. "Chemistry"@en . . "6" . "The course has the purpose of providing the basic knowledge of chemistry for the understanding of structure-properties relationship of matter.The main topics that will be treated are: structure of the atom, chemical bonding, gasses, liquid solutions, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Microbes and biogeochemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n \nThe objectives of this course are:\n(1) to provide a mechanistic and qualitative understanding of biogeochemical processes in aquatic environments (in particular oceans) and\n(2) to describe interactions between microorganisms and the geosphere. The course will focus on organisms that are involved in organic carbon production, transformation and degradation, mineral precipitation and dissolution, and that control the distribution of elements, such as C, N, P, and some other nutrient elements in diverse environments at and below the Earth's surface.\nContent\nThis course deals with the interactions between the biosphere and geosphere, in particular in the marine environment. The focus is on modern environments and the two-way linkage between organisms and their surroundings. We will cover the basic concepts and approaches in biogeochemistry and the organism involved. The distribution, growth and metabolism of selected organism will be related to the major biogeochemical cycles (e.g. C, N, P, S, Fe) and to processes such as redox transformations and mineral dissolution/precipitation. The course also deals with the basis of molecular techniques, use of isotopes in (microbial) ecology and conceptual models for microbial processes and biogeochemical cycles. The course will be useful for those interested in bioremediation, biogeochemical processes in present and past ecosystems, the effect of climate and global change on the functioning of System Earth. Students will present and discuss debated issues at the interface of the biosphere and geosphere.\nDevelopment of Transferable Skills\nWritten communication skills: Students are expected to write term papers and a short research proposal.\nVerbal communication skills: Students will present a lecture for the general audience about a recent topic in Biogeochemistry.\nStrong work ethic: students are assigned tasks early in the course with fixed deadlines and have to organize themselves in order to deliver on time.\nAnalytical skills: the material offered comprises many aspects and students are supposed to elucidate complex issues crossing disciplinary boundaries." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Field research instruction geochemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n \n \nThe students become familiar with the key processes controlling nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments.\nThey obtain knowledge about the societal, economical, and environmental implications of anthropogenic perturbations of the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. Students learn how to design experiments or how to plan the collection and analyses of environmental samples in order to answer research questions.\nFurthermore, they learn how to combine experimental data and field measurements and to integrate them with knowledge from scientific literature in order to answer the research questions and to evaluate the obtained information in a broader context. \nContent\nPlease note: Students are only allowed one MSc fieldwork / excursion (GEO4-1424a; 1430; 1431; 4418) during their MSc training. \n\nIn this course students learn how to perform a field campaign and biogeochemical experiments in order to answer research questions related to the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. This includes: testing and preparing analytical and experimental methods, collecting and analyzing environmental samples, performing experiments, interpretation of analytical and experimental data, and presentation of the results orally and in a written form.\nThe fieldwork consists of three parts: a preparation period in Utrecht, a field campaign, and a period of data interpretation and report writing in Utrecht. During the preparation period, the students give presentations related to the subject and the objectives of the fieldwork. Furthermore, they practice analytical procedures and experimental methods which are required during the fieldwork. During the fieldwork campaign, water samples from rivers, estuaries, and marine locations are collected and analyzed. Additionally, sediment cores will be taken and analyzed. Laboratory experiments are conducted in order to quantify individual processes related to the nutrient fluxes in the investigated environments. The analytical and experimental data are finally integrated in order to characterize the trophic state of the investigated systems, to determine the nutrient fluxes between the different compartments of the systems, and to investigate the interplay between physical and biological processes in controlling the nutrient dynamics. The results of the fieldwork are presented in reports\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nLeadership: Students work in teams; each day someone takes the task of the team leader who takes the responsibility that the team activities are target orientated and who reports about the team activities.\nAbility to work in a team: All tasks are performed in teams. The teams often operate independently during field campaigns. Important hereby is making decisions about the selection of sampling sites and sampling approaches.\nWritten communication skills: Results of fieldwork are presented in reports. Feedback is given on the reports and students have to revise the reports based on the comments.\nVerbal communication skills: Students have to give scientific presentations about a subject related to nutrient dynamics in aqueous environments.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: students have to integrate the data collected in the field and in the laboratory, in combination with knowledge from scientific literature and model calculations, in order to answer the allocated research questions.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on conditions and observations during field campaigns and during laboratory work, the sampling programme or the analytical / experimental approach have to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to a variety of methods to characterize the chemical and physical properties of water or sediment samples. They are introduced to methods to determine processes and fluxes in situ or in laboratory experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Organic geochemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n \n \nTo provide detailed insights into the molecular processes that affect organic matter which becomes part of the geosphere. The products formed and preserved are discussed with reference to diagnostic signals, e.g. molecular and isotope proxies, relevant to fossil fuel formation, palaeoenvironmental - and palaeoclimatic reconstructions (i.e. Molecular palaeontology).\n\nPlease note: This course will be taught compressed in a full time format with daily lectures/practicals/presentations.\nContent\nBiochemistry, Organic molecules and Sources of organic matter: Chemical evolution of organic molecules, isotopes, Phylogenetic tree of life, Membranes: Lipid biochemistry, different lipids, i.e. fatty acids, alkanes, acyclic isoprenoids, steroids, terpenoids; Macromolecules: sugars, proteins and peptides, DNA and RNA, resins, lignins, biopolyesters, biopolymers.\nPreservation and the quality of organic matter: Chemical stability versus depositional environment, chemical taphonomy; Preservation models: neogenesis, selective preservation, in-situ polymerization; Export productivity, Oxygen exposure time (OET); Marine versus terrigenous sources; Preservation versus production; Sulphur and Oxygen incorporation, Lignin, soil organic matter.\nMolecular palaeontology: Biomarkers: molecular markers based on carbon skeleton, position and nature of functional groups and/or stable carbon isotope composition. Biological markers as indicators of evolution of Life on earth. Biomarkers in relation to the phylogenetic tree of life; Age-related biomarkers: Molecular proxies for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate reconstructions: sea surface temperatures, photic zone anoxia, anaerobic methane oxidation, C3/C4 vegetation shifts, atmospheric pCO2 changes.\nApplied geochemistry in the industry: Diagenesis, catagenesis, Diagenetic transformation reactions; Chemical transformation reactions during catagenesis; Coalification; Oil and gas formation; biomarkers as indicators for thermal maturity, oil-source rock correlation and biodegradation; future fuels." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aquatic and environmental chemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biogeosciences and Evolution' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n(Students with Biochemistry specialization can also choose this course)\n\n\nThe course deals with processes that control the composition of water in aquifers, soils, lakes, and in the ocean. The focus lies on using equilibrium approaches to describe and quantify these processes. \n\nThe course is organized around three main themes:\nSpeciation of dissolved compounds in aqueous solution:\n- Acid-base reactions, complexation of metals, redox speciation, introduction into quantitative methods in aquatic chemistry including the tableau method and speciation models.\n- Partitioning of compounds between different phases:\nThermodynamics of equilibrium partitioning, gas – water partitioning, solid-water partitioning, liquid – liquid partitioning\n- Adsorption at the solid-water interfaces:\nadsorption isotherms, surface reactivity of solids, surface complexation, ion exchange\n\nThe course includes project-based work. These projects are devoted to processes controlling the composition of waters in surface and subsurface environments or the phase distribution and transformation inorganic compounds in aquatic environments. Computer equilibrium models will be used to solve quantitative problems related to the different projects.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nAbility to work in a team: The quantitative problems related to various projects in the course are solved in teams, typically couples. Important part of the team work is the critical assessment and discussion of results obtained from the chemical equilibrium models.\nWritten communication skills: students are introduced to the scientific review process. They write a scientific manuscript, review manuscripts from their fellow students and improve their manuscripts based on the comments. \nProblem-solving skills: In the projects, students have to find a strategy to answer the given research or practical questions.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students have to learn to conceptualize processes affecting the composition of natural waters. Conceptual understanding is a prerequisite to properly define problem sets in chemical equilibrium models.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to the methodology to solve quantitative problems in the field of aquatic chemistry including chemical equilibrium models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stable Isotopes in earth sciences"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biochemistry' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nBy reading the isotopic composition of a sample—be it solid, liquid, or gaseous—one can tell a story about its origin and history. For example, if the sample is a mineral, one can elucidate the mechanisms or environmental controls involved in its formation or transformation. If the sample is an organism, one can elucidate its activity or eating habits. This course will teach you why this works, where it is applicable, and how it is done in practice.\nSpecifically, you will learn the theoretical principles behind equilibrium and kinetic stable isotope fractionation, understand the principles behind techniques used to analyze stable isotope composition of materials, become acquainted with a broad range of applications of stable isotopes in Earth sciences, and develop practical skills in processing and quantitatively interpreting stable isotope data.\nAdditionally, you will learn how to use certain data processing programs, and develop your writing, analytical, evaluation and communication skills.\n\nContent\nFirst, theoretical principles will be explained for equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope fractionation, mass-dependent vs. mass-independent isotope fractionation, and the temperature dependency of each. Subsequently, the following applications will be discussed in detail:\natmospheric carbon cycle, role of natural (assimilation vs. mineralization) and anthropogenic activity. Tracers: 13C in CO2, 13C and D in CH4.\nhydrological cycle, and its link to paleo-thermometry. Tracers: 18O and D in H2O, clumped isotopes (13C and 18O) in carbonate minerals.\nunderstanding the mechanisms of mineral formation and transformation from their isotopic composition (natural or experimentally perturbed); \nrole of biological activity (assimilation vs. mineralization pathways) on fractionation factors, tracing sources of biogenic minerals and conditions of their formation. Tracers: 13C in carbonates.\nreconstruction of food-webs. Tracers: 13C and 15N in specific compounds (e.g., lipids or fatty acids).\nquantification of organism-specific (e.g., microbial) rates of activity, stable isotope probing. Tracers: 13C, 15N, 18O, D." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental risk assessment of chemicals"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nAt Wageningen University several courses are focused on processes underlying the environmental impact of chemicals on human and environmental health (e.g. Environmental Toxicology (TOX30806), Chemical Stress Ecology and Risk Assessment (AEW30806)). Within these natural sciences- oriented courses, the existing regulations and the methods for the assessment of the environmental risks of chemicals and contaminants for human and environmental health are only touched upon. However, environmental risk assessment of chemicals is essential for safe use and application of products, for protecting the quality of our living environment for all species including man, as well as for taking decisions in subsequent risk management, risk communication and risk governance activities. Different regulatory frameworks exist to assess Environmental Risks of chemicals, each with specific focus, scientific underpinning and technical approaches (toolkits). Examples of such frameworks are REACH, Plant Protection Product and Biocide Directives of the EU, the Water Framework Directive of the EU and also the derivation of Environmental Quality Standards for soil, water and atmosphere. Environmental Quality Standards can be applied in site-specific risk assessments of chemicals, although alternative approaches are more and more demanded in order to achieve case- specific, tailor- made solutions.\nIn order to comply with such different regulatory frameworks, there is a high demand for well-trained risk assessors, who have the conceptual synopsis of the different approaches and even more who have the scientific and technical knowledge and skills to design and conduct environmental risk assessments. This course, Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals (ERAC), is set up to meet this need and has therefore great societal urgency. It will provide students with the know-how and dexterity to perform risk assessments in different settings/roles, e.g. as a regulator, in an academic setting or as a consultancy advisor. Students will gain deep insight in 1) prospective environmental risk assessment, i.e. assessment of risks of chemicals prior to market authorisation and use, 2) retrospective environmental risk assessment, i.e. risks of chemicals after their use and environmental release, and 3) environmental risk assessment of legacy contaminants resulting from historic use and release and/or from natural sources (e.g. PCBs, dioxins and heavy metals). Differences and similarities between the different regulatory framework will be explained, and developments in the regulation of new emerging compounds will be covered. Students will learn to apply approaches and techniques within the different frameworks to real life examples. A major theme in this course is how to deal with the uncertainty and limited availability of data for decision making in environmental risk assessment and how to ascertain that the majority of environmental species are adequately protected without the need for testing all of them. The concepts and approaches in environmental risk assessment will also be compared in a wider context with other risk assessment-frameworks especially those for food-related chemicals, which also include environmentally relevant regulated chemicals and contaminants.\nRisk assessment is an integration of natural sciences and social sciences. ERAC, with a primary focus on the technical concepts and skills needed in the different Risk assessment frameworks, will connect the more natural science-oriented courses on environmental impact of chemicals with the more social science- and policy-oriented courses on risk governance (ENP35806) and environmental economics (ENR21306). The target groups of the course are students of MES, MML, MEE, MAM, MBI.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\n- create a vision on the concepts of prospective and retrospective environmental risk assessment;\n- reflect upon communalities and differences between environmental risk assessment and risk assessment for human health and food;\n- recognize the evolution of regulatory frameworks by studying past, present and future frameworks that are presently under construction;\n- integrate science and process based knowledge with the abovementioned concepts in the design, conduction and interpretation of environmental risk assessment of chemicals in different frameworks at play in the EU (e.g. Plant Protection Products and biocide registration, REACH, Site Specific environmental risk assessment, Water Framework Directive, setting of environmental quality standards) ;\n- compile and evaluate inputs for environmental risk assessment in different settings and frameworks, and reflect upon the potential impact of uncertainty;\n- analyse concepts of read across between chemicals and interpolation between species and cases;\n- critically conduct the technical and computational steps in environmental risk assessment in different settings and frameworks, integrated with the relevant stakeholders;\n- interpret results of environmental risk assessment and provide input for risk management, risk communication and risk governance" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "General toxicology"@en . . "3" . "Contents:\nIntroductory course on basic principles in toxicology, organ-specific toxic effects and risk assessment.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\n- summarize important generalized toxicological (biochemical) mechanisms underlying toxic responses following exposure to toxic chemicals;\n- interpret the consequences of physiological processes on toxic responses in the human body;\n- apply some important mechanisms (modes of action) of toxic chemicals that underlie the adverse effects observed to important toxic chemicals in food and the environment;\n- Argue how non-laboratory animal data can be used in the toxicological risk assessment of chemicals;\n- recall what type of data is required by regulatory bodies for the safety assessment of chemicals;\n- design and execute a comprehensive toxicological concentration-response experiment and critically report and discus the results;\n- apply the basic principles of risk assessment of chemicals in food and the environment." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental electrochemical engineering"@en . . "6" . "Contents:\nCurrent societal transitions, including the change from fossil fuel-driven towards renewable based processes, require innovative (electrified) technologies for (drinking) water treatment and resource recovery. Furthermore, there is an increasing need for large-scale energy storage systems. This course will cover the fundamental aspects of electrochemical engineering, including the principles of an electrochemical cell, electrode processes and materials, transport mechanisms in (ion exchange) membranes, and electrochemical measurements. Furthermore, the course captures innovative and state-of-the-art electrochemical processes for water treatment, energy storage, resource recovery. We discuss the theory and application of (flow) batteries, supercapacitors, (microbial) fuel and electrolysis cells, and of electrochemical desalination, separation, disinfection, electroplating, and corrosion processes.\nLearning outcomes:\nAfter successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:\n- explain fundamentals/basics of electrochemical engineering, including faradaic and capacitive electrode processes, electro-interfacial phenomena, Nernst and Butler-Volmer theory, and important properties of electrolytes;\n- interpret the dynamics of (bio-)electrochemical systems, including ion transport in (ion exchange) membranes (Nernst-Planck theory);\n- characterize environmental (bio-)electrochemical systems based on experiments, data interpretation and calculations;\n- evaluate the performance, potential and limitations of environmental electrochemical technologies;\n- design an electrochemical process for water treatment, energy storage or resource recovery, taking into account the complex composition of (water) streams." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Chemical principles"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nThe student who has passed the course:\n* Can describe the electronic structure of the atoms and knows the relations between electronic structure and the properties of atoms\n* Knows different types of chemical bonding and can use this knowledge to predict the properties of substances\n* Can predict molecular shape using VSEPR and valence-bond theories\n* Knows the main properties of gases, liquids, and solids and relates them to the bonding\n* Knows the laws of thermodynamics and how to use them, also for describing of physical and chemical equilibria\n* Knows main acid-base theories and can calculate pH of simple solutions\n* Can balance redox equations and knows the basics of electrochemistry\n* Knows the basics of chemical kinetics and can use rate laws\n* Knows the most important inorganic compounds (incl. complexes), their nomenclature and reactions\nBrief description of content\nThe basic principles of chemistry will be covered" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Principles of organic chemistry"@en . . "3" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nThe student who has passed the course should be able:\n- to describe structure and shape of organic molecules, properties of chemical bonds, forces between molecules and their role in governing physical properties of organic compounds,\n- to identify functional classes of organic molecules and know principles of their naming,\n- to understand why and how organic reactions occur,\n- to describe behaviour of acids and bases and explain acidity and basicity of functional groups,\n- to describe main interconversions of functional groups and explain mechanism of these reactions,\n- to identify main classes of biomolecules and understand interrelationships between their structure and functions.\nBrief description of content\nOrganic chemistry concepts course, providing overview of structure, nomenclature and reactivity of organic compounds." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Biochemistry"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter the course, the students are expected:\n- to be familiar with main classes of biological macromolecules and their constitutive monomeric compounds\n- to understand the role of catalysis in biochemistry .\n- to understand the basic metabolic reactions network, major regulatory points of catabolism and anabolism .\n- to relate biochemical reactions and organic chemistry and to understand how abrogation of normal metabolism can lead to human disease\nBrief description of content\nTopics of the course include\n-protein structure\n-basic principles of of enzymatic catalysis\n-structure and function of carbohydrates and lipids\n-nucleic acid structure\n-basic metabolic routes of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Field research instruction geochemistry"@en . . "7.50" . "The students become familiar with the key processes controlling nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments.\nThey obtain knowledge about the societal, economical, and environmental implications of anthropogenic perturbations of the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. Students learn how to design experiments or how to plan the collection and analyses of environmental samples in order to answer research questions.\nFurthermore, they learn how to combine experimental data and field measurements and to integrate them with knowledge from scientific literature in order to answer the research questions and to evaluate the obtained information in a broader context. \nContent\nIn this course students learn how to perform a field campaign and biogeochemical experiments in order to answer research questions related to the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. This includes: testing and preparing analytical and experimental methods, collecting and analyzing environmental samples, performing experiments, interpretation of analytical and experimental data, and presentation of the results orally and in a written form.\nThe fieldwork consists of three parts: a preparation period in Utrecht, a field campaign, and a period of data interpretation and report writing in Utrecht. During the preparation period, the students give presentations related to the subject and the objectives of the fieldwork. Furthermore, they practice analytical procedures and experimental methods which are required during the fieldwork. During the fieldwork campaign, water samples from rivers, estuaries, and marine locations are collected and analyzed. Additionally, sediment cores will be taken and analyzed. Laboratory experiments are conducted in order to quantify individual processes related to the nutrient fluxes in the investigated environments. The analytical and experimental data are finally integrated in order to characterize the trophic state of the investigated systems, to determine the nutrient fluxes between the different compartments of the systems, and to investigate the interplay between physical and biological processes in controlling the nutrient dynamics. The results of the fieldwork are presented in reports\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nLeadership: Students work in teams; each day someone takes the task of the team leader who takes the responsibility that the team activities are target orientated and who reports about the team activities.\nAbility to work in a team: All tasks are performed in teams. The teams often operate independently during field campaigns. Important hereby is making decisions about the selection of sampling sites and sampling approaches.\nWritten communication skills: Results of fieldwork are presented in reports. Feedback is given on the reports and students have to revise the reports based on the comments.\nVerbal communication skills: Students have to give scientific presentations about a subject related to nutrient dynamics in aqueous environments.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: students have to integrate the data collected in the field and in the laboratory, in combination with knowledge from scientific literature and model calculations, in order to answer the allocated research questions.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on conditions and observations during field campaigns and during laboratory work, the sampling programme or the analytical / experimental approach have to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to a variety of methods to characterize the chemical and physical properties of water or sediment samples. They are introduced to methods to determine processes and fluxes in situ or in laboratory experiments.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nLeadership: Students work in teams; each day someone takes the task of the team leader who takes the responsibility that the team activities are target orientated and who reports about the team activities.\nAbility to work in a team: All tasks are performed in teams. The teams often operate independently during field campaigns. Important hereby is making decisions about the selection of sampling sites and sampling approaches.\nWritten communication skills: Results of fieldwork are presented in reports. Feedback is given on the reports and students have to revise the reports based on the comments.\nVerbal communication skills: Students have to give scientific presentations about a subject related to nutrient dynamics in aqueous environments.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: students have to integrate the data collected in the field and in the laboratory, in combination with knowledge from scientific literature and model calculations, in order to answer the allocated research questions.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on conditions and observations during field campaigns and during laboratory work, the sampling programme or the analytical / experimental approach have to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to a variety of methods to characterize the chemical and physical properties of water or sediment samples. They are introduced to methods to determine processes and fluxes in situ or in laboratory experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aquatic and environmental chemistry"@en . . "7.50" . "Course goals\n\nWouldn’t it be fascinating to understand which chemical principles play a key role in the Earth’s near surface environments? At the end of the course, you will have the theoretical foundation and practical skills to interpret and predict the composition of natural or contaminated waters based on equilibrium thermodynamics. You will have an overview of quantitative concepts to describe acid base properties of solids and solutions, redox speciation of certain inorganic and organic compounds in aqueous solution, solubility of solids, metal speciation in aqueous solution, distribution of compounds between different phases, and the adsorption of ions at the solid-liquid interface. You will also have learned how to use computer-based chemical speciation models and practiced your writing and assessment skills.\nContent\nThe course deals with processes that control the composition of water in aquifers, soils, lakes, and in the ocean. The focus lies on using equilibrium approaches to describe and quantify these processes. The course is organized around three main themes:\nSpeciation of dissolved compounds in aqueous solution:\nAcid-base reactions, complexation of metals, redox speciation, introduction into quantitative methods in aquatic chemistry including the tableau method and speciation models.\nPartitioning of compounds between different phases:\nThermodynamics of equilibrium partitioning, gas – water partitioning, solid-water partitioning, liquid – liquid partitioning\nAdsorption at the solid-water interfaces:\nadsorption isotherms, surface reactivity of solids, surface complexation, ion exchange\nThe course includes project-based work. These projects are devoted to processes controlling the composition of waters in surface and subsurface environments or the phase distribution and transformation inorganic compounds in aquatic environments. Computer equilibrium models will be used to solve quantitative problems related to the different projects.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nAbility to work in a team: The quantitative problems related to various projects in the course are solved in teams, typically couples. Important part of the team work is the critical assessment and discussion of results obtained from the chemical equilibrium models.\nWritten communication skills: students are introduced to the scientific review process. They write a scientific manuscript, review manuscripts from their fellow students and improve their manuscripts based on the comments. \nProblem-solving skills: In the projects, students have to find a strategy to answer the given research or practical questions.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students have to learn to conceptualize processes affecting the composition of natural waters. Conceptual understanding is a prerequisite to properly define problem sets in chemical equilibrium models.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to the methodology to solve quantitative problems in the field of aquatic chemistry including chemical equilibrium models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stable Isotopes in earth sciences"@en . . "7.50" . "By reading the isotopic composition of a sample—be it solid, liquid, or gaseous—one can tell a story about its origin and history. For example, if the sample is a mineral, one can elucidate the mechanisms or environmental controls involved in its formation or transformation. If the sample is an organism, one can elucidate its activity or eating habits. This course will teach you why this works, where it is applicable, and how it is done in practice.\nSpecifically, you will learn the theoretical principles behind equilibrium and kinetic stable isotope fractionation, understand the principles behind techniques used to analyze stable isotope composition of materials, become acquainted with a broad range of applications of stable isotopes in Earth sciences, and develop practical skills in processing and quantitatively interpreting stable isotope data.\nAdditionally, you will learn how to use certain data processing programs, and develop your writing, analytical, evaluation and communication skills.\n \nContent\nFirst, theoretical principles will be explained for equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope fractionation, mass-dependent vs. mass-independent isotope fractionation, and the temperature dependency of each. Subsequently, the following applications will be discussed in detail:\natmospheric carbon cycle, role of natural (assimilation vs. mineralization) and anthropogenic activity. Tracers: 13C in CO2, 13C and D in CH4.\nhydrological cycle, and its link to paleo-thermometry. Tracers: 18O and D in H2O, clumped isotopes (13C and 18O) in carbonate minerals.\nunderstanding the mechanisms of mineral formation and transformation from their isotopic composition (natural or experimentally perturbed); \nrole of biological activity (assimilation vs. mineralization pathways) on fractionation factors, tracing sources of biogenic minerals and conditions of their formation. Tracers: 13C in carbonates.\nreconstruction of food-webs. Tracers: 13C and 15N in specific compounds (e.g., lipids or fatty acids).\nquantification of organism-specific (e.g., microbial) rates of activity, stable isotope probing. Tracers: 13C, 15N, 18O, D" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "from complex chemistry to new physics"@en . . "4" . "1) Introduction: Operators, atomic units, molecular Hamiltonian, and Born-Oppenheimer approximation. 2) General introduction to the many-electron theory • The Hartree-Fock (HF) method (self-consistent field approach, canonical orbitals, Slater-Condon rules, and Koopman's theorem) • Density Functional Theory (DFT) (the Hohenberg–Kohn theorems, v- and N-representability, and Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory (non\u0002interacting kinetic energy and the Kohn–Sham equations) • Gaussian basis sets (Gaussian and Slater-type orbitals, spherical and cartesian Gaussians, extrapolation techniques), molecular orbitals, electron density-their interpretation and visualization • A brief introduction to the post-Hartree-Fock methods: Moller-Plesset perturbation theory, Configuration Interaction, and Coupled-Cluster Ansatz • Time-dependent HF and DFT methods • Atomic and molecular properties (dipole moments, electronic spectra, transition dipole moments, and dipole polarizabilities) • Technical aspects of electronic structure calculations: convergence difficulties, point group symmetries, convergence acceleration (damping, level shifting, and the direct inverse iterative subspace (DIIS) technique), scans of potential energy surfaces and analysis of dissociation energy limits • Example calculations: singlet-triplet excitations, local, charge-transfer, and Rydberg excited states 3) Nuclear motion • Potential energy curves of diatomic molecules • Bound state energies: discrete variable representation (DVR) and Numerov methods • Rotational spectroscopy • Vibrational transitions in diatomic molecules • Polyatomic molecules: vibrational SCF • Cold collisions and near-threshold bound states 4) Case studies • Chemical reaction energies, reactivity, and formation of simple amino acids • Spectroscopy of simple molecules: NH and SrF • Hyperfine structure, isotopic effects in spectroscopy, and standard model violation effects" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental chemistry"@en . . "6" . "1. Describe the chemistry of the environment 2. Explain the relationship of man and the atmosphere 3. Explain the relationship of man, the land and the aquatic environment 4. Identify different analytical environmental chemical techniques" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics and chemistry of functional interfaces"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental geochemistry"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Isotope geochemistry of rocks"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geochemical analysis with data processing"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental geochemistry"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geochemical analysis with data processing"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "geochemical analysis"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Chemistry of combustion"@en . . "3" . "Lectures on: basic properties of fuels and combustible mixtures; mechanisms of combustion and flame propagation including thermal dissociation; methods of limitation of toxic combustion products emission in engines. Completion of the course results in the knowledge in the domain of: fuel properties; mechanism of ignition and flame propagation; high temperature combustion; low emission combustion." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geochemical tracing: tools and methods"@en . . "3" . "Geochemical tracing: tools and methods Give a general overview of the elementary and isotopic geochemical tracing approaches classically used in geoscience and the environment: (1) to trace the source of material flows transiting in and between geological reservoirs and (2) to find the main processes modifying these flows during their transfer, and to quantify the intensity of these modifications. This is a general introductory course, several aspects and themes of which will be explored in depth in the specialist modules of the master's degree." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics of geochemical systems"@en . . "3" . "EU objective\nThis unit is intended to familiarize students with the concepts of geochemical and isotopic tracing to determine the dynamics of geochemical systems. In particular, the lessons revolve around mastering the notions of residence time of an element in its reservoir, stationary and transient state, as well as formalizing mass and isotopic balances in a quantitative manner.\nContent of the lessons\nThe lessons are given in the form of an integrated course addressing the following aspects:\n- mass and isotopic balance (systems of infinite or limited size)\n- equations and graphical representations of mixing between tanks\n- chemical dynamics of a reactive system\n- residence time of an element\n- definition of the reactivity of an element in a reservoir\n- chemical attenuation or accumulation in a tank\n- stationary and transient states\n- chemical dynamics of several connected reservoirs" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Biogeochemistry (3 ects)"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Environmental geochemistry (3 ects)"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Combustion – electrochemistry (combustion)"@en . . "5.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nWith the succesful examination in the course, the students will be in the position to:\n- Setup and solve chemical kinetics problems\n- Design and solve problems of reacting systems\n- Study and design burners\n- Analytically calculate the development of combustion with the help of computer software (Senkin, Chemkin)\nGeneral Competences\nApply knowledge in practice\nRetrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies\nMake decisions\nWork in teams\nCourse Content (Syllabus)\nChemical thermodynamics: Mass conservation and mixture stoichiometry, energy conservation in chemical reactions, Gibbs free energy, electrochemical potential and equilibrium, combustion temperature. Chemical kinetics: Elementary reactions, propagation and branching, reaction rate, reaction rate constant, partial equilibrium and steady state, reversible and chain reactions, explosion limits, combustion mechanisms for various fuels, pollutant formation kinetics. Transport phenomena: Kinetic theory of gases, quantity transport, transport coefficients, conservation equations. Reactors: constant volume, constant pressure, well-stirred reactor, plug-flow reactor. Laminar premixed flames: Structure, flame speed (Mallard και LeChatelier), factors affecting flame speed and thickness, ignition and quenching phenomena, stability limits. Diffusion flames: Damkoehler number, equivalency ratios, diffusion flame structure, characteristic numbers." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Petrology and geochemistry"@en . . "6.0" . "https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=499704" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Other Chemistry Kas"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .