. "Research projects"@en . . "3" . "work out small research projects starting from a descriptive situation outline\n to synthesize the results of the research project\nto communicate the results of the research project to peers by means of a scientific talk\nto write a scientific report on the results of the conducted research" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Professional project"@en . . "3" . "- Define the objective of geodetic project assignments.\n- Reconnaissance of terrain and establish new geodetic network in accordance with geodetic assignment.\n- Apply gyrus method for measuring horizontal directions and vertical angles.\n- Apply direct and indirect methods of measurement slope and horizontal distances.\n- Apply measurement of height differences with the methods of geometric and trigonometric levelling.\n- Apply different methods of land survey.\n- Apply different methods of calculating the coordinates of points and other elements from the measurement data.\n- Make geodetic project assignments and studies after the geodetic measurements." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "First project: research"@en . . "27" . "Astronomy master's students in the specialisations Astronomy Research, Astronomy and Cosmology, Astronomy and Data Science or Astronomy and Instrumentation carry out two astronomy research projects: the First Research Project and the Master’s Research Project. The First and Master's Research Projects must be on different topics. Students in the Astronomy and Business Studies (BS), Astronomy and Science Communication and Society (SCS) or Astronomy and Education specialisations carry out only the Master’s Research Project.\r\n\r\nThe First Research Project is an important first step in your training as an Astronomy master's student at Leiden University. During a period covering at least half of the first year, your engage in state-of-the-art research, supervised by a Leiden Observatory scientific staff member. You are free to choose your research topic along the full spectrum of modern astrophysics. Projects may involve observations, theory, simulation and hands-on experimentation. During the First Research Project, you are hosted at Leiden Observatory; you will get a desk, a computer, and attend regular meetings within your research group. The First Research Project is concluded with a thesis.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master project: research"@en . . "27" . "The Master's Research Project is an integral and vital part of your training as an Astronomy master's student at Leiden University. During a period covering at least half of the second year, your engage in state-of-the-art research, supervised by a Leiden Observatory scientific staff member. You are free to choose your research topic along the full spectrum of modern astrophysics. Projects may involve observations, theory, simulation and hands-on experimentation. Keep in mind that if you do two projects, the First Research Project and the Master's Research Project must be on different topics. During the Master's Research Project, you are hosted at Leiden Observatory; you will get a desk, a computer, and attend regular meetings within your research group. The Master's Research Project is concluded with a Master's Thesis and a Student Colloquium.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "First project: research"@en . . "27" . "Astronomy master's students in the specialisations Astronomy Research, Astronomy and Cosmology, Astronomy and Data Science or Astronomy and Instrumentation carry out two astronomy research projects: the First Research Project and the Master’s Research Project. The First and Master's Research Projects must be on different topics. Students in the Astronomy and Business Studies (BS), Astronomy and Science Communication and Society (SCS) or Astronomy and Education specialisations carry out only the Master’s Research Project.\r\n\r\nThe First Research Project is an important first step in your training as an Astronomy master's student at Leiden University. During a period covering at least half of the first year, your engage in state-of-the-art research, supervised by a Leiden Observatory scientific staff member. You are free to choose your research topic along the full spectrum of modern astrophysics. Projects may involve observations, theory, simulation and hands-on experimentation. During the First Research Project, you are hosted at Leiden Observatory; you will get a desk, a computer, and attend regular meetings within your research group. The First Research Project is concluded with a thesis.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master project: research"@en . . "27" . "The Master's Research Project is an integral and vital part of your training as an Astronomy master's student at Leiden University. During a period covering at least half of the second year, your engage in state-of-the-art research, supervised by a Leiden Observatory scientific staff member. You are free to choose your research topic along the full spectrum of modern astrophysics. Projects may involve observations, theory, simulation and hands-on experimentation. Keep in mind that if you do two projects, the First Research Project and the Master's Research Project must be on different topics. During the Master's Research Project, you are hosted at Leiden Observatory; you will get a desk, a computer, and attend regular meetings within your research group. The Master's Research Project is concluded with a Master's Thesis and a Student Colloquium.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planning project"@en . . "15" . "Students will learn modern planning theoretical framework and methods, and apply this knowledge in preparing a planning project as a group work. The general topic of each group project is given by lecturers. During the course, fieldwork is done and a public discussion of the planning solution is simulated, at the end of the course the group work will be presented and defended. The course is divided into three stages (theoretical context of spatial planning, empirical analysis, preparation of a planning solution) and is taught by different lecturers. The results of the statistical analysis are learned to be used as a justification for the planning solution.\n1. Contemporary spatial planning\nIn the first phase, students acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of planning and the most relevant topics in contemporary spatial planning (for example sustainability, mobility, etc.). In addition to this, students become acquainted with the main topics, regulations and spatial plans of the area under study. In the course of the work, suitable theoretical framework for solving the planning project are found. By the end of the first phase, the main goal and task of the Planning Project for each group are formulated.\n2. Statistical analysis\nIn the second phase, each group performs a quantitative analysis based on their specific group-work task. This is done using statistical analysis methods. The goal is to conduct an empirical data analysis and implement the results in the Planning Project. At the end of the second phase, students present their analysis results.\n3. Compilation of a spatial plan\nIn the third phase, the planning solutions and policy recommendations are developed based on the task of the planning project and the analysis performed. A planning map with an explanatory text will be prepared.\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completing the course a student:\n1) knows the principles of contemporary spatial planning and is able to discuss them from different cultural contexts;\n2) is able to use relevant datasets for analyzing social-spatial processes and for preparing spatial plans;\n3) has an overview of the main quantitative and qualitative methods used in spatial planning;\n4) has skills for academic writing;\n5) is able to select and apply appropriate GIS and visualization tools for spatial planning;\n6) is able to develop general planning solutions (explanatory text and maps) based on analysis;\n7) is able to compile spatial plan and design planning maps;\n8) understands the concept of participatory planning and is able to select appropriate involvement methods;\n9) has skills to conduct a public discussion and to introduce publicly the planning solutions;\n10) has participated in group work in international team." . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management using analytical tools"@en . . "8" . "This course examines the project management \r\nprocess with a focus on business analytics \r\ntechniques to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles \r\nthat frequently occur during a typical project. \r\nDesigned for business leaders responsible for \r\nimplementing projects, as well as beginning and \r\nintermediate project managers. Includes topics \r\non planning and scheduling issues, costing \r\nand budgeting, staffing and organizing, project \r\nmanagement methodologies, and the use of data to \r\ninform the project manager’s decisions throughout \r\nthe project’s lifecycle. During the course, computer \r\nsoftware dealing with project management will also \r\nbe presented.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management"@en . . "3" . "Project is an endeavour with defined start and finish aimed at producing a unique product or service. Project management uses a set of knowledge, skills, tools, and technologies to achieve project objectives. Projects in engineering disciples are characterized by high degree of complexity and require systemic approach to their planning, execution, and control. The course adopts the project life-cycle approach and covers all phases of the project execution. It focuses on formal and quantitative methods including computational tools used for successful project management.\n\nOutcome:\nIs able to identify project opportunities and define project scope. - Practical assignments, coursework, exam.\r\nIs able to plan complex projects. - Coursework, exam.\r\nIs able to control and analysed project execution. - Coursework, exam.\r\nIs able to use a project management information system. - Practical assignments.\r\nIs able to manage project risks. - Practical assignments.\r\nIs able to present project ideas and results. - Presentation of coursework.\r\nIs able to explain relationships between the field of studies and project management. - Exam." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Course project"@en . . "2" . "No Description, No Learning Outcome" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Diploma project"@en . . "15" . "No Description, No Learning Outcome" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master project"@en . . "12" . "The student has to work on an applied or scientific project\r\nduring the working time. Result should be finishing a project or a clear defined part of it.\r\n\nOutcome:\nStudents have knowledge/responsibilities in\r\n•working on a scientific topic\r\n•concluding scientific results in a colaborating team\n•project management\r\n•concluding scientific results in textform\r\n•discussing and presenting own results\r\n•communication and presentation techniques" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project"@en . . "5" . "In addition to the taught course modules, students will undertake a research project leading to a dissertation and a poster presentation.\r\n\r\nProjects are formulated and planned during Lent Term and there is no need to contact supervisors ahead of time. A list of project options will be provided to students. These will be designed to ensure that the project is scoped correctly so that students can complete it with the time, data, and computing resources available. The assumption is that students will choose from project topics proposed by the Faculty, however students with particular research interests will have the option of working with a member of staff to design and propose their own topic (with the approval of the Course Director).\r\n\r\nEach student will have a project supervisor, and the project topics will be approved by the course management committee. The project is then carried out over the Easter and Research terms. Students will be expected to attend the Computational and Biological Learning and Speech Group programmes of research seminars. The MPhil students will be integrated into the research groups in the Department and will work closely with PhD students and postdocs under the direction of the project supervisor. Projects will be evaluated on the basis of a dissertation of up to 15,000 words and a poster presentation.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management, development technologies, agile methods"@en . . "4" . "Know and apply IT project management methods\n\nKnow how to practice continuous integration, continuous delivery, deployment and testing (unitary, functional, non-regression)\n\nKnow and implement the SCRUM method\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geomatic project"@en . . "5" . "Know how to practice project management methods to a geomatics project\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Common project"@en . . "9" . "Apply the skill set of the year to fulfill an order from a real customer\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space project management"@en . . "3" . "The course will cover (not necessarily strictly in that order):- various types of space projects – description of several past and current scientific space projects, including science objectives and technical and organisational challenges – comparison of the various challenges and drivers of the respective types of space projects – specifics of the ESA context compared to other space agencies and other organisations – public procurement (institutional funding of large projects, and space specifics), various private and hybrid funding schemes (as seen by the space agency player) – space project complexity management and risk management – space standardisation – space project team building and management – introduction to “New Space”. The course will emphasise the role of the project manager but will also deal with the roles of the other team members. The course will emphasise the European context, in particular that of European Space Agency projects, and specifically scientific projects, but other organisational settings and applications will also be discussed. The course will emphasise “Classic Space” management but significant discussion of “New Space” developments will also take place.\n\nOutcome:\r\nThe students will acquire an understanding of the above topics, and in particular will be able to understand why different types of projects are organized in specific ways, at technical, managerial and political (mostly but not exclusively, funding) levels." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cubesat project"@en . . "3" . "The CubeSatLab course consists of four parts:CubeSatLab/Design I: LEO astrodynamics, CubeSatsystem engineering and scientific applications for CubeSats with assignments using STKCubeSatLab/Design II: concurrent design of a CubeSat missionCubeSatLab/Build: hardware exercises in laboratoryCubeSatLab/Operations(administratively under the umbrella of CubeSatLab/Build): key aspects of satellite operations\n\nOutcome:\nThe CubeSatLab course addresses the following learning outcomes of the ISM learning goals: translate scientific space objectives into system requirements space mission analysis, spacecraft design and data processing space project management software programming tools and hardware" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space scientific projects"@en . . "6" . "The projects are defined by a Professor (Assistant, Associate, Full) of the ISM which is also acting as the supervisor. The topics should cover problems from all domains of the ISM, such as for instance space engineering, space informatics, space business and finance or space entrepreneurship. The project might comprise theoretical and practical parts and could also be done in teams of students (up to a maximum of 3 students, where each student should work on an own dedicated part of the project). Students are required to analyse the problem, to do literature studies, to develop a solution and to summarize the solution in a final report (size minimum 15.000 words). In addition, the results will be presented in a common seminar for all projects.\n\nOutcome:\nHaving taken this course students will be able to Analyse and solve a given scientific problem related to the space domain Plan, organize and conduct project work comprising theoretical and practical parts Distribute tasks and aggregate results if the project is done in a team Write a project report and present results" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management"@en . . "2" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project and dissertation"@en . . "20" . "Many students initially view the successful production of their dissertation as little more than an essential part of the process to obtain their degree. However, your dissertation can be much more than this. It is important that you consider the potential benefits a research-based dissertation offers when planning your project. Your project and the resulting dissertation can provide the following opportunities:\n\nIntellectual independence: A Masters research project gives you a great chance to immerse yourself in a research topic, taking full ownership of it intellectually. You will be able to explore ideas and methods in much greater depth than as an undergraduate student because you will now have the skills and the experience to tackle your research topic much more efficiently, and the concentrated, focused time in which to do so. This is likely to be your first exposure to fundamental research and can be a deeply rewarding and inspiring experience.\nChance to acquire new skills and broaden your horizons: You are likely to obtain greater intellectual satisfaction and improve your employment potential if you use your project as an opportunity to acquire new expertise. Consider how you can develop your practical and analytical skills during the dissertation process, acquire new skills and/or extend existing ones. If you are undertaking a project in a subject area that is relatively new to you, this can extend your knowledge into a new area of expertise. Alternatively, working on something you are already familiar with allows you to increase your depth of understanding in that area. You have a unique opportunity to obtain assistance from supervisors with expertise in several disciplines – use it!\nPossibility to get your dissertation published in a scientific journal. Most MSc dissertations are substantial pieces of work and some are potentially suitable for publication (recent examples can be provided from your course convenor). Just a little extra thought during the preparation of your project and some additional care in writing up could make your dissertation publishable. Your supervisor may be able to offer considerable help in this. If they make a significant contribution to the development of your project, methods of data collection and analysis, or editing, it is reasonable to consider joint publication (you would normally expect to be first author), particularly as they can help with the refereeing process your work will undergo before it is published in the peer-reviewed literature. Publication is of particular benefit to students thinking of going on to do PhDs; published papers are an excellent way to improve your chances of securing PhD funding.\nEstablish key contacts, perhaps with potential employers. If you undertake a project in conjunction with an external organisation, use the opportunity to develop useful contacts. By delivering a competent and professional report in the form of your dissertation, you will impress people who may be in a position to consider you as a future employee. Your university supervisors are also likely to use your project work as a guide to writing a good reference on your behalf" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Diploma project 1"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe student will learn methods and procedures for solving complex tasks. He will demonstrate the ability to independently and creatively solve complex tasks of a research nature in accordance with current scientific methods and procedures used in the field. He can take a critical approach to the analysis of possible research solutions and modeling. Course Contents:\nStudy of assigned issues and acquisition of literary resources.\nStudy of searched literary sources and analysis of the assigned problem.\nWritten processing and presentation of the results of the project solution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Diploma project 2"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nThe student will learn methods and procedures for solving complex tasks. He demonstrates the ability to independently and creatively solve complex tasks of a research nature in accordance with current scientific methods and procedures used in the field. He can take a critical approach to the analysis of possible research solutions and modeling. Course Contents:\nStudy of assigned issues and acquisition of literary resources.\nStudy of searched literary sources and analysis of the assigned problem.\nSolution design.\nVerification of selected parts of the solution.\nWritten processing and presentation of the results of the project solution." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Diploma project 3"@en . . "8" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudents learn methods and approaches of a solution of complex problems in the field of applied informatics. They demonstrate the ability to independently and creatively solve complex problems, even of a research character in concordance with nowadays methods and approaches in a respective field of application, separately, creatively and critically do analysis of possible solutions. He is able to report and present solved problems and obtained results. Course Contents:\nDetailed problem solution.\nRevision and critical evaluation of decisions from previous stages.\nComplex verification of the solution.\nWritten presentation of the project results." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Integrated projects"@en . . "12" . "As a capstone project, students develop, test and validate the compe-\ntences required for ‘putting it all together’. Acknowledging the differ-\nences between ‘the whole and its many parts’, challenges from com-\npleting a major project through all its stages are successfully dealt with.\nFrom problem analysis, conceptualization, workflow design and data\nacquisition to schema implementation, analyses, validation and com-\nmunication of essential outcomes, all major phases of a project are\npracticed. In particular, skill sets for collaborative work and structuring\nof larger projects are developed. Based on impulse elements and struc-\ntured inputs in the domains of project management, presentation tech-\nniques, moderation / facilitation and controlling / supervision, a project\nreflecting the key elements of practice-oriented work flows will qualify\nstudents to function in teams and to start organizing tasks and chal-\nlenges into structured projects. In addition, by being familiar with stand-\nard project management and communication steps, graduates will con-\nfidently accept responsibilities within major project environments. At the\nsame time, this experience will be a major contribution to successfully\ndevelop and complete the master thesis" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Individual project - astronomy"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe purpose of the project is to enable the student to study special topics in experimental or theoretical astronomy. The topics are chosen in cooperation with a project supervisor, and the project is described by a short title. Through the work on the project the student will be given an understanding of the techiques, results and concepts of the chosen topic.\n\n\nAt the end of the project, and within its topics, the student should be able to:\n\nformulate problems within a limited subtopic\nanalyse the problems\nwork on the problems\nconvey the results found.\nContents\nDepends on the particular project." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Individual project - astronomy b"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe purpose of the project is to enable the student to study special topics in experimental or theoretical astronomy. The topics are chosen in cooperation with a project supervisor, and the project is described by a short title. Through the work on the project the student will be given an understanding of the techiques, results and concepts of the chosen topic.\n\n\nAt the end of the project, and within its topics, the student should be able to:\n\nformulate problems within a limited subtopic\nanalyse the problems\nwork on the problems\nconvey the results found.\nContents\nDepends on the particular project." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Project management (module 4)"@en . . "10" . "This course is split into 3 parts: contact period in Enschede, distance period, and contact period in Utrecht\n\nThe student will be able to:\n1. Describe and position projects and project management within an organisational and a scientific setting\n2. Acquire and apply key project management knowledge and skills necessary to initiate, plan, control and direct a GI related project\n3. Identify, specify, organize and evaluate key project management aspects and elements contributing to a valid GI related project proposal based on prior given requirements and constraints\n4. Demonstrate his/her ability to write an academic paper within the project management domain according to prescribed writing guidelines" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Graduation project"@en . . "30" . "The topic of the scientific project can be related to any of the subjects offered by the Geomatics programme. The project must be supervised by one or more of the lecturers who participated in the Geomatics education. The project can be performed in cooperation with a company/institution, which provides a use case or a problem statement (but the work is always supervised by the scientific staff of the university).\r\n\r\nThe graduation work deliverables are: (1) a scientific report (a thesis); and (2) an oral presentation.\n\nDuring the MSc thesis the student will show their knowledge, understanding and skills at an academic Master’s level with respect to independently planning and executing a research project in the field of Geomatics.\r\n\r\nOn completing the Graduation Project, the student is able to:\r\n1. Demonstrate that they are capable to independently apply relevant theory and/or knowledge to research;\r\n2. Formulate a theoretical, numerical and/or experimental framework and delineate a research problem such that it can be solved;\r\n3. Interpret obtained results in a critical manner;\r\n4. Explain the work performed in a structured report that incorporates verification of methods and tools and is written in correct English;\r\n5. Communicate the work performed in a structured way through an oral presentation to a wider audience;\r\n6. Demonstrate capacity to manage the project, both technically and time-wise, considering resources and methodology;" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Joint interdisciplinary projects"@en . . "15" . "https://www.jointinterdisciplinaryproject.nl/" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "project management and risk assesment in space technologies"@en . . "4" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "course project on design of satellite subsystems"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Project management"@en . . "6" . "1. Understand concepts of Project and Programme Management. 2. Understand the processes of Project Management. 3. Use tools and methods for Project Management and Programme Management implementation. 4. Explain the management of a project-oriented organization." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Gis project management"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project seminar"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project task"@en . . "5" . "LO: students acquire basic knowledge and\nunderstanding of the methodology of performing\nresearch work, acquisition of relevant bibliographic\nsources, design, writing and presentation of professional or research work,\n- student is able to define a professional problem,\nknows how to design a strategy to obtain\nappropriate solution, is able to individually evaluate\ntheoretical and practical aspects of solution, analyse\nthe obtained results and place them in the area of\nexpertise and the scope of related disciplines,\n- student carries out a specific, more complex,\ncomprehensive professional task,\n- the student prepares a professional or research\narticle which is the result of his/her own professional\nor research work, uses appropriate approaches to\nthe solution, presents the work using appropriate\nprofessional terminology and using appropriate\nsources,\n- the student reviews two articles according to\ndifferent criteria, presents the elements of the\nreviewed article and states the decision on the\nsuitability of the article for publication,\n- the student gains insight into the scope of\ndevelopment, research, administrative and\nprofessional work in the field of geodesy and\ngeoinformation in neighbouring countries and\nelsewhere in the world" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Field project work"@en . . "4" . "LO: upgrading theoretical knowledge by learning\nprocesses in practice\n• the ability to recognize the basic stages and\ncontent of projects in various fields of activity of\nsurveyors in society\n• identifying the tasks and procedures of\nsurveyors in contact with other disciplines and\ndifferent users\n• ability to defend prepared solutions of the\nproject in the form of a report and public\npresentation" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gis project"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Major individual project"@en . . "no data" . "This module provides experience in planning, researching and conducting a major engineering project in the specialised course of study. Students will apply engineering techniques, critically assess the findings, putting forward ideas and drawing conclusions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Information technology project management"@en . . "2" . "Aim of the course: to provide academic knowledge and practical skills in IT project management Course tasks: 1. To develop students' understanding of the most important concepts, methods, tools of IT project management. 2. To develop practical skills of creating IT project management documentation. 3. To promote the application of the acquired academic knowledge and practical skills in team work. The theoretical part of the course deals with project management approaches, tools and methods, with special emphasis on the specifics of IT projects. The training is based on the project management standard developed by the Project Management Institute (http://www.pmi.org) and compiled in the \"Project Management Book of Knowledge\" (PMBOK). In the practical part of the course, using the knowledge gained in the theoretical part of the course, team work skills are developed and basic skills in project management are acquired. The course is offered in: Latvian, English.\nCourse responsible lecturer Jānis Zuters\nResults Knowledge 1. Basic knowledge of internationally recognized project management standards, methods, tools (eb11, eb13, EB14, EB41, EB42, EB43, EB51) Skills 2. Idea generation, written presentation and presentation skills (EB52, EB53, eb54) Competence 3. Teamwork, effective cooperation, division of labor in solidarity (eb61, eb62, EB64, EB65)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Initiation to research project"@en . . "3" . "The objective of the “Research initiation project” module is to discover the process of fundamental or applied scientific research via, mainly, the realization of a research project carried out in immersion in a research laboratory. It can potentially be carried out in partnership with a company or a public authority.\nThis module allows students to acquire a first concrete experience of research and knowledge of its mode of operation which will prove useful whatever their professional orientation. It will also allow students to test their skills and taste for fundamental or applied research.\nThe skills developed in this module (critical analysis, project management, time management, ethics in the scientific environment, writing and presentation of a study following a given formalism, etc.) will be valuable to all students, even if they are not are not oriented towards a career in academic research. In addition, many projects allow students to discover the socio-economic links and impacts of research activities." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Intermediate engineering project"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Bibliographic preparation for the research project"@en . . "3" . "In this unit the objective will be to carry out the bibliographic synthesis of the subject chosen within the framework of the unit “Research initiation project”. This 2 to 5 page document will constitute a brief state of the art on the research subject addressed in their project and the positioning of their study in this context. The bibliographic summaries will be evaluated by the internship supervisors. For projects carried out in pairs, a single bibliographic summary is required. A specific course will explain how to carry out a bibliographic synthesis.\nA critical analysis of an M1 project report carried out during previous years relating to a theme close to that of the research project carried out by the student (on the principle of a peer review of scientific articles), will be also to be carried out. The report to be analyzed will be provided by the project supervisor who will evaluate the review carried out by the student. This analysis will be carried out individually (even if the research project is carried out by a pair). A specific course will present the peer review process and explain its expectations." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geomatic project"@en . . "7" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied project 2 (8 crédits ects)"@en . . "8" . "Applied project\nCourse project - Market your Ideas\nIntroduction to System Engineering and Quality\n Project Management" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied project 3 (7 crédits ects)"@en . . "7" . "Applied project" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astro project approach and quality"@en . . "1" . "Objectives: Provide a global and synthetic view of the project management approach, with the basics\nof project methodology and fundamental tools of project management. Project management is a key\ntransversal skill that is required in many companies to implement and achieve the set of objectives in\nproject.: Definition (project management / product insurance) • Methodology and tools (planning management, documentation, risks) • Good practices in a \"project\" team" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project"@en . . "8" . "Objectives: Learn how to organise a mini-symposium and how to present scientific results" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project"@en . . "8" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master's final project"@en . . "12" . "Not found" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Bachelor's degree final project"@en . . "12" . "Objectives and Contextualisation\nThe objective of the Final Degree Project (TFG) is to carry out individual work that allows the student to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the undergraduate studies. The result must be an original work that will be evaluated in public defense in front of a commitee of three teachers of the School.\n\n\nCompetences\nCommunication\nDevelop personal attitude.\nDevelop personal work habits.\nDevelop thinking habits.\nDraft, develop and sign projects in the field of telecommunications engineering that, depending on the speciality, are aimed at the conception, development or exploitation of telecommunication and electronic networks, services and applications.\nResolve problems with initiative and creativity. Make decisions. Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, in awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities involved in a telecommunications engineer's work.\nLearning Outcomes\nAdapt to unforeseen situations.\nChoose the most suitable software and hardware tools and use them properly.\nCite sources of information used in accordance with internationally recognised standards.\nCommunicate efficiently, orally and in writing, knowledge, results and skills, both professionally and to non-expert audiences.\nCritically evaluate the work done.\nDefend proposed solutions with logical and coherent arguments.\nDevelop critical thinking and reasoning.\nDevelop curiosity and creativity.\nDevelop independent learning strategies.\nDevelop systemic thinking.\nDevelop the capacity for analysis and synthesis.\nEfficiently use ICT for the communication and transmission of ideas and results.\nEvaluate one's knowledge and skills regarding the subject of the project and identify shortcomings.\nEvaluate the resources and personal and environmental limitations in order to realistically plan a task. Clearly establish the hypotheses for a task and defend their validity in accordance with the results obtained previously by the student or third parties.\nExplain the strategy for researching information used and show that the most important sources in the field of study have been consulted.\nIdentify regulations (laws, standards, etc.) that can be considered in the end of degree project.\nMake one's own decisions.\nManage available time and resources.\nPerform an individual, original and professional exercise that consists of a project in the field of the specific technologies of telecommunications engineering, and which synthesises and integrates the skills learned. Present and defend it before a university tribunal.\nPrevent and solve problems.\nRead English texts with a high degree of understanding.\nReasonably explain the different options considered when establishing how to deal with the initially posed problem.\nWork autonomously.\nWork in complex or uncertain surroundings and with limited resources.\n\nContent\nAll students who take the subject of TFG must carry out a written report at the end of the work, in accordance with the following recommendations:" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced engineering project (2022-23)"@en . . "12" . "Objectives and Contextualisation\nThe objective of this subject is to develop an advanced engineering project where students can apply and integrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering. The project will be carried out in collaboration with a professor / researcher attached to a research group, institute or research center that is part of the UAB sphere.\n\nCompetences\nCommunication\nDevelop ethics and professionalism.\nDevelop personal attitude.\nDevelop personal work habits.\nDevelop thinking habits.\nDraft, develop and sign projects in the field of telecommunications engineering that, depending on the speciality, are aimed at the conception, development or exploitation of telecommunication and electronic networks, services and applications.\nLearn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations.\nResolve problems with initiative and creativity. Make decisions. Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, in awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities involved in a telecommunications engineer's work.\nWork in a team.\nLearning Outcomes\nAdapt to unforeseen situations.\nApply the ideal methodology to develop the problem, combining theoretical developments and simulations as required.\nAssume and respect the role of the different members of a team, as well as the different levels of dependency in the team.\nAssume social, ethical, professional and legal responsibility, if applicable, derived from professional exercise.\nCommunicate efficiently, orally and in writing, knowledge, results and skills, both professionally and to non-expert audiences.\nCritically evaluate the work done.\nDevelop critical thinking and reasoning.\nDevelop curiosity and creativity.\nDevelop independent learning strategies.\nDevelop systemic thinking.\nDevelop the capacity for analysis and synthesis.\nEfficiently use ICT for the communication and transmission of ideas and results.\nEvaluate discrepancies between the objectives and planning of the project, identify the causes of these discrepancies and adopt the necessary corrective measures.\nEvaluate the results of the project comparing them with similar results from external sources and identifying the new contributions made by the project to current knowledge about the subject.\nGenerate innovative and competitive proposals in professional activity.\nIdentify the specific aims of the project.\nMaintain a proactive and dynamic attitude with regard to one's own professional career, personal growth and continuing education. Have the will to overcome difficulties.\nMake one's own decisions.\nManage available time and resources.\nPlan a project using a Gantt chart.\nPrevent and solve problems.\nSeek, pose and expose different alternatives highlighting the importance and risk in relation to the execution of the project.\nSynthesise the information obtained and one's own knowledge in a structured overview of the state of the art of the project's subject.\nWork autonomously.\nWork cooperatively.\nWork in complex or uncertain surroundings and with limited resources.\nContent\nThey will depend on each case, of the specific project that is carried out." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Engineering and management of space projects"@en . . "6" . "Not found" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Individual project"@en . . "30.00" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace group design project"@en . . "7.50" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering project"@en . . "15.00" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Masters group capstone project."@en . . "30.00" . "NA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project 3"@en . . "20.00" . "Unit Information\nYour learning on this unit\nAn overview of content\n\nThe aim of this project is to provide students with the opportunity to scope, plan and execute original research of engineering relevance. This involves evaluation of academic literature to establish the state of the art in the relevant discipline, in order to address a novel and open-ended engineering question through analytical, numerical and/or experimental methods. The scope of project topics includes theoretical and applied academic research, as well as aspects of novel design, systems engineering and technical prototyping.\n\nHow will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit\n\nIntegral to this research project are development of skills in the following: time and resource management; search, acquisition and critique of literature materials; reasoning and planning; originality and creativity in problem solving; written, verbal and visual communication.\n\nLearning Outcomes\n\nUpon completion of this project, the student will have acquired skills to:\n\nevaluate and critique academic and technical literature;\napply engineering knowledge to solve novel and open-ended problems;\nindependently develop technical depth (analytical, numerical, experimental) through application;\ncritically analyse and evaluate technical results;\neffectively communicate in-depth technical knowledge in a technical report;\neffectively discuss and defend technical knowledge verbally." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Avdasi 4 - group design project"@en . . "20.00" . "Unit Information\nA group design project that will enable the student to exercise and consolidate the design, engineering and management skills in the context of a complete aerospace vehicle design study. The design briefs for spacecraft, rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft are developed in collaboration with industrial partners, to provide challenging projects which address current challenges.\n\nYour learning on this unit\nOn successful completion of the project the student will be able to:\n\napply design skills which integrate analysis methods gained from individual technical units of the curriculum;\nuse specific analytical or technical tools in consort to satisfy much broader criteria;\nbring innovation and creativity into the design process;\nidentify conflicting (technical, functional, economic, etc.) requirements, and deliver an appropriate compromise;\napply teamwork and project management skills for collaborative efforts to satisfy complex specifications with the appreciation of the contributions of other team members;\ncommunicate clearly through oral and written presentation within a group to facilitate the design process and to assist the group in publicising its findings." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project 4: preparation for research degree"@en . . "20.00" . "Your learning on this unit\nAn overview of content\nThe aim of this unit is to enable students to further develop the skills of managing a significant technical problem that is loosely defined, and whose solution, or method of approach, that has much that is unknown. Specifically, this unit aims to prepare students for application to a research degree (PhD), by enabling in-depth individual study, in combination with developing scientific communication skills.\n\nHow will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit\nStudents will have completed an extended piece of independent research, providing them with the skills and experience to apply for a research degree.\n\nLearning Outcomes\nUpon completion of this project, the student will have acquired skills to:\n\nscope a research proposal to address an open-ended problem,\nevaluate and critique academic and technical literature,\napply engineering knowledge to solve novel and open-ended problems,\nindependently develop technical depth (analytical, numerical, experimental) through application,\ncritically analyse and evaluate technical results,\neffectively communicate in-depth technical knowledge in the format of an academic paper,\neffectively communicate technical knowledge in an oral presentation,\neffectively discuss and defend technical knowledge verbally." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master's final project"@en . . "12.00" . "Finally, students undertake a full-time project beginning in March-April, and until the beginning of September. It is expected that most of the projects will be related to activities of interest to the industries that collaborate with the master and/or related to running research projects within the research group AMADE of the University of Girona. Company internships are also possible for students that prefer to undertake the bulk of their project in industry." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Control and operations project"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space project"@en . . "0.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Integration project systems and control"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Project management"@en . . "6.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nSpace systems engineers plan project activities and manage technical teams. This module focuses on developing the practical skills\nrequired for the successful management of space projects.\nAfter successful completion of this module, students will be able to\n- differentiate between the various project management methods (linear, agile, hybrid) and assess them theoretically,\n- structure projects according to the waterfall model (based on PRINCE 2 and PMBOK) (phase model),\n- recognize the need for different roles in linear project management,\n- evaluate, select and use instruments (e.g. Mind Map, Scamper, PESTEL, Stakeholder Analysis, WBS, Gantt Chart) in the relevant project\nphases,\n- use different project management controlling instruments,\n- use the Scrum method in the context of agile management methods and explain the entire process with its activities and roles,\n- analyze the dynamics of a project team (Team Management System) and initiate measures to improve the team,\n- assess international project teams and recognize and correctly evaluate various cultural phenomena.\nContent\n- Fundamentals of project management\n- Factors of project success\n- Project initiation phase and environmental scanning\n- Work breakdown structure / analytic hierarchy process (AHP)\n- Resources and time planning\n- Risk management\n- Project implementation\n- Project management standards: PMI\n- Leading a project team by using team management systems\n- Basics of agile project management (Scrum)\n- Scrum versus waterfall project management\n- Controlling\n- Team management systems\n- Leadership in project calculation for project managers" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Group project in aerospace engineering"@en . . "no data" . "This module gives experience of design practice and engineering systems design through undertaking a multidisciplinary project. It aims to develop the necessary skills in design project management and planning." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Major group project"@en . . "no data" . "The project aims to give experience of design practice and engineering systems design through undertaking a large multidisciplinary project. It aims to develop the necessary skills in design project management and planning, and to enable students to apply these skills in diverse situations." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management"@en . . "5.00" . "Learning Outcomes\nThe ability to develop an effective project plan.\nThe ability to decompose complex projects using hierarchy diagramming.\nThe ability to control project uncertainties using stochastic estimating techniques.\nThe ability to use the earned-value management method to track project status.\nThe ability to apply to control changes to the project management plan.\nThe ability to crash/fast-track the critical path.\nThe ability to apply detailed cost estimating techniques.\nThe ability to apply techniques for identifying and quantifying projects risks.\n\nGeneral Competences\nApply knowledge in practice\nRetrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies\nDesign and manage projects\nCourse Content (Syllabus)\nProject management: defnitions, project goals. Knowledge areas. Project life-cycle. Project identification - feasibility study. Project design: Work Breakdown Structure, Network Analysis, Gantt Chart. Resourse allocation and planning. Planning with limited resources. Cost planning and budgeting. Communication planning. Quality assurance planning. Project crashing. Stochastic task durations: PERT method. Project Risk Management. Earned value Analysis. Project completion and evaluation. Project management Information Systems: Microsoft Project." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Orientation project"@en . . "6" . "build adequate expectations and adjust to the requirements of the MSc CDE programme. compensate any deficiencies from their undergraduate studies, particularly in the areas of informatics / computing as well as basic GIS skills, basic spatial literacy and cartographic competences, fundamental understanding of spatial sciences and general quantitative methods. nhance their general orientation in scientific methods and scientific writing in a dedicated set of classes, as a preparation for supervised and independent work in advanced classes. establish their individual ePortfolio." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Capstone project"@en . . "10.0" . "Final year students will carry out the project work from any discipline within aerospace engineering with focus on UAV-related problems. The project will focus on computational analysis and design, integration and R&D. Students would ideally start their capstone project during the IWSP and carry it out with the guide of IWSP work supervisor. The project duration is over the entire academic year. An individual formal report is required. Each student is required to make an oral presentation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Computing project"@en . . "20.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Laboratory Skills and Electronics (PHYS2641) AND Foundations of Physics 1 (PHYS1122).\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* None.\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* None.\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Science degree programmes.\n* To develop students’ problem-solving skills in advanced computational physics.\n* To develop computer skills.\n* To reproduce and then extend the results of a classic research paper.\n* To develop transferable skills in researching a topic and making oral and written presentations on the findings.\n\n#### Content\n\n* The syllabus contains:\n* Use of a computer to solve problems using a variety of modern computing techniques and the preparation of written and oral presentations.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\n* Having studied this module students will have formed an appreciation of the physics related to a chosen topic.\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\n* Students will have gained experience of solving physical problems using modern computing techniques.\n* They will have the skills to plan and carry out an extended project at an advanced level.\n* They will have demonstrated knowledge of scientific background and theoretical considerations.\n* They will have demonstrated the ability to produce a clear, detailed scientific report with appropriate presentation and lay summary.\n\nKey Skills:\n\n* Students will have the necessary skills to make written and oral presentations on their work.\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* Teaching will be by lectures, computer classes and tutorials.\n* The lectures include training on general computing, testing and debugging.\n* The computer classes are designed to allow each student to obtain help and guidance through discussions with computing demonstrators.\n* The skills covered are transferable to a wide range of activities.\n* The tutorials provide support for research into an advanced topic of choice, develop skills in solving problems using modern computing techniques and provide a forum for developing oral and written presentation skills.\n* Students receive guidance and feedback on their presentation to the tutorial group and on their poster.\n* Student performance is formatively assessed through a milestone computer program and summatively assessed through the computing project.\n* The tutorials and computing classes provide opportunity for feedback, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS3561" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project"@en . . "60.0" . "#### Prerequisites\n\n* Foundations of Physics 3A (PHYS3621) AND (Discovery Skills in Physics (PHYS1101) or Laboratory Skills and Electronics (PHYS2641) or Laboratory Skills and Electronics 3 (PHYS3681)).\n\n#### Corequisites\n\n* None.\n\n#### Excluded Combination of Modules\n\n* None.\n\n#### Aims\n\n* This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes.\n* It provides experience of work in a research environment on a topic at the forefront of developments in a branch of either physics, applied physics, theoretical physics or astronomy, and develops transferable skills for the oral and written presentation of research.\n\n#### Content\n\n* The syllabus contains:\n* A research-based project carried out within one of the Department's research groups.\n* In the case of industrially linked projects, some time may be spent at the industrial site.\n* Projects may involve small groups of students working in a team.\n* Presentation and communication skills.\n* Research methods and techniques, scientific writing and presentation, interviews.\n\n#### Learning Outcomes\n\nSubject-specific Knowledge:\n\n* Having studied this module students will have an understanding of the techniques used in either theoretical or experimental physics together with an appreciation of their applicability to a research project.\n\nSubject-specific Skills:\n\nKey Skills:\n\n* Students will be able to work independently and develop an effective work plan.\n* They will be able to solve problems with originality and be able to complete tasks efficiently.\n* They will be able to resolve complex problems by identifying creative solutions.\n* They will have the facility to express problems and communicate their solution via oral and written means.\n* They will have the confidence to advance and extend knowledge through the development of an independent learning ability and personal responsibility.\n* They will have further developed communication and oral presentation skills, including written communication of scientific concepts to a general audience.\n\n#### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module\n\n* The project is based in a research group and may involve extensive private study, work on one or more computers or practical work in one of the research laboratories.\n* In the case of industrially linked projects, some time may be spent at the industrial site.\n* Supervisors monitor progress and provide guidance on the development of the project during weekly meetings.\n* Students will be able to obtain further help in their project by approaching their supervisors and/or other members of the appropriate research group.\n* The seminars provide formal instruction on communication skills, both written and oral, that are then reinforced by the project supervisors during the weekly meetings.\n* The seminars include training sessions on general computing, testing and debugging. The drop-in sessions are designed to allow each student to obtain programming help and guidance through discussions with computing demonstrators.\n* Progress is further monitored by a formatively assessed interim project progress report written over the Christmas vacation.\n* Together with the project seminar, this provides opportunities for feedback and for the students to gauge their progress.\n* Student performance is summatively assessed through technical performance during the project, through a formal final report on the project, through the project seminar and via an oral examination on the project report.\n\nMore information at: https://apps.dur.ac.uk/faculty.handbook/2023/UG/module/PHYS4213" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project dsdm 1"@en . . "6.0" . "The research project takes place during the three periods of the semester. Project topics are presented at the start of the semester and assigned to students based on their preferences and availability. The emphasis in the first phase is on initial study of the context set out for the project and the development of a project plan. In the second period, the goal is to start modelling, prototyping and developing. In period 3, the implementation, model and/or experiments set out in the project plan has to be finished and reported on. At the end of period 1 and 2, a progress presentation takes place. The project results in a project presentation, a project report and possibly a public website and/or product. \n\nThe Research Project 1 will start in period 1.1 and 1.2 with weekly meetings.\nThe credits for the project will become available at the end of period 1.3.\n\nPrerequisites\nNone.\n\nRecommended reading\nJustin Zobel (2004), Writing for Computer Science, Springer, ISBN:1852338024\n\nMore information at: https://curriculum.maastrichtuniversity.nl/meta/465055/research-project-dsdm-1" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Research project dsdm 2"@en . . "6.0" . "The research project takes place during the three periods of the semester. Project topics are presented at the start of the semester and assigned to students based on their preferences and availability. The emphasis in the first phase is on initial study of the context set out for the project and the development of a project plan. In the second period, the goal is to start modelling, prototyping and developing. In period 3, the implementation, model and/or experiments set out in the project plan has to be finished and reported on. At the end of period 1 and 2, a progress presentation takes place. The project results in a project presentation, a project report and possibly a public website and/or product. \n\nThe Research Project 2 will start in period 1.4 and 1.5 with weekly meetings.\nThe credits for the project will become available at the end of period 1.6.\n\nPrerequisites\nNone.\n\nRecommended reading\nJustin Zobel (2004), Writing for Computer Science, Springer, ISBN:1852338024\n\nMore information at: https://curriculum.maastrichtuniversity.nl/meta/463937/research-project-dsdm-2" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planning and scheduling"@en . . "6.0" . "In many real-world processes, particularly in industrial processes and logistics, decisions need to be taken about the time of the completion of (sub)tasks, and the decision about what production machines complete the tasks. There are often constraints on the order in which tasks, or ‘jobs’ can be performed, and there are usually capacity constraints of the machines. This leads to natural, industrially critical optimization problems. For example, a company might choose to buy many machines to process jobs, but then there is a risk that the machines will be underused, which is economically inefficient. On the other hand, too few machines, or an inappropriate ordering of tasks, may lead to machines spending a significant amount of time standing idle, waiting for the output of other machines, which are overcrowded with tasks. In this course, we look at various mathematical models and techniques for optimizing planning and scheduling problems, subject to different optimality criteria. We will discuss, among others, single-machine models, parallel-machine models, job-shop models, and algorithms for planning and scheduling (exact, approximate, heuristic) and we also touch upon the computational complexity (distinguishing between ‘easy’ and ‘difficult’ problems) of the underlying problems. Last but not least, we will also introduce integer linear programming as a uniform and generic tool to model and solve planning and scheduling problems.\n\nPrerequisites\nNone.\n\nDesired prior knowledge: Data Structures & Algorithms. Discrete Mathematics. Graph Theory\n\nMore information at: https://curriculum.maastrichtuniversity.nl/meta/463263/planning-and-scheduling" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Final project"@en . . "24.0" . "Competences to be gained during study\n\nBasic competences\n\nUpon completion of the master course, successful students will be able to:\nCB6 - Display an implicit capacity for original thinking in the development or application of ideas, in a research context.\nCB7 - Apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts.\nCB8 - Analyze and synthesize scientific information at an advanced level and tackle the complexity of formulating judgements based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the associated social and ethical responsibilities.\nCB9 - Communicate knowledge, theories and conclusions to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous manner.\nCB10 - Display a capacity for on-going self-directed and independent learning.\n\nGeneral competences\n\n\nStudents will also be able to:\nCG1 - Develop the ability to function as a team member.\nCG2 - Apply communication techniques for the search of scientific bibliography and the effective acquisition of information.\nCG3 - Identify new research problems or develop and solve existing ones, interpreting and evaluating critically the results obtained.\nCG4 - Develop the ability to write scientific and technical documents.\nCG5 - Develop the ability to communicate and make oral presentations in the field of the master’s degree.\nCG6 - Analyze critically the theoretical developments.\nCG7 - Acquire the skills and methodologies necessary to carry out research tasks in the areas of the master’s degree.\n\nSpecific competences\n\n\nWith regard to the specific applications of the curriculum, students will be able to:\nCE1 - Analyze and interpret a physical system according to the relevant energy scales.\nCE2 - Identify the relevant observable magnitudes in a given physical system.\nCE3 - Compare the predictions of theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\nCE4 - Uunderstand and use the current theories about the origin and evolution of the Universe and handle the observational data on which these theories are based.\nCE5 - Understand and apply the methodologies of the theories of General Gravitation and of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and its experimental foundations (specialty of Particle Physics and Gravitation).\nCE6 - Understand and apply the methodologies of both ground-based and space-based observational astronomy (speciality of Astrophysics and Space Sciences).\nCE7 - Display the capacity for innovation, development and application of new technologies.\nCE8 - Carry out experiments and calculations using specialized equipment.\nCE9 - Analyze critically the results of calculations, experiments and observations, identifying the associated errors.​\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nThe MSc degree in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology provides students with advanced academic training in the fields of Astrophysics, Space Sciences, Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology. This training will allow you:\n\nAcquire the skills and abilities needed to form part of a research group or start working at a company dedicated to research in these areas.\nUndertake doctoral studies in the abovementioned fields.\nAcquire the skills and knowledge needed to make presentations and scientific work.\nArgue critically, issue judgements and present new ideas based on the analysis of information from these scientific areas.\n\n\nStudents will have to choose between two specialties, Astrophysics and Space Sciences or Particle Physics and Gravitation. However, they will have the possibility to make a master’s degree of a more interdisciplinary nature choosing elective subjects from the other specialty, or even subjects related to other master’s degrees.\n\nThe training offer includes not only theoretical but also practical aspects, in particular of instrumentation, observation and computation.\n\n \n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Master’s thesis topics\n* Any subject which bears some relationship with the two specialities of the master:\n\nAstrophysics and Space Sciences. \nParticle Physics and Gravitation.\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nDevelop a research project, write a report (thesis) on it and defend it orally in front of a panel of experts.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nThere are two evaluation calls per academic year, one between the end of January and the beginning of February, corresponding to the 1st semester, and one between the end of June and the beginning of July, corresponding to the 2nd semester. Each student will have two opportunities to pass the assessment. Students who waive the winter call are entitled to defend their master’s thesis during the spring call, while those waiving the spring call can defend their master’s thesis in September. \n\nThe master’s degree is completed after writing a report and carrying out a 20-minute public presentation in front of an evaluation committee. \n\nEach thesis is evaluated by both the Tutor, who rates the research capacity of the student, and an evaluation committee, consisting of a President and a Secretary, responsible for appraising the written and oral work. \n\nThe evaluation of the oral dissertation is based upon:\n\na) The clarity of the public exposition of the work;\n\nb) the ability to answer questions by the committee; and\n\nc) the scientific quality of the written version of the work.\n\nThe oral presentation may be given in English, Catalan or Spanish. The use of English will have a positive impact on the evaluation.\n\n \n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nSame as in the official assessment.\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568424&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Msc project"@en . . "60.0" . "MSC PROJECT PHYS5021P\nAcademic Session: 2023-24\nSchool: School of Physics and Astronomy\nCredits: 60\nLevel: Level 5 (SCQF level 11)\nTypically Offered: Summer\nAvailable to Visiting Students: Yes\nShort Description\nThis course provides students with an opportunity to carry out an extended, in-depth research project embedded within one of the Department of Physics and Astronomy's internationally-leading research groups. In undertaking this project students will gain, within a first class training environment, subject-specific and generic skills that will form an excellent foundation for a career of scientific leadership in academia and industry.\n\nTimetable\nNone\n\nExcluded Courses\nNone\n\nCo-requisites\nNone\n\nAssessment\n1) Performance during project (40%)\n\n2) Project dissertation (40%)\n\n3) Oral presentation (20%)\n\nAre reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? No\n\nReassessment of the project dissertation and oral presentation is normally available for students on PGT degree programmes if they do not achieve an overall course grade of D3 at their first attempt.\n\n \n\nIt is not practical to reassess the project work.\n\nCourse Aims\n(1) To provide advanced training and experience in the principles and practice of experimental, computational and/or theoretical (astro-)physics, using advanced instrumentation, methodology and software as appropriate, and in the critical analysis of experimental data.\n\n(2) To develop problem solving abilities, critical assessment and communication skills, to a level appropriate for a career of leadership in academia or industry\n\n(3) To employ these skills in preparing and writing a dissertation on an extended and demanding project.\n\n(4) To encourage students to work effectively, to develop a professional attitude to what they do and to take full responsibility for their own learning.\n\nIntended Learning Outcomes of Course\nAt the end of the course students should be able to:\n\n \n\n(1) Recover, evaluate and summarise the professional literature and material from other sources concerned with a chosen area of physics or astronomy\n\n(2) Prepare a written analysis of the current position in the chosen area, which should include a critical\n\ncomparison of material from the sources he/she has identified and a summary of likely future developments.\n\n(3) Define, with the help of colleagues and taking into account the time available, a suitable area of work for a project and hence make a preliminary definition of goals to be achieved during the project\n\n(4) Make an appropriate safety assessment for the work proposed; with the help of colleagues, analyse what experimental/theoretical/computational methods might be necessary to achieve the goals of the project and hence decide how the project tasks should be organised\n\n(5) Perform the practical part of the investigation, taking due account of experimental errors of measurement and possible assumptions and approximations in analytical and computational work as appropriate\n\n(5) Revise the goals and strategies for completion of the project in the light of results achieved and\n\ndifficulties encountered.\n\n(6) Write a report on an extended piece of project work, which should include a critical evaluation of the significance of the work and how it compares with work done in the same area, both within the local area and as reported in the general scientific literature\n\n(7) Prepare an abstract of the work performed of length about 250 words in the accepted scientific format.\n\nMinimum Requirement for Award of Credits\nNone\n\n\n\nMore information at: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/sensorandimagingsystems/?card=course&code=PHYS5021P" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Independent project"@en . . "40.0" . "Not provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Course project in selected discipline"@en . . "2" . "Not provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project Management"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .