. "Sensors And Instruments"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fundamentals of space applications and services"@en . . "7.5" . "Satellite Remote Sensing for Earth Observation, Satellite Communications, Navigation, Space Exploration, Land, Air and Naval Operations" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to uav technology"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nTo provide the knowledge regarding autonomous aerial vehicles technologies and systems, principles of operations, which on its turn will allow students to select the further direction during the master studies. To motivate students to investigate and research new technologies and systems, motivate the innovative thinking, search for new scientific knowledge\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course students get familiar with main elements of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles elements of technology like: powerplants, energy storage and supply, attitude and position determination systems and algorithms, thermal systems, radio communication systems, surveillance systems etc. With the increase of implementation of UAVs all over the world this knowledge becomes of extreme importance. Students must attend at least 60% of the time scheduled practical lectures. Students must attend at least 80% of the time scheduled laboratory work.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Unmanned aerial vehicle systems"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nTo provide students with the knowledge regarding the systems of autonomous aerial vehicles, principles of their operations and ways to improve that. To motivate students to investigate and research new technologies and systems, motivate thr innovative thinking, search for new scientific knowledge.\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course students will get familiar with the main systems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, their functioning, influence on the performances on operations of entire vehicle, fault diagnostics etc. Such systems as: aircraft control, electrical, powerplant, position determination, safe emergency landing etc. will be discussed.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Autonomous control of unmanned aerial vehicles"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nTo provide knowledge on control systems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and especially automated control systems implemented on mentioned vehicles. To motivate students to investigate and research new technologies and systems, motivate the innovative thinking, search for new scientific knowledge.\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course students get familiar with control systems and their elements of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, with the special emphasis on the automation and automated systems implemented on these vehicles. Since implementation of UAVs is based on maximal automation of their systems, these questions are covered in the module.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Remote monitoring"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nTo provide the knowledge regarding autonomous aerial vehicles and autonomous space vehicles technologies and systems, principles of operations, which on its turn will allow students to select the further direction during the master studies. To motivate students to investigate and research new technologies and systems, motivate the innovative thinking, search for new scientific knowledge\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course students get familiar with main elements of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Automated Space Vehicles elements of technology like: powerplants, energy storage and supply, attitude and position determination systems and algorithms, thermal systems, radio communication systems, surveillance systems etc. Since in these days similar systems and algorithms on Unmanned Aerial Systems and Space Vehicles are used, the course includes both subjects. Students must attend at least 60% of the time scheduled practical lectures. Students must attend at least 80% of the time scheduled laboratory work.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Radar equipment and radio navigation"@en . . "2" . "Radio navigation systems outlines. Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) outlines. Radar receivers – the \r\nsuper heterodyne receiver. Mono impulse antenna operation. Phase shifter PIN diode controlled. \r\nRadar block diagram with antenna switch. Directional coupler antenna switch. PIN diode switches \r\nantenna with micro strip technology. Missile guiding directivity characteristics. Antennas with \r\ncharacteristic ‘High-Beam’ / ‘Low-Beam’. Spread spectrum outlines. Secondary Surveillance Radar \r\n(SSR). Board Doppler radar. VOR- Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range System. RALT. WXR. \r\nDME - Distance Measuring Equipment. TACAN- Tactical Air Navigation System. \r\nILS- Instrumental Landing System. Mod S. ADS/B. ACAS / TCAS.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reality capture and precision 3d sensing"@en . . "5" . "Description\nThis course covers advanced topics of 3D sensing. It is comprised of three roughly equal parts: photogrammetry, LiDAR and GNSS. The module introduces the fundamental principles and mathematical concepts for each sensing technique, which are independent of specific applications (airborne, mobile, static…). It then shows how these techniques are used in wide varieties of application from industrial to space-borne. In the first part the course will introduce the mathematical and geometric foundation of photogrammetry, camera calibration and its application. The second part covers theory and practice of producing and validating digital models and from laser scanning (LiDAR). The module also introduces approaches for automated point cloud processing and feature extraction. The third part introduces advanced aspects of the fundamental GNSS principles, applications and integration of GNSS phase observables and other positioning and navigation systems. Special emphasis is placed on the modelling of errors and on the control and assessment of quality.\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\ncompetent to read and follow current research literature on the techniques, technologies and applications of photogrammetry, LiDAR and GNSS\ncritically assess data quality and understand the nature of the errors which affect products\nunderstand capabilities of technologies as well as their limitations\nbe able to derive solutions to given problems of 3D sensing and will have an understanding of the sensor technologies available\nunderstand the concepts, principles and process of point cloud generation and processing" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Sensors and location"@en . . "5" . "Description\n\nBasic principles of operation, applications and integration of sensors used in smartphones and professional geomatic engineering equipment. Location technology with an emphasis on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), but also other radio signals, inertial sensors, digital maps (for map matching), vehicle odometers, compasses, sonar/radar and cameras. Context determination using smartphone sensors. Application of low-cost imaging and 3D imaging sensors to 3D reconstruction and positioning. Students will be introduced to the principles of citizen science and crowd sourcing and how low cost sensors and smart phones can be used to gather data about the urban environment. Strengths (e.g. ability to represent individual views) and issues (data quality, coverage) will be discussed in theory and validated via practical sessions. The aim of this module is to give students a broad understanding of the capabilities of smartphone and geomatics sensors and their application in location, context determination, image understanding and crowdsourcing for both geospatial professionals and consumers.\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\nA broad knowledge of sensors used both by geomatic engineering professionals and by consumers on smartphones, including their basic principles of operation and their applications.\n\nUnderstanding of location technology, including global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the different location technologies and how to select different combinations of sensors for different location tasks.\n\nUnderstanding of how to use imaging sensors for 3D reconstruction, how to determine context from smartphone sensors and how to crowdsource data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Sensors and actuators"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nBy passing the course a student acquires the information about basic physical principles, technical parameters, the properties and the preparation technology of selected sensors and actuators, studies the methodology at the design, modeling and simulation of various sensors and actuators types, obtains the knowledge about new development trends of selected sensors and actuators in aerospace applications and deepens the knowledge towards their possible miniaturization and integration into the functional microsystems and the smart platforms. Course Contents:\nThe history of sensors and actuators and their parallels with microelectronics, optoelectronics and micromechanics.\nTechnical and technological requirements for sensors and actuators for aerospace as well as for non-standard and harsh environments.\nDesign rules, technical parameters and required properties of sensors.\nPhysical and chemical effects and the specifications of sensors and actuators for aerospace as well as for non-standard and harsh environments (high temperatures, large range of the pressures, gravitations, aerospace radiation).\nModern trends in the development of sensors and actuators: smart materials, material structures and progressive technologies of the fabrication.\nPressure, position and temperature sensors.\nAcceleration, vibration and chemical composition sensors.\nActuators using electrostatic forces, magnetic fields.\nActuators using piezoelectric effect, thermal energy." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Microsystem technology"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent will gain theoretical knowledge about the basic physical principles used in microsensors and microactuators, their properties and parameters. He can use modeling and simulation procedures in the design and preparation of various types of microsystems. He knows the principles and can evaluate the impact of preparation processes on the miniaturization and integration of elements into microsystems. He has knowledge of different types of microsystems used for space applications. Course Contents:\nMotivation for the transition from standard conditions of preparation of microcomponents to microsystems and MEMS elements.\nDesign requirements, parameters and specifics of different types of microsystems.\nMicrosystem techniques and preparation technologies.\nWireless detection microsystems (Bluetooth, NFC, RFID, Zigbee, radar systems).\nEnergy collection techniques to power wireless microsystems in space.\nIntegrated energy collection, storage and hybrid sensors.\nFunctional materials for gas sensing applications and preparation methods.\nApplications of gas-sensitive microsystems in the space industry\nBuilt-in microsystems for monitoring the technical condition of space assets." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physical principles of earth system observation"@en . . "5,5" . "Measuring is essential to characterize and explain processes in the Earth system, and a first step to assess, model and predict\nnatural processes and human activities in and their impact on the Earth system. Electromagnetic, seismic and gravity potential-\nfield observations inform us about a wide range of phenomena in the ocean, atmosphere, land surface, cryosphere and sub-\nsurface. The measurements can be acquired from spaceborne, airborne, surface and sub-surface-based sensors.\nThis programme core module aims to enable students i) to explain and apply the physical principles underlying the\nmeasurements, and ii) to assess what type of measurement could be used best to determine certain geophysical variables. For\nexample, students will learn how electromagnetic theory allows to use the intensity of radar echoes to yield information about\nrain rate, soil moisture, ocean roughness, or the layering of the subsurface. Similarly, they will learn how potential field theory\ncan be applied to quantify mass changes of, e.g., the ice sheets. Students will be able to weigh the advantages and disadvantages\nof, for example, microwave versus visible and near-infrared observations for monitoring the Earth surface, and seismic and\nelectromagnetic imaging in mapping the subsurface" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Drones in field spectroscopy"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Point cloud processing"@en . . "4" . "LO: knowledge of point cloud capturing processes\n• evaluation of point cloud quality\n• knowledge of the point clouds usefulness\n• understanding of basic concepts in point cloud\nprocessing\n• knowledge of possible point clouds fields of use" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Basics of sensor fusion"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Basics of sensor fusion"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Unmanned vehicles"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nCourse is focused on area of unmanned systems. The focus will be primarily on unmanned aerial systems, but topics will cover unmanned surface and ground vehicles as well. Course will in details cover structural design, propulsion, sensors for navigation, stabilization and control and telemetric systems. Topics will cover modern methods for navigation, flight control, including trajectory following and target tracking. Besides this students will gain knowledge about trajectory planning and areas of application from the perspective of user payload. Legal issues related to unmanned systems operation will be discussed as well.\nStudy targets:\n\nGoal of the course is to introduce to students specifics of UAS design and operation. Although UAS belong among aircraft, which is an area students will become familiar with during other courses, field of unmanned systems brings specific problems related to their size and especially their control. After completion of the course student shall be able to independently design parts of UAS system, or the system as a whole.\nContent:\n\nArea of unmanned systems undergoes a fast development nowadays. Due to improvements in miniaturization of electronic devices in recent years it is possible to design and construct small unmanned systems which are powerful enough to carry out tasks which were only achievable by manned vehicles in the past. Primarily the reasons are improvements of embedded computers with high computational power, miniaturization of sensory equipment, increased range and bandwidth of modems and increased battery capacity. This all allows to run control algorithms onboard and transmit sensory data to ground control station in online mode. Operation of unmanned systems brings several advantages compared to manned ones, especially lower purchase and maintenance costs. Another advantage is a possibility of their deployment in areas where it is not possible to use manned vehicles, e.g. inside buildings or in contaminated areas. For some types of missions it is even possible to use several unmanned vehicles simultaneously and thus lower the time to complete the mission or improve situational awareness. This course will cover wide range of above mentioned problems related to design, assembly, control and operation of unmanned systems.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. History of unmanned systems development. Presentation of unmanned aerial systems, sensors and payload.\n2. Unmanned systems specifics from the material and structural design point of view. Laminates, composites, fiber-lass. Issues related to stiffness and elasticity.\n3. Propulsion units for unmanned systems. Small combustion and jet engines, electric motors. Discussion of selection of propulsion unit suitable for specific projects.\n4. Sensors for unmanned systems - measured properties, principle, data processing and fusion. Energy balance.\n5. User view on GNSS localization, INS and aerometric system. Redundancy and system safety.\n6. Basic control loops, autopilot modes. Take-off, trajectory following, holding patterns above ground target, tracking of mobile ground target. Final approach, landing.\n7. Advanced algorithms for control system design - optimal and robust control algorithms.\n8. Specifics of unmanned systems communication - suitable radio frequencies, problematics of signal propagation and interference. Communication devices, interfaces, protocols, antennas. Securing communication.\n9. User payload and additional equipment - stabilized gimbals, electro-optical systems, sighting devices, LiDARs, rangefinders, CBRN sensors, image processing.\n10. Flight trajectory planning, no-flight zones, optimization criteria - energy consumption, prioritization, goal satisfaction.\n11. Systems for autonomous collision avoidance - cooperative and non-cooperative methods.\n12. Legal issues related to operation of unmanned systems in Czech Republic, Europe and worldwide. Laws and regulations related to UAS operation, insurance, airspace classes.\n13. Integration of unmanned aerial systems into shared airspace.\n14. Commercial applications of unmanned systems, projects in Czech Republic.\nExercises outline:\n\nSeminars will be practically oriented with focus on work with small unmanned aerial vehicles. Students will have an opportunity to verify stabilization and motion control methods, navigation and trajectory planning. Students will form small teams and within this teams independently solve tasks and presents results they achieve. Visits of several specialized laboratories (material lab, wind tunnel) will be organized during the seminars." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Radar systems for astronautics"@en . . "6" . "1 – RADAR as a Remote Sensing technology: micro-wave systems introduction, scattering characteristics, radar \r\nequation. \r\n2 – Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR): the mathematical basis for SAR, RADAR resolution cell. \r\n3 – Geometry distortion. \r\n4 – Radiometric Calibration \r\n5 – Image Interpretation: acquisition mode, speckle, image processing. \r\n6 – Applications: Altimeter, interferometry, radargrammetry, etc." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radar systems in earth Imaging"@en . . "5" . "Military and commercial radar satellite reconnaissance systems. Types and properties of radar images. Meth\u0002ods of processing digital radar data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radar and radiometer systems"@en . . "10" . "The course emphasizes system aspects and deals with two important microwave sensors - radar and radiometer systems - used for remote sensing and surveillance. The aim is that the student will eventually be able to perform a proper system analysis and design of radar and radiometer systems for various applications." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Scene understanding with unmanned aerial vehicles"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Earth observation with unmanned aerial vehicles"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Physical principles of earth system observation 5"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Uav design project (oip)"@en . . "6.0" . "This is an intensive 3-week group design project where students will take as an overseas immersion programme (OIP) at UofG. The project-based subjects in which students are required to undertake as group projects will cover both the conceptual and detailed aspects of design. It involves different areas of the civil engineering discipline such as ground investigation, planning, transportation design, social, foundation design, structural design, and buildability of the construction. As part of the module students will develop a UAV design." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Sar interferometry"@en . . "3.0" . "Information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=479356" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Satellite payloads for communication navigation and radar observation"@en . . "9.0" . "GENERAL\nThe course introduces satellite payloads for telecommunications, radar, and navigation, together with their operating principles. For each of the three payloads: (i) the applications are studied, as well as their performance requirements; (ii) its complete reference space system is analyzed, with its typical space mission; (iii) the main design parameters are identified that have impact on the performance; (iv) the performances are studied as functions of the design parameters and; (v) the platform requirements are analyzed to ensure the correct operation.\nAs regards telecommunications payloads, satellite broadcast is considered, together with point-to-point data connection, satellite personal communication system, ground transfer of Earth observation data and telemetry. The modulation and coding techniques are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, and the electrical power sizing.\nAs regards radar payloads, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is considered for the formation of high resolution images. The techniques of pulse compression and synthetic antenna formation are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, electrical power sizing.\nAs regards navigation payloads, global satellite navigation systems (GNSS) are considered, together with terrestrial and satellite augmentation systems to increase their performance. The used waveforms are studied in depth, together with the signal acquisition and position estimation techniques, the main sources of error and performance, the antenna systems and the electrical power sizing.\n\nSPECIFIC\nKnowledge and understanding: At the end, the student has acquired a basic knowledge on the three types of payload considered, on their main design parameters, and on the space systems and missions that are based on them.\nApplying knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to evaluate critically both the payload selection, based on the selection of its main parameters according to operational requirements (from the user requirements), and its integration with the platform.\nMaking judgements: at the end of the course the student has developed the autonomy of judgment necessary to integrate knowledge on the different types of payloads, to manage the complexity of the technologies used in the various space missions, and to evaluate their performance in the various application contexts.\nCommunication skills: at the end of the course the student is able to operate in a highly multi-disciplinary context communicating and interacting with information technology design engineers for space, with specialist technicians and non-specialist interlocutors.\nLearning skills: at the end of the course the student is able to autonomously investigate the new technologies used in the future evolutions of satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Communication and radar payloads"@en . . "6.0" . "GENERAL\nThe course introduces satellite payloads for telecommunications and radar, together with their operating principles. For each of the two payloads: (i) the applications are studied, as well as their performance requirements; (ii) its complete reference space system is analyzed, with its typical space mission; (iii) the main design parameters are identified that have impact on the performance; (iv) the performances are studied as functions of the design parameters and; (v) the platform requirements are analyzed to ensure the correct operation.\nAs regards telecommunications payloads, satellite broadcast is considered, together with point-to-point data connection, satellite personal communication system, ground transfer of Earth observation data and telemetry. The modulation and coding techniques are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, and the electrical power sizing.\nAs regards radar payloads, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is considered for the formation of high resolution images. The techniques of pulse compression and synthetic antenna formation are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, electrical power sizing.\n\nSPECIFIC\nKnowledge and understanding: At the end, the student has acquired a basic knowledge on the two types of payload considered, on their main design parameters, and on the space systems and missions that are based on them.\nApplying knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to evaluate critically both the payload selection, based on the selection of its main parameters according to operational requirements (from the user requirements), and its integration with the platform.\nMaking judgements: at the end of the course the student has developed the autonomy of judgment necessary to integrate knowledge on the different types of payloads, to manage the complexity of the technologies used in the various space missions, and to evaluate their performance in the various application contexts.\nCommunication skills: at the end of the course the student is able to operate in a highly multi-disciplinary context communicating and interacting with information technology design engineers for space, with specialist technicians and non-specialist interlocutors.\nLearning skills: at the end of the course the student is able to autonomously investigate the new technologies used in the future evolutions of satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space radar systems"@en . . "6.0" . "the objective of the module is to provide the student with the knowledge sufficient to:\n\n- Understand the applications and scientific objectives of remote sensing radars conceived either for Earth observation\n\nand Planetary missions\n\n- Get the know-how of the basics of radar remote sensing systems and their design\n\n- Get the know-how on the radar processing required to meet the scientific requirements" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .