. "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Engineering mathematics 1"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nDescription There are five main sections: Algebra (vectors, complex numbers, matrices as transformations, solving equations using matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors); Analysis (Sequences, series, functions, curve sketching, introduction to fourier series, introduction to numerical analysis); Calculus (differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, taylor series, numerical root finding, introduction to partial differentiation); Differential Equations (concepts, separation of variables, linear first and second-order equations, systems, numerical solutions); and Probability (basic concepts, events, random variables, empirical discrete and continuous distributions).\n\nAims The principal aim of this faculty-wide unit is to bring students entering the Faculty of Engineering up to a common standard in mathematics. The unit contains the well recognised elements of classical engineering mathematics which universally underpin the formation of the professional engineer.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nTo gain familiarity with the basic mathematics needed for engineering degree programmes.\nTo be able to manipulate and solve mathematical problems involving algebraic and analytic concepts such as matrices, vectors, complex numbers, differentials, integrals, and sequences.\nTo be able to link such algebraic and analytical concepts to geometric concepts in the form of graphs.\nTo gain a basic understanding of how data is represented and manipulated in computations deterministically and using the laws of probability applied to a single random variable.\nTo understand the relevance of these concepts to representation and solution of engineering problems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering science"@en . . "20.00" . "Unit Information\nThis unit will provide a coherent introduction to the fundamental knowledge and problem-solving skills required of an engineer. Students will be taught how to convert everyday language to specific engineering terms and express the underlying science. They will learn how to identify methods to solve problems and use mathematical techniques to calculate solutions of appropriate precision and accuracy. This will occur on two broad levels, albeit with considerable overlap:\n\n• The detailed solution to domain specific problems of narrow scope, with an emphasis on accurate answers and rigorously correct methodology.\n\n• The application of multiple methods to solve problems of broader engineering significance, likely including multiple - and even contradictory - requirements.\n\nThere will be an emphasis on dealing with uncertainty. Conceptually, this unit will sit between the mathematics units, that provide core skills, and the more design-oriented units that will make use of the methods taught here. Explicit links will be drawn between the different units to ensure students make the correct associations between material taught in different contexts. Topics for the unit will include: an introduction to mechanics, which will be applied to the loading of structures, the dynamics of bodies and the behaviour of fluids; the behaviour and selection of materials; the basics of thermodynamics; and the principles of electrical science.\n\nYour learning on this unit\n1. Provide concise descriptions of key engineering terms and concepts and correctly identify when they apply to scenarios and problems.\n\n2. Recall and apply fundamental mathematical techniques to more complex or layered problems of engineering significance.\n\n3. Interpret problems and determine the correct path to the solution even when presented in an unfamiliar context.\n\n4. Construct appropriate diagrams to aid in the solution of problems with clear annotations and supported by appropriate discussion.\n\n5. Infer the assumptions and physical principles pertinent to a given engineering problem.\n\n6. Execute calculations to determine quantities in correct SI units and present the results to an appropriate degree of precision.\n\n7. Critique the solution to problems - accounting for simplifications, known limitations on methods and any experimental or observational data available." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering by investigation"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nThis unit introduces students to:\n\nthe fundamentals of experimental practice and computing through to the appropriate reporting of findings;\ndifferent forms of basic instrumentation and measurement devices;\ndevelopment of basic coding practice and structure;\nbasic electronics required to acquire signals through a data acquisition device;\nhow errors can be identified and quantified;\nacademic / technical report writing professional practice, including the presentation of data and the identification of health and safety requirements.\nUsing a number of different laboratory experiments and supporting lecture / seminar content, the aims of the unit are to enable students to:\n\nidentify and utilise appropriate measurement tools;\nutilise a given instrumentation chain to record data of an appropriate sample rate and quality;\nquantify sources of error;\nutilise computer programming to analyse and present data;\ndevelop representative computational models of underpinning theoretical science;\ncommunicate findings through a report concisely;\nevaluate differences in theory and practice;\nengage with the health and safety process and the role of risk assessments;\ncritically evaluate written work through a peer and self-assessment structure.\nengage in reflective practice\nYour learning on this unit\nAt the end of this unit student will be able to:\n\n1. Prepare: Undertake basic hazard identification and engage with laboratory risk assessments\n\n2. Develop: Formulate algorithmic solutions and use computer programming to solve engineering problems and analyse data\n\n3. Apply: Use electronic principles to process signals and interface with sensors\n\n4. Analyse: Identify and quantify sources of error, recognising the impact on choice of measurement tool\n\n5. Communicate: Structure a written report following outlined reporting standards, including appropriate use of tables and figures, to present a coherent story." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering by design"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nThis broad, multi-disciplinary unit provides an introduction to knowledge, creativity, teamwork and personal effectiveness frameworks required for 21st century engineers by undertaking global challenges, using engineering language and individual creative output. This unit aims to give students design and creativity based competencies, as well as fundamental professional, technical and communication skills used in all engineering disciplines. This includes the study of: 2D engineering drawing and sketching; 3D Computer Aided Design; Creative problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making in the conceptual design process; Environmental, economic, social, professional and interdisciplinary contexts in Engineering; General engineering practice, with an introduction to technical equipment and tools.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nAt the end of this unit student will be able to:\n\n1. Explain the common stages, processes and methods of engineering design\n\n2. Articulate the wider context of modern engineering challenges (socio-cultural, environment, sustainability, ethics and the climate emergency)\n\n3. Identify and bound a specific engineering need/problem/opportunity\n\n4. Effectively communicate technical and non-technical information using visual, written and oral contexts\n\n5. Reflect critically on learning outcomes and design processes and articulate skills gained\n\n6. Participate and contribute effectively towards a collective goal whilst appreciating the benefits of different ways of thinking/working\n\n7. Acquire basic practical knowledge of standards and skills in using engineering technical equipment and tools safely" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Avdasi 1: fundamentals of aerospace engineering"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nThis unit introduces students to the fundamental concepts of aircraft aerodynamics, flight performance theory and practice as well as seeking to foster a working understanding of specialised information, power, environmental, mass transfer, structural and control systems utilised on contemporary aerospace vehicles and fluid-dynamic equipment.\n\nThe unit aims to develop the ability to solve problems by introducing the fundamental concepts and demonstrating how these are applied to specific problems, as well as an appreciation of the concepts of aircraft flight and the ability to perform calculations on aircraft performance.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nUpon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:\n\nexplain important aspects of flight, in particular basic aerodynamic characteristics and the conventional performance of fixed-wing aircraft;\ncalculate and analyse performance of aircraft and fluid-dynamic machinery;\ndescribe the systems that make up modern aerospace vehicles;\nexplain design processes that are employed in the aerospace industry;\nexplain the environmental impact of aerospace operations." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerodynamics"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nHigh speed flows and the effects of compressibility, fundamental ideas of aerofoil and wing theory, potential models for aerofoils and wings, introduction to helicopter aerodynamics.\n\nAims:\n\nTo establish a basic understanding of fluid flows related to fixed and rotary wing aircraft. To provide fundamental tools and concepts required for experimental, theoretical and computational modelling.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nUpon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:\n\nexplain the various levels of approximation used in aerodynamic modelling, and state the limitations of each model;\napply 2D incompressible, inviscid theory to model the flow around simple bodies and aerofoils, in particular using thin aerofoil theory and panel methods;\napply 3D incompressible, inviscid theory to model the flow around finite wings, and to explain the effect of planform on aerodynamic behaviour and on the generation of lift-dependent drag;\nuse basic compressible flow theory to model simple 1D and 2D flows, and explain the impact of compressibility on intake and nozzle flows and on wing characteristics;\napply simple fluid mechanics models to the aerodynamic design of rotary wing aircraft;\ntake part in aerodynamics experiments and analyse and interpret collected data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Structures and materials 2"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nAn introduction to nonsymmetric loading of beams with open and closed cross-sections; analysis of thin-walled aircraft structures; 2D stress analysis and failure criteria; material structures, properties and processing, and introduction to principles of sustainable manufacture.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the unit the student will be able to:\n\nApply the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory to cases involving arbitrary cross-sections (solid or thin-walled, open or closed sections) and arbitrary loading (on-axis or off-axis);\nAnalyse the torsion and bending of thin-walled light aircraft structures;\nDescribe and evaluate common manufacturing methods for conventional aircraft structures;\nDescribe and evaluate common material processing routes and diagnose failures arising from inappropriate processing;\nConduct basic life-cycle analyses on selected industrial scenarios." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace dynamics"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nIn this unit students will further develop their knowledge of engineering dynamics and its application in aerospace engineering, with a particular focus on vibrations, aeroelasticity and aircraft flight dynamics.\n\nUsing Newton and Lagrange methods, students will model and analyse basic vibration phenomena and properties of single and two-degree-of-freedom vibrating systems. The understanding of these fundamental concepts also provides an introduction to aeroelastic phenomena such as aircraft flutter.\n\nFurther, students will learn to describe the equation of motion for a rigid body aircraft, understanding the influence of aerodynamic and inertial terms and how the equations may be simplified for the purposes of classical linear analysis. This enables students to establish conditions for static flight balance and flight stability. Flight recordings obtained from the University of Bristol glider provide a source of data for students to analyse and evaluate.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the unit the student will be able to:\n\nderive the equations of motion of single and two degree-of-freedom mechanical and aeroelastic systems;\ndescribe the equations of motion for a rigid body aircraft, understanding how these may be simplified for the purposes of classical linear analysis;\nperform eigenvalue (modal), free, forced and basic stability analyses of the modelled vibratory systems and calculate their dynamic characteristics;\nexplain and apply the concepts of aircraft flight balance, flight stability and the standard aircraft modes of motion;\nevaluate and modify dynamic performance of real or virtual vibrating systems through application of signal processing, computer-assisted investigation and formal dynamic design methods;\nevaluate flight simulation data, linking aircraft time histories to flight handling qualities." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Avdasi 2 - group design, build, and test"@en . . "15.00" . "Unit Information\nThis unit provides practical hands-on experience of a multidisciplinary task to design, build and test an unmanned aerospace vehicle by application of the core unit methods. The learning experience covers applicable technical disciplines, and the practical disciplines of manufacture, project planning, management and communication.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the unit the student will be able to:\n\ncarry out the design, build and test of a functioning major UAV assembly as part of a team, using applicable interdisciplinary concepts and methods;\nwork as a member of a team, employing appropriate project management and planning tools to create, monitor and deliver a project plan;\nutilise introspective and reflective methods to identify opportunities for enhanced individual and team performance in future projects;\ndiscuss key health and safety responsibilities for engineers; and using recognised risk management tools create risk assessments to analyse a variety of project risks;\ncommunicate technical information via written documents and presentations; and utilise feedback given to establish improvements in successive presentations." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space systems"@en . . "5.00" . "Unit Information\nThe unit introduces spacecraft engineering from a system level perspective. First students learn about the context of space exploration through a history of space lecture. Then payloads as the drivers of mission design are examined. After this, orbital mechanics is covered up to Hohmann transfer level. Labs are used to reinforce understanding of orbital mechanics with a short piece of coursework using the orbit modelling software to assess understanding of calculations and terminology.\n\nPropulsion and launchers follow with calculations of delta V. Then spacecraft subsystems are covered next (including power, thermal, communications, mechanical systems, AOCS), with an emphasis on how these systems work together to deliver a specific mission. A blackboard quiz provides feedback to give students a chance to test themselves. The course finishes with two industrial satellite case studies, at least one of these is provided by industry. Example sheets, examples classes, videos and demonstrations support the learning throughout.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the course students will be able to:\n\nexplain terminology used to describe orbits;\nperform calculations for Keplerian orbits and transfers;\ndescribe the constituents and functioning of spacecraft subsystems;\nperform calculations for rockets and spacecraft subsystems;\ndescribe mission examples of subsystem design implementation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering mathematics 2"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nThis is the second of the two units that cover the basic mathematics requirements of engineering degree programmes. It comprises four elements: Vector Calculus, Applied Statistics, and Linear Systems & Partial Differential Equations.\n\nUnit aims: To enhance and develop the student's understanding of and ability to use the language of mathematics in engineering problems.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of this unit, students will:\n\nunderstand basic principles of vector calculus\nbe able to apply vector calculus methods to problems in engineering\nunderstand and apply transform methods to engineering problems\nbe able to classify simple partial differential equations, and understand the different qualitative behaviour of their solutions\nbe able to apply elementary techniques to solve simple partial differential equations\nappreciate the importance of the real world of applied statistics\nbe able to formulate hypothesis tests, and understand their use for making inferences and obtaining confidence intervals,\nuse applied statistics techniques such as goodness of fit, correlation and regression for simple data and models" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project 3"@en . . "20.00" . "Unit Information\nYour learning on this unit\nAn overview of content\n\nThe aim of this project is to provide students with the opportunity to scope, plan and execute original research of engineering relevance. This involves evaluation of academic literature to establish the state of the art in the relevant discipline, in order to address a novel and open-ended engineering question through analytical, numerical and/or experimental methods. The scope of project topics includes theoretical and applied academic research, as well as aspects of novel design, systems engineering and technical prototyping.\n\nHow will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit\n\nIntegral to this research project are development of skills in the following: time and resource management; search, acquisition and critique of literature materials; reasoning and planning; originality and creativity in problem solving; written, verbal and visual communication.\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\nUpon completion of this project, the student will have acquired skills to:\n\nevaluate and critique academic and technical literature;\napply engineering knowledge to solve novel and open-ended problems;\nindependently develop technical depth (analytical, numerical, experimental) through application;\ncritically analyse and evaluate technical results;\neffectively communicate in-depth technical knowledge in a technical report;\neffectively discuss and defend technical knowledge verbally." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Numerical and simulation methods for aerodynamics"@en . . "5.00" . "Unit Information\nThis unit is an introduction to the fundamental mathematical and physical principles involved in the development and application of modern methods in numerical and simulation methods for aerodynamics. Forms of the governing flow equations are first discussed and these are then reduced to a simple model equation, which is used for the development and testing of fundamental numerical methods. Accuracy, stability and convergence of these schemes are investigated mathematically. Issues involves in applying these methods to real aerodynamic flows are the discussed, i.e. methods required to produce simulation methods, including mesh generation aspects, finite-volume methods, data storage and memory implications, and the impact of continuing developments in computer architecture.\n\nAims:\n\nThe aim of this unit is to equip the student with:\n\nKnowledge and understanding of the fundamental mathematical and physical principles involved in the development of numerical methods;\n\nKnowledge and understanding of the issues involved in applying modern numerical methods in computational aerodynamics;\n\nKnowledge and understanding of methods of mesh generation and links with numerical code development;\n\nKnowledge and understanding of the impact of developments in computer hardware and software on application of computational methods;\n\nSkills necessary to develop numerical simulation codes." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Structures and materials 3"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nIn this unit students will develop their ability to analyse the performance of aerospace structures, through analytical and numerical predictions of their stiffness and strength.\n\nStudents will be introduced to the fundamentals of the finite element (FE) method and will use professional FE software to create structural models, perform linear analyses and interpret the results. The mechanical properties of advanced composite materials will be described using classical laminate analysis, and the long-term performance of aircraft structures in terms of fracture, fatigue and creep will be covered.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the unit the student will be able to:\n\ncreate representative 3D finite element structural models, perform linear analyses and interpret results using professional finite element analysis software;\nanalyse the properties of fibre-reinforced composite laminates using classical laminate analysis and composite failure theories;\nperform calculations on material and structural failure in order to provide estimates for strength or life predictions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Feedback systems and automatic control"@en . . "10.00" . "Your learning on this unit\nAn overview of content\n\nThis unit is split into two main sections. The overall theme of the first section is feedback, and in this section the students will learn how to recognise and analyse negative-feedback loops and understand their importance in engineering systems. In the second part, the students will learn how to extend these ideas to design automatic controllers for relevant engineering systems.\n\nHow will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit\n\nStudents will be able to analyse and design automatic feedback control systems for aerospace applications, which forms an essential skillset for aerospace engineers.\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\nUpon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:\n\ndiscuss linear systems theory and apply it to relevant engineering systems;\ndiscuss the purpose and properties of key negative-feedback systems, including the PID controller;\nanalyse the stability and robustness properties of negative-feedback systems;\ndesign controllers for single-input/single-output systems;\ndesign controllers and observers for multi-input/multi-output systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Avdasi 3 - design methods and systems engineering"@en . . "10.00" . "Unit Information\nThis unit aims to introduce the relevant design methods, tools and systems engineering principles that will enable the student to exercise and consolidate engineering knowledge in the context of aerospace vehicles. Delivery of the course will consider the techniques used to convert a need into engineering requirements, followed by application of the tools required to compare different design solutions in several aerospace disciplines. Completion of the course will also develop the student’s technical reporting and management skills.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the unit the student will be able to:\n\ndemonstrate the application of aerospace design tools and methods;\ndescribe the key principles of the systems engineering approach and explain their utility within a system lifecycle;\nimplement analysis tools to satisfy broad engineering requirements across different design disciplines and understand the limitations of such tools;\nemploy systems engineering methods to assess alternative design solutions under conflicting technical requirements and recognise the need for compromise;\ncommunicate clearly through written documentation to facilitate the design process and to report on technical findings;\napply teamwork and project management skills for collaborative efforts to satisfy design requirements." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft propulsion"@en . . "5.00" . "Unit Information\nThe objectives of this unit are to introduce students to the essential features of aircraft propulsion, and perform calculations associated with gas turbine propulsive systems and propeller-driven aircraft.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to:\n\ndiscuss design considerations for aircraft propulsion systems;\ndescribe and discuss the essential features of aircraft gas turbine engine design, and essential aspects of propeller-driven aircraft;\nperform calculations on gas turbine and propeller performance." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "BEng in Aerospace Engineering"@en . . "https://www.bristol.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/2024/aerospace/beng-aerospace-engineering/" . "180"^^ . "Presential"@en . "This three-year course covers a broad range of subjects organised into three streams:\n\naerodynamics\ndynamics and control\nstructures and materials.\nThese subjects are specialised from year one and are taught with aerospace applications and examples.\n\nThe first two years are devoted to core concepts, taught via lectures and backed up by practical experience through coursework and lab work. Further material, such as space applications and aviation operations, are covered in specialist units.\n\nYou will also learn skills that cross all the streams, such as computing, systems engineering and design. There is extensive mathematical content throughout.\n\nThe diversity of topics makes this a challenging degree but the reward is a uniquely broad education."@en . . "3"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bachelor"@en . "None" . "9250.00" . "British Pound"@en . "31300.00" . "None" . "The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer and partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer."@en . "1"^^ . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Engineering"@en . .