. "Geospatial Analytics And Modelling"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Advanced gis"@en . . "9.00" . "Objectives and Contextualisation\nThis optional module, increases the knowledge acquired in the spatial analysis module of the same master, focusing on the exploitation of geographic databases from the SQL language, as well as in specific practical cases. In addition, it adds concepts associated with the publication of cartography on the Internet taking into account international standards for data and metadata that allow interoperability including semantic, technologic, information, etc.\n\nAt the end of the course, the student will be able to:\n\n1. Use different cartography publication tools on the Internet.\n2. Know the advantages and limitations of the use of standards in the GIS world.\n3. Apply international standards to the edition and publication of data and metadata on the Internet.\n4. Master queries in databases using SQL language.\n5. Design appropriately information systems for the use of data in a scientific, professional or informative context.\n\nContent\nRELATIONAL DATABASES. SQL\n\n1. Introduction to relational databases\n2. Conceptual design of a relational database: entity-relationship model\n 2.1 Foundations of relational databases\n 2.2 Entities, attributes, instances\n 2.3 Primary keys and foreign keys\n 2.4 Types of relationships and classification\n 2.5 Three-valued logic\n3. Logical design of a database\n4. The sample database: IEFC_Garrotxa.mdb\n 4.1 The Ecological and Forest Inventory of Catalonia (IEFC de la Garrotxa)\n5. Conceptual, logical and physical model of the IEFC database\n6. Physical design of a database (standardization)\n7. Practical example of designing a database for a Library\n8. Advantages of a relational database: integrity of entities and referential integrity\n9. Features of a Database Management System (SGDB)\n10. Introduction to the SQL language (management of a BD)\n 10.1 What is SQL?\n 10.2 Advantages of SQL\n11. Introduction to DML (Data Management Language) and DDL (Data Definition Language)\n12. Recovery of data with SQL: SELECT statement\n13. Simple inquiries (SELECT ... FROM)\n 13.1 Management practices with SQL databases (1)\n14. Union consultations (UNION)\n 14.1 Database management practices with SQL (2)\n15. Multi-table questions: compositions\n 15.1 Multi-table queries in SQL1\n 15.2 Internal compositions (INNER JOIN)\n 15.3 External compositions (LEFT, RIGHT and OUTER JOIN)\n 15.4 Self-composition\n 15.5 Management practices with SQL databases (3)\n16. Summary queries\n 16.1 Column functions (GROUP BY)\n 16.2 Conditions in summary queries (HAVING)\n 16.3 Database management practices with SQL (4)\n17. Subqueries\n 17.1 Comparison test with subquery\n 17.2 Proof of belonging to a subset of a subquery\n 17.3 Test of existence\n 17.4 Quantitative comparison test\n 17.5 Database management practices with SQL (5)\n18. Nested consultations\n 18.1 Database management practices with SQL (6)\n19. ODBC Link of a GIS layer with a SQL query (DSN file)\n 19.1 Creation of a DSN file for the database\n 19.2 Creation of a layer of points from the database\n 19.3 Creation of a link via ODBC of a SQL query with MiraMon's point layer\n 19.4 Creation of a link via ODBC from a SQL query with a layer of MiraMon polygons\n20. Transactions (COMMIT ROLLBACK)\n21. Update records:\n 21.1 Insertion of records (INSERT)\n 21.2 Delete and delete with subquery (DELETE)\n 21.3 Modification and modification with subquery (UPDATE)\n 21.4 Database management practices with SQL (7)\n22. DDL (Data Definition Language)\n 22.1 Definition and creation of databases\n 22.2 Definition of tables and views\n 22.3 Definition of fields\n 22.4 Definition of restrictions\n 22.5 Definition of indexes\n 22.6 Changes in the structure of the database\n 22.7 Database management practices with SQL (8)\n \nCASE STUDIES IN GIS IMPLEMENTATIONS\n\nContents based on a series of conferences by representatives of different public and/or private organizations that explain the design and use of the GIS in their work environments\n \nSTANDARDS FOR DISTRIBUTED GEOSERVICES\n\n1. Introduction\n 1.1 Interoperability and IDES\n 1.2 Standardization organizations\n 1.3 UML and XML\nExercise 1: Introduction to XML and XML Schema (Enterprise Architech XMLValidator Buddy)\n\n2. Metadata standards\n 2.1 Introduction\n 2.2 Dublin Core\n 2.3FGDC\n 2.4 ISO (19115, 19139)\n 2.5 IDEC profile\n 2.6 Profile NEM\n 2.7 INSPIRE profile\n 2.8 Metadata management applications\nExercise 2: Metadata documentation\n\n 3. Format standards\n 3.1 Modeling of data: UML and GML\nExercise 3: Introduction to GML, generation schemes from UML\n 3.2 Other format standards (SHP, MMZx, KML, GeoJSON, SWE Common, WaterML, ...)\nExercise 4: Google Earth, Google Maps and KML\n\n 4. GEOSERVICES STANDARDS\n 4.1 Catalog services: CSW\n 4.2 Display services: WMS, WMTS, OWS Context\n 4.3 Download service: WCS, WFS, SOS\n 4.4 Processing service: WPS\nExercise 5: Connection with external WMS servers.\n\nPUBLISHING CARTOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNET\n\n1. Introduction\n 1.1 Protocols\n 1.1.1 Layers of protocol\n 1.1.2 Client server architecture\n 1.1.3 Most commonly used protocol layers\n 1.2 Technological evolution of distributed GIS\n 1.2.1 Static maps (theory for exercise 0)\n 1.2.2 Static webpages (theory for exercise 1)\n 1.2.3 Interactive web maps (theory for exercise 2)\n 1.2.3.a Accelerated JavaScript and JSON\n 1.2.4 Geoservices distributed\n 1.3 Nearby technological examples\n\n2. ISO and OGC standards\n 2.1 Introduction to WxS or OWS\n 2.2 Services for the evaluation of information\n 2.2.1 Review of the Web Map Service (theory for exercises 3, 4, 5)\n 2.2.2 Use of several WMS clients\n 2.3 Services in the cloud (exercise 6)\n\n3. Practice\n 3.1 Introduction to IIS\n 3.2 Static map publication\n 3.3 Dynamic map publication\n\nCompetences\nDesign and apply a methodology, based on the knowledge acquired, for studying a particular use case.\nDesign and apply solutions based on GIS tools for managing and exploiting natural resources or administrative information with a spatial component.\nHandle different data and metadata formats appropriately and take the importance of international standards into account when storing them and publishing them on internet.\nTake a holistic approach to problems, offering innovative solutions and taking appropriate decisions based on knowledge and judgement.\nUse acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.\nUse different specialised GIS and remote sensing software, and other related software.\nLearning Outcomes\nApply international standards for editing and publishing data and metadata on internet.\nDesign and apply a methodology, based on the knowledge acquired, for studying a particular use case.\nDesign suitable information systems for handling data in scientific, professional or general-interest contexts.\nHandle different tools for publishing cartography on internet.\nKnow the advantages and limitations of the use of standards in the GIS field.\nShow expertise in querying databases using the SQL language.\nTake a holistic approach to problems, offering innovative solutions and taking appropriate decisions based on knowledge and judgement.\nUse acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems"@en . . "https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/official-master-s-degrees/general-information/remote-sensing-and-geographical-information-systems-1096480962610.html?param1=1345664654736" . "60"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The techniques of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are essential for studying the Earth and managing its resources, for both academic and business purposes, in such varied fields as the following.\n\nInstruments: satellites, drones, GPS systems.\nGeographical information: cartographic institutes, Bing and Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, etc.\nCataloguing data and metadata in spatial data infrastructures.\nSoftware, such as the free programme MiraMon.\nThis programme has a scientific and technical orientation and gives training in Earth-observation techniques, and in the generation and analysis of information for studying the territory and managing its resources through GIS. It is taught in collaboration with CREAF, GRUMETS, MiraMon and Copernicus Academy."@en . . . . "1"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "5100.00" . "Euro"@en . "6360.00" . "None" . "Specialist in remote sensing and GIS in private companies or public authorities that make wide use of GIS and need personnel with advanced knowledge to manage geospatial data on a daily basis.\nResearcher in both methods and in remote sensing and GIS applications at universities and research centres."@en . "0"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . .