. "Spacecraft Engineering"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Spacecraft design project"@en . . "7.5" . "Introduction to project work and evaluation of proposed space projects. Design of a spacecraft in a computer\r\nenvironment. Organization of, and preparation of documents for a Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Oral and written\r\npresentation of the PDR for clients of the project. The client could in the normal case be a project group with\r\nstudents that work in parallel with the construction of a space instrument, which in principle could be carried by the\r\nspacecraft that is designed in this project. \n\nOutcome:\nThe student shall obtain knowledge and experience on how a smaller spacecraft can be designed as far as possible\r\nby specifications and where the subsystems of the spacecraft are integrated to a spacecraft in a computer\r\nenvironment. The student shall acquire an effective work process, including meeting preparations, commitment,\r\nplanning, initiative and be able to interact with other students in the working form of concurrent engineering. The\r\nstudent's design choice must be based on science and proven experience and the solutions must be sufficiently\r\nspecified to form a basis for further work with the design process, which must be stated in the report produced as a\r\nresult of the work." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft control"@en . . "7.5" . "The course covers the essentials of attitude dynamics and control, Euler angles, Euler equations and quaternions,\r\nTorque free motion, Spin-stabilization, Stabilization with momentum and reaction wheels, Dual-spin, Gyroscope\r\ncontrol and gravity gradient stabilization, Active attitude control, Automatic feedback control, Nutation and libration\r\ndamping, Analysis of linear systems, Laplace transforms and transfer functions. introduction of the Kalman filter for\r\nattitude estimation. MATLAB simulations.\n\nOutcome:\n After successfully finishing the course, the student shall be able to:\r\n• Explain and model the spacecraft attitude dynamics and control. \r\n• Explain and model the passive and active attitude control systems for applications on attitude stabilization and\r\nattitude maneuver control by using classical control theory as well as the attitude estimation based on Kalman\r\nfiltering technique. \r\n• Perform analytical and computer-based calculation of attitude dynamics and control and estimation. \r\n• Write report of analysis and calculations.\r\n• Assess and report on the feasibility of different attitude control systems in different situations" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft design and subsystems engineering"@en . . "3" . "This course will cover the following topics: Space mission analysis and engineeringGeneral space system principlesApplication of analysis for various spacecraft-subsystems covered in the previous semester (Attitude control, Power, Communications, Command and Data, Structure, Thermal, Propulsion, etc.)Synthesis of subsystems in a spacecraft system design project\n\nOutcome:\r\nHaving taken this course students will be able to acquire the fundamentals of space mission engineering and spacecraft design understand the principle of multidisciplinary system design and spacecraft as a complex system composed of different subsystems with interdisciplinary dependencies engineer a space mission and design a spacecraft meeting the mission requirements understand functions, methods, and analysis required in space mission analysis work in a team environment towards a spacecraft design project" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft system engineering"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nTo understand and learn how to practically apply systems engineering methodology in the design process of a spacecraft.\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course students get familiar with main elements of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Automated Space Vehicles elements of technology like: powerplants, energy storage and supply, attitude and position determination systems and algorithms, thermal systems, radio communication systems, surveillance systems etc. Since in these days similar systems and algorithms on Unmanned Aerial Systems and Space Vehicles are used, the course includes both subjects.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft control"@en . . "6" . "Main aim of this course is to introduce students to basic methods to control the attitude of a spacecraft. Basic tools for analysis and design of control systems will be introduced and applied to spacecraft attitude control. For further information please visit https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/fabiocelani_eng/teaching/sc" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft design"@en . . "1" . "Student should be able to describe requirements and proper technologies for specified types of space missions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft structures development"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Spacecraft and launcher structures are subjected to extreme environments, making their design and development and the\nverification thereof (DVV) very complex. In this course\nthe design of the main spacecraft structure, the structural behaviour of non-structural spacecraft components and their interaction\nwill be illustrated and addressed through the design of the structure of a spaceborne instrument. Thermal elastics and dynamics\nof the instrument structure will be considered. In small groups, participating students will have to design their own instrument\nstructure, addressing both thermo-elastics and vibrations. Verification and validation of the designs will be addressed as well.\nThe course will consist of seven weekly modules. In these modules the following topics will be covered:\n- Introduction\n- Thermo-Elastics\n- Vibrations\n- Systems Engineering\n- Verification and Validation\nThe order of the subjects may differ from the above list. The course structure will be explained in detail in the first weekly\nmodule. Students are requested to reserve all scheduled timeslots in their agendas.\nEach module will consist of a combination of learning activities, e.g. reading suggested papers, watching videos and small\nassignments.\nNote that, the course will require group work. Groups will be formed in the first week of the course. Students who are not part of\na group cannot participate in the course. For the purpose of the course, each group will be considered to be a company that tries\nto win the bid of a large space organization to engineer a space instrument.\nAt the end of the course, a mini-symposium will be organized in which each group presents their design for the space instrument\nstructure.\nStudy Goals The overall educational goal of the course is to provide students with an advanced understanding of the design, development and\nverification of spacecraft. Successful students will be able to:\n- Interpret and analyze a requirement specification for a spacecraft payload or instrument\n- Assess what the design drivers for the structural subsystem of a spacecraft payload or instrument are.\n- Describe how vibration and thermo-elastic considerations affect the design choices and interact with each other.\n- Develop a conceptual design and perform initial sizing by analysis of the structural (and to some extent, thermal) subsystem of\na spacecraft payload or instrument.\n- Describe in detail how the design of a structural subsystem of a spacecraft payload or instrument can be verified and validated" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft thermal design"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Microsat engineering"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course covers the engineering of small satellites. The concept and definition of micro-, nano-, pico-, and femto-satellites is\nintroduced along with the past, present, and future of small satellites in general. The course comprises seven to eight lectures,\npartly from professionals in the space industry. The lectures are intended to familiarise the students with current industry trends\nand state-of the art research in small satellite engineering. The lectures vary each year and potential lecture topics include\ncommunications, AOCS, onboard computer, distributed space systems, miniaturised payloads, small satellite missions and\napplications, etc.\nStudy Goals The course will enable students to design and engineer small satellite missions. The high-level learning objectives of the course\nare:\nThe students shall be able to\n explain key aspects of small satellite missions\n explain and describe elements in the architecture of a spacecraft mission\n discuss in detail at least one element in the architecture of a spacecraft mission\n present and defend their design of an element in the architecture of a spacecraft mission\n show familiarity with current trends in space industry and small satellite research" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft dynamics and control"@en . . "9.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nThe module provides the theory and practical application of spacecraft dynamics and control. The students learn all relevant elements for\nanalyzing, designing, modelling and implementing an attitude control system.\nAfter successful completion of this module, students will be able to:\n- explain and interpret the basic terms and concepts of classical control theory,\n- analyse the properties of linear systems,\n- design controllers for linear systems,\n- use standard software for the analysis of controlled systems and the design of controllers,\n- explain and interpret the basics and methods related to state space control,\n- derive the requirements for an attitude control subsystem from the mission objectives,\n- explain the basic terms and concepts related to spacecraft attitude control,\n- identify and calculate different methods for attitude parameterization and compare their advantages and limiting cases,\n- identify and calculate/use different methods for attitude determination and their limitations,\n- analyze the kinematics of attitude control and develop the kinematics model for a spacecraft,\n- analyze the dynamics of a rigid body and develop the dynamics model for a spacecraft,\n- model and demonstrate different spacecraft sensors and actuators,\n- develop kinematics and dynamic models for a real system in three-axis,\n- design and demonstrate single-axis attitude control maneuvers on a real system using the methods of classical control theory.\nContent\n- Properties and stability of linear systems\n- Laplace transformation\n- Classical control theory (Root locus, PID-controller, Nyquist)\n- State space representation\n- Basics and methods of state control (Pole Placement, Linear Quadratic Regulator, Observer)\n- Model-based state prediction\n- Mission analysis and requirements on attitude control systems\n- Attitude control system concept and types\n- Various types of spacecraft attitude parameterization\n- Rigid body dynamics and attitude kinematics\n- Attitude estimation algorithm" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design and analysis of spacecraft systems"@en . . "no data" . "This module aims to familiarise students with a range of spacecraft missions, types, operating environments and major design issues and enable students to develop the design of a space system, taking into account relevant design drivers." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft dynamics and propulsion"@en . . "no data" . "This module aims to familiarise students with more advanced concepts about orbital mechanics, develop the basic principles of rigid body dynamics and control for spacecraft vehicles and develop an understanding of the principles of spacecraft propulsion and current technologies." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft power systems"@en . . "6.0" . "To know rules for first phase satellite power system design. To manage\nrelationship between power system and the whole spacecraft system.\n\nTo know sizing and outlining procedures for: photovoltaic generators, distribution\ncircuits, energy storage systems, and electrical protection system." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced spacecraft dynamics"@en . . "6.0" . "- Widen the knowledge and skills in orbital mechanics and attitude dynamics, starting from the topics learned in the preceding courses\n- Describe and simulate semi-passive attitude stabilization systems, with special reference to dual-spin systems\n- Understand the problem of spacecraft attitude reorientation and simulate the related maneuvers\n- Describe, simulate, and understand the overall dynamics of space vehicles (trajectory and attitude) in complex mission scenarios, such as planetary entry\n- Describe and simulate low-thrust trajectories and understand their use in orbit transfers\n- Learn advanced techniques for satellite constellation design and performance evaluation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft design"@en . . "6.0" . "The course describes the methodologies for the detailed design of\nsatellites and satellite systems, including technical and project\nplanning methods, following the international space mission standards." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .