. "Satellite Navigation And Positioning"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Satellite navigation systems"@en . . "4" . "Not provided" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Accuracy and reliability in navigation"@en . . "3" . "Not provided" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space telecom and navigation systems/subsystems and technologies"@en . . "7.5" . "Systems, Technologies, Tools, Signal Processing, Networks, Protocols and Security" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Methods of positioning and navigation on land and sea"@en . . "7.5" . "Geodetic reference systems\nMethods for optimisation of localisation and navigation parameters\nLocalisation and navigation techniques and technologies\nElectronic and nautical chart navigation techniques and technologies\nHardware, software and cartographic parameters for land navigation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Satellite positioning"@en . . "5" . "Adopting the theoretical and practical knowledge about Global Navigation Satellite Systems and their implementation in navigation and positioning with special emphasys on geodetic applications Students will:\n- overmaster the concepts of satellite positioning and their implementation in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS),\n- explaine satellite orbit and Keplerian as well as Newtonian laws,\n- describe satellite positioning systems, structure, types and propagation of GNSS signals as well as error sources,\n- distinct code and phase measurements and know different mathematical models used for apsolute and relative positioning,\n- overwhelm usage and plan, prepare and execute static and kinematic measurement with GNSS receivers,\n- compute and analyse GNSS measurements (base vectors), adjust the network and deliver technical report for the project in accordance to existing rules." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft navigation and control"@en . . "3" . "Availabe: General Module (Subsystems) Description\n•Subsystems for Space Missions\n•Propulsion and Attitude Control Systems\n•Power and Thermal systems\n•Command & Data Handeling\n\nOutcome: General Module (Subsystems) Outcomes\nStudents have knowledge/responsibilities in\n•Design for orbital and interplanetary spacecraft (Phase\n0/A/B)\n•Design of spacecraft subsystems: Power, propulsion, C&DH, AOCS, thermal, telecom, structure\n•Functional principles of all major types of space propulsion.\n•Main components of chemical rocket propulsion and their most important design criteria\n•Informed assessment of advantages and disadvantages of the different concepts and \nunderstanding the challenges to future developments\n•Overview of design, concepts and elements of a navigation and control subsystem for a \nspacecraft and their functions\n•Typical sensors and actuators used for spacecraft navigation and control\n•Methods for state estimation used in spacecraft navigation systems\n•Concepts for controlling spacecraft" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft guidance, navigation and control"@en . . "7.5" . "Contents:\n1. Trajectory generation\r\n2. Attitude estimation\r\n3. Space Sensors for Navigation\r\n4. path Planning\r\n5. Trajectory Tracking\r\n6. LQR/LQG control\r\n7. MPC control for satellite\r\n8. Machine Vision for Space applications I\r\n9. Machine Vision for Space applications II\r\n10. Visual Servoing\r\n11. Spacecrafts / Rover Kinematics\r\n12. Rockets kinematics, dynamics and control\r\n13. Manipulator Kinematics\n\nOutcome:\nThe aim of the course is that the student shall learn the concepts of guidance, navigation and control (GNC) for\r\nspace systems, including satellites, rockets, rovers, aerial vehicles, manipulators and planes. \r\nAfter the course, the student shall be able to:\r\n- Identify and select sensorial systems for GNC \r\n- Generate trajectories for spacecrafts \r\n- Program attitude estimation based on Extended Kalman Filtering \r\n- Design control architectures for GNC as LQR and MPC\r\n- Design basic applications in computed vision for GNC \r\n- Apply the underlying knowledge in realistic labs" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Guidance, navigation and control for space systems"@en . . "5" . "Guidance, Navigation and Control will cover the following topics: 1) kinematics and dynamics of spacecraft 2) orbital manoeuvres and trajectories; 3) sensors and actuators for satellites and spacecraft GNC; 4) mathematical description of GNC tasks; 5) introduction to control systems engineering; 6) algorithms for spacecraft GNC; and 7) design, simulation and implementation of GNC solutions\n\nOutcome:\nHaving taken this course students will be able to · model the kinematics and dynamics of spacecraft · to understand the tasks of guidance, navigation and control (GNC) of spacecraft and their related challenges · understand and apply the basic sensing and actuating devices for GNC · design, analyse, simulate and implement the basic control algorithms for GNC tasks." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Airspace organization and cns services (communication, navigation, surveillance)"@en . . "4" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Navigation systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe aim of the subject is education of basic navigational systems used in cosmic engineering, especially satellite systems and space rover's navigation. Course Contents:\nLectures:\n1. Kinematics, dynamics, control, traversability (construction) of rovers\n2. GNSS systems, dead reckoning\n3. Gyro (mechanical, optical, MEMS), laser rangefinder\n4. Depth cameras, visual systems (principles)\n5. Data processing I. – models, features\n6. Environment representation, planning (Wavefront, A*+JPS, RRT)\n7. Data processing II. – octrees, kd-trees\n8. Localization I.\n9. Localization II.\n10. Navigation I. – basics\n11. Navigation II. – VFH, TFH" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Positioning and location awareness"@en . . "5" . "This course addresses Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and (indoor) positioning technologies for sensing people, devices, and assets in the built environment with the focus on location-aware applications. The course covers the requirements and context for these location-aware applications: global, local, and linear reference systems, coordinate systems and map projections, positioning methods and techniques, and the social and technical push and legislative pull factors that empower the development of location-based services.\n\n\t\r\nAfter the course Positioning and Location Awareness the student is able to:\r\n1. Understand location awareness, location sensitivity, context awareness;\r\n2. Understand the different types of reference systems: global, local (Dutch), linear;\r\n3. Understand the ethical and legislative factors of methods for location awareness;\r\n4. Apply different coordinate systems, positioning, and indoor localisation;\r\n5. Evaluate different technologies to support location awareness on their technical performance (availability, accuracy, integrity, continuity), and their ethical factors and legislative factors (privacy issues)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Navigation and gnss"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft navigation systems"@en . . "5" . "Objectives and basic functions of the navigation system. Classifica-\ntion and characteristics of basic aircraft navigation systems. Geo-\nphysical fields used in aircraft navigation. Shape and representation\nof the Earth. Time-keeping. Elements of astronomy. Fundamentals\nof astronavigation. Aeronautical charts. Navigational parameters of\nflight performance. Orthodromy and loxodromy. Using magnetic\nfield to determine flight parameters. Inertial track counting systems.\nInertial navigation systems. Integrated aircraft navigation systems.\nPreliminary knowledge of radio navigation. Positioning accuracy of\nradio navigation systems. Autonomous radio navigation equip-\nment. Radioelectronic systems for short-range navigation. Satellite\nnavigation systems. Systems and equipment supporting landing\nprocess" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Satellite navigation systems"@en . . "4" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Accuracy and reliability in navigation"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Navigation"@en . . "6" . "The concept of navigation. Fixing vs. deduced reckoning. Different classes of navigation. Time and space reference \r\nframes. Reporting navigation solution: fundamentals of cartography and geodesy. Navigation in real time vs. \r\ntrajectography. Navigation as an element of the Guidance-Control-Navigation loop. Effects of navigation accuracy on \r\nsystem performance. \r\nSatellite-based navigation. From TRANSIT (Doppler-count) to time-of-arrival systems. Required number of satellites in \r\nview. Pseudorange, linearized solution, effects of geometry, expected budget error. GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and \r\nBeidou systems: similarities and differences. Differential navigation and augmentation systems. From code- to carrier\u0002phase-based observables: the issue of the ambiguity in the number of cycles. Fundamentals of RTK (Real Time \r\nKinematics) and PPP (Precision Point Positioning) techniques. GNSS applications to land, air and space navigation. \r\nGPS experiments with lab’s test bed. \r\nInertial Navigation. Stable platforms and strap-down architectures. Accelerometers and gyroscopes. MEMS sensors. \r\nMEMS advantages and limitations. Performance of current MEMS sensors. Sensors’ tests. Calibration and Alignment.\r\nOptical gyros. Attitude reconstruction (cosine direction matrix, Euler angles, quaternions). Mechanizations. Instability \r\nof the gravity loop. Linearization of navigation equations’ set. Errors. \r\nVisual-based navigation. Feature recognition and Hough transform techniques. Experiments with lab’s test bed. \r\nIntegrated navigation. Kalman filter. Proof of the optimality of the linear filter. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for non\u0002linear process and/or non-linear observations. Examples and exercises. Insights about “beyond-Kalman” modern \r\nfiltering techniques." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Gps, gis and setting out"@en . . "5" . "To give an all-round knowledge of satellite positioning (GNSS/GPS), geographical information system (GIS), and technical surveying techniques through theory, practical exercises and project work." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Navigation systems and methods"@en . . "7,5" . "Teaching the basics of navigation. global and local reference systems and their temporal relationship changeability, positioning and navigation in different different reference systems, with special considering the fusion of different sensors." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gnss applications"@en . . "3.0" . "### Working language\n\nPortuguês - Suitable for English-speaking students\n\n### Goals\n\nUnderstand the operating principles of GNSS systems (Global Navigation Satellite Systems).\n\n### Learning outcomes and skills\n\nA. Know the characteristics of the current GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), identify their limitations, and acquire the necessary knowledge to determine positions and speeds.\n\nB. Identify and understand issues that may affect GNSS observations and how to overcome them.\n\nC. Knowing the advantages, and necessity, of integrating GNSS with other sensors and identifying the most appropriate solutions depending on the type of application and the desired positional accuracy.\n\nD. Realize that in science what, for some, is noise, for others, can be a valuable source of data, which allows the acquisition of relevant information for various areas of Earth and Space sciences.\n\n### Working mode\n\nIn person\n\n### Prerequisites (prior knowledge) and co-requisites (concurrent knowledge)\n\n\\- Elementary knowledge of Reference Systems\n \n\\- Orbits\n\n### Program\n\n1\\. Introduction to global positioning techniques: evolution and basic concepts, operating principles, types of observables, error sources.\n\ntwo\\. Methodologies to eliminate and model errors in the determination of positions and velocities.\n\n3\\. GNSS integration with other sensors. Practical examples of application in remote sensing.\n\n4\\. Methods for advanced analysis of long series of temporal data. Applications in Geosciences.\n\n5\\. Ionosphere: introduction and basic concepts. Influence on the accuracy of GNSS measurements. Use of GNSS data to characterize the state of the ionosphere and identify disturbances.\n\n6\\. Reflected signals: applications of GNSS reflectometry.\n\n### Mandatory Bibliography\n\nSanz Subirana Jaume; [GNSS data processing](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000296749 \"GNSS data processing (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 978-92-9221-886-7\n\n### Complementary Bibliography\n\nGroves Paul D.; [Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multisensor integrated navigation systems](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000291643 \"Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multisensor integrated navigation systems (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 978-1-58053-244-6\n\n### Teaching methods and learning activities\n\nClasses include theoretical exposition but also oral presentations by students. Students must write and deliver a report corresponding to the work they have presented.\n\n### Type of evaluation\n\nDistributed evaluation with final exam\n\n### Assessment Components\n\nPresentation/discussion of a scientific work: 20.00%\nExam: 80.00%\n\n**Total:**: 100.00%\n\n### Occupation Components\n\nFrequency of classes: 21.00 Hours\nSelf-study: 40.00 hours\nLaboratory work: 20.00 hours\n\n**Total:**: 81.00\n\n### Get Frequency\n\nStudents cannot exceed the maximum number of absences from theoretical-practical classes, in accordance with the legislation in force at FCUP:\n\n### Final classification calculation formula\n\nThe final classification (EF) results from the performance in the Theoretical Exam (ET) and Presentations and Reports (AR)\n\nThe final classification will be: CF= ET \\*0.8 + AR\\*0.2\n\nMinimum: 50% in the written exam and 50% in the Presentations and Report\n\nNOTE: Classification superior to 15 points in the theoretical exam will only be attributed after carrying out a complementary oral test.\n\nMore information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=479386" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite navigation and communications"@en . . "3.0" . "Aims \n\nThis course focuses on advanced topics in and beyond contemporary satellite navigation systems, specifically to:\n\nUnderstand how Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GPS or Galileo work, including their satellites, ground segment, and receivers.\nApply general concepts of mathematics, physics and engineering (linear algebra, calculus, estimation theory, astrodynamics) to the practical problems of radionavigation: acquire the electromagnetic signals and compute position and time with them.\nUnderstand measurement errors: satellite orbit and clock estimation, ionosphere, troposphere, multipath, and receiver contributions.\nHave an overview of the radiolocation ecosystem, including system providers, industry, technology trends (hybridization, signals of opportunity, assisted GNSS), challenges (ubiquitous location, power consumption, authentication, integrity, accuracy), standards, and future applications (autonomous cars, UAVs, wearables, IoT…).\nExperiment with a MATLAB GNSS software defined radio (SDR) receiver and real data.\nAt the end, the students should be able to:\n\nUnderstand how GPS/GNSS work in some depth, and have a general understanding of satellite technologies and radiolocation, including concepts applicable to other fast-growing sectors such as mobile network location or satellite mega constellations.\nUnderstand the technology trends and challenges in the satnav sector. \nDevelop satnav receiver algorithms and applications and analyse their performance.\n\nContent\n\nThe course consists of 9 lectures following this (tentative) schedule: \n\nIntroduction: Radionavigation history, trilateration and other radionavigation concepts (TOA, TDOA, Doppler), TOC of the course.\nSatellite Navigation Systems: Constellation design, satellites, launchers, ground segment, operations, current systems (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, Beidou, etc.), augmentations.\nOrbits and Reference Systems: Basics (Kepler, Newton), Keplerian orbital parameters, inertial and non-inertial systems, datums.\nSignals: Media access (CDMA, FDMA), signal modulations (BPSK, BOC), link budget, carrier frequency properties, coding, error correction techniques, data structure.\nMeasurement errors: Satellite (clock, orbits, biases), signal propagation (ionosphere, troposphere, multipath), and receiver errors (sampling, quantization, biases, others).\nReceivers i: Antennas and RF front ends, signal acquisition, signal tracking, receiver practical implementations (ASIC, FPGA, SDR).\nReceivers ii: Position estimation, authentication, high accuracy.\nIndustry and technology trends: Satnav ecosystem and value chain, hybridization, signals of opportunity, assisted GNSS, authentication, applications.\nGuest Speaker / backup session.\nIn addition there are (tentatively) 4 lab sessions and presentation (The on-campus activities are TBC. They may be removed or replaced by off-campus activities):\n\nOverview of MATLAB SDRs. First experiments with existing samples.\nData grabbing on campus and processing. \nData processing and optimization. Preparation of presentation. \nGroup presentations.\nThe lab sessions will consist of getting familiar with the MATLAB SDRs using RF front ends provided in the lab to get your own samples, processing them with the MATLAB SDR, and reporting the results in the written assignment and presentation. Students will work in groups (size and number TBC depending on the number of students). Each group will grab RF samples using RF front ends provided by the lab. They will process the samples and calculate a position with them using the MATLAB SDRs available. They will prepare a presentation describing all the steps performed: data grabbing, acquisition stage, tracking stage (if used), and position, velocity and timing solution (NB: how to measure the accuracy of your solution against a ‘true solution’, and the ‘true solution’ accuracy, is part of the work). Optionally, groups can focus their lab work on one or more aspects in the receiver chain and develop them in more depth. The results of the work will be compiled into a presentation (power point, pdf or similar), to be delivered in 10-15 minutes in the last session. The presentation slides must be self-standing and include the relevant results and conclusions. \n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/H05T6AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idm8220608" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space-based positioning and deformation monitoring techniques"@en . . "6" . "Ways in which Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), GNSS augmentations, and integrated mapping and positioning platforms contribute to multidisciplinary fields. Space-based deformation monitoring techniques using GNSS and SAR. Application of GNSS, and alternative methodologies to position, navigate, map and analyze physical or man-made features and processes. Upon completion of this course, it is expected that the learner will be able to: (1) assess and apply available GNSS positioning methodologies and the underlying mathematical models, (2) determine errors and biases that affect positioning and navigation performance, (3) discriminate between different GNSS augmentations, (4) categorise and assess SAR techniques for deformation monitoring, (5) select the appropriate techniques and methods for applications, such as Geodynamics, Structural Engineering, Meteorology, Hydrography, Transportation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .