. "Geographic Information Science"@en . . "Remote Sensing"@en . . "English in geoscience"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Data analysis"@en . . "3" . "Complements in mathematics; The objective is to provide a certain number of mathematical tools allowing you to calmly approach the different units of the ISIE course\nComputer science, data analysis General notions around digital data (typing, format, precision, sampling, etc.) and metadata\n· Recovery / reading / writing of data files\n· Data representation (1D,2D,3D, nD)\n· Standard statistical analysis tools\n· Concepts of noise and its statistical properties\n· Data regression/interpolation/smoothing\n· Cross-data analysis: Correlation of datasets and classification methods\n· Concepts of frequency analysis (Fourier spectrum and spectrogram)\nThroughout the module different IT tools are introduced. The basic language used is Python but complete mastery of this language is not an objective of the module." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Case study"@en . . "3" . "Case study: multidisciplinary approach Tutored project on a multidisciplinary subject to be presented orally by a group of master's students, supervised by a teaching team, who must guide them scientifically and practically on the subject, the search for documents for the realization of the project and the production of the presentation oral (presentation support)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geochemical tracing: tools and methods"@en . . "3" . "Geochemical tracing: tools and methods Give a general overview of the elementary and isotopic geochemical tracing approaches classically used in geoscience and the environment: (1) to trace the source of material flows transiting in and between geological reservoirs and (2) to find the main processes modifying these flows during their transfer, and to quantify the intensity of these modifications. This is a general introductory course, several aspects and themes of which will be explored in depth in the specialist modules of the master's degree." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "General hydrogeology"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\n\nThe main objective of the EU is to provide the basic knowledge to understand flows in underground reservoirs. We mainly deal with \"hydrogeological\" applications which by definition are interested in water, but all of the physics and many engineering techniques are comparable to the approaches used on hydrocarbon reservoirs. Consequently, the EU is also able to provide an understanding of the concepts that a “reservoir” engineer must master in the petroleum context.\nContent of the lessons\nDescriptive hydrogeology: hydrogeological maps, flows at the reservoir scale, identification of the main reservoirs at the regional scale and their interactions.\nFlow in porous media in steady state: simple calculations for sizing trenches, wells and other structures in underground reservoirs.\nFlow in transient regime: writing and discussion of equations, study of the transient regime in forced flows for the identification of hydrodynamic parameters of reservoirs.\nBasic notions of mass transfer (solute, oil saturation, pollutants, etc.) in porous and/or fractured media: writing and discussion of equations. Some generic elements influencing these transfers (sorption on the solid phase, kinetic or equilibrium reactions, etc.)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Dynamics of the water cycle in a watershed"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\nThe general objective of this module is to provide students with basic knowledge and skills for understanding the continental water cycle and the transfer processes of water and elements in hydrosystems. Particular attention will be paid to surface and subsurface processes as well as the metrology associated with these different processes. Statistical quantification or modeling tools will also be presented and applied during exercises.\n\n \nContent of the lessons\nThe first part of the module aims to describe the water cycle in detail by focusing on the main transfer processes – i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration and surface runoff. For each of the processes in question, a physical description, the factors that may impact them as well as the measurement techniques will be presented. An introduction to tracing methods as well as modeling will also be offered.\nThe second part of the module will focus on tools for quantifying extreme events. The notions of floods and low water levels will be defined. The notion of return period and the tools allowing it to be calculated will be introduced and then handled in an exercise. Advanced statistical tools to quantify uncertainties will also be presented." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Environmental pollutants"@en . . "3" . "The main objective of the EU is to acquire basic notions allowing us to understand the behavior and fate of pollutants in the natural environment (water, soil, air). After a brief definition of what is meant by environmental pollutant and its sources, we will describe the dispersion of pollutants in the environment before focusing on the underlying mechanisms.\n\nThe lessons will be structured around the following points:\nThe main environmental pollutants\nThe fate and behavior of pollutants in the environment\nNatural geochemical background and exceedances\nPhysico-chemical characteristics of environmental pollutants and bioavailability" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Environmental observations: from the field to the laboratory"@en . . "3" . "The EU's objectives are to:\nDefine the notion of environmental observation and observatory.\nDescribe field sampling and measurement techniques in climatology, hydrology, geochemistry and pedology.\nCarry out field trips to carry out these measurements and samples in situ (water, soils, plants, groundwater).\nSample processing and laboratory analyzes (analytical chemistry techniques).\nCreation of a report and oral presentation.\n\nEU contents:\nMethod for measuring and recording in-situ experimental parameters (temperature, humidity, wind, radiation, rain, flow, turbidity / database). Concept of representativeness, drift and error,\nSampling methods and collection of natural samples (surface water, groundwater, soils, sediments, plants). Concept of representativeness.\nDefinition of the notion of environmental observation and observatory, throughout the world. Concept of critical zone and Anthropocene.\nAnalytical chemistry methods, in particular ion chromatography. Concept of detection limit, reproducibility and uncertainty.\nField trip and practical laboratory work. Analysis, discussion and interpretation of data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Life cycle analysis (lca) - assessment of environmental Impacts"@en . . "3" . "EU objectives\n- Know and understand a Life Cycle Analysis and place it within the notion of circular economy - Know how to criticize an existing LCA - Know how to set up an LCA and model it\nContent of the lessons\nThe teaching consists of: - Defining and explaining what a life cycle analysis is according to the ISO 14040, ISO 14044 standard (2006 and revisited in 2020) - Analyzing an LCA already carried out, - Modeling an LCA (specific to each pair of students) with the SIMAPRO 7.3 and SIMAPRO 8.1 software.\n\nThe course will be punctuated with examples to facilitate understanding and these examples will come from case studies chosen by the students (working in pairs).\nSkills to acquire\nCarry out a Life Cycle Analysis of any product or system, according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 (2006). You will be able to model/quantify the environmental impacts linked to this product or service. You will also be able to make recommendations to manufacturers, decision-makers and development stakeholders, so that negative environmental impacts are reduced or eliminated." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Risks and vulnerabilities"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Introduction to environmental law"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Experimental microbiology"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geophysical prospecting methods"@en . . "3" . "The objective of this unit is to introduce the basics of seismic, electrical and potential methods (gravimetry and magnetism) to allow students in Earth Sciences and Environment, whatever their future specializations, to know the contribution and limits of these classic methods.\nIn seismic we introduce the acquisition geometry and seismic processing, the goal is to develop algorithmic techniques for imaging the subsurface by seismic reflection and refraction. Use of the Snell-Descartes law in the case where the speed varies linearly with depth. Acquisition and processing of seismic reflection data. Imaging seismic data after summation in time and depth. Show examples of seismic data interpretation in reflection and refraction.\n\nIn electrical imaging, we introduce the basic principles and the different devices. We discuss the acquisition and inversion parameters according to the desired geological targets.\n\nIn gravimetry and magnetism, we quickly describe the theory of potential, give the principles of measurement and its implementation in the field and finally give the necessary elements for data processing (concepts of anomaly) and their interpretation.\n\nOutdoor practical work sessions or tutorials will be carried out depending on availability." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Initiation to research project"@en . . "3" . "The objective of the “Research initiation project” module is to discover the process of fundamental or applied scientific research via, mainly, the realization of a research project carried out in immersion in a research laboratory. It can potentially be carried out in partnership with a company or a public authority.\nThis module allows students to acquire a first concrete experience of research and knowledge of its mode of operation which will prove useful whatever their professional orientation. It will also allow students to test their skills and taste for fundamental or applied research.\nThe skills developed in this module (critical analysis, project management, time management, ethics in the scientific environment, writing and presentation of a study following a given formalism, etc.) will be valuable to all students, even if they are not are not oriented towards a career in academic research. In addition, many projects allow students to discover the socio-economic links and impacts of research activities." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geographic information systems (gis)"@en . . "3" . "Present the methods and tools associated with the spatial analysis of the processes and phenomena involved in the management of natural resources and the control of the impacts of human activities on these resources.\n12 hours of CM are dedicated to basic notions and concepts to optimize the use of GIS and remote sensing. The strengths and limitations of these methods and tools are illustrated in the context of environmental issues (urbanization, water pollution, flooding, erosion, etc.).\n12 hours of tutorials are dedicated to the practice of GIS with ArcGIS software." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Quantitative hydrogeology, transfer in aquifers"@en . . "3" . "Acquire knowledge in modeling the transfer of pollutants in the underground hydrosystem, equate the transport mechanisms and exchanges between phases, experimentally determine the physical properties of a porous medium and the transport parameters of a perfect or reactive tracer migrating in this porous medium, understand and use an industrial calculation code to model the transfer of pollutants dissolved in the water table.\n\nCourse covering: Reactive transport of solutes in saturated porous media: Convection, diffusion and dispersion, Transport and movement equations, Dispersion coefficients, Chemical reactions, Analytical solutions to the transport equation. Transfer of immiscible substances in porous media with exchanges: Transport mechanisms, Mathematical formulations (mass conservation equations in multiphase systems, flow model of immiscible fluids, transport model with exchanges between phases, momentum balance (generalized Darcy laws), Mass transfers between phases.\nNumerical modeling based on a practical case of transport of a pollutant in an aquifer." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geosciences and environment: field studies"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\nThe objective is to put students face to face with field situations where the theoretical skills acquired during the various lessons provided by the training will be implemented.\nContent of the lessons\nThe teaching will consist of 4 field days to study: - post-mining in the Lorraine basin - the implementation of safeguard measures in the Nature2000 zone of the upper Bruche valley - the Alsatian potash basin - the development of the Rhine valley Each day will be an opportunity to study the natural environment from a geological and geomorphological point of view and to meet economic players involved in the management of the areas studied." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Pedological characterization of soils"@en . . "3" . "Pedological characterization of soils; EU objective\nDefine and characterize a soil. Understand the processes responsible for its formation and evolution. Understand water/soil/atmosphere/organism interactions. Know the anthropogenic risks around soils (fertility, erosion, pollution, development). Acquire the notions of geotechnics. Know how to understand the difficulties of implementing routine means of sampling soil and groundwater using drilling techniques. Know the procedures for measuring the permeability of soils by drilling.\n\nContent of the lessons\nThe state of the world’s soil (risks, issues)\nBasic notions of pedology (description, structure, porosity, grain size)\nFormation, evolution and classification of soils.\nSoil, vegetation and living organisms.\nWhat is geotechnics, a science applied to the study of the soil-structure interface? The profession and its applications, the equipment of geotechnicians.\nCommon drilling techniques and soil sampling methods.\nThe creation of piezometers for water sampling and groundwater monitoring.\nDrilling permeability tests.\nCase studies, application on environmental issues.\nLaboratory soil analysis" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Dynamics of geochemical systems"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\nThis unit is intended to familiarize students with the concepts of geochemical and isotopic tracing to determine the dynamics of geochemical systems. In particular, the lessons revolve around mastering the notions of residence time of an element in its reservoir, stationary and transient state, as well as formalizing mass and isotopic balances in a quantitative manner.\nContent of the lessons\nThe lessons are given in the form of an integrated course addressing the following aspects:\n- mass and isotopic balance (systems of infinite or limited size)\n- equations and graphical representations of mixing between tanks\n- chemical dynamics of a reactive system\n- residence time of an element\n- definition of the reactivity of an element in a reservoir\n- chemical attenuation or accumulation in a tank\n- stationary and transient states\n- chemical dynamics of several connected reservoirs" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Csr and environmental management standards"@en . . "3" . "EU objectives:\nAcquire knowledge of environmental management and quality assurance standards, CSR\nUnderstand environmental management standards (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) and analyze the compatibility of quality and environmental approaches\nUnderstand what Corporate Social Responsibility CSR is (ISO, 26000 – Oct 2020) and know how to put it into practice\nTo acquire skills :\nKnow how to put the ISO 14001 standard (2015 revisited in 2021) into practice - Know how to put the ISO 9001 standard (2015 revisited in 2021) into practice\nImplement CSR within a company by developing a practical case\nKnow how to present your results\nContent of the lessons:\nAfter a general presentation of environmental norms and standards, we will think about the difference between community standards or regulations and what should be chosen depending on the company in question. Then a precise analysis of ISO 14001 (2015) and ISO 9001 (2015) will be carried out. The conclusion will focus on the framework, constraints and challenges of certification.\nFor CSR, after an overview of ISO 26000, we will analyze the definitions and dimensions of CSR then we will study the stages of implementing a CSR approach and finally we will reflect on the constraints, solutions and limits the implementation of a CSR approach.\nThe course will be punctuated with examples to facilitate understanding and these examples will come from case studies chosen by the students (working in pairs)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Environmental economics"@en . . "3" . "The objective is to acquire basic notions in environmental economics (public good, externality, tax, permit market, etc.) through an approach based on educational games which illustrate these notions. Secondly, the question of the evaluation of natural resources (assessment of environmental damage) is addressed through the different methods. Particular emphasis is placed on cost-benefit analysis, methods widely used in design offices, potential employers of students.\n\nPart 1: lessons (6 p.m. CM)\nConcepts: public good, externality, optimum\nRegulatory instruments\nthe polluter pays principle and the tax\nthe theory of property rights and permit markets\nNatural resource assessment\ncost-benefit analysis\nmethods of valuing non-market goods\nThe apple market, 3 a.m.\nCost-benefit analysis, 3" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Water/soil/plant transfers"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\nAddress in an interdisciplinary manner (geochemistry, hydrology, mineralogy, and biology) the processes governing the migration of chemical elements in the most superficial layers of a soil. The objective is to understand and quantify the relationships/interactions of all the compartments constituting the soil (water, minerals, plants and associated microorganisms), and the resulting transfer balances.\nContent of the lessons\nIn addition to the purely chemical processes (alteration and reactive transport of dissolved elements) already covered elsewhere during the master's training, emphasis will be placed more particularly on the problem of water migration in an unsaturated environment and on the the impact of vegetation and the biosphere on the migration of these chemical elements, including plant-atmosphere and plant-soil transfers (root removal - decomposition of litter - excretion), the effects of biological activity on weathering minerals and the sequestration time of elements in vegetation. Finally, the integration of the whole will be carried out by a digital simulation model. This course will be applied to the study of a forest ecosystem." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Measurement quality and error handling"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\nThis unit is intended to familiarize students with the notions of data quality and evaluation of uncertainties from the acquisition of a piece of data or a data set and to determine the propagation of errors when the data is integrated in a model.\nContent of the lessons\nThe lessons are taught in the form of an integrated course (IT project) addressing the following aspects:\n- identification of sources of errors\n- determination of errors from physical data, weighted errors\n- precision, reproducibility and accuracy\n- error propagation (single and multiple variable function)\n- theoretical approach\n- stochastic approach by numerical simulation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bibliographic preparation for the research project"@en . . "3" . "In this unit the objective will be to carry out the bibliographic synthesis of the subject chosen within the framework of the unit “Research initiation project”. This 2 to 5 page document will constitute a brief state of the art on the research subject addressed in their project and the positioning of their study in this context. The bibliographic summaries will be evaluated by the internship supervisors. For projects carried out in pairs, a single bibliographic summary is required. A specific course will explain how to carry out a bibliographic synthesis.\nA critical analysis of an M1 project report carried out during previous years relating to a theme close to that of the research project carried out by the student (on the principle of a peer review of scientific articles), will be also to be carried out. The report to be analyzed will be provided by the project supervisor who will evaluate the review carried out by the student. This analysis will be carried out individually (even if the research project is carried out by a pair). A specific course will present the peer review process and explain its expectations." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Methods for studying populations and ecosystems"@en . . "3" . "This practical teaching allows you to acquire a range of scientific methods and protocols for the study of ecosystems and species in their environment. This teaching is accompanied by practical phases of data acquisition in the field, then analyzes of this data in silico. The lecture courses are structured around the following approaches:\n- sampling methods\n- characterization of vegetation\n- marking of animals and monitoring of animal populations\n- conservation of plant species\n- diachronic study of landscapes\n- floristic field survey\n- multivariate data analyzes (ordinals and classifications)\n- estimation of biodiversity using indicators\n- ecotoxicology" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "In-depth microbiology"@en . . "3" . "This teaching unit will aim to deepen basic notions in Bacteriology and Mycology. You will learn to master the fundamental knowledge of microbiology, which will allow you to have a better understanding of biological phenomena. You will also acquire knowledge of the structure of microorganisms as well as their culture, their ecology, and their physiology. You will understand their interactions, whether pathogenic or not, with their environment and other living beings. You will learn about the concepts and methods specific to quality in microbiology in an industrial environment as well as the means of combating micro-organisms. The tutorials will illustrate the concepts acquired in lectures. Through research data, these concepts will be detailed and applied to case studies." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Languages, economics and business management"@en . . "3" . "Writing in the sciences; Project management; Organization theory; Entrepreneurship notions Writing is an essential part of any scientist or engineer's life. As the author, it is your job to make the reader's job easier. Writers spend years learning their craft, and you should too. In this course, we will help you develop some essential skills that will help you along your journey. These skills will be directly applicable to your M2 internship report. This part of the course will cover four main topics: - How to write clear scientific prose in English. - How to organize information from many different sources - How to organize a writing project and meet deadlines - How to write a project proposal, a scientific report or any other scientific or technical document After theoretical courses on these subjects, you will be able to practice your skills first on small-scale exercises, then on a longer writing project (proposal) that you will produce for the latter part of this course, as well as in any reports/articles you will produce from now on" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Territorial management of the environment and sustainable development"@en . . "3" . "Sustainable development ; The objective of the EU is knowledge of the actors, issues and mechanisms of territorial environmental governance.\nTerritorial environmental governance will be defined as a system of heterogeneous actors (public, private, associative); co-owners of a territorialized environmental issue (pollution, risk, resource); engaged in a coordinated intervention in order to improve the issue. The objective of this unit is to give students knowledge of the actors involved in environmental management, to raise their awareness of the issues and mechanisms of territorial environmental management.\nTerritorial environmental management An introductory theoretical course will be offered and will allow you to become familiar with the essential notions of modeling. TDS sessions will follow where students will manipulate two models on synthetic, real or pseudo-real cases. The first model - FEFLOW - is intended to describe flow and transport processes in porous media. The second model – LISEM – describes the processes of flow, transport and erosion on the soil surface." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hydrogeology: field methods and modeling tools"@en . . "6" . "Modeling tools for water resource management; An introductory theoretical course will be offered and will allow you to become familiar with the essential notions of modeling. TDS sessions will follow where students will manipulate two models on synthetic, real or pseudo-real cases. The first model - FEFLOW - is intended to describe flow and transport processes in porous media. The second model – LISEM – describes the processes of flow, transport and erosion on the soil surface.\nAdvanced geographic information systems (GIS); The objective of the EU is to acquire in project mode the skills and know-how to diagnose an environmental problem using GIS functionalities. More specifically, this EU involves a project to diagnose the risk of runoff at the scale of agricultural watersheds.\nIn pairs, students will have to propose and carry out a diagnosis method from A to Z in the ArcGIS environment during several supervised sessions to optimize the design and implementation of the steps under GIS.\nField methods in hydrogeophysics; This course aims to present field methods useful in the field of hydrogeology. It consists of two parts: field methods in hydrogeophysics and hydrology\n\n(1) In the section concerning hydrogeophysical aspects, students will discover how certain geophysical methods are particularly suitable for providing relevant information on hydrosystems.\nThe course will be divided into a first theoretical part (4 hours) introducing hydrogeophysics and certain geophysical methods, in particular electrical resistivity tomography and magnetic resonance. In a second practical part (7 hours), these methods will be implemented on the SCERES experimental platform on the CNRS campus in Cronenbourg (Controlled Experimental Research Site for Water and Soil Rehabilitation, https://ites.unistra. fr/services-platforms/pole-experimental/sceres).\n\nMeasurements traditionally carried out in hydrology will also be carried out by the students. The idea will then be to combine the information obtained using hydrological and geophysical tools to characterize the water transfer properties of the SCERES. The evaluation of the module will be based on an analysis report of the measurements carried out and interpreted by the students.\nhttps://eost.unistra.fr/actualites/actualite/travaux-pratiques-de-geophysique-applie-a-lhydrologie-sur-la-plateforme-experimentale-sceres\n\n(2) In this part we will put into practice the theoretical lessons of hydro geology: measurement of a piezometric level on site, setting up a test pumping, a tracing test, a measurement flow rate, interpretation of experimental data.\nModeling a hydrogeological site with Visual Modflow - The following points will be covered in this course:\nGeneral information on spatial modeling and getting started with the code: 2 hours\nPresentation of the study area and the documents necessary for the construction of the conceptual model (geological map, piezometric maps, permeability maps, rainfall data, ETP): 3 hours\nConstruction of the conceptual model, digitization of data, first simulations: 3 hours\nSimulations and tests of different hypotheses (wells, pollution, depollution): 2 hours" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Natural water and wastewater"@en . . "3" . "From natural water to drinking water; - The objective of this course is to discover the main sectors of drinking water treatment as well as their areas of application. This course will cover the following concepts:\nIntroduction and characteristics of raw water - Regulation\nCalco-carbonic balance of water and means of restoring balance\nWater clarification (Coagulation/Floculation – Decantation – Filtration)\nDisinfection\nTeaching methods:\nMasterful presentation which allows you to expose the essential theoretical concepts. The presentation is punctuated by phases of interactions/reflections introduced in the form of open questions to students and application exercises.\n\nSanitation Principles - The objective of this course is to present the principles of sanitation in order to understand all the treatments that wastewater undergoes. It will end with a visit to an active wastewater treatment plant.\nModeling of hydrodynamic coupling and reactive transfer - The general objective of this teaching unit is to provide students with the tools to understand physical processes and associated mathematical models in the context of the extensive treatment of pollution in free-standing and fixed crops.\n\nThree major objectives:\nIdentify the physical mechanisms involved in the treatment of wastewater through extensive sectors,\nDescribe biological kinetics and the factors influencing them,\nModel the interactions between hydrodynamics and reactive transfers.\nPhytopurification - This course will present extensive water treatment techniques and will include 3 course chapters:\n- “For collective sanitation”\n- “For non-collective sanitation”\n- \"Other applications (management of WWTP sludge, treatment of agricultural and agri-food effluents)\"\nThere will also be 2 TDs:\n- 1/ Sizing a green sanitation project for a tourist eco-village\n-2/ Understand the principle of recirculation\nMicrobial processes in wastewater treatment plants -" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Pollution in hydrosystems"@en . . "3" . "Transfers of contaminants in hydrosystems - EU objectives:\nUnderstand: interaction between microbiological, chemical and hydrological processes during the transfer of contaminants\nAcquire the basics: observe and characterize the transfer of contaminants\nUnderstanding and using modern analytical approaches: assessing and predicting the transfer and degradation of contaminants Ecological engineering\nEcotoxicology - I. Ecotoxicology: principles and bases\nIntroduction - definitions\n1.Exposure and fate of pollutants (Biavailability, fate of pollutants in the environment: degradation and metabolism)\n2. Toxicokinetics (Pathways of entry, distribution, bioaccumulation, biotransformation, elimination)\n3. Toxicodynamics - Effects and toxicity\n4. Monitoring\nII. Measuring the effects of contaminants: bioassays\nIII. Measuring the effects of contaminants: biomarkers\nMicrobial degradation of hydrocarbons -" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Pollution and depollution of soils and the atmosphere"@en . . "6" . "Diagnosis and soil remediation techniques -This EU is subdivided into two parts which follow each other logically. The first aims to know how to carry out a diagnosis of polluted sites and soils. The second aims to learn how to select and carry out techniques for remediating polluted sites and soils.\nA first part of the teaching consists of learning what Interpretation of the State of the Environment (IEM) is and in which cases an IEM should be carried out. The second part is devoted to understanding and analyzing the management plan for a polluted site (PG). Finally, particular attention is paid to the development of the initial conceptual plan (bringing together sources of pollution and pollutant transfer route) and final (inventory after implementing depollution techniques). The student will also learn how to calculate an EQRS (Quantitative Assessment of Health Risks). Finally, the last part of the course is devoted to the presentation of depollution techniques.\nGeotechnical concepts - It will be about\nGive the first keys, and the vocabulary, to a field very close to studies of polluted sites and soils. This is to facilitate exchanges with potential collaborators in multi-business design offices;\nUnderstand the content and hazards linked to in situ investigations (associated with geotechnics and SSP studies), and learn to define an investigation program.\nAir pollution M2ISIE - Atmosphere: description and dynamics. Atmospheric pollution and modeling: Emission and formation of pollutants in the atmosphere, development of databases, spatialized emission inventories, emission scenarios and air quality management, impacts of pollution: acid rain, greenhouse effect, tropospheric and stratospheric ozone.\n\nThe course includes 5 complementary parts:\nDefinition and physical description of the atmosphere and air pollutants\nDefinitions, associated effects, metrology elements, composition.\nMeteorology concepts to understand atmospheric dynamics\nParameters, main transformations of atmospheric air, water, winds.\nElements of atmospheric chemistry and main reactions in homogeneous gas phase\nAtmospheric pollutants, example of the oxidation mechanism, photo-oxidative pollution, chemical mechanisms in the natural and polluted tropospheres, tropospheric ozone cycle\nAir quality management tools\nModeling of emissions and concentrations of atmospheric pollutants, examples of studies.\nOther different air pollution issues\nAcid rain, the greenhouse effect, stratospheric ozone" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "case study"@en . . "3" . "Interdisciplinary environmental project" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Professional situation"@en . . "3" . "Business immersion (work-study students);\nLaboratory or entrepreneurship internship (non-work-study)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment"@en . . "https://eost.unistra.fr/lm/master/ingenierie-et-geosciences-pour-lenvironnement#data-rof-tab-cours" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "Integrate the spatial and temporal dimensions of environmental systems using data analysis and information spatialization techniques (geographic information systems, database management and processing)"@en . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "None" . "243.00" . "Euro"@en . "Not informative" . "Mandatory" . "Environmental analysis (ISO standards, Life cycle analysis, regulatory files, etc.)\nStudy/advice/management of projects on polluted sites and soils and remediation\nEnvironmental project manager/advisor/engineer (raising awareness of ecological issues, reducing/estimating the environmental impact of activities, sustainable development, etc.)\nSanitation\nHydrologist/Hydrogeologist\nResearch careers in the field of surface geosciences"@en . "no data" . "FALSE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "French"@en . . "École & observatoire des sciences de la Terre | EOST"@en . .