality indicators of the prepared maps; 14. uses SAR and optical data for operational monitoring of floods, marine pollution, deforestation and rural development; 15. evaluates the economic activity of the region from remote sensing materials. Competences 16. chooses the most appropriate data source and analysis method for solving a specific business problem in a reasoned manner;\n17. critically evaluates the results obtained from remote sensing materials and provides reasoned recommendations for improving the results.\nCourse plan 1.Introduction to applied remote sensing L4, S2, P2 2.Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with living and non-living objects, Earth's surfaceL4, P4 3.Automatic interpretation of imagesL16, P16 4.Quality assessment of image classification L4, P4 5.Basics of synthetic aperture radarL6, P6 6.Synthetic aperture radar applications in marine domain L4, P4 7.Remote sensing opportunities in agriculture and forestryL6,P6 8.Possibilities of remote sensing in urban areas L2, P2 9.Characterization of the sample area from remote sensing data S4 L - lectures; P - practical work; S - seminar." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Mathematical methods in environmental processes modelling"@en . . "4" . "The study course provides basic knowledge and acquired skills in the use of mathematical techniques in the modelling of processes in the environment. Theoretical knowledge on model development principles, stages, methods for collecting and processing input data is supported by practical work, problem management and self-research. Course implementation in practical handling and clarifying of work or environmental problems. The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge and skills in the use of mathematical techniques in the modelling of processes in the environment. Course Tasks: 1. to learn the basic principles for the development of models (typology, development phases), 2. to learn the methods of collecting and processing entry data; 3. to provide knowledge and practical skills in the practice of using mathematical models. 4. give students an interest in using modeling techniques to address environmental problems. The course includes lectures, seminars and practical works. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.\nResults Knowledge 1. Understands the principles of empirical and numerical methods. 2. Distinguishing the methods for extracting and processing input data, classifying, ranking and prioritizing raw data. Skills: 3. In particular, are able to define modeling objectives, impacting processes and variables. 4. Compare and critically assess modelling results. Competence: 5. Interpret the modelling results and take decisions on the choice of the most appropriate empirical method or mathematical approximation." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Modeling basics"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the course is to basic knowldege of the practical use of system modeling languages and tools. The tasks of the course include getting acquainted with two main types of system modeling (object-oriented modeling and business modeling), mastering UML class diagrams, mastering business modeling, which is necessary for the needs of object-oriented modeling. In addition, they include a review of the system modeling methodology, learning how to use class diagrams in metamodels in construction, solving specific modeling tasks. Case studies are included, and system modelling methodology is discussed. Language of instruction: Latvian and English\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tKārlis Podnieks\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. UML Class diagrams are learned; 2. UML Activity diagrams are learned; 3. Metamodels and OCL language are learned; Skills 4. Students are able to use UML Class diagrams in practice; 5. students are able to use UML Activity diagrams for building real system business models; 6. Students are able to use metamodels and OCL language; 7. At least one system modeling tool is mastered; Competencies 8. Modern system modeling methods are learned, students are able to use them in practice. (eb14, eb15, eb22, eb23, EB24,eb34, eb61)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Branch standards and data quality"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to master the standards of the geounformatics industry, on which the development of modern geographic information systems (hereinafter GIS) and the exchange of geospatial data are based; to acquire basic knowledge about data quality, principles of its determination, based on ISO standards. Tasks of the study course: 1. to get acquainted with the TC211 family of geographical information standards; 2. get acquainted with OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards; 3. learn to call OGC web service teams and retrieve information; 4 4. learn to work with the standard \"ISO 19131 Geographic information - Data product specifications\". By way of example, the technical directives of the EC Directive of 14 March 2007 establishing an infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community (INSPIRE); 5. to gain an understanding of the quality of geospatial data and to learn to apply it with the standard “ISO 19157 Geographic information - Data quality”. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nResults Knowledge: 1. Understands Metadata Standards, 2. Understands Geospatial data quality indicators, 3. Understands the methodology of quality control of geospatial data, 4. Understands Geospatial Information Standards, their requirements, 5. Understands Information technology development and maintenance standards, their requirements. Skills: 6. Identify the necessary geospatial data and their sources, 7. Evaluate the content and quality of metadata, 8. The geospatial data quality standard shall be used, 9. Verifies the compliance of the data with the quality indicators, 10. Evaluate the compliance of the quality of geospatial data with the requirements of the solution, 11. Geospatial information standards shall be applied, 12. Apply information technology development and maintenance standards, 13. Separate the impact of geospatial data quality from the impact of solution functionality or other aspects on test results. Competence: 14. Prepare technical documentation in accordance with industry standards and examples of good practice, 15. Evaluate the quality of geospatial data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Online course on It"@en . . "2" . "The course is intended as a distance (online) learning course, using the principles of distance learning and based on students' self-study desires, using the study courses offered on the online platforms. The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to supplement their knowledge in the field of IT, according to their own justified needs, professional and research interests. The tasks are to acquire or supplement knowledge on IT field, according to the orientation and theme of the study program, a significant topic or problem that is not included in the list of courses of the study program (study plan). Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nCourse responsible lecturer Māris Vītiņš\nResults Knowledge: 1. Acquired new knowledge about the topic or range of problems of IT. 2. Understands the information resources necessary for the implementation of professional development. Skills: 3. Works with the methods acquired in the online course, solving a range of problems in geoscience. 4. Uses information sources and data websites appropriate to the field of IT. 5. Organizes work process in cooperation with IT specialists, creating an overview of independent work organization. Competence: 6. Evaluates the knowledge acquired in the online course on the topic in field of IT and applies it according to the profession of geoinformatics engineer." . . "Online"@en . "FALSE" . . "Online course in geosciences"@en . . "2" . "The course is intended as a distance (online) learning course, using the principles of distance learning and based on students' self-study desires, using the study courses offered on the online platforms. The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to supplement their knowledge in geosciences, according to their own justified needs, professional and research interests. The tasks are to acquire or supplement knowledge according to the orientation and theme of the study program, a significant topic or problem that is not included in the list of courses of the study program (study plan). Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge: 1. Acquired new knowledge about the topic or range of problems of geosciences. 2. Understands the information resources necessary for the implementation of professional development. Skills: 3. Works with the methods acquired in the online course, solving a range of problems in geoscience. 4. Uses information sources and data websites corresponding to the profession of geoinformatics engineer. 5. Improved skills in communication, cooperation and organization of independent work review. Competence: 6. Evaluates the knowledge acquired in the online course on the topic of geoscience and applies it according to the profession of geoinformatics engineer." . . "Online"@en . "FALSE" . . "Applied deep learning"@en . . "2" . "The aim of this course is to provide an overview of modern applications of machine learning and develop practical skills in using deep neural networks for common machine learning tasks. The objective of this course is to provide an introduction into artificial neural network based models, as well as an introduction to existing API frameworks for training such models. Previous knowledge regarding machine learning is not expected. The practical assignments will be developed in Python programming language.\r\nThe language of instruction is Latvian.\r\nResults\tKnowledge: 1. Describe the main neural network machine learning approaches. (EQUANIE concepts E1-1, E-12) Skills: 2. Independently develop software systems with deep learning solutions. (EQUANIE realization E3-5, practice E5-1) Competencies: 3. Provide examples of suitable applications for machine learning methods and their limitations. (EQUANIE concepts E1-4, analysis E2-1)\r\n4. Evaluate practical problems which may require machine learning and propose the appropriate methods to solve them. (EQUANIE analysis E2-3, E2-4)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Assessment and management of resources"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the study course is to improve students knowledge of the Earth,natural and environmental resources, their assessment approaches and methodology, basic principles of sustainable usage of the resources and their management instruments.The tasks of the study course are: 1. to increase students knowledge on various Earth,natural and environmental resources, their sustainable and management tools; 2. to introduce students to forest inventory and economic evaluation of forest resources as a precondition for ensurance of resources sustainable use; 3. to increase students knowledge on impacting factors of agriculture land productivity; 4. to ensure basic knowledge about formation of real estate value, it`s impacting factors and calculation of real estate market and cadastral value; 5. to provide students with overall knowledge about the most significant instruments for sustainable use of resources; 6. to increase students skills and abilities in forest inventory and economic assessment of forest resources,calculation of real estate market and cadastral value as well as identifyig ecosystem services. During the study course students are introduced to the Earth,natural and environmental resources (mineral resources, agriculture, forestry and energy resources), calculation of their value. During lectures a particular attention is paid to the environmental, landscape and land policy of Latvia, land reforms in Latvia and their impact on competetiveness,identification of productivity of agricultural lands, taxation of forest stands and their economic valuation and assessment as well as cadastre of the real property and cadastral valuation of the real property. During the study course students get aquinted with economic, planning and other tools of natural and environmental resources management.They aquire skills to identify forest types, economic valuation of forest stands,calculation of the market price of real estate and it`s cadastral value calculation. Students practically learn and can handle cadastre map, forest inventory data base, land survey plans and spatial plans. The study course is mainly taught in Latvian, but some lectures are taught in English.\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge: 1. Characterize Earth, nature and environmental resources (mineral resources, agriculture, forestry and energy resources) and conceptually knows the methodology and basic principles of sustainable use; 2. Have knowledge on land reforms in Latvia and its impact on the structure of real property and nowadays land-use, and explain their impact on global competetiveness; 3. Comprehends agricultural lands production assessment methodological solutions and measures (drainage,liming etc) for it`s improvement; 4. Comprehends forest inventory and apply the acquired information to identify forest types and calculate forest stands market value; 5. Comprehends the factors forming the market value of real estate and their impact on the real estate market and cadastral values; Skills : 6. Calculate market and cadastral value of agricultural and forest lands; 7. Handling with cadastre maps, forest inventory data base, land survey plans and spatial plans; Competence: 8. Comprehensively analyse the area from the point of available nature and environmental resources; 9. Understanding of impact of one or another action on the value of the ecosystem services, market value and cadastral value of the particular area; 10. Reasonably substantiate the sustainability of the use of natural and environmental resources in the management and planning of territories" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Semantic web"@en . . "2" . "The goal of the course is to provide an opportunity to learn the next step in the evolution of the Web – the Semantic Web. Course tasks: to learn Semantic Web technologies and standards: Linked Data, XML, RDF, SPARQL, ontologies, etc.; to become familiar in practice with the data processing tools that use these technologies. By doing practical assignments on development of software components, students will be able to attain an in-depth understanding of the most recent Semantic Web technologies.\r\nLanguage of teaching: English, Latvian.\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tGuntis Bārzdiņš\r\nResults\t\r\nKnowledge\r\n1. Understand XML, RDF, SPARQL, OWL.\r\n\r\nSkills\r\n2. Are able to apply Semantic Web technologies to solving non-trivial data processing tasks.\r\n\r\nCompetence\r\n3. Are competent in Semantic Web architecture, technologies and standards.\r\n\r\neb24, eb33, eb35, eb61, eb65." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spatial database management"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge in the theoretical and practical aspects of spatial database management. The goals of course are to introduce students to the storage of spatial data in databases, the specifics of the creation of spatial databases, geospatial analysis; to familiarize with data integrity and database performance issues; to gain an insight into linear referencing systems and routing methods; to consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge by solving practical geospatial problems with the aid of PostGIS and SpatiaLite database management systems. Course languages: English, Latvian\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. knows the most popular spatial database management systems; 2. is familiar with the representation of geographical objects in databases; 3. knows the methods of analysis of geographical object spatial relations, DE9IM; 4. describes tools for ensuring the quality of geospatial data; 5. explains potential causes of performance problems of geospatial data analysis queries and proposes possible solutions; 6. is familiar with the principles of linear referencing systems; 7. describes methods of solving routing problems. Skills 8. constructs object geometries in OGC WKT format; 9. works with PostGIS and SpatiaLite databases in QGIS program; 10. imports and exports data to PostGIS using command line or graphical tools; 11. analyses object geometry spatial relationships with PostGIS queries; 12. performs routing tasks with PostGIS tools; 13. analyses causes of geospatial SQL query performance problems. Competence 14. provides justified geospatial data integration into a database structure; 15. recommends solutions to improve performance of geospatial data analysis queries; 16. justifies the chosen solution for storage and analysis of geospatial data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Resources and planning of territorial developmental"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the course is to deepen the understanding and improve practice-related knowledge about the complex assessment of territorial development resources, the main planning directions, approaches, methods, tools and to acquire skills in formulating planning problems and solutions. The main topics of the course are: Territorial development resources and their evaluation; Development of planning ideas and approaches; Social motives, principles and ethics of modern planning; Planning systems; Methods and tools in the territorial development resources assessment and planning. The tasks of the study course are: 1. To provide students with basic knowledge about territorial development planning as a tool for evaluation of municipal territorial development resources, achievement of development goals. 2. To provide basic knowledge about the role of institutions of different levels and the process and tasks of elaboration of spatial development policy and planning documents in relation to territorial development resources, means and practice of planning implementation. 3. To promote students' creative, critical thinking, acquisition of methods and planning skills in the analysis of territories of different levels. 4. To provide knowledge about living environment, public space, natural environment, landscape issues and quality criteria. 5. To provide knowledge about the formation of public participation, social and community planning. 6. To gain experience in the content and group work of territorial development planning by participating in the elaboration of development proposals for a specific place, territory. 7. To promote students' acquisition of knowledge about the formation of planning ideas, their current implementation. The study course includes lectures, seminars and practical work, in which tasks related to specific territories are solved. Language of instruction is Latvian and English.\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. Describe the types, directions, levels and approaches of development planning of places, territories and regions; 2. Explain the planning system, determination of planning links, taking into account practice abroad and in Latvia; 3. Understand and explain the principles of evaluation of territorial development resources; 4. describe resource evaluation methods; 5. Discuss about regional policy across Europe and its relationship to spatial development planning. Skills 6. Evaluates the peculiarities of the formation, structure and development of complex territories, using laboratory and field research methods; 7. Demonstrates skills to research a territory or place and analyze the current situation; 8. Identifies and comprehensively evaluates the factors determining the development of territories; 9. Analyzes planning situations in historical and contemporary contexts, evaluates planning motives and substantiates the choice of approaches and methods. Competence 10. Plan the structure, course, activities of the research of territories and places, develop the substantiation for the selection and application of methods; 11. Presents the developed study works and substantiates their content and methods; 12. Critically evaluates the study works of other students and provides a reasoned opinion." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Web technologies I"@en . . "2" . "Web technologies I” is an introductory course to general methods of web development. It provides an insight into the history of web and introduces the main contemporary technologies used for client side web development – HTML, CSS, JavaScript. In the practical part of the course, students individually develop a simple web page. The development simplifies digesting of the theoretical part of the course by getting to know the practical principles of web development. The language of instruction of the course is Latvian.\r\nResults\tKnowledge 1. Awareness of the most popular web development technologies has been achieved (EB11, eb12) Skills 2. Ability to identify the required tools for development of specific functionality (eb21) 3. Ability to analyze the structure of a web page sketch and to provide adequate means for page layout (eb21, eb31, EB34) Competence 4. Some practical competency of web development is achieved, a simple (one or several page) web sites without server-side solutions can be mastered (eb31, EB34, eb35)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Environmental monitoring and geomatics"@en . . "3" . "The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge about environmental monitoring systems, their operating principles, environmental data acquisition and processing approaches, as well as to ground an understanding of environmental data management, data quality, data analysis and visualization possibilities. The study course provides theoretical and practical knowledge in order to understand and practically develop full-stack environmental monitoring systems comprehending analog signal acquisition and processing in microcontroller side, large-scale data management on the server side as well as data analysis and integration with geographic information systems. The tasks of the course, which provide knowledge, skills and competencies, are: 1. To comprehend environmental monitoring systems, principles of development and methods; 2. To master the development of an environmental monitoring systems based on microcontrollers; 3. To gain skills to manage acquired data and to be able to critically evaluate the quality of the data; 4. To acquire competencies related to the practical application of the considered methods.\nLanguage of instruction: Latvian and English\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge 1. Describe and compare environmental monitoring sensing systems, their types and operating principles, as well as application possibilities; 2. Explain the operation principles of electronics and microcontrollers and their parameters; 3. Explain the differences of common programming languages and can select the most appropriate language for a given task; 4. Outlines best basic principles of data management, data processing and quality assessment methods; Skills 5. Design and develop environmental monitoring system prototypes using a wide range of sensors and components; 6. Develop data storage and processing systems for integration with environmental monitoring systems/microcontrollers; 7. Develops full-stack environmental monitoring systems. Competence 8. Evaluate environmental monitoring systems and compares them for the implementation of specific objectives; 9. Select the most suitable microcontrollers and sensors for specific environmental monitoring objective; 10. Select the most appropriate data processing and quality assessment methods for the needs of environmental monitoring, as well as integrates the obtained data into geographical information systems" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Studies of the earth gravity and magnetic fields"@en . . "3" . "The goal of the course is to introduce students with gravity and magnetic field research methods. Tasks of the course, that includes acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences are: 1. to learn physical background of discussed geophysical methods. 2. to learn basic calculation methods and various interpretation methods. 3. identify shortcomings and advantages of geophysical methods 4. to obtain competences in practical application of discussed methods. After successfully completing course, students have gained basic knowledge about Earth gravity and magnetic field exploration methods. Students have knowledge of basic calculation methods and interpretation methods, that are applied in discussed geophysical exploration methods. Students are able to conduct basic geophysical measurements in the field with gravity and magnetic field measurement devices. Languages of instruction is Latvian and English.\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tAfter successfully completing course, students have gained basic knowledge about Earth gravity and magnetic field exploration methods. Students have knowledge of basic calculation methods and interpretation methods, that are applied in discussed geophysical exploration methods. Students are able to conduct basic geophysical measurements in the field with gravity and magnetic field measurement devices. Knowledge 1. Students have gained basic knowledge about theoretical background of discussed geophysical methods. 2. Are familiar with significance of gravity and magnetic fields in the analysis of spatial data. 3. Are obtained knowledge about geophysical measurement acquisition. 4. Are familiar with most common measurement interpretation methods. Skills 5. Know how to work with geophysical exploration equipment. 6. Know how to process obtained measurements. 7. Are able to interpret obtained measurements. Competences 8. Students are capable of selecting most suitable geophysical method for solution of specific problem 9. Students are capable of integrating geophysical measurements in preparation of geospatial information. 10. Are able prepare report about conducted geophysical studies" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geodesy"@en . . "4" . "The aim of the study course is to promote understanding of the role of geodetic and land surveying methods in earth and environmental sciences, a set of applied instruments, hardware and aids, their methods and techniques and desired results, data processing obtained with geodetic methods, presentation of the results of measurements on topographic plans and maps and methods to control the accuracy and precision of the results. Description of course tasks: 1.to give an insight into the historical and contemporary role of geodesy as a science and its relation to other fields of science, 2.to introduce with coordinate and altitude systems, their application in geodesy in the world and in Latvia, 3.to introduce with the magnetic field of the Earth, its measurements and significance, 4.to characterize different methods of horizontal and vertical surveying, including angular, distance and elevation measurements, the instruments and their design required for performing geodetic tasks, 5.to analyse the accuracy and use of data from different survey methods and instruments, 6.to provide theoretical and practical skills on the preparation of cartographic materials, the development of geodetic network, tachymetric surveying, field data processing, data import into CAD and GIS software, preparation of topographic plans, 7.to raise awareness of the accuracy and necessity of geodetic networks, regulatory frameworks in Latvia in the field of geodesy and land surveying, the possibilities of using the GNSS base station network, in the context of geodetic and GIS data collection. The study course is taught in Latvian.\nCourse responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne\nResults Knowledge 1. describes the differences between the different coordinate systems and the need for use, explains the characteristics of LKS-92 coordinate system. 2. explains the need for the accuracy of geodetic measurements for displaying data on different scales, 3. describe the principles of geodetic instruments, different methods for obtaining and processing geodetic data and surveying techniques, 4. explains the processes for preparing large-scale plans and cartographic materials, Skills 5. use the methods and techniques of geodetic survey, practically survey the territory and prepare a topographic plan, able to produce large-scale cartographic material, 6. use a various geodetic instruments to provide earth and environmental sciences with accurate data, 7. analyse and process measurement data (spatial information) obtained by geodetic surveying methods using analogue and digital methods, 8. analyse the instructions and regulations of production of geospatial data, use them in the data production process, Competence 9. assess the required set of instruments, make a choice of their precision and data acquisition and processing methods for specific mapping work, 10. reasonably proposes suggestions for solving specific geodesy tasks." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geographic information infrastructure"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to master the scientific bases of the development of geographic information infrastructure, to know the aspects of application and methods of application of modern geographic information systems (hereinafter GIS) methods and technologies; to acquire basic knowledge of GIS infrastructure development. Familiarize yourself with Directive 2007/2 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) and its results. Ability to use INSPIRE data and services The task of the study course: 1. to get acquainted with the sequence of work to be performed in the development of the institution's GIS infrastructure 2. to teach to use the available GIS infrastructure design tools. Language of instruction: Latvian and English\r\nCourse responsible lecturer\tZaiga Krišjāne\r\nResults\tKnowledge: 1. Identify the necessary geospatial data and their sources, 2. Evaluate the quality of geospatial data, 3. Identify geospatial data recovery options, 4. To ensure the acquisition of geospatial data, 5. To perform alignment and arrangement of geospatial data. Skills: 6. Assess geospatial data requirements 7. Assess the required geospatial data coverage, 8. Identify possible sources of geospatial data, 9. Check the availability and limitations of geospatial data, 10. Describe the data recovery policy for data sources, 11. Evaluate data recovery alternatives 12. Cooperate with geospatial data holders and producers, 13. To develop proposals for the creation and development of geospatial data infrastructure, 14. To apply the regulatory enactments regulating the field of geoinformatics. Competence: 15. Works with geospatial data sources, 16. Works with professional GIS software and applications, 17. Works with ICT components and understand their basic functionality, operating principles to ensure the operation of GIS software, 18. Develops and manages geospatial solution projects, plans works and resources, 19. Systematically supplement their professional knowledge, 20. Puts ideas and knowledge into practice, 21. Carries out applied research, prepare publications and present them." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bachelor in Geoinformatics"@en . . "https://www.lu.lv/en/studies/study-process/courses/programme-search/?tx_lustudycatalogue_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_lustudycatalogue_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=Course&tx_lustudycatalogue_pi1%5Bprogram%5D=21126&cHash=6f3dcba1688f6f3c1f0a12bd4f0d0313" . "243"^^ . "no data"@en . "KNOWLEDGE\r\n1. Understand the most important concepts and regularities in the field of natural sciences (natural and human geography, remote sensing, geodesy and cartography) and geoinformatics;\r\n2. Demonstrate typical basic and specialized knowledge in geoinformatics-related work fields, know geospatial data, standards and legal issues in the field of geoinformatics.\r\n\r\nSKILLS\r\n3. Perform professional activities in geoinformatics, independently obtain, formulate and analytically describe information, problems and solutions in geoinformatics, explain them and offer reasoned opinion in the discussion with both specialists and non-specialists;\r\n4. Critically analyse geoinformatic technologies, theories and problems;\r\n5. Demonstrate a scientific approach to problem solving, take responsibility and initiative in individual or team work, make decisions and find creative solutions in changing or uncertain circumstances.\r\n\r\nCOMPETENCE\r\n6. Independently obtain, select and analyse information and use it, make decisions and solve problems in geoinformatics, explain them and discuss them with specialists and non-specialists; develops solutions for the practical application of technology;\r\n7. Understand the problems and requirements of professional ethics in the field, assess the impact of their professional activity on the environment and society and participate in the development of the relevant professional field."@en . . "4"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Bachelor"@en . "Thesis" . "2800.00" . "Euro"@en . "3100" . "None" . "highly qualified geoinformatics specialists who are competitive in both the local and international labor market."@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Latvian"@en . . "Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences"@en . .