. "Land Management"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Land surface process modelling"@en . . "7.50" . "To retrieve a theoretical basis of land surface modelling, including approaches to represent processes and approaches to combine observations and models.\nTo learn how to execute all steps in the model development cycle: development of the conceptual model, programming the model, model calibration, validation, and error propagation modelling.\nTo learn principles of software environments for modelling and how to use these software environments.\nContent\nNumerical simulation models of processes on the earth surface are essential tools in fundamental and applied research in the geosciences. They are used in almost all disciplines in the geosciences, for instance hydrology, geomorphology, land degradation, sedimentology, and most fields in ecology. They are important instruments in research for a number of reasons. First, they provide understanding of how systems work, in particular how system components interact, how systems react to changes in drivers, and how non-linear responses emerge. Also, simulation models can be used to forecast systems, which is essential in planning and decision-making. Finally, land surface process models provide a means to evaluate theory of simulated processes against observational data.\nIn this course we will focus on generic principles of land surface modelling. You will study a number of different approaches to represent land surface processes in a simulation model, including differential equations, rule based modelling, cellular automata, individual (agent) based approaches, and probabilistic models. We will discuss how local interactions can lead to complexity at a larger scale and the implications of this for forecasting. Also, you will learn how to combine information from observational data and simulation models using error propagation, calibration, and data assimilation techniques.\nDuring the course you will learn how these principles can be applied in a number of different disciplines, in particular in the field of hydrology, geomorphology, sedimentology, and ecology. You will also learn how very similar approaches are used in other fields, for instance in urban geography and social sciences.\nIn addition to principles of land surface modelling, you will learn how to use software tools for land surface modelling. You will study theoretical concepts of software environments for land surface modelling, and you will learn how to program land surface models. In this part of the course we will use the Python programming language and PCRaster. These tools provide standard frameworks for model construction and techniques to combine a model with observational data. Other tools for model construction use similar concepts, so you will be able to apply your knowledge from this course to other software environments. This course can also be interesting for MSc students in ecology, environmental science, sustainability science, or energy science.\n\nDevelopment of Transferable Skills\nAbility to work in a team: Oral presentations and the case study report are written in teams of 2-3 students. Students will learn how to distribute the work over team members and how to cooperate efficiently.\nWritten communication skills: Three two-page papers are written on which students get extensive feedback from the tutor. In addition, a longer case study report is written structured like a scientific article.\nProblem-solving skills: Students learn to execute all phases of numerical model construction. This requires to solve problems related to concepts of process-based models, the implementation of these models using a programming environment, and the use of various empirical data linked to models. Students are challenged considerably regarding this aspect in the case study project at the end of the course which is done largely without support from the tutor.\nVerbal communication skills: Students present their work in two working group sessions. This teaches them mainly to prepare a well-structured talk in the time span of a few days; in addition they get limited feedback on the quality of the presentation.\nStrong work ethic: The course is taught as a blended learning course which means that students need to properly plan their own work.\nInitiative: Students are trained to take initiative, particularly in the case study projects.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: A large part of the course relates to various analytical approaches used in forward process-based modelling. Students have to apply these approaches in their own modelling work.\nTechnical skills: The course teaches computational thinking in particular during the computer labs on Python programming and PCRaster programming." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Earth Surface and Water"@en . . "https://www.uu.nl/en/masters/earth-surface-and-water" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The Master’s programme Earth Surface and Water involves the study of natural and human-induced physical and geochemical processes, patterns, and dynamics of the Earth’s continental and coastal systems. The main subject areas you will study during the two-year programme consist of the dynamics of coastal and river systems, (geo-)hydrological processes, groundwater remediation, land degradation in drylands and mountainous regions, natural hazards, and delta evolution on centennial and longer time scales.\n\nFocus on societal problems\nModern society puts increasing pressure on the natural environment. The Earth Surface and Water programme therefore focusses on imminent societal problems, such as society’s increased vulnerability to climate and environmental changes and to natural hazards such as drought, flood, and mass movements. It also addresses the threats and opportunities resulting from human activity on our physical environment, including the hydrological cycle.\n\nCore areas of research\nIn the Earth Surface and Water programme you will study the interactions between the natural and the socio-economic systems using quantitative and spatially explicit methods. It addresses the dynamic patterns and processes of the physical and chemical components on the Earth’s surface, shallow subsurface and the coastal areas. Understanding the historic and current processes will help to predict their responses to global change.\nThe programme contains field observations and laboratory experiments with the latest developments in remote sensing and computational methods.\n\nSome examples of the programme's societal and scientific questions:\nHow do river floods affect delta systems and their inhabitants?\nHow can we use natural processes under climate change to maintain safe - yet attractive and dynamic - coastlines?\nHow to leverage remote sensing for detailed monitoring of natural processes and ecological variables?\nWill we have enough water to sustain the world’s rapidly increasing population in 2050?\nWhat is the most efficient way to clean an oil spill that enters the soil and groundwater?"@en . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "2530.00" . "Euro"@en . "23765.00" . "Recommended" . "equipped to work in both fundamental and applied research; career in applied research at government institutes, consulting firms, or industries; Knowledge of coastal and river management, land use, natural resources, pollution, and hazard mitigation; understanding the past, present, and future evolution of Earth’s environment, and human impact on this evolution; Potential career paths physical geographer, geochemist, and hydrologist."@en . "4"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .