. "Introduction to plasma dynamics"@en . . "6" . "The goal is to provide the basic information and the basic theoretical approach to plasma physics. The vast majority of the universe is in a plasma state. Plasmas are systems of interacting charged particles where the bond between electrons and ions in atoms is broken and the system acts as a collective of very large numbers of particles. Plasmas have many applications in laboratory, industry, space and astrophysics. But besides the plasmas themselves, the models used to study them are of vast applicability in many areas of science and engineering. Learning plasma physics is doubly productive: it teached how plasmas work and it teaches how to study other many body systems with collective interactions (from the nanoscales all the way to the universe itself)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Plasma physics of the sun"@en . . "6" . "The students are being introduced to a few concrete applications of the plasma-astrophysics in the most nearby star: the sun. The students learn that the sun plays a key-roll in our insight in the physics of starts and other astrophyisical and laboratorium plasma. Magnetohydrodynamics as a mathematical model will be used to describe magnetical appearances in the outer layers of the sun and in the atmosphere of the sun. The students are presented with the possibility to apply a number of mathematical techniques in particular situations: eg; solve normal and partial hyperbolic differential equations, solve non-linear elliptic differential equations, complexe analysis, disruption analysis, …" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to plasma dynamics"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma physics of the sun"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma physics"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nYou will obtain solid knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena of plasma physics, useful for further studies concerning laboratory, fusion, space and astrophysical plasmas.\nYou will obtain skills to analytically solve basic problems related to plasma physics, such as particle drifts in simple magnetic field and electric field configurations\nYou will obtain skills to derive various basic plasma equations starting from basic set of fluid and Maxwell equations\nYou will obtain solid conceptual understanding and theory behind several key basic plasma phenomena, such as magnetic reconnection, magnetohydrodynamic stability and plasma instabilities.\nYou will obtain a good understanding of different approaches in plasma physics (single particle, kinetic and fluid)\nCONTENT\nAfter a brief introduction and a short review of electrodynamics needed in plasma physics, the following topics are discussed: motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, collisions and plasma conductivity, kinetic plasma description, macroscopic plasma quantities and equations, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), magnetic reconnection, MHD waves, cold plasma waves, warm plasma, plasma physics and fusion research." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space applications of plasma physics"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nYou will obtain solid understanding of space physics, giving a good background in further studies and research in space plasma physics\nKnowledge of basic solar physics, e.g., the structure of the Sun, and how energy is generated and transferred\nYou will obtain solid theoretical knowledge behind several key phenomena in space plasma physics, such as solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, collisionless shocks, magnetospheric, and ionospheric physics\nYou will obtain skills to analyse some key data sets related to course topics (such as magnetospheric physics behind the auroral displays)\nYou will obtain solid physics-based understanding on how the solar structures affect the near-Earth dynamics, leading to space weather phenomena\nCONTENT\nThe course contains an introduction to most important topics in space plasma physics: the Sun, solar wind, formation of the magnetosphere, ionosphere, magnetospheric dynamics, solar wind/magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, magnetospheres of other planets, and astrophysical plasmas." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced space plasma physics"@en . . "10" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nAfter completing this course, you are intended to have the ability to:\n\nnavigate the terminology and idiosyncrasies of space physics publications, enabling you\nto independently study and learn from research papers in the field\nderive different mathematical approaches to plasma physics from first principles, most\nimportantly: single-particle, kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic equations\ndiscern which of these approaches are applicable and practical for a given physical\nproblem\nobtain satellite measurement data from public data sources and interpret their results\nanalyze plasma wave properties for remote sensing of plasma conditions\nidentify and appraise plasma phenomena at the Sun, in the solar wind, in Earth's\nmagnetosphere and in the ionosphere\nindependently approach and study new plasma physics problems, and communicate\nyour findings\nCONTENT\nThese lectures are intended to advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students interested in space physics, plasma physics, applications of electrodynamics, statistical physics, hydrodynamics, etc. The course starts with plasma fundamentals, reviewing the basic concepts and looks more in depth to plasma distribution functions. The other topics include\n\nA detailed description of charged particle motion in electromagnetic fields, including time and spatially varying fields, including adiabatic invariants, motion in current sheets, and galactic cosmic rays will be covered.\nThe wave propagation in dielectric media, the main focus being on propagation through the layered ionosphere, but cold plasma wave theory will be briefly revised.\nA detailed coverage of the Vlasov theory and Landau damping\nA brief revision of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory, the main focus will be put on subjects like force-free fields, flux ropes in space plasmas and magnetic helicity.\nPlasma Instabilities (micro- and macroinstabilities)\nTheory of collisionless shocks waves, dissipation of shocks, shock acceleration and solar energetic particles\nMagnetic reconnection (both theory and observations in space plasmas)\nBasics of solar dynamo\nRadiation and scattering (e.g., Bremsstrahlung, cyclotron and synchrotron)\nTransport (Fokker-Planck theory)\nThe contents of the course are oriented around the research fields that are investigated in the Space Physics research group. The course stays close to the possible thesis topics and concepts that actual research work in the field is based on." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "plasma and plasma propulsion engines for satellites"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma physics"@en . . "6" . "• Basic concepts of plasmas\r\n• Single-particle motion in electric and magnetic fields\r\n• Plasmas as fluids, magnetohydrodynamics\r\n• Waves in plasmas (electrostatic, electromagnetic and acoustic waves)\r\n• Collisions, diffusion and resistivity\r\n• Equilibrium and stability, plasma instabilities\r\n• Plasma kinetic theory\r\n• Nonlinear effects (plasma sheaths, shock waves, solitons)\r\n• Special plasmas (ultracold plasmas, dusty plasmas, atmospheric-pressure plasmas)\r\n• Plasma engineering applications (semiconductor etching, surface treatment, spacecraft\r\n• propulsion, fusion energy).\nFinal competences: \n1. Have a thorough understanding of the important physical theories in the field of plasma physics.\r\n2 Understand the role of plasmas in natural phenomena and technological applications.\r\n3 Select and apply the proper models, methods and techniques to solve plasma physics\r\n1 problems.\r\n4 Conduct and understand simple experiments with plasmas and report on the experimental\r\n1 findings, both orally and in writing." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma technology and fusion technology"@en . . "6" . "The goal of the course is twofold:\r\n• To acquire a thorough level of understanding of low-temperature plasma applications in\r\n• materials technology, environmental technology, biomedical technology and plasma\r\n• medicine.\r\n• To acquire a thorough level of understanding of energy production via nuclear fusion, fusion\r\n• physics, fusion reactor principles, fusion reactor diagnostics and material technology for\r\n• fusion.\r\nFinal competences: \n1 Understand the working principles and engineering challenges of industrial plasma sources\r\n2 Insight in technological applications of plasmas in different fields\r\n3 Being able to process scientific literature and to make a synthesis/review on a certain subject\r\n4 Being able to report and present scientific findings as a team\r\n5 Knowledge of the physical basis of nuclear fusion\r\n6 Knowledge of technological and engineering aspects of nuclear fusion regarding material\r\n1 requirements, plasma diagnostics and reactor development" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma physics"@en . . "6" . "not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Atmospheric plasmas"@en . . "5" . "The goal is to provide insight into the physics of atmospheric plasmas. The focus will be on electric discharge plasmas and associated phenomena, as well as on cloud formation. The student will acquire basic knowledge of the microphysics of discharges, the inception and properties of discharges in various gas mixtures, transient luminous events (TLEs) and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs). The acquired knowledge forms the foundation for further studies of cloud formation and electric discharges, both theoretically and through space data." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space plasma physics"@en . . "4" . "Objectives: Understanding and using the main components of space plasma physics: Basics of the Physics of Ionized Environments: Characteristic parameters, Motion of charged particles, Waves in a cold plasma • Theoretical models of plasmas, Statistics and kinetic treatment of charged particles, Moments and fluid equations, Transport phenomena, Magnetohydrodynamics, Alfvén theorems • Physics of the plasma-body interaction, Sheath effect, Transition regions, Bow shocks • Waves and Instabilities, Wave generation and p" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Plasma propulsion for spacecraft 1"@en . . "4" . "Objectives: Understanding the basics of space propulsion, microsatellite design and the handling of space\ndebris: • Space propulsion: Foundations, Chemical propulsion, electric propulsion, Assets, concepts, Sources of energy, fuels, types of propellants, Micropropulsion for nano- and micro-satellites • Space debris: Generalities, detection and follow-up, legislation, Deorbitation methods, Controlled reentry • Scientific Cubesats: Specificity and assets of Cubesats, Basic elements of a mission, Principles and instrumentation for plasma measurements, Examples of scientific CubeSats • Associated projects (TP): Hall thrusters and Cubesats: characterization of thrusters and Cubesat instruments in the NExET bench (vacuum chamber for electric propulsion), Atmospheric reentry of debris: measurements of plasma parameters in the PHEDRA wind tunnel (high enthalpy flow, arc jet generator)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of cosmic plasma"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE1 - Understand the basic conceptual schemes of Astrophysics\nGeneral Competencies\nCG1 - Know the advanced mathematical and numerical techniques that allow the application of Physics and Astrophysics to the solution of complex problems using simple models\nCG4 - Evaluate the orders of magnitude and develop a clear perception of physically different situations that show analogies allowing the use, to new problems, of synergies and known solutions\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\nExclusive to the Theory and Computing Specialty\nCX1 - Understand the structure and properties of Astrophysical Plasmas\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\n1. INTRODUCTION. Definition of plasma. Basic phenomena in a plasma. Criteria to define a plasma. Plasmas in nature and in the laboratory.\n\n2.- DYNAMICS OF A CHARGED PARTICLE. General equations. Static and uniform electromagnetic field. Non-uniform magnetostatic field. Electric field varying in time.\n\n3.- MACROSCOPIC TRANSPORT EQUATIONS. The generalized transport equation. Conservation equations. The cold plasma model. The hot plasma model.\n\n4.- BASIC PHENOMENA IN A PLASMA. Electronic oscillations. Debye shielding. Envelope of a plasma. Plasma probes.\n\n5.- CONDUCTIVITY AND DIFFUSION IN A PLASMA. The Langevin equation. Conductivity in direct and alternating current. Plasma as a dielectric. Free diffusion. Ambipolar diffusion. Completely ionized plasmas\n\n6.- PLASMA AS A CONDUCTING FLUID. Macroscopic variables of a conductive fluid. Conservation equations. Magnetohydrodynamic equations. Simplified equations of magnetohydrodynamics.\n\n7.- MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS. Induction equation. Freezing of the magnetic field. Magnetic field diffusion.\n\n8.- WAVES IN HOMOGENEOUS PLASMAS. Magnetohydrodynamic waves: Alfvén and magnetoacoustic waves.\n\n9.- STABILITY OF A PLASMA. Equilibrium configurations of a plasma. instabilities." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma physics and planetology"@en . . "no data" . "Teaching of specific aspects of physics of the stars and the space plasmas that are responsible for deepening \"Solar System Physics\" of particular relevance;construction, modeling and diagnostics of\nstellar atmospheres, radiation and absorption processs, radiation transport, space plasma physics, magnetohydrodynamics, kinetic plasma theory." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Waves & diffraction"@en . . "10.0" . "WAVES & DIFFRACTION PHYS4031\nAcademic Session: 2023-24\nSchool: School of Physics and Astronomy\nCredits: 10\nLevel: Level 4 (SCQF level 10)\nTypically Offered: Semester 1\nAvailable to Visiting Students: Yes\nShort Description\nTo provide students with an opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the key principles and applications of Waves & Diffraction, and their relevance to current developments in physics.\n\nTimetable\n 18 lectures, on Mondays at 11am and Fridays at 10am\n\nExcluded Courses\n None\n\nCo-requisites\nMathematical Methods 1; Quantum Mechanics; Thermal Physics\n\nAssessment\nExamination (100%)\n\nMain Assessment In: April/May\n\nAre reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? Not applicable\n\nReassessments are normally available for all courses, except those which contribute to the Honours classification. For non-Honours courses, students are offered reassessment in all or any of the components of assessment if the satisfactory (threshold) grade for the overall course is not achieved at the first attempt. This is normally grade D3 for undergraduate students and grade C3 for postgraduate students. Exceptionally it may not be possible to offer reassessment of some coursework items, in which case the mark achieved at the first attempt will be counted towards the final course grade. Any such exceptions for this course are described below. \n\nCourse Aims\nTo provide students with an opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the key principles and applications of Waves and Diffraction, and their relevance to current developments in physics.\n\nIntended Learning Outcomes of Course\nBy the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge and broad understanding of Waves and Diffraction. They should be able to describe and analyse quantitatively processes, relationships and techniques relevant to the topics included in the course outline, applying these ideas and techniques to solve general classes of problems which may include straightforward unseen elements. They should be able to write down and, where appropriate, either prove or explain the underlying basis of physical laws relevant to the course topics, discussing their applications and appreciating their relation to the topics of other courses taken.\n\nMinimum Requirement for Award of Credits\nNot applicable\n\nMore information at: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/sensorandimagingsystems/?card=course&code=PHYS4031" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Plasma Physics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .