. "Electrical engineering"@en . . "Space System engineering"@en . . "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "Satellite Engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Mathematics"@en . . "Mechanical engineering"@en . . "Control systems"@en . . "9.0" . "The course is focused on the basic elements of the analysis and design of linear control systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Gas dynamics"@en . . "9.0" . "The course serves the purpose of giving knowledge of the fundamental properties of compressible flow with\nspecial attention to wave phenomena, their generation, propagation, interaction among themselves and\nwith bodies, and steepening. Physical description, analytical modeling and numerical solution will be\ncarefully presented and discussed." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spaceflight mechanics"@en . . "9.0" . "The course aims at developing the fundamental engineering aspects of orbital and attitude dynamics of rigid spacecraft, starting from ideal conditions (Keplerian motion and free-spinning spacecraft), then including relevant practical aspects, such as the effects of perturbing and control force and torques, up to the determination of control and maneuver strategies in response of mission requirements. At the end of the course, the student is expected 1) to understand the most relevant aspects of spacecraft dynamic behavior; 2) to solve problems which requires the determination of orbit features, orbital maneuvers or characterize attitude motion of a rigid spacecraft." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Electronics"@en . . "6.0" . "The course provides general knowledge of an electronic\nsystem as a system for information processing. In particular, starting from\nbasic concepts related to linear systems, the course aims to provide\nmathematical tools for signal analysis and basic knowledge of analog and\ndigital electronics starting from basic components to get to electronics\ncircuits and finally to more complex electronic systems, focusing on the\napplication limits due to bandwidth, power and noise for analog and digital\ncircuits.\n\nExpected learning outcomes: Students will be able to\nanalyze analog and digital electronic circuits and to design simple electronic\nsystems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Rocket propulsion"@en . . "9.0" . "The Rocket Propulsion course provides the basic theory and the physical-mathematical tools necessary for the analysis and design of rocket propulsion systems, presents and discusses the main performance parameters of rockets and introduces the main families of chemical rockets by analyzing their characteristic components and their influence on design, performance, cost and environmental impact. The course also provides the student with a series of calculation examples aimed at fixing the theory and comparing it with typical examples of rocket motors used in launchers and in space propulsion.\nAt the end of the course students must have acquired:\n- Knowledge and ability to apply the ideal rocket theory with particular reference to tandem and parallel staging and to the environmental impact generated by propulsive and structural inefficiencies\n- Knowledge and ability to apply the theory of steady one-dimensional flows with reference to the typical applications of rocket propelled vehicles\n- Knowledge and ability to apply the ideal nozzle theory with particular reference to the main performance parameters and operation in unsuitable conditions\n- Knowledge and ability to apply the thermochemistry applied to chemical propulsion with particular reference to relationships with performance parameters and the limits and possibilities of chemical propulsion\n- Knowledge of the main combinations of propellants available for chemical propulsion and critical view of the pros and cons of each of them included the toxicity of several combinations and its consequence in terms of production, tests, and costs\n- Knowledge of the main components that make up a solid propellant rocket motor and ability to apply the theory of internal zero-dimensional ballistics.\n- Knowledge of the main components that make up a liquid propellant rocket engine and ability to estimate its performance according to the propellant properties\n- Knowledge of the main development directions of rocket propulsion for applications in the field of launchers and space propulsion with hints to the control of the generation of space debris from launcher upper stages." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space missions and systems"@en . . "9.0" . "Provide basic knowledge on the design of space missions, and on spacecraft navigation and attitude control.\nAbility to dimension and design simple systems for orbit and attitude determination and control.\nKnowledge of space mission phases and operations." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space structures"@en . . "9.0" . "Define the role of space structures within space systems (eg satellites, launchers).\nDescribe the mechanical environment of space missions.\nProvide the fundamental elements for the static and dynamic analysis of space structures.\nDescribe and analyze the behavior of spatial shell structures and laminated structures in composite material.\nAcquire the basic principles of the Finite Element Method, its application and the use of calculation programs based on the method itself.\nIntroduce the design of space structures in the context of the design of space systems of their development from conception to operational phase up to their disposal to avoid the production of space debris." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Conceptual design of a space mission"@en . . "3.0" . "Educational goals\n\nThe course aims to develop the creative thinking of space and astronautical engineering students through the definition, at an architectural level, of a space mission aimed at specific objectives provided by the teachers. Students will achieve the educational objective in a team work activity by making use of the methodologies, skills, notions and computational tools acquired during the first year of the master's degree. In order to achieve the educational goals, concurrent engineering tools may be used. The activity will end up in the production of a \"Concept Document\" which will contain the solution proposed by each team to achieve the mission objectives. Assembling the Concept Document will provide the students with the ability to carry out an efficient bibliographic research, aimed at obtaining the required information in the published literature, fact sheets of instrumentation and subsystems, and, if necessary, via a direct request to potential suppliers. The drafting of the \"Concept Document\" in the standard form of a mission pre-proposal, through the organic presentation of the proposed solution, the selection and detailing of the most important aspects, the highlighting of critical issues, will conclude the group work activity. In summary, the learning objectives of the course can be listed as follows:\n\ndevelopment of creative thinking through the definition, at an architectural level, of a space mission aimed at specific objectives;\nacquisition of the ability to organize the methodologies, skills, notions and calculation tools acquired during the first year of the master's degree towards the conceptual definition of a space mission, through a team-work activity;\nlearning how an efficient bibliographic search is carried out, aimed at acquiring information available in the literature, on fact sheets of instriments and subsystems, and direct interaction with potential suppliers;\nacquisition of the ability to summarize the work carried out effectively, consistently and concisely, through the writing of a Concept Document.\n\n\nThe Concept Document will offer a creative, yet viable, solution of a central problem of space engineering (the conceptual design of a space mission), starting from the skills all courses of the Astronautical and Space Engineering. This creative project will be carried out in groups, stimulating mutual comparisons and fostering the communication skills of the students." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite payloads for communication navigation and radar observation"@en . . "9.0" . "GENERAL\nThe course introduces satellite payloads for telecommunications, radar, and navigation, together with their operating principles. For each of the three payloads: (i) the applications are studied, as well as their performance requirements; (ii) its complete reference space system is analyzed, with its typical space mission; (iii) the main design parameters are identified that have impact on the performance; (iv) the performances are studied as functions of the design parameters and; (v) the platform requirements are analyzed to ensure the correct operation.\nAs regards telecommunications payloads, satellite broadcast is considered, together with point-to-point data connection, satellite personal communication system, ground transfer of Earth observation data and telemetry. The modulation and coding techniques are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, and the electrical power sizing.\nAs regards radar payloads, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is considered for the formation of high resolution images. The techniques of pulse compression and synthetic antenna formation are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, electrical power sizing.\nAs regards navigation payloads, global satellite navigation systems (GNSS) are considered, together with terrestrial and satellite augmentation systems to increase their performance. The used waveforms are studied in depth, together with the signal acquisition and position estimation techniques, the main sources of error and performance, the antenna systems and the electrical power sizing.\n\nSPECIFIC\nKnowledge and understanding: At the end, the student has acquired a basic knowledge on the three types of payload considered, on their main design parameters, and on the space systems and missions that are based on them.\nApplying knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to evaluate critically both the payload selection, based on the selection of its main parameters according to operational requirements (from the user requirements), and its integration with the platform.\nMaking judgements: at the end of the course the student has developed the autonomy of judgment necessary to integrate knowledge on the different types of payloads, to manage the complexity of the technologies used in the various space missions, and to evaluate their performance in the various application contexts.\nCommunication skills: at the end of the course the student is able to operate in a highly multi-disciplinary context communicating and interacting with information technology design engineers for space, with specialist technicians and non-specialist interlocutors.\nLearning skills: at the end of the course the student is able to autonomously investigate the new technologies used in the future evolutions of satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of earth observation"@en . . "9.0" . "The module aims at providing a general background on the remote sensing systems for Earth Observation from airborne, and espe-cially space-borne platforms that operate in different regions of the electromagnetic spectra.\nIt provides the fundamental knowledge about the physical bases for remotely sensing the Earth, and in particular the electromagnetic foundation and models describing the emission, absorption and scattering of the radiation by natural media (atmosphere, sea, land) which are required for data interpretation.\nIt describes, using a system approach, the characteristics of the system to be specified to fulfil the final user requirements in different application domains. It reviews the technical principles of the main sensors operating in different ranges of the electromagnetic spec-trum and illustrates the constraints due to the system (sensor, orbit, etc) in matching the user requirements. It provides an overview of the most important applications and bio-geophysical parameters (of the atmosphere, the ocean and the land) which can be re-trieved in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It reviews the most important techniques for data processing and prod-uct generation and proposes practical exercises using the computer to introduce the main processing steps. Finally, it provides an overview of the main Earth Observation satellite missions and the products they provide to the final user." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics"@en . . "6.0" . "Fluid mechanics of the Earth and planets, including oceans, atmospheres and interiors, and the fluid mechanics of the sun. In addition, their magneto-hydrodynamic behaviors are investigated." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft propulsion"@en . . "6" . "Provide a fundamental knowledge of in-space propulsion systems, i.e., thrusters which are used in space missions for a variety of applications, including deep space exploration, attitude control and station keeping. Provide the necessary tools and models for analyzing the operation and performance of electrothermal, electrostatic, electromagnetic, and nuclear thermal rockets. Attention will be devoted to \"green\" alternatives to conventional chemical propulsion systems for future spacecraft to improve overall propellant efficiency, while reducing the handling concerns associated with the usage of toxic fuels." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Liquid rocket engines"@en . . "6.0" . "The goal of the course is to provide a basic knowledge of liquid propellant rocket engines, including methodologies for the analysis of design of the whole engine system and of its components, especially pumps and turbines and the cooling system. The overall system analysis is shown as depending on the high pressure required to have high efficiencies, also towards an improved sustainability of space propulsion. The goal is also to provide the basic elements for the study of turbomachines in general and the main aspects of combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engines." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Solid rocket motors"@en . . "6.0" . "The course will be devoted to the analysis and modelling of solid rocket motors and the complex phenomenology that characterizes these propulsion systems. Theoretical and mathematical models will be provided for analyzing the operation and performance in the quasi-steady regime with both zero-dimensional and one-dimensional approaches. Combustion of energetic materials will be analyzed with attention to the various solid propellant formulations. Specific aspects such as ablation phenomena of thermal protection materials in the nozzle, two-phase flow phenomena, grain geometry and burn-back analysis, as well as ignition transient, will be analyzed in detail. Hints on hybrid rocket propulsion systems and their main characteristics will be given. Finally, attention is given to recent efforts devoted to developing solid propellants using green oxidizers, which demonstrate less hazards and environmentally friendly chlorine free combustion products." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Computational gas dynamics"@en . . "6.0" . "One of the greatest difficulties encountered in the practical use in terms of engineering applications of computational fluid dynamics is the competitiveness of tasks, and related problems, which are by their nature very different. To name a few: the choice of computational mesh, solution algorithm, turbulence model, etc.\n\nTherefore, the training objectives will focus on the knowledge and understanding of a broad spectrum of numerical methods, physical models and analysis techniques relevant to aerodynamic design in the compressible regime, as well as on the acquisition of the ability to identify the physical problem of interest, the choice of an appropriate approach for numerical modeling and the critical evaluation of the results obtained.\n\nIn addition, great emphasis will be placed on a project, hopefully a group project, aimed at the solution/simulation of a specific problem. This will address virtually all phases of the CFD workflow, pre-processing, resolution and post-processing. The team will have to organize meetings, manage resources, handle task dependence, report on calculations, and conduct comprehensive analysis.\n\nThe group project is central to this course, as it creates a virtual consulting environment, bringing together students with diverse backgrounds to solve a real problem.\n\nProblem solving and project coordination must be undertaken on an individual and team basis. Students will also develop interpersonal skills needed to pursue their future careers as engineering and technology leaders.\n\nAt the end of the project, the team will give a presentation in which they will outline the problems encountered and the results achieved." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics of aerospace structures"@en . . "6.0" . "This course offers the opportunity to integrate the preparation acquired in the basic courses with advanced methodologies and tools for the dynamic analysis of aerospace structures in time and Fourier-Laplace domain. The response of linear structural systems to both deterministic and stochastic dynamic loads is studied, introducing some essential issues on random vibration theory. The course also presents order reduction techniques (static and dynamic condensation) of finite element models together with seismic excitation problems on aerospace structures such as aircraft and launchers. A special focus is also given to the main structural damping models for studying vibration control with dynamic absorbers. Finally, an overview is given of propagation problems in aerospace structures in which fast dynamic processes are involved. Numerical integration methods are used to study the responses of these structural systems, highlighting the differences with respect to the responses obtained with linear analysis.\n\nLearning objectives\nGeneral\nAfter completing this course, the student will be able to understand all the fundamental aspects related to the dynamics of aerospace structures, study the problems of response to random seismic loads with performance evaluation, design a passive and active control system of structural vibrations using dynamic absorbers and evaluate nonlinear effects in the case of structures characterized by fast dynamics. Finally, the student will have matured the cultural background to dialogue with certification bodies for the qualification to fly / launch of structural systems and with the bodies / professionals responsible for experimental dynamic tests." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics and control of launch vehicles"@en . . "6.0" . "Course content covers the fundamentals of launch vehicle flight mechanics, including the optimal planning of the ascent trajectory of a (possibly reusable) launch vehicle from the launch base to payload insertion into orbit, and the analysis of stability and control of the vehicle in atmospheric flight.\n\nKey factors affecting launch vehicle performance, such as mission requirements, atmospheric conditions, and launch-site location, will also be explained to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the context in which launch vehicles operate.\n\nThe course give emphasis on the ability to apply the knowledge learned to solve numerical problems typical of launch vehicle flight mechanics, such as trajectory planning and control of a large flexible booster." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace thermal structures"@en . . "6.0" . "The course aims to provide the theoretical basis to address the study of thermal and thermoelastic problems in aerospace structures, induced by the thermal environment of the missions of aeronautical and space systems, with particular attention to the phenomena of radiative exchange. The technology relating to piezoelectric materials is also introduced with a view to structural monitoring, the treatment of which is deeply interconnected with the thermoelastic one following a close analogy in the mathematical formulation. Structural monitoring technologies based on the use of piezoelectric materials and energy harvesting technologies from mechanical vibrations connected to them constitute a transversal reference for applications in the monitoring of industrial systems, vehicles and intelligent infrastructures." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hypersonic propulsion"@en . . "6.0" . "This course offers the opportunity to integrate the preparation acquired in the basic courses with advanced methodologies to cope with propulsion systems operating at hypersonic speeds. The course is mainly focused on high-speed airbreathing systems with and without turbomachinery. High-speed inlets, mixers, isolators, combustors, and exhaust systems are discussed in detail.\nLearning objectives\nGeneral\nThe learning objectives are to provide the basic knowledge and skills for studying and analyzing aerothermodynamics and performance under design and off-design conditions of airbreathing propulsion systems operating at hypersonic speeds such as ramjets and scramjets, oblique detonation wave engines, and combined cycle systems.\nDetailed\nUpon completion of this course, the student will be able to:\n- Assess the performance of a ramjet/scramjet propulsion system\n- Discuss the working principles of a supersonic and hypersonic intake system\n- Use reduced models to analyze the cycle and calculate the performance of airbreathing and combined cycle engines\n- Exploit the acquired knowledge to critically assess the selection of a hypersonic propulsion system for a given mission\n- Perform a preliminary design of the main subsystems of hypersonic propulsion systems" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hypersonics"@en . . "6.0" . "To provide the basics of the hypersonic aerodynamics and the methodologies for the solution of hypersonic flows" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space guidance and tracking systems"@en . . "6.0" . "Acquisition of analysis and synthesis skills of guidance and navigation systems in space missions and interaction with control, other vehicle subsystems. Applications of space surveillance techniques for the monitoring, prevention, and removal of space debris. Knowledge and evaluation of the effect of environmental perturbations on the evolution of complex orbital systems (i.e. megaconstellations, clouds of fragments, formations ...) and sustainability of space traffic." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft communication and localization"@en . . "6.0" . "GENERAL\nThe course introduces satellite payloads for telecommunications and navigation, together with their operating principles. For each of the two payloads: (i) the applications are studied, as well as their performance requirements; (ii) its complete reference space system is analyzed, with its typical space mission; (iii) the main design parameters are identified that have impact on the performance; (iv) the performances are studied as functions of the design parameters and; (v) the platform requirements are analyzed to ensure the correct operation.\nAs regards telecommunications payloads, satellite broadcast is considered, together with point-to-point data connection, satellite personal communication system, ground transfer of Earth observation data and telemetry. The modulation and coding techniques are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, and the electrical power sizing.\nAs regards navigation payloads, global satellite navigation systems (GNSS) are considered, together with terrestrial and satellite augmentation systems to increase their performance. The used waveforms are studied in depth, together with the signal acquisition and position estimation techniques, the main sources of error and performance, the antenna systems and the electrical power sizing.\n\nSPECIFIC\nKnowledge and understanding: At the end, the student has acquired a basic knowledge on the two types of payload considered, on their main design parameters, and on the space systems and missions that are based on them.\nApplying knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to evaluate critically both the payload selection, based on the selection of its main parameters according to operational requirements (from the user requirements), and its integration with the platform.\nMaking judgements: at the end of the course the student has developed the autonomy of judgment necessary to integrate knowledge on the different types of payloads, to manage the complexity of the technologies used in the various space missions, and to evaluate their performance in the various application contexts.\nCommunication skills: at the end of the course the student is able to operate in a highly multi-disciplinary context communicating and interacting with information technology design engineers for space, with specialist technicians and non-specialist interlocutors.\nLearning skills: at the end of the course the student is able to autonomously investigate the new technologies used in the future evolutions of satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Optimal filtering"@en . . "6.0" . "The course illustrates the basic estimation and filtering methodologies. The student will be able to use the most important estimation techniques and to formulate and study optimization problem of different kinds.\n\n\nSpecific objectives\n\n- Knowledge and understanding\nThe student will learn the estimation and filtering methodologies for being applied to different frameworks.\n\n- Use knowledge and understanding\nThe student will be able to formulate an estimation problem and design the optimal estimate, by implementing it to evaluate the consequent results\n\n- Communication skills\nThe course will allow the student to communicate and share the main problems in specific application fields, by focusing on the possible design procedures and evaluating their strength or weakness\n\n- Learning skills\nThe course will empower the analytical skills of the student, from the problem analysis to the study of the available scientific literature and down to the design and implementation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aerospace materials"@en . . "6.0" . "The course aims to allow students to acquire knowledge and skills useful for the virtuous circle of innovation-technologies-materials-products-processes in the structural and propulsive aeronautics sector and in the broader field of manufacturing industry. The topics will be treated with the use of an inter- and multidisciplinary approach, with the aim of linking knowledge and skills relating to the development and use of innovative materials technologies, aimed at implementation applications and selection / project aspects. The basic aspects aimed at identifying criteria for the selection and choice of materials that favor manufacturing approaches typical of the circular economy will also be highlighted, with reference to the use of environmentally friendly and recyclable materials, for technological processes also based on replacement materials from raw materials, including light and multi-material systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft power systems"@en . . "6.0" . "To know rules for first phase satellite power system design. To manage\nrelationship between power system and the whole spacecraft system.\n\nTo know sizing and outlining procedures for: photovoltaic generators, distribution\ncircuits, energy storage systems, and electrical protection system." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Technology of aerospace materials"@en . . "6.0" . "Materials used in aerospace applications must meet particular performance requirements by extending the design limitations of conventional engineering materials and design demand and considering products that are more effective in terms of energy efficiency, life cycle performance and sustainability. environmental (use of reusable and / or recyclable materials).\nIn this context, the development of in situ manufacturing processes in a planetary environment (Moon and Mars) based on local resources to limit transport from Earth and the related use of non-renewable resources. The aim of the course is to illustrate to students all aspects of materials, technologies and processes and their use in the aerospace field, also with a view to sustainability and the circular economy in space.\nStudents will develop knowledge of aerospace materials technology in relation to design, analysis and testing. Particular emphasis will be placed on practical applications and ongoing research. The course will include a short laboratory section, in which students will fabricate and test a simple advanced composite material structure." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Multibody space structures"@en . . "6.0" . "The objective of this course is to teach the student mathematical\nmethodologies for modeling and analyzing complex space flexible\nstructures such as Multibody space systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced spacecraft dynamics"@en . . "6.0" . "- Widen the knowledge and skills in orbital mechanics and attitude dynamics, starting from the topics learned in the preceding courses\n- Describe and simulate semi-passive attitude stabilization systems, with special reference to dual-spin systems\n- Understand the problem of spacecraft attitude reorientation and simulate the related maneuvers\n- Describe, simulate, and understand the overall dynamics of space vehicles (trajectory and attitude) in complex mission scenarios, such as planetary entry\n- Describe and simulate low-thrust trajectories and understand their use in orbit transfers\n- Learn advanced techniques for satellite constellation design and performance evaluation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft design"@en . . "6.0" . "The course describes the methodologies for the detailed design of\nsatellites and satellite systems, including technical and project\nplanning methods, following the international space mission standards." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Instruments for space exploration"@en . . "6.0" . "The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of scientific and navigation payloads of a spacecraft and its accommodation onboard the spacecraft. The course offers the students the possibility to develop the necessary skills to understand the challenges of instrument design starting from high level performance requirements to low level implementation requirements.\nThe first part of the course focuses on technical aspects, starting from payload design to its final accommodation inside the spacecraft. These technical aspects include: scope and requirements of an instrument; power and data interfaces with the spacecraft; mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic compatibility with other onboard instrumentation in a given environment; instrument mass, volume, and power consumption and their impacts on the spacecraft design. This module tackles the main design phases and reviews of an instrument and the test campaign before being integrated in the spacecraft. This module also covers the challenges of adapting an instrument to work in different mission scenarios. As an example, the selection of the launcher plays an important role in determining the vibration environment of the instruments inside a craft, or radiation tolerances can significantly vary depending on the mission profile.\nThe second part of the course focuses on the analysis of payloads and their main characteristics and purposes. A set of selected instruments will be analyzed using the underlying design choices and challenges that engineers must face. The student will be familiarized with these challenges during the first part of the course. Technical features and requirements of the instrument will be compared with the measurement performances and needs based on real world examples. The payloads that will be analyzed include (may change yearly): laser altimeter, radio transponder, spectrometer, radar, camera, accelerometer, magnetometer, particle analyzer, and laser reflectors. The scientific measurements and information that they can provide are analyzed independently for each instrument, highlighting their synergies. As an example, the laser altimeter data can be combined with radio tracking data to measure physical and gravity tide of celestial bodies, thus helping us to infer internal structure of those body.\nThe theoretical background that the students developed during bachelor’s and master’s degree is applied in a specific topic allowing the student to understand the challenges of realizing space qualified instruments.\nAt the end of the course, the student will acquire the following skills:\n\n1) Understanding of the interfaces (mechanical, electrical, thermal) between the instrument and the spacecraft;\n2) Understanding the instrument requirements and its impact on the spacecraft design;\n3) Assessing the impact on the instrument design of the operational environment;\n4) Capability to write clear requisites for the spacecraft system engineers;\n5) Understanding the functions and goals of the instrument in the context of the mission and the usage from the data user.\n6) Acquire knowledge on some of the most widely employed instruments in space exploration." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Smart manufacturing and advanced space technologies"@en . . "6.0" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Optical and microwave sensors"@en . . "6.0" . "Electronics module (6 credits)\nThe electronics module intends to provide the general knowledge of an electronic system intended as an information processing system. In particular, starting from the basic concepts related to linear systems, the course aims to provide the mathematical tools for the analysis of signals and the basic knowledge of analog and digital electronics starting from the fundamental components to get to electronic circuits and finally to systems more complex electronics. The course focuses on the link between frequency band, power consumption and noise in analog circuits and digital networks for space and satellite applications in the context of transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructures.\nExpected learning outcomes: students will be able to analyze analog and digital electronic circuits and will acquire design elements of electronic systems for different application fields.\nOptical sensor module (3 credits)\nThe optical sensor module aims to provide an introduction to integrated optical systems starting from the mechanisms of transduction of radiation through optical sources (lasers and LEDs) and semiconductor photodetectors up to understanding the system-level aspects of sensors of CCD and CMOS based images. The module presents application cases in the field of environmental remote sensing and broadband optical communications in fiber and in free space and for complex systems.\nExpected learning outcomes: students will be able to understand the functioning of image and environmental sensors, comparing the performance of the different technologies available according to the system requirements." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Communication and radar payloads"@en . . "6.0" . "GENERAL\nThe course introduces satellite payloads for telecommunications and radar, together with their operating principles. For each of the two payloads: (i) the applications are studied, as well as their performance requirements; (ii) its complete reference space system is analyzed, with its typical space mission; (iii) the main design parameters are identified that have impact on the performance; (iv) the performances are studied as functions of the design parameters and; (v) the platform requirements are analyzed to ensure the correct operation.\nAs regards telecommunications payloads, satellite broadcast is considered, together with point-to-point data connection, satellite personal communication system, ground transfer of Earth observation data and telemetry. The modulation and coding techniques are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, and the electrical power sizing.\nAs regards radar payloads, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is considered for the formation of high resolution images. The techniques of pulse compression and synthetic antenna formation are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, electrical power sizing.\n\nSPECIFIC\nKnowledge and understanding: At the end, the student has acquired a basic knowledge on the two types of payload considered, on their main design parameters, and on the space systems and missions that are based on them.\nApplying knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to evaluate critically both the payload selection, based on the selection of its main parameters according to operational requirements (from the user requirements), and its integration with the platform.\nMaking judgements: at the end of the course the student has developed the autonomy of judgment necessary to integrate knowledge on the different types of payloads, to manage the complexity of the technologies used in the various space missions, and to evaluate their performance in the various application contexts.\nCommunication skills: at the end of the course the student is able to operate in a highly multi-disciplinary context communicating and interacting with information technology design engineers for space, with specialist technicians and non-specialist interlocutors.\nLearning skills: at the end of the course the student is able to autonomously investigate the new technologies used in the future evolutions of satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Electronics for space systems"@en . . "6.0" . "The Electronics for Space Systems course aims to provide the tools for understanding the figures of merit, the project requirements, and the circuit topologies of the subsystems that compose a satellite payload for telecommunications in integrated technology.\nSpecific learning objectives:\n- Understanding and use of the main figures of merit of a radio-frequency electronic system on satellite, and of the main subsystems that compose it: amplifier, mixer, PLL, filter\n- Analysis of the most used circuits to create these subsystems in integrated technology\n- Understanding the block diagram and components of the satellite power system\n- Analysis of the functional limits of electronic devices and circuits in the space environment, and hints to the techniques of Radiation-Hardening of integrated circuits" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space geodesy and geomatics"@en . . "6.0" . "- Understand spatial geodesy techniques (GNNS, VLBI, SLR) for the georeferencing of spatial data and methods for multi-temporal processing of optical remote sensing data, radar and lidar.\n- Develop skills on space geodesy and satellite and aerial remote sensing techniques for the control, monitoring and prevention of natural or anthropogenic risks that involve degenerative processes on the environment and on the territory (hydrogeological instability, coastal erosion, storage pollution of waste and industrial areas, state of vegetation, etc.)\n- Understand the methods and tools for the construction of WEBGIS and georeferenced databases, from urban to territorial scale, useful for the management of goods production systems and the provision of sustainable services (e.g. control of the stability of buildings and infrastructures, maintenance of technological and transport networks, management of green areas, etc.)\n- Experience on experimental data in the thematic laboratory to be developed on real case studies" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Earth observation"@en . . "6.0" . "The module aims to provide basic and broad-spectrum knowledge on remote sensing systems for observing the Earth from aircraft and satellite and on the European Union Copernicus services for monitoring our planet and its environment with the use of satellite data. Copernicus services concern the management of the land and major renewable and non-renewable resources, the marine environment, the atmosphere, and environmental safety in a context of sustainable use of resources and the impact on climate change. The module describes, with a systems approach, the requirements and general characteristics of the system in relation to the final application. It illustrates the physical bases of remote sensing and simple models of electromagnetic interaction with natural means useful for the interpretation of data. It illustrates or recalls the operating principles of the main remote sensing sensors in the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It illustrates the main techniques of remote sensing data processing for the purpose of generating application products, also with the aid of computer exercises. It provides an overview of the information on the terrestrial environment (atmosphere, sea, vegetation, etc.) detectable in the different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. It describes the main Earth Observation space missions, and the most significant characteristics of the products supplied to end users." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space robotic systems"@en . . "6.0" . "The course provides the required knowledge to cope with the design of robotic space systems. The main objective is the study of the guidance, navigation and control systems for missions of on-orbit-servicing, rendez-vous and docking, and planetary exploration." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interplanetary trajectories"@en . . "6.0" . "The aim of the course is to prepare the student the design of trajectories for interplanetary missions both in theoretical and applied terms. To this end, the study of topics, both basic and advanced, is constantly supported by numerical applications. The tools needed for simulations, are developed by students during the course and applied to real missions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Microgravity flows"@en . . "6.0" . "Before entering the master of science program, aerospace engineers are already acquainted with the basic principles of fluid motion being trained on fundamental aspects of aerodynamics and gas dynamics. This level of knowledge is however deeply insufficient to understand how, even ordinary, fluids, such as air and water, behave in low gravity. The reduced weight adds indeed to the complexity of fluid behavior and enhances the effects of forces like surface tension that are usually negligible at the human scale on the Earth. In addition to that, the long permanence in the restricted environment of the spaceship, or, respectively, inside habitation modules, requires confidence with the more complex physiological fluids, and an understanding of how rheologically exotic fluids may behave.\n\nIn this framework, the course in microgravity flows is dedicated to providing the students interested in the microgravity environment with the appropriate tools to understand and design fluidic applications for and in the context of space sciences. The overall purpose is to train the students to identify the challenges posed by fluid motions in space systems and to propose effective solutions to problems involving their dynamics in the context of payload design, onboard systems, and manned missions.\nIn this context, the following educational objectives are envisioned for the course in Microgravity Flows.\nKnowledge:\n- Provide the students with a basic understanding of the equations governing fluid motion starting from basic principles, leading them to master the most fundamental models of fluid rheology, surface effects, and the processes of phase change in fluids under microgravity.\n- Introduce the student to the behavior of soft materials and physiological fluids, with emphasis on hemodynamics and the lymphatic system and their response to the low gravity environment.\n- Understand the effect of fluid motion on the dynamics of a spacecraft.\nKnow-how:\n- Capacity to identify the relevant model to describe different kinds of fluid motions in microgravity and understand the relevant application context.\n- Capacity to conceive basic microfluidic systems and define the fabrication procedure at the prototypal level.\n- Capacity to translate the mathematical models of fluid motion into computational algorithms.\n- Capacity to perform numerical simulations and interpret the results.\n- Define the main characteristics of an experiment involving fluids in microgravity, select the most appropriate platform for its realization, and interpret the data.\nSoft skills:\n- Ability to produce a report concerning technical aspects of fluid motion in the space environment.\n- Ability to actively work in a team and contribute ideas to a given project.\n- Ability to publicly discuss and explain aspects related to fluid motion in low gravity to both technical and general audiences." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space surveillance and space traffic management"@en . . "6.0" . "- Widen the knowledge and skills in orbital mechanics and attitude dynamics, starting from the topics learned in the preceding courses\n- Describe and simulate semi-passive attitude stabilization systems, with special reference to dual-spin systems\n- Understand the problem of spacecraft attitude reorientation and simulate the related maneuvers\n- Describe, simulate, and understand the overall dynamics of space vehicles (trajectory and attitude) in complex mission scenarios, such as planetary entry\n- Describe and simulate low-thrust trajectories and understand their use in orbit transfers\n- Learn advanced techniques for satellite constellation design and performance evaluation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space radar systems"@en . . "6.0" . "the objective of the module is to provide the student with the knowledge sufficient to:\n\n- Understand the applications and scientific objectives of remote sensing radars conceived either for Earth observation\n\nand Planetary missions\n\n- Get the know-how of the basics of radar remote sensing systems and their design\n\n- Get the know-how on the radar processing required to meet the scientific requirements" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Artificial intelligence I"@en . . "6.0" . "General objectives:\n\nAcquire the basic principles of the field of Artificial Intelligence, specifically the modeling of intelligent systems through the notion of intelligent agent.\nAcquire the basic techniques developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence, concerning symbol manipulation and, more speicifically, discrete models.\n\nSpecific objectives:\n\nKnowledge and understanding:\n\nAutomated search in the space state: general methods, heuristic driven methods, local Search. Factored representations: constraint satisfaction problems, automated planning.\nKnowledge Representation through formal systems: propositional logic, first order logic, description logic (hints), non monotonic reasoning (hints). Usage of logic as a programming language: PROLOG.\n\nApplying knowledge and understanding:\n\nModeling problems by means of the manifold representation techniques acquired through the course. Analysis of the behavior of the basic algorithms for automated reasoning.\n\nMaking judgements:\nBeing able to evaluate the quality of a representation model for a problem and the results of the application of the reasoning algorithms when run on it.\n\nCommunication:\nThe oral communication skills are stimulated through the interaction during class, while the writing skills will be developed thorugh the analysis of exercises and answers to open questions, that are included in the final test.\n\nLifelong learning skills:\nIn addition to the learning capabilities arising from the study of the theoretical models presented in the course, the problem solving capabilities of the student will be improved through the exercises where the acquired knowledge is applied." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Human factors"@en . . "6.0" . "Analysis of the flight related effects on human beings, both for atmospheric as for extra-atmospheric flight, emphasizing some specific aspects as those related to the behavior of neurovegetative and sensorineural/cognitive systems, including flight related diseases. Human-machine interface will also be a topic to be covered, as many forms of ground-based simulation of the human flight environment, with the different effects that such exposures can generate, both in normals as in individuals affected with different diseases." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Space and astronautical engineering"@en . . "https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/corso/2022/31825/home" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The Master Degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering aims to provide students with advanced scientific and professional training with specific engineering skills that enable them to face complex problems associated with the analysis, development, simulation and optimization of systems and subsystems. The Programme also provides students with an appropriate training regarding the fundamental issues related to launchers, interplanetary missions of space vehicles, reentry capsules and manned space missions, focusing on their systemic and scientific aspects. \n\nThe education it provides is primarily aimed at developing the most advanced research and design tools and innovation in the space industry, with particular reference to improving efficiency and reducing weights.\n\nThese skills are achievable thanks to the in-depth study of the knowledge already acquired during the Bachelors Degree, which is deepened during the two-year Masters Degree from a methodological and practical point of view.\n\nThe educational programme envisions a first year during which the knowledge in the distinctive sectors of Space and Astronautical Engineering (Compressible Flow, Space Constructions, Space Flight Mechanics, Space Propulsion systems, Space Systems Engineering) is consolidated and basic information is in areas such as Electronic and Control Engineering is provided.\n\nDuring the second year, the Curricula envision elective subjects. Students can choose three modules for a total of 18 Credits among the distinctive elective subjects.\n\nVarious curricula are provided to enable the students to focus on the study of launchers, space platforms, the planning of space and interplanetary missions and space remote sensing. An additional curriculum that provides general skills in the sector is taught completely in English.\n\nThe amount of hours that students must devote to personal study or for other individual educational activities amounts to at least 60% of the total number of hours required to obtain the Masters Degree.\n\nThe Masters Degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering is part of an Italian-French Network that enables students to acquire a double-Degree at selected universities and Grandes écoles in Paris, Grenoble, Toulouse, Nantes and Nice. The agreement between Sapienza Univesity and the French institutes indicate the procedures and the qualifications that can be acquired at each of the schools participating in the agreement.\n\nMore information at: https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/corso/2022/31825/obiettivi-formativi"@en . . . . . . . "2"@en . "TRUE" . . . "Master"@en . "Final Exam of content of DP" . "2924.00" . "Euro"@en . "not informative" . "None" . "Profile: The professional opportunities for space and Astronautical Engineers are those of advanced design, planning and programming, management of complex systems in manufacturing or service companies, in public administrations or as freelance professionals.\n\nThe possible professional profiles are: \n\n- Designer and technical supervisor\n\n- Product and product line manager \n\n- Maintenance supervisor\n\n- Expert in one or more sectors of the industry: aerodynamics, construction and structures, aerospace structures and systems, flight mechanics, propulsion, deep space telecommunications and space remote sensing.\n\n- Certification or quality assurance processes supervisor \n\n \n\nFunctions: The most important professions for graduates in Space and Astronautical Engineering are: \n\n- Designer of systems and components related to the use and knowledge of space and the access to space. \n\n- Head of industrial and scientific programmes concerning launchers, satellites, missions and space remote sensing. \n\n- Employee and / or manager in the field of planning, implementation and management of space missions. \n\n- Employee and / or coordinator of research and development activities in the space and astronautical field. \n\n- Operator / manager for the testing, installation and use of devices, installations, systems and space structures. \n\n- Designer of systems and components, responsible for industrial and scientific programmes, researcher in similar scientific-technological areas or areas that require the specific skills of graduates in Space and Astronautical Engineering.\n\n \n\nSkills: \n\n- The ability to work on considerably complex systems by introducing elements of innovation. \n\n- The ability to develop of projects independently with the use of modern methods related to theoretical, numerical or experimental investigation. \n\n- The ability to work in national and international environments and being available to travel.\n\n - The ability to work effectively in teams \n\n- The ability to contribute in teams to the solution of complex problems based on the extensive skills acquired, also in relation to the specific nature of the chosen curriculum.\n\n- The ability to work in an interdisciplinary field thanks to the basic skills and specific skills acquired in the areas that characterize aerospace engineering. \n\n\n \n\nProfessional opportunities: Graduates typically practice their profession in the following areas: \n\n- Industries in the space sector \n\n- Small and medium-sized companies in the industrial sector of the space sector \n\n- National and international public and private research centres \n\n- National and international space agencies \n\n- Consulting companies \n\n- Service companies, certification bodies. \n\nGraduates in Space and Astronautical Engineering are also qualified to participate in activities which are typical of sectors similar to Space and Astronautical Engineering, since their high level of scientific and technological competences in this sector represents and advantage.\n\nSince February 2010 the Employment Centre of Sapienza University is entrusted to the SOUL office, which is dedicated to students and graduates and provides the following services:\n\n- Welcoming and information \n\n- Professional and educational advice and guidance\n\n- Information regarding Job offers in Rome and Province.\n\n- Information regarding internships opportunities in companies and traineeships.\n\n- Advice on European mobility through the Eures portal \n\n- Information regarding contracts and the local job market"@en . "4"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Italian"@en . . "Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale"@en . .