. "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Astrodynamics"@en . . "9" . "The Earth Gravitational Field. Keplerian Trajectories. Inertial reference frame and orbit parameters. The problem of \ntime. The Two-Lines Elements. Ground track. Impulsive orbital Transfers. Perturbations. Averaging. Satellite lifetime. \nSpecial Orbits. Interplanetary fights: direct transfer orbits. Gravity assist. Inner and outer low energy transfer \ntrajectories. Ballistic Reentry. Reentry Corridor." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellites remote sensing: acquisition system and data processing methods"@en . . "9" . "Cap. 1 - Generalities on the remote sensing and physics principles. Introduction, remote sensing system, Properties of \r\nthe electromagnetic radiations, source of the electromagnetic radiation, Interaction with matter, remote sensing \r\nindicators, Interaction of the electromagnetic radiation and the terrestrial atmosphere – – Equation of the radiative \r\ntransport (RTE) – Estimate of the surface temperature. Description of the General Split Window Technique, using the \r\nthermal emission for estimating the sub-surface characteristics. Appendices: A – Beer law, scattering, absorption bands, \r\nrefraction, surface backscattering, B – Description of the General Split Window Technique, C – Using the thermal \r\nemission for estimating the sub-surface characteristics. Exercises: Software PclnWin e PCModWin. \r\nCap. 2 - Remote sensing sensors. Photographic & electro-optical sensors. Micro-wave systems (active and passive), \r\nLidar. Calibration techniques. \r\nCap. 3 – The remote sensing and the space environment. The terrestrial upper-atmosphere – the San Marco satellites \r\ndata. The Space Debris – Techniques for the observation and monitoring. The atmosphere of the outer planets (Mercury, \r\nVenus, Mars, the giant planets). \r\nCap. 4 – Principle of remote sensing of the terrestrial atmosphere. Atmosphere sounding. Satellite based measurement \r\nof the atmospheric ozone. Occultation techniques with active systems. \r\nCap. 5 – Remote sensing orbits. Orbit properties. Orbit perturbations. The requirements of the orbits for remote sensing. \r\nGround tracks. Remote sensing satellite constellations. Exercises: Software STK, Matlab Orbital Mechanics. \r\nRemote sensing systems (Landsat, SPOT, NOAA, Sentinel, MSG). Appendices: A – Drift of the orbit operational \r\nparameters, B – Computation of the acquisition times at the ground station, C – Design of an orbit crossing a given \r\nstation at a given crossing time. Tutorial: Software STK, Matlab Orbital Mechanics. \r\nCap. 6 – Acquisition systems and satellite images pre-processing. Ground receiving station, Image re-construction, \r\nenhancement and information extraction. Image registration. Map projection. Appendices: A - pixel Geo-location, B – \r\nStatistical analysis and enhancement of the images (Discrete Fourier Transform applied to the images, Wavelet, \r\nPrincipal Components, Maximum auto-correlation factors, MAF). Tutorial: Software ENVI, MATLAB Image \r\nProcessing tool. \r\nCap. 7 – Theory and practices of image processing. Selection of the classification algorithms (Unsupervised and \r\nSupervised classification). Topographic models. Image registration (Ground Control Points, Mutual Information, \r\ninvariant moments, contour matching). Change detection (algebraic methods, Multivariational Alteration Detection, \r\nMAD). Introduction to the processing of hyperspectral images (Modeling the measurements, linear un-mixing, pure \r\npixels). Object recognition (Mathematic Morphology, Hough Transform). Tutorial: Software ENVI, Arcview, Image \r\nProcessing tool di MATLAB. \r\nCap. 8 – Project of a Remote Sensing Sensor." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design of space vehicles"@en . . "9" . "Space environment: gravity gradient torque, aerodynamic torque, magnetic torque, solar pressure torque. \nThe spacecraft system and its sub-systems. \n- Propulsion \nPropulsion system type: cold gas, hot gas. Monopropellant, bipropellant, dual-mode \n- Structures and Mechanisms \nLoads, methods of analysis, monocoque, skin-stringer. \n- Power \nPhotovoltaic solar cells, batteries, radioisotope thermal generator (static, dynamic) \n- Attitude and orbit control system (AOCS) \nPassive control technique, Active control technique, sensors and actuators. \n- Thermal \nEnvironment characterization; single mass isothermal modelization, coarse thermal analysis. \n- Communications \n Fundamentals, communication links, ground stations. \nSome typical architectures: the simple spinner, dynamics and stability; the dual spinner, dynamics and stability, \nLandon’s rule; the tether system. \nReferences: Charles D. Brown, “Elements of spacecraft design” AIAA Education Series." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Navigation"@en . . "6" . "The concept of navigation. Fixing vs. deduced reckoning. Different classes of navigation. Time and space reference \r\nframes. Reporting navigation solution: fundamentals of cartography and geodesy. Navigation in real time vs. \r\ntrajectography. Navigation as an element of the Guidance-Control-Navigation loop. Effects of navigation accuracy on \r\nsystem performance. \r\nSatellite-based navigation. From TRANSIT (Doppler-count) to time-of-arrival systems. Required number of satellites in \r\nview. Pseudorange, linearized solution, effects of geometry, expected budget error. GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and \r\nBeidou systems: similarities and differences. Differential navigation and augmentation systems. From code- to carrier\u0002phase-based observables: the issue of the ambiguity in the number of cycles. Fundamentals of RTK (Real Time \r\nKinematics) and PPP (Precision Point Positioning) techniques. GNSS applications to land, air and space navigation. \r\nGPS experiments with lab’s test bed. \r\nInertial Navigation. Stable platforms and strap-down architectures. Accelerometers and gyroscopes. MEMS sensors. \r\nMEMS advantages and limitations. Performance of current MEMS sensors. Sensors’ tests. Calibration and Alignment.\r\nOptical gyros. Attitude reconstruction (cosine direction matrix, Euler angles, quaternions). Mechanizations. Instability \r\nof the gravity loop. Linearization of navigation equations’ set. Errors. \r\nVisual-based navigation. Feature recognition and Hough transform techniques. Experiments with lab’s test bed. \r\nIntegrated navigation. Kalman filter. Proof of the optimality of the linear filter. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for non\u0002linear process and/or non-linear observations. Examples and exercises. Insights about “beyond-Kalman” modern \r\nfiltering techniques." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Attitude dynamics, determination and control"@en . . "6" . "Introduction to the course (relevance of attitude, angles as attitude descriptors, frames, basic dynamics & kinematics). \r\nAttitude representations (direction cosine matrix, Euler angles, quaternions). Inertia, principal axes. Euler equation, \r\nhomogeneous solution for a spinner, general case for a non-spinning spacecraft. Disturbing torques (gravity gradient, \r\naerodynamic, solar radiation pressure torque, magnetic). Attitude Determination basics and hardware (Earth and Sun \r\nsensors, star trackers, magnetometers, GNSS). Passive and Active control. Gravity gradient stabilization, and related \r\ndamping techniques. Spinner (control during orbit acquisition and during operations, dual spin architecture). \r\nMomentum exchange control. Desaturation. Momentum bias concept. Magnetic Control. Characteristics of attitude \r\nactuators (reaction thrusters, wheels, magnetotorquers). Introduction to time-optimal control. Remarks on flexibility and \r\nsloshing effects." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced topics in aerospace engineering"@en . . "9" . "This course provides an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of critical and advanced engineering \r\nprinciples within aerospace engineering. Particular focus will be given on advanced and emerging technology areas \r\nwhich are relevant to the aerospace industry. Fundamental knowledge and current research methods will be applied on a \r\nwide range of topics, with critical review of the state of art and insights on future technologies. Also social, legal, \r\nmedical, economical issues are considered, with different case studies suggested by expert staff of the aerospace \r\nindustry, national space agencies and defense. The students will have the opportunity to understand the interaction of \r\nthe aerospace engineering with different disciplines and how to solve complex problem in a multidisciplinary context." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design of electronic systems for space: reliability engineering"@en . . "6" . "The module deals with approaches to analyse and design quality and reliability of space systems. Functional and failure \r\nmodelling of a space system and other basic concepts related to reliability prediction are introduced. The main \r\ntechniques for reliability estimation (standard-based) and for assessment of failure criticality (FMECA analyses) are \r\npresented. An introduction is also given about methods for reliability increase and their correct design. Real flight \r\nhardware will be used as a case study to practice the acquired concepts. \r\nFor further information please visit https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/luigischirone-eng/home" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design of electronic systems for space: hardware and software design techniques"@en . . "6" . "The module focuses on the design of electronic systems for space applications introducing system-level approaches, \r\nboard-level design techniques and component-selection considerations. On-board computer design for satellites and \r\nlaunchers will be addressed in detail with practical examples. Software and firmware design methods for reliable \r\nautonomous operation of digital on-board electronics are presented. With this module the student will acquire \r\nknowledge in the design of satellite's on-board electronics and will have the chance to put in practice the acquired \r\nknowledge with practical hardware and software design exercises." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stages"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics and control of space structures"@en . . "6" . "The course deals with the problem of modeling flexible structures and the related problems related to their control in the \r\nspace environment. The basic principles of structural dynamics for space-continuous and discrete systems will be \r\nrecalled. Particular attention will be devoted to modeling the effects of gravitational forces on the dynamics and micro \r\ndynamics of large flexible structures. The course will study the concepts of advanced modeling using multibody \r\ntechniques. Lagrangian and quasi-Lagrangian formulations will be presented and compared with Newtonian approaches. \r\nDuring the course techniques for active and adaptive control of vibrations will be studied. Hand notes will provided by \r\nthe teacher during the course." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Numerical modeling of space structures"@en . . "6" . "Orbital observation. Visual and radiofrequency observables, and relevant instrumentation required. Reference frames \nand time scale. A reminder of the orbital dynamics. Orbital parameters and their relation with kinematic parameters. \nClassical problems in orbit determination (Gibbs, Laplace, Lambert). Orbit representation: Two-Line Elements (TLE). \nOrbit determination in LEO and GEO. Ground-based and on-board orbit determination. GNSS-based and image-based \norbit determination. Applications to lunar missions. Tracking of deep-space probes. Surveillance networks." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Orbit determination"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Fundamentals of electronics"@en . . "6" . "Starting from a general introduction to electronic systems the course will provide the basic knowledge about analog and \r\ndigital electronic circuits. The syllabus includes: basic electrical circuits; linearity, dynamic range and frequency \r\nresponse of electronic systems; modelling of electronic circuits; feedback theory (positive and negative feedback); main \r\nelectronic devices and components (op-amp, diode, MOSFET); analog electronic circuits (amplifiers, filters, non-linear \r\ncircuits); digital electronics (microcontrollers, FPGA); A/D and D/A conversion." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft control"@en . . "6" . "Main aim of this course is to introduce students to basic methods to control the attitude of a spacecraft. Basic tools for analysis and design of control systems will be introduced and applied to spacecraft attitude control. For further information please visit https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/fabiocelani_eng/teaching/sc" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Electrical power systems for space exploration"@en . . "6" . "The course is intended to provide advanced knowledge about Electrical Power Systems in satellite and other space vehicles. Information about operating principles, constraints arising form space environment and peculiar design techniques are provided for the most common approaches used in space vehicles for power generation, storage and management. \r\nFor further information please visit https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/luigischirone-eng/home" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Electronics for space telecommunication systems"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the design of a satellite link. Starting from the basic concepts of \r\nanalog (AM, FM) and digital (ASK, FSK, PSK) modulations, the course analyzes the performances of the different \r\ntechniques with respect to the noise. FDMA, TDMA and CDMA multiple access techniques are presented. System\u0002level aspects of satellite links (Doppler, range, visibility, atmospheric effects, etc.) are analyzed and the link equation is \r\ndiscussed in detail. Finally, the link design process is described, and several examples are given. During the course, \r\npractical sessions in the Ground Station of the School of Aerospace Engineering will be arranged to show the reception \r\nand decoding of the signals from amateur satellites in low Earth orbit." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced control of space vehicles"@en . . "6" . "Main aim of this course is to introduce students to tools from modern control theory applied to design and analysis of \r\nattitude control systems for space vehicles. Those tools are important for designing advanced attitude control systems \r\nfor which advanced performances are required. Students will be introduced to software applications that support \r\nanalysis and design by those tools. \r\nFor further information please visit https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/fabiocelani_eng/teaching/acsv" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Optimal control and game theory in flight mechanics"@en . . "6" . "The course of Optimal Control and Game Theory in Flight Mechanics aims at providing sophisticate theoretical and \r\nnumerical tools for the design of advanced aerospace missions and operations. Relevant study cases selected from real \r\nmission scenarios will be simulated using GMAT, Matlab/Simulink software. The course is organized as follows: \r\n(1) Theoretical background and introduction to optimal control: The basic concepts of astrodynamics and flight \r\nmechanics are reviewed. Emphasis is given to the mathematical and technical tools which will be used during the \r\nfollowing classes. \r\n(2) Optimal rocket trajectories and control: The problem of optimal control is introduced considering applications on \r\nrocket moving in the atmosphere. The module covers: optimal solutions to the problem of orbit injection (with \r\nimpulsive and continuous thrust, staging and constrained performance of the actuators), optimal pitch control, \r\noptimal staging and sub-optimal guidance suitable for real-time implementation. Several guidance laws are \r\ncompared together with numerical methods to solve the optimization problem. Exact and numerical solutions are \r\ndiscussed, providing the student the knowledge to apply the most appropriate one depending on the operative \r\nscenario under investigation. \r\n(3) Optimal orbital maneuvers: The problem of orbital transfer in the presence of perturbations and in the multi-body \r\nenvironment is studied. The characterization of low-energy trajectories existing in such a dynamical framework is \r\npresented and optimal guidance strategies for low-thrust transit and ballistic captures are developed. At the end of \r\nthis block, the students will manage advanced tools for designing modern low-energy / low-thrust missions. \r\n(4) Dynamic game theory in flight mechanics: Dynamic game theory is introduced to investigate the motion of two \r\nnoncooperative space vehicles. A variety of scenarios, including operations between two spacecraft in proximity \r\n(space) and missile interception (atmosphere), are modeled as zero-sum dynamic games. Numerical solutions for the \r\nmentioned scenario are discussed, introducing the students to the problem of optimization in multi-spacecraft \r\nenvironment. \r\nRelevant study cases selected from real mission scenarios will be simulated using GMAT, Matlab/Simulink software." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Robotics and artificial intelligence in space engineering"@en . . "6" . "The course is mainly divided into three parts: \nPart I: Elements of robotics. The basic elements of Robotics are explained by referring to the manipulator, i.e., the \nkinematics along with the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters and the homogeneous roto-translation representation, the \ndifferential kinematics, the statics, and the dynamics. Moreover, the trajectory planning will be considered by using \nboth traditional methods and advanced methods based on meta-heuristic optimization (e.g., the Particle Swarm \nOptimization). All the previous elements will be used to introduce some basic control algorithms. \nPart II: Elements of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The basic elements of artificial intelligence and \nmachine learning are explained, and examples related both to robotics and space exploration will be considered. \nSpecifically, some basic elements for dealing with collection and pre-processing of data will be discussed. Then, simple \nalgorithms from machine learning will be addressed, such as the random forest or the support vector machines. \nConvolutional neural networks will be described, also taking into account the possibility to put such algorithm on-board \nfor autonomous satellites. Innovative recognition and \"detection\" algorithms on neural networks and/or on features \nextraction and latest generation matching techniques on EO / IR and SAR images. Examples dealing with remote \nsensing and space exploration will be shown. Finally, GAN architectures will be presented. \nPart III: New algorithms for navigation of space systems based on AI. Starting from optical and infrared mavigation, \nsensor errors, as aberration, boresight, noise input, will be discussed, in order to explain elements of optical and infrared \ntracking systems (e.g., missile seekers). Finally, AI image enhancement algorithms to increase the performance of an \nelectro-optical sensor and algorithms for super-resolving the image / object with single will be described." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space technology"@en . . "6" . "Technology and science are usually considered distinct disciplines. In this Course it will be shown that science is a key ingredient for developing new techniques and conversely technology is important for modern science to make new \ndiscoveries. Particular emphasis will be given to space missions and high energy physics experiment where aerospace materials are often used because of their high mechanical characteristics. Another part of the course is devoted to the technology of composite materials and to non destructive testing. The content of the Course includes : Use of non destructive testing for checking structural integrity of space structures manufactured in metallic and composite materials, \nHolographic interferometry as a non destructive technique, Practical problems of space missions from the structural and technological point of view (satellites, interplanetary probes and international space station) through real cases of space \nmissions in which the School of Aerospace Engineering has been fully involved." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Modelling of flexible space launchers"@en . . "6" . "The course deals with the problem of modeling the dynamic behavior of an elastic launcher. Mathematical models capable of representing the dynamic behavior of a dynamic system with mass and stiffness varying over time will be presented and discussed. The descriptive equations of a variable thrust direction elastic launcher will be derived and discussed. Hints on the coupling problems between flight mechanics, structures and aerodynamics willbe presented. \nModeling of sloshing phenomena within a launcher will also be studied." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Fundamentals of nuclear engineering for astronautics"@en . . "6" . "The course will provide the basics necessary to physical understanding of nuclear energy systems and radiation \nprotection. The main objectives are (a) knowledge of benefits and key aspects of engineering, technology and safety associated with the ' nuclear energy use in space applications, (b) identification of the main features of the systems of \nnuclear power generation , and of the connected systems for conversion and propulsion, (c) knowledge of the state of \nthe international research and perspectives of nuclear energy use for space applications . The Course is organized as \nfollows: \nFundamentals: Physics of nuclear reactions: radioactive decay, sources of radiation, interaction of ionizing radiation \nwith matter, nuclear reactions. Physics of nuclear fission: neutron flux, impact Sections, Fast neutrons and thermal \nneutrons, the slowdown, the moderators, the resonances of capture, burn - up. The nuclear fusion reactions. Basic \nconcepts of radiation protection: Unit Radioactivity, dosimetry, the Environmental Radioactivity, Radiation Effects on \nhumans, protection systems, exposure limits. \nNuclear energy for Space Applications: advantages over other energy sources. Nuclear energy generators. Engineering \nand technological aspects of the Space Applications of Nuclear Power: shielding of Radiation Heat Transfer, Materials. \nElements of Physics Reactor. Nuclear fission reactors configurations for onboard needs and size. The Nuclear Safety in \nthe different stages of a Space Mission. Nuclear Energy perspectives in peaceful applications. \nSystems for Nuclear Power Generation and Propulsion: Classification of systems. Systems of radioisotopes. Conceptual \nprojects of Nuclear Reactors. Static ( thermoelectric and thermoionic ) and Dynamic ( Bryton , Rankine , Stirling , \nmagnetohydrodynamic ) conversion systems. Reactors with solid, liquid and gas kernel. Fuels. Heat tubes reactor. \nElectro-nuclear propulsion systems. Thermo-nuclear propulsion systems. Advanced Systems. The International Space \nNuclear Programs ." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Hybrid propulsion and new launch systems"@en . . "6" . "Definition of propulsion by rocket : static performance of rockets for launch to space missions ; definition of thrust and drag ; equation of motion of a rocket ; state variables and control ; constraints on the trajectory . Performance of single\u0002stage and multistage rocket . Definition of thrust requirements for performing space missions. Definition and \r\nclassification of Propellants for hybrid engines. Process Combustion : subsonic combustion . Influence of the initial conditions of the propellant . Calculation of the temperature of combustion in conditions of chemical equilibrium. \r\nSizing and design procedures for (a) Injection system (injectors), (b) nozzle, (c) thrust chamber. New launch systems: \r\n(a) gun launch to orbit ( ram accelerator and railgun ), (b) launch from aircraft in subsonic flight, (c) airbreathing SSTO \r\nlaunch vehicles." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Flight mechanics of launch and reentry systems"@en . . "6" . "Launch toward East: advantages. The ECI Frame and orbital parameters (target conditions). The EFI frame and the Launch site equation. Launch windows. Launch sites. Launch systems from movable platform. Tsiolkovsky Formula. \r\nSingle stage to orbit ? Optimal Staging. \r\nPlanar equation of motion and Losses Equation. Gravity losses. Phases of flight. Stage re-entry and dispersion ellipses. \r\nGeneral equation of flight. Ballistic Reentry. Peak of heat and peak of load. Entry corridor evaluation. Entry with lift. \r\nEntry Capsule control. \r\nThe Flat Earth approximation. \r\nThe SCOUT launcher. Engines and actuators. Aerodynamic data. Stage separation. Q-Guidance. \r\nICBM re-entry. \r\nCHASER: AIM-9X Sidewinder Aerodynamic stability derivatives from A11, actuator (canard fin deflection) and sensors \r\n(acceleration and rate gyro) \r\nInterception Algos: Pure Pursuit (PP) guidance. Interception Algos: Collision Triangle and Proportional Navigation \r\n(PN) guidance. Interception Algos: Augmented Proportional Navigation (APN guidance). CHASER: Short period \r\ndynamics @ two different combat scenarios.\r\n(topics in italic are additional ones, mandatory for students following MBDA course)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Law in space activities"@en . . "6" . "The course is intended to provide basic knowledge on the following topics: a) laws regulating the space activities. b) \r\ncomplete the knowledge acquired in the courses of engineering with the deepening of the legal regulation of the \r\naerospace activities. The content of the course takes into account the relevant change that the law regulating the space \r\nactivities underwent since the first Treaty of the United Nations (1967). The course is divided into four modules. The \r\nfirst concerns the basic principles governing the aerospace activities; the second module concerns the rules applicable to \r\nspace applications, particularly remote sensing and satellite navigation, launching and the international space station. \r\nThe third module examines the main legal and institutional issues related to space activities in cooperation between \r\nEuropean states (EU and ESA). Finally, the fourth module deals with the development of national legislation in the field \r\nof space activities, with reference to Italy, and in a comparative perspective." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Life support systems for planetary exploration"@en . . "6" . "Earth environment: ecosystem, water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle; atmosphere; magnetosphere, radiation \nenvironment. Space environment: upper atmosphere, gravity (Earth, Moon, Mars), radiations (cosmic rays, solar \nparticle events, Van Allen belts, different radiation levels at ISS, at the Moon, during a trip to Mars, at Mars), space \ndebris (micrometeoroids, shielding). Effects of space environment on human body: bone loss, muscle loss, motion \nsickness (ear), vision problems, cardiovascular system (shift of fluids), effects of radiation: different particles, dose \nlimits, possible risks (cancer, Alzheimer, bone loss). Countermeasures: exercises and history of exercises, radiation \n(dosimetry, shielding, pharmacological), immune system, psychology. History of human space exploration: from \nGagarin to the ISS, ISS-related accidents and incidents and lessons learned (Apollo 1, Valentin Bondarenko, Soyuz 11, \nspace suits, …), space exploration (Moon, Mars, unmanned/manned, travel duration). Basic of life support systems: \nopen loop vs closed loop, budgets (air, O2, water…), physical-chemical LSS, regenerative LSS, CELSS, \nbioregenerative LSS, description of main subsystems: air revitalization, water management, waste management, closing \nthe loop. Physic-Chemical Life Support Subsystems: atmosphere management (carbon dioxide reduction/removal, \noxygen generation, atmosphere monitoring and control), water management (urine recovery, hygiene recovery…), \nwaste management. The International Space Station as a case study: history of the design, description of modules, \ndescription of LSS systems. Terrestrial applications derived from LSS for spacecraft: basic ecological research, \natmosphere, water and waste regeneration, biomass production and research. Space suits: history, design, LSS in the \nsuits, pressure in the suit and procedure to donning and doffing, future space suits. Bioregenerative life support \nconcepts: plant physiology (photosynthesis, phototropism, gravitropism), effects of microgravity, algal systems, higher \nplants, fungi, animals, experiments (Biosphere 2, Veggie, Melissa). Future Life Support Systems: artificial gravity, \nhibernation (human, animals), bioprinting, nanotech, lunar base, Martian base. Astronauts: selection and training, \nspaceflight operations, social and psychological effects (MARS 500), psychology of Survival (Antarctic exploration)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radar systems for astronautics"@en . . "6" . "1 – RADAR as a Remote Sensing technology: micro-wave systems introduction, scattering characteristics, radar \r\nequation. \r\n2 – Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR): the mathematical basis for SAR, RADAR resolution cell. \r\n3 – Geometry distortion. \r\n4 – Radiometric Calibration \r\n5 – Image Interpretation: acquisition mode, speckle, image processing. \r\n6 – Applications: Altimeter, interferometry, radargrammetry, etc." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space debris detection and removal"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerodynamics of continuous and rarefied flows"@en . . "6" . "General introduction. Physical properties of the atmosphere, the upper atmosphere. Fundamentals of thermodynamics. \r\nAerodynamic forces and moments acting on a missile. Drag force, spin damping moment, lift and normal forces, \r\noverturning moment, Magnus force and moment, pitch damping force and moment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Thermal control and thermomechanical interactions in space vehicles"@en . . "6" . "Fundamentals of calorimetry, postulate and equation of Fourier, main conduction parameters. Radiative heat transfer: \r\nlaws of Planck, Wien, Stefann-Boltzmann, Lambert. Characterization of the space environment from a thermal point of \r\nview. The main radiative sources: the Sun, the Earth, the Albedo. Thermal modelization of the spacecraft. Thermal \r\nbalance equations. Propulsion effects of the radiation: the solar sail. \r\nGeneral introduction to the interaction problems in space; historical review. Weak and full interaction and related \r\ndescription. One–way static and dynamic coupling, key parameters governing the phenomenon; examples. Two-ways \r\nstatic and dynamic coupling; integrated modelization of the space systems; examples. Thermal flutter and divergence; \r\nnumerical approach to the solution. Review of some remarkable occurrences of thermally induced disturbances onboard \r\nof satellites; physical and mathematical description. \r\nReferences: Robert D. Karam “Satellite Thermal Control for System Engineers”, Progress in Astronautics and \r\nAeronautics." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Theory and operations of formation flying"@en . . "6" . "Introduction (current and future missions involving formation flying). Linear circular keplerian case (Hill-Clohessy\u0002Wiltshire equations, curvilinear vs Cartesian coordinates; periodicity). Linear elliptic keplerian case (Tschauner\u0002Hempel, Melton, Yamanaka equations; periodicity). Mission to a comet with highly elliptic orbit and residual \r\ngravitational field. Linear circular perturbed case (J2 effect and special inclinations, drag effect, advanced linear \r\nmodels). Nonlinear dynamics (Newton approach, Lagrange approach, energy matching). Relative motions in terms of \r\ndifferential orbital elements. Relative attitude dynamics. Formation flying control (LQR, discrete LQR, PWM, \r\nimpulsive, artificial potential). Formation flying navigation (RF, GPS, laser ranging, visual navigation). A case of \r\nformation flying: remote sensing missions. Orbital configuration. Lazy and tight formations. Rendezvous. The phases of \r\na rendezvous mission. Approach safety and collision avoidance. The drivers for the approach strategy (location and \r\ndirection of target capture, range of sensors, Sun illumination, communication windows). Docking. Mating systems. \r\nSpecial features of the GNC system for rendezvous and docking (mode sequencing and equipment engagement, fault \r\nidentification and recovery concepts, remote interaction with the automatic system, automatic GNC system with man\u0002in-the-loop). Special cases of formation flying. Tethered formations and space webs. Swarms of spacecraft" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Low thrust propulsion"@en . . "no data" . "The course will provide the basics of low thrust engines: applications and classifications for chemical and electrical \r\nLTE, exothermic and endothermic engines. Thruster Principles, The Rocket Equation. Specific Impulse. Thruster \r\nEfficiency. Monopropellant cold thrusters, Bi-propellant thrusters, Resistojet. Design of small thrusters: tank design, \r\nfeed systems, catalyst, thrust chamber, nozzle. Electric Propulsion Background and Electric Thruster Types, Ion \r\nThruster Geometry. Force Transfer in Ion and Hall Thrusters. Basic Plasma Physics. Coulomb force, Electric Field, \r\nMagnetic field, Lorentz equation, Maxwell’s Equations . Plasma as a Fluid: Conservation Equations. Diffusion in \r\nPartially Ionized Gases. Diffusion and Mobility Without and Across Magnetic Fields. Sheaths at the Boundaries of \r\nPlasmas: Debye Sheaths, Pre-Sheaths, Child–Langmuir Sheaths. Generalized Sheath Solution. Ion Thruster Plasma \r\nGenerators. DC Discharge Ion thruster. 0-D Ring-Cusp Ion Thruster Model. Magnetic Multipole Boundaries. Electron \r\nand Ion Confinement. Power and Energy Balance in the Discharge Chamber. rf Ion Thrusters. 2-D Computer Models \r\nof the Ion Thruster Discharge Chamber. Ion Thruster Accelerator Grids: configurations and life; Ion Optics and \r\nPerveance Limits. Electron Back-streaming. High-Voltage and Electrode Breakdown. Hollow Cathodes. \r\nOverview and History of Airbreathing hypersonic propulsion. Airbreathing engine design and sizing for given mission \r\nrequirements. Inlet, combustor and nozzle design. Rayleigh equation for heat flux in subsonic and supersonic \r\ncombustion. Performance. Solid and liquid Propellants. CFD for ramjet and scramjet applications." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Aerospace Engineering"@en . . "SPECIAL MASTER OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING | Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale (uniroma1.it)" . "no data" . "Presential"@en . "The learning objective of the Special Master of Aerospace Engineering is training experts that can be employed in advanced research and development centers in aerospace engineering.\n\nAn important aspect of the program consists in giving students a system-oriented approach to aerospace engineering. The capability of having a system-oriented and global vision of a space mission is not common in the industry because complexity of each subsystem pushes engineers to focus on single aspects. The design of the general architecture is assigned to the system engineer who is a long-experienced engineer that is able to have a global understanding of the project due to their experience acquired in various subsystems. System engineers are increasingly more difficult to find due to discontinuities that occur over time in the development of large space projects.\nMaster programs in aerospace engineering tend to provide students with at most a basic education in one of the areas of aerospace engineering because of the continuous technological advancement. On the other hand, complexity of current space programs asks for professionals capable of having an insight in extremely various technical aspects. Thus, education offered by the Special Master is extremely important in the industry since it trains system engineers in astronautics."@en . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "no tuition, other costs may apply" . "no data"@en . "no tuition, other costs may apply" . "None" . "The Special Master of Aerospace Engineering leads to the following career opportunities\n\nin the industry: system engineer for industrial aerospace projects, engineer for automatic and robotic systems,operator of systems for remote sensing, observation, and surveillance\nsupervisor of space missions, including launch operations and ground operations for tracking, remote control, remote sensing, and data processing expert for engineering aspects of the effects of space environment on human beings and on parts of aerospace systems, consultant for strategic and decisional processes of space agencies. \nin research centers: researcher in space systems, researcher in the development of innovative materials for astronautics, researcher in astrodynamics and control of aerospace systems, expert for scientific missions for exploration of solar system.\nin the area of education and cultural activities: instructor for industry and military staff, disseminator of aerospace culture"@en . "no data" . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "School of Aerospace Engineering"@en . .