. "Electrical engineering"@en . . "Space System engineering"@en . . "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Mathematics"@en . . "Electronics in space"@en . . "7.5" . "The course will cover: \n• The electronic circuit requirements of a number of space instruments; \n• Examples of circuits such as differential amplifiers for very high common mode voltages, charge and pulse\nshaping amplifiers, current to voltage amplifiers, bootstrapping and guards, high voltage and switch mode\npower supplies; \n•The construction, operation and characteristics of semiconductor devices such as bipolar and field effect\ntransistors, CMOS devices, CCD and CMOS arrays and the use of silicon on insulator technology; \n•The effect of space radiation on semiconductor materials and devices and the resulting change in\ncharacteristics and damage including single event upsets, total dose effects and component failure; \n• The necessity for suitable screening, grounding and electromagnetic compatibility in a space system.\n\nOutcome:\nOn completion of the course the student shall have the\nskills and knowledge to be able to: \n• Describe the requirements of electronic circuits required for a number of space instruments;\n• Analyze and measure the characteristics and limitations of circuits used to meet the demands of space\ninstrumentation;\n• Describe the construction and operation of semiconductor devices and the effects that space radiation has on\ntheir characteristics and to design circuits to protect them.\n\nAfter the lab activities, the students will be able to: \n• Work in a standard electronics lab, cooperate with other students in undertaking practical lab activities,\n• demonstrate the skills to write technical reports in English." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft design project"@en . . "7.5" . "Introduction to project work and evaluation of proposed space projects. Design of a spacecraft in a computer\r\nenvironment. Organization of, and preparation of documents for a Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Oral and written\r\npresentation of the PDR for clients of the project. The client could in the normal case be a project group with\r\nstudents that work in parallel with the construction of a space instrument, which in principle could be carried by the\r\nspacecraft that is designed in this project. \n\nOutcome:\nThe student shall obtain knowledge and experience on how a smaller spacecraft can be designed as far as possible\r\nby specifications and where the subsystems of the spacecraft are integrated to a spacecraft in a computer\r\nenvironment. The student shall acquire an effective work process, including meeting preparations, commitment,\r\nplanning, initiative and be able to interact with other students in the working form of concurrent engineering. The\r\nstudent's design choice must be based on science and proven experience and the solutions must be sufficiently\r\nspecified to form a basis for further work with the design process, which must be stated in the report produced as a\r\nresult of the work." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project course: spacecraft and instrumentation 1"@en . . "7.5" . "The following contents reflect the whole project within both courses P7013R and P7015R. \r\nIntroduction to project work and evaluation of proposed space projects. Planning of the project. Preparation of\r\ndocuments for a Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Oral and written presentation of the Preliminary Design for clients\r\nof the project. Preparation of documents for a Critical Design Review (CDR). Oral and written presentation of the\r\nCritical Design for clients of the project. Definition and conduction of necessary testing. Realization of the project.\r\nAnalysis and presentation of final results and a Final Report (FR). \r\nDuring the course of the project, gender equality issues shall be considered\n\nOutcome:\nThe student should acquire experience in project work in spacecraft or spacecraft instrumentation or related fields.\r\nAfter the course, the student shall be able to: \r\n1. show the ability to apply knowledge acquired in previous courses to project work.\r\n2. Show understanding of project organization and project management. This shall be shown applying relevant \r\ntools such as time planning, resource utilization, project meetings, finances, reports and documentation of v\r\narious kinds. \r\n3. Assess the risks and issues that can occur in a project due to internal and external factors.\r\nThe student shall show an understanding of different roles, gender equality and gender issues within project\r\nimplementation and show insight into and ability to work in a group with heterogeneous composition." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project course: spacecraft and instrumentation 2"@en . . "7.5" . "The following contents reflect the whole project within both courses P7013R and P7015R. \r\nIntroduction to project work and evaluation of proposed space projects. Planning of the project. Preparation of\r\ndocuments for a Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Oral and written presentation of the Preliminary Design for clients\r\nof the project. Preparation of documents for a Critical Design Review (CDR). Oral and written presentation of the\r\nCritical Design for clients of the project. Definition and conduction of necessary testing. Realization of the project.\r\nAnalysis and presentation of final results and a Final Report (FR). \r\nDuring the course of the project, gender equality issues shall be considered. \n\nOutcome:\nThe student should acquire experience in project work in spacecraft or spacecraft instrumentation or related fields.\r\nAfter the course, the student shall be able to:\r\n1. Show the ability to apply knowledge acquired in previous courses to project work. \r\n2. Show understanding of project organization and project management. This shall be shown applying relevant tools\r\nsuch as time planning, resource utilization, project meetings, finances, reports and documentation of various kinds. \r\n3. Assess the risks and issues that can occur in a project due to internal and external factors.\r\nThe student shall show an understanding of different roles, gender equality and gender issues within project\r\nimplementation and show insight into and ability to work in a group with heterogeneous composition." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft on board datahandling"@en . . "7.5" . "Data handling system, hardware and software. On-board computers (CPU, memories, busses, interfaces), IO-units,\r\ntelemetry and telecommand formats. Standards related to data-handling systems for space vehicles. SAVOIR. Basic\r\nprogramming of safety critical and real time systems. Basics in standards for software engineering, documentation,\r\nrequirements engineering and specification, design analysis and specification, implementation on given hardware.\r\nBasics in UML. Software development environment. C-programming using a real-time operating system. \n\nOutcome:\nAfter completion of the course the student shall: \r\n1. be able to describe common components of data handling systems for satellites and other space vehicles, and\r\ntheir relation, both functionally and implemented in hard- and software.\r\n2. show an ability to design, analyze and critically evaluate different technical solutions for the data handling system\r\nfor a given mission, and to present the designs and discussions in academic writing. \r\nThis is shown by a written report presenting a basic design of the data handling system for a given simplified satellite\r\nmission or analysis of chosen designs.\r\n3. show an ability to follow and document a software process model, from requirements specification to\r\nimplementation, and following a professional practice by performing work in accordance with generally accepted\r\npractices, standards, and guidelines. \r\nThis is shown in a group assignment, by applying the software process model on a given simplified software project\r\nfrom user requirements specification (where limited information is given at project start) to design and\r\nimplementation, and including documentation according to standard, practice and guidelines." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space communication"@en . . "7.5" . "The course will cover: \n1. An overview of satellite and spacecraft communication systems;\n2. The conversions of signals and data into forms suitable for transmission over lines, optical fibres, waveguides\nand radio links;\n3. An introduction to information theory and capacity;\n4. Frequency translation, analogue and digital modulation, theory and systems;\n5. Noise, noise sources, noise figure, factor and temperature, system values and bit error rate;\n6. Antenna, arrays, polar diagrams, and gain; \n7. Link budgets. \n\nOutcome:\nThe aim of the course is to extend and deepen the student’s knowledge of digital and analogue communication\nsystems with an emphasis on space communications. On completion of the course the student shall have the skills\nand knowledge to be able to:\n1. Describe an overview of the forms of communication systems used for scientific satellites and spacecraft,\ncommunication satellites, broadcast satellites and for the Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) of\nspacecraft;\n2. Identify the technologies and requirements of the various parts of each of the above systems;\n3. Perform an analysis of a communication system or part of a communication system to determine items of the\r\nperformance such as the signal to noise ratio, the bit error rate, the capacity, the link utilization and the link\r\nbudget;\n4. Describe and make calculations and measurements on a number of techniques used to translate signals in\r\nthe frequency domain, to perform modulation and de-modulation and to form a number of channels through a\r\ncommunication system;\n5. Describe the principles of multiple access to communication satellites and to capacity assignment; \n6. Describe a number of methods used for forward and for backward error correction;\nCooperate with colleagues in undertaking practical projects and measurements and writing technical reports\nin English." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Propulsion with space applications"@en . . "7.5" . "The course covers the essentials of launchers and spacecrafts propulsion technologies, focusing on two main areas:\r\nThermal (chemistry) propulsion and electrical propulsion. The subjects treated in this course comprise performance\r\nparameters (thrust, specific impulse, etc.); Nozzle theory and thermodynamic relations; Rocket equation, staging,\r\nideal rocket theory; Solid propellant motor: components, propellants and propellant properties, performance, nozzle,\r\nthrust vectoring; Liquid propellant engine: components and subsystems, (mono- and bi-component) propellants,\r\nthrust chamber, tanks, pipes, pressure feeding systems, performance, nozzles, thrust vectoring; Cold gas thruster:\r\ncomponents and subsystems. Overview of electric propulsion systems: resistojet, ArcJet, magnetoplasmadynamic\r\nthruster, pulsed plasma thruster, ion thruster, field-emission thruster, Hall-effect thruster\n\nOutcome:\nAfter the course, the students shall be able to:\r\n• Apply the fundamental rocket theory, physical and mathematical tools to design and analyse propulsion systems\r\nfor launchers and spacecrafts.\r\n• Analyse and solve basic problems in rocket thermochemistry.\r\n• Perform preliminary design of propulsion sub-systems (thrust chambers, nozzles, tanks, etc.) for launchers and\r\nspacecrafts considering different propulsion technologies (solid, liquid and hybrid).\r\n• Execute preliminary designs of launchers and spacecrafts.\r\n• Analyse and solve basic problems in electric propulsion.\r\n• Apply the above-described techniques on real-world space vehicle projects, and report on this work both orally\r\nand in writing." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space materials and structures"@en . . "7.5" . "SPACE MATERIALS \r\n- Basic knowledge in material science and engineering, such as crystal- and microstructure, mechanical properties. \r\n- Relationship between material microstructure and properties. Hardening mechanisms. \r\n- Light alloys, super alloys, ceramic materials and different types of composites. \r\n- Material degradation and fatigue depending on effects of extreme environments. \r\n- Oxidation, radiation resistance, out-gassing.\r\nSTRUCTURES \r\n- Energy methods: Minimum potential energy theorem. Virtual work. The Rayleigh-Ritz’ method. \r\n-Thin plates: The Kirchhoff plate equation. Solution methods. \r\n- Shells structures: Basic equations. The membrane state of shells. Shells of circular symmetry and circular\r\nsymmetric loading. \r\n- Structural instability. \r\n- Honeycomb panels. Whipple shield. \r\n- Fundamental fequency of deployable systems as solar panels. \n\nOutcome:\nThe aim of the course is for the student to:\r\n- have acquired the basics of the space environment's challenges in terms of material technology.\r\n- have acquired basic knowledge for the construction and behavior of high-performance materials used in the\r\naerospace industry.\r\n- have acquired basic knowledge of how to estimate properties of composites, ceramics and alloys.\r\n- know the most important degradation mechanisms that arise in the results of thermal and mechanical loads and\r\nlead to fatigue and lifetime reduction of materials. \r\n- know typical solutions to structural problems in space and estimate effects of the space environments on the\r\nspacecraft structur. \r\n- be able to carry out numerical simulations using commercial codes to analyze and optimize structures.\r\n- be able to use simple structural models of thin flat and shell-shaped linear elastic bodies,\r\n- be able to calculate voltages and deformations in such structural models,\r\n- be able to carry out and evaluate practical experiments with such structural models,\r\n- be able to methodically attack and solve strength-technical problems for the current class of structural models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Orbit and attitude dynamics"@en . . "7.5" . "Kepler’s equations and Kepler’s problem. Classical orbital elements. Time and reference systems. Transformation\r\nbetween different reference systems. \r\nUndisturbed elliptic, hyperbolic, and parabolic orbit, \r\nOrbital maneuvers and transfers, \r\nOrbit determination, \r\nOrbit perturbations.\r\nKinematics and dynamics for rigid body motion. \r\nEuler angles, Euler equations and quaternions. \r\nTorque free motion, spin stabilization, dual spin, gyroscopic control and gravity gradiant stabilization, \r\nMATLAB simulations.\r\n\nOutcome:\nThe student shall acquire ability to understand and predict how spacecraft orbit evolves. \r\nThe student shall acquire familiarity with concepts and methods used within the field spaceflight dynamics. These\r\nrequirements are shown by the student’s ability to account for this.\r\nThe student shall acquire capability of performing analytical and computer based calculation of orbits. \r\nThe student shall be able to value different orbits efficiency concerning time consumption and fuel consumption. \r\nThis is shown by comparative calculations. \r\nThe student shall have ability to understand and predict how spacecraft attitude evolves. The student should be\r\nfamiliar with and be able to describe concepts and methods used within the field spaceflight attitude dynamics. \r\nThe student shall have capability of performing analytical and computer based calculation of attitude dynamics. \r\nThe student shall be able to assess and report on the feasibility of different attitude control systems in different\r\nsituations. \r\nThe student shall have skills in writing report of analysis and calculations." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft control"@en . . "7.5" . "The course covers the essentials of attitude dynamics and control, Euler angles, Euler equations and quaternions,\r\nTorque free motion, Spin-stabilization, Stabilization with momentum and reaction wheels, Dual-spin, Gyroscope\r\ncontrol and gravity gradient stabilization, Active attitude control, Automatic feedback control, Nutation and libration\r\ndamping, Analysis of linear systems, Laplace transforms and transfer functions. introduction of the Kalman filter for\r\nattitude estimation. MATLAB simulations.\n\nOutcome:\n After successfully finishing the course, the student shall be able to:\r\n• Explain and model the spacecraft attitude dynamics and control. \r\n• Explain and model the passive and active attitude control systems for applications on attitude stabilization and\r\nattitude maneuver control by using classical control theory as well as the attitude estimation based on Kalman\r\nfiltering technique. \r\n• Perform analytical and computer-based calculation of attitude dynamics and control and estimation. \r\n• Write report of analysis and calculations.\r\n• Assess and report on the feasibility of different attitude control systems in different situations" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space system engineering"@en . . "7.5" . "Space mission analysis and design \r\nConceptual and preliminary design phases of space systems. \r\nSpace systems design methodologies. \r\nTechnology Readiness Levels; \r\nSpace mission engineering \r\nSpace mission concept definition and exploration \r\nSpace mission analysis and utility. \r\nSpace system verification and validation. \r\nTests systems and facilities. \r\nCost estimates and analysis. \r\nSpace system verification and validation. \r\nSpace systems risk analysis and reliability. \r\nTests systems and facilities. \r\nSpace project scheduling and management. \r\nStandards and protocols. \r\nSpace organizations, regulations and policies \n\nOutcome:\nAfter the successful completion of the course, the student shall be able to: \r\n• Describe the elements of space systems engineering and the mission design process,\r\n• Apply space systems engineering methodologies\r\n• Complete a baseline mission design process using space systems engineering" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft guidance, navigation and control"@en . . "7.5" . "Contents:\n1. Trajectory generation\r\n2. Attitude estimation\r\n3. Space Sensors for Navigation\r\n4. path Planning\r\n5. Trajectory Tracking\r\n6. LQR/LQG control\r\n7. MPC control for satellite\r\n8. Machine Vision for Space applications I\r\n9. Machine Vision for Space applications II\r\n10. Visual Servoing\r\n11. Spacecrafts / Rover Kinematics\r\n12. Rockets kinematics, dynamics and control\r\n13. Manipulator Kinematics\n\nOutcome:\nThe aim of the course is that the student shall learn the concepts of guidance, navigation and control (GNC) for\r\nspace systems, including satellites, rockets, rovers, aerial vehicles, manipulators and planes. \r\nAfter the course, the student shall be able to:\r\n- Identify and select sensorial systems for GNC \r\n- Generate trajectories for spacecrafts \r\n- Program attitude estimation based on Extended Kalman Filtering \r\n- Design control architectures for GNC as LQR and MPC\r\n- Design basic applications in computed vision for GNC \r\n- Apply the underlying knowledge in realistic labs" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Swedish for international students 1"@en . . "3" . "The course includes:\r\n• basic vocabulary, phrases and grammar such as word order of principal clauses, the present tense and\r\npronouns.\r\n• basic vocabulary\r\n• time expressions\r\n• pronunciation training\r\n• listening comprehension\r\n• basic everyday phrases\n\nOutcome:\nAfter finished course, the student is to have gained basic language skills. The student must:\r\n• handle everyday language situations so that the student can present themselves and their background in\r\nSwedish\r\n• be able to read and understand simple Swedish texts\r\n• be able to make use of basic knowledge about the structure of the Swedish language" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Spacecraft Design"@en . . "https://www.ltu.se/edu/program/TMRDA/TMRDA-Rymdfarkostdesign-master-1.83579?l=en" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "This two-year program is focused on an exciting and prestigious area - design of a spacecraft. This includes integration of complex technical systems that must work in an extreme environment - space. The course is given in Kiruna, the “space capital” of Sweden.\nThis program is a modern and focused program that aims at the rapid development in the space industry towards smaller spacecrafts with short development times. First year courses are necessary for second year studies as you develop a spacecraft in a computer environment.\n \nA spacecraft, which also is called a satellite if its orbit is bound to a celestial body, is designed around the payload instruments it shall carry and the environment it shall function in. You learn about the various subsystems which make up the spacecraft and how it communicates with the surrounding world. Furthermore, you get an understanding for the specific space electronics and typical space materials that are required and learn how the on-board computers and the propulsion work. Orbit and attitude dynamics as well as control of these are necessary for a successful mission.\n\nDuring the first year's spring term, you begin a project work that will continue during the second year's autumn term. In this project you will in collaboration with other students physically build some instrument that maybe will be launched with rocket or a high altitude balloon to the stratosphere. You will also work on a computer design of a spacecraft in collaboration with other students during the second year's autumn term.\n \nYour master thesis work is performed at a space technology company, space organisation, or academic department, in Kiruna or other parts of the world.\n\nOutcome:\nYou will learn about a satellite's different subsystems, what is needed in order to manage its propulsion, attitude control, thermal balance and electric power systems. Of course, all the electronics have to cope with the space environment. The spacecraft must have telecommunication with Earth and perhaps also with other satellites.\n\nThe spacecraft carries a payload and will operate in a special orbit in space. Therefore, you must be able to calculate the spacecraft's orbit i various coordinate systems. You will also learn how several typical payload instruments are designed.\n\nDuring the programme's second year, you and your fellow students build at least one payload instrument that can be placed on a spacecraft. The instruments can be tested in a vacuum chamber, in a shaking machine and in high altitude balloons sent up from the nearby rocket- and balloon base Esrange.\n\nIn a computer environment you will also learn how to design the spacecraft that will carry the payload you build. This work is performed with the method concurrent engineering, several groups work at the same time with different subsystems and have intense communication with other groups. This method speeds up the design process."@en . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "Not informative" . "no data"@en . "Not informative" . "None" . "The program attracts ambitious students with high academic performance. Students who have completed the program have continued with research studies or continued within space industry or space organisations.\r\nSpace activity is often to a high degree international. Some of the major European space players are ESA, DLR, CNES and EADS/Astrium. In Sweden major players are SSC, OHB Sweden AB, RUAG Space AB, and Omnisys Instruments."@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Engineering"@en . .