. "Space System engineering"@en . . "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Aircraft avionics"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe subject is focused into a field of aircraft avionics including principles, sensors, measurement and evaluation systems and signal/data processing methods. The subject goes into details of studied systems, i.e. engine and aircraft monitoring systems, power systems, pressure-based systems, low-frequency navigation means, and flight recorders. The subject introduces currently used technology and methodology on aircraft and thus serves to understand fundamentals of avionics. Inertial navigation systems are discussed in more details as well as their aiding systems and sensors. The course focuses on both small and large aircraft as well as on UAV suited avionics.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tAircraft avionics, cockpits - overview. Avionics immunity to impacts of ambient environment. EMC and its application into aircraft, examples.\r\n2.\t \tAircraft power systems and power distribution.\r\n3.\t \tParameters definition of aircraft propulsions, N1&N2, temperature, pressure, torque & vibration measurement systems. Fire and ice annunciators.\r\n4.\t \tComplex engine monitoring systems. Fuel systems, level sensors. Fuel flow & fuel used measurement systems.\r\n5.\t \tBarometrical measurements of altitude. Altimeters and their constructions. International standard atmosphere. Angle of attack measurements.\r\n6.\t \tAir, vertical speed, and Mach-number measurements. Total/static air temperature measurements. Air data computer - pressure based systems & sensors.\r\n7.\t \tMeans of operational and emergency diagnostics. Flight data recorders.\r\n8.\t \tEarth magnetic field and its usage. Magnetic sensors.\r\n9.\t \tIntroduction to aircraft navigation systems. Mechanical gyroscopes.\r\n10.\t \tInertial sensors - angular rate sensors/gyroscopes and accelerometers.\r\n11.\t \tNavigation equations and navigation systems, INS/GNSS data fusion.\r\n12.\t \tUAV electronics and payloads.\r\n13.\t \tUAV power management.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nLaboratory exercises are dedicated to get theoretical knowledge onto a practical level of understanding. There are 12 practical exercises dedicated to particular aircraft systems to pass and make the report from. Within the semester there will be organized two excursions to helicopter base of the Czech Police and to the B737 simulator." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aeronautical radio systems"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nThe course introduces students to the aeronautical radio engineering, aeronautical analogue, digital and satellite communication systems, aeronautical radio navigation including satellites navigation, primary secondary and passive radiolocation. The course gets students theoretical and practical knowledge of the operation of the aeronautical radio systems and their integration to the aircraft systems.\nStudy targets:\n\nPresenting of the aeronautical radio systems.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. Frequency spectra, radio wave propagation, antennas, radio communication and radar equation, aeronautical civil radio communication service.\n2. Shannon model of the communication systems, digital and analogue modulations, source and channel coding, multiple access.\n3. Aeronautical radio receivers and transmitters, requirements, architecture, radio function blocks.\n4. Aeronautical analogue and digital communication systems, radio digital links, HFDL, VDL, SATCOM.\n5. Fundaments of radio navigation, AoA, ToA, TDoA, SS, triangulation, multilateration.\n6. Aeronautical terrestrial navigation system, DME, ILS, VOR, radio altimeter.\n7. Satellite position determination, equations of the satellite trajectory and their solution, Kepler parameters.\n8. User position determination, time base, relativistic effects, one-time positioning methods, measurement errors.\n9. Satellite navigation signals, BPSK and BOC modulation, ranging codes, spectra and correlation function, ionosphere refraction, dual frequency measurement.\n10. Processing of the satellite navigation signals, correlator, measurement errors, and acquisition, serial and parallel methods.\n11. Requirements on precision, integrity, continuity and availability of the aeronautical navigation systems, differential measurement, high sensitivity, RTK.\n12. Overview of the satellite navigation systems, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass, augmentation systems WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN.\n13. Radar types (primary, secondary, passive), processing of radar signals, Doppler filtration.\n14. Secondary surveillance radar, mode A, C, and S, squitter, extended squitter, ADS-B, TCAS, passive radio location, directional finders.\nExercises outline:\n\nThe laboratory measurements will be focused on measurement of the basic radio function blocks and aeronautical transceivers, measurement of the navigation signals and receivers, especially satellites. The next part of the school term will be dealt with the algorithms of position determination in satellite navigation systems and their integration with the inertial sensors. Students will solve individual projects and present their results in small groups.\n1. Laboratory exploration, safety rules\n2. Radio communication and radar equation, exercise\n3. Laboratory measurement of the RF amplifier\n4. Laboratory measurement of the frequency mixer\n5. Laboratory measurement of the receiver of the aeronautical transceiver\n6. Laboratory measurement of the spectra of the GNSS signals\n7. Laboratory measurement of the GNSS receiver start time, sensitivity and position determination error\n8. Assign of the individual project\n9. Generation of the VOR and ILS signals in GNU radio\n10. Consultancy of the individual project\n11. Processing of the VOR and ILS signals in GNU radio\n12. Processing of the squitter and extended squitter in GNU radio\n13. Supplementary measurement, presentation of the results\n14. Reserve" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft propulsion"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThis course gives basic knowledge of the aircraft propulsion theory, thermal cycles of aircraft powerplants and basics of aero- and thermodynamics of aircraft powerplants components. The influence of design parameters on propulsion system efficiency, specific fuel consumption and thrust is analyzed for the given flight velocity. Design layouts of the aerospace propulsion units are introduced and function of their components is described. The focus is given on the comparison of various systems and the choose of the appropriate one. Enviromental aspects are mentioned together with the common and alternative fuels and energy sources.\r\nStudy targets:\r\n\r\nThe goal of study is the description of the enegetical transformation in aerospace propulsion systems and their properties.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tHistorical overview, forces acting on an aircraft, thrust, power, efficiency\r\n2.\t \tPropulsion systems, their thrust and power\r\n3.\t \tPropeller, basic aerodynamics, thrust, power, efficiency and dimensionless parameters\r\n4.\t \tApplied thermodynamics and aerodynamics\r\n5.\t \tAircraft piston engines\r\n6.\t \tTurbine engines\r\n7.\t \tBasics of the turbomachinery aerodynamics\r\n8.\t \tAxial and radial compressors\r\n9.\t \tTurbines for aircraft powerplants\r\n10.\t \tIntake ducts and nozzles\r\n11.\t \tCombustion chambers\r\n12.\t \tTurbojet, turbofan and turboprop engines\r\n13.\t \tDependence of powerplant characteristics on the flight velocity and altitute\r\n14.\t \tNoise and enviromental issues of aircraft powerplants\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nExcercises are focused on the practising of computational methods which were explained during lectures. Basic methods are used to determine thrust, power and efficiency for aircraft powerplants and propellers. Advantages and disadvantages of various propulsion systems are analyzed and compared. Results are discussed in order to obtain theoretical background for choosing of the appropriate propulsion system for given aircraft." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft structures and materials"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe course is an introduction lecture for structure branch aerospace technologyavionics and air trafics. The course acquaints with fundamental types of aircraft structures, forces acting on the aircraft structures and aircraft materials. It further acquaints with functions of aircraft control surfaces. Philosophy of the safety, reliability, strength certification, and airworthiness as well as the aviation regulations is given.\r\nStudy targets:\r\n\r\nThe goal of the course is get to know and understand fundamentals of aircraft structures. It represents an understanding of philosophy of an aircraft structure design (types of structures, loads, structure limit states, ...) in relation to the safety, reliability and certifications required by the aviation regulations.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tHistory and development of aeronautics.\r\n2.\t \tDesign philosophy and role of certification specifications.\r\n3.\t \tSafety, reliability and airworthiness.\r\n4.\t \tLoading of aircraft and load factor.\r\n5.\t \tManoeuvring loads. Manoeuvring envelope of load factor.\r\n6.\t \tGust load. Gust envelope and envelope of limit load factor.\r\n7.\t \tMass of aircraft, centre of gravity position, mass envelope.\r\n8.\t \tClassification of aircraft. Fundamental parts and systems.\r\n9.\t \tFundamental parts of airframe, aircraft materials and loading distribution on the structure.\r\n10.\t \tWing construction.\r\n11.\t \tLift and drag devices.\r\n12.\t \tFuselage construction.\r\n13.\t \tEmpennage construction.\r\n14.\t \tUndercarriage\r\nExercises outline:\nIn the introductory part, the exercises will be focused on practical exercises of the state relations between the quantities of the international standard atmosphere and the calculation of basic aerodynamic force effects. Furthermore, they will introduce the content of building regulations and the way they are used in load design (flight envelopes of operational multiples) according to a specific category of aircraft. In the final part, the assembly of the mass envelope and the methodology of the airframe certificate will be practiced by numerical strength control of selected parts of the airframe (beam, cavity, strut). Excursions will also be organized as part of the exercise with practical examples of testing aircraft structures." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management and marketing"@en . . "no data" . "Course outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tWhat is a project?, the characteristics of the projects, project management process, typical problems.\r\n2.\t \tThe term of \"triple constraint\", obstacles to fulfilment of the conditions of \"triple constraint\", the results of the project.\r\n3.\t \tHow to start a successful project, questions of strategy, the process of preparing \"draft\".\r\n4.\t \tWhy and how the project planning, planning, planning is, what elements of the project plan, the use of computer programs.\r\n5.\t \tThe hierarchical structure of the project activities, the definition of the objectives and scope of work, budget planning.\r\n6.\t \tCost estimation, project cost accounting system.\r\n7.\t \tScheduling tools, an overview of scheduling methods, line graphs, milestones, network charts.\r\n8.\t \tThe impact of limited resources, resources.\r\n9.\t \tA compromise between time and cost, risk, reserves.\r\n10.\t \tLeadership of the project team.\r\n11.\t \tProducts and product policy, marketing the concept of the product.\r\n12.\t \tThe life cycle of the product, the choice of product strategies, factor analysis.\r\n13.\t \tThe price as a marketing category, marketing communication, distribution-placing products on the market.\r\n14.\t \tMarketing research.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tExercise - a simple project Solution for repeat use of the CPM methods.\r\n2.\t \tExercise - a simple project Solution for repeat use of the CPM methods.\r\n3.\t \tExercise - getting started with the program MS Project and a simple project solution using MS Project.\r\n4.\t \tExercise - the solution of a complex project using MS Project.\r\n5.\t \tExercise - the solution of a complex project using MS Project.\r\n6.\t \tExercise - the solution of a complex project using MS Project.\r\n7.\t \tExercise - Assignments.\r\n8.\t \tExercise - Assignments. Crediting." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerodynamics and flight mechanics"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe course provides overview of key findings from aircraft aerodynamics and flight mechanics. In the first part, students are familiar with models and equations for the flow of an incompressible fluid. In the second part there are derived equations describing force and rotating effects of flow on the surface of the airfoils and wings. The important relations for effects of compressibility are derived in the next part. These findings are applied on flow around the airfoils and wings at high subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic speeds in last part. In the subject there are discussed basic modes of flight mechanics.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tProperties of gases, flow models, basic equations of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.\r\n2.\t \tNavier-Stokes equation. Potential flow, lift. Properties of vortex and vortex fields.\r\n3.\t \tDimensional analysis and similarity, empirical relation for lift. Laminar and turbulent flow. Boundary layer.\r\n4.\t \tAirfoil, aerodynamic force and moment. Theory of thin profile, integral characteristics of the airfoil.\r\n5.\t \tInfluence of boundary layer on the integral characteristics of airfoils. Methods of singularities, panel methods.\r\n6.\t \tGeometry of wing. Theory of wing, induced parameters. Monoplane equation and its solution. Influence of ground plan shape and twist of wing.\r\n7.\t \tDevices for increasing of lift. The concept of the longitudinal and directional stability.\r\n8.\t \tEffects of compressibility. Critical Mach number, transonic divergence, swept wing.\r\n9.\t \tPropulsive system. Theory of propeller propulsion. The main rotor of the helicopter. Turbine jet engine.\r\n10.\t \tFlight mechanics - gliding, horizontal, rising flight, steady horizontal turn, takeoff, landing. Standard atmosphere.\r\n11.\t \tSupersonic flow, critical state. Shock and expansion wave. Supersonic flows around oblique plate.\r\n12.\t \tSupersonic flow around the airfoil and wing. Integral characteristic, wave drag. Transonic flow.\r\n13.\t \tHypersonic flow, flight through the atmosphere. Rocket propulsion, single- and multi-stage rocket. Laval nozzle.\r\n14.\t \tRe-entry capsule, ballistic descent, aerodynamic heating, stability of return module.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tFlow in duct, calculation of losses. Individual student project.\r\n2.\t \tModelling of the flow, program Matlab/Simulink.\r\n3.\t \tNumeric solution of flow fields, CFD program Fluent.\r\n4.\t \tIntegral characteristics of the profile.\r\n5.\t \tDesign of profile of desired properties.\r\n6.\t \tAirfoil and panel methods.\r\n7.\t \tIntegral characteristics of of the wing.\r\n8.\t \tDesign of wing. Effect of flaps and wing torsion.\r\n9.\t \tWing and panel methods.\r\n10.\t \tDesign of tail surfaces, stability and maneuverability.\r\n11.\t \tDesign of propeller, method of elemental profile.\r\n12.\t \tFlight Mechanics.\r\n13.\t \tIzoentopic flow, critical conditions, Laval nozzle.\r\n14.\t \tBallistic descent." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space engineering"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe subject acquaints students with the basics of physics of the space environment and the technologies used in space systems, satellites, spacecrafts and launchers and methods used for the design and preparation of space missions. Subject matter includes a detailed description of the instrumentation of satellites and spacecrafts and its resistance to external influences of the space environment, and analysis of instruments and systems for spacecratfts and methods of their testing. It provides a basic overview of the trajectories of spacecrafts and their applications. The course also covers optoelectronics in space systems, sensors used, their modeling and description. It discusses the principles of underlying calculations, simulations and their processing.\r\nStudy targets:\r\n\r\nThe students will obtain knowledge representing an introduction to and overview of space engineering and space physics.\r\nContent:\r\n\r\nThe subject represents introduction to space physics and space engineering. It acquaints students with the basics of physics of the space environment, modern astronomy and astrophysics, physics of near space and space weather and the technologies used in space systems, satellites, spacecrafts and launchers and methods used for the design and preparation of space missions. Subject matter includes a detailed description of the instrumentation of satellites and spacecrafts and its resistance to external influences of the space environment, and analysis of instruments and systems for spacecratfts and methods of their testing. It provides a basic overview of the trajectories of spacecrafts and their applications. The course also covers optoelectronics in space systems, sensors used, their modeling and description. It discusses the principles of underlying calculations, simulations and their processing.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1 Space Physics. Conditions of the space environment and its specifics. Vacuum. Cosmic rays and particles and their variations with time and place. Van Allen radiation belts, the magnetosphere, ionosphere, impacts of micrometeroroids and space debris. Basics of astronomy and cosmology.\r\n2.\t \tOrigin and evolution of the U niverse, the theory of relativity. Galaxies, active galaxies, supernovae, pulsars, quasars, gamma ray bursts, the redshift, the age of the Universe. Cosmic background radiation. The solar system and the planetary and cometary missions.\r\n3.\t \tSpace technology and materials. Their behavior in space (vacuum), charging and outgasing and optimization. Radiation interaction with the material, radiation effects.\r\n4 Satellites and space probes. Basic categories, applications, and design. Electric power sources. Thermal protection. Proposals for space missions. Landers and orbiters.\r\n5.\t \tPayloads of satellites and spacecrafts and their design. Ground segment. Data handling and transmission, telemetry. Pico and nanosatelites.\r\n6 Flight dynamics of satellites. Linearization, linear analysis, poles, modes. 7 Stabilization and orientation control using jets, reaction wheels, and spin. 8 Issue of desaturation of reaction wheels. Cooperative control based on a combination of nozzles and reaction wheels. 9 Stabilization orientation during translation maneuvers. 10 Space Electronics and its specifics. Software and programs for space travel and projects. Their specifics and applications. Tests of space systems and devices. Test conditions and criteria. TRL of onboard systems and devices. 11 Space transport vehicles, launchers, shuttles and alternative transport space systems. The principles of rockets with liquid and solid fuels, hybrid rockets. Suitable orbits and trajectories of spacecrafts with respect to specific applications, the Lagrangian points. Flyby. 12 Manned spaceflight and their specifics in particular with regard to the technical and security requirements for on-board systems. Spacecrafts and orbital stations. Long-term manned flights, manned lunar and planetary missions. 13 Space optics. Optoelectronic systems for space. Optical, x-ray, infrared, radio, and gamma telescopes, cameras and systems. Their protection from the effects of outer space, shielding. 14 Space navigation and telecommunications. Remote sensing, its types and usage. Multispectral images and their applications.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nLaboratory exercises in the first half of the semester will focus on practical verification of basic principles of space instrumentation, systems and subsystems and methods of design of space missions. In the second half groups of 2-3 students will be created, which in turn will solve the problems from the fields of teaching materials. The students will work together with teachers, so that at the end of the semester they will be able to present solutions in the form of a short presentation (10 min.). There will also be organized excursions" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Integrated modular avionics"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe course Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) focuses on a modern concept of the approach to the development and design of aircraft electronics (avionics), where the transition from distributed HW systems to SW blocks. They use high-speed connections to exchange data in applications related to paid air transport. The existing regulatory basis and airspace sharing define the requirements for the accuracy, reliability, and functionality of electronic systems even in the event of a failure. In the course, students will learn details about the requirements for so-called safety-critical multi-sensor systems, methods of data processing from predetermined systems, fault detection methods, selection of primary computer and control system in parallel architectures, bus technology, and methods of testing/certification of aircraft instruments.\r\nStudy targets:\r\n\r\nThe goal of the study is to gain a practical view of data processing in aviation and its use for flight control.\r\nContent:\r\n\r\nAircraft electronic systems and advanced algorithms. Their implementation and ensuring security within the certification process used in aviation.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1)\t \tIntegrated modular avionics - its development, standardization, architecture, and use (A380, B787).\r\n2)\t \tAircraft architecture. Aircraft buses ARINC 429, 629, 659. CSDB, ASCB.\r\n3)\t \tAFDX aircraft buses, MIL-1553, STANAG 3910.\r\n4)\t \tIndustrial buses in aviation - CAN, CANaerospace. High speed and secure buses - SpaceWire, TTP, FlexRay, IEEE-1394.\r\n5)\t \tMethods of analysis and testing of EMI and EMS aircraft systems. Design rules for aircraft systems from the EMC point of view.\r\n6)\t \tThe concept of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN), related requirements for sensor equipment, and accuracy of measured quantities.\r\n7)\t \tStatistical data processing from redundant systems. Use of parallel / serial architectures and their limits. Use in data captured in aeronautical applications.\r\n8)\t \tThe concept of Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) in parallel redundant systems. Example of use in electronics of the control and monitoring system of aircraft engines FADEC.\r\n9)\t \tIntegrated sensor systems, methods of integration, and data sharing. Modeling of sensor systems. Use of models for condition monitoring and error detection (FDIR).\r\n10)\t \tSoftware and its architecture, design of avionic systems - requirements, analysis of performance, reliability, and security. Demonstration of competency and life cycle.\r\n11)\t \tCertification process in the design of avionics systems - requirements, analysis of performance, reliability, and safety. ICAO, EASA, aviation law, non-transferred products.\r\n12)\t \tTSO standard, requirements, and expected outputs for SW certification according to DO-178 and HW according to DO-160. Examples.\r\n13)\t \tSimulation systems and their categories. GPWS Dangerous Approach Warning System.\r\n14)\t \tCybersecurity, data access and security in on-board systems, and data sharing with air traffic control.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nExercises are focused on the transmission of data from sensors using digital buses used in aviation, then they are focused on the field of electromagnetic compatibility. These are online exercises, which are presented in the form of a video presentation and then individual processing of the data provided. The next part is focused on data processing from aircraft sensors and systems - error detection algorithms (FDIR) and algorithms for data fusion from various sources." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Flight control systems"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nThe course is devoted to classical and modern control design techniques for autopilots and flight control systems. Particular levels are discussed, starting with the dampers attitude angle stabilizers, to guidance and navigation systems. Next to the design itself, important aspects of aircraft modelling, both as a rigid body and considering flexibility of the structure, are discussed.\nStudy targets:\n\nDesign and validation of flight control laws for aerospace applications.\nContent:\n\nFlight dynamics. Flight control systems architectures. Nonlinear and linearized models. Dampers. Attitude hold autopilots. VOR, ILS. Mission planning. Air traffic modelling and control.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. Introduction. Motivation.\n2. Modelling the aircraft dynamics.\n3. Linearized equations of motion. Longitudinal and lateral dynamics.\n4. Longitudinal motin:dampers, attitude hold autopilots.\n5. Lateral motion:dampers, attitude hold autopilots.\n6. Quadratic-optimal design of dampers.\n7. Quadratic-optimal design and attitude hold autopilots.\n8. Path following problems: horizontal plane.\n9. Stabilization of vertical speed.\n10. Final approach.\n11. Automatic landing systems.\n12. Mission planning\n13. Automatic avoidance ad conflicts resolution.\n14. Air traffic modelling and control.\nExercises outline:\n\nLabs are devoted to two semestral projects - autopilot design and a satellite stabilzation hybrid control system design and simulation validation." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Unmanned vehicles"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nCourse is focused on area of unmanned systems. The focus will be primarily on unmanned aerial systems, but topics will cover unmanned surface and ground vehicles as well. Course will in details cover structural design, propulsion, sensors for navigation, stabilization and control and telemetric systems. Topics will cover modern methods for navigation, flight control, including trajectory following and target tracking. Besides this students will gain knowledge about trajectory planning and areas of application from the perspective of user payload. Legal issues related to unmanned systems operation will be discussed as well.\nStudy targets:\n\nGoal of the course is to introduce to students specifics of UAS design and operation. Although UAS belong among aircraft, which is an area students will become familiar with during other courses, field of unmanned systems brings specific problems related to their size and especially their control. After completion of the course student shall be able to independently design parts of UAS system, or the system as a whole.\nContent:\n\nArea of unmanned systems undergoes a fast development nowadays. Due to improvements in miniaturization of electronic devices in recent years it is possible to design and construct small unmanned systems which are powerful enough to carry out tasks which were only achievable by manned vehicles in the past. Primarily the reasons are improvements of embedded computers with high computational power, miniaturization of sensory equipment, increased range and bandwidth of modems and increased battery capacity. This all allows to run control algorithms onboard and transmit sensory data to ground control station in online mode. Operation of unmanned systems brings several advantages compared to manned ones, especially lower purchase and maintenance costs. Another advantage is a possibility of their deployment in areas where it is not possible to use manned vehicles, e.g. inside buildings or in contaminated areas. For some types of missions it is even possible to use several unmanned vehicles simultaneously and thus lower the time to complete the mission or improve situational awareness. This course will cover wide range of above mentioned problems related to design, assembly, control and operation of unmanned systems.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. History of unmanned systems development. Presentation of unmanned aerial systems, sensors and payload.\n2. Unmanned systems specifics from the material and structural design point of view. Laminates, composites, fiber-lass. Issues related to stiffness and elasticity.\n3. Propulsion units for unmanned systems. Small combustion and jet engines, electric motors. Discussion of selection of propulsion unit suitable for specific projects.\n4. Sensors for unmanned systems - measured properties, principle, data processing and fusion. Energy balance.\n5. User view on GNSS localization, INS and aerometric system. Redundancy and system safety.\n6. Basic control loops, autopilot modes. Take-off, trajectory following, holding patterns above ground target, tracking of mobile ground target. Final approach, landing.\n7. Advanced algorithms for control system design - optimal and robust control algorithms.\n8. Specifics of unmanned systems communication - suitable radio frequencies, problematics of signal propagation and interference. Communication devices, interfaces, protocols, antennas. Securing communication.\n9. User payload and additional equipment - stabilized gimbals, electro-optical systems, sighting devices, LiDARs, rangefinders, CBRN sensors, image processing.\n10. Flight trajectory planning, no-flight zones, optimization criteria - energy consumption, prioritization, goal satisfaction.\n11. Systems for autonomous collision avoidance - cooperative and non-cooperative methods.\n12. Legal issues related to operation of unmanned systems in Czech Republic, Europe and worldwide. Laws and regulations related to UAS operation, insurance, airspace classes.\n13. Integration of unmanned aerial systems into shared airspace.\n14. Commercial applications of unmanned systems, projects in Czech Republic.\nExercises outline:\n\nSeminars will be practically oriented with focus on work with small unmanned aerial vehicles. Students will have an opportunity to verify stabilization and motion control methods, navigation and trajectory planning. Students will form small teams and within this teams independently solve tasks and presents results they achieve. Visits of several specialized laboratories (material lab, wind tunnel) will be organized during the seminars." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Presentation skills"@en . . "no data" . "Annotation:\r\n\r\nThe overall aim of this course is to develop communication and language skills in order to plan and deliver an effective presentation. Students will be taken step by step through all the key points of presenting - from their preparation and ability to introduce themselves to the final summary. Using interactive methods, students are instructed to successfully communicate their thoughts and ideas in logical sequence and orderly units, all concisely, clearly and succinctly. Emphasis is placed on independent critical thinking and the correct formulation of presented ideas. During this course, students will practice skills that will enable them to become better speakers and presenters.\r\nStudy objectives:\r\n\r\nThe aim of the course is to develop the ability of structured thinking, logical formulation and argumentation, as well as the ability to express one's own opinion briefly and clearly according to the function of the speech and the expectations of the audience.\r\nContents:\r\n\r\nThe overall aim of this course is to develop communication and language skills in order to plan and deliver an effective presentation. Students will be taken step by step through all the key points of presenting - from their preparation and ability to introduce themselves to the final summary. Using interactive methods, students are instructed to successfully communicate their thoughts and ideas in logical sequence and orderly units, all concisely, clearly and succinctly. Emphasis is placed on independent critical thinking and the correct formulation of presented ideas. During this course, students will practice skills that will enable them to become better speakers and presenters.\r\nLecture outlines:\r\n\r\nWeek 1: Course Introduction & Credit Requirements How to Prepare and Give a Presentation Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication Preparing Slides for Presentations HW: Choose Topic for Presentation Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION) Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation Week 4: Making an Outline Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation Week 5: Individual Consultations Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it Key Words in Presentation Week 9: Facts versus Opinions Reporting Verbs / Hedging Week 10: Graphs & Charts How to Talk About a Visual Aid Week 11: Individual Consultations Progress Check / Practice Presentation Week 12: STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)\r\nExercise syllabus:\r\n\r\nWeek 1: Course Introduction & Credit Requirements How to Prepare and Give a Presentation Week 2: Body Language & Gestures: Non-Verbal Communication Preparing Slides for Presentations HW: Choose Topic for Presentation Week 3: Structure of a Presentation (INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION) Signposting / Signalling: Introduction & Overview Portion of Presentation HW: Create OVERVIEW for Presentation Week 4: Making an Outline Innovative Ways to Open your Presentation Week 5: Individual Consultations Week 6: Language: Informal vs. Formal (Academic) / Other Word Choices At a Loss for Words: Describing Things When You Forget the Word Week 7: Fluency Practice: Summarizing Week 8: Pronunciation: It is WHAT you say...and HOW you say it Key Words in Presentation Week 9: Facts versus Opinions Reporting Verbs / Hedging Week 10: Graphs & Charts How to Talk About a Visual Aid Week 11: Individual Consultations Progress Check / Practice Presentation Week 12: STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Week 13: Feedback / Make-up Presentations Week 14: Reserve Class (Feedback / Make-up Presentations)" . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Academic writing"@en . . "no data" . "Annotation:\r\n\r\nThe aim of this course is not to increase the student's level of English, but to improve academic writing skills. This course is not an opportunity for students to have their texts checked or corrected - the aim of this course is for the student to be able to write (better) English at an academic level. The expected level of English at the beginning of the course is B2-Upper-Intermediate. If the student's current level of English is too low, the student must improve his knowledge independently (outside this course). By writing in English regularly during this course, students will naturally improve their level of English.\r\nStudy objectives:\r\n\r\nto improve the student's skills and abilities of writing academically (in English).\r\nContents:\r\n\r\nThe aim of this course is not to increase the student's level of English, but to improve academic writing skills. This course is not an opportunity for students to have their texts checked or corrected - the aim of this course is for the student to be able to write (better) English at an academic level. The expected level of English at the beginning of the course is B2-Upper-Intermediate. If the student's current level of English is too low, the student must improve his knowledge independently (outside this course). By writing in English regularly during this course, students will naturally improve their level of English.\r\nLecture outlines:\r\n\r\nWeek 1: Course Introduction, Credit Requirements UNIT ONE: What is Academic Writing? Academic Vocabulary Week 2: UNIT TWO:Types of Academic Writing Formality, Accuracy and Punctuation in Academic Writing Week 3:UNIT THREE:The Structure of Academic Texts Sentence Structures Week 4:UNIT FOUR:Organisation Understanding the Task The Process of Academic Writing (Pre-writing & Planning) Week 5:UNIT FIVE:Complexity in Academic Writing Articles in English Week 6:UNIT SIX:Objectivity & Hedging in Academic Writing Using ‘For Example’ and Phrases like ‘For Example’ Week 7:UNIT SEVEN:The Introductory Paragraph The Difference between an Abstract and an Introduction Thesis Statements Week 8:UNIT EIGHT:Body Paragraphs Paragraph Structure (Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details) Paragraph Unity & Coherence Week 9:UNIT NINE:Transition Signals Week 10:UNIT TEN: Rhetorical Functions in Academic Writing: Reasons and Explanations (Cause and Effect) Comparison and Contrast Week 11:UNIT ELEVEN: Concrete Support Facts versus Opinions / Supporting Details / Extended Examples / Statistics Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries / Documenting Sources of Information Week 12:UNIT TWELVE:Writing a Conclusion Proofreading & Editing Week 13:UNIT THIRTEEN:Supplemental Materials & Further Reading Week 14:Spare Week Week 3: UNIT THREE: THE INTRODUCTION Writing an Introductory Paragraph Writing a Conclusion Week 4: UNIT FOUR: PARAGRAPHS Part One Paragraph Structure Week 5: UNIT FIVE: PARAGRAPHS Part Two Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details Week 6: UNIT SIX: PARAGRAPHS Part Three Unity & Coherence Week 7: UNIT SEVEN: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part One Facts versus Opinions Week 8: UNIT EIGHT: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part Two Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries Week 9: UNIT NINE: TRANSITION SIGNALS Week 10: UNIT TEN: COMPARISON & CONTRAST Week 11: UNIT ELEVEN: CAUSE and EFFECT Week 12: UNIT TWELVE: PUNCTUATION The Comma / The Semicolon / The Colon Abbreviations & Numbers / American vs British English Week 13: UNIT THIRTEEN: FORMAL LETTER WRITING Letters of Application & Complaint Week 14: Spare Week, Credits\r\nExercise syllabus:\r\n\r\nWeek 1: Course Introduction, Credit Requirements Week 1: Course Introduction, Credit Requirements UNIT ONE: What is Academic Writing? Academic Vocabulary Week 2: UNIT TWO:Types of Academic Writing Formality, Accuracy and Punctuation in Academic Writing Week 3:UNIT THREE:The Structure of Academic Texts Sentence Structures Week 4:UNIT FOUR:Organisation Understanding the Task The Process of Academic Writing (Pre-writing & Planning) Week 5:UNIT FIVE:Complexity in Academic Writing Articles in English Week 6:UNIT SIX:Objectivity & Hedging in Academic Writing Using ‘For Example’ and Phrases like ‘For Example’ Week 7:UNIT SEVEN:The Introductory Paragraph The Difference between an Abstract and an Introduction Thesis Statements Week 8:UNIT EIGHT:Body Paragraphs Paragraph Structure (Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details) Paragraph Unity & Coherence Week 9:UNIT NINE:Transition Signals Week 10:UNIT TEN: Rhetorical Functions in Academic Writing: Reasons and Explanations (Cause and Effect) Comparison and Contrast Week 11:UNIT ELEVEN: Concrete Support Facts versus Opinions / Supporting Details / Extended Examples / Statistics Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries / Documenting Sources of Information Week 12:UNIT TWELVE:Writing a Conclusion Proofreading & Editing Week 13:UNIT THIRTEEN:Supplemental Materials & Further Reading Week 14:Spare Week Week 3: UNIT THREE: THE INTRODUCTION Writing an Introductory Paragraph Writing a Conclusion Week 4: UNIT FOUR: PARAGRAPHS Part One Paragraph Structure Week 5: UNIT FIVE: PARAGRAPHS Part Two Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details Week 6: UNIT SIX: PARAGRAPHS Part Three Unity & Coherence Week 7: UNIT SEVEN: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part One Facts versus Opinions Week 8: UNIT EIGHT: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part Two Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries Week 9: UNIT NINE: TRANSITION SIGNALS Week 10: UNIT TEN: COMPARISON & CONTRAST Week 11: UNIT ELEVEN: CAUSE and EFFECT Week 12: UNIT TWELVE: PUNCTUATION The Comma / The Semicolon / The Colon Abbreviations & Numbers / American vs British English Week 13: UNIT THIRTEEN: FORMAL LETTER WRITING Letters of Application & Complaint Week 14: Spare Week, Credits" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Experimental methods in aeronautics"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nIntroduction to the basic methods of measuring non-electrical quantities, procedures for conducting engineering experiments, evaluation and processing of data. Introduction to basic methods of aircraft specifics testing. Processing of individual labs and practical demonstrations of experimental techniques and procedures.\nStudy targets:\n\nIntroduction to basic methods of aircraft specifics testing.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. Motivational first introduction, overview of quantities, dimensional analysis, the organization of the experiment, safety, accuracy of measurement, uncertainty, the comparison of results of experiments and calculations\n2. Data aquisition software for experiment control and data processing, basic instrumentation\n3. Analog and digital signal processing, signal filtering\n4. Sensors for measuring non-electrical values\n5. Aerodynamics - tunnel force measurement, pressure measurement\n6. Mechanics - strain gauge analysis\n7. Mechanics - specifics of testing aircraft materials and assemblies, strength testing, buckling\n8. Mechanics - Stress tests of aircraft structures, fatigue\n9. Climatic resistance\n10. Measurement of vibration and noise, experimental modal test, aeroelasticity\n11. Flight Tests\n12. Excursion - strength and fatigue testing\n13. Excursion - testing of turbine engines\n14. Evolution of aircraft structures testing methods\nExercises outline:\n\n1. Aerodynamics - basic pressure measurements\n2. Aerodynamics - advanced measurements of flow fields\n3. Strength - determination of basic strength properties of materials\n4. Strength - application of strain gauges\n5. Modal analysis\n6. Noise\n7. Nondestructive testing of structures" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Estimation, filtering and detection"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nThis course will cover description of the uncertainty of hidden variables (parameters and state of a dynamic system) using the probability language and methods for their estimation. Based on bayesian problem formulation principles of rational behavior under uncertainty will be analyzed and used to develop algorithms for parameter estimations (ARX models, Gaussian process regression), filtering (Kalman filter) and detection (likelihood ratio theory) . We will demonstrate numerically robust implementation of the algorithms applicable in real life problems for the areas of industrial process control, robotics and avionics.\nStudy targets:\n\nAbility to solve engineering problems in the area of estimation and filtering, using rigorous theoretical background.\nContent:\n\nMS, LMS and ML estimation. Bayesian approach to uncertainty description, model of dynamic system. Identification of ARX model parameters. Tracking of time varying parameters, forgetting, prior information. Numerically robust algorithms for parameter estimation. Gaussian process regression. Stochastic system, probabilistic state definition, Kalman filter. Kalman filter for colored noise, extended Kalman filter. Stochastic dynamic programming, LQ and LQG controller, certainty equivalence principle. Fault detection and isolation methods. Likelihood ratio - theory and applications. Nonlinear estimation - local vs. global approximation. Monte Carlo methods.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. Review of basic concepts of statistics\n2. MS, LMS and ML estimation\n3. Bayesian approach to uncertainty description, model of dynamic system\n4. Identification of ARX model parameters\n5. Tracking of time varying parameters, forgetting, prior information\n6. Numerically robust algorithms for parameter estimation\n7. Gaussian process regression\n8. Stochastic system, probabilistic state definition, Kalman filter\n9. Kalman filter for colored noise, extended Kalman filter\n10. Stochastic dynamic programming, LQ and LQG controller, certainty equivalence principle\n11. Fault detection and isolation methods\n12. Likelihood ratio - theory and applications\n13. Nonlinear estimation - local vs. global approximation\n14. Monte Carlo methods\nExercises outline:\n\nIndividual assigments - implementation of selected algorithms in Matlab, solution of individual technical problems. Deliverables: running algorithm, technical report. Homeworks: theoretical assignments. Deliverables: report." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Videometry and contactless measurement"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThis course focuses on CCD and CMOS video sensors, and optoelectronic sensors in general and their use in contactless videometric measurement systems. Further optical radiation, its features, behavior and its use for acquiring object parameters, optical projection system, design of measurement cameras and processing of their signal will be presented. Students will design, realize and debug an independent project - 'Optoelectronic reflective sensor', during labs.\r\nStudy targets:\r\n\r\nTeach: Basics - optoelectronic sensors and optical projection system\r\nContent:\r\n\r\nThis course focuses on CCD and CMOS video sensors, and optoelectronic sensors in general and their use in contactless videometric measurement systems. Further optical radiation, its features, behavior and its use for acquiring object parameters, optical projection system, design of measurement cameras and processing of their signal will be presented. Students will design, realize and debug an independent project - 'Optoelectronic reflective sensor', during labs.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tIntroduction to videometry and contactless measurement, optical radiation and its behavior\r\n2.\t \tSemiconductor radiation detectors, photodiodes, semiconductor radiation sources, LED, LASER\r\n3.\t \tOptoelectronic position sensors, triangulation sensors, laser scanning sensors, laser rangefinders\r\n4.\t \tSensors for infrared radiation, ultrasound sensors for measurement and robotics\r\n5.\t \tMOS capacitor as an optical radiation detector, CCD shift register, CCD line sensors\r\n6.\t \tCCD area sensors, arrangement, principle of operation (Full Frame, Frame Transfer, Interline Transfer)\r\n7.\t \tCCD sensors, features and limitation, CCD cameras and their function\r\n8.\t \tCMOS image sensor, construction, arrangement, features and its control\r\n9.\t \tMicrowave radar sensors, position measurement\r\n10.\t \tOptical projection systems and their design, resolution limitation\r\n11.\t \tVideosignal standards, videosignal digitalization and computer interfacing, digital camera interfaces\r\n12.\t \tOptical radiation sources, lighting sources for measurement, structured light sources, scene lighting\r\n13.\t \tDesign of compact CMOS cameras with internal image processing for positional control\r\n14.\t \tDesign of automatic videometric inspection systems\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nIn the first section of labs, students will acquaint themselves with basic optoelectronic sensors by measuring their parameters. Using this knowledge they will independently solve a project: Optoelectronic reflective sensor. This will include design of electronic circuits, selection of component parameters and simulation of the whole system. Then the students will realize and debug this project and measure its parameters. An important part of this will be creating documentation throughout the project. The complete project will be presented and defended in class. The final section of labs will deal with image sensor, cameras, optical projection systems and other sensors for contactless measurement." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Autonomous robotics"@en . . "no data" . "N.A." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master of Aerospace Engineering"@en . . "https://aerospace.fel.cvut.cz/overview" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "This is a Master degree study programme focused on education and training of nowadays and/or future specialists in the field of aeronautical and space systems and technologies. Although the programme is taught at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, it can be considered as a whole-university program, because of a strong link with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering where several compulsory courses are given. Even if the program puts the emphasis on aerospace fields, the education is supported by a broad knowledge of electronics, embedded systems and their design, programming and usage. Moreover, the program curriculum is extended by soft skills’ training. The program content is in accordance with prestigious European aerospace universities and thus provides good competitive basis for graduates’ future employment in variety of private and state companies and institutions.\nThe study is hands-on focused. Students can thus develop their practical knowledge via practical oriented courses and individual projects. A full 4th semester of the study is dedicated to a diploma thesis which can also be solved in cooperation with industry and abroad. The CTU and program itself have strong links with European aerospace universities via PEGASUS Network which supports student exchange program and getting experience from other country.\nThe program introduces current state-of-the-art in the field of aerospace but expects graduates to be fluent also in the future technologies and systems."@en . . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "Not informative" . "no data"@en . "Not informative" . "Recommended" . "aircraft and spacecraft engineering, avionics, integrated systems with their subparts in terms of sensors, data processing, buses, communication, and integration, radio systems, flight control, inertial-GNSS-decision based navigation, trajectory planning."@en . "1"^^ . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Czech"@en . . "Faculty of Electrical Engineering"@en . .