. "Quantum Physics And Technology"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "quantum optics 1"@en . . "5" . "Lecture (30 hrs)\n1. General information about the subject – a review (basic phenomena and processes, photons).\n Orders of magnitude and units of physical quantities characterizing atoms, optical fields and interaction between them. Estimating \nthe number of photons in a laser beam of given power and frequency. \n Examples of quantum behaviour: photon detection after its passing through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, nondemolition \nmeasurement.\n Photon statistics: counting photons, statistics of the number of photons in a coherent beam, Poisson distribution and \"Poissonian, \nsuper-Poissonian and sub-Poissonian light\".\n2. Quantum theory of radiation\n Maxwell's equations (ME) for electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic potentials, gauge\n ME in Fourier space (r,t) -> (kn, t), longitudinal and transverse components of electric and magnetic fields (\"electrostatics\" and \n\"radiation\")\n Polarization and radiation modes\n Dynamics of transverse fields, expression through normal variables \n Vector and scalar electromagnetic potentials in Fourier space, longitudinal and transverse components of the vector potential, \ngauge, evolution equations\n Coulomb gauge\n Energy of radiation field, expression through longitudinal and transverse components of the electric field and vector potential in \nthe Fourier space, analogy to a set of uncoupled harmonic oscillators\n Quantization rules, creation and ahhinilation operators, Hamiltonian and momentum operator, number operator, eigenstates and \neigenvalues of the Hamiltonian and momentum operator, radiation modes, photons.\n3. Quantum states of radiation\n Vacuum state and its basic properties.\n Single-mode states, Fock (number) and coherent (quasiclassical, Glauber) states, their basic properties and interpretation. \nMultimode states. \n Single- and multimode single-photon states.\n Beam splitter and its classical and quantum model. Input and output states. Single-photon experiments, Hong – Ou – Mandel (HOM) \neffect. \n Quadrature operators for radiation fields (definition, commutation rules, Heisenberg relations).\n Squeezed states of radiation (definitnion, properties, generation scheme in a parametric process).\n4. Interaction of electromagnetic fields with atomic systems\n Time-dependent perturbation theory, transition amplitude and probability, transitions among discrete states and from discrete to \ncontinuous spectrum.\n Interaction of atomic systems with classical electromagnetic fields (interaction Hamiltonian, electric – dipole and magnetic –\ndipole interaction, absorption and stimulated emission).\n \"Exactly solvable\" models:Rabi model, Weisskopf-Wigner model..\n Remarks on more complicated cases: more levels, more fields.\nExercises (30 hrs)\n5. Harmonic oscillator. A review of the subject (a, a+ and n = a+a operators, their basic properties and algebra, eigenstates and eigenvalues of \nharmonic oscillator Hamiltonian). Coherent states of harmonic oscillator and their properties: definition, decomposition in the Fock basis, \nPoissonian statistics of excitation numbers, graphical representation, temporal evolution, Heisenberg relations, quasiorthogonality and \ncompleteness, displacement operator for generation operator of coherent states from vacuum state. \n6. A few operator relations. Functions of operators, commutation relations involving functions of operators, derivative of an operator, \nGlauber and Baker-Hausdorff formulas, displacement and squeezing operators.\n7. Spin ½ dynamics in a magnetic field as a prototype two-level system. Magnetic resonance, classical and quantum description, Bloch, \nSchroedinger and von Neumann equations, evolution of expectation value of magnetization. \n8. Optical Bloch equations" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Physics and Astronomy (PandA)"@en . . "https://www.fizyka.umk.pl/panel/wp-content/uploads/PandA_2022_23.pdf" . "180"^^ . "Presential"@en . "no data"@en . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "no tuition, other costs may apply" . "Polish Zloty"@en . "20000.00" . "None" . "Graduates of astronomical and physical studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University successfully find themselves in doctoral schools in Poland and abroad. They are employed as specialists in research centers, they are valued specialists in the operation of advanced devices and computer systems, they are great at popularizing science. They easily learn new skills, are not afraid of difficult challenges and quickly advance to managerial positions. Equipped with knowledge and methods of exploring both the micro and nano-world, as well as the most distant corners of the cosmos, you will easily find a place for yourself in the world of new technologies."@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .