. "Planetary Science"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Star and planet formation"@en . . "6" . "The student will gain relevant background information and hands-on experience that will enable him/her to follow the current literature on the interstellar medium and to do research in this field.\n\nOutcome:\nThe student will gain up-to-date insight into one of the fastest growing research areas in astronomy. The course will provide sufficient background to be able to follow the current literature on star- and planet formation and to do research in this field or in a neighboring field (e.g., star formation in external galaxies or on cosmological scales)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary physics: science and instrumentation"@en . . "3" . "Planetary science is now in its “Golden Age”. Dozens of spacecrafts developed and operated by ESA, NASA and other space agencies have delivered a wealth of valuable data about Solar System planets and exoplanets. Data analysis, theoretical studies and numerical modelling, aiming at understanding of the conditions and processes on the planets in the Solar System and beyond, especially those relevant to habitability, are in high demand. Future more sophisticated and challenging planetary missions are being planned and developed by space agencies.\n\nThis course will provide an overview of the methods and instrumentation currently used in planetary research supported by representative examples from recent Solar System missions. The course will deliver a broad picture of conditions and processes on the Solar System planets in their complexity and diversity. The students will also get a preliminary understanding of how concepts of planetary missions payload are designed, including setting up science objectives and requirements, defining priorities and complementarities. The course will provide a “bridge” to exoplanet investigations where appropriate.\n\nThe detailed outline of the course is:\n\nRemote sensing methods and instrumentation\nMethods and instruments for in-situ investigations\nGrand Tour of planetary surfaces\nGrand Tour of planetary atmospheres\nScience payload concepts: from objectives to requirements\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completion of this course, students will be able to:\n\nUnderstand the areas of applicability of various remote sensing and in-situ methods in planetary physics, their main features, advantages, limitations and main results\nAcquire a broad picture of main features and conditions on the planets in the Solar System\nDiscuss and explain major open questions in the planetary physics\nUnderstand and discuss the logics and the way science payload concepts for ESA planetary missions are being designed\nDiscuss and follow current literature in the field of planetary physics" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exo-planets a: interiors and atmospheres"@en . . "3" . "We are in a unique time to study planets. Not only do we have space missions such as Cassini and Juno, which have led to a radical change in our knowledge of the giants in our solar system, but we also have an astonishing number of more than 4000 exoplanets that have been discovered in the last three decades. Each new exoplanet highlights a stunning diversity and impacts the perception and understanding of our own solar system. This course will provide an overview of our current theoretical understanding of the physical and chemical processes that occur in planets interiors and their atmospheres. This understanding is crucial to interpret observations, and to know where the field is moving for the developing of future instrumentation.\r\n\r\nThe detailed outline is:\r\n\r\nRadiative transfer in (exo)planet atmospheres\r\nChemistry in (exo)planet atmospheres\r\nPrinciples of fluid dynamics and applications to circulation in atmospheres\r\nInteraction between the planets and the host star: atmospheric escape\r\nInteriors or rocky planets\r\nInteriors of giant planets: inflation in hot-Jupiters\r\nInteractions between interiors and atmospheres: surface, ocean and volcanoes\r\nThe concept of habitability\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completion of this course, you will be able to:\r\n\r\nDistinguish the main physical and chemical processes that shape the atmospheres and interiors of (exo)planets.\r\nDiscuss and follow current literature in exoplanets\r\nUse state-of-the-art codes to model exoplanets interiors and atmospheres\r\nName the main uncertainties in the current knowledge of Exoplanet interiors and atmospheres\r\nIdentify synergies between our Solar system and Exoplanets" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exo-planets b: space physics"@en . . "3" . "The emphasis of Part B of the Exoplanets course is on the “exterior” of planets, namely, from the upper atmosphere and beyond. Planets do not exist in empty space, but they are rather embedded in the particle, magnetic and radiation environments of their host stars. As a consequence, the interaction between planets and their host stars leads to escape of planetary atmospheres, shapes (and sometimes induces) planetary magnetospheres, and affects the space weather on a planet.\n\nThis course focuses on Space Physics, and covers the following topics:\n\nPlanetary upper atmospheres: atmospheric escape (thermal vs non-thermal); Jeans escape; hydrodynamic escape and energy-limit approximation; primary and secondary atmospheres; detection of escaping atmospheres in exoplanets\nPlanetary magnetospheres: magnetism in solar system planets, intrinsic magnetosphere, induced magnetosphere, magnetopause distance, ionopause, magnetic fields in exoplanets.\nSolar and stellar activity: spot cycle, flares, magnetism and proxies for magnetic activity; effects of stellar activity on exoplanet detection.\nThe interplanetary medium — solar and stellar winds: basic concepts of fluid dynamics, overview of stellar winds over the HR diagram, forces driving a stellar wind, thermally-driven winds, winds of a magnetic rotator, Alfven surface, mass- and angular-momentum losses, evolution of stellar rotation.\nSpace weather: origin, impacts, events and mitigation.\n\nOutcome:\nOn successful completion of this course, students should be able to:\n\nDerive the equations responsible for the stability of planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres\nExplain the key processes responsible for solar and stellar activity and their space weather effects on (exo)planets\nExplain the physics of winds of planet-hosting stars; derive the basic wind equations and evaluate the wind forcing on (exo)planets" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary systems"@en . . "6" . "• To introduce the students in the dynamics of the solar system\n• To familiarise the students in current solar-system research\n• To introduce the students in the current state of knowledge of exosolar planetary systems.\n• To understand the diversity of the orbits within the solar system" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Star and planet formation"@en . . "6" . "Stars and planets are formed deep inside molecular clouds, but how this actually happens is still being unravelled. This course will provide a broad overview of our current theoretical and observational understanding of the physical processes involved in star- and planet formation. The course consists of two parts. First, the cloud collapse leading to protostars with dense envelopes, circumstellar accretion disks and outflows is discussed. Second, the evolution of protoplanetary disks and the scenarios for the formation of giant and terrestrial planets are presented. Kuiper Belt Objects, comets and meteorites each tell their own story about the physical processes that took place in our own early Solar System. In contrast, exo-planetary systems show us how other protoplanetary systems evolved differently than our own. We will discuss recent observational work with ALMA and VLT, past and future missions to comets and asteroids, and exciting first results from the newly launched James Webb Space Telescope.\r\n\r\nThe detailed outline is:\r\n\r\nDense molecular clouds\r\n\r\nCloud collapse and spectral energy distributions\r\n\r\nBipolar outflows\r\n\r\nPre-main sequence stars\r\n\r\nHigh-mass star formation\r\n\r\nCircumstellar disks\r\n\r\nDisk evolution and grain growth\r\n\r\nFormation of planets\r\n\r\nKuiper-Belt objects and structure of debris disks\r\n\r\nMeteorites & primitive solar system material\r\n\r\nExoplanets as probes of planet formation processes\n\nOutcome:\nThe student will gain up-to-date insight into one of the fastest growing research areas in astronomy. The course will provide sufficient background to be able to follow the current literature on star- and planet formation and to do research in this field or in a neighboring field (e.g., star formation in external galaxies or on cosmological scales)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary physics: science and instrumentation"@en . . "3" . "Planetary science is now in its “Golden Age”. Dozens of spacecrafts developed and operated by ESA, NASA and other space agencies have delivered a wealth of valuable data about Solar System planets and exoplanets. Data analysis, theoretical studies and numerical modelling, aiming at understanding of the conditions and processes on the planets in the Solar System and beyond, especially those relevant to habitability, are in high demand. Future more sophisticated and challenging planetary missions are being planned and developed by space agencies.\r\n\r\nThis course will provide an overview of the methods and instrumentation currently used in planetary research supported by representative examples from recent Solar System missions. The course will deliver a broad picture of conditions and processes on the Solar System planets in their complexity and diversity. The students will also get a preliminary understanding of how concepts of planetary missions payload are designed, including setting up science objectives and requirements, defining priorities and complementarities. The course will provide a “bridge” to exoplanet investigations where appropriate.\r\n\r\nThe detailed outline of the course is:\r\n\r\nRemote sensing methods and instrumentation\r\n\r\nMethods and instruments for in-situ investigations\r\n\r\nGrand Tour of planetary surfaces\r\n\r\nGrand Tour of planetary atmospheres\r\n\r\nScience payload concepts: from objectives to requirements\n\nOutput:\nUpon completion of this course, students will be able to:\r\n\r\nUnderstand the areas of applicability of various remote sensing and in-situ methods in planetary physics, their main features, advantages, limitations and main results\r\n\r\nAcquire a broad picture of main features and conditions on the planets in the Solar System\r\n\r\nDiscuss and explain major open questions in the planetary physics\r\n\r\nUnderstand and discuss the logics and the way science payload concepts for ESA planetary missions are being designed\r\n\r\nDiscuss and follow current literature in the field of planetary physics" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exo-planets a: interiors and atmospheres"@en . . "3" . "We are in a unique time to study planets. Not only do we have space missions such as Cassini and Juno, which have led to a radical change in our knowledge of the giants in our solar system, but we also have an astonishing number of more than 4000 exoplanets that have been discovered in the last three decades. Each new exoplanet highlights a stunning diversity and impacts the perception and understanding of our own solar system. This course will provide an overview of our current theoretical understanding of the physical and chemical processes that occur in planets interiors and their atmospheres. This understanding is crucial to interpret observations, and to know where the field is moving for the developing of future instrumentation.\r\n\r\nThe detailed outline is:\r\n\r\nRadiative transfer in (exo)planet atmospheres\r\n\r\nChemistry in (exo)planet atmospheres\r\n\r\nPrinciples of fluid dynamics and applications to circulation in atmospheres\r\n\r\nInteraction between the planets and the host star: atmospheric escape\r\n\r\nInteriors or rocky planets\r\n\r\nInteriors of giant planets: inflation in hot-Jupiters\r\n\r\nInteractions between interiors and atmospheres: surface, ocean and volcanoes\r\n\r\nThe concept of habitability\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completion of this course, you will be able to:\r\n\r\nDistinguish the main physical and chemical processes that shape the atmospheres and interiors of (exo)planets.\r\n\r\nDiscuss and follow current literature in exoplanets\r\n\r\nUse state-of-the-art codes to model exoplanets interiors and atmospheres\r\n\r\nName the main uncertainties in the current knowledge of Exoplanet interiors and atmospheres\r\n\r\nIdentify synergies between our Solar system and Exoplanets" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exo-planets b: space physics"@en . . "3" . "The emphasis of Part B of the Exoplanets course is on the “exterior” of planets, namely, from the upper atmosphere and beyond. Planets do not exist in empty space, but they are rather embedded in the particle, magnetic and radiation environments of their host stars. As a consequence, the interaction between planets and their host stars leads to escape of planetary atmospheres, shapes (and sometimes induces) planetary magnetospheres, and affects the space weather on a planet.\n\nThis course focuses on Space Physics, and covers the following topics:\n\nPlanetary upper atmospheres: atmospheric escape (thermal vs non-thermal); Jeans escape; hydrodynamic escape and energy-limit approximation; primary and secondary atmospheres; detection of escaping atmospheres in exoplanets\n\nPlanetary magnetospheres: magnetism in solar system planets, intrinsic magnetosphere, induced magnetosphere, magnetopause distance, ionopause, magnetic fields in exoplanets.\n\nSolar and stellar activity: spot cycle, flares, magnetism and proxies for magnetic activity; effects of stellar activity on exoplanet detection.\n\nThe interplanetary medium — solar and stellar winds: basic concepts of fluid dynamics, overview of stellar winds over the HR diagram, forces driving a stellar wind, thermally-driven winds, winds of a magnetic rotator, Alfven surface, mass- and angular-momentum losses, evolution of stellar rotation.\n\nSpace weather: origin, impacts, events and mitigation.\n\nOutcome:\nOn successful completion of this course, students should be able to:\r\n\r\nDerive the equations responsible for the stability of planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres\r\n\r\nExplain the key processes responsible for solar and stellar activity and their space weather effects on (exo)planets\r\n\r\nExplain the physics of winds of planet-hosting stars; derive the basic wind equations and evaluate the wind forcing on (exo)planets" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Interplanetary matter (1)"@en . . "4" . "Part of Comet: Components and history of IPM research, spatial distribution of IPM components, orbits, observation methods; Comets and Centauri: classification, observations, discoveries, physical properties, construction and evolution of comets, processes of approach to the Sun, models, active areas, dust, photometry, changes in brightness and aging of comets, decays, non-gravitational effects, Oort cloud, Kuiper belt, missions to comets.\r\n\r\nPart of Asteroids: Orbits, main belt and bodies on special orbits, resonances, families, orbital evolution, non-gravitational perturbation, Yarkovsky phenomenon, YORP effect, collisions, impacts, tidal decays, rotation of asteroids - spin barrier, binary asteroids, asteroid composition, asteroid research - astrometry, photometry, spectroscopy, polarimetry, radar, eclipses. NEOs, collisions with the Earth and the risk of impact, survey projects, discoveries, missions to asteroids, the latest findings.\r\n\r\nPart Transneptunian bodies: Kuiper belt, discoveries, classification, resonant groups, scattered disk and distant bodies, physical characteristics, spectra, sizes, Pluto, missions.\n\nOutcome:\nThe student will gain basic knowledge in the field of asteroids, comets and transneptunian bodies and an overview of current research." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interplanetary matter (2)"@en . . "3" . "Terms in meteor astronomy, history and methods of observations, formation of meteoroid streams, shower and sporadic activity, physics of meteoroid interaction with the atmosphere, nature of meteor emission, basics of spectroscopy and physical properties of meteoroids. Meteorites – statistics, atmospheric interaction. Light, sound and impact effects. Classification, stony, stony-iron and iron meteorites. Antarctic meteorites, Slovak meteorites. Meteorite ages. Meteoritic craters. Differentiation between meteorites and terrestrial minerals.\n\nOutcome:\nStudents will learn the physics of the meteoroid interaction with the atmosphere, origin and formation of meteoroid streams, history and methods and analyses of meteors, nature of meteor emission and physical properties of meteoroids. They will also learn about light, sound and impact effects of meteorite falls, their statistics, classification, chemical and mineralogical composition, structural properties, and ages. After completing the course, students will be able to perform basic analysis of meteors and meteoroids, to classify different types of meteorites and distinguish them from terrestrial rocks and materials." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary cosmogony"@en . . "4" . "Historical models of the formation of the Solar System. Nucleogenesis of chemical elements and their cosmic abundances. Gravitational collapse and the Jeans criterion. Solar System formation, standard model, chemical condensation equilibrium theory of dust formation. Turbulence in protoplanetary disks, collisional growth of planetesimals. Protoplanetary disk structure. Massive disk model - gaseous planets, planet migration. Chronology of the formation of Solar System bodies. Other planetary systems, circumstellar dust disks, the cycle of matter in interstellar clouds.\n\nOutcome:\nThe graduate of the course will gain theoretical knowledge of models of the origin and development of planetary systems and will have an overview in the most recent publications in the field of planetary science." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Exoplanets"@en . . "3" . "Current state of exoplanet research, detection methods: radial velocities, transits, microlenses, direct imaging, astrometry, transition timing, exoplanet atmosphere and interior, orbital development and dynamics, migration, Kepler orbits, habitable zone, moons of exoplanets, multiple star planets systems, free exoplanets, resonant orbits, protoplanes, dust disks, the future of exoplanet research.\n\nOutcome:\nThe student will gain basic and latest knowledge about extrasolar planets: current state, detection methods, physical properties, evolution and future research." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Comets"@en . . "3" . "Introduction: discoveries, comet morphology, clarity, manifestations. Comet dynamics: classification / types of comet orbits in the Solar System. Comet physics: mechanisms of their radiation, thermal regime during one orbit. Theories of the formation of the solar system and comets. Comet research methods - specifics of astrometry, photometry, polarimetry, radiometry, spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, radar. Size, composition, albedo cores. Tails, their types, development, manifestations. The origin of comets. Comet missions, the latest findings.\n\nOutcome:\nThe student will gain a detailed overview of the main and latest knowledge in comet research. Their position and connection with other components of MPH will be approached." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Physics of planets"@en . . "3" . "The exploration of the Solar system and its origin; Mercury; Venus; The Earth; The Moon; Mars; Interiors, surfaces and atmospheres of the terrestrial planets; The interplanetary medium and planetary magnetospheres; Interiors and atmospheres of the giant planets; Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan; Triton, Pluto a Charon; Small and icy moons and planetary rings; Life in the Solar system and other planetary systems.\n\nOutcome:\nIntroduction to planetary physics enabling students to gain an overview of the physical characteristics and evolutionary relationships between solar system objects" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Interplanetary matter - state exams"@en . . "2" . "No Description, No Learning Outcome" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of planets"@en . . "6" . "To explain the main characteristics of planets and large satellites\n• To appreciate and interpret the diversity and similarities in planets and large satellites\n• To describe and apply the physical and mathematical principles governing the structure and evolution of planets and large satellites\n• To use the main methods for investigating the interior of planets and satellites\n• To describe the interior structure of the known planets and large satellites\n• To interpret recent advances in planetary research" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary systems"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary robotics"@en . . "5" . "Engineering autonomous and intelligent space systems such as rovers or satellites that are capable of robust, long-term operations with little to no human-intervention is a challenging exercise. Advanced perception, planning and decision-making abilities need to be composed both on a technical and conceptual level into an overall architecture without sacrificing functional and non-functional requirements such as reliability, availability and robustness. The main objective of this course is not only to raise awareness of the impact of functional and architectural design decisions, but also to endow students with the knowledge to describe, analyze and develop dependable space systems with a high-degree of autonomy as required by space scenarios operating over a long-period of time in challenging and remote environments. This course will combine experiments on virtual and real environments using ROS. The real experiments are planned to be done at the LunaLab facility.\n\nOutcome:\r\nAfter completing the course students will be able to: Identify and select the right sensor(s) for the different applications Extract data from the sensors using ROS Basic uses for image and cloud points processing algorithms Control of a lunar rover vehicle Use basic path planning algorithms on ROS Self-localization on an unknown environment Improve odometry using filtering algorithms" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of planets"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced projects in exoplanets"@en . . "5" . "escription of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Exoplanets and the project course in Exoplanets. The course will be an extension of the courser on the projects in Exoplanets and it is a requirement that the student follow the projects course before starting on the advanced project course. The Advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the Exoplanets lecture course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Exoplanets lecture course and the Exoplanet projects with the advanced projects in Exoplanets. The course will start in the semester following the Exoplanets lecture course. The course on advanced projects in Exoplanets will allow more extended projects than the course on projects in Exoplanets.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Exoplanets and the course on projects in Exoplanets and will focus on in-depth advanced study and specialisation within research on Exoplanets. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced modelling, simulations, advanced data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exoplanets"@en . . "10" . "Description of qualifications\nSince the discovery in 1995 of the first extra solar planet in orbit around a solar like star, this research field has exploded. The aim of the present course is to provide an overview of the knowledge we have gained over the last 25 years and the techniques used to obtain this knowledge.\n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nDescribe the content and background of a number of methods and techniques used in the search for exoplanets.\nDescribe and discuss the background for and content of theoretical models describing the structure of exoplanets.\nEstimate the possibilities and limitations which characterize the exoplanet research activities and explain the reasons for the limitations of the used methods.\nDescribe the main results obtained within the exoplanet research field and compare the results obtained using the different search techniques.\nDiscuss the future expectations for the exoplanet research activities.\nDescribe and evaluate the contents of the research papers discussed in the course. \nContents\nIn short, the course content will include:\n\nOrbital dynamics \nSolar System - Planet formation \nExoplanet search & characterization techniques \nExoplanet demographics & exoplanet system architectures \nGas giant & terrestrial planet structures and their atmospheres \nIntroduction into astrobiology \nCurrent and future instrumentation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in exoplanets"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Exoplanets. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Exoplanets course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Exoplanets course with the projects. The main part of the course will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background following the Exoplanets course. It is required to follow the Exoplanets lecture course in order to follow the project course on Exoplanets.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Exoplanets and will focus on in-depth study and specialisation within research on Exoplanets. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planet and star formation"@en . . "7,5" . "The course deals with the theory of how stars and planets form, from interstellar gas to main sequence stars\nwith planetary systems, Specifically it explores magneto-gravitational collapse, early nucleosynthesis,\naccretions disks, stellar winds / mass loss / jets as well as planet formation models. The course also treats the\nmost important observations for our understanding of the early evolutionary phases of stars, the structure of\nyoung stellar systems and exoplanets. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to\n• show understanding for the processes which lead to gravitational instability in the dense interstellar medium\nand under which conditions the instability occurs.\n• explain the structure and evolution of young stars and proto-stars, as well as their planetary systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "physics of planetary systems"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astronomy & space science"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics with astronomy & space science lab"@en . . "no data" . "Specific learning outcomes include familiarisation with a wide range of experimental equipment and techniques used in research (with some emphasis on astrophysics and space science) and industry, development of programming skills applied to the interfacing of computers to scientific equipment and physical simulation, application of data analysis methods (including curve fitting and statistics) to experimental data, and the development of a capability to carry out a complete experimental project from the planning/setting-up stage to the production of a report/publication detailing the results. The practical laboratory also provides a natural environment for students to develop their transferable skills. These include time management, report writing, critical thinking, experimental planning, problem solving, oral presentation and co-operative work." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary systems and astrobiology"@en . . "3" . "Definitions of life (biological, reductionist, cybernetic and others). Organic matter in the\nUniverse (synthesis of organic particles on Earth, extraterrestrial organic matter on Earth,\nformation of biological systems, formation of living organisms). Conditions conducive to the\nemergence and evolution of living organisms (friendly planets and moons of planets,\nhabitable zone of a planetary system, galactic habitable zone). Life in the solar system:\nplanets (energy, organic matter, water). Life in the solar system: Jupiter's moons, Saturn's\nmoons. Living in extreme conditions (extremophiles). Extrasolar planets: methods of\ndetection. Characteristics of extrasolar systems (presentation and discussion of the latest\nresults). Atmospheres of exoplanets. Methods of searching for life on extrasolar planets\n(biosignatures)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exoplanets: formation, populations, and atmospheres"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of the properties of planetary bodies, in our own Solar System and around other stars. The students will understand the current thinking on the origin and diversity of planets and their atmospheres. The techniques to detect planets, derive their properties, as well as the current and future possibilities to study their atmospheres will be covered. Understanding the atmospheres of other planets in the Solar System and of exoplanets will allow the student to place the Earth and its evolution in a broader cosmic context." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetology"@en . . "no data" . "N.A." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Life support systems for planetary exploration"@en . . "6" . "Earth environment: ecosystem, water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle; atmosphere; magnetosphere, radiation \nenvironment. Space environment: upper atmosphere, gravity (Earth, Moon, Mars), radiations (cosmic rays, solar \nparticle events, Van Allen belts, different radiation levels at ISS, at the Moon, during a trip to Mars, at Mars), space \ndebris (micrometeoroids, shielding). Effects of space environment on human body: bone loss, muscle loss, motion \nsickness (ear), vision problems, cardiovascular system (shift of fluids), effects of radiation: different particles, dose \nlimits, possible risks (cancer, Alzheimer, bone loss). Countermeasures: exercises and history of exercises, radiation \n(dosimetry, shielding, pharmacological), immune system, psychology. History of human space exploration: from \nGagarin to the ISS, ISS-related accidents and incidents and lessons learned (Apollo 1, Valentin Bondarenko, Soyuz 11, \nspace suits, …), space exploration (Moon, Mars, unmanned/manned, travel duration). Basic of life support systems: \nopen loop vs closed loop, budgets (air, O2, water…), physical-chemical LSS, regenerative LSS, CELSS, \nbioregenerative LSS, description of main subsystems: air revitalization, water management, waste management, closing \nthe loop. Physic-Chemical Life Support Subsystems: atmosphere management (carbon dioxide reduction/removal, \noxygen generation, atmosphere monitoring and control), water management (urine recovery, hygiene recovery…), \nwaste management. The International Space Station as a case study: history of the design, description of modules, \ndescription of LSS systems. Terrestrial applications derived from LSS for spacecraft: basic ecological research, \natmosphere, water and waste regeneration, biomass production and research. Space suits: history, design, LSS in the \nsuits, pressure in the suit and procedure to donning and doffing, future space suits. Bioregenerative life support \nconcepts: plant physiology (photosynthesis, phototropism, gravitropism), effects of microgravity, algal systems, higher \nplants, fungi, animals, experiments (Biosphere 2, Veggie, Melissa). Future Life Support Systems: artificial gravity, \nhibernation (human, animals), bioprinting, nanotech, lunar base, Martian base. Astronauts: selection and training, \nspaceflight operations, social and psychological effects (MARS 500), psychology of Survival (Antarctic exploration)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exoplanets"@en . . "6" . "not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary sciences & space missions"@en . . "6" . "not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space science"@en . . "6" . "not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Earth and planetary magnetism"@en . . "5" . "The course presents an introduction to observations and physical theories of Earth and planetary magnetism. The focus is on describing the large-scale field structure and its time changes. This course provides the tools needed to construct global models of magnetic fields and the physical background needed to interpret magnetic observations made by satellites and on ground. This knowledge forms the basis for diverse applications in navigation and allows the study of planetary interiors." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Introduction to geo and space sciences"@en . . "12" . "Satellite communications; Basic methods and applications of satellite geodesy; Structure, atmosphere and magnetic field of the earth and the other planets of our solar; Physical\nprinciples of the sun and to explain the stars; Basic concepts of plasma physics and apply space plasma physics; Basic concepts of space science" . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Computational space science"@en . . "4" . "Objectives: Gain advanced knowledge in Computational Space Physics; get acquainted with specific numerical techniques used in Space Plasmas; perform critical analysis of numerical simulations with emphasis on stability and errors. Highlight links/applications of concepts met in other lectures: Time integration schemes (consistency, accuracy, particle movers) • Particle-in-Cell (PIC) method (charge assignment and field interpolation) • Monte Carlo methods (sampling; collisional transport; null-collision scheme) • Hydrodynamics (finite difference methods; finite volume methods)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of the interior of the earth and planets (5 ects)"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Earth and planetary surface processes (5 ects)"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Earth and planetary interiors (5 ects)"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Earth and planetary remote sensing (3 ects)"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary science and space exploration"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Exoplanets and exobiology"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE1 - Understand the basic conceptual schemes of Astrophysics\nGeneral Competencies\nCG2 - Understand the technologies associated with observation in Astrophysics and instrumentation design\nCG4 - Evaluate the orders of magnitude and develop a clear perception of physically different situations that show analogies allowing the use, to new problems, of synergies and known solutions\nCG8 - Possess the necessary foundation to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy, both from scientific training (carrying out a master's and/or doctorate), and from professional activity.\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\nExclusive to the Specialty in Observation and Instrumentation\nCX10 - Know the methods used to detect extrasolar planets and the tools of exobiology\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\n1. Substellar objects: Introduction. Star and substellar formation. Physical properties and evolution of substellar objects. Observation of substellar objects. (Professor: Dr. Víctor Sánchez Béjar, Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC))\n2. The Solar System. Structure of the Solar System. Physical characteristics of the planets. rocky planets. giant planets. Asteroids and minor objects. (Professor: Dr. Hannu Parviainen, IAC)\n3. Planet formation models. Exoplanet formation mechanisms. (Professor: Dr. Hannu Parviainen, IAC)\n4. Search for exoplanets: Introduction. direct methods. Astrometry, Chronometry and Microlensing. Radial speed. transits. Phase curves and secondary transits (Professor: Dr. David Nespral, IAC)\n5. Practice: Characterization of exoplanets from observational data. (Professor: Dr. Hannu Parviainen, IAC)\n6. Planetary atmospheres I. Atmospheres of the Solar System: Atmospheres of terrestrial planets. The atmosphere of Venus. Earth's atmosphere. Composition and energy balance. The albedo and the greenhouse effect. The atmosphere of Mars. The atmospheres of giant planets. (Professor: Ms. Emma Esparza-Borges, IAC)\n7. Planetary atmospheres II. Evolution of planetary atmospheres: Plate tectonics and the C-Si cycle. Evolution of the atmosphere of Mars. Evolution of the atmosphere of Venus. Evolution of the Earth's atmosphere and life. Exoplanet atmospheres. (Teacher: Ms. Emma Esparza-Borges, IAC)\n8. Life and biomarkers: Astrobiology. Atmospheric and surface biomarkers. The Earthsine and the specter of a habitable planet. Earth over time. Probability of existence of life. (Professor: Dr. Juan Antonio Belmonte, IAC)\n9. Thermal habitability zone: Introduction. The concept of habitable zone. The greenhouse effect. Planets capable of supporting life. Tectonic plates. The CO2 cycle. The end of life on Earth.\n10. Dynamic habitable zone: The dynamics of the Solar System. Formation of planetary systems and life. Location of habitable planets. The origin of the water. Habitability in the Solar System. Extinctions: impacts and volcanism. Galactic habitable zone (Professor: Dr. Juan Antonio Belmonte, IAC)\nThe influence of radiation: Ionizing radiation. The Heliosphere. Effects of radiation on living beings. The origin of life (Professor: Dr. Juan Antonio Belmonte, IAC)\n11. Observation and data analysis technique: spectrophotometry (Professor: Ms. Emma Esparza-Borges, IAC)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Applications of space science"@en . . "5.00" . "This module presents an overview of applications of space science and technology, including: astronomy, cosmology and planetary science; Earth observation and remote sensing; satellite services such as telecommunications and satellite navigation.\n\nLearning Outcomes:\nOn completion of this course, the student should be able to:\n- identify current open scientific questions in the fields of astronomy, cosmology and Earth science;\n- relate these scientific drivers to the necessary space technology;\n- summarise the data handling and communications systems needed for spacecraft operation;\n- describe the operation of satellite navigation systems, such as GPS and Galileo." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of the sun and Impacts on planets"@en . . "11" . "basics of solar physics and the understanding solar activity; structure and dynamics of planetary magnetospheres and planetary ionospheres;\nprocesses in the interplanetary space; effects of solar activity on the planets of our solar system; origin and characteristics of the wind and the interplanetary magnetic field;" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary sciences II"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Lectures by topical experts give deeper insight and understanding in planetary sciences topics, with an emphasis on applied\ntechnologies, and previous, current and future space missions, as well as data analysis.\nLecture topics include: Planetary missions, space missions at ESA, JUICE mission to the Jupiter system, Earth observation,\nGravity missions, Harmony mission for Earth observation, space dust, radiation & space weather, re-entry.\nStudents will work in groups (generally 6 students) on the conceptual design of a planetary space mission. The focus is on\ncoming up with the science question (the \"why\" of the mission) and the instruments and operations needed to answer the science\nquestions.\nStudy Goals After completion, the student should be able to:\n- Explain the phases of a planetary mission, from concept to end-of-life.\n- Deduce science questions from the literature that can form the basis for a competitive planetary mission proposal\n- Describe the road map from quantities measured by a space mission to answers of the science questions\n- Produce a conceptual design of a planetary mission in a team, taking into account the state-of-the-art in instrument\ndevelopment and current and past missions.\n- Present in writing an orally a competitive proposal for a planetary mission" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary sciences I"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Planetary science is a major interdisciplinary\nfield, combining aspects of astrophysics with\ngeology, geophysics, meteorology, atmospheric\nand space science. This close relationship\nto geophysics, atmospheric and space sciences\nimplies that the study of the planety bodies\nin our Solar System and beyond\noffers the unique opportunity for comparison\navailable to Earth scientists. This course\nteaches the concepts in the planetary physical\nsciences and solar system properties. The learning\nprocess is greatly enhanced by involving students\nin solving related problems.\nStudy Goals After the course the student should be able to:\n1. Describe the primary physical processes in solar and planetary systems and the properties involved\n2. Apply modelling techniques that are commonly used to describe the primary physical processes in solar and planetary systems\n3. Demonstrate the use of physical principles to derive knowledge on the state and evolution of (extra-)solar system bodies from\nobservations\n4. Assess the quality of evidence of current knowledge of (extra-)solar system bodies\n5. Assess the habitability of a (extra-)solar system body based on inferences of its properties and orbit" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of planetary interiors"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course focuses on the different aspects of numerical modelling of planetary interiors. The interior of a planet or moon can\nbe studied via observations of its gravity field, shape, surface features, rotation, and tidal deformations. To interpret these\nobservations, the response of the bodies to different forces and heating scenarios need to be modelled. As a student you will get\nhands-on experience in modelling planetary and exoplanetary bodies with various numerical code packages. Different\nmethodologies will be discussed, ranging from solving the Stokes equation for internal mantle convection to gravity forward\nmodelling and how to solve certain loading scenarios with a finite-element code to the thermal evolution of a planet. You will be\nable to study a range of internal solid and fluid processes and interpret their surface manifestation.\nLecture topics include:\n1. Observations related to planetary interiors: Gravity field, rotation, tides, shape (topography, faults)\n- Example bodies and learn about different internal processes. You will learn how to calculate the internal gravity, density, and\npressure of these bodies.\n2. How to model fluid-solid mechanics of a planet?\n- Stokes equations in planetary science in spherical coordinates, rheology\n- Heat-transport: state equation exercise with different heat regimes\n- Mantle convection applications: dynamics and ocean flows\n3. How to perform gravity field modelling\n- non-uniqueness, advanced isostasy/flexure models, density anomalies\n- Forward modelling density anomalies: spectral vs. volumetric methods\n- Inversion of lithosphere structure\n- Effect of mantle convection on the gravity field\n- Lessons learned from seismology on Earth\n4. Tidal and loading deformation (Numerical code)\n- Effects of tidal potential (normal modes, FEM), dissipation\n- Loading cases: volcanism, meteor impact, ice loading\n- Surface faulting and the relation to stress, planetary seismicity, gravitational potential theory\n5. Special topics on rotation of planetary bodies\n6. Interior and planet evolution (combine all material)\n- Orbital resonance (external effects)\n- Change in thermal state and effect on tectonic regime (internal effects)\nStudy Goals After the course you will be able to:\n1. Recognize the physical processes shaping planetary interiors and understand how they can be approached in a numerical study.\n2. Apply fundamental physical laws (Stokes, Poisson equation, etc) in a schematic numerical modelling setup in spherical\ncoordinates to study relevant problems of planetary evolution.\n3. Able to operate and assess applicability of state-of-the-art numerical simulations of planetary interiors and their evolution\n4. Validate and improve numerical models of planetary interiors with observations.\n5. Critically review literature in planetary interior modelling and formulate new research questions in this context." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Measurement strategies for planetary science missions"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents For planetary science the research question has a profound impact on the measurement strategy and instrument to be used.\nStudying planetary objects and materials in the Solar System thus hinges on observing and obtaining measurements from either\nnearby (in contact) and from afar (remote sensing). In this course you will follow lectures, learn more about planetary analogues\nand gain hands-on experience as you explore different measurement techniques in the lab. By applying measurement techniques\nto a specific rocky or ice planetary analogue material you will try to find out how the data products and the scale at which it is\napplied, influences the research questions that a science mission can address.\nStudy Goals After completion of the course, the student will have obtained practical experience and gained a deeper understanding of how\nmeasurement techniques contribute to characterizing a physical-chemical property of a planetary object.\nAfter this course the student will be able to:\nLO1: Explain key scientific questions that space exploration seeks to answer for rocky (Mars) and icy (icy moons) planetary\nbodies.\nLO2: Understand the underlying physical principles of a measurement technique.\nLO3: Demonstrate to have working knowledge of measurement techniques by participating in a structured laboratory exercise.\nLO4: Evaluate how measurement techniques result in an improved understanding of materials and processes in planetary\nsciences" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary exploration"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning outcomes\n\nThe module imparts specialist expertise in the field of exploration of our planetary system. After completing this course, you will have extensive knowledge of planets and small celestial bodies (moons and asteroids) as well as technical and methodological expertise in the field of space exploration. Another\nfocus is the development and use of local resources (In-Situ Resource Utilization, ISRU). The knowledge imparted in the module gives you an overview of existing resources and technologies for their use. This will enable you to build up a well-founded knowledge base in this area, which will be very important for space travel in the medium future. You will also receive information about the history of space exploration and current and future missions and concepts.\nDifferent programs and mission concepts are discussed so that you are able to classify and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies.\n\n\nTeaching content\n\nThe content of the module covers the following topics:\n- Historical review of space exploration\n- Structure and development of the solar system: planets, moons, small celestial bodies\n- Robots and rovers for in-situ exploration of planets, moons and asteroids\n- Space travel with humans: space transport systems, space stations, flights to the moon\n- Moon: creation, structure, raw materials and ISRU technologies\n- Mars: formation, structure, raw materials as well as ISRU technologies and concepts\n- Asteroids: Types of asteroids and their composition, importance as sources of raw materials\n- Space propulsion: types of propulsion and their potential for exploration, possibilities for using locally obtained fuels\n- Mission concepts: Presentation of different mission concepts with a focus on exploration of Mars and comparison of their advantages and disadvantages\nDisadvantages\n- Stations on the Moon and Mars\n- Looking ahead to the future of space exploration" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary exploration and space robotics 1"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nHumans use robotic systems to explore celestial bodies and to manipulate objects in space. This module introduces the basics of planetary\nphysics, exploration of celestial bodies by robots, and in-situ resource utilization. The design, testing, and operation of robotic systems are\naddressed with a practical approach, using engineering models of robots in the scope of a hands-on project.\nAfter successful completion of this module, students will be able to\n- recognize basic terms used in planetary exploration and space robotics,\n- name the applications of space robotics,\n- give examples of space robotic systems,\n- give examples of robotic space exploration missions,\n- explain the working principles of the most relevant space robotics technologies in each subsystem,\n- design a robotic system,\n- explain the basic principles of machine perception,\n- explain the basic principles of machine learning,\n- explain the basic principles of navigation of mobile robots,\n- describe the characteristics of the most relevant celestial bodies (e.g. Moon, Mars, asteroids, meteorites and comets),\n- use the version control system Git to manage code in robotics projects,\n- use the project management software Redmine,\n- implement basic routines in Python for the purpose of controlling robots,\n- use the Robot Operating System (ROS) for simulating robot behaviour,\n- use the Robot Operating System (ROS) to control robots (e.g. navigation).\nContent\n- Basic terms in planetary exploration and space robotics\n- Robotic space exploration missions\n- Technology of planetary robots\n- Machine perception\n- Machine learning\n- Navigation of mobile robots\n- Asteroids, meteorites, and comets\n- The Moon and in situ resource utilization\n- The Mars and in situ resource utilization\n- Version control with Git\n- Introduction to Ubuntu\n- Introduction Python\n- Robot Operating System (ROS)\n- Robot design project" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary exploration and space robotics 2"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nThis module covers the detailed design, prototyping and testing of a robotic system for a defined mission scenario. A given design problem\nwill be solved by the students, mostly relying on results from Planetary Exploration and Space Robotics 1.\nContent\n- Detailed design of robot subsystems\n- Project workflow\n- Software design guidelines\n- Team file management\n- Testing and operation of robot systems" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planets and cosmology 3"@en . . "20.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Foundations of Physics 1 (PHYS1122).\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* None.\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* None.\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes.\n* It provides a knowledge appropriate to Level 3 students of the astrophysical origin of planetary systems and the cosmological origin of the Universe.\n\n#### Content\n\n* The syllabus contains:\n* Planetary Systems: Overview of the Solar System, orbital dynamics, planetary interiors, planetary atmospheres, formation of the Solar System, extrasolar planets.\n* Cosmology: Observational overview and the expansion of the Universe, the cosmological principle (homogeneity and isotropy), Newtonian gravity and the Friedmann equation, the geometry of the Universe, solutions of Friedmannʼs equations, the age of the Universe, weighing the Universe, the cosmological constant, general relativistic cosmology (the metric and Einstein equations), classic cosmology (distances and luminosities), type Ia SNe and galaxy number counts, the cosmic microwave background, the thermal history of the Universe, primordial nucleosynthesis, dark matter, problems with the hot big bang, inflation, current constraints on cosmological parameters.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\n* Having studied this module, students will understand the formation and workings of our Solar System, its orbital dynamics, and the basic physics of planetary interiors and atmospheres.\n* They will be familiar with mathematical models for the expansion, thermal history, material and energy content of a homogeneous isotropic universe, and will understand the physical basis of the model and the observational evidence that constrains it.\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\n* In addition to the acquisition of subject knowledge, students will be able to apply the principles of physics to the solution of complex problems.\n* They will know how to produce a well-structured solution, with clearly-explained reasoning and appropriate presentation.\n\nKey Skills:\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* Teaching will be by lectures and workshops.\n* The lectures provide the means to give a concise, focused presentation of the subject matter of the module. The lecture material will be defined by, and explicitly linked to, the contents of the recommended textbooks for the module, thus making clear where students can begin private study. When appropriate, the lectures will also be supported by the distribution of written material, or by information and relevant links online.\n* Regular problem exercises and workshops will give students the chance to develop their theoretical understanding and problem solving skills.\n* Students will be able to obtain further help in their studies by approaching their lecturers, either after lectures or at other mutually convenient times.\n* Student performance will be summatively assessed through an open-book examination and formatively assessed through problem exercises and a progress test. The open-book examination will provide the means for students to demonstrate the acquisition of subject knowledge and the development of their problem-solving skills.\n* The problem exercises and progress test provide opportunities for feedback, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS3651" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary systems"@en . . "6.0" . "### Teaching language\n\nEnglish \n_Obs.: As aulas serão em português caso todos dominem esta língua._\n\n### Objectives\n\n• Introduce the students to the field of planetary system science, giving them all the tools to understand the concepts and terminology used; \n• Introduce the basic processes of planet formation as an outcome of the stellar formation process; \n• Familiarize the students with the basic theoretical and observational tools used in this domain; \n• Introduce the state-of-the-art research and results; \n• Use the planetary sciences domain to apply concepts of physics and astrophysics that were previously learned.\n\n### Learning outcomes and competences\n\nAt the end of the course, the student should: \n \n• Have a historical perspective about the discovery of our Solar System and of other planetary systems; \n• Describe the characteristics of the Solar System bodies as well as their composition and structure; \n• Have a background about the dynamics of planetary orbits; \n• Recognize the basic steps of the formation of a solar-type star, and how those steps lead to the necessary conditions for planet formation; \n• Have a general view about the process of planetary system formation and evolution, including some details about the formation of our own Solar System; \n• Describe the characteristics of extra-solar planetary systems; \n• List and describe the techniques used in this field of research as well as what astrophysical and physical information they provide; \n• Recognize the limitations and caveats of the different techniques; \n• Describe the difficulties and open issues in this field of research; \n• Describe the present state-of-the-art knowledge about the research in planetary system sciences; \n• Have an overall view about the challenges for the next years in this field, as well as about the major projects that will allow to give the next big steps; \n• Discuss in a critical way all the results in the field; \n• Read and present a scientific paper on planetary system research, and motivate an observational project in the field; \n• Analyze in a qualitative and quantitative way sets of data coming from planet search programs and determine from them the physical parameters of extra-solar planets.\n\n### Working method\n\nPresencial\n\n### Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)\n\nBasic physics and mathematics.\n\n### Program\n\nTheoretical component: \n \n1\\. The Solar System: a Historical Perspective \n \n2\\. Basic dynamics \n \n3\\. An introduction to the Solar System: general properties and basic concepts \n \n4\\. Star formation: a brief overview \n \n5\\. Disks as planet formation stages \n \n6\\. Planet formation: from observational evidence to basic modelling \n \n7\\. Searching for exoplanets: detection methods \n \n8\\. Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanets \n \n9\\. The properties of planetary systems \n \n \nPractical components: \n \na. Class excercises \n \nb. Detecting an exoplanet with RV and transit data \n \nc. Presentation of one scientific paper\n\n### Mandatory literature\n\nDe Pater Imke; [Planetary sciences](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000293695 \"Planetary sciences (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 9780521853712 \n\n### Complementary Bibliography\n\nS. Seager; Exoplanets, University of Arizona Press, 2011 \nR.W. Hilditch; An introduction to close binary systems, Cambridge University Press, 2001 \n\n### Teaching methods and learning activities\n\nTheoretical classes. \nPractical component includes the presentation of research papers, the resolution of exercises, and a computational work (and respective report).\n\n### Software\n\nlatex \nhttp://www.astro.up.pt/resources/soap-t \n\n### Evaluation Type\n\nDistributed evaluation with final exam\n\n### Assessment Components\n\nExam: 50,00%\nPresential participation: 5,00%\nWritten assignment: 45,00%\n\n**Total:**: 100,00%\n\n### Amount of time allocated to each course unit\n\nAutonomous study: 120,00 hours\nFrequency of lectures: 42,00 hours\n\n**Total:**: 162,00 hours\n\n### Eligibility for exams\n\nFrequency of classes is not mandatory but is considered of great importance, and counts for the final evaluation.\n\n### Calculation formula of final grade\n\nWeighted average of the 3 components: \n\\- Written exam (50%) - minimum 7 (in 20) values \n\\- Exercises about the subjects done during the classes (5%) \n\\- Report of practical work and presentation of scientific paper (45%)\n\nMore information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=498804" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interplanetary trajectories"@en . . "6.0" . "The aim of the course is to prepare the student the design of trajectories for interplanetary missions both in theoretical and applied terms. To this end, the study of topics, both basic and advanced, is constantly supported by numerical applications. The tools needed for simulations, are developed by students during the course and applied to real missions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Building planet earth"@en . . "20.0" . "Module Description\nThe overall aim of Building Planet Earth (ENVU1BP) is to introduce you to geology. In doing so, you’ll gain a unique insight into how the Earth formed over billions of years. You’ll be introduced to the physical and geological processes have produced the planet that we live on today. \n\nTeaching will examine rock forming processes, plate tectonics, the evolution of life and the fossil record and geo-resources. Teaching materials will include cases studies of geological formations from across the planet and the module culminates in introducing you to the varied and interesting geology of Scotland. \n\nThis module will introduce you to field data collection and the skill of field observations, recording and interpreting field data. A series of practicals both in the laboratory and the field will build on skills including rock description using geological terms and interpretation of environmental change over geological time. \n\nLocation/Method of Study\nStirling/On Campus, UK\nStirling\n\nModule Objectives\nThis topic will be explored using online learning materials, interactive learning exercises in lectures and through additional online resources.\n\nField work and laboratory work that explore rock formation will be used as a basis to support the ideas and concepts about the planetary scale realms eg biosphere and atmosphere presented online and in the lectures.\n\nLearning around this topic will be introduced in the online materials as well as explored during interactive learning exercises during lectures. A laboratory practical session will use rocks and fossils in a case study to interpret the geological evidence as environmental change over time, develop skills in science communication and data recording and interpretation.\n\nLearning around this topic will be introduced in the online materials as well as explored during interactive learning exercises during lectures. To support this learning and introduce skills such as observation and evidence collection, there will be a laboratory session that introduces the skills for rock description as hand specimen. Fieldwork then provides an opportunity to further develop these skills as well learn about interpretation of the rock record in geological time as well make links to the how geology shapes present day landscapes.\n\nGeology can provide novel perspectives on sustainability here the Climate Action, Affordable Energy and Responsible Consumption SDG's are introduced during interactive lectures providing opportunities to discuss the topics as well as exploring actions that students can take for example around geo-resources and responsible consumption.\n\nAdditional Costs\nThere are no additional costs associated with this Module.\n\nCore Learning Outcomes\nOn successful completion of the module, you should be able to:\n\ndescribe the inter-relationships between rock formation, landforms and the realms of the cryosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere;\noutline environmental change at the geological time scale;\ndescribe, using the correct geological terms, different rock types, the processes that form them and link these skills to the landscape scale;\nanalyse and interpret field based information;\nproduce concise scientific writing.\nIntroductory Reading and Preparatory Work\nRecommended Course Text:\n\nMarshak, S. 2022. Earth: Portrait of a Planet 7th Edition. W.W. Norton and Company. 929 pp.\n\nAlso\n\nGrotzinger, J. & Jordan, T.H. 2014. Understanding Earth, 7th Edition. WH Freeman and Company\n\nHuddart, D. and Stott T. 2010 Earth Environments; Past Present and Future. Wiley-Blackwell.\n\nNatureScot have a whole series of free downloadable pdfs (published when they were SNH but available via the National Library for Scotland)on Scottish geology including:\n\n\"Landscape Fashioned by Geology - Scotland: The Creation of its Natural Landscape\", published in 1999, authors Alan McKirdy and Roger Crofts is recommended reading for the final series of lectures on Scottish Geology.\nWeblink:\nhttps://search.nls.uk/primo-explore/collectionDiscovery?vid=44NLS_VU1&inst=44NLS&collectionId=81634245980004341&query=any,contains,a%20landscape%20fashioned%20by%20geology\n\nThere is a wealth of material relating to geology now available as popular literature and even as novels, so you can read about the subject from a range of different sources.\n\nDelivery\nDirected Study\t20 hours\tLarge group presentation or talk on a particular topic\nDirected Study\t6 hours\tA session involving the development and practical application of a particular skill or technique\nDirected Study\t4 hours\tSurvey work, data collection, exploration, which may be supervised or unsupervised and may take place virtually\nDirected Study\t20 hours\tA meeting involving one-to-one or small group supervision, feedback or detailed discussion on a particular topic or project, online or in person\nDirected Study\t30 hours\tPreparation for scheduled sessions, follow up work, wider reading and practice, completion of assessment tasks, revision, accessing webinars and other materials available on demand\nTotal Study Time\t200 hours\t\nAttendance Requirements\nYour engagement with learning materials and activities and attendance at scheduled live sessions and other events is extremely important. Full engagement in your studies will enable you to get the most out of the course and help you perform at your best when it comes to assessment.\n\nWe expect you to engage with all aspects of this module and with your programme of study. You should:\n\n- Engage with all module materials, activities, and online timetabled teaching sessions\n- Actively participate in discussions and practical activities\n- Prepare in advance of live sessions by undertaking the required reading and/or other forms of preparation\n- Submit coursework/assessments by the due time and date\n- Complete class tests and examinations at the specified time and date\n- Make your module co-ordinator aware at the earliest opportunity if you experience problems which may impact on your engagement\n- Inform the University of absence from study (planned or unplanned), e.g. illness, emergency as outlined at http://www.stir.ac.uk/registry/studentinformation/absence\n- Respond to e-mails from your personal tutor, module co-ordinator or programme director and attend meetings if requested.\n- Engage with in-sessional English language classes (if applicable)\n\nWe will monitor these aspects throughout each semester to check that you are fully participating and that you are coping well with your studies. Some activities may be prescribed, failure to engage with 2/3 of prescribed activities will result in your module grade being capped at the pass mark (40 for Undergraduate modules, 50 for Postgraduate modules\n\nAssessment\n% of final\ngrade\tLearning\nOutcomes\nLab Report\t25\t2,5,4,3\nEssay\t25\t1,5,2\nClass Test\t50\t1,5,4,2\nReport\t0\t\nCoursework: 100%\n\n\nMORE INFORMATION AT: https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=ENVU1BP&_gl=1*19zibb9*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjAzNjg1NC4wLjAuMA.." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Our blue planet"@en . . "20.0" . "https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=AQUU1OP&_gl=1*zxnwpp*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjAzODY1MC4wLjAuMA.." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Our thirsty planet: man and the aquatic environment"@en . . "20.0" . "https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=AQUU2TP&_gl=1*ctz2u9*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjAzOTA0NS4wLjAuMA.." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planets and extrasolar planets"@en . . "8" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .