. "Geography"@en . . "Climate Science"@en . . "Geology"@en . . "English"@en . . "Biology"@en . . "Microbes and biogeochemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n \nThe objectives of this course are:\n(1) to provide a mechanistic and qualitative understanding of biogeochemical processes in aquatic environments (in particular oceans) and\n(2) to describe interactions between microorganisms and the geosphere. The course will focus on organisms that are involved in organic carbon production, transformation and degradation, mineral precipitation and dissolution, and that control the distribution of elements, such as C, N, P, and some other nutrient elements in diverse environments at and below the Earth's surface.\nContent\nThis course deals with the interactions between the biosphere and geosphere, in particular in the marine environment. The focus is on modern environments and the two-way linkage between organisms and their surroundings. We will cover the basic concepts and approaches in biogeochemistry and the organism involved. The distribution, growth and metabolism of selected organism will be related to the major biogeochemical cycles (e.g. C, N, P, S, Fe) and to processes such as redox transformations and mineral dissolution/precipitation. The course also deals with the basis of molecular techniques, use of isotopes in (microbial) ecology and conceptual models for microbial processes and biogeochemical cycles. The course will be useful for those interested in bioremediation, biogeochemical processes in present and past ecosystems, the effect of climate and global change on the functioning of System Earth. Students will present and discuss debated issues at the interface of the biosphere and geosphere.\nDevelopment of Transferable Skills\nWritten communication skills: Students are expected to write term papers and a short research proposal.\nVerbal communication skills: Students will present a lecture for the general audience about a recent topic in Biogeochemistry.\nStrong work ethic: students are assigned tasks early in the course with fixed deadlines and have to organize themselves in order to deliver on time.\nAnalytical skills: the material offered comprises many aspects and students are supposed to elucidate complex issues crossing disciplinary boundaries." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astronomical climate forcing and time scales"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n \nGain comprehensive knowledge about the astronomical influence on climate and the development of high-resolution integrated geological time-scales and their applications in paleoclimatic and other Earth science studies. Training in how to carry out individual / teams assignments by means of computer-practicals and presentation (written/oral) of results.\nContent\nPaleoclimatic research dedicated to unravel natural climate variability is becoming increasingly important in view of current global warming. Astronomical forced climate change related to the Earth’s orbital parameters represent a crucial and integral part of the natural behavior of the climate system in the past on millennial to million year time scales. Paleoclimate studies has solved the problem of the Ice Ages and focused on the orbital theory of the Monsoon. In this course we will focus on climate forcing by the Earth’s orbital parameters computed by means of astronomical solutions for the Solar System. In addition, we will focus on the use of (Milankovitch) cycles to construct geological time scales with an unprecedented resolution and accuracy that are necessary for climate studies of the past and on mathematical methods to statistically detect cyclic variability in paleoclimate records. The course is divided in two parts that are intricately linked:\nAstronomical time scales and their applications: Introduction and astronomical solutions; Time scale development and spectral analysis; Ar/Ar dating and geodynamic linkages; Cyclostratigraphy and link to sequence stratigraphy.\nAstronomical forcing of climate: Astronomical climate forcing and phase relations; Climate modelling of orbital variations; Sub-Milankovitch cyclicity.\nDuring the computer practicals students will operate in teams of 2 and learn how to use statistical methods (spectral, wavelet) to detect astronomical climate forcing in paleoclimatic archives and determine phase relations between cyclic climate changes and insolation forcing. In addition results of climate modeling experiments will be statistically analysed using the same methods. \nStudents (in teams of 2) will further have to write an essay on a topic related to the contents of the course and based on scientific publications. They will also have to give a powerpoint presentation of 15-20 minutes that will be marked by fellow students as well." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Field research instruction geology"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n \n At the end of the course, the student will:\nbe able to set-up a field project with a specific research question;\nbe able to carry out this field project;\nbe able to report about the field research project.\nContent\nPlease note: Students are only allowed one MSc fieldwork / excursion (GEO4-1424a; 1430; 1431; 4418) during their MSc training. \n\nApproximately the month of June is reserved for a research-oriented fieldwork in the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain for students that choose to incorporate a field activity in their master programme.This will be at the end of year 1 of the enrolled programme.\nThe course will start with a three-day introductory excursion aiming to give an overview of the regional geology relevant to the area of study.\n \nSubsequently, independent field research will be carried out with a focus on either geodynamic (tectonics, basin development, structural geology, metamorphic geology), or on environmental/climate related topics (sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, biogeology). The exact objectives of the field research (i.e. the research question to be answered), the area of focus (the data collection area) and the scientific approach (the applied methods) will be defined via discussion with the staff. Objectives, area and approach will be different for every team\n.Development of Transferable skills:\nAbility to work in a team: the field work is carried out in a team of two students, both members having the same responsibility with respect to the final product ;\nWritten communication skills: results of the field work are presented in the form of a written report, journal paper style;\nStrong work ethic: field data are collected with full respect for nature, wildlife and the demands of local land owners and users;\nProblem-solving skills: Fieldwork typically requires that problems are solved that were not anticipated before, and that strategies are adjusted;\nInitiative: the students largely work independently so cannot wait until supervision arrives, they have to take initiatives themselves to get progress;\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: knowledge and skills obtained during regular intramural classes have to be applied to answer typical field-related research questions;\nFlexibility. adaptability: Field projects typically require continuous adaption of strategy depending on the data collected;\nTechnical skills: use of GPS and digital mapping, sample collection and separation, software like stress inversion software, Stereonet orientation analysis, digital logging.." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Field research instruction geochemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n \n \nThe students become familiar with the key processes controlling nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments.\nThey obtain knowledge about the societal, economical, and environmental implications of anthropogenic perturbations of the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. Students learn how to design experiments or how to plan the collection and analyses of environmental samples in order to answer research questions.\nFurthermore, they learn how to combine experimental data and field measurements and to integrate them with knowledge from scientific literature in order to answer the research questions and to evaluate the obtained information in a broader context. \nContent\nPlease note: Students are only allowed one MSc fieldwork / excursion (GEO4-1424a; 1430; 1431; 4418) during their MSc training. \n\nIn this course students learn how to perform a field campaign and biogeochemical experiments in order to answer research questions related to the nutrient dynamics in aquatic environments. This includes: testing and preparing analytical and experimental methods, collecting and analyzing environmental samples, performing experiments, interpretation of analytical and experimental data, and presentation of the results orally and in a written form.\nThe fieldwork consists of three parts: a preparation period in Utrecht, a field campaign, and a period of data interpretation and report writing in Utrecht. During the preparation period, the students give presentations related to the subject and the objectives of the fieldwork. Furthermore, they practice analytical procedures and experimental methods which are required during the fieldwork. During the fieldwork campaign, water samples from rivers, estuaries, and marine locations are collected and analyzed. Additionally, sediment cores will be taken and analyzed. Laboratory experiments are conducted in order to quantify individual processes related to the nutrient fluxes in the investigated environments. The analytical and experimental data are finally integrated in order to characterize the trophic state of the investigated systems, to determine the nutrient fluxes between the different compartments of the systems, and to investigate the interplay between physical and biological processes in controlling the nutrient dynamics. The results of the fieldwork are presented in reports\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nLeadership: Students work in teams; each day someone takes the task of the team leader who takes the responsibility that the team activities are target orientated and who reports about the team activities.\nAbility to work in a team: All tasks are performed in teams. The teams often operate independently during field campaigns. Important hereby is making decisions about the selection of sampling sites and sampling approaches.\nWritten communication skills: Results of fieldwork are presented in reports. Feedback is given on the reports and students have to revise the reports based on the comments.\nVerbal communication skills: Students have to give scientific presentations about a subject related to nutrient dynamics in aqueous environments.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: students have to integrate the data collected in the field and in the laboratory, in combination with knowledge from scientific literature and model calculations, in order to answer the allocated research questions.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on conditions and observations during field campaigns and during laboratory work, the sampling programme or the analytical / experimental approach have to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to a variety of methods to characterize the chemical and physical properties of water or sediment samples. They are introduced to methods to determine processes and fluxes in situ or in laboratory experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master's excursion earth surface and water"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n \nTo recognise and reflect upon topical scientific and societal issues in the field of Earth Surface and Water (i.e Physical Geography and related fields) and to be able to put these issues in the context of the landscape. Special emphasis will be given to (1) Landscape evolution (2) morphodynamic processes in coastal, estuarine, and riverine environments (3) hydrology, water management, river restoration, flood protection; (4) climate driven and manmade vegetation change and ecosystem dynamics in north-western Europe.\n \nContent\nMaximum capacity: 40 students. ESW students have priority. \nPlease note: Students are only allowed one MSc fieldwork / excursion (GEO4-1424a; 1430; 1431; 4418) during their MSc training. \n Placing ongoing fundamental research and societal issues into the context of the landscape, focussing on the fields of geomorphology, hydrology, and palaeoecology. \n Demonstration of scientific and societally relevant problems related to the field sites. \n Theoretical context based on the international scientific literature.\nDevelopment of transferable skills\n\nAbility to work in a team: Participants are expected to take responsibility for a smooth execution of the excursion, both logistically and content-wise.\nVerbal communication skills: Participants will give a scientific presentation about a topic related to the excursion programme. Participants are expected to actively take part in discussions.\nProblem-solving skills: In the field, teams often have to define a strategy for fulfilling the assigned tasks, including the identification of sampling sites and performing the sampling.\nFlexibility/adaptability: Depending on for example weather conditions, the excursion programme need to be adjusted.\nTechnical skills: Participants are introduced to a variety of methods and techniques in fundamental or applied research and the application of these methods will be demonstrated." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Msc guided research"@en . . "7.5 to 30" . "in the second year, students must choose between this course and \"Internship\"\nCourse goals/Learning outcomes \n\nin addition to the Graduation Research, all Earth Sciences MSc students have to perform a second individual project. When conducting a Guided Research project, the student demonstrates advanced knowledge in the field of the MSc programmes and skills to pursue independent research. These skills include:\npreparing and initiating a research project;\nanalysing and processing data;\nwriting a research report. \n\nA Guided Research is similar to an MSc Research project but the expectations regarding the autonomy and independence of the student in a Guided Research project are lower. This applies particularly to developing the research objectives and methodology. Furthermore, an oral presentation of the results is not obligatory and not part of the assessment." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "River and delta systems"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\nThe intended learning outcomes are integrated physics-based, geomorphology-based and sedimentology-based understanding of the formation and dynamics of rivers and deltas, systems thinking and basic understanding of the societal context of river and delta dynamics, and data analysis skills and modelling skills. Specifically, after a successful course the student:\nhas acquired knowledge, explanations and advanced understanding of fluvial morphodynamics at length scales ranging from particles to valleys and deltas and seconds to millennia, and interactions between these scales\nhas advanced his/her knowledge and understanding of fluvial morphodynamics and system response to changing boundary conditions, thereby crosscutting disciplinary boundaries of fluvial morphodynamics, engineering, sedimentology and geology both in understanding and language of concepts\nhas developed quantitative skills, including physics of flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics, reconstruction and budgeting techniques, and programming\nis able to develop empirical, analytical, experimental and numerical tools to reconstruct and predict fluvial phenomena, and is able to evaluate critically the power and limits of these approaches\nis able to position the knowledge and understanding in the wider societal context of river basin and delta management, engineering and nature rehabilitation with the boundary condition of global change\nis able to analyse and interpret scientific data and literature on fluvial processes, morphology and modeling, and is able to apply this within the fluvial system framework of this course, and clearly present this in writing or oral presentations.\nContent\nFluvial and deltaic systems will be studied at all relevant scales from morphodynamics in a channel, to river pattern variation in a valley, to distributary dynamics in a delta. River systems cover about 80% of the Earth’s surface and about one-third of humanity lives in them. The entire course is a unique integration of process-based geomorphological, sedimentological and engineering approaches. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Within each theme, the necessary initial and boundary conditions for certain phenomena are studied, the underlying physical processes identified and derived, and the consequences for morphology, stratigraphy and so on described. The course alternates between reach and system scale, for longitudinally simple cases (one source, one sink) to complex systems with multiple sedimentation basins and terraced floodplains as well as entire deltas. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Systems thinking and the interactions between physical and biological processes and humans provide important concepts for understanding and forecasting. Some subjects:\nReview of channel flow, sediment transport and fundamentals of fluvial morphodynamics. This part mostly comprises review and deepening of required foreknowledge. References will be provided, particularly for students with deficiencies in background.\nRiver patterns: empirical descriptors and predictors for river patterns (which refers to bar pattern, channel pattern and to some extent floodplain pattern), and reconstruction how these patterns changed in response to late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change, sea-level rise and human interference.\nRiver displacement on plains and deltas is about how a river fills larger spaces by migration and displacement (avulsion). Such larger spaces include valleys, fluvial plains and deltas. Furthermore, in between the fluvial deposits peat develops, that later on might considerably affect the development of deltas. During displacement, channel bifurcations divide water, sediment and hazards over the delta, which can be understood from basic physical insights.\nFrom just below the mountains to near the sea is about the fluvial system from upstream alluviated valleys (e.g. with terraces) to the sedimentary (deltaic) zone. Given the required time of significant change, the system at this scale is strongly affected by boundary conditions such as base level change (downstream boundary), climatic change (upstream boundary) and forebulge dynamics (‘initial’ condition).\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills:\n \nThe computer practicals (Python) will improve your:\nability to work in a team (through collaboration with fellow students),\nwritten communication skills (through abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nwork ethic (through collaboration and submission deadlines),\nanalytical/quantitative and technical skills (through data analysis and modelling with Python). \nThe Delta research project will improve your:\nability to work in a team (projects will be carried out in groups of 3-4 students),\nproblem-solving skills (by going through the process of defining a research question, developing an appropriate method, gathering data, and analysing results),\nengagement with the scientific literature\nwritten communication skills (through extended abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nleadership and work ethic (through working in groups)\nadaptability (conducting your own research project will most likely involve dealing with unforeseen circumstances)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Paleoceanography and climate variability"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\non the basis of realistic scientific data, by the end of the course, student will:\nbe trained to identify, interpret and reconstruct the role of the ocean in past changes in climate;\nbe trained to identify, interpret and reconstruct paleoclimate and variations there in;\nbe trained in general academic skills such as writing reports, presenting scientific concepts.\nContent\n(Paleo)ocean circulation during different climatic regimes and related proxy variability will be discussed while sequentially introducing different concepts and aspects. Theory and application of marine proxies will be illustrated by relevant case studies. In particular the Glacial world will be contrasted to the (present-day) Interglacial, and compared to high-frequency (e.g. El-Nino) paleoceanographic and proxies variations. Amongst the aspects to be discussed are: Glacial climate and its forcing; sediment dating techniques; paleoproductvity; pCO2 reconstruction; oxygenation; sea surface temperature; deep water circulation; and proxy preservation. Current important scientific questions will be addressed and different view points discussed. The course teaches students hands on scientific research so that they can ‘hit the ground running’ in climate related projects.\nDevelopment of Transferable Skills\nAbility to work in the team: Presentations, practicals and final research proposal are organized in teams. Students have to distribute tasks, organize the workflow and are responsible for the time planning.\nProblem solving: students receive data from previous sea-going expeditions and have to use different approaches to unravel past ocean and climate change.\nVerbal communication skills: 50% of the lectures are based on the so-called flip-class room concept in which the students have to transfer expert knowledge to to their peers. This implies that they alos have to set teaching goals, plan a lecture and present the lecture. Subjects are setup in such a way as to stimulate discussion and participate in the discussion.\nAnalytical / quantitative skills: students have to setup and run simple numerical (inverse) models to to analyse their data. These model runs are subsequently quantitatively compared with real world data.\nTechnical skills: using the computer programmes Excel for handling large data sets and data transformations. By regularly comparing different analytical approaches students get insight in the prossibilities and limitations of the different techniques." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics of basins and orogens"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n This first-year MSc course aims to provide geology and geophysics students with the necessary background concerning the larger scale context of the closely related processes of basin formation and orogenic evolution in the framework of lithosphere-scale mechanics.\nContent\n The course is meant for students who are particularly interested in combining a physics-based understanding with observations in understanding the evolution of sedimentary basins and orogenic systems. \n\nLearning objectives\nAfter following this course, students will be able to\n\nInfer processes that play a role in sedimentary basins and orogenic systems formation and evolution, on the basis of their main geological and geophysical features;\nExplain how conceptual models of these processes can be developed further into quantitative models by taking into account the relevant physics;\nIllustrate how geological observations can be used to test and refine the proposed conceptual models of evolution (concept of testing working hypotheses);\nAnalyze basin and orogen formation, evolution mechanisms and (sub)surface processes, which are needed to further understand locations and potential of economic-relevant geo-resources;\nEvaluate crustal- to lithospheric-scale processes, relevant for quantifying the orogenic evolution at continental margins and interiors and their paleogeography in terms of subduction processes combined with accretionary and plateau-type orogenesis.\n\nTransferable skills\nThe course contributes to the following transferrable skills:\nAbility to work in a team: the student work out together the assignments in a team of two, both members sharing the responsibility of delivering the product;\nWritten communication skills: every project (assignment or computer lab) contains an explanatory description in a fixed length format. The students learn how to transmit efficiently data interpretation;\nProblem-solving skills: assignments have multiple solutions with successive levels of solving problems not anticipated before and interpretation adjusted;\nTechnical skills: students develop technical and visualisation skills by developing numerical codes and performing analogue modelling that includes spatial geometries and interpretation techniques. \nFlexibility/adaptability: students use industry approaches to solve practical problems that require an advanced degree of flexibility;\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: knowledge obtained during classes are extensively applied to real practical situations that require solutions. Computer labs train students in using MATLAB to quantitatively analyse a given problem." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Paleomagnetism"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n To understand the role of the Earth's ancient magnetic field as recorded in rocks in a wide range of Earth scientific disciplines. Examples include geodynamics & plate tectonics, time scales, geomagnetic variations and behaviour of the geodynamo through geological time, and application to (paleo) environmental magnetism and climate proxies.\nContent\nThe paleomagnetism course deals with the integrated geophysical (geomagnetism, intensity of magnetic field), geochemical (rock magnetism, environmental magnetism), and geological (magnetostratigraphy and tectonic rotations) fundamentals of magnetism in Earth Sciences. Application of these techniques will be explained through practical assignments, hands-on exercises and data analyses.\n \nGeophysical aspects: geomagnetic variations at all time scales. from secular variation, tiny wiggles and excursions of the field, to reversals (including magnetostratigraphy), reversal frequency, Superchrons and paleointensity reconstructions. At short time scales (100-5000 years), geomagnetic variations typically reflect core processes. Variations at longer time scales, however, must reflect mantle and core/mantle boundary processes. Hence, what do these variations tell us about processes in the internal, deep Earth?\n \nGeochemical aspects: the magnetic carriers in rocks. How and why do rocks record the geomagnetic field? We discuss magnetism at the atomic level and link it to macroscopic properties of mineral and rock magnetism. We explain why the natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) can be geologically stable - i.e. for tens of billions of years, and how to extract this information from rock samples. This involves both laboratory and field tests, and we discuss how rocks acquire their NRM.\n \nGeological aspects: stratigraphic and geodynamic applications: There are applications of paleomagnetism and rock magnetism in a wide range of earths scientific disciplines. Time Scales: the role of accurate dating is crucial in Earth Sciences, and, here, magnetostratigraphy forms a powerful part of the dating toolbox. It can be used in combination with other dating methods, of which astrochronology is the one providing the highest accuracy and precision. Applications of time scales have a wide range: from determining changes in (paleo)environment and (paleo)climate (and the corresponding influence on mineral magnetic changes in sediments) to dating tectonic phases and climate change, and their respective impacts on the geological archive. Geodynamic applications, from the scale of continents to regional studies: block rotations and crustal movement, paleomagnetic poles and apparent polar wander (APWP), hotspot versus paleomagnetic reference frames. In some case studies, there will be emphasis on the recognition of tectonic versus climatic processes in the development of sedimentary basins." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dynamics of sedimentary systems"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n \n \nIn this course, students are invited to explore the mechanisms that govern the distribution, architecture, and characteristics of deposits preserved in the geological record at the level of a Master in Science.\nThroughout the thematic treatment described below, students will be confronted with the mechanisms “at work” in modelling exercises both in the silicon environment of numerical modelling as well as the gritty environment of the flume laboratory. These practical exercises will allow the students to strengthen their skills in modeling approaches and data treatment.\nAn optional three-day fieldtrip to Holocene and Jurassic tidal, coastal and shallow marine deposits will allow the students to use elementary observations on sedimentary facies to build models and interpretations of the evolution of past sedimentary systems.\nContent\nEarly in the course, emphasis is put on the effect the choice of temporal and spatial scales defined by a research question has on our approach to sediment transport dynamics. Following this, the hierarchy and scaling of the architecture of sedimentary successions is investigated. The structure of this architecture will be built on concepts of sequence stratigraphy. Once a clear perspective on the organization of deposits in parasequences, sequences, and shelf-clinoforms has been presented to the student, attention will shift to forcing mechanisms of deposit characteristics within different depositional environments: Alluvial systems; transgressive systems and highstand deltas; tidal systems; and deep marine depositional systems. The course will conclude by challenging the students to investigate the validity and application of two oft (miss-)used concepts of Earth Sciences: “Walther’s Law”; and “The present is the key to the past”." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reconstructing quaternary environments"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\nPlease note: the information in the course manual is binding.\n \nto provide a sound understanding of how Quaternary climate and terrestrial environmental change can be examined;\nto provide practical skills in the collection, identification and analysis of evidence for Quaternary terrestrial environmental change;\nto discuss specific topics and communicate knowledge, understanding and skills to others.\nContent\nLecture topics (12):\nIntroduction\nPalaeorecords of environmental change\nGeomorphological evidence\nSite selection and sampling strategies\nLithological evidence\nBotanical evidence\nFaunal evidence \nDendrochronology\nC-14 dating and annual layering\nLuminescence and other dating techniques\nStratigraphic correlation\nEnvironmental and climate reconstructions\nIntegration of Ice-core, Marine and Terrestrial records." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Organic geochemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n \n \nTo provide detailed insights into the molecular processes that affect organic matter which becomes part of the geosphere. The products formed and preserved are discussed with reference to diagnostic signals, e.g. molecular and isotope proxies, relevant to fossil fuel formation, palaeoenvironmental - and palaeoclimatic reconstructions (i.e. Molecular palaeontology).\n\nPlease note: This course will be taught compressed in a full time format with daily lectures/practicals/presentations.\nContent\nBiochemistry, Organic molecules and Sources of organic matter: Chemical evolution of organic molecules, isotopes, Phylogenetic tree of life, Membranes: Lipid biochemistry, different lipids, i.e. fatty acids, alkanes, acyclic isoprenoids, steroids, terpenoids; Macromolecules: sugars, proteins and peptides, DNA and RNA, resins, lignins, biopolyesters, biopolymers.\nPreservation and the quality of organic matter: Chemical stability versus depositional environment, chemical taphonomy; Preservation models: neogenesis, selective preservation, in-situ polymerization; Export productivity, Oxygen exposure time (OET); Marine versus terrigenous sources; Preservation versus production; Sulphur and Oxygen incorporation, Lignin, soil organic matter.\nMolecular palaeontology: Biomarkers: molecular markers based on carbon skeleton, position and nature of functional groups and/or stable carbon isotope composition. Biological markers as indicators of evolution of Life on earth. Biomarkers in relation to the phylogenetic tree of life; Age-related biomarkers: Molecular proxies for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate reconstructions: sea surface temperatures, photic zone anoxia, anaerobic methane oxidation, C3/C4 vegetation shifts, atmospheric pCO2 changes.\nApplied geochemistry in the industry: Diagenesis, catagenesis, Diagenetic transformation reactions; Chemical transformation reactions during catagenesis; Coalification; Oil and gas formation; biomarkers as indicators for thermal maturity, oil-source rock correlation and biodegradation; future fuels." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Climate change, hydrology, and the cryosphere"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\n\n \nAfter successfully completing this course, the student will:\nhave an in-depth overview of the functioning of the hydrological cycle and the cryosphere as part of the climate system;\nhave attained knowledge about the impact of climate change and climate variability on terrestrial hydrological fluxes such as precipitation, evaporation, glacier and snow melt and river runoff;\nhave attained knowledge about the interaction between hydrological states and fluxes and the climate system, including feedbacks related to groundwater, soil moisture, ice and snow;\nappreciate the many sources of uncertainty in climate change projections that are caused from an incomplete description of terrestrial hydrological cycle and are acquainted with examples of running debates and controversies.\nPlease note: This course will be taught compressed in a 5-weeks full time format (week 22 up and until week 27)\nContent\n\nThe course consists of a set of lectures, in which a separate subject is treated by an expert. The course outline is divided in three main blocks: the climate system, fundamentals of the atmosphere, cryosphere and the hydrosphere and climate change impacts.\n \n1.The climate system\nAn overview of the global climate system\nThe role of the hydrological cycle in the climate system\n2.Fundamentals of atmosphere, cryosphere and the hydrosphere\nMeasurements and physics of precipitation\nMeasurements and physics of evaporation\nPrinciples of the atmospheric boundary layer\nClimate, soil moisture and groundwater feedbacks\nMountain meteorology\nSnow hydrology\nPhysics of glaciers\n3.Climate change impacts\nClimate model and downscaling\nDynamics of glaciers, ice sheets and global sea-level rise\nThe intensification of the hydrological cycle\nClimate change impacts on mountain hydrology\nIn addition, there will be hands-on exercises and case study work to get familiar with commonly used tools, methods and key concepts. There are three short hands-on exercises of half day each. The topics of the hands-on exercises are:\nClimate change impacts on snow and glaciers part I: downscaling\nClimate change impacts on snow and glaciers part II: snow\nClimate change impacts on snow and glaciers part III: glaciers\nThe final part of the course will be to develop a short movie in groups. the movie is focused on \"raising climate awareness for the broad public\" using material from the course. You will first participate in a masterclass by a professional moviemaker." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aquatic and environmental chemistry"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biogeosciences and Evolution' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n(Students with Biochemistry specialization can also choose this course)\n\n\nThe course deals with processes that control the composition of water in aquifers, soils, lakes, and in the ocean. The focus lies on using equilibrium approaches to describe and quantify these processes. \n\nThe course is organized around three main themes:\nSpeciation of dissolved compounds in aqueous solution:\n- Acid-base reactions, complexation of metals, redox speciation, introduction into quantitative methods in aquatic chemistry including the tableau method and speciation models.\n- Partitioning of compounds between different phases:\nThermodynamics of equilibrium partitioning, gas – water partitioning, solid-water partitioning, liquid – liquid partitioning\n- Adsorption at the solid-water interfaces:\nadsorption isotherms, surface reactivity of solids, surface complexation, ion exchange\n\nThe course includes project-based work. These projects are devoted to processes controlling the composition of waters in surface and subsurface environments or the phase distribution and transformation inorganic compounds in aquatic environments. Computer equilibrium models will be used to solve quantitative problems related to the different projects.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nAbility to work in a team: The quantitative problems related to various projects in the course are solved in teams, typically couples. Important part of the team work is the critical assessment and discussion of results obtained from the chemical equilibrium models.\nWritten communication skills: students are introduced to the scientific review process. They write a scientific manuscript, review manuscripts from their fellow students and improve their manuscripts based on the comments. \nProblem-solving skills: In the projects, students have to find a strategy to answer the given research or practical questions.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students have to learn to conceptualize processes affecting the composition of natural waters. Conceptual understanding is a prerequisite to properly define problem sets in chemical equilibrium models.\nTechnical skills: students are introduced to the methodology to solve quantitative problems in the field of aquatic chemistry including chemical equilibrium models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Vertebrate evolution (tetrapods)"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biogeosciences and Evolution' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nThis course goal is To understand the development of terrestrial vertebrates during the history of the earth. A major focus is on feeding adaptations, in context of evolution, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology.\n\nContent\nTaxonomy, comparative anatomy and phylogeny of major tetrapod groups will be discussed, from Paleozoic to Recent times. An important topic will be the physiological and morphological adaptations from an insectivorous or carnivorous lifestyle to a herbivorous lifestyle. The acquisition of herbivory in vertebrates is an important innovation, and is considered to be an important factor in the diversification of life on earth.\n\nEvolution of feeding adaptations in tetrapods will be discussed , in connection with evolution of plants and insects, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology. In several hands-on exercises comparative morphology of skeletons (extant species) and functional morphology of skulls (extant and extinct species) will be studied. Also included is a visit to Naturalis Biodiversity Center.\n\nBy the end of the course, the student will have acquired:\nKnowledge and insight:\nAn advanced understanding of the evolutionary development of terrestrial vertebrates during the history of the earth, in context with evolution, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology. An advanced understanding of the adaptation to diet as expressed in the morphology of skull and skeleton, and of convergent evolution due to dietary adaptations. \n>Acquired by reading of the literature, hands-on exercises, the discussions during the oral presentations, and the exam.\n \nApplication of knowledge and insight:\nthe student is capable of exploring the relevant scientific literature and information, and of critically examining, analyzing, and evaluating the information;\n- is able to use and analyze relevant information from other earth-sciences related disciplines (such as chemistry and biology);\n- has obtained the ability to analyse and interpret the data from the hands-on exercises at a high level, including data and information gathered from research-articles.\n>Acquired by the exam, the hands-on exercises, the discussions during the oral presentations, and by writing the report and essay.\n \nJudgement:\nthe student has obtained expertise of the underlying processes in the field of vertebrate evolution and evolution of the earth through time.\n>Acquired by the exam, the hands-on exercises, the discussions during the oral presentations, and by writing the report and essay.\n \nWritten communication skills\nthe student has developed writing and presentation skills and is able to produce written papers on vertebrate evolution in English.\n>Acquired by the writing of the report and essay.\n \nVerbal communication skills\nthe student has developed general listening and presentation skills, also for non-specialist audiences; is able to give an oral presentation, in English, using appropriate presentation techniques, and tuned to a specific public.\n>Acquired by the oral presentation and discussions during the oral presentations." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reconstructing extreme climate transition"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biogeosciences and Evolution' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nThe main aim of this course is to illustrate how large scale abiotic processes reshaped the evolutionary history of biota and their communities and how, in turn, the changes in biota (as evidenced by the fossil record) inform us about past environmental changes. We will focus in the course on several key transitions in earths climate and biota, in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.\n\nThe students will learn:\nTo work with (large) dataset for qualitative and quantitative paleo-reconstructions, decide the best strategy to simplify complex the data and validate data by means of statistical analyses;\nTo integrate multi-proxies data providing the student with a broad vision on time scales and simultaneous changes in different environments (terrestrial and marine);\nTo think critically about the potentials and pitfalls of the various methods used and decide which method is most suitable to find the adequate solution\nWritten and verbal communication skills by means of presenting data as written reports and oral presentations\nTo work individually and in teams (leadership skills)\nTechnical skills (e.g., microscope, computer software)\nTo critically analyze literature as presented in scientific papers and reported in the media (social media and/or press, etc.) thereby learning how reliably (and how ethically) scientific information are presented to a wide audience\n\nContent\nThe course deals with the morphology, ecology and evolution of selected marine microorganisms and terrestrial vegetation and the use of their fossil remains (foraminifers, dinoflagellates, pollen and spores) as proxies for the reconstruction of environmental/climatic/ecological changes during the mosty extreme climate disruptions during the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. The course will focus on organic and calcareous microscopic remains/fossils. Besides the use of microfossil assemblages as proxy for environmental/ecological/climate change, the course also deals with the (biologically-mediated) process of incorporation of chemical elements into foraminifer shells and thus shells’ chemical composition as proxy for reconstructions of past water column properties. We do this by focusing on the strongest climate transitions in the past 250 million years: Mesozoic mass extinctions, rapid climate warming and glaciations in the Cenozoic. Much attention will be given to inking changes that occurred simultaneously in the marine and terrestrial environment. Next to fundamental knowledge on evolution, paleoecology, and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, the course will train the students’ taxonomical, statistical and data visualization skills. Students will learn to work with complex data, to perform quantitative and statistical analyses, to think critically, and to present their results orally. All these skills are desired and/or required for successful job applications.\n\n." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced mineralogy: minerals as materials"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biochemistry' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nThe course has the following four aims:\n- Gain knowledge about current research themes and methods in mineralogy, mineral physics and material science.\n- Learn how to apply quantitative models to answer mineralogical and material science questions.\n- Gain awareness of analytical techniques available to study mineralogical research questions.\n- Acquire the ability to understand and critically examine scientific literature in this field.\n\nThis course will cover the following topics:\n- Crystallography, including point and space groups for crystal symmetry, reciprocal lattice.\n- Solid-state physics, including bonding and electronic structure of solids, surface to bulk properties of materials.\n- Advanced analytical tools, including spectroscopic and synchrotron methods as well as atomic force microscopy.\n- Modelling mineral systems, including thermodynamic and molecular dynamics simulations.\n- Mineral-fluid interaction.\n- Amorphous materials.\n- Hot topics at the overlap between mineralogical and material science (e.g., zeolites, carbon-phases, perovskite).\n- Hot topics in biomineralization.\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills\nWritten communications skills: The coursework of this course includes a written component, both as practical reports and a scientific abstract writing exercise in which phrasing, grammar etc. is also part of the grading scheme. Students are expected to hand in a first draft on which they receive feedback on the science and writing style from the lecturers before handing in the final version. \nVerbal communication skills: During this course, we hold a mini-conference linked to the abstract writing exercise. The students are given a recent scientific article covering one of the areas discussed during the course and must produce a short presentation to teach the rest of the group about the subject. Feedback is given on presentation skills by both the lecturers and the student’s peers.\nProblem-solving skills: throughout the lectures and practical sessions students are given tasks that require mathematical, kinesthetic and/or reasoning methods to approach the problems and find the solution. This includes examining/processing data.\nTechnical skills: the students are introduced to the following analytical techniques during the course: infra-red and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and interferometry. In addition, the students will work with the following simulation packages: PHREEQC (solution speciation modelling).\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Students are given data from TEM, AFM, and Raman spectroscopy investigations to analyse during the practical assignments. The student’s use various analytical programs to analyse the data (Fityk: Raman data, Nanoscope Analysis: AFM) as well as working on paper." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Reactive transport in the hydrosphere"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biochemistry' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nThe course teaches students how to create and use mechanistic and spatially explicit models to study (bio)geochemical processes in the various compartments of the Earth’s hydrosphere including sediments, aquifers, rivers, lakes, and oceans.\n\nBy the end of the course, students will\nhave a general understanding of concepts and methods needed to quantitatively describe (bio)geochemical reactions and transport processes in various compartments of the hydrosphere;\nbe able to formulate models (conceptually and with mathematical equations) to describe transport and reactions in Earth's surface environments;\nbe able to solve models numerically using appropriate modeling software (R, with relevant packages ReacTran & deSolve);\nbe able to perform sensitivity analyses to understand model implications;\nbe able to interpret the results of the models in the relevant context (e.g., geochemical processes in rivers, lakes, aquifers, sediments, oceans);\nbe able to report the results in written and oral forms.\n\nThe course will also help develop the following transferable skills:\nAbility to work in a team: Practical exercises and group projects will be done in teams of 3-4 students. Students will need to distribute the tasks, organize and execute the workflow, and share responsibility for presentation of the results.\nWritten communication skills: results of group projects will be presented as reports. Feedback will be given after report submission.\nVerbal communication skills: results of group projects will also be presented orally, as a group effort. Students will receive feedback on the quality of their presentations.\nAnalytical/quantitative skills: Throughout the course students will solve quantitative tasks using numerical methods. They will also interpret their results in the wider environmental context.\nStrong work ethic: Students will be required to follow fixed deadlines for delivering results of group projects.\nComputer skills: Students will write their own code to solve models. This will develop their programming skills in the programming language R. Preparation of written reports and oral presentation will help them develop skills in programs used for word processing and slide shows." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stable Isotopes in earth sciences"@en . . "7.5" . "In the first year, students with 'Biochemistry' specialization should choose four courses out of these five specialization courses offered.\n\nBy reading the isotopic composition of a sample—be it solid, liquid, or gaseous—one can tell a story about its origin and history. For example, if the sample is a mineral, one can elucidate the mechanisms or environmental controls involved in its formation or transformation. If the sample is an organism, one can elucidate its activity or eating habits. This course will teach you why this works, where it is applicable, and how it is done in practice.\nSpecifically, you will learn the theoretical principles behind equilibrium and kinetic stable isotope fractionation, understand the principles behind techniques used to analyze stable isotope composition of materials, become acquainted with a broad range of applications of stable isotopes in Earth sciences, and develop practical skills in processing and quantitatively interpreting stable isotope data.\nAdditionally, you will learn how to use certain data processing programs, and develop your writing, analytical, evaluation and communication skills.\n\nContent\nFirst, theoretical principles will be explained for equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope fractionation, mass-dependent vs. mass-independent isotope fractionation, and the temperature dependency of each. Subsequently, the following applications will be discussed in detail:\natmospheric carbon cycle, role of natural (assimilation vs. mineralization) and anthropogenic activity. Tracers: 13C in CO2, 13C and D in CH4.\nhydrological cycle, and its link to paleo-thermometry. Tracers: 18O and D in H2O, clumped isotopes (13C and 18O) in carbonate minerals.\nunderstanding the mechanisms of mineral formation and transformation from their isotopic composition (natural or experimentally perturbed); \nrole of biological activity (assimilation vs. mineralization pathways) on fractionation factors, tracing sources of biogenic minerals and conditions of their formation. Tracers: 13C in carbonates.\nreconstruction of food-webs. Tracers: 13C and 15N in specific compounds (e.g., lipids or fatty acids).\nquantification of organism-specific (e.g., microbial) rates of activity, stable isotope probing. Tracers: 13C, 15N, 18O, D." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master of Earth, Life and Climate"@en . . "https://www.uu.nl/en/masters/earth-life-and-climate" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "Topics you will study during this two-year programme include amongst others the origin and evolution of life, major transitions in earth’s history, dynamics of sedimentary systems, carbon sources and sinks, biogeochemical and geochemical cycles, climate change and its impact on natural environments such as glaciers, ice sheets, lakes, groundwater, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans. You will learn state-of-the-art reconstruction methods, modelling techniques, and laboratory experiments that has been developed and applied in a wide range of earth and beta science disciplines, such as biogeology, palaeontology, palynology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, environmental geochemistry, organic geochemistry, hydrology, physical geography, geology, biology, climate dynamics, marine sciences and palaeoceanography. You will utilise these skills in your own research project or internship in preparation for an international career in applied or fundamental research."@en . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "2314.00" . "Euro"@en . "21736.00" . "Mandatory" . "Many graduates from the Earth, Life and Climate programme go on to find employment in research. Typical professional profiles of graduates include Geologist, Sedimentologist, Biogeologist, Physical Geographer, Stratigrapher, Paleoceanographer, Palaeoclimatologist, Geochemist and Hydrologist."@en . "4"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Geoscience"@en . .