. "Astronautics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Space data processing for space exploration"@en . . "7.5" . "Not provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space propulsion systems 1"@en . . "3" . "Availabe: General Module (Subsystems) Description\n•Subsystems for Space Missions\n•Propulsion and Attitude Control Systems\n•Power and Thermal systems\n•Command & Data Handeling\n\nOutcome: General Module (Subsystems) Outcomes\nStudents have knowledge/responsibilities in\n•Design for orbital and interplanetary spacecraft (Phase\n0/A/B)\n•Design of spacecraft subsystems: Power, propulsion, C&DH, AOCS, thermal, telecom, structure\n•Functional principles of all major types of space propulsion.\n•Main components of chemical rocket propulsion and their most important design criteria\n•Informed assessment of advantages and disadvantages of the different concepts and \nunderstanding the challenges to future developments\n•Overview of design, concepts and elements of a navigation and control subsystem for a \nspacecraft and their functions\n•Typical sensors and actuators used for spacecraft navigation and control\n•Methods for state estimation used in spacecraft navigation systems\n•Concepts for controlling spacecraft" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fluid handling in spacecrafts"@en . . "3" . "Content: Subsystems of spacecraft\r\nOrbital mechanics\r\nPropulsion systems\r\nMission design\r\nGoverning equations\r\nTwo-dimensional analysis of liquid/gas interface\r\nDynamic behavior of liquids\r\nLiquid sloshing in closed containers\r\nTask of propellant management systems\r\nBasics of capillary rise\r\nCapillary rise in porous media\r\nScreen resistance and bubble point\r\nDesign of propellant management components\r\n\nOutcome:\nLearning outcomes:\r\nUnderstanding the connection between accelerations of a spacecraft and liquid behavior\r\nConnection between thrust, acceleration, and propellant demand\r\nUnderstanding fluid mechanics on tank scale, component scale, and subcomponent scale\r\nDesign tools for two-dimensional situations\r\nDesign equations for propellant management devices" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Human space exploration & habitation"@en . . "3" . "Learning content:\r\nIn the past five decades more than 550 humans ventured into space, most of them into \r\nthe low-Earth orbit and a few of them even to the Moon using different vehicles. The \r\nastronauts performed experiments, were part of experiments themselves, built \r\ninfrastructure, and even repaired them in space. According to many international \r\nexploration roadmaps, the future of human space flight is seen in the establishment of \r\nplanetary outposts and habitats on the Moon and Mars. \r\nSustained human presence in space is challenging and requires a large number of \r\ntechnologies to maintain environment control, to provide water, oxygen, food and to \r\nkeep astronauts healthy and psychologically fit. Currently physical/chemical life \r\nsupport systems and regular resupply missions represent the back-bone of each life \r\nsupport system. In the future, bio-regenerative life support systems and principles such \r\nas algae reactors and higher plant cultivation in conjunction with in-situ resources and \r\nadvanced manufacturing methods will initially reduce and ultimately eliminate basic \r\nconsumables from the logistics chain. Minimizing this need for resupply while ensuring \r\nhuman safety will allow astronauts to travel further and stay longer in space than ever \r\nbefore.\r\nInterconnecting different technologies into life support architectures is a complex task \r\nand many requirements need to be fulfilled in order to guarantee the survival of the \r\nastronauts. Already today, astronauts and scientists experiment how working and \r\nliving conditions on a planetary surface can be simulated. During analogue- and \r\nisolation studies on Earth in extreme environments, such as deserts, polar regions, \r\nand caves, essential knowledge in the operation of new technologies can be gained.\n\nOutcome:\nStudents gain knowledge in:\r\n• History of human spaceflight (Animals in space, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, \r\nSalyut, Spacelab, Mir, Space Shuttle, ISS, Tiangong, Artemis, Musk, Moon \r\nVillage, Space tourism) \r\n• Life support systems (human requirements, life support functions, physical\u0002chemical technologies, bio-regenerative technologies, fire safety, technology \r\ntrade-offs with ESM)\r\n• Life support architectures (ISS ECLSS, closed-loop systems, resupply strategies, \r\nexemplary calculations/diagrams, simulation)\r\n• Analogue and isolation studies (Bios-3, Biosphere, CEEF, Lunar Palace, Hi-Seas, \r\nMDRS, CAVES, NEEMO, Concordia/Antarctica, EDEN ISS, Mars500)\r\n• Habitat design/space architecture\r\n• ISRU (prospecting, excavating, processing, manufacturing, interconnections \r\nwith ECLSS)\r\n• Resupply vs. advanced in-situ manufacturing \r\n• Space suits and EVA\r\n• Astronaut selection and training\r\n• Humans in Space (human factors, physiology, space medicine, issues in micro\u0002or low gravity)\r\n• International programmatic roadmaps on human exploratio" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace structures and materials"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nTo provide the knowledge regarding to space environment for common materials, will lern, evaluate and analyzed material selection with space related situations, will be able select appropriate material for specific requirements, moreover, students will be introduce to various manufacturing technologies, be able correctly chose design for related manufactured technology.\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course, students are introduced to the main materials used in the space environment and their processing technologies, such as computer machine tool processing technology, casting, composite materials production, casting, vacuuming, extrusion, 3D technologies and others. The prevailing environment in space and the design challenges it poses will also be assessed.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace flight dynamics, svv including flight test"@en . . "8" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space structures design"@en . . "4" . "AIMS\n\nThe aim is to acquaint the student with the basic aspects of space research, with space technology and provide him with space to use this knowledge in optimal decision-making and self-solving individual problems. LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nIt is assumed that the student will be able to analyse problems in a broad context, in evaluating the problems from various perspectives, as well as from different levels.\nSYLLABUS\n\n1. Introduction to space technology\n2. Basic concepts of cosmology and astronomy\n3. Artificial satellites, classification, functions, factors influencing an artificial satellite during flight\n4. Areas of use of artificial satellites\n5. Construction and basic systems\n6. Space stations\n7. CubeSats and space debris\n8. Return systems, their possibilities, advantages and disadvantages\n9. Materials for space technology\n10. Use of artificial satellites and satellites for near and far space research\n11. Use of artificial satellites for remote sensing of the Earth\n12. Use of artificial satellites in meteorology\n13. Use of artificial satellites for navigation systems" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to aerospace structures design I"@en . . "6" . "Description is not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aircraft propulsion and aerospace propulsion laboratory"@en . . "12" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course is aimed at introducing the students to aircraft propulsion with turbo and reciprocating engines. Basic notions of thermo-fluid-dynamics and engine technology are given for classification, description and selection of the engines, for the quantitative analysis of their performance in steady and unsteady conditions. Methods for the preliminary design of engine components (air intakes, axial and radial compressors and turbines, combustion chambers, exhaust nozzles and propellers) are illustrated. The main maintenance strategies and engine condition monitoring techniques and are also introduced. The course includes a laboratory activity that takes place in the computer room. During the laboratory hours the students are guided in the design and analysis of the performance of aircraft engines and their components through the use of IT tools whose use has been acquired in previous courses (programming in the Matlab environment, computer-aided design , etc.) or in the course itself." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to aerospace structures design II"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe course introduces students to the use of modern software developed in the field of structural analysis with the finite element method. In the theoretical lectures the bases of the finite element method are shown while during practical lectures a lot of examples of structural modelling are carried out step by step (beam frames, wing box, fuselage section). When it is possible, students are driven to compare analytical results (based on the elementary theory of structure) with numerical ones." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace structures"@en . . "no data" . "This module introduces advanced concepts for the analysis and design of lightweight structures for aerospace vehicles. Students will learn basic principles underpinning modelling of composite materials and basic principles of static and dynamic aero elasticity." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics and control of space structures"@en . . "6" . "The course deals with the problem of modeling flexible structures and the related problems related to their control in the \r\nspace environment. The basic principles of structural dynamics for space-continuous and discrete systems will be \r\nrecalled. Particular attention will be devoted to modeling the effects of gravitational forces on the dynamics and micro \r\ndynamics of large flexible structures. The course will study the concepts of advanced modeling using multibody \r\ntechniques. Lagrangian and quasi-Lagrangian formulations will be presented and compared with Newtonian approaches. \r\nDuring the course techniques for active and adaptive control of vibrations will be studied. Hand notes will provided by \r\nthe teacher during the course." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Electrical power systems for space exploration"@en . . "6" . "The course is intended to provide advanced knowledge about Electrical Power Systems in satellite and other space vehicles. Information about operating principles, constraints arising form space environment and peculiar design techniques are provided for the most common approaches used in space vehicles for power generation, storage and management. \r\nFor further information please visit https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/luigischirone-eng/home" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astronautics"@en . . "4" . "Learn basics of rocket design, theory of space flights, types of satellites and spacecraft as well as with benefits from space exploration. Calculation of simple orbit parameters, basic estimation of parameters of rockets, determining of features and requirements for space missions" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space exploration programmes (3 ects)"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space flight"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spaceflight."@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Rocket motion"@en . . "3.00" . "Parts Course Overview\n1. Introduction and recap previous courses on orbital mechanics\n2. Fundamentals of rocket motion\n3. Launch trajectories in a homogeneous gravity field, in vacuum and in an atmosphere (2D); vertical flight, constant pitch angle,\ngravity, and sounding rockets.\n4. Theory of the multi-stage rocket; optimal mass distribution.\n5. Ballistic flight over the Earth; 2D, and 3D over spherical (non-rotating and rotating Earth).\n6. Launch systems design, unconventional launchers like air launch\n7. Summary and question hour (workout exam question example)\nStudy Goals This course introduces the fundamentals of rocket motion by studying the motion of rockets under different circumstances.\nEmphasising on analytical solutions of the equations of motion, it will provide insight into the qualitative and quantitative\naspects of launch trajectories of rockets in a homogeneous gravitational field, the performance of single and multi-stage rockets,\nand the exoatmospheric ballistic flight over the Earth. It discusses launcher design considerations and unconventional launch\nsystems like air launch.\nAt the end of the course you should be able to\nLO1: Evaluate the performance of existing space launchers that make use of single and multi-stage rockets.\nLO2: Analytically derive equations of rocket motion for specific launch and rocket applications in a homogeneous gravitational\nfield.\nL03: Simulate a range of rocket trajectory scenarios (e.g. in Matlab or python)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Re-entry systems"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please read the restrictions under \"Assessment\"\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nThe course aims at giving a complete overview of re-entry systems, mainly from a mission point of view, but also from the\nsystem point of view. To begin with the mission, the fundamental principles of mechanics (Newton's Laws) are applied to derive\nthe equations of motion for translational and rotational motion. Subsequently, simplifications are applied to give a description of\nplanar ballistic, gliding and skipping flight, where the focus will be on analytical solutions for quantifying maximum mechanical\nand thermal loads. Next, typical mission applications, such as planetary entry and descent with parachutes and/or propulsion\nsystems are discussed, as well as terminal-area flight of winged entry vehicles. To extend the mission applications, attention is\nalso paid to the atmospheric flight aspects during an aero-gravity assist, aerocapture and aerobraking. As many re-entry missions\nrely on the application of guidance, navigation and control systems, the fundamentals of each of these three sub-systems will be\ndiscussed and applied in simple examples, such that after the course the student has a starting point for further study. The relation\nbetween vehicle configurations (capsule, winged, lifting body, etc.) and mission aspects, such as flight time and (maximum)\nsystem loads is a typical system aspect that will pass review. Finally, all presented theory will be combined in a so-called\ndevelopment plan for building a simulator that can be used for performance analysis of both controlled and uncontrolled re-entry\nvehicles. How to use such a simulator efficiently is depending on what kind of simulation and analysis technique will be used.\nTherefore, the course is concluded with an overview of such techniques like Monte-Carlo Analysis, and how to extract the\nrequired information from the simulated data.\nCourse Contents\nContinuation\nLecture Topics (the actual topics covered may vary per year):\n#01 Introduction\n#02 Entry Environment and Aeroheating\n#03 Fundamentals of Motion\n#04 Ballistic entry\n#05 Gliding Entry\n#06 Skip Entry\n#07 Guidance, Navigation and Control\n#08 Planetary Entry and Descent\n#09 Advanced Descent and Landing Systems\n#10 Terminal Area Energy Management\nStudy Goals At the end of this course, the student will be able to (depending on topics covered):\n1. Identify the influence of the planetary environment on the motion of and loads on an entry vehicle\n2. Derive the equations of planar motion\n3. Identify the three unpowered entry mechanisms (ballistic, gliding and skip entry), and derive the corresponding equations of\nmotion\n4. Apply a sizing methodology to design an entry descent system (parachute and/or propulsion)\n5. Understand the fundamental functions of a Guidance, Navigation and Control System and design a simple system\n6. Name the characteristic phases of the Terminal Area flight, and derive the equations for maximum range and maximum dive\n(steady-state approximation)\n7. Solve typical re-entry problems through a combination of physical insight, analytical skills, and numerical evaluation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied exploration II"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes\nIn this event, a self-selected task from the field of space exploration with its typical\nGo through project phases. The main aim is to provide practical experience and independent work as well as the necessary basics and special features when carrying out a space project are developed. As part of the processing of the topics in\nConcrete solutions are developed in small groups, prototypes are implemented and the results are presented. This is how they learn Students to classify their own work into the performance of a project team and to work with others.\n\nIt is not necessary to take part in the “Applied Exploration I” module in advance, as the content of the modules does not build on one another.\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe module first provides an overview of the planning and management of a space project. On this\nBased on this, the students develop a project plan and their own solution approaches. The following will be discussed in the context of several\nA detailed draft was created for the work packages and the development was driven forward. After conducting reviews, production follows Integration of the system or the execution of tests to characterize materials and components. The topics\nof the module come from the following areas:\n• Utilization of the resources of space and other celestial bodies (In-situ Resource Utilization, ISRU)\n• Experimental exploration and lander drives as well as their systems and their validation\n• Development of robotic systems for use on other celestial bodies, with a focus on the moon\n• Design of infrastructures on other celestial bodies and techniques for their construction and operation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Manned space travel"@en . . "12.00" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe module provides knowledge about the basics of planning and implementing manned space travel. It includes both technical concepts of manned spacecraft as well as the basics of medical and psychological processes involved in the Adaptation of the human body to the space environment. This course is intended to enable students to:\nTo recognize the complexity of manned space travel in order to provide technical solutions for space exploration, taking into account the medical and psychological effects on the human body. By acquiring this knowledge you should\nstudents will be able to participate in the research, development and operation of manned space missions requires a high degree of interdisciplinary thinking.\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe content of the module covers the following topics:\n\n- History of manned space travel\n- Human capabilities and limitations in space\n- psychological selection and training of astronauts\n- Microgravity and altered dark-light cycle as primary stressors in space\n- Basic questions of physiological adaptation to microgravity (cardiovascular system, vestibular system, bone-muscle system\nsystem, motor skills)\n- Effects of living and working conditions in space on cognitive and psychomotor performance\n- Impact of confinement and isolation on astronaut well-being and behavioral health\n- psychological challenges of future exploration missions to the Moon and Mars\n- Orbital equipment\n- Life support systems\n- Space transportation systems and space stations\n- Exploration strategies and mission architectures\n- Characteristics and potential of space propulsion\n- Technologies of in-situ resource use and their potential" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Human spaceflight"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nHuman spaceflight is increasingly becoming a key driver in the world's total expenditure in the space domain, with many space agencies\nannouncing the realization of future permanent crewed habitats on extra-terrestial environments. The module introduces students to the\nchallenges and solutions of humans living and working in space from a technical and psychological aspect. Students start with the medical\nand psychological processes of adaptation to space environments, and continue with the module to build their engineering skills and design\ninnovative strategies to mitigate the harsh space environment on humans.\nAfter successful completion of this module, students will be able to\n- identify the historical and future objectives of human spaceflight,\n- describe the physiological factors that are relevant in human spaceflight,\n- recognize the influence of the space environment on cognitive and psychomotor functions,\n- give examples of mitigating the impact of the space environment on the human body and mind,\n- recognize the technical and programmatic requirements to ensure humans can safely live and work in a space environment,\n- explain the technical working principles of elements of space habitats,\n- develop a systematic approach to provide solutions for a human space habitat,\n- apply the fundamental space engineering skills in a space project for human habitats,\n- recognize the importance of managing interfaces between different work packages,\n- manage the interactions with people in an interdisciplinary and international team.\nContent\nTechnical Aspects of Human Spaceflight:\n- History of crewed spaceflight\n- Protection and mitigation against micro meteorites, micro-gravity, thermal environment, radiation\n- Regenerative life support systems\n- Human space law\n- Space suits\n- In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)\n- Analog studies\nSpace Psychology:\n- Microgravity and changed day-night-cycle as specific stress factors of the space environment\n- Physiological problems of adaption to zero-gravity (hear circular flow system, vestibular system, muscle and bone system, space sickness)\n- Effect of microgravity on cognitive and psychomotor functions and performance\n- Psychological effects of isolation and confinement on performance\n- Mental stat and sozio-psychological processes within astronaut crews\n- Psychological aspects of selection, training and support of astronauts" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space exploration and propulsion project I"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThis event includes a self-selected task from the area of space exploration and space propulsion\ngo through the typical project phases of a space project. This is intended to provide practical experience and independent work imparted and the necessary basics and special features of carrying out a space project are developed. As part of\nBy working on the topics in small groups, concrete solutions are developed, prototypes are implemented and the results are presented presents. The students learn to classify their own work within the performance of a project team and with others\nto work together. Over the course of the semester, presentations of the interim results take place in the manner of typical space reviews instead of. This enables you to gain experience for the form of exchange between people that is very important in your later professional life Clients and project team to collect.\n\nThe students acquire the following skills:\n\n- Overview of the management of space projects with typical phases\n- Practical planning and implementation of a project (definition of the task, creation of a list of requirements, derivation of a schedule, work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Work Package Description (WPD)\n- Planning and conducting reviews (PDR, CDR, AR)\n- Preparation of technical reports\n- Teamwork\n- Pragmatic implementation of the task by designing and building prototypes and carrying out tests\n- Problem-solving skills\n- Focusing on the main goals of the project\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe module first provides an overview of the planning and management of a space project.\nA topic is then selected from a list of tasks from ongoing or planned projects of the working group\n“Exploration and Propulsion” from the field of space technology are derived. On this basis, the students develop one Project plan and your own solution approaches. Below, a detailed draft will be created as part of several work packages Development pushed forward. After carrying out reviews, the system is manufactured and integrated\nCarrying out tests to characterize materials and components.\n\nThe topics of the module come from the following areas:\n\n- Utilization of the resources of space and other celestial bodies (In-situ Resource Utilization, ISRU)\n- Experimental exploration and lander drives as well as their systems and their validation\n- Development of robotic systems for use on other celestial bodies with a focus on the moon\n- Design of infrastructures on other celestial bodies as well as techniques for their construction and operation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space propulsion"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes The\n\nmodule teaches the basics of space propulsion and provides a systematic overview of rocket propulsion and propulsion for spacecraft in space. The students should understand and be able to apply the theoretical basics of space propulsion. In addition, a systematic overview of the various drive concepts and the associated basic technical principles and system solutions should be learned.\n\nAfter successfully completing this course, students will be able to: - differentiate between\ndifferent types of propulsion and systems, including the basic advantages and disadvantages - name and explain the basic principles and main elements of a rocket engine - recognize different thrust vector systems with their\nadvantages and disadvantages - to know and be able to distinguish between the basics of\ncombustion chambers and their cooling systems, igniters, fuel tanks and fuel delivery systems including different types of injectors - to be able to classify and name the losses of a rocket engine - to calculate basic\nparameters of a rocket engine (e.g. launch and fuel masses , thrust, specific\nimpulse, temperatures and pressures) - to be able to classify different fuels\n\n\n- to be able to recognize and evaluate different combustion cycles - to be able to distinguish and evaluate different types of nozzles\n- to know and be able to calculate the physical-thermodynamic processes of a nozzle - to fundamentally understand air-breathing hypersonic drives\n- be able to classify and fundamentally calculate solid propulsion systems - be able to classify and calculate electrical propulsion systems - have a deeper understanding of liquid in-space propulsion systems - have basic\nknowledge of test stands and peripherals for rocket propulsion systems\n- Have knowledge of various future or unrealized propulsion systems\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe content of the lecture and the exercises relate to the following topics: - Overview of all drive types (chemical, electrical,…)\n- More detailed consideration of the different chemical drives (solid, hybrid, liquid, single-substance, dual-substance)\n- Presentation of various engines -\nTheoretical principles and formulas for calculating rocket engines, - Classification of fuels - Fuel tanks and fuel delivery -\nCombustion chamber and combustion\nchamber cooling - Injectors - Nozzles: calculations and\nconstruction - Thrust vector control\n\n- Solid fuel drives\n- Hybrid drives\n- Fuel block shapes\n- In-space propulsion\n- Test stands and safety\n- Electric drives for spacecraft\n- Air-breathing hypersonic engines\n- Other drives" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace propulsion"@en . . "6.0" . "The propulsion system is a crucial component in all aircraft. This module covers thermodynamics and methods of mathematical modelling of propulsion systems, specifically air-Breathing propulsion systems and components, combustion thermodynamics and combustors, nozzles and afterburners. The module also explores electrical propulsion systems found in most UAV systems and will characterise typical engines in flight experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space exploration, tourism and resources"@en . . "no data" . "Review importance of utilizing resources for Space exploration and its impacts on accelerating key technologies on Earth. Investigate modern Space exploration and understand how it stimulates the creation of both tangible and intangible benefits for humanity." . . "Online"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space structures"@en . . "9.0" . "Define the role of space structures within space systems (eg satellites, launchers).\nDescribe the mechanical environment of space missions.\nProvide the fundamental elements for the static and dynamic analysis of space structures.\nDescribe and analyze the behavior of spatial shell structures and laminated structures in composite material.\nAcquire the basic principles of the Finite Element Method, its application and the use of calculation programs based on the method itself.\nIntroduce the design of space structures in the context of the design of space systems of their development from conception to operational phase up to their disposal to avoid the production of space debris." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Liquid rocket engines"@en . . "6.0" . "The goal of the course is to provide a basic knowledge of liquid propellant rocket engines, including methodologies for the analysis of design of the whole engine system and of its components, especially pumps and turbines and the cooling system. The overall system analysis is shown as depending on the high pressure required to have high efficiencies, also towards an improved sustainability of space propulsion. The goal is also to provide the basic elements for the study of turbomachines in general and the main aspects of combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engines." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Solid rocket motors"@en . . "6.0" . "The course will be devoted to the analysis and modelling of solid rocket motors and the complex phenomenology that characterizes these propulsion systems. Theoretical and mathematical models will be provided for analyzing the operation and performance in the quasi-steady regime with both zero-dimensional and one-dimensional approaches. Combustion of energetic materials will be analyzed with attention to the various solid propellant formulations. Specific aspects such as ablation phenomena of thermal protection materials in the nozzle, two-phase flow phenomena, grain geometry and burn-back analysis, as well as ignition transient, will be analyzed in detail. Hints on hybrid rocket propulsion systems and their main characteristics will be given. Finally, attention is given to recent efforts devoted to developing solid propellants using green oxidizers, which demonstrate less hazards and environmentally friendly chlorine free combustion products." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Questions in space studies"@en . . "5.0" . "Aims: \n\nLearning outcomes:\n\nStudents having successfully followed this course\n\nare capable of analysing and understanding the main scientific, technological, and societal aspects of human spaceflight;\nare able to report on these issues for a specialised and a general audience;\ncan apply, in the field of human spaceflight, the knowledge and abilities they obtained during their previous academic master;\nhave shown ability to integrate different aspects in the resolution of specific questions highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of space activities;\nare capable to execute research individually and within a team;\ncan analyse space data using modern tools and a scientific methodology to extract relevant information;\nare familiar with public databases to search and retrieve space-based observational data;\nare familiar with modern analysis methods of space data, including available webtools and numerical packages allowing efficient processing of the data.\n\nModule Questions in Space Studies (3 ECTs)\n\nThe content of the course includes a concise presentation of the main international organisations or agencies of space science and the different industrial and governmental players active in the field. The balance between governmental and entrepreneurial participation will be discussed together with different perspectives and evolving trends in Space Science, space management and technology. A short presentation of the different technological challenges presented in commercial, military and scientific space missions is essential to place the whole program in a good context. The impact of global space related activities on the organisation of society can be evaluated and presented.The course will also give a global survey of different space related commercial, scientific and legal differences between different agencies and industrial players active in space science. Special attention will be given to human interest, sociological and ethical aspects of typical space science and exploration illustrated with historical steps or milestones.\n\nModule Downstream Exploitation of Space Data (2 ECTs)\n\nThe content of the course includes a concise presentation of the main international organisations or agencies of space science and the different industrial and governmental players active in the field. The balance between governmental and entrepreneurial participation will be discussed together with different perspectives and evolving trends in Space Science, space management and technology. A short presentation of the different technological challenges presented in commercial, military and scientific space missions is essential to place the whole program in a good context. The impact of global space related activities on the organisation of society can be evaluated and presented.The course will also give a global survey of different space related commercial, scientific and legal differences between different agencies and industrial players active in space science. Special attention will be given to human interest, sociological and ethical aspects of typical space science and exploration illustrated with historical steps or milestones.\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0L90BE.htm#activetab=inhoud_idp1570864" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .