. "Optics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Advanced optical communications systems with space applications."@en . . "7.5" . "Not provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Modern technologies of fibre-optical networks in aviation"@en . . "6" . "The theoretical foundations of optical fiber technologies, advantages and disadvantages of these technologies are studied in the study course. The principles of construction of aircraft navigation and data transmission systems implemented based on these technologies, as well as the issues of application of these systems are discussed. The principles of construction of aerodrome data transmission systems implemented based on these technologies, as well as the issues of maintenance of these systems are discussed.\n\nOutcome:\nKnows the characteristics of the fiber optic transmission environment, the wavelengths used, the construction of light wires, is able to evaluate the characteristics and advantages of such data transmission channels. - Control work. Exam.\r\nKnows the types, constructions, characteristics of fiber optic cables, is able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of cable. - Control work. Exam.\r\nKnows the function and characteristics of passive optical devices (branch, connector, attenuator, filter, switch) and is able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of such devices for a particular fiber optic system. - Practical work. Control work. Exam.\r\nKnows the types, characteristics, principles of operation of light sources and detectors and is able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of such devices for a particular fiber optic system. - Practical work. Control work. Exam.\r\nKnows the causes of light transmission loss and attenuation in fiber optic cables and methods to prevent such effects. - Control work. Exam.\r\nKnows the architecture of synchronous optical networks (SONET), signal structure, synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), is able to use this knowledge for the study and maintenance of aircraft fiber optic networks. - Practical work. Control work. Exam." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to light scattering"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nElectromagnetic Scattering and Absorption\" is the first advanced course on elastic electromagnetic scattering by arbitrary objects (usually called particles). As compared to the wavelength, the sizes of the objects can be small or large, or of the order of the wavelength. As to the shape of the objects, the main emphasis is on spherical particles and, subsequently, on the so-called Mie scattering. The optical properties of the objects are typically described by the refractive index. During the course, the student will become familiar with the concepts of electromagnetic scattering and will learn how to use existing computer codes in astronomical and atmospheric applications.\n\nCONTENT\nIntroduction to light scattering (electromagnetic scattering) is the first advanced course on elastic light scattering by arbitrary objects (usually called particles). As compared to the wavelength, the sizes of the objects can be small or large, or of the same order. As to the shape of the objects, the main emphasis is on spherical particles and, consequently, on Mie scattering. The optical properties of the objects are typically described by the refractive index. During the course, the student becomes familiar with the concepts of light scattering, learns how to use existing computer codes in astronomical and atmospheric applications, and completes a hands-on computer programming project (for example, involving ray tracing)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Computational light scattering"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nThe course Electromagnetic Scattering I offers an introduction and theoretical foundation for elastic electromagnetic scattering by arbitrary objects (usually called particles). As compared to the wavelength, the sizes of the objects can be small or large, or of the order of the wavelength. As to the shape of the objects, main emphasis is on spherical particles and, subsequently, on the so-called Mie scattering. The optical properties of the objects are typically described by the refractive index.\n\nCONTENT\nComputational light scattering assesses elastic light scattering (electromagnetic scattering) by particles of arbitrary sizes, shapes, and optical properties. Particular attention is paid to advanced computational methods for both single and multiple scattering, that is, to methods for isolated particles and extended media of particles (cf. dust particles in cometary comae and particulate media on asteroids). Theoretical foundations are described for the physics of light scattering based on the Maxwell equations and for a number of computational methods. In single scattering, the methods include, for example, the volume integral equation, discrete-dipole approximation, T-matrix or transition matrix, and finite-difference time-domain methods. In multiple scattering, the methods are typically based on Monte Carlo ray tracing. These include far-field radiative transfer and coherent backscattering methods and their extensions incorporating full-wave interactions. Students are engaged in developing numerical methods for specific scattering problems. The development and computations take place in both laptop and supercomputing environments." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysical light scattering problems"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nThe course Electromagnetic Scattering II offers an introduction and theoretical foundation for elastic electromagnetic scattering by complex random media of particles, in other words, for multiple electromagnetic scattring. As compared to the wavelength, the media can span from a few wavelengths onwards to the scale of thousands of wavelengths. As to the geometry of the media, media composed of both spherical and nonspherical particles are treated. Finally, the course includes practical application of existing multiple-scattering software in both laptop and supercomputing environments to interpret spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric observations in astronomy as well as scattering measurements in the laboratory.\n\nCONTENT\nAstrophysical light scattering problems provides a cross-scale journey in light scattering (electromagnetic scattering) with a particular emphasis in applications. The course starts with an introduction to the basic concepts and computational methods, whereafter experimental measurements are assessed. Various applications are introduced for planetary system objects, interstellar and circumstellar dust, and exoplanets. Students are actively engaged in the interpretation of spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric observations as well as laboratory measurements. The interpretation takes place using both laptop and supercomputing environments." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace photonics"@en . . "4" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate of the course will be able to: (a) describe the basic aspects of photonics, photon and optical wave; (b) describe and explain the principle of the passive components function of the photonic system; (c) describe and explain the function of optical detectors; (d) explain the interaction of optical beams with the transmission medium; (e) describe the profile of the atmospheric transmission medium in the horizontal and vertical directions; (f) describe adaptive optics systems and PAT systems; (g) name and describe statistical and stationary parameters of photonic links; (h) calculate the photonic link energy budget; (i) design the photonic link; (j) name, describe and compare different types of photonic links; (k) name and describe optical satellite systems.\n\n\n1. System aspects of photonics – photon and optical wave\n2. Passive components of photonic systems\n3. Laser beam shaping\n4. Optical transmitters, optical fiber amplifiers, repeaters, and EO modulators\n5. Optical detectors and optical signal receivers\n6. Interaction of optical beams with a transmission medium, propagation of optical beams in optical fibers and in a vacuum\n7. Horizontal and vertical modeling of the Earth's atmospheric transmission medium\n8. Adaptive optics, optical systems, and PAT systems, multi-hop relaying\n9. Statistical and stationary parameters of photonic systems, modulation\n10. Photonic link budget\n11. Properties and parameters of individual types of ground-to-air, air-to-air, space-to-space, space-to-ground photonic links\n12. Satellite systems – European Data Relay System, SOTA, OPALS, OSIRIS and etc.\n13. Expected development of aerospace photonic systems\nAIMS\n\nThe aim of the course is to acquaint students with the principles of photonics and basic components of optical and photonic systems, to explain the principle of laser beam shaping, to explain the principle of optical sources operation, amplifiers, repeaters, and modulators. Another goal is to acquaint students with the principle of laser beam detection, to explain the principle of interaction of optical beams with transmission media. Students will get acquainted with horizontal and vertical photonic communication systems, which include adaptive optical systems or PAT systems. In the course, they will learn to calculate the energy budget of photonic links. The aim of the course is also to acquaint students with specific optical satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Optical astrophysics laboratory"@en . . "3" . "- telescope types, telescope mount types, - CCD (Charge-Coupled Devices): operation, types, coating, analog-to-digital converters - characterization of CCD: quantum efficiency, readout noise, dark current, CCD pixel size, pixel binning, full well capacity and windowing, overscan and bias, CCD gain and dynamic range, - CCD imaging: image or plate scale, flat fielding, calculation if read noise and gain, Signal-to-Noise ratio, basic CCD data reduction, CCD imaging, - Photometry and Astrometry: stellar photometry from digital images, two-dimensional profile fitting, aperture photometry, absolute versus differential photometry, astrometry, pixel sampling. - fits format, AstroImageJ software - performing optical observations with the use of one of three optical telescopes at the Institute of Astronomy" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optics and lasers"@en . . "no data" . "You will acquire a fundamental and interconnected understanding of geometric and laser optics, Fourier methods and spectroscopy. By nature of being fundamental physics, this is broadly applicable across industries and science." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Lasers"@en . . "4" . "CHAPTER 1: THE BASICS\r\n\r\nBasic laser physics: Introduction; Absorption; Spontaneous and stimulated emission of light; Amplification; Basic laser setup; Gain, saturation and line broadening\r\nBasic properties of laser light: One direction; One frequency; One phase; Laser light is intense\r\nCHAPTER 2: LASER THEORY\r\n\r\nIntroduction: The need for more than two energy levels; Rate equations for a 4-level laser\r\nContinuous-wave (cw) laser action: Output power in cw regime; Influence of experimental parameters; Transients \r\nPulsed laser action: Introduction; Gain switching; Q-switching; Cavity dumping; Mode-locking; Ultra-short pulses\r\nCHAPTER 3: LASER RESONATORS AND THEIR MODES\r\n\r\nIntroduction\r\nModes in a confocal resonator: Wave fronts; Frequencies; Transverse light distribution\r\nModes in a non-confocal resonator: Stability criteria; Frequencies\r\nModes in a waveguide resonator: Modes in a fiber waveguide resonator; Modes in an on-chip waveguide resonator\r\nModes in a (free-space/waveguide) ring resonator\r\nModes in a real laser: Line broadening; Selection of modes\r\nSaturation and hole-burning effects: Spatial hole burning; Spectral hole burning\r\nCHAPTER 4: LASER BEAMS\r\n\r\nGaussian beams: Basic Formulas; Propagation; Transformation by a lens and focusing; Transmission through a circular aperture\r\nMultimode beams: Introduction; Spot radius W for a multimode beam; Beam Propagation Factor M; A more theoretical approach; Practical use\r\nCHAPTER 5: TYPES OF LASERS\r\n\r\nGeneral introduction\r\nGas lasers: General; Neutral gas (He-Ne); Ionized gas (argon ion); Molecules (CO2); Excimer lasers (ArF)\r\nLiquid lasers (dye laser)\r\nSolid-state lasers: General; Rare-earth-doped lasers (Nd:YAG and Er:fiber); Transition-metal-doped lasers (Ti: Sapphire); Changing the wavelength by optical nonlinear effects\r\nOther lasing mechanisms: Raman lasing\r\nCHAPTER 6: LASER DIODES:OPERATION PRINCIPLES\r\n\r\nGeometry and important characteristics\r\nMaterial aspects: heterostructures, gain and absorption, low dimensional materials,\r\nGain saturation\r\nFabry-Perot laser diodes: cavity resonance\r\nFabry-Perot laser diodes: rate equations and dynamic operation\r\nNoise: power spectrum and phase noise, injection locking\r\nCHAPTER 7: OVERVIEW OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASER TYPES\r\n\r\nDistributed Feedback and Distributed Bragg Reflector laser diodes\r\nVertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser diodes\r\nTunable laser diodes\r\nQuantum cascade lasers\r\nLaser diode packaging\r\nThis course is part of the European Master of Science in Photonics. Chapters 1 to 5 are taught by N. Vermeulen, both at VUB and UGent. Chapters 6-7 are taught by G. Verschaffelt at VUB and by G. Morthier at UGent.\nALGEMENE COMPETENTIES\r\nCONTEXT AND GENERAL AIM:\r\n\r\nSince their invention in 1960, lasers have become the most important light sources in optics and photonics, and are present everywhere in modern society nowadays. For example, worldwide telecommunication is based on the transmission of laser signals through optical fibers, and today’s manufacturing industry heavily relies on the use of high-irradiance laser beams. Other application domains include medicine, art restoration, remote sensing, biological spectroscopy, and many others. It is the general aim of this course that the students will become able to explain and analyse laser properties and laser-related concepts, that they learn to construct and analyse the mathematical description of important concepts, and that they are also able to apply the latter to practical examples on the use of lasers.\r\n\r\nEND COMPETENCES:\r\n\r\nThe targeted end competences can be categorized as follows:\r\n\r\nThe students are able to name, describe and explain laser properties and concepts, including:\r\nspontaneous and stimulated emission, absorption, coherence, heterostructures for efficient light generation, light propagation in a resonator, continuous-wave and pulsed laser action, line broadening, saturation, Gaussian laser beams, operation and applications of different laser types (gas lasers, liquid lasers, solid-state lasers, semiconductor lasers), laser dynamics, noise, Bragg gratings, wavelength tuning, laser packaging.\r\n\r\nThe students have the ability to derive from first principles the mathematical description for laser-related concepts, including:\r\nrate equations describing the general operation principle of laser action and formulas for continuous-wave/pulsed laser operation, formulas for the modes in different types of resonators with different stability criteria, equations for propagation and transformation of Gaussian and multimode laser beams in optical systems, laser rate equations for different types of semiconductor lasers, formulas describing the gain and complex refractive index in semiconductor materials, description of the linewidth of lasers, formulas for the dynamic behaviour of lasers.\r\n\r\nThe students know how to explain and analyse the above-enlisted mathematical descriptions for laser-related concepts.\r\nThe students are able to apply the mathematical descriptions to practical examples and to use these descriptions to solve practical problems.\r\nEXAM:\r\n\r\nThe students are evaluated according to the above-enlisted end competences in an oral exam with written preparation (open questions, closed book)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optical materials"@en . . "6" . "Position of the course\r\n\r\nIntroducing the microscopic origin of optical phenomena and transferring concepts from microscopic to macroscopic descriptions. Illustrating optical properties like anisotropy, non-linearity and variation by means of electric, elastic, acoustic or magnetic effects in basic components. All lectures are held atVUB with co-lecturer from UGent.\r\n\r\nContent\r\n\r\nIntroduction\r\nProperties of linear isotropic materials: examples, microscopic theory, definitions\r\nLight propagation in anisotropic dielectrics: polarisation, propagation, matrix\r\nFormalism, reflection\r\nProperties of linear anisotropic dielectrics: tensors, types of materials, optical activity\r\nModification of optical properties: microscopic theory, electro- photo- elasto- acousto-\r\nMagneto- optic effects\r\nLiquid crystals: types of ordering, switching behavior Non-linear optical materials:\r\nSecond-order effects, phase-relations, OPO, material examples.\nALGEMENE COMPETENTIES\r\nFinal competences\r\n\r\nUnderstand and explain the microscopic and macroscopic theory of linear (isotropic and anisotropic) optical materials and light propagation.\r\nUnderstand and explain mechanisms for modifying the optical properties of materials: electric, magnetic, elastic and acoustic methods, including liquid crystals.\r\nUnderstand and explain basic non-linear optical effects\r\nSolve exercises that are based on linear (isotropic and anisotropic) optical materials, modification of optical properties and liquid crystals.\r\nCalculate the propagation of light and the change in polarization\r\n Make written and oral reports about optical phenomena and devices\r\nGrading\r\nThe final grade is composed based on the following categories:" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optical spectroscopy of materials"@en . . "4" . "• UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometry: Introduction; Applications: thin film optics\r\n• Spectroscopic ellipsometry\r\n• Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Introduction; Vibrational transitions in materials;\r\n• Electronic transitions in materials\r\n• Luminescence Spectroscopy: PL (photoluminescence); CL (cathodoluminescence)\r.\nFinal competences:\n1 Estimate the complex refractive index of an arbitrary material from optical measurements.\r\n2 Understand the concepts optical density, infrared- and Raman-active modes, excitation spectrum, emission spectrum, configuration coördinate diagram.\r\n3 Have insight in the relation between resolution, dynamic range, measurement time and signal to noise ratio in optical measurements. \r\n4 Interpret infrared absorption spectra of solid materials.\r\n5 Understand the origin of different luminescent processes in solids.\n6 Understand the possiblities and limitations of ellipsometric measurements in comparison with\r\nphotometric measurements." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Waves and optics"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Terahertz spectroscopy"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Modern optics"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Optical measurement methods"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Laser scanning"@en . . "7" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optical communications"@en . . "9" . "Objectives and Contextualisation\n1. To Acquire an advanced level of knowledge of the main blocks that constitute an optical communications link, the integral components (optical fibers, light emitters, photodetectors and other photonic devices), and the basic principles of the digital transmission of optical signals.\n2. Skills: the ability to calculate the most important parameters in the context of digital optical links, to use high-performance optical device and system simulation software (VPI TransmissionMaker), solve problems and write reports, work in small groups of two people.\n3. Competences: To have the mathematical and physical foundations necessary to interpret, select, evaluate, and possibly propose concepts, theories, use the technological developments related to optical communications and their application. Ability to analyze photonic devices, and understand their use in optical telecommunications.\n\n\nCompetences\nAnalyse components and specifications for communication systems that are guided or non-guided by electromagnetic, radiofrequency or optical means.\nApply the necessary legislation in the exercise of the telecommunications engineer's profession and use the compulsory specifications, regulations and standards.\nCommunication\nDevelop personal attitude.\nDevelop personal work habits.\nDevelop thinking habits.\nLearn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations.\nSelect and devise communication circuits, subsystems and systems that are guided or non-guided by electromagnetic, radiofrequency or optical means to fulfil certain specifications.\nWork in a team.\nLearning Outcomes\nAnalyse components and specifications of optical communication systems.\nApply the national and international regulations and standards to the field of optical communications.\nApply the techniques on which, in the field of optical communications and from the point of view of transmission systems, networks, services and applications are based.\nCommunicate efficiently, orally and in writing, knowledge, results and skills, both professionally and to non-expert audiences.\nDevelop curiosity and creativity.\nDevelop scientific thinking.\nDevelop systemic thinking.\nEfficiently use ICT for the communication and transmission of ideas and results.\nEvaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different technological options for the deployment or implementation of optical communication systems.\nMake one's own decisions.\nManage available time and resources.\nPrevent and solve problems.\nSelect transmission equipment and systems by optical means.\nUse computer applications to support the development and exploitation of networks, services and applications based on optical communications.\nWork cooperatively.\n\nContent\nContent\n\n(T: theory, S: problems or seminars, PS: preparation of problems or seminars, L: laboratories, PP: lab work preparation, E: study, AA: other activities, all these activities have required times specified in hours.)\n\n \n\n1. Optical fibers\n\nT\n\nS\n\nPS\n\nL\n\nE\n\nPP\n\nAA\n\nTotal\n\n9\n\n3\n\n3\n\n6\n\n9\n\n6\n\n \n\n36\n\n \n\nGeneral introduction. Basic concepts of Optics. Guided optical radiation. Singlemode and multimode fibers. Step index fibers and graded index fibers. The optical properties of fibers. Fiber losses, the scattering of Rayleigh, Mie, Brillouin and Raman. Chromatic dispersion, modal dispersion. Transmission characteristics. Special fibers: zero dispersion, displaced dispersion, flattened dispersion. Modelling parameters.\n\n \n\n2. Optical Emitters\n\nT\n\nS\n\nPS\n\nL\n\nE\n\nPP\n\nAA\n\nTotal\n\n9\n\n3\n\n3\n\n6\n\n9\n\n6\n\n \n\n36\n\n \n\nThe basis of light emission. Emission of light in semiconductors. Double heterojunction structure. LED rate equation. Characteristics: spectral line width, step response, modulation response, bandwidth. Fabry-Perot Resonator. Bragg reflectors. Semiconductor laser, types and properties. Laser rate equations, threshold current, step response, modulation response, bandwidth dependence with current. Modeling parameters with rate equations, life time carriers and photons, coefficient of damping, confinement factor.\n\n \n\n3. Optical receivers\n\nT\n\nS\n\nPS\n\nL\n\nE\n\nPP\n\nAA\n\nTotal\n\n9\n\n3\n\n3\n\n6\n\n9\n\n6\n\n \n\n36\n\n \n\nLight detection in p-n junctions. PIN and APD diodes. Equivalent circuit, transimpedance amplifier. Responsivity, dark current. Thermal noise, shot noise, avalanche factor. Consequences of converting optical power to electric current: electrical beat noise S-ASE and ASE-ASE. Bandwidth in actual devices. Modeling parameters: noise spectral density, M, k.\n\n \n\n4. Optical Amplifiers\n\nT\n\nS\n\nPS\n\nL\n\nE\n\nPP\n\nAA\n\nTotal\n\n9\n\n3\n\n3\n\n6\n\n9\n\n6\n\n \n\n36\n\n \n\nImportancein WDM systems. Optical semiconductor amplifiers, two-level system, electric pumping. Introduction to rate equations. Small signal gain, saturation power, noise dependence with gain. ASE noise, dependence with gain. Fiber amplifiers, three-level system, photonic pumping, EDFA doped fiber amplifiers, RAMAN fiber amplifiers with high bandwidth. Modeling parameters.\n\n \n\n5. Optical communications digital links\n\n9\n\nT\n\nS\n\nPS\n\nL\n\nE\n\nPP\n\nAA\n\nTotal\n\n9\n\n3\n\n3\n\n6\n\n6\n\n \n\n36\n\n \n\nTransmission of digital signals, IIDD intensity modulation, direct detection. Parameter Q, BER. Thermal noise, \"shot\" noise. ASE optical noise influence: electric beating noise, S-ASE, ASE-ASE. Interference between symbols (ISI), dispersion. Passive components: isolator, MZ modulator, optical filters. Balance of power and time. Impulse response of the link." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Laboratory I: optical properties of materials"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE6 - Understand the structure of matter being able to solve problems related to the interaction between matter and radiation in different energy ranges\nCE7 - Know how to find solutions to specific astrophysical problems by themselves using specific bibliography with minimal supervision. Know how to function independently in a novel research project\nCE11 - Know how to use current astrophysical instrumentation (both in terrestrial and space observatories) especially that which uses the most innovative technology and know the fundamentals of the technology used\nGeneral Competencies\nCG2 - Understand the technologies associated with observation in Astrophysics and instrumentation design\nCG3 - Analyze a problem, study the possible published solutions and propose new solutions or lines of attack\nCG4 - Evaluate the orders of magnitude and develop a clear perception of physically different situations that show analogies allowing the use, to new problems, of synergies and known solutions\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\nExclusive to the Structure of Matter Specialty\nCX15 - Understand the state of degenerated systems and systems far from equilibrium\nCX16 - Understand the mechanisms of electromagnetic wave propagation and the dynamics of charged particles\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\n- Professors: Ulises R. Rodríguez Mendoza and Fernando Lahoz Zamarro\n\n- Topics (headings):\n1.- Optically active systems. Transitions in the optical range\n1.1 Optical spectroscopy\n1.2 Inorganic and organic systems\n\n- Professor: Inocencio R. Martín Benenzuela\n\n2. Optical characterization\n2.1. Vacuum and low temperature techniques\n2.2. Instrumentation in optics\n\n- Professors: Ulises R. Rodríguez Mendoza, Fernando Lahoz Zamarro, Inocencio Martín Benenzuela\n\n2.3. Design of experiments\n2.3.1 Spectrophotometer 1: Absorption measurements in solid samples\n2.3.2 Spectrophotometer 2: Measurements in powder sample. diffuse reflectance\n2.3.3.Stationary luminescence measurements: Emission and excitation spectra\n2.3.4.Time-resolved luminescence measurements: Emission decay curves\n3. Applications\n3.1. Lasers\n3.2. Optical amplifiers\n3.3. Optical fibers\n3.4. Up- and down- conversion. Nonlinear process measurements" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optics"@en . . "7.0" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Optics: laboratory practice"@en . . "4.0" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Atmospheric optics, electricity and acoustics"@en . . "5,0" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Synoptic analysis"@en . . "4,0" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Synoptic analysis: laboratory practice"@en . . "5,0" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optical materials and devices"@en . . "6.0" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optical and microwave sensors"@en . . "6.0" . "Electronics module (6 credits)\nThe electronics module intends to provide the general knowledge of an electronic system intended as an information processing system. In particular, starting from the basic concepts related to linear systems, the course aims to provide the mathematical tools for the analysis of signals and the basic knowledge of analog and digital electronics starting from the fundamental components to get to electronic circuits and finally to systems more complex electronics. The course focuses on the link between frequency band, power consumption and noise in analog circuits and digital networks for space and satellite applications in the context of transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructures.\nExpected learning outcomes: students will be able to analyze analog and digital electronic circuits and will acquire design elements of electronic systems for different application fields.\nOptical sensor module (3 credits)\nThe optical sensor module aims to provide an introduction to integrated optical systems starting from the mechanisms of transduction of radiation through optical sources (lasers and LEDs) and semiconductor photodetectors up to understanding the system-level aspects of sensors of CCD and CMOS based images. The module presents application cases in the field of environmental remote sensing and broadband optical communications in fiber and in free space and for complex systems.\nExpected learning outcomes: students will be able to understand the functioning of image and environmental sensors, comparing the performance of the different technologies available according to the system requirements." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Lasers and electro-optic systems 4"@en . . "10.0" . "LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTIC SYSTEMS 4 ENG4088\nAcademic Session: 2023-24\nSchool: School of Engineering\nCredits: 20\nLevel: Level 4 (SCQF level 10)\nTypically Offered: Semester 1\nAvailable to Visiting Students: Yes\nShort Description\nLaser Fundamentals and Laser Applications course.\n\nTimetable\n4 lectures per week\n\nExcluded Courses\nNone\n\nCo-requisites\nNone\n\nAssessment\n75% Written Exam\n\n25% Written Assignment\n\nMain Assessment In: December\n\nAre reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? Not applicable\n\nReassessments are normally available for all courses, except those which contribute to the Honours classification. For non Honours courses, students are offered reassessment in all or any of the components of assessment if the satisfactory (threshold) grade for the overall course is not achieved at the first attempt. This is normally grade D3 for undergraduate students and grade C3 for postgraduate students. Exceptionally it may not be possible to offer reassessment of some coursework items, in which case the mark achieved at the first attempt will be counted towards the final course grade. Any such exceptions for this course are described below. \n\nCourse Aims\nThe aims of this course are to:\n\n■ provide students with a clear understanding of the behaviour of light and its interaction with optical materials;\n\n■ introduce basic laser theory;\n\n■ describe some examples of engineering metrological applications of lasers.\n\nIntended Learning Outcomes of Course\nBy the end of this course students will be able to:\n\nLaser Fundamentals\n\n■ describe the engineering science of electromagnetic radiation and how it propagates;\n\n■ apply this basic science to design beam handling systems;\n\n■ describe and explain the fundamentals of the design of laser devices;\n\n■ write the specification of a laser for a particular application;\n\n■ discuss the multi-disciplinary nature of engineering systems;\n\nLaser Applications\n\n■ describe the nature of light and its interaction with a range of optical materials;\n\n■ apply basic optical principles to the choice and design of simple optical systems;\n\n■ describe the process of laser operation and the role of basic subsystems;\n\n■ evaluate the use and appropriateness of lasers for some common engineering metrology applications.\n\nMinimum Requirement for Award of Credits\nStudents must attend the degree examination and submit at least 75% by weight of the other components of the course's summative assessment.\n\n\nMore information at: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/sensorandimagingsystems/?card=course&code=ENG4088" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" .