. "Space system design"@en . . "7.5" . "Electrical, Electronics, Mechanics, Thermal Control, Sensors, Actuators, Cubesat Simulator Laboratory" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space system assembly, integration and testing - ground support equipment"@en . . "7.5" . "Not provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space system structures"@en . . "7.5" . "Materials, Beam Theory, FEM" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space system dynamics and control"@en . . "7.5" . "AOCS, GNC, Trajectory Design" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space system propulsion"@en . . "7.5" . "Not provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design of space vehicles"@en . . "3" . "Availabe: General Module (Space Environment and Testing) Description\n•Space environment and vehicle specification needs\r\n•Design and development of space vehicles\r\n•Proof and product assurance\n\nOutcome: General Module (Space Environment and Testing) Outcomes\nStudents have knowledge/responsibilities in:\r\n•Space Environment and conditions of Satellites for scenarios close to Earth and in deep space\n•System design and analysis of launchers, satellites, landers, orbital systems\r\n•Multi-disciplinary interface relations between mission analysis, space flight \r\nmechanics, propulsion system, flight control, mechanical and thermal design\r\n•Ability of simplified modeling\r\n•Derivation of the essential dimensioning variables\r\n•Capability of system pre-design of space structures\r\n•Quality, reliability and risk\r\n•Influence of errors to costs\r\n•Methods to handle and control / Systems engineering\r\n•Influence to the development of Space technologies" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space systems engineering/concurent engineering"@en . . "3" . "Availabe: General Module (Satellite Systems) Description\n•Thermal control at space vehicles\r\n•Analysis of space systems\r\n•Structural design and engineering\r\n\nOutcome: General Module (Satellite Systems) Outcomes\nStudents have knowledge/responsibilities in:\r\n•Thermal Control System of a Satellite\n•Design process\r\n•Analysis of light weight structures with reasonable methods\r\n•Building of simplified physical models\r\n•Capability of pre-dimensioning of space structures\r\n•Fundamentals of space project management (theory)\r\n•Fundamentals of space systems and concurrent engineering (theory)\r\n•Application of concurrent engineering in the frame of an example project (Phase 0/A design \r\nlevel)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cost estimations for space systems"@en . . "3" . "No Description, No Learning Outcome" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Fem simulations for the design of space systems"@en . . "6" . "No Description, No Learning Outcome" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space system engineering"@en . . "7.5" . "Space mission analysis and design \r\nConceptual and preliminary design phases of space systems. \r\nSpace systems design methodologies. \r\nTechnology Readiness Levels; \r\nSpace mission engineering \r\nSpace mission concept definition and exploration \r\nSpace mission analysis and utility. \r\nSpace system verification and validation. \r\nTests systems and facilities. \r\nCost estimates and analysis. \r\nSpace system verification and validation. \r\nSpace systems risk analysis and reliability. \r\nTests systems and facilities. \r\nSpace project scheduling and management. \r\nStandards and protocols. \r\nSpace organizations, regulations and policies \n\nOutcome:\nAfter the successful completion of the course, the student shall be able to: \r\n• Describe the elements of space systems engineering and the mission design process,\r\n• Apply space systems engineering methodologies\r\n• Complete a baseline mission design process using space systems engineering" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace design and construction"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace system design"@en . . "7" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Materials and design of space systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit: With successful completion of the subject the student will get basic theoretical knowledge of vacuum, the space systems materials, their properties, the physical principles of material processes, fabrication technologies, the quality criteria of materials and basic constructions of space systems. Students will acquire the knowledge of characterization methodology and testing of the parameters of the materials and the basic elements made of them. Student will understands the relationship between influence of external conditions and material properties and can quantify their impact. A graduate of the subject is capable to make a selection of suitable materials and design constructions of simple space systems Course Contents:\nMaterials applied in space systems. Vacuum: preparation, diagnostics, suitable materials and its use, Physical principles of processes occurring in materials, material properties requirements, characterization and testing of properties of materials and basic elements. Trends in material research, fabrication technology, and quality criteria. Basic structures of space systems. Impact of external conditions on material properties. Selection of suitable materials and structures for simple space systems.." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space devices"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudents will be able to understand the reason for the use and placement of scientific instruments in the universe and learn the physical principles of their activities.\nThey will know how to determine their main parameters and the conditional possibilities for their use.\nStudents will also learn about the main design principles of these devices and learn the most important practical examples of their deployment.Course Contents:\nReasons for placing observation and measuring instruments in space.\nThe main categories of space - based observation instruments.\nAstronomical cosmic optical telescopes (their focus and main characteristics).\nAstronomical telescopes observing outside the optical region (their focus and main characteristics).\nApparatus for basic research (particle detectors, other special apparatus)\nEarth observation instruments (main characteristics of telescopes and radars)\nOptical instruments for observing the Earth in visible light and near IR\nMicrowave and UV Earth observation instruments\nRadars with synthetic finish\nTesting principles and quality criteria for space technology and instruments.\nAn overview of the most important knowledge about the Earth obtained through observations from space.\nAn overview of the most important knowledge about the universe obtained through observations from space." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design synthesis"@en . . "24" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace systems engineering, design and production"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hydropneumatic systems"@en . . "4" . "Working fluids and gases used in hydropneumatic systems and\nconditions of their use. Hydropneumatic energy sources used on-\nboard of aircraft. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators. Hydraulic\nboosters. Control elements for flow direction, pressure and flow rate\nof liquids and working gases. Rigid and flexible hoses. Couplings\nand connections. Filters. Reservoirs and dampers. Fuel systems.\nFire suppression systems. Air-conditioning systems. Anti-icing sys-\ntems. Hydraulic systems. Oil systems and cooling. Aircraft crew ox-\nygen systems and emergency equipment. Principles of operation\nof on-board hydropneumatic equipment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Hydropneumatic systems"@en . . "5" . "Working fluids and gases used in hydropneumatic systems and\nconditions of their use. Hydropneumatic energy sources used on-\nboard of aircraft. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators. Hydraulic\nboosters. Control elements for flow direction, pressure and flow rate\nof liquids and working gases. Rigid and flexible hoses. Couplings\nand connections. Filters. Reservoirs and dampers. Fuel systems.\nFire suppression systems. Air-conditioning systems. Anti-icing sys-\ntems. Hydraulic systems. Oil systems and cooling. Aircraft crew ox-\nygen systems and emergency equipment. Principles of operation\nof on-board hydropneumatic equipment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design of space vehicles"@en . . "9" . "Space environment: gravity gradient torque, aerodynamic torque, magnetic torque, solar pressure torque. \nThe spacecraft system and its sub-systems. \n- Propulsion \nPropulsion system type: cold gas, hot gas. Monopropellant, bipropellant, dual-mode \n- Structures and Mechanisms \nLoads, methods of analysis, monocoque, skin-stringer. \n- Power \nPhotovoltaic solar cells, batteries, radioisotope thermal generator (static, dynamic) \n- Attitude and orbit control system (AOCS) \nPassive control technique, Active control technique, sensors and actuators. \n- Thermal \nEnvironment characterization; single mass isothermal modelization, coarse thermal analysis. \n- Communications \n Fundamentals, communication links, ground stations. \nSome typical architectures: the simple spinner, dynamics and stability; the dual spinner, dynamics and stability, \nLandon’s rule; the tether system. \nReferences: Charles D. Brown, “Elements of spacecraft design” AIAA Education Series." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced control of space vehicles"@en . . "6" . "Main aim of this course is to introduce students to tools from modern control theory applied to design and analysis of \r\nattitude control systems for space vehicles. Those tools are important for designing advanced attitude control systems \r\nfor which advanced performances are required. Students will be introduced to software applications that support \r\nanalysis and design by those tools. \r\nFor further information please visit https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/fabiocelani_eng/teaching/acsv" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Thermal control and thermomechanical interactions in space vehicles"@en . . "6" . "Fundamentals of calorimetry, postulate and equation of Fourier, main conduction parameters. Radiative heat transfer: \r\nlaws of Planck, Wien, Stefann-Boltzmann, Lambert. Characterization of the space environment from a thermal point of \r\nview. The main radiative sources: the Sun, the Earth, the Albedo. Thermal modelization of the spacecraft. Thermal \r\nbalance equations. Propulsion effects of the radiation: the solar sail. \r\nGeneral introduction to the interaction problems in space; historical review. Weak and full interaction and related \r\ndescription. One–way static and dynamic coupling, key parameters governing the phenomenon; examples. Two-ways \r\nstatic and dynamic coupling; integrated modelization of the space systems; examples. Thermal flutter and divergence; \r\nnumerical approach to the solution. Review of some remarkable occurrences of thermally induced disturbances onboard \r\nof satellites; physical and mathematical description. \r\nReferences: Robert D. Karam “Satellite Thermal Control for System Engineers”, Progress in Astronautics and \r\nAeronautics." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space systems engineering"@en . . "5" . "The course consists of two parts: The lecture hours, where the theory, processes and methods for systems engineering are taught, and the group work part, where the students will solve assignments with a focus on applying the methods of system engineering to a given spacecraft project, to bring a project successfully towards a critical design review." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space systems engineering"@en . . "5" . "The course aims at teaching a fundamental and holistic approach to the field of systems engineering that applies specifically to complex high-tech industries, like the aerospace industry. The field of systems engineering is highly multidisciplinary, requiring a broad knowledge base and experience to draw from. For complex and wide-ranging projects, like a spacecraft mission, to succeed, a systems engineer's key role and methods are essential to make ends meet and fulfil a mission's requirements. The course consists of two parts: The lecture hours, where the theory, processes and methods for systems engineering are taught, and the group work part, where the students will solve assignments with a focus on applying the methods of system engineering to a given spacecraft project, to bring a project successfully towards a critical design review." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space exploration and space systems"@en . . "4" . "Objective: Basics of space systems engineering and space scientific applications: Celestial mechanics for artificial bodies: Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. 2-body and restricted 3-body problems. Natural and artificial perturbations. Constants of motion. Orbits: Elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, geostationary, Sun-synchronous. Interplanetary trajectories: patched conic approximations. Orbital manoeuvres: Earth asphericity, in- and out-of- plane orbit changes, Hohmann transfer, gravity assist. Orbit determination. Relativistic orbital effects. • The gravitational field of the Earth • Launchers • Busses • Radio science and nanosatellites in a swarm configuration • Gravitational waves and the LISA mission • Plasma and the Cluster mission • Time metrology and navigation systems (GPS, Galileo)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Understanding a space system"@en . . "5" . "Space mechnanics;\n Space systems;\naWorkshop : synthesis." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Security of space systems"@en . . "9" . "Security and space environment;\na Space surveillance;\na Means of action in space;\na Human factors;\na Cybersecurity of space systems;\na Research and innovation;\na Space security synthesis." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Real-time control software for space systems"@en . . "6" . "Not found" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space vehicle systems engineering"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space vehicle propulsion systems"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space system lifecycle management"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace systems design"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space systems design"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space systems"@en . . "5.00" . "Unit Information\nThe unit introduces spacecraft engineering from a system level perspective. First students learn about the context of space exploration through a history of space lecture. Then payloads as the drivers of mission design are examined. After this, orbital mechanics is covered up to Hohmann transfer level. Labs are used to reinforce understanding of orbital mechanics with a short piece of coursework using the orbit modelling software to assess understanding of calculations and terminology.\n\nPropulsion and launchers follow with calculations of delta V. Then spacecraft subsystems are covered next (including power, thermal, communications, mechanical systems, AOCS), with an emphasis on how these systems work together to deliver a specific mission. A blackboard quiz provides feedback to give students a chance to test themselves. The course finishes with two industrial satellite case studies, at least one of these is provided by industry. Example sheets, examples classes, videos and demonstrations support the learning throughout.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the course students will be able to:\n\nexplain terminology used to describe orbits;\nperform calculations for Keplerian orbits and transfers;\ndescribe the constituents and functioning of spacecraft subsystems;\nperform calculations for rockets and spacecraft subsystems;\ndescribe mission examples of subsystem design implementation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced space systems"@en . . "10.00" . "Your learning on this unit\nOverview of content\nThis unit covers a broad range of topics to equip students with a foundation in different aspects of space systems engineering and mission development, which may include: hyperbolic trajectories; perturbations affecting orbits and trajectories; planning a planetary mission using orbit modelling tools; spacecraft communications; engineering for human space flight; technical approaches for launches using different types of rockets; spacecraft entering an atmosphere; instrumentation for scientific and Earth observation missions.\n\nHow will students be different as a result of the unit\nYou will know more about the engineering considerations needed in many aspects of the space industry. You should be able to understand and evaluate the key technical concepts and challenges for different types of space mission (commercial, scientific, crewed, etc). You will be able to design simple interplanetary space missions from modelling the trajectory to proposing suitable payloads. You will know how to construct a presentation based on a self-driven investigation beyond the taught material.\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\nevaluate interplanetary trajectories and apply this knowledge in a practical context;\ndiscuss and evaluate technical issues and underlying design requirements for systems areas including advanced aspects of spacecraft design, and human space flight;\nselect and design appropriate launchers and propulsion systems;\ndevelop payload and mission design requirements for scientific and Earth observation missions." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace human-machine systems"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course focuses on the various aspects of actual and future flight deck and air traffic control human-machine interfaces. It provides an extensive theoretical as well as practical knowledge on the specific characteristics of human behavior, such as human control behavior (i.e., cybernetics), human perception (visual & haptic), human mental processing, cognitive factors, and human-automation interaction in manual and supervisory control tasks. Study Goals Overall, the student will have a working knowledge of human operator (pilot) characteristics that are relevant for the design and evaluation of human-machine systems. Specific study goals: The student: * Is able to classify different types of human behaviour according to Rasmussen's rule-skill and knowledge taxonomy * Is able to predict performance and human behaviour in manual control tasks, using McRuer's cross-over theory, and is able to reason on the effect of task variables (motion, haptics, etc.) * Knows the physiology and characteristics of human sensory systems and actuation processes (visual, vestibular, propioceptive senses and neuromuscular system) as relevant for human behaviour, and is able to predict the implications of these properties for human perception and behaviour, and relate this to design choices for displays and manipulators. * can describe the pitfalls of automation (i.e., ironies of automation) and is familiar with various taxonomies on levels & stages of automation. * can analyse accident and incident reports, find latent and active errors and classify these with Rasmussen's SRK taxonomy and identify Reason's error shaping factor. The student understands the wider context of human error (Dekker's \"new view\"). * is familiar with workload and situation awareness, and knows which methods are used to measure these properties * understands the nature of human cognition, can distinguish between different views and models of cognition and knows when these are applicable * can describe the differences and similarities between interface design approaches that aim to support both system and human (control & cognitive) performances * is familiar with workload theory, knows different metrics for workload, and when these are applicable" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced topics in aerospace human-machine systems"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "System Identification of aerospace vehicles"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space systems engineering"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course covers Space System Engineering exemplified by the design of a spacecraft subsystem for a satellite mission of high\nsocietal impact. It introduces a process which allows the creation of successful systems, such as space applications, space\nmissions and satellite subsystems. Methods and tools are presented and exercised which will improve the depth and breadth of\nSpace Systems Engineering graduate level education at the TU Delft by emphasizing the need for the end-to-end approach and\nlife cycle of space systems, including cost and risk handling and using state-of-the-art methods, such as elements of Model-based\nSystems Engineering. Upon completion, the student will have a firm understanding of advanced Systems Engineering and be\nable to apply adequate methods and tools which help to create successful systems.\nStudy Goals The course mission is to enable students to realize a successful space system in an end-to-end Systems Engineering approach.\nThere are three high-level learning objectives:\n1. Participants shall be able to explain the objectives and tasks of Systems Engineering for realizing successful systems together\nwith their needs, potentials, benefits and limitations in a context which comprises Business Engineering and Management.\n2. Participants shall be able to design an end-to-end Systems Engineering process demonstrating a smart balance of risks of cost,\nschedule, and performance.\n3. Participants shall be able to use Systems Engineering methods and tools to design a high-level satellite subsystem, such as the\nAttitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Collaborative space system design project"@en . . "5.00" . "Course Contents The Collaborative Space (System) Design Project (CSDP) is a TU Delft/Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE) Master course\nin engineering design. The course focuses on the conceptualization and preliminary design phase of a space mission, spacecraft,\nor space instrument and starts on a design challenge co-created by the CSDP organization team and a company, research group\nor other entity.\nAll projects on offer are multi-disciplinary projects, i.e. projects that require different types of design work and knowledge to be\ncombined to provide a design solution. All projects are carried out by a team of students that have to organize and manage\nthemselves.\nEach project is to be organized in 3 phases similar to NASA's System Design Process as defined in a.o. \"NASA's System\nEngineering Handbook\". Some adaptations have been made though to make it fit in the limited course time. The phases are:\n1) Exploration phase; In this phase the team is to explore the problem, the needs, the competition and past missions and to\ndevelop a proposal for the next phase of the project. This includes the identification of a range of high-potential concepts for\nstudy in phase 2, the work distribution, etc.\n2) Concepts design studies phase; In phase 2, the high-potential concepts defined in phase 1 are analyzed in detail for feasibility,\ntraded and a best concept is selected. Additionally the plan for the next phase is to be generated.\n3) Detailed design phase. In this final phase of the project the single concept selected in phase 2 is worked out in detail and a\nplan is developed for the further development of the design is generated.\nEach project phase ends with a review (feedback moment) wherein other teams and expert staff reflect on the outcomes\ngenerated and the engineering design methods used.\nDuring the quarter, workshops/instructions will be held to provide knowledge and training on selected management and\nengineering design topics, including agile management, and the use of integrated design modelling, i.e. the integration of all the\ngeometry, configuration, analysis, and requirements verification into a generative, parametric, unified computational model\nwhere data is shared seamlessly between the different disciplines.\nThe course does not focus on teaching the required disciplinary knowledge and experience, but rather focuses on decision\nmaking, the collaborative integration of the knowledge and experience available in the team, and the iterative design method\nusing different levels of model fidelity to create a feasible design solution in answer to the problem identified by the \"customer\".\nAs projects vary from year to year and may encompass knowledge that is not available in the team, this may require that\nparticipants actively acquire the knowledge required.\nStudy Goals The course aims to develop student skills in multi-disciplinary team projects from a challenge-driven perspective. In more detail,\nstudents will advance their ability in ...:\n- ... disciplinary design including modelling, simulation, visualization, quantitative analysis of alternatives, design tool\nverification, calibration and validation, and design refinement.\n- ... the process of engineering design (ABET definition), including the steps in design, the (iterative) nature of the process,\ndevelopment of a Straw Man design, and development of process models.\n- ... multidisciplinary design, thereby taking into account differences between the different disciplines involved in terms of a.o.\ndifferences in fidelity level of disciplinary models, and dissimilar assumptions;\n- ... systems engineering, including the design phasing, work breakdown and work distribution, modeling and interfaces, and the\nrole of specialty engineering (e.g. cost-, RAMS-, and mass modelling and configuration design).\n- ... concurrent engineering, as opposed to the more classical sequential engineering (the waterfall method).\n- ... project management and teamwork (assigning roles and responsibilities, setting goals and objectives, coordination and\nmanagement of team process, decision making, handling conflicts, creativity, empowerment and motivation, communication,\nand reflection on own work and work of others)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space systems project I"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes\n\nAfter successfully completing the module, students have: Knowledge:\n\nBasics of the European Space Standards (ECSS)\nBasics of project management, quality assurance and document management\nCarrying out space projects at a practical level, ie as close as possible to your later professional life Structure and functionality of selected space systems, primarily with a focus on current space topics Design of complex systems in space travel\n\nSkills:\n\nDevelopment and calculation of concepts for a selected space system Reasonable selection of reference concepts\nCalculation, design and, if necessary, prototype production of the selected solutions Writing project documentation\nWriting a paper\n\nCompetencies:\n\nin project management, project planning and implementation in teamwork and communication\nin organizing work groups in achieving your own goals\nin the internal and external presentation of the results\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe Space Systems Project course is intended to enable current space topics to be dealt with as practically as possible.\nFor this purpose, external lecturers from the space industry are involved in the course. The first part of the course is divided into the following Sections:\n\nIntroduction to the subject, ECSS/Quality Assurance (QA)/Document Management Introduction to the basics of project management\nJoint brainstorming on current space topics and possible course content Discussion forum creates the detailed goals and requirements of the course\nDivision of teams taking into account personal strengths and weaknesses. Development of essential milestones Developing a binding schedule\nDeveloping and calculating concepts in teamwork. Discussion and selection of reference concepts Calculation, design and, if necessary, prototype production of concepts in teamwork\nCreation of project documentation against the background of the QA system End-of-semester presentation and maneuver criticism" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Project space systems II"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes\n\nAfter successfully completing the module, students have: Knowledge:\n\nBasics of the European Space Standards (ECSS)\nBasics of project management, quality assurance and document management\nCarrying out space projects at a practical level, ie as close as possible to your later professional life Structure and functionality of selected space systems, primarily with a focus on current space topics Design of complex systems in space travel\n\nSkills:\n\nDevelopment and calculation of concepts for a selected space system Reasonable selection of reference concepts\nCalculation, design and, if necessary, prototype production of the selected solutions Writing project documentation\nWriting a paper\n\nCompetencies:\n\nin project management, project planning and implementation in teamwork and communication\nin organizing work groups in achieving your own goals\nin the internal and external presentation of the results\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe Space Systems Project course is intended to enable current space topics to be dealt with as practically as possible.\nFor this purpose, external lecturers from the space industry are involved in the course. The first part of the course is divided into the following Sections:\n\nIntroduction to the subject, ECSS/Quality Assurance (QA)/Document Management Introduction to the basics of project management\nJoint brainstorming on current space topics and possible course content Discussion forum creates the detailed goals and requirements of the course\nDivision of teams taking into account personal strengths and weaknesses. Development of essential milestones Developing a binding schedule\nDeveloping and calculating concepts in teamwork. Discussion and selection of reference concepts Calculation, design and, if necessary, prototype production of concepts in teamwork\nCreation of project documentation against the background of the QA system End-of-semester presentation and maneuver criticism" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space system design"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes\nThe module teaches the basics and methods for designing space systems. All segments become one\nSpace flight mission is dealt with and in particular the design of subsystems is dealt with in depth. The students should create a subsystem or be able to design and develop systems for space travel as well as methods for system verification and fault-tolerant\nLearn system design and cost estimation.\nTeaching content\nThe content of the space system design module covers the following subject areas:\n- Space system planning\n- Environmental conditions for space systems\n- System integration and verification\n- Cost planning\n- Phases of space projects\n- Design reviews and review documentation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space system design project"@en . . "9.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nThe space industry is demanding for space systems engineers capable of designing a space system from the basic requirements while\nhaving a robust knowledge of the project management, technical design, and product assurance disciplines. This module builds the skills to\nharmonize all engineering disciplines related to a space system design project, from a managerial and technical perspective. The module\nfollows the European standards to project management, system analysis, reliability, and risk assessment as well as verification and testing\nstrategies. The students actively apply the knowledge gained in the theoretical lectures on hands-on experience projects.\nAfter successful completion of this module, students will be able to\n- plan a space project in the phases B and C according to European standards,\n- apply basic tools to conduct a preliminary design of a space mission (e.g. risk analysis, cost planning),\n- document a space project according to European standards,\n- discuss options for key decisions in space projects (e.g. make or buy, model philosophy, AIT approach),\n- apply their fundamental space engineering knowledge and skills in a real space project,\n- recognize the importance of managing technical interfaces between different work packages,\n- manage their interactions with people in an interdisciplinary and international team,\n- present their work professionally in space project reviews.\nContent\n- ECSS Project Management\n- Baseline schedule, cost structure\n- Organizational breadown structures, risk analysis\n- Functional trees, design or buy (Technology Readiness Level)\n- Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)\n- Configuration management plan\n- Verification program and model philosophy\n- Assembly, Integration and Testing (AI&T)\n- Concurrent Design Facilities (CFD)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design and analysis of aerospace vehicles"@en . . "no data" . "This module introduces a range of aerospace vehicles, their configurations, operating environments and design issues. Students will also gain experience in the conceptual aircraft design process and the use of specialist aircraft design software." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Multibody space structures"@en . . "6.0" . "The objective of this course is to teach the student mathematical\nmethodologies for modeling and analyzing complex space flexible\nstructures such as Multibody space systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reliability of space systems"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims \n\nReliability is a critical aspect of mechanical systems, that requires much attention from the earliest phases of design. The designer should be aware of the methods that are used to predict and verify reliability. The objective of the course is to provide the student with basic understanding of reliability aspects in engineering, and to give insight into methodologies to perform system reliability analysis. Specific focus is on reliability aspects of space projects, ranging from mechanical reliability to avionics and software reliability.\n\nReliability of Mechanical Systems: Lecture\n\nAfter successful completion of this course, the student has proven to know and understand the meaning of standard terminology in reliability analysis techniques. He is able to select specific distribution types for different classes of reliability problems, and to apply probability theory on these in order to perform the time dependent reliability analysis of mechanical components. He is able to analyze testing data with respect to the lifetime of a mechanical component, and to transform this information into standard distributions that serve as input for the reliability assessment on the system level. He is able to quantify the reliability of a complex built-up mechanical system, starting from the analysis on the component level, using quantitative techniques. He can apply Markov process modeling for time dependent reliability assessment of systems including repair and maintenance. He is able to describe the main properties of qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques for system analysis, to apply the principles of these methodologies on basic problems, and to critically assess their value in a mechanical engineering context.\n\nIn the framework of fatigue analysis, the student can derive and interpret typical material properties for stress-based approaches, he has insight into the sensitivity of these properties with respect to operational conditions, and is able to apply the stress-based approach for the assessment of the lifetime of a mechanical component that is under regular and irregular time dependent loading, for uni-axial as well as multi-axial stress conditions. The student further knows how stress-based analysis can be extended to the strain-based approach, he can derive and knows how to interpret the corresponding material properties, and knows when and how to apply this technique for the assessment of the lifetime of a mechanical component. The student understands the basic principles of damage tolerant design, and knows how to apply the theoretical principles of linear fracture mechanics in this context.\n\nFinally, the student knows how to apply the principles of strength-load interference in the context of mechanical design. He has insight in the meaning of the concept ‘reliability index’, and can explain how this concept can be generalized in a more generic mechanical design context with multiple design parameters, and how this can be applied making use of numerical simulation techniques. He knows the principles of analytical as well as sampling strategies to estimate the reliability index, and can critically assess the application of these approaches in the context of a specific design problem. He knows how these approaches can be integrated in a framework of reliability based design optimization.\n\nReliability of Space Systems\n\nThe objectives are:\n\nto get acquainted with the space project specific aspects of dependability and reliability.\nto get acquiainted with the space software dependability and reliability.\nto get experience in analysing failure modes.\n\nContent\n\nModule 1.3 ects. Reliability of Space Systems (B-KUL-G0L94a)\n\n1. Space product assurance & dependability\n\nDependability throughout the project life cycle\nDependability risk analysis control\nCritical Items List\nSubsystem dependability\nReliability analysis\nFailure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)\nFailure Detection Identification and Recovery (FDIR)\nSpace system specific reliability challenges\n2. Software reliability\n\nIntroduction to Software Engineering\nDocumentation in different software phases\nSoftware Dependability and Safety\nSoftware Configuration Management\nSoftware Quality Assurance\nSoftware Verification\nSoftware Testing\n3. Case Study FMEA/FMECA\n\nModule 2.7 ects. Reliability of Mechanical Systems: Lecture (B-KUL-H04Y2a)\n\nIn this course, students are challenged to apply their knowledge on engineering mechanics in the context of reliability, focusing on design, production as well as maintenance of mechanical systems. The course covers general theoretical aspects for reliability prediction, analysis, verification and optimization in mechanical engineering:\n\n1. General introduction to reliability: identification of factors that are important for reliability analysis\n\n2. Basic elements of reliability: definitions, distributions, time independent and time dependent reliability models\n\n3. System reliability: combined failure modes, serial and parallel systems, redundancy, reliability calculations based on minimal cuts and maximal paths, Markov chains and processes, modeling of systems with repair and maintenance\n\n4. Analysis methods: FMECA, risk analysis, event and failure tree analysis\n\n5. Reliability in design: load-strength interference, uncertainty modeling and processing techniques, reliability estimation in design, analytical prediction techniques, sampling techniques, reliability based design optimization\n\n6. Fatigue and life time prediction: stress based fatigue analysis, strain based approach, damage tolerant design based on linear fracture mechanics and crack propagation\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0L94AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp35840" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space Architecture"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .