. "Physical Geography"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "River and delta systems"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\nThe intended learning outcomes are integrated physics-based, geomorphology-based and sedimentology-based understanding of the formation and dynamics of rivers and deltas, systems thinking and basic understanding of the societal context of river and delta dynamics, and data analysis skills and modelling skills. Specifically, after a successful course the student:\nhas acquired knowledge, explanations and advanced understanding of fluvial morphodynamics at length scales ranging from particles to valleys and deltas and seconds to millennia, and interactions between these scales\nhas advanced his/her knowledge and understanding of fluvial morphodynamics and system response to changing boundary conditions, thereby crosscutting disciplinary boundaries of fluvial morphodynamics, engineering, sedimentology and geology both in understanding and language of concepts\nhas developed quantitative skills, including physics of flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics, reconstruction and budgeting techniques, and programming\nis able to develop empirical, analytical, experimental and numerical tools to reconstruct and predict fluvial phenomena, and is able to evaluate critically the power and limits of these approaches\nis able to position the knowledge and understanding in the wider societal context of river basin and delta management, engineering and nature rehabilitation with the boundary condition of global change\nis able to analyse and interpret scientific data and literature on fluvial processes, morphology and modeling, and is able to apply this within the fluvial system framework of this course, and clearly present this in writing or oral presentations.\nContent\nFluvial and deltaic systems will be studied at all relevant scales from morphodynamics in a channel, to river pattern variation in a valley, to distributary dynamics in a delta. River systems cover about 80% of the Earth’s surface and about one-third of humanity lives in them. The entire course is a unique integration of process-based geomorphological, sedimentological and engineering approaches. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Within each theme, the necessary initial and boundary conditions for certain phenomena are studied, the underlying physical processes identified and derived, and the consequences for morphology, stratigraphy and so on described. The course alternates between reach and system scale, for longitudinally simple cases (one source, one sink) to complex systems with multiple sedimentation basins and terraced floodplains as well as entire deltas. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Systems thinking and the interactions between physical and biological processes and humans provide important concepts for understanding and forecasting. Some subjects:\nReview of channel flow, sediment transport and fundamentals of fluvial morphodynamics. This part mostly comprises review and deepening of required foreknowledge. References will be provided, particularly for students with deficiencies in background.\nRiver patterns: empirical descriptors and predictors for river patterns (which refers to bar pattern, channel pattern and to some extent floodplain pattern), and reconstruction how these patterns changed in response to late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change, sea-level rise and human interference.\nRiver displacement on plains and deltas is about how a river fills larger spaces by migration and displacement (avulsion). Such larger spaces include valleys, fluvial plains and deltas. Furthermore, in between the fluvial deposits peat develops, that later on might considerably affect the development of deltas. During displacement, channel bifurcations divide water, sediment and hazards over the delta, which can be understood from basic physical insights.\nFrom just below the mountains to near the sea is about the fluvial system from upstream alluviated valleys (e.g. with terraces) to the sedimentary (deltaic) zone. Given the required time of significant change, the system at this scale is strongly affected by boundary conditions such as base level change (downstream boundary), climatic change (upstream boundary) and forebulge dynamics (‘initial’ condition).\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills:\n \nThe computer practicals (Python) will improve your:\nability to work in a team (through collaboration with fellow students),\nwritten communication skills (through abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nwork ethic (through collaboration and submission deadlines),\nanalytical/quantitative and technical skills (through data analysis and modelling with Python). \nThe Delta research project will improve your:\nability to work in a team (projects will be carried out in groups of 3-4 students),\nproblem-solving skills (by going through the process of defining a research question, developing an appropriate method, gathering data, and analysing results),\nengagement with the scientific literature\nwritten communication skills (through extended abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nleadership and work ethic (through working in groups)\nadaptability (conducting your own research project will most likely involve dealing with unforeseen circumstances)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master of Earth, Life and Climate"@en . . "https://www.uu.nl/en/masters/earth-life-and-climate" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "Topics you will study during this two-year programme include amongst others the origin and evolution of life, major transitions in earth’s history, dynamics of sedimentary systems, carbon sources and sinks, biogeochemical and geochemical cycles, climate change and its impact on natural environments such as glaciers, ice sheets, lakes, groundwater, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans. You will learn state-of-the-art reconstruction methods, modelling techniques, and laboratory experiments that has been developed and applied in a wide range of earth and beta science disciplines, such as biogeology, palaeontology, palynology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, environmental geochemistry, organic geochemistry, hydrology, physical geography, geology, biology, climate dynamics, marine sciences and palaeoceanography. You will utilise these skills in your own research project or internship in preparation for an international career in applied or fundamental research."@en . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "2314.00" . "Euro"@en . "21736.00" . "Mandatory" . "Many graduates from the Earth, Life and Climate programme go on to find employment in research. Typical professional profiles of graduates include Geologist, Sedimentologist, Biogeologist, Physical Geographer, Stratigrapher, Paleoceanographer, Palaeoclimatologist, Geochemist and Hydrologist."@en . "4"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .