. "Space system avionics"@en . . "7.5" . "Embedded Systems Design, HLS, On-Board Software and RTOS, High Performance – Low Power Computing (multi-cores, GPUs)" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "microcontrollers with aerospace application"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Modelling of avionic systems"@en . . "3" . "Modelling of avionic systems and circuits in Matlab-Simulink envi-\nronment. Basic principles of dynamic model creation based on the\ndescription using difference and differential equations to describe\ndynamic models. Modelling by finite element method of mechanical\nand electromagnetic processes in the Comsol Multiphysic environ-\nment. Software for virtual construction of measuring instruments in\nthe LabView environment. Principles of integration of the Matlab-\nSimulink with Comsol Multiphysic and LabView." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Avionics modules and systems programming"@en . . "6" . "Characteristics of programming languages. Principles of creating\nprograms in high and low level languages. General characteristics\nof integrated programming environments supporting programming\nand starting microprocessor-based systems. Program syntax in as-\nsembler language and C language. Declaration of variables and\nconstants. Operations on arithmetic operators. Operations on logi-\ncal operators. The use of pointers and variable arrays. Standard\ninput/output functions, input/output formatting. Operation of inter-\nrupt systems. Operation of input/output circuits and serial inter-\nfaces. Operation of built-in peripherals of microprocessor systems:\ncounters, timers, real-time clock, A/D and D/A converters. Opera-\ntion of external devices. General characteristics of visual high-level\nlanguages. Introduction to integrated programming environments.\nBasic data types. Characteristics of JAVA and NET runtime envi-\nronments. Internal instructions and functions of the language. Defi-\nnition and calling of user functions. Methods of returning values\nthrough a function argument. Basic features of object-oriented pro-\ngramming: range of available arguments and methods, inheritance,\nclasses. Developing a graphic interface of an application. The use\nof the interrupt system in an application. Operation of computer\nhardware resources." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Avionics systems"@en . . "6" . "Definition, architectures and basic characteristics of avionics sys-\ntems. Electrical power sources on aircraft. Lighting and light signal-\nling systems. Rain and ice protection systems. Aircraft engine" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Avionics systems"@en . . "6" . "Definition, architectures and basic characteristics of avionics sys-\ntems. Electrical power sources on aircraft. Lighting and light signal-\nling systems. Rain and ice protection systems. Aircraft engine igni-\ntion systems. Organisation elements of aircraft on-board computer\nand data exchange systems. Fibre optics and fibre optics technol-\nogy. Integrated modular avionics systems. On-board information\nand operation imaging systems. Flight data and cabin voice record-\ners. Cabin and information systems. Construction and principles of\naeronautical measuring instruments and systems. Autonomous" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aircraft avionics"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe subject is focused into a field of aircraft avionics including principles, sensors, measurement and evaluation systems and signal/data processing methods. The subject goes into details of studied systems, i.e. engine and aircraft monitoring systems, power systems, pressure-based systems, low-frequency navigation means, and flight recorders. The subject introduces currently used technology and methodology on aircraft and thus serves to understand fundamentals of avionics. Inertial navigation systems are discussed in more details as well as their aiding systems and sensors. The course focuses on both small and large aircraft as well as on UAV suited avionics.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1.\t \tAircraft avionics, cockpits - overview. Avionics immunity to impacts of ambient environment. EMC and its application into aircraft, examples.\r\n2.\t \tAircraft power systems and power distribution.\r\n3.\t \tParameters definition of aircraft propulsions, N1&N2, temperature, pressure, torque & vibration measurement systems. Fire and ice annunciators.\r\n4.\t \tComplex engine monitoring systems. Fuel systems, level sensors. Fuel flow & fuel used measurement systems.\r\n5.\t \tBarometrical measurements of altitude. Altimeters and their constructions. International standard atmosphere. Angle of attack measurements.\r\n6.\t \tAir, vertical speed, and Mach-number measurements. Total/static air temperature measurements. Air data computer - pressure based systems & sensors.\r\n7.\t \tMeans of operational and emergency diagnostics. Flight data recorders.\r\n8.\t \tEarth magnetic field and its usage. Magnetic sensors.\r\n9.\t \tIntroduction to aircraft navigation systems. Mechanical gyroscopes.\r\n10.\t \tInertial sensors - angular rate sensors/gyroscopes and accelerometers.\r\n11.\t \tNavigation equations and navigation systems, INS/GNSS data fusion.\r\n12.\t \tUAV electronics and payloads.\r\n13.\t \tUAV power management.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nLaboratory exercises are dedicated to get theoretical knowledge onto a practical level of understanding. There are 12 practical exercises dedicated to particular aircraft systems to pass and make the report from. Within the semester there will be organized two excursions to helicopter base of the Czech Police and to the B737 simulator." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Integrated modular avionics"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\r\n\r\nThe course Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) focuses on a modern concept of the approach to the development and design of aircraft electronics (avionics), where the transition from distributed HW systems to SW blocks. They use high-speed connections to exchange data in applications related to paid air transport. The existing regulatory basis and airspace sharing define the requirements for the accuracy, reliability, and functionality of electronic systems even in the event of a failure. In the course, students will learn details about the requirements for so-called safety-critical multi-sensor systems, methods of data processing from predetermined systems, fault detection methods, selection of primary computer and control system in parallel architectures, bus technology, and methods of testing/certification of aircraft instruments.\r\nStudy targets:\r\n\r\nThe goal of the study is to gain a practical view of data processing in aviation and its use for flight control.\r\nContent:\r\n\r\nAircraft electronic systems and advanced algorithms. Their implementation and ensuring security within the certification process used in aviation.\r\nCourse outlines:\r\n\r\n1)\t \tIntegrated modular avionics - its development, standardization, architecture, and use (A380, B787).\r\n2)\t \tAircraft architecture. Aircraft buses ARINC 429, 629, 659. CSDB, ASCB.\r\n3)\t \tAFDX aircraft buses, MIL-1553, STANAG 3910.\r\n4)\t \tIndustrial buses in aviation - CAN, CANaerospace. High speed and secure buses - SpaceWire, TTP, FlexRay, IEEE-1394.\r\n5)\t \tMethods of analysis and testing of EMI and EMS aircraft systems. Design rules for aircraft systems from the EMC point of view.\r\n6)\t \tThe concept of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN), related requirements for sensor equipment, and accuracy of measured quantities.\r\n7)\t \tStatistical data processing from redundant systems. Use of parallel / serial architectures and their limits. Use in data captured in aeronautical applications.\r\n8)\t \tThe concept of Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) in parallel redundant systems. Example of use in electronics of the control and monitoring system of aircraft engines FADEC.\r\n9)\t \tIntegrated sensor systems, methods of integration, and data sharing. Modeling of sensor systems. Use of models for condition monitoring and error detection (FDIR).\r\n10)\t \tSoftware and its architecture, design of avionic systems - requirements, analysis of performance, reliability, and security. Demonstration of competency and life cycle.\r\n11)\t \tCertification process in the design of avionics systems - requirements, analysis of performance, reliability, and safety. ICAO, EASA, aviation law, non-transferred products.\r\n12)\t \tTSO standard, requirements, and expected outputs for SW certification according to DO-178 and HW according to DO-160. Examples.\r\n13)\t \tSimulation systems and their categories. GPWS Dangerous Approach Warning System.\r\n14)\t \tCybersecurity, data access and security in on-board systems, and data sharing with air traffic control.\r\nExercises outline:\r\n\r\nExercises are focused on the transmission of data from sensors using digital buses used in aviation, then they are focused on the field of electromagnetic compatibility. These are online exercises, which are presented in the form of a video presentation and then individual processing of the data provided. The next part is focused on data processing from aircraft sensors and systems - error detection algorithms (FDIR) and algorithms for data fusion from various sources." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Avionics"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Avionics and operations"@en . . "3.00" . "Parts Week arrangement\nLecture and study material\n1. Introduction to avionics systems.\n-. Air Data systems (home study).\n2. Gyroscopes, attitude reference systems.\n3. Compasses, heading reference systems.\n4. Navigation equations.\n5. Flight deck instruments and integrated systems.\n6. The Flight Management System (FMS).\n7. Inertial Navigation Systems.\n8. Radio navigation systems (ADF, VOR, DME).\n9. Landing guidance systems (ILS, GPS).\n10. Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS).\n11. Satellite navigation systems (GPS).\n12. Air Traffic Management (ATM).\n13. The Future Air Navigation System (FANS).\nCourse Contents (see week arrangement)\nThis course provides a comprehensive, unified coverage of the principles of modern navigation equipment and systems, both in\nthe aircraft and on the ground, including the aircraft instrumentation and flight-deck systems, with a special emphasis on the\nimportant trends in the global air navigation and air traffic management system.\nStudy Goals 1. The student can describe in detail the working principles of the avionics systems treated in the course.\n2. The student can demonstrate the avionics systems' functionalities, identify their strong points and weaknesses, and make\ncomparisons between the avionics systems.\n3. The student can evaluate, criticize, and appraise their usage in the current and future operational context" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Avionics"@en . . . . . . . . . . .