. "Water Management"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Integrated water resources management"@en . . "6" . "The course aims to provide the students with techniques and mathematical tools used in the planning, design and management of water resources in a context of increasing anthropogenic pressure and climate change. The course will focus its attention on the hydraulic infrastructures present in river networks and on water supply systems. At the end of the course the students will be able to: i) quantify the availability of water resources in river networks and aquifers; and ii) understand the operating principles of the studied hydraulic infrastructures as well as to master the calculation methods that allow the design of such works." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design of water and wastewater treatment plants"@en . . "12" . "The course covers the theoretical foundation of processes involved in wastewater treatment systems, including qualitative and quantitative wastewater characterization. The students learn how to plan and design the preliminary and primary treatment systems, the biological stages and the treatment and disposal of bio-solids, including physical, chemical and biological processes. The course will also focus on water treatment plants to produce drinking water. After completing this course, students will be able to design, operate and manage wastewater treatment plants in order to meet the effluent requirements and how to combine different treatment processes for the production of drinking water." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Surface water modelling"@en . . "5" . "Surface water environments are diverse and include freshwater settings such as lakes and rivers, estuaries and coastal seas and oceans. Surface water bodies typically have a free surface that is exposed to atmospheric influences (including the wind-induced stresses that can be an important driver of circulation), but many surface water problems in hydrology also include interactions with shallow ground waters in both the unsaturated and saturated zones. This course introduces the fundamental principles used to understand the dynamics of water at or near the Earth’s surface and some of the practical challenges in modelling surface water movement, with particular reference to coastal and estuarine waters and river catchments. The course focuses mainly on mechanistic hydrological and hydrodynamic models and includes an overview of some of the mathematical and computational methods used to build simple 1D models, and the application of 2D spatial models to the simulation of tidal surge flooding and climate change impacts / land cover change on river catchment hydrology.\n\nThe module aims to: - outline the principles of surface water modelling - introduce a variety of different mathematical modelling approaches, and the software available with which to implement them, with particular reference to the hydrodynamics of coastal and estuarine systems and catchment hydrology - provide ‘hands on’ experience of advanced modelling software - encourage a critical approach to the evaluation and application of model-based aquatic environmental and climate change science.\n\nThe Surface Water Modelling module commences with an introduction to hydrodynamic modelling (including numerical schemes, dimensionality, boundary conditions and the construction of computational meshes and grids). Practical exercises take students through the coding of a simple 1D tidal channel model, and the implementation of a 2D flood inundation model for an estuarine port. Hydrological modelling is introduced, with particular reference to catchment-scale model applications. The practical element for this part of the module uses the MIKE-SHE modelling system and its application to climate change or land cover change scenario simulation.\n\nThe module also covers key issues associated with the provision of boundary condition data and model validation. The main sessions include: - Hydrodynamic modelling (numerical principles, discretisation, mesh generation, boundary conditions, stability issues) - Coding of a 1D tidal model using Matlab – Use of Blue Kenue and Telemac 2D to create a flood inundation model - Hydrological modelling (catchment-scale models, data requirements, examples and applications) - Catchment modelling using MIKE-SHE - Model validation and application.\n\nThe course necessarily covers some mathematical material (mainly in the introductory lectures) and also makes use of Matlab to demonstrate simple 1D model coding. So some aptitude for and willingness to engage with this kind of material and literature is necessary. However, the assessed practical both use pre-built modelling packages and no computer coding is necessary to complete the assessment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Water quality"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nThis advanced course provides a critical overview of the processes and quantitative process descriptions that are essential to understanding surface water quality and systems analysis of aquatic systems. Chemical and physical processes are emphasized and treated in the context of policy and risk assessment developments. Six themes will be treated:\n- advanced aquatic chemistry;\n- transport and exchange processes;\n- fate and bio-magnification of micro-pollutants;\n- nutrient behaviour and algal nuisance;\n- basic water quality modelling;\n- oceans and plastic pollution.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to quantify and critically evaluate the importance of physical, chemical and biological processes in freshwater and marine aquatic (eco)systems, such as chemical reactions in lakes and rivers, solute transport, sedimentation and re-suspension, gas-water exchange, sediment-water exchange, adsorption and bioaccumulation, oligotrophication and eutrophication, nutrient behaviour and retention, C-, N-, and P- behaviour in aquatic systems, light climate and algal growth, carbonate and aragonite formation, marine geochemistry, ocean acidification and plastic pollution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Practical aquatic ecology and water quality"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nThe aim of this practical is to get insight in the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Participants will learn research methods that have been developed to collect samples from different components of aquatic ecosystems, and to analyze some of the most important processes. In particular the oxygen- and carbon cycle will be studied, the productivity of algal- and water plant-dominated systems, and selected aspects of the behavior of persistent organic pollutants will be addressed. The latter will focus on sorption characteristics of several chlorobenzenes to sediment and plastics, including error propagation. Oxygen dynamics will be studied in detail by means of field and laboratory experiments focused on reaeration, primary production, sediment oxygen consumption, and respiration. Measurements will be performed in the Forum Pond at campus that together with laboratory experiments will yield parameter values for a model on oxygen dynamics. The model will be built in Smart, tested against a dataset from continuous measurements in the pond, and results will be presented.\nIn the third week, the entire group will receive in-depth limnological training at Lake De Kienehoef (Sint-Oedenrode), its adjacent pond in the park, and the nearby lowland river Dommel. This five day intense field practical includes camping at the site from Sunday till Saturday. The lake is a former sand excavation and stratifies during summer. Vertical profiles of water quality variables will be made, as well as a detailed description of abundance and spatial distributions of macrophytes, macrofauna and zooplankton. The fish community will be sampled, and sediment cores will be collected. The pond, which is located in a recreational park, will be examined thoroughly; water quality variables, sediment, fish, plants and macrofauna will be studied. A drift sampling will take place on part of the Dommel river.\nIn the last week, data gathered during the multi-day field trip will be elaborated, a search for the cause of extinction and turbidity in the deep lake will be undertaken, and an overall report of the field trip will be written. Participants will use a lab/field notebook to log their activities and meassurements. Particiapnts will use the e-learning tool LabBuddy to prepare for the practicals.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\nconstruct a model on a selected process, such as oxygen dynamics in a pond, using the program Smart and to evaluate its performance;\nperform adsorption experiments with organic micro-pollutants, calculate their adsorption and assess error propagation;\ndemonstrate sampling techniques when performing aquatic ecological research;\nadapt to varying conditions during multi-day fieldwork;\ncompose a scientific report when cooperating with several groups of participants." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Processes for water treatment and reuse"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nGlobal water scarcity necessitates the reuse of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewaters. To achieve this objective, in many cases advanced treatment concepts are required, in which biological treatment processes for removal and recovery of bulk contaminants are supported by physical-chemical treatment methods for removal of trace and/or non-biodegradable contaminants. In this course, the emphasis is on these physical-chemical unit operations and technology trains for drinking water purification and micropollutants removal from water. Membrane treatment and advanced oxidation processes are some examples of the unit operations. This course deals with the background knowledge required for reactor design, optimization of reactor performance and scaling up. This includes physical transport phenomena, chemical and physical equilibria, chemical reaction kinetics, phase separation, and biological processes. A number of realistic cases are described, which illustrate how, based on wastewater characteristics and effluent requirements, the appropriate unit processes can be selected and designed.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\n- apply the principles of diffusion and mass transfer for modeling and design of separation processes;\n- model coupling of mass transfer, mass diffusion and chemical or biological reactions for reactor design;\n- integrate this knowledge for complex integrated design calculations;\n- evaluate a broad range of advanced water treatment technologies for application in water reuse systems;\n- evaluate water quality with respect to chemical and biological safety for use in drinking water applications;\n- select and design drinking water technology trains for water purification." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Modelling future water stress"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nThe availability of clean water is essential for nature as well as for people. In many world regions the availability of clean water is at risk as a result of population growth, economic and urban developments. The course focusses on global modelling of water demand by society and water availability in a changing world. You will acquire skills to use these models and knowledge to critically reflect on model skills and explore the usability of modelling results for water management decision making. Based on this, students will be asked to design and apply an indicator for water stress that accounts for both water quantity and water quality issues for sectors (e.g., cities, agriculture). Students are exposed to models in different ways in the course with a focus on running and interpreting models. The course is not primarily aimed at teaching programming skills.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\n- critically discuss global water quantity issues such as water shortage for human uses (e.g., cities, agriculture) and flooding in relation to water quality issues related to nutrients, water temperature, pathogens, salinity, plastic and toxic compounds;\n- assess the skill and output of integrated modelling of water quantity and water quality issues;\n- use simple global water system models;\n- design and apply an indicator for water stress that takes into account both water quantity and water quality." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Integrated water management"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nAll over the world human societies are intervening in water systems. More and more these interventions reduce or exceed the carrying capacity of our rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc. And climate change will aggravate this. Integrated water management is an approach with many faces. The understanding of a small farmer in Peru, for instance, will be completely different from that of an international river basin manager in Europe or from other scale levels. As integrated water management is context dependent, you will learn to identify assumptions, approaches and traditions in different situations. Students will be able to critically appreciate different knowledge and conceptual stance and methodologies applied in other continents and at different spatial and governance scale levels. To improve management of our water resources, we need to better understand interactions between human interventions and water system functioning. The IWM course addresses such interactions by analysing water management from local urban water to transboundary river levels, characterized by messy problems and uncertainties in knowledge.\nYou will acquire the capacity to analyse such messy situations and to propose and critically assess research strategies. To do so dimensions of integration are identified and systems\nthinking approaches are used. We put emphasis on linking scientific approaches with the practice of integrated water management in the real world. Throughout the course students will learn about concepts and gain practical experience by participating in a serious game based on the real-world IWM case of the Markermeer in the Netherlands. Students\nwill use concepts to produce scientific reflection on practical experience gained through participation in the game and analyzing cases literature from around the world.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\ncritically reflect on different definitions [JA1] of integrated and adaptive water management;\nexplain systems thinking approaches and methods that play a role in integrated and adaptive water management;\nanalyze complex, multi-scale and multi-stakeholder water issues from a researchers perspective;\nassess the process of developing solutions to integrated water management issues / challenges." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Water governance: concepts and practices"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nWater governance is not just the ability to predict, regulate and control water flows, but more so the ability to manage and regulate the ways in which people and societies interact with water. Water cycles should therefore not be seen just as physical flows, but as hydro-social cycles: comprising of all societal interaction involved in water winning or abstraction, storage, treatment, distribution, use and consumption, collection of waste water, treatment, discharge to open waters or recycling.\nThis course is meant for Master students (MID, MES, MCL) who want to specialise or major in a water related topic. The course combines social as well as technical water expertise and stimulates students to work from an interdisciplinary angle. The lectures will introduce theories and concepts of water governance and contemporary water debates on various levels. Tutorial's will be geared to discussions of literature in which theories are applied in practices of water governance. Lastly individual paper writing help students to position themselves in contemporary debates around water governance.\nWhile the emphasis of the course is on the way people and societies interact with water, there is a deliberatively wide scope of the course. It ranges from rural to urban, local to global water governance, and from water related laws and institutions to social-technical innovations. Case studies of water governance include waste water and irrigation systems; urban water supply and sanitation; and ground water and river basin management in both Northern (OECD) and Southern (non-OECD) contexts.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\n- interpret the theories and concepts underlying multiple levels of water goverance and contemporary global water debates;\n- retrieve the concepts and theories to describe, understand and analyse processes of socio-technical change in hydro-social cycles and legal regulation of water resources as well as the definitions of water rights;\n- through the study of literature, and the writing of papers on case studies, apply concepts of socio-technical change, legal regulation and water rights in urban water supply, sanitation; irrigation systems, ground water subtraction or river basin management in both Northern (OECD) and Southern (non-OECD) contexts;\n- position themselves in (policy) debates about various modes of water governance in urban water supply, sanitation; irrigation systems, ground water subtraction or river basin management in both Northern (OECD) and Southern (non-OECD) contexts." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Principles of groundwater flow"@en . . "7.50" . "Course goals\nPlease note: the information in the course manual is binding.\n \n \nThis course introduces the basic principles and methods necessary to quantify flow of water and transport of solutes through saturated porous media.\nIn addition, students will be introduced to basic numerical methods and (professional) software for modelling groundwater flow. \nContent\n\nThe importance of groundwater as a resource and as a critical component in many environmental issues is widely recognized. Groundwater hydrology is a rapidly evolving science and plays a key role in understanding a variety of subsurface processes.\nPorous media properties such as porosity and intrinsic permeability, hydraulic conductivity, erosion, fractures, continuum approach, Representative Elementary Volume REV- concept, up-scaling from pore-to continuum scale, basic fluid mechanical concepts.\nGroundwater flow: Darcy's Law, hydraulic head, hydraulic conductivity, pore pressure, anisotropy, Dupuit assumptions, mapping of flow, flow in fractured media.\nFlow equations in confined and unconfined aquifers: combining the mass balance equation and Darcy’s Law, boundary conditions, storage properties of porous media: compressibility of groundwater and compressibility of the solid phase, Boussinesq approximation, initial and boundary conditions, flow nets, dimensional analysis, analytical solutions of simple hydro-geological problems.\nDensity-dependent flow, coastal aquifers.\nSuper position principle, method of images, Analytical Element Method.\nTransient flow of groundwater, pumping tests, slug tests, constant head and falling head tests.\nGroundwater flow modeling, modeling approaches (schematization), simulation, evaluation model results, model verification and validation, finite differences, grids, integration in time, initial and boundary conditions, computer models, introduction to ModFlow, modeling exercises with ModFlow.\nParticle tracking in groundwater modeling.\nTwo excursions are an integral part of this course. In general a visit to a bank-infiltration water supply pumping station (De Steeg of Oasen) and a trip to a groundwater related site/event" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Quantitative water management"@en . . "7.50" . "At the end of the course the student will be able to:\npresent an overview of quantitative regional and local water management issues, with focus on drainage (Dutch topic) and design and management of reservoirs (international topic);\nperform calculations that promote understanding c.q. proper application of current theory and practice in the above mentioned fields;\nappreciate different visions and occasional conflicts between the theory and practice of regional and local water management;\nreflect on current and future developments in quantitative water management in the context of global change.\nContent\nGroundwater drainage: Donnan, Hooghoudt and beyond.\nGroundwater drainage practice in The Netherlands: agricultural vs. urban areas.\nUrban stormwater drainage and the urban water assignment: pluvial flooding and sewer management, flooding from regional surface waters, and governance issues.\nSide effects of drainage: downstream flooding, land subsidence, salinization and operational water resources management, ecohydrological drought, and foundation damage.\nReservoir management and irrigation: basics of irrigation scheduling, hydrological change and sustainable reservoir planning and management" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Unsaturated zone hydrology"@en . . "7.50" . "This course covers the theory and principles of soil physics, soil moisture storage, unsaturated flow and transport, matric flow, infiltration, preferential flow and evaporation, the determination of soil physical parameters, soil moisture dynamics, the use of state-of-the-art 1D and 2D unsaturated zone models and a critical evaluation of unsaturated flow theories. After completing the course the student has in-depth knowledge of the above mentioned topics.\nContent\nThis course covers the theory and principles of soil physics, soil moisture storage, unsaturated flow and transport, matrix flow, infiltration, preferential flow and evaporation, the determination of soil physical parameters, soil moisture dynamics, the use of an unsaturated flow model (Hydrus), the use of an integrated soil-water-atmosphere-plant model (SWAT) and a critical evaluation of unsaturated flow theories. After completion of the course a student has in-depth knowledge of the above mentioned topics.\n\nContributions to the following skills:\n2. ability work in teams (practicals)\n4. Problem solving skills (homework exercises)\n8. Analytical/quantitative skills (equation solving)\n9. technical skills (computer skills)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Land surface hydrology"@en . . "7.50" . "GEO4-4404 Land Surface Hydrology covers the hydrological processes that interact with streamflow over a range of scales. It considers the mechanism of runoff generation in light of atmosphere and land surface interactions. In addition, it considers changes in the travel time and storage as stream flow travels downstream along the drainage network (routing). All these phenomena manifest themselves in the hydrograph or discharge time series that traditionally forms the starting point of hydrological analysis. \nThis course will impart the student with knowledge of the relevant physical processes and the implications thereof in the natural and built environment. It will also provide him/her with the capacity to analyze these processes quantitatively through a variety of models.\n\nAt the end of the course, students will be able to:\nCharacterize and quantify the hydrological processes that operate at various points and times within a catchment through measurements and modelling;\nAnalyze total catchment behaviour by means of hydrograph separation and frequency analysis techniques;\nPerform simple river discharge routing and interpret the results of more complex schemes;\nEvaluate the consequences of errors and uncertainty in measurements and modelling of catchment hydrological behaviour;\nInterpret stream flow data for design and planning purposes.\n\nContent\nThis course concentrates on land surface hydrology and the ways by which it is influenced by different environmental factors, including man. The course focuses on quantitative analyses, including modelling, and offers students an opportunity to improve their analytical skills and understanding of hydrology. The course content will be applied directly during practicals and in the individual assignment that the student has to complete over the duration of the course.\nThis course will be taught on the basis of a textbook and a reader comprising the exercises, additional background materials and articles. Details are published in the course guide.\n\nAcademic skills\nOnce completed, the student\nHas obtained expertise in the field of understanding / modelling / simulation of key underlying processes in the field of study;\nHas obtained the ability to integrate / interpolate / extrapolate (incomplete) knowledge at a high level including information gathered from research-articles;\nIs able to think / develop / apply (partly) original ideas in a (semi) research context;\nDemonstrates skills for pursuing (advanced) research in a (sub) field." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Water resource management"@en . . "6" . "1. Recognize the importance of water as a vital resource. 2. Apply good governance for water resources. 3. Examine the concepts related to terrestrial surface water. 4. Identify concepts related to groundwater." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental Issues in water management"@en . . "no data" . "N.A." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Natural water and wastewater"@en . . "3" . "From natural water to drinking water; - The objective of this course is to discover the main sectors of drinking water treatment as well as their areas of application. This course will cover the following concepts:\nIntroduction and characteristics of raw water - Regulation\nCalco-carbonic balance of water and means of restoring balance\nWater clarification (Coagulation/Floculation – Decantation – Filtration)\nDisinfection\nTeaching methods:\nMasterful presentation which allows you to expose the essential theoretical concepts. The presentation is punctuated by phases of interactions/reflections introduced in the form of open questions to students and application exercises.\n\nSanitation Principles - The objective of this course is to present the principles of sanitation in order to understand all the treatments that wastewater undergoes. It will end with a visit to an active wastewater treatment plant.\nModeling of hydrodynamic coupling and reactive transfer - The general objective of this teaching unit is to provide students with the tools to understand physical processes and associated mathematical models in the context of the extensive treatment of pollution in free-standing and fixed crops.\n\nThree major objectives:\nIdentify the physical mechanisms involved in the treatment of wastewater through extensive sectors,\nDescribe biological kinetics and the factors influencing them,\nModel the interactions between hydrodynamics and reactive transfers.\nPhytopurification - This course will present extensive water treatment techniques and will include 3 course chapters:\n- “For collective sanitation”\n- “For non-collective sanitation”\n- \"Other applications (management of WWTP sludge, treatment of agricultural and agri-food effluents)\"\nThere will also be 2 TDs:\n- 1/ Sizing a green sanitation project for a tourist eco-village\n-2/ Understand the principle of recirculation\nMicrobial processes in wastewater treatment plants -" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hydrology and sediment dynamics (4 ects)"@en . . "4" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Sustainable water management (envu9wm)"@en . . "20.0" . "https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=ENVU9WM&_gl=1*3lp5vg*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjAzOTg3Ny4wLjAuMA.." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Sustainable water management (envu9wm)"@en . . "20.0" . "https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=ENVU9WM&_gl=1*q30hz0*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjA0MDA2Ni4wLjAuMA.." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Water supply networks II"@en . . "5" . "Characteristic and hydraulic design of reservoirs. Environmental issues: reservoir works. Issues on slopes and dykes, land expropriation. Design and construction of energy routing and energy collapse works. River diversion works, canals and tunnels, auxiliary dams, design and operation of basin drainage works. Sluices (low and high pressure), control vanes. Types of weirs-hydraulic and technical design. Navigational installations. Environmental design and riverbed reformation. River water outlet works and water transportation. Environmental dam design (impact assessment to the nearby area). Types of dams and selection criteria. Design of dams, methods and materials of construction. Design of gravity dams and cylindrical concrete technology (R.C.C.) design of earth dams and rock fill dams with antecedent concrete slab (C.F.R.D.) design of arch dam and buttress dam. Instruments for monitoring the behaviour of hydraulic works and dams. Recording and assessment of sagging, displacement, pressure and temperature. Dam operation safety. Site Visits in various dams in Cyprus." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Water resources management"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Water supply networks I"@en . . "5" . "Introduction to hydraulic works. Water quality (potable water). Water requirements. Water collection and supply works. Case studies from water works in the wider area of Cyprus. External hydraulic networks: supply calculations, general layout, transportation works, conduits and technical works, piping and pumping stations, reservoirs. Internal hydraulic networks: supply calculations, general layout, piezometric zones, pressure reduction mechanisms, minimum pressure control. Mathematical models: Schematic diagram, output supply, calculations. Representative sewerage and rainwater networks: volume calculations, general layout, hydraulic calculations, pipe technology, quality matters." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" .