. "Materials Chemistry"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Advanced mineralogy: minerals as materials"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biochemistry' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nThe course has the following four aims:\n- Gain knowledge about current research themes and methods in mineralogy, mineral physics and material science.\n- Learn how to apply quantitative models to answer mineralogical and material science questions.\n- Gain awareness of analytical techniques available to study mineralogical research questions.\n- Acquire the ability to understand and critically examine scientific literature in this field.\n\nThis course will cover the following topics:\n- Crystallography, including point and space groups for crystal symmetry, reciprocal lattice.\n- Solid-state physics, including bonding and electronic structure of solids, surface to bulk properties of materials.\n- Advanced analytical tools, including spectroscopic and synchrotron methods as well as atomic force microscopy.\n- Modelling mineral systems, including thermodynamic and molecular dynamics simulations.\n- Mineral-fluid interaction.\n- Amorphous materials.\n- Hot topics at the overlap between mineralogical and material science (e.g., zeolites, carbon-phases, perovskite).\n- Hot topics in biomineralization.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nWritten communications skills: The coursework of this course includes a written component, both as practical reports and a scientific abstract writing exercise in which phrasing, grammar etc. is also part of the grading scheme. Students are expected to hand in a first draft on which they receive feedback on the science and writing style from the lecturers before handing in the final version. \nVerbal communication skills: During this course, we hold a mini-conference linked to the abstract writing exercise. The students are given a recent scientific article covering one of the areas discussed during the course and must produce a short presentation to teach the rest of the group about the subject. Feedback is given on presentation skills by both the lecturers and the student’s peers.\nProblem-solving skills: throughout the lectures and practical sessions students are given tasks that require mathematical, kinesthetic and/or reasoning methods to approach the problems and find the solution. This includes examining/processing data.\nTechnical skills: the students are introduced to the following analytical techniques during the course: infra-red and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and interferometry. In addition, the students will work with the following simulation packages: PHREEQC (solution speciation modelling).\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students are given data from TEM, AFM, and Raman spectroscopy investigations to analyse during the practical assignments. The student’s use various analytical programs to analyse the data (Fityk: Raman data, Nanoscope Analysis: AFM) as well as working on paper." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spectroscopic methods of analysis"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spectroscopy techniques"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE1 - Understand the basic conceptual schemes of Astrophysics\nCE2 - Understand the structure and evolution of stars\nCE7 - Know how to find solutions to specific astrophysical problems by themselves using specific bibliography with minimal supervision. Know how to function independently in a novel research project\nCE10 - Use current scientific instrumentation (both Earth-based and Space-based) and learn about its innovative technologies.\nGeneral Competencies\nCG1 - Know the advanced mathematical and numerical techniques that allow the application of Physics and Astrophysics to the solution of complex problems using simple models\nCG2 - Understand the technologies associated with observation in Astrophysics and instrumentation design\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\nExclusive to the Specialty in Observation and Instrumentation\nCX7 - Apply the different techniques that allow us to obtain physical information about the Universe from the spectrum\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\n- Topics:\n\n1. Introduction to instrumentation and observation techniques in optical spectroscopy.\n Processing of optical astronomical spectra with CCD detectors (the IRAF astronomical data reduction package and Python are used).\n Visual extragalactic spectroscopy practice. Correction of instrumental effects. Wavelength and flow calibration. Spectra extraction.\n Spectrum analysis: line adjustments, determination of speeds, equivalent widths, flows and intensities.\n\n2. Introduction to spectroscopy techniques in the infrared (IR) range.\n Practice of extragalactic spectroscopy in the IR (the IRAF astronomical data reduction package is used).\n Correction of instrumental effects. Calibration, extraction and analysis of spectra.\n\n3. Introduction to spectropolarimetry techniques. \n Solar spectropolarimetry practice. Inference of the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere by means of the spectroscopic traces in the Stokes parameters. Measurement of the thermodynamic properties of the solar surface." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design of lightweight structures I: composites & metals"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The global course setup is such that there lectures contain the following topics:\n- Thoughts behind lightness\n- Design allowables\n- Interaction between materials processes\n- Materials and their properties\n- Essentials of manufacturing\n- Processing to final products and their applications.\n- The principles of stresses in laminated composites\n- Recycling and other environmental aspects.\n- The principles of repair of structures.\nGuest lectures will be illustrating the course content.\nStudy Goals After succeeding this course the student should be able to:\n- explain parameters and their relationships, which play a role in the development of lightweight structures and parts.\nExamples:\n- be able to judge a structural design on conditions required to call a design a lightweight design.\n- be able to identify carbon glass aramid and dyneema fibres\n- be able to identify metals from composites on micro and macro scale.\n- be able to relate lightweight materials to typical strong and weak points in their performance.\n- be able to give examples of fibre morphologies\n- be able to argue the correlation between fibre content, orientation control, fibre length, manufacturing process and application.\n- be able to recall & argue unwanted stress distributions in composite materials" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Designing materials with aerospace specific properties"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents In this course an unorthodox approach to materials will be presented.\nRather than memorising known routes to reach certain materials properties, the students will be trained to translate these desired\nproperties into material structures and microstructures and to design suitable material production processes to realise these\nproperties.\nThe concept of reverse material engineering for metals, polymers and inorganic materials will be demonstrated in a series of\nlectures.\nThe course is divided in 6 lectures (with a possible 7th lecture). The first lectures cover basic design rules of different material\nclasses and their behaviour. The last three lectures cover material behavior at high temperatures, impact of material degradation\non properties and strategies to extend material durability:\n-polymers\n-metals\n-ceramics and 'smart' materials\n-materials at high temperatures\n-materials and damage\n-materials and lifetime\nThe students will need to deliver a report (assignment). For this they will get a set of questions they need to solve by reading the\nexisting literature.\nStudy Goals The objective of the course is to train the student in reverse material engineering. This skill enables students to initiate and guide\nnew material developments to meet future targets in the industry.\nBy the end of the course, you should be able to:\n- explain structure and property (inter)relationships of metals, polymers and ceramics\n- explain the functionalities of aerospace relevant material properties\n- breakdown and translate these functionalities into material structures and microstructures using reverse engineering\nmethodologies\n- explain material behaviour and function loss and strategies to decrease the impact of damage in the material function\n- give examples of new material concepts and explain the underlying concepts." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Manufacturing of aerospace structures & materials"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The red line of the course is aiming at knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes in relation to material properties\nand feasible product designs. The course contents include manufacturing processes for metallic and composite parts, the\nassembly of parts into large (sub)structures, and related topics like Quality control, organisation principles, finances, etc.\nStudy Goals The student should have a good knowledge and understanding of the mainstream manufacturing processes of structural materials\n(lightweight alloys, composites, hybrids).\nThe student should be able to describe and motivate the processing procedures like the processing steps, required tooling and\nequipment, of manufacturing processes.\nThe student should be able to select adequate manufacturing processes for designs of lightweight structures and components, and\nshould be able to motivate his/her choices.\nThe student should be able to analyse and synthesize interactions between materials, design and manufacturing processes.\nThe student should be able to identify and explain manufacturing related flaws and inaccuracies and advice on how to\nprevent/limit those." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fatigue of structures & materials"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents - Introduction to Fatigue (fatigue as a phenomenon; stress concentrations; residual stresses; fatigue properties of metallic and\ncomposite materials; fatigue strength of notched specimens, residual strength).\n- Fatigue damage mechanisms (initiation, crack growth, delamination growth, transverse matrix cracking, fibre failure).\n- Analysis methods (stress concentration factors, stress intensity factors; energy balance approaches, strain energy release rates).\n- Fatigue loading (Load Spectra, Fatigue under Constant- & Variable-Amplitude Loading).\n- Special Fatigue Conditions (surface treatments; fretting corrosion; corrosion fatigue; high-temperature and low-temperature\nfatigue, moisture ingress).\n- Fatigue and Damage Tolerance of Aircraft Structures: Regulations, tests, scatter, application of fatigue and damage tolerance\nmethods.\nStudy Goals This course provides the students with engineering knowledge and skills to recognize and to analyse fatigue and damage\ntolerance problems in aircraft structures and materials.\nAfter the course the student must be able\n1. Interpret and discuss the fatigue fracture features with respect to the characteristics of each phase in fatigue life\n2. Define and determine stress concentration factors for notched structures with or without residual stresses\n3. Explain and discuss S-N curves with respect to mean stress, material surface effects, and scatter, and perform fatigue life\nanalyses considering mean stress and notch root plasticity\n4. Assess the fatigue life of tension and shear joints, and explain limitations to the similarity principles (K,I,T)\n5. Explain Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics concepts for damage growth, and perform crack growth analyses with these\nconcepts\n6. Explain the consequences of variable- and constant amplitude loading on fatigue life and damage growth, and perform fatigue\nlife analyses for arbitrary load spectra\n7. Explain the effect of environment on fatigue life and fatigue phenomena\n8. Perform residual strength analyses." . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Polymer science"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design & analysis of composite structures I"@en . . "5.00" . "Course Contents 1. Classical Lamination Theory\n a. Short Overview of Materials. Composites Design Philosophy\n b. Theory of Elasticity\n c. Engineering Constants\n d. Stress & Strain Transformations / Implications for Testing\n e. Thin laminates\n2. Progressive damage analysis\n a. Failure criteria\n b. First ply failure & Last ply failure\n c. Damage tolerance analysis\n3. Reliability analysis & Health monitoring\n a. Probability of Failure & Uncertainty quantification\n b. Structural Health Monitoring\n4. Basic Stress Solutions and Buckling of Composite Plates\n a. Typical Airframe Elements\n b. Airframe Design Process, Materials & Damage\n c. Plate Governing Equations / Solution of the PDE\n d. Energy Minimization Methods\n e. Buckling of Composite Plates\nStudy Goals The students should develop in-depth understanding and insight with regard to the basic mechanics of composite materials and\nstructures, and be able to apply the lectures theories and methods to tackle a variety of basic composite design problems. In\naddition, the students should become able to expand the provided analysis tools towards more advanced solutions for their\ngraduation thesis work. Furthermore, the students should be able to understand and apply related scientific literature.\nAt the end of this course the student will be able to:\n- Understand the basic mechanics of composite materials and structures as listed under \"course content\"\n- Show insight into the theory of progressive damage analysis of composite materials and structures by applying the theory and\nmethods and tools listed under the course contents to solve a variety of basic composite structure design problems\n- Understand the philosophy of reliability analysis and calculate the probability of failure of composite structures by\ncombining numerical methods and the mechanics of composite structures\n- Understand the importance of structural health monitoring (SHM) and design a SHM system for a given composite structure\n- Demonstrate the ability to expand the theory, methods and tools towards more advanced solutions in real practice such as\nstudents may encounter during their thesis\n- Understand, select on relevance, and apply additional theory, tools and methods on composite materials and structures found in\nrelevant scientific literature to (design) problems based on the material taught in class" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design of self-healing materials"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design & analysis of composite structures II"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Characterization of materials and components"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course is an introduction to the most common characterization tools to gather crucial structural and property information of\nmaterials and components. The focus is on knowing about several possible characterisation methods and their underlying\nprinciples of measurement as well as the strategies to extract the most relevant information from the tests for the purpose in\nmind. The characterisation techniques will be taught by various experts in each field. The methods to covered in this course are\nclassified as follows:\n1. Imaging of material structures and surfaces (microscopy, confocal, SEM, EDS)\n2. Chemical analysis of polymers (FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, contact angle)\n3. Structural characterisation (XRD, NMR)\n4. Surface analysis of materials (XPS, AES, AFM)\n5. Electrical and electrochemical characterisation of metals and ceramics (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, dielectrics)\n6. Thermomechanical analysis of polymers (DSC, TGA, DMA/Rheology)\n7. Mechanical characterization\nStudy Goals Aim of the course is to provide (aerospace, mechanical, maritime) engineering students with adequate skills and knowledge such\nthat later in their technical careers they can handle materials performance issue in which it is important to clarify the material\ncharacteristics such as to link actual material performance to its microstructure. Such knowledge and skills are important in case\nof premature failure or degradation or in sub-or above standard material performance.\nTo this aim:\n- Students will get familiar with the underlying principles of measurement of principal materials characterisation techniques.\n- Students will be able to analyse and interpret data from each characterisation technique.\n- Students will be able to select the right characterisation techniques to correlate structure and property relationships over a wide\nrange of engineering materials." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Experimental methods for the study of materials"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" .