. "Physics"@en . . "Astronomy"@en . . "English"@en . . "Active galactic nuclei and supermassive black holes"@en . . "6" . "At the end of the course, the student will have a good knowledge of the observational and physical properties of Active Galaxies in the various bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and their cosmic evolution. The first black hole in the Universe will be discussed along with their growth history and active phases. Knowledge of the strict link between the accretion processes of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies and star-formation activity, in the so-called co-evolution scenario involving feedback processes, will also be acquired by students." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Computational astrophysics and statistics"@en . . "8" . "The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the fundamental numerical techniques currently employed in astrophysical simulations. The student will learn to solve ordinary and partial derivatives differential equations describing interesting astronomical problems. At the end of the course the student will be able to design and run simple numerical simulations of gasdynamical and N-body astronomical problems. A main goal of the class is to accustom the students to research fields which heavily use simulations and to understand merits and caveats of such studies." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Galaxy formation and evolution"@en . . "8" . "The aim of the course is to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of the extragalactic astrophysics, and the formation and evolution of galaxies in the cosmological framework. The student will learn the physical processes which explain the observed properties of galaxies and their evolution. In particular: (1) the main properties of our Galaxy, star forming galaxies, early-type galaxies and galaxy clusters in the present-day universe, (2) dark matter halos, (3) the cosmic evolution of baryonic matter, (4) the physics of galaxy formation, (5) the first luminous objects, (6) the observational studies of galaxy formation and evolution." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stellar dynamics"@en . . "6" . "Theoretical understanding and working knowledge of the principal gravitational phenomena determining the structure, the dynamics and the evolution of stellar systems, from open and globular clusters, to galaxies, to galaxy clusters. At the end of the course, the student should be able to use in autonomy some of the advanced mathematical techniques needed in potential theory and in epicyclic theory." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stellar evolution"@en . . "8" . "The aim of this course is to give a specialistic overview of the stellar evolution theory for stars with different masses. In particular the student will understand how the main physical properties of stars with different masses change as a function of the age, how these changes are related to the thermonuclear evolution of each star, which are the final stages of star life, which are the properties of the remnants. The student will also get a general view of the open issues in the field of the stellar evolution research." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cosmology"@en . . "8" . "At the end of the course, the student will have the basic knowledge of the modern cosmology, based on the General Relativity and on the Hot Big Bang model. In particular the student knows in critical way: the assumptions underlying the Big Bang model and their consequences; the thermal history of universe and the corresponding epochs; the model of inflation; the theory of formation of cosmic structures. Finally the student will be able to present and discuss in critical way the constraints coming from observational data." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "6" . "This course is intended to present the current understanding of the main advanced topics in Cosmology. After completing the course, students will acquire a thorough and updated knowledge of modern cosmological frameworks, with particular focus on dark matter and dark energy models, and on all the main cosmological probes. Furthermore, they will learn the primary statistical methods of modern observational Cosmology." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astronomical instrumentation"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to provide a coherent and state-of-the-art account of instruments and techniques in use in astronomy and astrophysics. In a multiband approach, the course deals with structure of the instrumentation and criteria to evaluate and optimize their performances. It foresees a number of “external” contributions from specialists in specific areas. The course foresees as well visits to, and interactions with external laboratories. Thus, after getting common foundations, the students will be exposed to the most modern advances, in an area in continuous and fast evolution. On a side, students with specific interest in instrumentation will reach an effective starting point to be involved in instrumental projects, in scientific institutes or industries. On another side, students more interested in astrophysical results will reach a fair understanding of the observing processes which are the ground of the following developments. As a further, not minor aim, the course would contribute to reduce the present trend to enlarge the gap between “instrumentation” and “astrophysics”." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysics of galaxies"@en . . "6" . "The course addresses in depth some fundamental topics of the astrophysics of galaxies, training the students to analyze and critically discuss papers relevant for the current research in the field. Starting from a dynamical description of the structure of galaxies, the course then examines the comparison between model and observed quantities, in particular acquired with recent observational campaigns; the evidence for dark matter, extended and in the form of central massive black holes; the properties of the hot interstellar medium; the physical origin of the main galaxy scaling laws." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exoplanets: formation, populations, and atmospheres"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of the properties of planetary bodies, in our own Solar System and around other stars. The students will understand the current thinking on the origin and diversity of planets and their atmospheres. The techniques to detect planets, derive their properties, as well as the current and future possibilities to study their atmospheres will be covered. Understanding the atmospheres of other planets in the Solar System and of exoplanets will allow the student to place the Earth and its evolution in a broader cosmic context." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gravitational lensing"@en . . "6" . "At the end of the course, the student will acquire the basic knowledge of the theory of gravitational lensing, and will be able to discuss the applications of lensing in different astrophysical branches. In particular, the student will be able to distinguish between different regimes of lensing (strong, weak, etc) and will learn through examples how to carry out lensing analyses. The basics of the Python programming language will also be taught to allow the students to better understand the examples and work on small projects." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gravitational wave astrophysics and cosmology"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to provide the student with fundamental knowledge of the physics of gravitational waves and of the importance of gravitational radiation in astrophysics and cosmology. From the theoretical point of view, the student will be able to derive the relevant equations in the framework of general relativity and to describe quantitatively the process of emission of gravitational waves from simple astrophysical sources. From the experimental point of view, the student will understand the basics of gravitational wave detection, with specific applications to current and forthcoming observatories. The student will also get expertise on the methods to extract astrophysical and cosmological information from gravitational wave signals." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft subsystems and space mission design"@en . . "6" . "In the first part of the course, the student acquires fundamentals on systems engineering of space systems and the key aspects of spacecraft systems design. He/she will also learn the design considerations which come into play in laying out a space mission and its preliminary design. In the second part of the course, students are taken step-by-step through the complete process of creating and evaluating multiple methods for reducing space mission cost and schedule and critically evaluate alternative ways of achieving mission objectives at dramatically lower cost and in much less time." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "The interstellar medium"@en . . "6" . "At the end of the course, the student has a detailed knowledge of the observational and physical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM). In particular, the student acquires knowledge of the main constituents of the ISM (ionized, atomic, and molecular gas; dust; magnetic fields; cosmic rays; EM radiation), the different environments in which these are encountered (the 2- and 3-phase models of the ISM) and the physical processes that govern them. In addition, the student will acquire some knowledge about the central role played by the ISM in the evolution of galaxies and AGN across the cosmic time." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced stellar physics and asteroseismology"@en . . "6" . "This course presents students with the theoretical underpinnings of asteroseismology, i.e. the study of stellar properties based on observations of stellar oscillations. By the end of the module students will be able to explain the nature of normal oscillation modes, and relate them to the characteristics of the internal structure of stars. Students will also appreciate the wider implications of asteroseismology on high-precision stellar physics, on studies of stellar populations, and on the characterisation of exoplanetary systems." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astroparticle physics"@en . . "6" . "At the end of this course students will learn about the physical mechanisms behind the acceleration, propagation and energy evolution of cosmic rays on a variety of astrophysical scales and environments, and about the observational and experimental methods to detect them. The course will also give an overview of open challenges in our understanding of neutrinos and dark matter candidates, closely connecting between astrophysics and particle physics." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysical fluid dynamics"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to provide the student with the main theoretical tools to study the dynamics of fluids in astrophysical systems such as stars, accretion discs, galaxies and clusters of galaxies. At the end of the course the student will be familiar with the analytic modelling of hydrodynamic-equilibrium configurations of fluids in gravitational potentials, of gas flows and of hydrodynamic instabilities. In addition the student will have some knowledge of the role of magnetic fields in the dynamics of astrophysical fluids." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galaxy clusters"@en . . "6" . "The aim of this course is to provide a broad-band knowledge of the physical properties of galaxy clusters ecosystem (dark matter, gas, galaxies and non thermal components). At the end of the class the student will be familiar with the current astrophysical research on the evolution of gas and galaxies in clusters. The student will acquire a deep understanding of several important processes, like AGN feedback, chemical enrichment, galaxy ram pressure stripping, relativistic particles physics, and more. The course will provide the necessary astronomical background and will dive deep into several key research topics, always comparing theory and observations. At the end of the course the student will be able to comprehend research papers on these subjects." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "High energy astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "This course focuses on the description of mechanisms and physical processes responsible for the emission observed from populations of Galactic and extra-galactic sources in the high-energy portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (mostly X-ray and Gamma-ray). All the phenomena will be illustrated using results from state-of-the-art X-ray and Gamma ray observatories. Students will be able to critically comprehend and discuss the high-energy emission properties of different classes of cosmic sources (e.g. compact X-ray sources such as X-ray binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei, clusters of galaxies, exploding stars such as Supernovae and Gamma Ray Burst, the Galactic Center). Through a multi-wavelength (and multi-messenger) approach, students will be able relate the X-ray properties of the observed sources with their emission at other wavelengths (and other messengers). The student is expected also to attain a basic knowledge of the techniques related to the detection of X-ray and Gamma-ray photons and on the properties of past, present, and future X-ray telescopes." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "High performance computing for astrophysics and cosmology"@en . . "6" . "The students will acquire the basic concepts of algorithm parallelisation and the practical skills to implement a parallel code using different parallelisation strategies. The methods to test the computational efficiency of a parallel algorithm and to assess its performance in terms of scaling, work load, and memory consumption will be presented. Furthermore, the students will learn the basic techniques for handling, monitoring, and exploiting the use of shared computational architectures ranging from small computer clusters to large supercomputing facilities. The laboratory part of the course will focus on some selected applications of these methods to standard astrophysical and cosmological problems" . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Magnetic fields in astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "During the course, the student will learn the basics of magnetised plasma in astrophysics. The origin of magnetic fields in the primordial Universe as well as the magnetic field properties of astrophysical objects will be discussed. The student will also learn the main techniques to derive magnetic field properties in astrophysical objects from observations. During the laboratory, these techniques will be used by the student using real data." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Practical statistics for physics and astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "Nontrivial data analysis problems are frequently encountered in modern astronomy, cosmology and physics. They require an understanding of statistical methods, practical skills with software tools and sometimes some ingenuity that comes with experience. The student will gain a practical knowledge of statistical methods and software as applied to many example problems. Basic probability theory will be covered before learning about Bayesian and frequentist inference problems, Monte Carlo techniques, Fisher matrices, parameter estimation, non-parametric tests, hypothesis testing, and supervised and unsupervised classification and regression problems. The student will become familiar with current software in Python for analysing data and fitting models while getting an understanding of the theory behind them." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radioastronomy"@en . . "6" . "At the end of the course, the student will gain a deeper knowledge of the concepts regarding the synchrotron radiation and its relation with other processes of the production of radiation in astrophysics. Various astrophysical bodies will be analysed, ranging from interstellar gas, star formation and end-products, generation of radio jets on various scales, processes at the centre of galaxies and in the intergalactic medium, relativistic particle acceleration and re-accelerating, etc. The student will have advanced knowledge on both classical as well as new topics in radioastronomy, in the general framework of modern astrophysical research. The student will be able to understand and present in a critical manner research papers on arguments discussed during the course." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Relativity"@en . . "6" . "At the end of the course, the student knows the main elements of special relativity and general relativity, the main experimental tests in their support, and the geometric interpretation in terms of spacetime. In particular, the student becomes familiar with relativistic mechanics as well as the use of Einstein's equations for studying gravitational waves, spherically symmetric solutions, and basic properties of black holes." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Resolved stellar populations"@en . . "6" . "The course presents a general overview of the main properties of resolved stellar populations. At the end of the course, the student has deep insight in both observational and theoretical topics concerning resolved stellar populations. The student is able to critically discuss the main indicators of metallicity, age and distance, has knowledge of the current scenarios for the formation and evolution of exotic populations, as blue stragglers and millisecond pulsars, and masters general concepts about the internal dynamical evolution of multi-body stellar systems." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Multiwavelength astrophysics laboratory"@en . . "8" . "At the end of the course students will acquire knowledge about reduction, analysis and interpretation of data from ground-based and space-based facilities across a wide range of wavelengths, from radio (centimeter and millimeter) to optical/near-IR and X-rays/Gamma-rays. Modern techniques of astronomical data analysis will be acquired by the student, along with the capability of presenting and discussing professionaly the results of the analysis of measurements taken during the course." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Astrophysics and Cosmology"@en . . "https://corsi.unibo.it/magistrale/astrofisica" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "As part of the course of study, the student takes subjects related to mathematics, physics, computer science and astronomy. The program provides for the possibility of choosing the degree of advancement of some subjects from MS (less advanced) or MT (more advanced) courses. A range of optional courses is also offered."@en . . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Final Exam of content of DP" . "Varying" . "no data"@en . "Varying" . "Recommended" . "Astrophysicist/Astronomer"@en . "1"^^ . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Department of Physics and Astronomy"@en . .