. "Electrical engineering"@en . . "Remote Sensing"@en . . "Space System engineering"@en . . "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "Computer Science"@en . . "Mathematics"@en . . "Law"@en . . "Airport management 2"@en . . "4" . "The air transport industry and its economical impact. Airport’s relations with its partners and its \r\nenvironment. Airport management operations. Airport’s emergency plan. Designing and technical \r\nexploatation of aerodroms. The authorization of aerodroms. Airport’s reference code. Informations \r\nregarding aerodroms. Dimensional characteristics of the aerodromes and connex informations. The \r\ncoordination between aeronautical information services and the aerodrom administrator. Safety \r\nmanagement elements for airports. ACDM elements\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Optimization methods to air transport"@en . . "4" . "General motivation: SESAR and NEXTGEN programmes. Static optimization; direct methods; gradient\r\nand Newton-type methods. Nonlinear programming; problem statement and optimality conditions. \r\nLinear programming; airport capacity estimation and optimization. Mixed integer linear \r\nprogramming. Conflict detection and resolution in air traffic management using direct optimization \r\nmethods. Linear dynamic models for air traffic flow management.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "European and international air law"@en . . "3" . "The objective of this course is to provide information related to the philosophy of the different legal \r\nmeasures, identify the most important organizations involved, emphasize structural changes and \r\nneeds for specific elements. The most important areas highlighted are: International and Internal \r\nAgreements and Organizations (ICAO, IATA, AEA, ACI, EASA, AACR), The Chicago Convention and \r\nAnnexes, Other International Agreements/Conventions, The Air Transport Policy, Air Code, \r\nFreedoms of the Air, Open Sky Policy, The Passenger Rights, Alliances between Airlines and Airports, \r\nCommercial Agreements (Code-Sharing, Interlining, Catering, Handling, Operations, Leasing), Other \r\nAir Transport Matters\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Financial management 2"@en . . "2" . "Criteria used in investment decision, Business Plan, project analysis, sensitivity analysis, scenarios \r\nanalysis, Monte Carlo simulation, decision trees. Financing of companies and projects. Internal \r\nfinancing sources (retained profits, dividend policy, internal short term financing) and external \r\nsources (share issues, loans, leasing, bank overdraft, debt factoring, invoice discounting). Leasing in \r\nair transport industry. Firm’s financial risk, insurance, hedging.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Security, quality and audit"@en . . "3" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Air transport systems"@en . . "4" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Air company management"@en . . "5" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Airport infrastructure 2"@en . . "4" . "Physical characteristics of an airport’s infrastructure: runways, declared distances, platforms,\r\nrunways’ sides, security thresholds, stop ways, clear ways, zones for radio altimeters’ operations,\r\ntaxiways, verges for taxiways, for taxiing, pathways for fast releasing. The obstacle-limitation-surface\r\nand the removal of obstacles. Signs and signalling devices for the air traffic. Non-lighted markings for\r\npaved runways. Airport lighting system. Signalling panels. Air traffic area. \n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aeronautical meteorology"@en . . "3" . "The student will have the ability to understand the influence of meteorological phenomena on \r\naeronautical activities. Knowing and understanding meteorological parameters measured and \r\nforecasted at an airport will be able to take decisions on the ground and in flight operation of the \r\naircraft, and to design specific operational processes and activities related. By studying severe \r\nweather phenomena that affect aircraft landing or taking off and their effects on the flight, the \r\nstudent will be able to make decisions on flight efficiency. Analysis of severe weather phenomena on\r\nflight route will give the student the ability to extrapolate the effects of mesoscale aviation \r\nprocesses on a global scale, thus helping him to improve his capacity to make decisions regarding the\r\noptimization of flight trajectories. Aviation needs managers able to understand the specific \r\nmeteorological terms and documents that are always present at aeronautical meteorological office. \r\nA high level of training enabling them to develop complex tasks in an environment in which \r\nhazardous weather phenomena is an ongoing risk factor that can affect flight safety.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Airspace organization and cns services (communication, navigation, surveillance)"@en . . "4" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Radar equipment and radio navigation"@en . . "2" . "Radio navigation systems outlines. Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) outlines. Radar receivers – the \r\nsuper heterodyne receiver. Mono impulse antenna operation. Phase shifter PIN diode controlled. \r\nRadar block diagram with antenna switch. Directional coupler antenna switch. PIN diode switches \r\nantenna with micro strip technology. Missile guiding directivity characteristics. Antennas with \r\ncharacteristic ‘High-Beam’ / ‘Low-Beam’. Spread spectrum outlines. Secondary Surveillance Radar \r\n(SSR). Board Doppler radar. VOR- Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range System. RALT. WXR. \r\nDME - Distance Measuring Equipment. TACAN- Tactical Air Navigation System. \r\nILS- Instrumental Landing System. Mod S. ADS/B. ACAS / TCAS.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Human factors in aviation – risk management"@en . . "4" . "Eurocontrol Level 4 and EASA Part-66 Level 3. Knowledge and proper use of human performance and\r\nlimitations. Knowing the basics of physiology with applications in various fields of aviation. Knowing \r\nthe basics of psychology with application in various fields of aviation. Ability to explain the basic \r\nprinciples of incident and accident investigations with direct application to aviation. The use of \r\nmethods, techniques and tools specific investigation (SOAM). Ability to work in a team by training a \r\npositive attitude and openness to different opinions. Awareness of one's potential and strengthens \r\nprofessional development and personal motivation.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aeronautical safety systems and investigations"@en . . "3" . "Aviation safety principles. Accident causation, epidemiologic model, functional resonance model. \r\nSafety culture, production – protection dilemma, safety space. Hazards and risks, consequences, risk \r\nevaluation matrix. Risk management, cost-benefit analysis. Safety Management Systems, \r\nrequirements and frames for SSP and SMS. Acceptability levels. Statistics in safety. Safety \r\ninvestigation, authorities, responsibilities, procedures, participants. Investigation techniques, clues \r\nat the crash site. Data analysis, selection of hypotheses and check, investigation reporting\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Air transport simulators"@en . . "2" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project management"@en . . "2" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Air traffic management"@en . . "3" . "Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC). Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). \r\nInstruments and flight control displays. RNAV. Flight Management System (FMS). Automation \r\nsystems and control functions. MCP-Mode Control Panel. Flight Director. ND-Navigation Display. \r\nRemote Tower. A-SMGCS-Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System. Optimization \r\nmodel and flight equations. TCR-Total Costs and Risks. GA - Genetic Algorithms in ATC. Air Traffic \r\nServices. Airspaces classification. Synthetic Visualization Systems. Performance requirements of ILS. \r\nSVS display system requirements. Airspace Management (ASM) and Flexible Used Aerospace (FUA) \r\nin Romania. SESAR - Single European Sky ATM Research Program. \r\nFAB-. Functional Airspace Blocks.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Scientific research 1"@en . . "10" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Scientific research 2"@en . . "18" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Scientific research 3"@en . . "10" . "No Description, Outcome Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dissertation paper"@en . . "30" . "Dissertation preparation\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dissertation exam"@en . . "10" . "Dissertation exam.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master of Aerospace Engineering and Management"@en . . "Faculty Website:\nhttp://www.aero.pub.ro/en/home/\nFaculty All Masters' Program Syllabus:\nhttp://www.aero.pub.ro/en/master-programs/\n\nMaster of Aerospace Engineering and Management Syllabus:\nhttp://www.aero.pub.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMASyllabus102.pdf" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "No Description or Learning Outcome of the Program Provided"@en . . . . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "Not informative" . "no data"@en . "Not informative" . "None" . "No Job Prospects Listed"@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Romanian"@en . . "Faculty of Aerospace Engineering"@en . .