. "Team project"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nPreparing students for teamwork on larger projects. Be able to work in a team, demonstrate the ability to communicate, divide tasks and create a product (part of it.) Communicate your solutions clearly to others. Demonstrating these capabilities is the creation of a common integrated product - the result of a project solution. Course Contents:\n1) Creation and specification of the team, publication of topics and requirements for elaboration of the offer, processing and evaluation of offers.\n2) Division of tasks within the team, creation of a project plan, solution design.\n3) Problem analysis, implementation of individual parts of the product, user presentation of the project solution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Team-work project"@en . . "6" . "Descriptions\n e-Governance Technologies and Services (IVCM), Cyber Security (IVGM) and Law&Technology (HJVM) master program students will be given thorough overview and knowhow to start a company that is based on Startup principles. Lectures will provide a theoretical basis for development of a business idea/model, and Hackathon enables practical output for students to act in a multinational teams creating a business.\n\nThe lectures of ideation, team building, service design/design thinking, business models and strategies, project management, financing mechanisms, marketing, cyber security threats and intellectual property issues will provide knowledge for successful development of new e-services or products in the field of e-governance.\nLearning outcomes:\nThe participant:\r\n- understands the concept of Start-ups and is able to implement its principles into entrepreneurial activities;\r\n- as a team member is able to work under time-, information- and peer pressure constraints in an international and multi-cultural team with diverse experiences from different domains;\r\n- creates a marketing research plan, defines marketing activities and conducts a short market research;\r\n- defines and analyses the business idea of the e-service/product by using Business Model Canvas and SWOT table;\r\n- refines the business idea up to a level of a visualized prototype and pitches it to potential investors." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Team project"@en . . "6" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nAfter completing the course, students will gain an overview of project management in the field of innovative technologies and practical experience with the application of this knowledge in teamwork.\n.\nCOURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. Project assignment (topics, framework), introduction to project management\n2. Classical and agile management techniques\n3. Budgeting & Cost control, Risk management\n4. Presentation 1 - project proposal\n5. --- team work ---\n6. --- team work ---\n7. --- team work ---\n8. --- team work ---\n9. --- team work ---\n10. --- team work ---\n11. --- team work ---\n12. --- team work ---\n13. Presentation 2 - project solution\nAIMS\n\nThe course is focused on practical aspects of project management. The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basics of project management and to apply this knowledge in solving a team project during the semester." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Teams in organization"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Team project"@en . . "20.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Laboratory Skills Electronics (PHYS2641).\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* None.\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* None.\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes.\n* It builds on the Level 2 module Laboratory Skills and Electronics (PHYS2641).\n* It allows students to experience the application of physical principles to the solution of a scientific question placed in an industrial/research context.\n\n#### Content\n\n* Team projects involve a group of up to six students working on a physics-related problem set by either members of staff from the Department or by local industry.\n* The problem will be 'real' in that there is no 'correct' solution and no script.\n* It might, for example, involve building a piece of equipment, testing a product, designing a control system, etc.\n* A presentation is made by the team at the end of the project.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\n* Having studied this module students will be able to solve an advanced scientific problem using physical principles.\n\nKey Skills:\n\n* Students will be able to respond to a briefing on a problem by a client.\n* They will be able to work successfully as part of a team to address the problem.\n* They will be able to make a final presentation on the outcome of the work.\n* They will be able to produce a clear and well-structured report, including lay summary.\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* Team projects involve a group of up to six students on a physics related problem in either the Michaelmas or Epiphany terms.\n* Experimental work will be based in the department and the problem to be tackled will be set either by members of staff from the Department or by local industry.\n* Students will be expected to evolve their own approach to the problem, organise themselves and work effectively as a team.\n* Student performance is summatively assessed through a short written report on the project and an oral presentation.\n* The practical classes provide opportunity to obtain advice from staff members, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS3581" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Team Work"@en . . . . . . .