. "Other Physics Kas"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Medical physics"@en . . "6" . "Interaction of non-ionizing electromagnetic waves with matter and tissues\r\n• physical models\r\n• relaxation processes\r\n• effects of low-frequent ( 100 kHz) and high-frequent (>100 kHz) radiowaves.\r\n• interactions with ultraviolet radiation.\r\nInteraction of ionizing electromagnetic waves with matter and tissues\r\n• fundamental interactions at the atomic level: photoelectric effect, compton scattering,\r\n• pair formation\r\n• attenuation and absorption of X-rays\r\n• effects at cellular level\r\n• dosimetry of ionizing radiation: exposure, kerma, absorbed dose, equivalent dose,\r\n• effective dose\r\nConventional imaging in radiology\r\n• screen-film technology for conventional radiography and mammography\r\n• digital radiology: computed radiography and direct read-out radiography\r\n• analysis of image quality, CAD\r\n• patient dosimetry\r\nComputed Tomography\r\n• CT-technology: spiral CT, multi-slice CT\r\n• 3D-applications, CAD\r\n• image quality analysis\r\n• patient dosimetry\r\nInterventional radiology and cardiology \r\n• physical principles of fluoroscopy and cinegraphy with image intensifiers\r\n• flat-panel systems in interventional radiology/cardiology\r\n• cone-beam CT\r\n• CT-angiography\r.\n• patient dosimetry\r\nUltrasound\r\n• physical models of interaction of sound waves with matter and tissues\r\n• acoustic impedance\r\n• ultrasound: principles and image formation chain\r\nMagnetic resonance imaging\r\n• MR models\r\n• MR relaxation in tissues\r\n• MR signals and diffusion\r\n• field gradients for location in space\r\nNuclear medicine\r\n• overview of radioactive decay modes\r\n• production of radionuclides for medical purposes: cyclotron, reactor\r\n• nuclear medical imaging: gammacamera, SPECT, PET\r\n• therapeutis applications of radionuclides\r\n• patient dosimetry in nuclear medicine\r\nRadiotherapy\r\n• Medical linear accelerator\r\n• Absolute dose determination\r\n• Patient dosimetry: treatment planning.\nFinal competences:\n1 Understand the physical concepts used in medicine.\r\n2 Describe the physical operation of medical imaging instruments.\r\n3 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of medical imaging techniques.\r\n4 Apply the principles of radiation dosimetry in different clinical disciplines.\r\n5 Be aware of the need of a medical physicist in a hospital environment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy"@en . . "https://images.communicate.vub.ac.be/Web/VUB/%7Be03fbc44-87f1-488a-badd-e287777c0353%7D_WE_oplBrochure_MB_EN_Physics-Astronomy_8P.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=eloqua&utm_content=MARCOM%20REKRUTERING%20brochure%20download%20ENG&%3Cutm_campaign= https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/all-study-programmes-vub/bachelors-and-masters-programmes-vub/master-in-physics-and-astronomy/program/master/master-physics-and-astronomy-minor-research\n" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy: Minor Research is composed of 30 ECTS compulsory courses, 30 ECTS master thesis, 10-12 ECTS external mobility courses and 48-50 ECTS minor Research Electives. Our Master is jointly organized with UGent.\n\nPhysics aims at understanding the world around us by observing it from the smallest scales to the scale of the universe itself. From those observations, models are built to allow us to understand, explain and eventually predict the behavior of nature. The Master in Physics and Astronomy provides a comprehensive education in physics covering the particle physics, general relativity, astrophysics and the study of complex systems.\n\nThis master will give you quantitative and analytic skills that are useful to solve many problems arising in many areas beyond physics."@en . . . "2"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "1092.10" . "Euro"@en . "3620.00" . "Recommended" . "As a physicist you will be in high demand on the job market. With a master in Physics and Astronomy from VUB, you will have the knowledge and skills to land a job in one of many diverse sectors.\n\nThere is plenty of work in scientific research at universities and research institutes. In industry, in modelling, statistics and informatics. Alternatively, work on risk analysis and modelling in the banking, finance or pharmaceuticals sectors. You will also be valuable in the field of education. Infinite opportunities, in fact!"@en . "2"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .