. "Radiation processes in astronomy"@en . . "6" . "To realise that observing electromagnetic radiation of celestial bodies is the basic concept to gain information on the cosmos\n- To understand the basic concepts in the description of radiative processes relevant in astronomy and astrophysics\n- To be able to identify and evaluate the main radiation processes for a wide range of astronomical objects\n- To be able to apply the theory of radiation processes in a sample of case studies of realistic astrophysical objects and environments" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Theory of nucleosynthesis"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Theory of nucleosynthesis"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Interaction of radiation and matter"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent gains knowledge about influence of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on a matter. Furthermore, student will know the principles of various types of radiation detection which are widely present in a space. Important part of the knowledge is basic construction and principles of detectors which are used for various types of radiation detection. Graduate will be able to consider the influence of various radiation types on elements and systems exploited in outer space. Course Contents:\nNon-ionizing radiation and matter interaction.\nIonizing radiation and matter interaction.\nDestructive and non destructive influence of radiation on matter.\nPrinciples of various types of radiation detection.\nConstruction and principles of non-ionizing radiation detectors.\nConstruction and principles of ionizing radiation detectors.\nProtection of constructions and systems from dangerous radiation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Gaseous radiation detectors and scintillators"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nKnowledge of radiation detectors and its principle of operation\nTreatment of the signals\nAnalysis of its performance\nCONTENT\nIntroduction of the interaction of radiation with matter; this include the processes undergo by a particle traversing a block of matter and its energy loses mechanism. The particles in study are: photons, light charged particles, heavy charged particles and neutrons. Then study of Scintillation mechanism and generation of light by energy deposition in a crystal. This will include the conversion of photons light flash into an electrical signal. Finally similar study will be done for gas-filled detectors and detailed study of detectors developed in house for CERN experiments" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Semiconductor radiation detectors"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nAfter the course, the student will…\n\nknow the basics of the interaction of radiation and matter;\nbe familiar with the application of detectors in the studies of particle, X-ray, gamma-ray and neutron radiation;\nknow the operational principle of semiconductor diode detectors and other selected types of solid-state detectors;\nhave an idea of the principles of detector signal processing and data-acquisition;\nbe familiar with the application of radiation detectors in the instrumentation of nuclear and particle physics.\nCONTENT\n1. Interaction of radiation with matter.\n\n2. Solid-state detectors.\n\n3. Detector read-out." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysical radiation processes"@en . . "7,5" . "The course includes the most common types of continuum radiation that are observed in astronomy, thermal\nas well as non-thermal. Using special theory of relativity and classical theory of radiation, including\nMaxwell's equations, retarded potentials, multipole radiation, spectral distribution and Larmor's formula, the\norigin of free-free radiation, synchrotron radiation and Compton radiation is described. It is expected that the student after taking the course will be able to: show good understanding for classical\nradiation theory; Maxwell's equations, the wave equation and its solutions, potential theory and multipole\nradiation - describe relativistic radiation theory - describe the origin and properties of blackbody radiation,\nfree-free radiation, synchrotron radiation and Compton radiation - to solve astrophysical problems where\nthese radiation mechanisms are involved" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Em compatibility and radiation Issues"@en . . "5" . "AIMS\n\nStudents will know how to design electronic system with respect to electromagnetic compatibility and ionizing radiation issues. Students will be familiar with design rules for systems operating in free space (Earth orbits, interplanetary space), their testing and evaluation according to valid standards.\nLEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT\n\nThe graduate is able to\n- find appropriate EMC standards required for particular application\n- perform system analysis and point out critical design aspects with respect to EMC\n- design a system with respect to EMC requirements\n- analyze and solve EMC problems in systems not meeting EMC standards\n- discuss general effects of ionizing radiation on electronic systems\n- analyze requirements on an electronic system with respect to desired mission profile\n- propose suitable radiation shielding for electronic components COURSE CURRICULUM\n\n1. EMC: definition, history and future. Sources and consequences.\n2. Distortion coupling mechanism and its elimination.\n3. Interference suppression, PSB design practice, EMI suppression filters.\n4. EMI shielding: theory, implementation, limitations.\n5. Interference measurement methods, analysis of measurement results.\n6. Communication interface immunity testing.\n7. Metastability, practical examples of EMC issue solutions.\n8. Near-Earth and free-space ionizing radiation: types and sources, effect on electronic systems.\n9. Semiconductor component radiation hardness: SEE, TID, MTBF.\n10. Minimizing of SEE occurrence and its consequences: system design, shielding, TMR, ECC, FEC.\n11. Radiation hardness testing: methods, analysis.\n12. Software requirements for environments with ionizing radiation.\n13. Ionizing radiation sources: regulations, operation, available sites." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Atomic spectroscopy"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nStudent who has passed the course\n-- has good overview of the contemporary analytical atomic spectroscopy techniques (AAS, AES, XRF and atomic mass spectrometry), their advantages and limitations and fields of application;\n-- has good understanding of the physical and chemical principles of operation of these techniques and the factors that influence the results;\n-- is able to assess on the basis of a description about the adequacy and quality of a given atomic spectroscopy method and about its suitability for solving the analytical problem at hand;\n-- is able to assess the adequacy and quality of atomic spectroscopy data presented by others.\nBrief description of content\nThe course covers\n-- the contemporary analytical atomic spectroscopy techniques (AAS, AES, XRF and atomic mass spectrometry), their advantages and limitations and fields of application;\n-- the physical and chemical principles of operation of these techniques and the factors that influence the results;\n-- criteria for assessing on the basis of a description about the adequacy and quality of a given atomic spectroscopy method and about its suitability for solving the analytical problem at hand (seminar);\n-- criteria for assessing the adequacy and quality of atomic spectroscopy data presented by others (seminar)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "advanced nuclear physics - kul - see hyperlink below *"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "atomic and molecular physics"@en . . "5" . "1. Atomistic concept of matter construction - historical outline 2. The Schrodinger equation for atoms and molecules 3. Separation of the motion of nuclei and electrons in molecules 4. The Schroedinger equation with the electron Hamiltonian for atomic and molecular systems 5. Methods of approximate solution of the Schroedinger equation: variational method and perturbation expansion 6. Independent-electron approximation - construction of a many-electron wave function in the form of a Slater determinant - application of the variation method in the independent-electron model - Hartree-Fock equation 7. Effects of electron correlation - going beyond the Hartree-Fock approximation - formalism of the second quantization, many-body and diagrammatic techniques - many-body perturbation theory (Moller-Plesset perturbation theory) - configuration interaction method - coupled-cluster method - advantages and disadvantages of different approximate methods for electron correlation description (variationality and size extensivity) 8. Nondynamic electronon correlation - introduction to approximate multi-reference methods of solving the Schroedinger equation for atomic and molecular systems" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Nuclear physics"@en . . "no data" . "Learning Outcomes:\nOn completion of this module the student should have acquired a basic knowledge of key topics in modern nuclear physics. The student should also be able to solve problems related to the various topics covered, having acquired a competence in the manipulation of appropriate mathematical tools. The module should provide the appropriate foundation for more advanced courses in nuclear physics at postgraduate level.\n\nIndicative Module Content:\nIntroduction and summary/review of elementary concepts. Natural and artificial radioactivity. Radioactive Decay. Radioactive equilibrium. Interaction of radiation with matter (heavy charged particles, electrons, gamma and X-rays, neutrons). Overview on modes of radioactive decay. Theory of alpha decay - Gamow theory of alpha decay. Beta decay and the electron neutrino. Fermi theory of beta decay. Parity and its non-conservation in the weak interaction. Gamma decay and internal conversion. Liquid drop model of the nucleus. Spontaneous and induced fission. Modern fission reactors. Neutron activation analysis. Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fusion, including properties and confinement of high temperature plasmas. Proto-type fusion reactor." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Atomic and molecular physics"@en . . "6" . "The aim of this course is to build the quantum-mechanical formalism required for the\r\ntheoretical interpretation of the atomic and molecular spectra.\r\n• One-electron atoms : Fine structure and hyperfine structure: Spin-orbit interaction,\r\n• Darwin term, Selection rules for electric dipole transitions, Hyperfine structure and\r\n• isotope shifts\r\n• Interaction of one-electron atoms with external electric and magnetic field: Stark\r\n• effect, Zeeman effect, Strong fields: Paschen-Back effect\r\n• The atomic and molecular Hamiltonian: The molecular Hamiltonian, Atomic Units,\r\n• Born-Oppenheimer approximation\r\n• Two electron atoms: The Schrodinger equation for two electron atoms, He in the\r\n• independent particle model (IPM), Time independent perturbation correction to IPM,\r\n• Effective nuclear charge, Hartree-Fock for He, Electron correlation, Spin wave\r\n• function Pauli exlusion principle, Statistics of indistinguishable particles, Level\r\n• scheme of two-electron atoms\r\n• Many electron atoms: Central field approximation, Pauli exclusion principle and\r\n• Slaterdeterminants, Labeling Atomic States, Configuration, term, level and state,\r\n• Hund's Rules, The Hartree-Fock approximation, Corrections to the central field\r\n• approximation (L-S and j-j coupling)\r\n• Interaction of many electron atoms with electromagnetic radiation\r\n• Molecular structure: General nature of molecular structure, Molecular spectra,\r\n• Diatomic molecules - Symmetry properties, Molecular Term Symbols- The hydrogen\r\n• molecular ion - Correlation Diagrams, The Molecular orbital idea, Bonding and\r\n• antibonding molecular orbitals, Molecular orbital theory for homonuclear diatomics,\r\n• Molecular hydrogen within LCAO approximation, Photoelectron spectrum :\r\n• experimental proof for MOs, Heteronuclear molecules, Molecular Symmetry - Point\r\n• Groups, Polyatomic molecules, Vibration-Rotation spectroscopy\r\nNon-relativistic advanced quantum mechanics and perturbation theory (stationary and\r\ntime dependent) - electromagnetism.\nFINAL competences: 1 To be able to model atoms and molecules with quantum mechanical methods.\r\n2 Being able to interprete atomic and molecular spectra." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Nuclear astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "• Relevant aspects of astronomy : observed abundances of elements ; Hertzsprung-Russell\n• diagram; Hubble law; cosmic radiation, telescopes.\n• Elements of nuclear physics: nuclear processes relevant to astrophysics, relevant\n• experiments, neutrinos and oscillations, the MSW effect.\n• Basic principles of stellar structure.\n• Big Bang nucleosynthesis.\n• Nucleosynthesis in stars : principles; stellar reaction rates and their determination;\n• thermonuclear reactions, including H, He, C, Ne, O and Si burning; nucleosynthesis beyond\n• iron: mechanism, s-, r- and p-process ; Stellar evolution. Supernovae: observation and\n• mechanism. Nuclear reactions in the sun: the standard solar model; the problem of the solar\n• neutrinos.\n• Galactic chemical evolution. Nucleocosmochronology.\nFinal competences:\n1 Describe the main mechanisms for nucleosynthesis in the universe.\n2 Show clear understanding of the role of the interplay between nuclear structure and reactions on one hand and stellar structure and evolution on the other, in stellar nucleosynthesis.\r\n3 Interpret and explain the results of numerical nucleosynthesis simulations.\r\n4 Show insight in the principles of galactic chemical evolution and cosmochronology and apply them in problems.\r\n5 Apply basic skills form different subdomains of physics and astronomy to solve nucleosynthesis-related problems." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Nuclear instrumentation"@en . . "6" . "The goal of this course is to obtain fundamental knowledge on the techniques and technology used to produce and detect radiation. The course consists of 2 separate parts: Partim Interaction of radiation with matter and radiation detectors • Radiation interactions: Interaction of heavy charged particles, Interaction of electrons and • positrons, Interaction of photons, Interaction of neutrons • Radiation detectors and their applications: General properties of radiation detectors, Gas- • filled detectors, Scintillaton detectors, Semi conductor detectors, Cherenkov detectors, • Neutron detection, Pulse processing Partim Particle Accelerators • Particle accelerators: Particle optics, Particle optics elements, Electrostatic and induction • accelerators, Linear high frequency accelerators, Circular high frequency accelerators, • Secundary beam production, Applications of accelerators.\nFINAL competences:\n1 Insight in radiation interaction processes.\r\n2 Insight in the operation of several types of radiation detectors and their application\r\n1 possibilities.\r\n3 Insight in methods to obtain physical information from detector output.\r\n4 Insight in methods to accelerate and transport charged particles.\r\n5 Insight in techniques to produce particles and radiation.\r\n6 Insight in design methods for modern particle accelerators and peripheral equipment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Nuclear methods in material research"@en . . "6" . "• Phenomenological description of an atomic nucleus: radius, spin, parity, electric and\r\n• magnetic multipole moments, coupling of angular momenta, radioactive decay, multipole\r\n• radiation.\r\n• Hyperfine interactions and their relation with various energy scales in atoms.\r\n• Multipole expansion of the charge-charge and current-current interaction between a nucleus\r\n• and an electron distribution.\r\n• Magnetic hyperfine interaction, electric quadrupole interaction, monopole and quadrupole\r\n• shift.\r\n• Experimental methods based on hyperfine interactions: nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear\r\n• quadrupole resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, laser spectroscopy, low-\r\n• temperature nuclear orientation, NMR on oriented nuclei, Mössbauer spectroscopy,\r\n• perturbed angular correlation, resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation.\r\n• Academic, industrial and analytic applications of these methods.\r\n• Whenever possible and relevant, labs at UGent will be visited where nuclear methods are\r\n• used.\nFinal competences:\n1 Explaining the relations and differences between the major nuclear methods.\r\n2 Explaining the physical background behind the major nuclear methods.\r\n3 Being aware of which properties can and which cannot be measured by nuclear methods.\r\n4 Grasping the relevant information from research papers that report on experiments with nuclear methods.\r\n5 Being able to read and interpret simple experimental spectra obtained by nuclear methods.\r\n6 Being aware of the range of applications of nuclear methods." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radioactivity and radiation dosimetry"@en . . "6" . "Radioactivity: General properties of radioactive decay; specific decay processes;\nartificial radiation sources; applications; radioisotopes; transmutation of radioactive\ndecay.\nRadiation dosimetry: basic quantities; interaction between radiation fields and matter;\ncalculation of radiation doses; metrology.\nFinal competences: \n1 Concepts: to have obtained basic knowledge on the general properties of radioactive\ndecay, specific decay processes and radiation sources, and the interaction betweenradiation fields and matter.\n2 Insights:to have obtained insight in the basic mechanisms of radioactive decay, production of radiation and absorption of radiation.\n3 Skills: to be able to calculate and measure activities and radiation doses.\n4 Attitudes: to be convinced that radioactive substances and other radiation sources have to be handled with care." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Subatomic physics II"@en . . "6" . "Introduction and reminder of general concepts\nDecay rates and cross sections\nThe Dirac equation\nInteraction by particle exchange\nElectron-positron annihilation\nElectron-proton elastic scattering\nDeep inelastic scattering\nSymmetries and the quark model\nQuantum Chromodynamics (QCD)\nThe weak interaction\nThe weak interactions of leptons\nNeutrinos and neutrino oscillations\nCP violation and the weak hadronic interactions\nElectroweak unification\nTest of the Standard Model\nThe Brout-Englert-Higgs boson.\nGENERAL COMPETENCIES\nThe student masters the phenomenolocial description of particle interactions and can bring these concepts to testable and measurable quantities. The student can interprete modern particle physics experiments into a theoretical framework." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of nuclear engineering for astronautics"@en . . "6" . "The course will provide the basics necessary to physical understanding of nuclear energy systems and radiation \nprotection. The main objectives are (a) knowledge of benefits and key aspects of engineering, technology and safety associated with the ' nuclear energy use in space applications, (b) identification of the main features of the systems of \nnuclear power generation , and of the connected systems for conversion and propulsion, (c) knowledge of the state of \nthe international research and perspectives of nuclear energy use for space applications . The Course is organized as \nfollows: \nFundamentals: Physics of nuclear reactions: radioactive decay, sources of radiation, interaction of ionizing radiation \nwith matter, nuclear reactions. Physics of nuclear fission: neutron flux, impact Sections, Fast neutrons and thermal \nneutrons, the slowdown, the moderators, the resonances of capture, burn - up. The nuclear fusion reactions. Basic \nconcepts of radiation protection: Unit Radioactivity, dosimetry, the Environmental Radioactivity, Radiation Effects on \nhumans, protection systems, exposure limits. \nNuclear energy for Space Applications: advantages over other energy sources. Nuclear energy generators. Engineering \nand technological aspects of the Space Applications of Nuclear Power: shielding of Radiation Heat Transfer, Materials. \nElements of Physics Reactor. Nuclear fission reactors configurations for onboard needs and size. The Nuclear Safety in \nthe different stages of a Space Mission. Nuclear Energy perspectives in peaceful applications. \nSystems for Nuclear Power Generation and Propulsion: Classification of systems. Systems of radioisotopes. Conceptual \nprojects of Nuclear Reactors. Static ( thermoelectric and thermoionic ) and Dynamic ( Bryton , Rankine , Stirling , \nmagnetohydrodynamic ) conversion systems. Reactors with solid, liquid and gas kernel. Fuels. Heat tubes reactor. \nElectro-nuclear propulsion systems. Thermo-nuclear propulsion systems. Advanced Systems. The International Space \nNuclear Programs ." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radiation and guided waves"@en . . "9" . "Objectives and Contextualisation\n1. To use the formulation of Electromagnetic fields with agility, moving from the temporal domain to the phasor domain and vice-versa.\n2. To understand the meaning of fields boundary conditions.\n3. To use the general expression of the wave equation for the electric field in the frequency domain. Know the expression of the plane wave solution. Understand parameters such as phase constant, wavelength and phase velocity. Obtain the expression of the magnetic field associated with the wave from the electric field and vice versa. As well as the propagation direction vector.\n\n4. To calculate the power density from the amplitude of the associated electric field. Manage the concept of power density. Analyze the type of polarization that a wave presents by studying the orientation of the electric field vector.\n5. To manage the concept of reflection and transmission in cases of incidence perpendicular to the interface plane between dielectrics and between dielectric and conductor. Handle Snell's Laws in terms of the reflectance and refraction phenomena of the wave, applied to the problem of oblique incidence of the electromagnetic wave in the interface surface of two dielectric media\n6. Analyze electrical circuits when the wavelength of the signal is comparable to the electrical size of the circuit. Know the distributed model of the transmission line by means of concentrated elements.\n7. Know the general expression of the wave equation in voltages and currents in the phasor domain, as well as the expression of the solution. And relate parameters such as characteristic impedance, phase constant, wavelength and phase velocity. Learn to handle the approaches to lines of low losses but finite, and line without losses.\n8. Understand that the presence of the reflected wave causes the appearance of the standing wave. Knowing how to propose the standing wave solution with open circuit and short circuit load impedance condition. Know how to shift the reflection coefficient and the impedance along a transmission line.\n9. To calculate the power along the line. To understand that the power is constant along the line even if the voltage is not due to reflections.\n10. To use the expressions that relate the elements of the circuital model of the transmission line with the geometry of the coaxial, microstrip and stripline lines.\n\n\nCompetences\nElectronic Engineering for Telecommunication\nCommunication\nDevelop personal work habits.\nDevelop thinking habits.\nLearn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations.\nResolve problems with initiative and creativity. Make decisions. Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, in awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities involved in a telecommunications engineer's work.\nWork in a team.\nTelecommunication Systems Engineering\nCommunication\nDevelop personal work habits.\nDevelop thinking habits.\nLearn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations.\nResolve problems with initiative and creativity. Make decisions. Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, in awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities involved in a telecommunications engineer's work.\nWork in a team.\nLearning Outcomes\nAdapt to multidisciplinary and international surroundings.\nAdapt to multidisciplinary environments.\nCommunicate efficiently, orally and in writing, knowledge, results and skills, both professionally and to non-expert audiences.\nDefine and calculate the fundamental parameters of a communications system that is related with the transmission and reception of waves.\nDefine the propagation and transmission mechanisms of electromagnetic and acoustic waves, as well as their corresponding transmission and receiving devices.\nDevelop the capacity for analysis and synthesis.\nManage available time and resources.\nManage available time and resources. Work in an organised manner.\nPrevent and solve problems.\nReproduce experiments related with the propagation of waves and extract relevant information.\nResolve problems related with the propagation and transmission mechanisms of electromagnetic and acoustic waves, as well as their corresponding transmission and receiving devices.\nUse the basic instruments of a communications laboratory.\nWork cooperatively.\n\nContent\n1. INTRODUCTION\n\n2) OBJECTIVES\n\n3) BIBLIOGRAPHY\n\n4) INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROMAGNETISM. ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM\n\n5) MAXWELL EQUATIONS IN DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL FORM.\n\n6) BOUNDARY CONDITION ON THE SURFACE OF SEPARATION BETWEEN TWO MEDIUM.\n\n7) UNIDIMENSIONAL WAVE EQUATION.\n\n8) PLANE WAVES IN MATERIAL MEDIA\n\n9) PROPAGATION OF THE PLANE WAVE.\n\n10) GENERAL SOLUTION OF PLANE WAVE.\n\n11) POWER ASSOCIATED TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE. VECTOR OF POYNTING.\n\n12) POLARIZATION OF PLANE WAVES.\n\n13) REFLECTION OF PLANE WAVE IN SCENARIOS OF CHANGE OF MEDIUM.\n\n14) OBLIQUE INCIDENCE ON THE INTERFACE OF SEPARATION BETWEEN TWO DIELECTRIC MEDIA.\n\n15) INTRODUCTION TRANSMISSION LINE\n\n16) OBJECTIVES\n\n17) THEORY OF TRANSMISSION LINES. HELMHOLTZ EQUATIONS\n\n18) LOSSLESS TRANSMISSION LINE.\n\n19) LOADED TRANSMISSION LINE. STANDING WAVE.\n\n21) ANALYSIS OF THE FIELDS IN THE TRANSMISSION LINE. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES.\n\n22) SMITH CHART.\n\n23) MATCHING NETWORKS.\n\n24) CONDUCTOR WAVE GUIDES: RECTANGULAR AND CIRCULAR SECTION.\n\n25) SELF-EVALUATION EXERCISES.\n\n26) SOLUTION" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Atoms, molecules and photons"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE6 - Understand the structure of matter being able to solve problems related to the interaction between matter and radiation in different energy ranges\nCE11 - Know how to use current astrophysical instrumentation (both in terrestrial and space observatories) especially that which uses the most innovative technology and know the fundamentals of the technology used\nGeneral Competencies\nCG1 - Know the advanced mathematical and numerical techniques that allow the application of Physics and Astrophysics to the solution of complex problems using simple models\nCG3 - Analyze a problem, study the possible published solutions and propose new solutions or lines of attack\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\nExclusive to the Structure of Matter Specialty\nCX13 - Understand in depth the basic theories that explain the structure of matter and collisions as well as the state of matter in extreme conditions\nCX14 - Understand the interrelation between atoms, molecules and radiation and diagnostic tools for the state of matter from the spectrum\nCX16 - Understand the mechanisms of electromagnetic wave propagation and the dynamics of charged particles\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\n- Professor:\nDr. Javier Hernández Rojas\n- Topics (headings):\n1. Quantification of the electromagnetic field. Photons.\n2. States of the field.\n3. Radiation-matter interaction.\n4. One- and two-photon absorption processes.\n5. Two-level atom interacting with a radiation field.\n6. Master Equation. Evolution of populations and coherences: Rabi oscillations.\n7. Point groups: molecular symmetry.\n8. Polyatomic molecules: electronic, vibrational and rotational structure.\n9. Molecular spectroscopy.\n10. Molecules of astrophysical interest." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Radiation workshop"@en . . "3.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nSpace radiation has major effects on spacecraft and humans in space. The module introduces students to the sources, the characteristics,\nand the effects of space radiation. This knowledge is vital for space systems engineers who coordinate radiation test campaigns and plan\ntechnical measures for mitigating radiation effects.\nAfter successful completion of this module, students will be able to\n- classify the dose of space radiation in comparison to the radiation dose in daily life,\n- recognize the technical terms and units that are relevant to working with radiation,\n- explain the different sources and characteristics of space radiation,\n- summarize the space radiation environment in common mission orbits,\n- describe the general effects of space radiation on electronics,\n- describe the effects of different space radiation types on the physical layer of electronics,\n- select the relevant standards and processes for radiation testing,\n- describe how to build radiation models and run a simulation of radiation effects using software tools,\n- prepare a radiation test setup,\n- interpret radiation test data,\n- explain the basic principles of mitigating radiation effects.\nContent\nThe following topics are addressed in this module:\n- Radiation concept and units\n- The space radiation environment\n- Effects of space radiation on electronics\n- Detailed TID effects in electronics\n- Single Event Effects (SEE) in electronics\n- Introduction to computational tools and calculation of radiation models\n- Simulation of radiation effects on electronics\n- Preparation of a total ionizing dose (TID) irradiation test setup with electronic components\n- Hands-on radiation test campaign in a radiation chamber\n- Basics of radiation effects mitigation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Atomic physics and interaction of Ionizing radiation with matter"@en . . "4.5" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Atomic physics and interaction of Ionizing radiation with matter: laboratory practice"@en . . "4.5" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Nuclear and particle physics"@en . . "4.5" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Nuclear and particle physics: laboratory practice"@en . . "4.5" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Modern atomic and optical physics 3"@en . . "20.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Foundations of Physics 2A (PHYS2581) AND Foundations of Physics 2B (PHYS2591) AND (Mathematical Methods in Physics (PHYS2611) OR Analysis in Many Variables (MATH2031))\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* Foundations of Physics 3A (PHYS3621)\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* None\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes.\n* It builds on Level 2 courses in geometric optics and quantum mechanics by providing courses on modern optics and atomic physics.\n\n#### Content\n\n* Fourier Optics: Fourier toolkit, angular spectrum, Gaussian beams, lasers and cavities, Fresnel and Fraunhofer, 2D diffraction – letters, circles, Babinet and apodization, lenses, imaging, spatial filtering.\n* Atomic Clocks: History of precision measurement of time. Principle of atomic clocks, revision of atomic structure, electric and magnetic dipole interactions with electromagnetic fields, selection rules. Visualising electron distributions in atoms during transitions. Spontaneous emission, Einstein A coefficient and relationship with atomic clocks, lifetimes, line widths, line intensities and line shapes. Fine-structure and hyperfine splitting, using degenerate perturbation theory to calculate the ground-state hyperfine splitting of the H atom. Lifetimes of electric dipole forbidden transitions, selection rules and relationship with atomic clocks. Zeeman effect, using degenerate perturbation theory to calculate Zeeman shifts of the hyperfine states of the ground-state of the H atom, relationship with atomic clocks. Derivation of Rabi equation for two-level system, transit-time broadening, relationship with atomic clocks. Light forces, the scattering force. Laser cooling of atoms, optical molasses, Doppler limit. Zeeman slowing and Sisyphus cooling of atoms. Magneto-optical trapping of atoms. Moving molasses, caesium fountain clock, Ramsay Interferometry. Optical frequency standards, laser locking. Optical frequency combs, ion trapping, Lamb-Dicke regime. Aluminium quantum logic clock, Ytterbium ion clock. Strontium optical lattice clock, AC Stark effect, dipole force, optical dipole traps and optical lattices, magic wavelength optical lattice. Systematic effects in optical frequency standards, comparisons between clocks. Applications of atomic clocks, time-variation of fundamental constants, electric-dipole moment of the electron and relativistic geodesy.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\n* Having studied this module, students will be able to use Fourier methods to describe interference and diffraction and their applications in modern optics.\n* They will be familiar with some of the applications of quantum mechanics to atomic physics and the interaction of atoms with light.\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\n* In addition to the acquisition of subject knowledge, students will be able to apply the principles of physics to the solution of complex problems.\n* They will know how to produce a well-structured solution, with clearly-explained reasoning and appropriate presentation.\n\nKey Skills:\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* Teaching will be by lectures and workshops.\n* The lectures provide the means to give a concise, focused presentation of the subject matter of the module. The lecture material will be defined by, and explicitly linked to, the contents of the recommended textbooks for the module, thus making clear where students can begin private study. When appropriate, the lectures will also be supported by the distribution of written material, or by information and relevant links online.\n* Regular problem exercises and workshops will give students the chance to develop their theoretical understanding and problem solving skills.\n* Students will be able to obtain further help in their studies by approaching their lecturers, either after lectures or at other mutually convenient times.\n* Student performance will be summatively assessed through an open-book examination and formatively assessed through problem exercises and a progress test. The open-book examination will provide the means for students to demonstrate the acquisition of subject knowledge and the development of their problem-solving skills.\n* The problem exercises and progress test provide opportunities for feedback, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS3721" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Atoms, lasers and qubits"@en . . "20.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Foundations of Physics 3A (PHYS3621).\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* None.\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* None.\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes.\n* It builds on the Level 3 module Foundations of Physics 3A (PHYS3621) and provides a working knowledge of lasers and the physics of quantum computation at an advanced level appropriate to Level 4 physics students.\n\n#### Content\n\n* The syllabus contains:\n* Laser Physics: Definition of a laser. Atom-light interactions. Absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission. Line broadening mechanisms and emission linewidth. Population inversion and gain. Laser oscillator: cavity basics and threshold; gain saturation and output power. Population inversion in 3 and 4-level systems. Laser pumping with case studies of specific laser systems. Cavity modes and cavity stability. Gaussian beams. Cavity effects: single frequency operation. Cavity effects: Q switching and mode locking. Laser spectroscopy and optical frequency combs. Case studies of laser applications.\n* Quantum Information and Computing: Manipulation of qubits: Limits of classical computing. Feynman’s insight. Quantum mechanics revision. Projection operators. Pauli matrices. Single-qubit operations: Resonant field, the Rabi solution. The Bloch sphere. The Ramsey technique. Two-qubit states. Tensor products. Correlations. Entanglement. Bell states. Two-qubit gates. The CNOT gate. Physical Realizations: The DiVincenzo criteria. Controlling the centre-of mass motion of atoms – laser cooling. Controlling the internal states of atoms. Trapping and manipulating single atoms. Rydberg states. Decoherence. Case studies of contemporary Quantum Information Processing.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\n* Having studied this module students will be aware of the principles of lasers and be able to describe the operation, design features and uses of various laser systems.\n* They will be familiar with the concept of the qubit and with the manipulation of qubits with electromagnetic fields, with many-qubit states, their correlation properties and the concept of entanglement, with quantum gates, quantum computing and the physical realization of these ideas.\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\n* In addition to the acquisition of subject knowledge, students will be able to apply knowledge of specialist topics in physics to the solution of advanced problems.\n* They will know how to produce a well-structured solution, with clearly-explained reasoning and appropriate presentation.\n\nKey Skills:\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* Teaching will be by lectures and workshops.\n* The lectures provide the means to give a concise, focused presentation of the subject matter of the module.\n* The lecture material will be explicitly linked to the contents of recommended textbooks for the module, thus making clear where students can begin private study.\n* When appropriate, lectures will also be supported by the distribution of written material, or by information and relevant links online.\n* Regular problem exercises and workshops will give students the chance to develop their theoretical understanding and problem solving skills.\n* Students will be able to obtain further help in their studies by approaching their lecturers, either after lectures or at mutually convenient times.\n* Student performance will be summatively assessed through an open-book examination and formatively assessed through problem exercises.\n* The open-book examination will provide the means for students to demonstrate the acquisition of subject knowledge and the development of their problem-solving skills.\n* The problem exercises provide opportunities for feedback, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS4121" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Modern atomic and optical physics 4"@en . . "20.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Foundations of Physics 3A (PHYS3621) AND (Foundations of Physics 2B (PHYS2591) OR Foundations of Physics 3C (PHYS3671)).\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* None.\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* Modern Atomic and Optical Physics 3 (PHYS3721).\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes.\n* It builds on Level 2 courses in geometric optics and quantum mechanics by providing courses on modern optics and atomic physics.\n* It develops transferable skills in researching a topic at an advanced level and making a written presentation on the findings.\n\n#### Content\n\n* Fourier Optics: Fourier toolkit, angular spectrum, Gaussian beams, lasers and cavities, Fresnel and Fraunhofer, 2D diffraction – letters, circles, Babinet and apodization, lenses, imaging, spatial filtering.\n* Atomic Clocks: History of precision measurement of time. Principle of atomic clocks, revision of atomic structure, electric and magnetic dipole interactions with electromagnetic fields, selection rules. Visualising electron distributions in atoms during transitions. Spontaneous emission, Einstein A coefficient and relationship with atomic clocks, lifetimes, line widths, line intensities and line shapes. Fine-structure and hyperfine splitting, using degenerate perturbation theory to calculate the ground-state hyperfine splitting of the H atom. Lifetimes of electric dipole forbidden transitions, selection rules and relationship with atomic clocks. Zeeman effect, using degenerate perturbation theory to calculate Zeeman shifts of the hyperfine states of the ground-state of the H atom, relationship with atomic clocks. Derivation of Rabi equation for two-level system, transit-time broadening, relationship with atomic clocks. Light forces, the scattering force. Laser cooling of atoms, optical molasses, Doppler limit. Zeeman slowing and Sisyphus cooling of atoms. Magneto-optical trapping of atoms. Moving molasses, caesium fountain clock, Ramsay Interferometry. Optical frequency standards, laser locking. Optical frequency combs, ion trapping, Lamb-Dicke regime. Aluminium quantum logic clock, Ytterbium ion clock. Strontium optical lattice clock, AC Stark effect, dipole force, optical dipole traps and optical lattices, magic wavelength optical lattice. Systematic effects in optical frequency standards, comparisons between clocks. Applications of atomic clocks, time-variation of fundamental constants, electric-dipole moment of the electron and relativistic geodesy.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\n* Having studied this module, students will be able to use Fourier methods to describe interference and diffraction and their applications in modern optics.\n* They will be familiar with some of the applications of quantum mechanics to atomic physics and the interaction of atoms with light.\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\n* In addition to the acquisition of subject knowledge, students will be able to apply the principles of physics to the solution of complex problems.\n* They will know how to produce a well-structured solution, with clearly-explained reasoning and appropriate presentation.\n\nKey Skills:\n\n* Students will have developed skills in researching a topic at an advanced level and making a written presentation.\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* Teaching will be by lectures and workshops.\n* The lectures provide the means to give a concise, focused presentation of the subject matter of the module. The lecture material will be defined by, and explicitly linked to, the contents of the recommended textbooks for the module, thus making clear where students can begin private study. When appropriate, the lectures will also be supported by the distribution of written material, or by information and relevant links online.\n* Regular problem exercises and workshops will give students the chance to develop their theoretical understanding and problem solving skills.\n* Students will be able to obtain further help in their studies by approaching their lecturers, either after lectures or at other mutually convenient times.\n* Lecturers will provide a list of advanced topics related to the module content. Students will be required to research one of these topics in depth and write a dissertation on it. Some guidance on the research and feedback on the dissertation will be provided by the lecturer.\n* Student performance will be summatively assessed through an open-book examination and a dissertation and formatively assessed through problem exercises and a progress test. The open-book examination will provide the means for students to demonstrate the acquisition of subject knowledge and the development of their problem-solving skills. The dissertation will provide the means for students to demonstrate skills in researching a topic at an advanced level and making a written presentation.\n* The problem exercises and progress test provide opportunities for feedback, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS4281" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Synchrotron radiation research in earth and planetary sciences"@en . . "4.0" . "This course is taught at the UGent." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Detection and analysis of Ionising radiation"@en . . "10.0" . "DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF IONISING RADIATION PHYS5036\nAcademic Session: 2023-24\nSchool: School of Physics and Astronomy\nCredits: 10\nLevel: Level 5 (SCQF level 11)\nTypically Offered: Semester 1\nAvailable to Visiting Students: Yes\nShort Description\nThe detection and analysis of ionising radiation is at the core of monitoring and understanding the radiation environment, be it in nuclear facilities or the general environment. The course will provide practical experience in the use of a variety of detection methods, highlighting their respective strength and weaknesses for different applications.\n\nTimetable\nMondays and Fridays 14.00-17.00\n\nExcluded Courses\nNone\n\nCo-requisites\nNone\n\nAssessment\nAssessment\n\nOral interviews of 30 min duration after each experiment and a written report on one of the chosen experiments\n\n \n\nReassessment\n\nIn accordance with the University's Code of Assessment reassessments are normally set for all courses which do not contribute to the honours classifications. For non honours courses, students are offered reassessment in all or any of the components of assessment if the satisfactory (threshold) grade for the overall course is not achieved at the first attempt. This is normally grade D3 for undergraduate students, and grade C3 for postgraduate students. Exceptionally it may not be possible to offer reassessment of some coursework items, in which case the mark achieved at the first attempt will be counted towards the final course grade. Any such exceptions are listed below in this box.\n\nAre reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? No\n\nReassessment of the main diet examination is normally available for students on PGT degree programmes if they do not achieve an overall course grade of C3 at their first attempt. Reassessment of the main diet examination is normally available for students on designated BSc degree programmes if they do not achieve an overall course grade of D3 at their first attempt. Reassessment of the main diet examination is not normally available for students on Honours degree programmes.\n\nReassessment is not normally allowed, for practical reasons, for any other assessed components of coursework.\n\nCourse Aims\nThe aims of this course are:\n\na) To familiarise the student with a variety of radiation detection devices\n\nb) To understand the interaction of ionising radiation with matter\n\nc) To evaluate the performance of a radiation detector system\n\nd) To characterise radioactive sources\n\nIntended Learning Outcomes of Course\nBy the end of this course students will be able to:\n\n \n\na) Operate different radiation detectors in a laboratory environment\n\nb) Analyse and evaluate spectroscopic data obtained by radiation detectors\n\nc) Evaluate the operational limits of a selection of relevant detector solutions\n\nd) Explain the effects the environment can have on the spectra recorded\n\ne) Describe aspects of the interaction of radiation with inanimate matter\n\nMinimum Requirement for Award of Credits\nStudents must submit at least 75% by weight of the components (including examinations) of the course's summative assessment.\n\n\nMore information at: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/sensorandimagingsystems/?card=course&code=PHYS5036" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Nuclear Physics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .