. "Automation And Robotics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Robotic technologies for space"@en . . "5" . "The student has knowledge of the application of robotic technologies in aerospace - from the construction of orbiting satellites and landing modules designed to explore other space bodies to assistance systems for manned cosmonautics. He/she understands the principles of sensors and actuators for use in robotic applications. He/she knows the basic mechanical structures of robotic arms and mobile chassis, as well as various ways of their control. He/she can design a suitable type of interface between the operator and the controlled robotic device.\n\nThe student will gain knowledge:\n- design of robotic manipulators\n- design of mobile robots\n- various aspects of human-robot interaction\n- robotic applications in aerospace\n\nThe student will gain skills:\n- selection of a suitable type of kinematic structure\n- selection of a suitable type of drive and sensor system\n- selection of a suitable type of robot control\n\nThe student acquires competencies:\n- select a suitable type of robot for specific applications in aerospace\n- design its kinematic structure, propulsion and sensor system\n- participate in the design of various types of robotic applications\n- participate in research in the field of aerospace robotics Course Contents:\n1. Robotics - Definition of subject, related scientific and technical disciplines, historical milestones of robotics development in connection with distance exploration of Earth and other cosmic bodies.\n2. Robot and its subsystems, autonomous and remote-controlled systems, robot classification according to various criteria\n3. Mobile robots - design principles of robots moving on a solid surface, on and below the (water) surface, respectively, in the gaseous atmosphere and in the cosmic space. Position and orientation control. Methods of landing on cosmic bodies of different types.\n4. Robotic manipulators and other mechanical constructions for use on mobile platforms and piloted cosmonauts. Description of basic kinematic structures. Exoskeleton.\n5. Driving systems for use in robotics, motors and transmission mechanisms - basic description and properties\n6. Sensory systems for use in robotics - basic principles and properties. Sensors of internal variables, sensors of localization systems. Sensors for remote and in situ exploration of physical properties of cosmic bodies.\n7. Power sources for mobile robots, energy management, internal temperature stabilization, protecting systems against adverse environmental influences.\n8. Human-robot interaction - basic ways of controlling and programming robots. Ways to communicate with robots. Visual and haptic feedback. Enhanced and virtual reality.\n9. Current applications of robots and robotic technologies in remote Earth exploration and exploration of other cosmic bodies. Robotics in piloted cosmonautics.\n10. Trends in the development of robotics with a focus on remote Earth exploration and other cosmic bodies. Service robotics. Sample gathering and transport to the Earth. Mining of raw materials on other cosmic bodies." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Space Engineering"@en . . "https://www.stuba.sk/english-1/stu/ects-label/ects-information-package/information-on-degree-programmes/all-programmes.html?page_id=5552&f=30&le=2&l=all&c=0&pg=1&ad=true#" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The graduate of the second-degree study program Space Engineering will acquire a full university degree in the field of Electrical Engineering with a dominant focus on modern and multidisciplinary engineering technologies used mainly in high-performance cosmic and space systems, but also in other electronic system components. As part of the study and completion of profile subjects such as: Materials and construction of space systems, Sensors and actuators, Energy sources, Microsystem technology, Interaction of radiation and matter, Space devices, Space research methods, the graduate will acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills in areas that are an integral part of integrated technological systems for space applications. The graduates will be able to solve complex technical tasks and research issues under different individual projects. Students will also practice working in a project team, where they gain management skills and other soft skills. Thus, the graduates of Space Engineering study will obtain competitiveness not only in space applications but also in other research areas, industry fields, as well as social life. Key Learning Outcomes:\n\"The graduate will learn to design, optimize, and construct advanced embedded electronic systems, sensor systems, various types of microsystems, robotic and propulsion systems, as well as control, navigation, and communication systems, and will use information technology and artificial intelligence in their design.\nThe graduate has knowledge of astrophysics, astrodynamics, astrobiology as well as mechanics and thermo-kinetics of space systems and can apply skills in the use of modern engineering CAE tools, including modelling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems.\nThe graduate is prepared to solve theoretical and practical tasks in the development of complex systems, especially for space applications using modern engineering tools, technologies, and an interdisciplinary systems approach.\""@en . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Master"@en . "Final Exam of content of DP" . "15100.00" . "British Pound"@en . "31100.00" . "None" . "The graduate will find employment not only in the field of space engineering and advanced electronic systems, but also in related areas of industry, such as robotics, mechatronics, informatics, automotive industry (mechanical engineering), and others. Application is not limited to employment in the Slovak Republic and its surroundings, but also abroad, where graduates can offer high expertise in several industries."@en . "1"^^ . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .