. "Extragalactic astronomy"@en . . "6.0" . "### Teaching language\n\nEnglish \n_Obs.: As aulas serão em português caso todos dominem esta língua._\n\n### Objectives\n\nThe aim of this course is that students acquire a thorough knowledge about different types of galaxies, their composition and the physical mechanisms responsible for the variety of observed properties and their evolution in different environments. Alongside the theoretical approach, existing observational evidence will be presented, and the major ongoing and future projects with scientific impact in this area will be mentioned.\n\n### Learning outcomes and competences\n\nIt is intended that students acquire a thorough knowledge about different types of galaxies, their composition and the physical mechanisms responsible for the variety of observed properties and their evolution in different environments. Alongside the theoretical approach, it is expected that students develop skills of reasoning and understanding, critical analysis and exposition of different results available in the literature and, if possible, experience a brief approach to research in this topic. \n\n### Working method\n\nPresencial\n\n### Program\n\nI. The Milky Way - structure, dimensions, main constituents (stars, interstellar medium, dark matter). \n \nII. Galaxy classification schemes and main properties of the different galaxy types. \n \nIII. Disks and spheroids - dynamics, total mass estimates, scaling relations and statistical properties. Star formation in disks. \n \nIV. Spectral synthesis: main types, ingredients and equations. \n \nV. Groups and clusters of galaxies: dimensions, constituents and main properties. \n \nVI. Physical mechanisms responsible for galactic evolution in groups and clusters: dynamical friction, ram-pressure stripping, tidal stripping, mergers. \n \nVII. Active galaxy nuclei - emission; different types of AGN and the unification scheme. Estimates of the mass of the central supermassive black hole. \n \nVIII. High redshift galaxies and evolutionary studies: techniques and types of distant galaxies; K and E corrections; observational biases; evolution in color, morphology, star formation rate and stellar mass function.\n\n### Mandatory literature\n\nPeter Schneider; Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology, Springer. ISBN: 978-3-642-54082-0/978-3-642-54083-7 (eBook) \nMo Houjun; [Galaxy formation and evolution](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000295217 \"Galaxy formation and evolution (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 9780521857932 \n\n### Complementary Bibliography\n\nCarroll Bradley W.; [An introduction to modern astrophysics](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000228181 \"An introduction to modern astrophysics (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-201-54730-9 \nB.W. Carrol, D.A. Ostlie; An Introduction to Modern Galactic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Addison-Wesley, 2007 \nSparke Linda S.; [Galaxies in the universe](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000260230 \"Galaxies in the universe (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-521-59740-4 \nPeterson Bradley M.; [An introduction to active galactic nuclei](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000228123 \"An introduction to active galactic nuclei (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-521-47911-8 (pbk) \nA.K. Kembhavi, J.V. Narlikar; Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei, Cambridge University Press, 1999 \nKrolik Julian H.; [Active galactic nuclei](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000259815 \"Active galactic nuclei (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-691-01151-6 \n\n### Comments from the literature\n\nThroughout the semester, references for scientific papers dealing with the subjects taught will be provided.\n\n### Teaching methods and learning activities\n\nClasses involve the exposure by the lecturer of the contents of the program - including the discussion of scientific results based on relevant and/or recent papers -, with the help of multimedia materials, followed by examples of application and problem solving when appropriate. \n\n### Software\n\nO trabalho prático requer conhecimentos básicos de python. \n\n### keywords\n\nPhysical sciences > Astronomy > Astrophysics \n\n### Evaluation Type\n\nDistributed evaluation with final exam\n\n### Assessment Components\n\nExam: 50,00%\nOral exam: 5,00%\nPractical assignment or project: 40,00%\nwritten assignment: 5,00%\n**Total:**: 100,00%\n\n### Amount of time allocated to each course unit\n\nAutonomous study: 120,00 hours\nFrequency of lectures: 42,00 hours\n\n**Total:**: 162,00 hours\n\n### Eligibility for exams\n\nThe exam is compulsory and has a minimum grade - see **Formula of final grade. \n \n**\n\n### Calculation formula of final grade\n\nThe assessment in this curricular unit consists of: \n\\- a final exam - which is compulsory - that contributes with a weight of 50% to the final classification; \n\\- exercises to be solved at home and presented by the students in class orally, and delivered afterwards in writing, which contribute with 10% for the final classification; \n\\- a practical assignment that contributes with 40% to the final grade. \nThe formula to compute the final classification is as follows: Nf=Ex+Q+TP where Nf is the final grade, Ex is the exam grade (rated 0-10, and required to be no less than 4/10), Q are the exercises (oral presentation + written work, rated 0 to 2) and TP is the assignment (rated 0 to 8).\n\n### Classification improvement\n\nThe improvement of the classification can be made on the written exam component only, that will still weigh 50% of the final mark.\n\nMore information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=498807" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Other Astronomy Kas"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Master in Astronomy and Astrophysics"@en . . "https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/cur_geral.cur_view?pv_ano_lectivo=2022&pv_origem=cur&pv_tipo_cur_sigla=m&pv_curso_id=871" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The main objective of the Master of Astronomy is to complement and extend the training of graduate students in astronomy, physics, mathematics and related fields. In particular, in order to improve their preparation for a research career in Astronomy, through their subsequent enrolment in a Doctoral Programme in Astronomy.\n\n### Admissions Requirements\n\nApplicants to the Second Cycle (Master) in Astronomy must hold a First Cycle (Bachelor) degree (minimum of 180 ECTS credits) or equivalent (including higher education foreign degrees), whose curriculum includes at least 30 ECTS credits, or equivalent, in Mathematics and Physics, including a minimum of 12 ECTS credits in each of these scientific areas. Candidates that may verify these conditions before the end of the registration period in the Master in Astronomy can also apply. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised as attesting the capacity to successfully complete this cycle of studies by the Scientific Committee of the Master in Astronomy may also be admitted. \n\n### Criteria for Selection and Ranking\n\nThe ranking will be done according to the following criteria and sub-criteria:\n\n* 1.1 - Academic curriculum (training area and average grade) (80%)\n * 1.1.1 - Subcriterion 1: training area (40%)\n * 1.1.2 - Subcriterion 2: average and adequacy of the degree (40%)\n* 1.2 - Scientific curriculum and professional experience (20%)\n * 1.2.1 - Subcriterion 1: technical and/or scientific publications and communications (10%)\n * 1.2.2 - Subcriterion 2: participation in research projects, internships in the area of the cycle of studies or other relevant professional experience (10%)\n\n \nNote: Candidates who do not yet hold a Bachelor's degree and/or have an academic, scientific or professional curriculum which is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutory competent scientific body, will be ranked according to the criteria and subcriteria indicated above, with the difference that the final average mark of the degree will be replaced by the weighted average mark of all curricular units completed to date. \n \n**Candidates' tiebreaker criterion:** greater number of ECTS credits obtained in the area of the cycle of studies.\n\n### Teaching Language\n\n* Fully in English\n\n### Information\n\nIt is highly desirable that candidates possess programming skills and a good written and oral command of the English language.\n\n### Contacts\n\nCourse Director: m.ast.diretor@fc.up.pt\n\nPostgraduate Section: pos.graduacao@fc.up.pt\n\nStudents: m.ast@fc.up.pt\n\n### General information\n\n* Information for applicants: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/cur_geral.cur_info_cand_view?pv_curso_id=871&pv_ano_lectivo=2022&pv_tipo_cur_sigla=m&pv_origem=cur \n\nDirector: Catarina Lobo\n\nAcronym: M:A_ASTR\n\nAcademic Degree: Master\n\nType of course/cycle of study: Masters Degree\n\nStart: 2007/2008\n\nDuration: 4 Semesters\n\n### Study Plan\n\n* Plano de Estudos oficial desde 2013/14: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/cur_geral.cur_planos_estudos_view?pv_plano_id=6001&pv_ano_lectivo=2022&pv_tipo_cur_sigla=m&pv_origem=cur \n\n* All Courses of Study: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/cur_geral.cur_planos_estudos_list?pv_curso_id=871&pv_ano_lectivo=2022&pv_tipo_cur_sigla=m&pv_origem=cur \n\n### Certificates\n\n* Master's degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics (120 ECTS credits)\n* Specialization in Astronomy and Astrophysics (66 ECTS credits)\n\n### Predominant Scientific Areas\n\n* Astronomy\n* Physics"@en . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "1300.00" . "Euro"@en . "3750.00 (International) / 2250.00 (CPLP)" . "Recommended" . "* Researcher: Researchers in astronomy work on a variety of projects, from studying the formation of stars and galaxies to searching for exoplanets. They typically work in universities, research institutes, or government agencies.\n* Engineer: Engineers in astronomy develop and build instruments for astronomical observations. They also work on software for data analysis and visualization.\n* Consultant: Consultants in astronomy work with businesses and government agencies to apply astronomical knowledge to solve problems. For example, they may help to develop new technologies for space exploration or to assess the risks of asteroid impacts.\n* Science communicator: Science communicators in astronomy share the excitement of astronomy with the public through writing, public speaking, and media appearances. They may work in museums, science centers, or the media."@en . "1"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .