. "Other Data Management (rather Than Geospatial Data Architecture And Management) Kas"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Databases"@en . . "5" . "Students will acquire theoretical background and practical usage of contemporary databases in context of geodesy and geoinformatics.Maintain topographic, cartographic, maritime and navigation, and land information systems, integrate and visualise spatial information.\nUse information technology in solving geodetic and geoinformation tasks.\nRecognise problems and tasks in the application of geodetic and geoinformation principles and methods, and select proper procedures for their solution.\nKeep pace with and adopt new technological achievements in the field of surveying, geoinformation systems and services based on the position, and the changes in regulations, norms and standards define basic database concepts, differentiate relational. object, object-relational and deductive database. \napply entity-relationship model on a concrete problem in fields of geodesy and geoinformatics,\ncrate a database relational schema using the normal forms, explain database indexing,\nsolve practical problems using SQL commands and functions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced topics in data management"@en . . "8" . "Fundamentals of modern Database Management \r\nSystems (DBMSs): storage, indexing, query \r\noptimization, transaction processing, concurrency \r\nand recovery. Fundamentals of Distributed DBMSs, \r\nWeb Databases and Cloud Databases (NoSQL / \r\nNewSQL): Semi-structured data management (XML/\r\nJSON, XPath and XQuery), Document data-stores \r\n(i.e., CouchDB, MongoDB, RavenDB), Key-Value \r\ndata-stores (e.g., BerkeleyDB, MemCached), \r\nIntroduction to Cloud Computing (NFS, GFS/\r\nHadoop HDFS, Replication/Consistency Principles), \r\nBig-data processing/analytic frameworks (Apache \r\nMapReduce/PIG, Spark/Shark), Column-stores \r\n(e.g., Google’s BigTable, Apache’s HBase, Apache’s \r\nCassandra), Graph databases (e.g., Twitter. \r\nFlockDB) and Overview of NewSQL (Google’s \r\nSpanner/F1). Spatio-temporal data management \r\n(trajectories, privacy, analytics) and index structures \r\n(e.g., R-Trees, Grid Files) as well as other selected \r\nand advanced topics, including: Embeeded \r\nDatabases (sqlite), Sensor / Smartphone / Crowd \r\ndata management, Energy-aware data management, \r\nFlash storage, Stream Data Management, etc.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geodatabase management systems"@en . . "5" . "This course is about managing geo-information in a database management system (DBMS). \n\n \nAfter the course the student is able to:\n- design an conceptual information model by converting a descriptive text of a real world situation into a Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram.\n- create a relational database management system (DBMS) schema to store the information for a real world situation (as captured in a UML class diagram), including definition of (primary/foreign) keys, clustering and indexing for performance.\n- apply the Structured Query Language (SQL) to query and update a relational DBMS by using a range of techniques: join two or more tables, aggregate data, specify meaningful selection predicates, ordering the output, use subqueries and program additional functionality with a procedural language (PL/pgSQL in PostgreSQL).\n- understand the different characteristics of spatial data and be able to also design a conceptual model for a spatial DBMS, create the spatial conceptual information model in a RDBMS with spatial extensions, optimize the implementation of spatial databases (spatial clustering indexing, spatial constraints,...) and retrieve and update spatial data using spatial operations (both geometric and topological) in the selection in combination with non-spatial predicates.\n- apply a range of advanced topics: spatial-temporal modelling, 3D modelling, routing inside the DBMS (using pgRouting) vario- or multiscale modelling, Spatial OCL (Object Constraint Language) formalization, simplicial homology, nD point clouds, efficient raster data management, 5D modelling, and selected NoSSQL database (Neo4j, MongoDB)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to databases"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Databases"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Collective intelligence"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Databases and information systems fundamentals"@en . . "3" . "Goal of this course is to introduce students to main concepts of relational databases and information systems, as well as to teach students how to create databases and make manipulations with data. The objectives of the course are to acquaint with the advantages and functionality of databases. The task of the course is to give an idea of the concepts of relational databases, as well as to teach students to perform operations in the database - creating a database and tables, inserting, changing, deleting data in a database, making data selection. The aim of the course is to teach students the mathematical foundations of the relational model - functional dependencies and normal forms. Students also need to learn how to build an ER model and create an appropriate database structure. Students learn the components, types and architectures of information systems. Several specific types of information systems are introduced - ERP, CRM, BPM, BI. Students learn about various information systems created by Internet technologies, as well as related problems - security and globalization. Language of instruction is Latvian.\nResults \nKnowledge\n1. Students know concepts of relation data bases. (EB11)\n2. Students know concepts of information systems. (EB11, EB12)\n3. Students know the main security, legal, and ethical aspects of information systems. (eb41, eb42, eb43, EB44, eb53)\n \nSkills\n4. Students have skills to create ER model and data model from informal problem description. (eb21, eb22, EB23,prg26)\n5. Students have skills to create database structure according to created data model. (eb24,prg26)\n6. Students have skills to create functional dependencies graph for the data model. (eb22, EB23)\n7. Students are able to input, delete, update and select data in database. (EB35,adm27)\n8. Students are able to create complex SQL commands for data retrieval from multiple tables and with data grouping. (EB35,adm27)\n9. Students ar able to use and create simple IS components. (EB12)\n \nCompetencies\n10. Students can determine database model normal form. (eb22, EB23)\n11. Students are able to distinguish different types of information systems and to identify how these information systems are applicable in real world situations. (EB12, eb21, eb25)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Database practice"@en . . "2" . "The course aims to develop the practical skills in SQL language application. The course includes both theoretical and practical parts. Each theoretical theme is reinforced with appropriate practical work. Examples are demonstrated and exercises are solved in a database management system Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and Transact SQL syntax. Tasks of the study course: 1. To acquire knowledge about Microsoft SQL Server architecture, functionality and data storage organization. 2. To learn Transact-SQL language. 3. To learn how to use Microsoft SQL Server tools for database creation, management and maintenance. The language of instruction is Latvian.\nResults Knowledge 1. is familiar with MS SQL Server concepts. (eb11, eb12) 2. tells about SQL Server architecture, functionality and data storage organization. (eb11, eb12) Skills 3. working in practice with MS SQL Server Management Studio tool, uses tool graphical interface features, as well as write commands in Transact-SQL language. (eb31, eb33, eb35) 4. uses MS SQL Server for database design and management. (eb31, eb33, eb35) 5. practically create and configure database objects, understand the objectives of the different types of indexes and operating principles of integrity constraints, implement the business functionality as triggers, stored procedures and functions, manage the database transactions and perform backup and restoration. (eb31, eb35, eb55) Competence 6. has practical experience in database management, builds databases according to requirements (eb31, eb33, eb35)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gis database modeling"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Block e facultative class of limited choice - introduction to databases"@en . . "3" . "Lecture: Classification of databases. Database versus database management system. Fundamentals of the relational database model (relations normalization, primary and foreign keys, 1:1,1:N, N:M\r\nrelationships, integrity constraints, indexing). Fundamentals of the object model of databases. Introduction to database and information systems design methodology (including elements of UML).\r\nFundamentals of SQL query language. Overview of database management software (commercial and open source). Security in database systems. Specifics of spatial data management - selected\r\ninformation on spatial data management and spatial data models. Exercises:Learning a selected database management system (MS Access, SQLite). Practical SQL language usage exercises in the\r\nenvironment of the selected database management system. Design and implementation of a database (conception, conceptual model, logical model, implementation - establishing a structure, introducing\r\nsample data, data search)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Databases"@en . . "6.0" . "Prerequisites\nEssencial: Fundamentos da Programação. Recommended: Lógica para Programação, Introdução aos Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados, Introdução à Arquitectura de Computadores, Programação com Objectos, Sistemas Operativos, Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina\n\nObjectives\nThe course introduces students to database design and analysis. The focus is on the relational model, covering the logical design of databases (schema design) and implementation, and transaction processing systems. Aspects of unstructured and semi-structured data management, decision support and data mining systems will also be covered. The objective of this course is to expose the student to the basic concepts involved in designing and building an information system, and to practical information systems applications design through a team-based project.\n\nProgram\nIntroduction to database management systems Main characteristics of database management systems. The advantages of the database approach. When not to use a database management system. Database systems models. The relational model. Database management systems architecture. Database systems market. The database systems development process. Data modeling The entity-relationship model. Entity sets and association sets. Weak entities. Generalizations. Aggregations. Introduction to the Relational Model. Conversion of Entity-Relationship models into relational models. Database query languages Relational algebra. Relational calculus (may be omitted) Database manipulation language. SQL. Views in SQL. Integrity constraints Entity integrity. Domain integrity. Referential integrity. Integrity in SQL. Main characteristics of database management systems. Database management systems architecture. The database systems development process. Information modelling. The entity-relationship model. The Relational Model. Conversion of Entity-Relationship models into relational models. Database query languages. Relational algebra and calculus. SQL. Integrity constraints. Referential integrity. User constraints. Triggers. Architecture and programming of database applications. Stored procedures. Data normalization. Dependency theory. Normal forms. Relational schema decomposition and normalisation. Indexing structures. B-trees. Hash and Bitmap indexes. Transaction processing. Transaction recovery. Transactions in SQL. Security and Access control of databases. Complex and XML data management. Decision Support Systems. Data warehousing. OLAP. Data mining. Text search and indexing models. Information retrieval systems evaluation.\n\nEvaluation Methodology\n40% Class Project (P) with two parts (P1, P2) + 60% Final Exam (E) ; Final Grade: 0.2xP1 + 0.2xP2 + 0.6xE Minimum Grade: 9,5 on (P) and 9,5 on (E) Working-Students (must be formally recognised as such): must complete the project but may develop it individually.\n\nCross-Competence Component\nSoft skills to be acquired while developing the class project in groups of 3. All aspects of Collaboration and Communication Skills (competências interpessoais) will be developed, while Productivity and Stress Management Skills (competências intrapessoais) will also be required. Global Citizenship (cidadania global) issues related to the ethics of handling mission critical and personal data, and protecting privacy will also be discussed while presenting the syllabus topics. The soft skills will be assessed while monitoring students in the lab and grading the two Project reports (one for each part). About 10% of the overall learning effort will be dedicated to the development of Soft Skills.\n\nLaboratorial Component\nStudents develop in the Class Project the conceptual model of an information system and an interactive application, while following lab guides with practical examples. Students work in groups of three in designing their solution to the class project.\n\nProgramming and Computing Component\nNo curso onde esta UC é oferecida estão asseguradas as componentes de Computação e Programação de acordo com o MEPP 2122.\n\n\nMore information at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/lerc/disciplina-curricular/845953938490015" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Gis databases"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM717 – GIS Databases (15 credits) - this module runs in weeks 7-12 of semester 1 and is a compulsory module.\n\nThis module examines the role of databases within the GI industry. It aims to enable students to appreciate the need for database skills that are used in GIS applications. The module is interactive and discussions are encouraged about spatial issues. A range of database skills are introduced which equip the student with knowledge of the potential and scope of databases within a range of different applications. Students will be introduced to a range of open source DBMS and GIS software including PostgreSQL, PostGIS and Quantum GIS." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Databases for surveying engineers"@en . . "4" . "Introduction to databases. Data modeling. The E-R model. Classical database models (hierarchical, network, relational). Database Management Systems and their architecture. Relational algebra - SQL. Physical database design. Introduction to UML. Logical design and normalization. Management and operational issues (integrity, optimization, recovery, security, functionality). Database architecture (client-server, distributed DB). Data access on heterogeneous systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .