. "Physics"@en . . "Chemical engineering"@en . . "English"@en . . "Chemistry"@en . . "Biology"@en . . "Chemical principles"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nThe student who has passed the course:\n* Can describe the electronic structure of the atoms and knows the relations between electronic structure and the properties of atoms\n* Knows different types of chemical bonding and can use this knowledge to predict the properties of substances\n* Can predict molecular shape using VSEPR and valence-bond theories\n* Knows the main properties of gases, liquids, and solids and relates them to the bonding\n* Knows the laws of thermodynamics and how to use them, also for describing of physical and chemical equilibria\n* Knows main acid-base theories and can calculate pH of simple solutions\n* Can balance redox equations and knows the basics of electrochemistry\n* Knows the basics of chemical kinetics and can use rate laws\n* Knows the most important inorganic compounds (incl. complexes), their nomenclature and reactions\nBrief description of content\nThe basic principles of chemistry will be covered" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Higher mathematics"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nAfter passing this cource the student should come to:\n* identify, transform and use elementary functions, especially in their common applications;\n* understand, compute and estimate derivatives algebraically, graphically, numerically, and verbally;\n* understand and use basic methods of integral calculus, including analytical, graphical and numerical techniques of integration;\n* apply techniques of slicing and summing to a variety of physical problems in geometry, physics and economics;\n* use common functions like polynomials and sinusoidal functions as building blocks in approximations of more complicated functions;\n* understand and use simple differential equations to model and analyze problems in biology, geology and other scientific fields;\n* distinguish between convergent and divergent series and integrals;\n* understand and appreciate the interplay between discrete and continuous variables;\n* understand of the concepts and methods of linear algebra;\n* use matrix algebra fluently, including the ability to put systems of linear equation in matrix format and solve them using matrix multiplication and the matrix inverse.\nMore general goals include developing students' abilities to\n* improve logical thinking and think critically;\n* apply knowledge of mathematics to identify, formulate, and solve problems, particularly problems related to the environment;\n* work effectively in heterogeneous teams;\n* communicate effectively, especially by writing precisely about technical things;\n* use technological tools such as graphing calculators and equation editors in an appropriate manner; and\n* engage in life-long learning.\nBrief description of content\nIn this course, we will engage in the full mathematics process, which includes searching for patterns, order and reason; creating models of real world situations to clarify and predict better what happens around us; understanding and explaining ideas clearly; and applying the mathematics we know to solve unfamiliar problems. Some classical mathematical concepts and methods from different branches of advanced mathematics (mathematical analysis, linear algebra and analytic geometry) are studied. Main topics include functions, limits, differentiation, sequences, integration, differential equations, matrix algebra and determinants." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Calculus I (fundamentals)"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nAfter passing this course the student:\n1. knows definitions of matrix, inverse matrix; is able to multiplicate matrices and find inverse matrix;\n2. knows properties of determinants, is able to evaluate determinants;\n3. is able to solve systems of linear equations;\n4. is able to find vectors dot product, cross product in space and knows their applications;\n5. is able to construct equation formulas for lines and planes in space, find their position;\n6. knows the definition of the function and general classes of functions and their graphs;\n7. is familiar with the main properties of the limit, is able to find liimits; knows, what is continous function;\n8. is familiar with the notions of the derivative, the differential; is able to find derivatives and differentials; knows the most important applications of derivatives;\n9. knows the l'Hospital rule and knows how to use it;\n10. knows how to investigate functions, when they are decreasing/increasing;\n11. knows, what is antiderivates and how to find them in simpler case;\n12. knows, what is definite integral and how to calculate it;\n13. knows applications of definite integral;\n14. knows, what are improper integrals with infinite limits of integration and how to find them;\n15. chooses suitable mathematical conceptions (formulae) for problems, and applies these conceptions while solving problems.\nBrief description of content\nLinearalgebra. Vectors in space, their dot and vector product. Lines and planes in space. Functions, limits and continuity. Derivatives and applications of derivatives. Antiderivatives. Definite integrals and their applications, improper integral with infinite limits of integration." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to programming"@en . . "3" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nAfter passing the course student\n- is motivated to use computers and to develop necessary programs for further studies;\n- can demonstrate basic programming constructs (branching, loops, subprogram) as programming sections;\n- can develop algorithms for simple text-based problems.\nBrief description of content\nAlgorithms and programs. Representations of algorithms, flow-charts. Branching algorithms. Loops. Sub-algorithms. Developing algorithms for given text-based problems. Program structure. Names. Variables. Operations. Expressions. Boolean expressions, comparisons. Conditional statements. Loop statements. Lists. Functions. User input. Reading from a file. Writing to a file. Simple user interface." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics and engineering"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nUpon completion of this course, the student should be able to:\n1. Express the basic principles of the physical concept of the Nature (such as atomistic principle, energetic minimum, absolute speed, Pauli exclusion principle, wave-particle dualism, uncertainty principle), and refer to their exertion;\n2. Possess the knowledge considering the mathematical background and calculus necessary for the description of physical processes (e.g., graphical representations, differentiation and integration, application of complex numbers), and recognize the main attributes and occurrence conditions of main functions present in physics (e.g., linear, power, exponent, harmonic);\n3. Know the physical quantities describing the most important natural phenomena and properties including their abbreviations and measuring units; recognize the reasonable order of magnitude of physical quantities.\n4. Use the vocabulary introduced at the lectures to explain the basic principles of some high-tech devices applying physical terminology in a correct way;\n5. Solve the physical problems within the limits of example exercises available via the web support of the course.\nBrief description of content\nThe course is targeted to the quick and efficient introduction of the main principles of the current physics (matter and field, fermions and bosons, absolute speed, energy minimum, etc.), whereas the previous knowledge in physics is not required. In most important cases, the examples are illustrated considering the application of the mathematical methods in physics (differentiation, integration, complex numbers). The students also learn to explain the operating principles of selected technical devices applying physical terminology in a correct way." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Principles of organic chemistry"@en . . "3" . "Obligatory base module 1 \nLearning outcomes\nThe student who has passed the course should be able:\n- to describe structure and shape of organic molecules, properties of chemical bonds, forces between molecules and their role in governing physical properties of organic compounds,\n- to identify functional classes of organic molecules and know principles of their naming,\n- to understand why and how organic reactions occur,\n- to describe behaviour of acids and bases and explain acidity and basicity of functional groups,\n- to describe main interconversions of functional groups and explain mechanism of these reactions,\n- to identify main classes of biomolecules and understand interrelationships between their structure and functions.\nBrief description of content\nOrganic chemistry concepts course, providing overview of structure, nomenclature and reactivity of organic compounds." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Basic of molecular biology"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 2 \nLearning outcomes\nGraduate has a basic knowldge on the mechanisms of biological information flow.\nBrief description of content\nOverview of structure and stability of biologically important macromolecules and of structure-function relationship of macromolecules participating in three basic genetic processes: DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein translation. Other genetic processes (DNA repair and recombination, RNA processing, modification of RNA and proteins, protein folding, transport, and degradation) are discussed using specific examples.\nCourse and its lectures are based on 'Molecular Biology of the Gene' by Watson, et al, 6th or 7th edition." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cell biology"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 2 \nLearning outcomes\nThe student who passed the course:\n1. Knows the basic postulates of cell theory;\n2. Is able to characterize the cell structure, chemical composition, gene structure and expression specificity in pro- and eucaryotes;\n3. Is able to describe the structure of membranes and how membranes connect different cell compartments to each other and with environment;\n4. Is able to describe structure and main reactions in different organelles;\n5. Will understand the cellular components underlying mitotic cell division and cell cycle regulation;\n6. Will apply their knowledge of cell biology to selected examples of changes or losses in cell function.\n7. Is able to characterize basic methods of cell biology (different microscopy and chromatography types, marked antibodies, flow cytometry)\nBrief description of content\nAn overview of cells as elementary units of life and their main principles of functioning.\nAn overview of the pro- and eucaryotic cell structure as well as of the structure, composition and processes in main organelles (nucleus, nucleolus, chloroplast, mitochondrion, endoplasmatic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosome, peroxisome, proteasome). The role of and interactions between various cell organelles. The cytoskeleton: microfilaments and microtubules, its motor proteins. The structure and composition of biomembranes, membrane transport. The cell cycle and its regulation. The methods for the investigation of the cell structure and composition" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to analytical modelling"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 2 The Learning outcomes\n* By the end of this course it is expected that the learners will learn about applied way of combing their knowledge on programming, math and statistics with their biology, material science and bioengineering knowledge.\n* The learners will develop their programming skills in MATLAB environment and will get familiar with different toolboxes in there.\n* The learners will develop their critical thinking skills\nBrief description of content\nThe content of the course consists of three categories that are\n1. Using MATLAB in Biology\nIn this category, we use System Biology toolbox of MATLAB for computational biology in order to do these tasks:\n* Import, analyse, and model data, and share results.\n* Automate workflow elements.\n* Customize algorithms and tools critical to developing innovative methods for working with unexplored research areas.\n* Leverage proven, commercially supported algorithms and tool.\n2. Using MATLAB in Bio Engineering\nIn this category, we talk about topics in this field which MATLAB can do them such as:\n* Types and sources of numerical error\n* Systems of linear equations\n* Hypothesis testing\n* Root finding techniques for nonlinear equations\n* Numerical quadrature\n* Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations\n* Nonlinear data regression and optimization\n* Basic algorithms of bioinformatics\n3. Using MATLAB in Physic and chemistry\nIn this category we talk about some physics and chemistry algorithms that are implemented in MATLAB such as:\n* Solar systems\n* Potential and Field.\n* Waves\n* Random systems\n* Determination of the stoichiometric coefficients in a chemical equation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introductory laboratory course"@en . . "6" . "Obligatory base module 2 The Learning outcomes\nBy the end of the course students will be able to:\n1) write scientific report\n2) analyse the results of the experiment\nStudents will become familier with the following techniques:\n1) Chemical titration\n2) Western blot\n3) PCR\n4) Gel electrophoresis\n5) DNA extraction\n6) Plasmid purification\n7) restriction analysis\n8) preparation and negative staining of human oral microbiome to explore the morphology of different microbes inhabiting oral cavity;\n9) preparation and simple staining of a pure culture of one bacterial strain;\n10) determination of susceptibility/resistance of different bacteria to lyzosyme;\n11) determination of the ability to use citrate and urea as carbon source by different bacteria;\n12) Sub-culturing attached cell lines requiring trypsin;\n13) Thawing frozen cells;\n14)Fixing attached cells in paraformaldehyde\n15) Investigation of random quantity distribution law using AC grid voltage\n16) Determining the power and efficiency of a solar cell\n\nStudents will be able to operate simple light microscope, construct LEGO robot.\nBrief description of content\nThe lab course will introduce laboratory methods and techniques from the fields of physics, chemistry, genetics, micro-, molecular and cell biology, genetechnology, bioengineering and robotics.. Students will get both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in different methods like chemical titration, Western blot, PCR, Gel elecrtophoresis, DNA extraction, use microscope to determine bacteria, get hands-on expirience in LEGO robot construction. Furthermore, students will learn how to write scientific report, analyse the obtained results, troubleshoot. Students will complete practical assignments and tests, write and submit reports.\n\nStudents will improve their skills in:\n1) writing scientific report\n2) analysing the results of the experiment\nStudents will learn to operate simple light microscope, construct LEGO robot." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Basic s of electronics"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes\nCourse graduates will be able to independently use the modern equipment used in laboratories, without hurting him/herself or a device itself. The student also van continue his studies of electronics in some sophisticated electronics course. This is done by the student knowledge:\n* Operation of circuits, DC and AC theory of general principles;\n* Basics of digital electronics;\n* analog and digital electronics used in electronic components (transformer, diode, transistor, operational amplifier, etc.) Purpose and principles of operation;\n* Optoelectronics (photocell, photodiode, etc.) operating principles;\n* electromechanical devices (relays, motors, generators, etc.), And uses principles of operation;\n* electrical parameters (power, input and output impedance, etc.) In the interconnection of different devices;\n* non-electrical quantities (light, pH, temperature, magnetic field, etc.) used to measure the operating principles of sensors;\n* electrical safety;\nBrief description of content\n* Operation of circuits, DC and AC theory of general principles;\n* Basics of digital electronics;\n* analog and digital electronics used in electronic components (transformer, diode, transistor, operational amplifier, etc.) Purpose and principles of operation;\n* Optoelectronics (photocell, photodiode, etc.) operating principles;\n* electromechanical devices (relays, motors, generators, etc.), And uses principles of operation;\n* electrical parameters (power, input and output impedance, etc.) In the interconnection of different devices;\n* non-electrical quantities (light, pH, temperature, magnetic field, etc.) used to measure the operating principles of sensors;\n* electrical safety." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Biochemistry"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter the course, the students are expected:\n- to be familiar with main classes of biological macromolecules and their constitutive monomeric compounds\n- to understand the role of catalysis in biochemistry .\n- to understand the basic metabolic reactions network, major regulatory points of catabolism and anabolism .\n- to relate biochemical reactions and organic chemistry and to understand how abrogation of normal metabolism can lead to human disease\nBrief description of content\nTopics of the course include\n-protein structure\n-basic principles of of enzymatic catalysis\n-structure and function of carbohydrates and lipids\n-nucleic acid structure\n-basic metabolic routes of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Genetics"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter the course, the students are expected to\n* Understand, know and apply the core principles of Classical Genetics;\n* Understand the principles and processes of Molecular Genetics, incl. the processes of synthesis of genetic material, distribution and placement in the cells, expression of genetic material;\n* Knowledgeably use the terminology of genetics, incl. with the help of explanatory dictionaries;\n* Use the acquired knowledge and skills in various disciplines;\n* Apply the obtained knowledge in explaining daily processes, solving everyday questions.\nBrief description of content\nAt the beginning of the course the science of genetics and basic features of cellular reproduction will be introduced. The next part of the course deals with concepts of classical genetics such as the basic principles of inheritance, extensions of Mendelism, it's chromosomal basis, variation in chromosome number and structure, and linkage, crossing over and chromosome mapping in eukaryotes, the concept of quantitative genetics. Additionally, basic molecular mechanisms of maintenance and realization of genetic information will be introduced. Basic techniques of molecular genetics, regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and applications of molecular genetics. The course also briefly introduces human genetics, inheritance of complex traits, behavioural genetics. Finally, the concepts of population and evolutionary genetics are introduced." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Mathematical statistics (part1)"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter passing the course a student\n· knows how to compute various numerical parameters related to both discrete and continuous random variables;\n· knows basic methods of estimation and testing theory;\n· is able to characterize the entity of an estimate by its properties (unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency);\n· is able to apply the basic methods for deriving estimates (the maximum likelihood, least-squares methods and the method of moments);\n· can construct statistical hypothesis in different situations;\n· is able to construct interval estimates and handle non-normal data;\n· has received training in mathematical statistics that is appropriate for studying field related advanced statistical methods.\nBrief description of content\nIn the part of probability theory, the random events and properties of classical probability are considered. The course covers the theory of random variables and their distributions. In the part of mathematical statistics, the course covers basics of the statistical inference. First, a point estimator, its properties, and methods for finding it are considered. Also, the interval estimation and testing of statistical hypotheses are treated." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Systems biology"@en . . "4" . "Learning outcomes\nRecent advances in technology have revolutionized biology enabling the collection of large sets of genomics, metabolomics and proteomics data. The new discipline of systems biology aims to meet the most important challenge of the 'post-omics' era: to understand the mechanisms of the biomolecular networks. The course presents the design principles of biological systems, and highlights the recurring circuit elements that make up biolomolecular networks. It provides a simple mathematical framework which can be used to understand and even design biological circuits.\nBrief description of content\nThe course is introductory, specialist terms are largely avoided, focusing instead on several well-studied biological systems that concisely demonstrate key principles.\nThe course will present an integrated approach in which the quantitative experimental data from biochemical and cell biology research is used to create predictive models of cellular systems. Examples will be discussed to demonstrate how cell-level functions arise and why mechanistic knowledge of the biochemical systems allows us to predict behaviors leading to different cell fate decisions, and also to disease states and drug responses." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied synthetic biology"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nThe students will know:\n1) the recent major general breakthroughs in the field of synthetic biology;\n2) major applications of synthetic biology in bio-economy;\n3) major applications of synthetic biology in medicine;\n4) major applications of synthetic biology in agriculture;\n5) major applications of synthetic biology in chemical and material industry;\n6) major applications of synthetic biology in the fields of biofuels, global warming, and in reaching the humanities goals of biosustainability.\nBrief description of content\nMicrobial cell factories unit (15 lectures and seminars)\nMicrobial cell factories yeast, bacteria. Cell factory construction in silico. Engineering of biosynthetic enzyme specificities and other applications of synthetic biology in cell factory technologies aimed for production of bio-based chemicals, proteins and bio-inspired materials. The topic of next generation biofuels and the role of synthetic biology tools to rewire the microbial metabolism for high-yield biofuel production will be discussed and exemplified with newest examples in industry (Loog, Lahtvee, Valgepea).\nMammalian cell factories unit (5 lectures and seminars): Synthetic biology application in virology and fighting mosquito-spread viral diseases will be covered by Prof. Andres Merits.\nSynthetic biology application in plant biology and agriculture (5 lectures and seminars; Prof. Hannes Kollist).\nMedical applications of synthetic biology (5 lectures and seminars) (Dr. Viljar Jaks)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bioinformatics for bioengineers"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nBy the end of the course participants will know relevant databases for biological data (incl. genomic regions, protein domains, protein-protein interactions, gene expression data, Gene Ontology). The course will give an overview of the main bioinformatics methods that the attendee can later use in his/her research projects that involve the analysis of genetic information and/or design of novel genetic circuits. The course offers an alternative to the classical form of bioinformatics courses in terms of additional modules focused on genome engineering and rational design of chromosomes. It also introduces an innovative Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL): a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology.\nParticipants of the course will receive the following set of skills:\n1) In silico analysis of cellular processes: genetic information and its manifestations.\n2) Ability to apply bioinformatics methods for analysing gene regulation (incl. sequence alignment and analysis, primer design, gene expression analysis, CRISPR).\n3) Will know relevant databases for biological data (incl. genomic regions, protein domains, protein-protein interactions, gene expression data, Gene Ontology).\n4) Basic skills in in silico assembly of synthetic organisms in the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL)- from hereditary material to metabolic pathways.\nBrief description of content\nThe course consists of three modules:\nI - Introductory bioinformatics module\n* In silico analysis of single genes and proteins - basic search algorithms (blast), retrieval options, file types, alignment options, phylogenetic tree building etc.\n* Design of primers for single genes - PCR primers, cDNA cloning primers\n* Analysis of genomic regions - enhancers, promoters, coding regions, intron-exon. structure, (alternative) splicing, overlapping genes (including miRNA genes)\n* Analysis of gene expression data (RNA seq, microarray, protein arrays, chip data).\n* Analysis of interactome and GO data.\n* Analysis of protein interaction networks." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Biomolecular catalysis and signalling"@en . . "4" . "Learning outcomes\nModule 1: Cell Signaling, provides an overview of main principles and mechanisms signal transduction. Concepts like information flow, cellular computation, and decision making will be introduced. A systematic overview of main eukaryotic and prokaryotic signaling pathways will be presented.\nModule 2: Biomolecular Catalysis, will provide a sufficiently detailed overview of the basic enzyme mechanisms and kinetic approaches to study enzymes.\nModule 3: Structural Biology, will give a basic overview of protein (and DNA) structure. Special lectures are dedicated to contemporary methods for structural analysis of proteins and other biological macromolecule. Structural modeling methods and software will be introduced and tested in a seminar.\nModule 4: provides and overview of bacterial signaling, protein synthesis and antibiotic mechanisms.\nBrief description of content\n3-D structure of proteins; X-ray; Neutron diffraction. Structure of proteins in solution from NMR methods. The structural building blocks. Motifs or supersecondary structures. Assembly of proteins from the building blocks.\nProtein diversity. Introns, exons, and inteins and exteins. Divergent evolution of families of proteins. Convergent evolution. Evolution of proteins by fusion of gene fragments. Homology, sequence identity, and structural similarity.\nPrinciples of chemical catalysis. Transition state theory. The Hammond postulate. Chemical basis of the Hammond postulate. Intramolecular catalysis: The \"effective concentration\" of a group on an enzyme. General acid-base catalysis. Entropy: The theoretical basis of intramolecular catalysis and effective concentration. Electrostatic catalysis. Metal ion catalysis. Covalent catalysis. Electrophilic catalysis by Schiff base formation. Pyridoxal phosphate-Electrophilic catalysis. Thiamine pyrophosphate-Electrophilic catalysis. Nucleophilic catalysis. Structure-activity relationships. Nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl group. The principle of microscopic reversibility or detailed balance. The principle of kinetic equivalence." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Synthetic biology lab I"@en . . "4" . "Learning outcomes\nThe aim of the lab is to guide the students through the entire creative cycle required for the design of synthetic biological systems with novel functions. The participants will go through all stages of the design-build-test process followed by analysis and interpretation of the outcome. The students acquire basic molecular biology skills and gain an experience in which they take ownership of their projects, troubleshoot their own experiments, present at frequent laboratory meetings.\nBrief description of content\nThe course is divided into 5 subprojects. Every project will start with the in silico design of the genetic circuits to be built with the aim to gain the desired biological function. This stage will be held separately, few weeks before the laboratory stage, during the course \"LTTI.00.016 Bioinformatics for Bioengineers\", in order to order the synthetic DNA and other missing reagents. Each student will participate in at least three different projects. The list of the projects is subject to changes in each year depending on the progress and emerging new ideas. Four main biological systems used in synthetic biology will also be used in the course: bacteria, yeast, plants and mammalian cells." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Synthetic biology lab II"@en . . "4" . "Learning outcomes\nThe aim of the lab is to guide the students through the entire creative cycle required for the design of synthetic biological systems with novel functions. The participants will go through all stages of the design-build-test process followed by analysis and interpretation of the outcome. The analysis stage provides new ideas for improving the performance of the designed cells, or even further, ideas for novel approaches and functions. In this way, the course can potentially evolve into continuously developing engineering projects, where the prototypes will be improved and further developed in each year.\nBrief description of content\nThe course is divided into 4-5 subprojects. Every project will start with the in silico design of the genetic/protein circuits to be built with the aim to gain the desired biological function. This stage will be held separately, few weeks before the laboratory stage in order to order the synthetic DNA and other missing reagents. Each student will participate in at least two different projects. The list of the projects is subject to changes in each year depending on the progress and emerging new ideas." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Contemporary lab techniques"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nA student, having passed the course:\nKnows the working principle and safety rules of modern research techniques\nKnows the capabilities and applicability of various research techniques\nCan plan an experiment\nCarry out an experiment\nAnalyze the results of an experiment\nBrief description of content\nThe course introduces contemporary laboratory techniques, which are in actual use in research groups of various research fields. During the course the working principles of the methods are introduced together with demonstration experiments, aiming at providing grounds for future independent experiments. The experimental part is carried out in groups in parallel." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Control systems engineering"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter passing the course successfully, the student will\n* have an overview and be able to describe dynamic systems behavior at basic level\n* understand and be able to use mathematical apparatus baseline for the description of dynamic systems\n* know the common principles of classic and modern control systems\n* be able to use software for simulation of control systems at basic level\n* be able to use frequency domain techniques on the design of basic electrical and mechanical systems\n* be able to create, analyze and tune PID control systems\nBrief description of content\nThe course gives an introductory theoretical and practical knowledge about behavior, modeling, and characterization of dynamic systems. Simplified overview of the required mathematical apparatus is covered. The characterization methods of linear systems (state-space equations, transfer functions) are studied; stablity, observability and controllability are discussed. Theory and practice of classical control methods (on-off control and PID control) are studied. Students wlll learn to analyze simpler control systems in practice." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Molecular systems biology"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nThe course presents a more advanced approach as a subsequent step after the introductory course LTTI.00.008 Systems Biology (4 EAP).\nBrief description of content\nThe interface between systems biology and synthetic biology will be thoroughly discussed. The principle \"Build life to understand it\" will be analyzed and studied using specific examples. Conventionally, biologists have sought to understand life as it exists. Increasingly, however, from stem-cell reprogramming to microbial factories, researchers are describing what is and exploring what could be. A large part of the course will be dedicated to theoretical introduction into the mathematical modeling methods for systems biology. This part will serve as groundwork for the following practical modeling course using MATLAB (\"Systems Modeling\" 4EAP)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Robotics I"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter completing this course, the student will:\n* have used programming languages;\n* have used a robot platform based on the Raspberry PI;\n* knows what a robot is;\n* know how a robotics system is structured;\n* know the most used sensors and actuators;\n* know the most important movement mechanisms in robotics;\n* know some options to position a robot;\n* know about some communication solutions;\n* be able to gather and analyse data using a robot;\n* be able to use gathered knowledge in a robotics project.\nBrief description of content\nIntroduction into robotics systems using a Raspberry Pi and Arduino in combination with GoPiGo platform. The main programming language used is Python but some Arduino C++ is also covered." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Technical graphics"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nLearning outcomes: after passing the course student:\n1. Knows the ISO and ANSI standards for compiling of technical drawings;\n2. Is able to make a drawing consisting of all necessary views, sections and dimensions from real detail with 15 - 25 dimensions;\n3. Has the basic knowledge of SolidWorks software and is able to use it for creating simple model and drawing files;\n4. Is able to solve creatively modelling assignments, which are not precisely formulated;\n5. Is able to divide three-dimensional objects into smaller parts and use it for determining the logic of model building in SolidWorks software.\nBrief description of content\nDuring the course students will be involved into the principles of classical engineering geometry, designing and drafting processes. They will also get an overview of selected ISO and ANSI standards needed for preparing production drawings.SolidWorks software is installed at the computer lab W. Ostwaldi Str 1. This software will be introduced to students and they should use it for performing their assignments. Communication with students, in addition to the lectures, is organized on the Moodle platform." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Computer aided design"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nLearning outcomes: after passing the course student:\n1. Knows the ISO and ANSI standards for compiling of technical drawings;\n2. Is able to make a drawing consisting of all necessary views, sections and dimensions from real detail with 15 - 25 dimensions;\n3. Has the basic knowledge of SolidWorks software and is able to use it for creating simple model and drawing files;\n4. Is able to solve creatively modelling assignments, which are not precisely formulated;\n5. Is able to divide three-dimensional objects into smaller parts and use it for determining the logic of model building in SolidWorks software.\nBrief description of content\nDuring the course students will be involved into the principles of classical engineering geometry, designing and drafting processes. They will also get an overview of selected ISO and ANSI standards needed for preparing production drawings.SolidWorks software is installed at the computer lab W. Ostwaldi Str 1. This software will be introduced to students and they should use it for performing their assignments. Communication with students, in addition to the lectures, is organized on the Moodle platform." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Project in competitive robotics"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nFinish a hardware project in a group where time is of the essence. Quickly aqcuire missing knowledge.\nBrief description of content\nStudents will be asigned into groups of 3 to 4 people. Each team will build a robot that complies with the rules of Robotex (http://www.robotex.ee).\nBuilding a robot consists of:\nbuilding a chassis\ninstalling of sensors\nthe interconnecting of sensors and actuators with microcontrollers\nprogramming of microcontrollers\ntesting of finished solution\nAll students with some knowledge in mechanics, low level programming, high level programming or project and team management are welcome.\nEach team will be composed in such a way that the skills of members will complement eachother.\nTo attend the course, you will need to attend the kickoff camp. More information will be given in the first lecture." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Smart solutions"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nDuring the practice:\n* learn to use Raspberry Pi and Arduino to control externela devices;\n* get (first) knowledge about Linux;\n* learn basics and practical use of client-server architecture;\n* learn to communicate to and control of different wireless (WiFi, Bluetooth, IR, RF, GSM) and wired (Ehernet) devices;\n* learn to use different sensors: webcam, motion detector, temperature, pressure, humidity, flow sensors etc.;\n* learn to create autonomous power supply for remote devices;\n* learn to create initial app for Andrid operating system to control remote devices;\n* solve a individual real-life problem.\nBrief description of content\nThis practical course deals with the practical integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) components into real-life and real-world problem solving systems. It is learned that seemingly technically complex and standardized or standard-assuming solutions can be accomplished by everyone at a cheap and simple level. For this, the prepared general practice and a problem-based, independent project will be completed." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Technical graphics II"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter completion of this course the student:\n1. Is able to compose assembly models and drawings consisting of fits and tolerances;\n2. Knows the basic manufacturing processes of metal;\n3. Is able to use mathematical modelling and MS Excel for design tasks;\n4. Is able to solve modelling assignments on the level of the SolidWorks CSWA certification;\n5. Has practical and creative problem-based learning experience in team for solving engineering tasks.\nBrief description of content\nStudents are asked to compile SolidWorks part and drawing files of real details with different complexity in the form of independent work and teamwork. For solving design tasks, students will be introduced to the standards of compiling assembly drawings consisting of threads and fits. Two problem-based creative assignments for three-member teams are taken from real life. Here students must find a creative solution, execute the overall design and present their design in class\nStudents with high academic achievement level will get the access to sit an on-line SolidWorks CSWA certification exam." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Bsc thesis seminar in bioengineering and robotics"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes\nBy the end of the course student will:\n- get experience in presenting scientific material\n- gain a deeper understanding of the bachelor's thesis subject\n- gain experience in discussing scientific topics\nBrief description of content\nThe course will comprise of seminars and individual studies. On each seminar, students will present the topic of their bachelor's thesis, based on scientific literature provided by the supervisor." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Biomedical engineering ∙"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes, like diagnostics or therapeutics. Biomedical engineering is advancing rapidly and produces important innovations that improve our quality of life.\nBrief description of content\nPart I - Molecular and cellular bioengineering.\nGenetic engineering. Direct manipulation of organism's genes. Recombinant DNA technology; genetic modification/manipulation; genetic screening.\nCellular bioengineering. Stem cells. Tissue engineering and biomaterials. Artificial organs and biological materials. Cancer bioengineering. Biomarker discovery and targeted therapy. In vivo cancer modeling. Drug delivery. Nanomedicine. Nanoparticles for drug delivery. Protein engineering, expression and purification. Bioprocess engineering. Bioprocess design. Manufacturing of proteins and biomolecules.\nMolecular bioengineering. DNA-protein/RNA-protein interactions, protein folding and function etc. that function as therapeutics.\nPart II - Medical devices. Biomechanics. Medical devices and biomedical diagnostics. Biomedical and molecular imaging." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Digital signal processing"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter successful completion of the course, student ...\n1. is able to utilise A/D converter\n2. knows how to sample a continuous signal and describes possible distortions and noise\n3. calculates convolution of two discrete signals\n4. explains the principles of DFT and carries out relevant calculations\n5. determines FIR filter parameters h(k)\n6. designs suitable FIR filter for specific task\n7. understands the concept of IIR filter\nBrief description of content\nThe objective of the course is to give an introductory overview of the main topics of Digital Signal Processing. Lectures cover mainly sampling, transforms and digital filters. In laboratory experiments students have the opportunity to observe, explore and manipulate characteristics and behaviors of actual devices, systems, and processes." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to digital Image processing"@en . . "4" . "Learning outcomes\nUnderstand the meaning of signals and image\nUnderstand image formation\nUnderstanding of digitalisation of analogue image\nLearn the image processing algorithms for enhancement of an image\nAcquire an appreciation for the image processing issues and techniques and be able to apply these techniques to real world problems in natural science\nBe able to conduct independent study and analysis of image processing problems and techniques\nBrief description of content\nImage formation\nImage acquisition\nDigitalization\nImage manipulation\nIllumination enhancement\nTransformation\nFrequency domain image processing\nDenosing\nColour processing\nObject recognition" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Systems modelling (practical course, matlab)"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nThis is a laboratory course in which the students perform numerical computations during each session and complete problem sets as homework. Students bring their laptop computers to class, and an institutional license allows for MATLAB to be installed on each student's computer. Although the focus of this course is on computational methodologies, the students receive training in the identification of the types of experimental data, the appropriate computational approach for the data set, and the types of questions that can be addressed with a particular data set and computational strategy.\nBrief description of content\nThe course is divided into three parts\nI - Systems biology: Teach contemporary methods used in systems biology for dynamic modeling. Teach methods for mathematical analysis of biological systems and simulation outputs. Demonstrate how dynamical mathematical models can provide insight that cannot be gained from experiments only.\nII - Robotics and computer vision: This part presents an overview of methods for mathematical analysis of robotics in practice and research with topics including vision, motion planning, mobile mechanisms, kinematics, inverse kinematics, and sensors.\nIII - Integrative approach. Finding and understanding common features in biological and physical engineered dynamic systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced electronics and prototyping lab"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\n1. After finishing the course students will be able to work independently with common electronics laboratory equipment like: precision multimeter, oscilloscope, LCR-meter, digital microscope, SMD soldering station, power supply, signal generator and ohter tools.\n2. In addition students will be able to operate specific devices available at lab like: PCB plotter, SMD Reflow Oven, X-Ray inspection, thermal Imaging camera, laser cutter and 3d printer.\n3. In addition students will be able to present their results and work with laboratory equipment in appropriate manner.\nBrief description of content\nFamilirizing with modern electronics laboratory environment. After finishing the course students would be able to work independently in lab environment without harming themselves, coworkers and lab equipment. Practical work takes place in a University of Tartu electronics lab \"Ideelabor\" (Nooruse 1, rooms 110 and 113)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Atomic spectroscopy"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nStudent who has passed the course\n-- has good overview of the contemporary analytical atomic spectroscopy techniques (AAS, AES, XRF and atomic mass spectrometry), their advantages and limitations and fields of application;\n-- has good understanding of the physical and chemical principles of operation of these techniques and the factors that influence the results;\n-- is able to assess on the basis of a description about the adequacy and quality of a given atomic spectroscopy method and about its suitability for solving the analytical problem at hand;\n-- is able to assess the adequacy and quality of atomic spectroscopy data presented by others.\nBrief description of content\nThe course covers\n-- the contemporary analytical atomic spectroscopy techniques (AAS, AES, XRF and atomic mass spectrometry), their advantages and limitations and fields of application;\n-- the physical and chemical principles of operation of these techniques and the factors that influence the results;\n-- criteria for assessing on the basis of a description about the adequacy and quality of a given atomic spectroscopy method and about its suitability for solving the analytical problem at hand (seminar);\n-- criteria for assessing the adequacy and quality of atomic spectroscopy data presented by others (seminar)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Computational physics I"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nStudent who has passed the course:\n* Knows about the principles of multiscale modelling.\n* Knows the applicability of density functional theory and is able to use it for solving problems.\n* Knows the applicability of monte carlo and is able to use it for solving problems.\n* Knows the applicability of molecular dynamics and is able to use it for solving problems.\n* Knows the applicability of finite element method and is able to use it for solving problems.\n* Know about mathematical methods for solving differential equations an is able to use them for solving problems.\nBrief description of content\nDuring the course a student will learn the main methods that are used in the modelling of physical processes. THe mothods will cover processes from micro to macro scale. The topics that will be presented are: density functional theory for quantum mechanical modelling of a material, monte carlo and molecular dynamics for empirical atomistic simulations, finite element method for studying processes in the continuum and mathematical methods for solving differential equations. Additionally, all topics are accompanied with practical exercises that help to understand the topics even further." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Estonian for beginners I, on the basis of english, level 0 > a1.1"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Estonian for beginners II, on the basis of english, level a1.1 > a1.2"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Introduction to programming II"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter passing this course the student\n- can use fundamental programming constructions: variables, expressions, assignments, conditionals, iterations, procedures, recursion, regular expression, simple input/output;\n- knows basic datatypes and -structures (numeric types, booleans, strings, lists) and can use corresponding standard operations;\n- can analyze and explain the behavior of simple programs, and modify and expand them;\n- can design algorithms for solving simple problems, and implement, test and debug the corresponding program.\nBrief description of content\nAlgorithms and programs. Representations of algorithms, flow-charts. Branching algorithms. Loops. Sub-algorithm. Refining algorithms for given text-based problems. Number systems. Bit, byte. Types. Program structure. Names. Variables. Operations. Expressions. Text output. Boolean expressions, comparing. Methods, description, return of value, invoke. Conditional statement. Loop statement. One-dimensional arrays. Array scan. Array return. Nested loops. String processing. Input and output. Data exchange with files. Screen graphics. Overview of different programming languages. Main phases of software development." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Laboratory projects"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nThe participants will become familiar with the laboratory work, with the research work. Will get to know better how to plan, do required experiments, organize and present results of a small research.\nThe course participant:\n1) knows how to find necessary information in the scientific literature;\n2) is able to formulate the hypothesis;\n3) plan the experiments to control the hypothesis;\n4) has tried different research methods in the fields of bioengineering, chemistry, and robotics;\n5) is able to analyse the results of the experiments;\n6) is able to present the results of the work in both oral and written form;\n7) can make a scientific presentation;\n8) knows how to plan working time efficiently;\n9) is able to make arrangements with supervisor(s);\n10) has practical expirience in the different research fields, which improves the quality of specialisation choice;\n11) has developed self-learning skills.\nBrief description of content\nLaboratory projects on different fields of experimental research. It is a work which consists of 3 small different projects based on an experimental or theoretical scientific research. Participants will choose 3 2 ECTS projects, one from the list of project topics of chemistry institute, one of institute of technology, and one of molecular and cell biology institute. The projects cover all major steps of experimental scientific research: hypothesis, model, experiment planning, experiment, analysis of the data and presenting the data in a suitable format. During the course of the project students gets the possibility to familiarise with the research group field of study, learn and practice new research methods. After comletion of each project the student makes a presentation during the seminar. Overall, after the course completion student is able to work in the research laboratory that increases the likelyhood of finding the job." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Mathematical statistics (part 2)"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter passing the course a student\n· knows design of modern probability theory;\n· knows the concept of random variables and some most common probability distributions and is able to compute various numerical parameters related to both discrete and continuous random variables;\n· knows basic methods of estimation and testing theory;\n· understands the entity of the estimate and are able to characterize it by the corresponding properties (unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency);\n· knows the basic methods for deriving estimates and are able to apply them (the maximum likelihood, least-squares methods and the method of moments);\n· understand the entity of the hypothesis and are able to construct them in different situations;\n· is able to construct interval estimates and handle non-normal data;\n· has received training in mathematical statistics that is appropriate for studying field related advanced statistical methods.\nBrief description of content\nIn the part of probability theory, the random events and properties of classical probability are considered. The course covers the theory of random variables and their distributions. In the part of mathematical statistics, the course covers basics of the statistical inference. First, a point estimator, its properties, and methods for finding it are considered. Also, the interval estimation and testing of statistical hypotheses are treated." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Practical experiences in science and technology"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter the completion of the practice students:\n1. Is able to critically evaluate scientific literature, search and collect necessary data, make hypothesis based on the collected info\n2. Is able to plan his/her work\n3. Is able to work both in team and individually\n4. Has skills to collect experimental data, analyse, format and present the results in oral and written form\n5. Has passed the practice in research laboratory or enterpise, has tried the researcher role\n6. Has gotten practical experience in the study field, which enables to make more informed career decisions.\nBrief description of content\nThe content of the course is practical work of student at industrial, research or teaching institution and acquaintance with different aspects of its operation (job organization, technology, quality assurance etc). A written report on activities carried out is mandatory." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Principles of entrepreneurship I"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nThe learner:\n1. Analyzes her/his competencies against entrepreneurship competence to identify the strengths and areas of potential development.\n2. Applies the idea generation, development and evaluation methods.\n3. Analyzes entrepreneurial processes and entrepreneurship environment.\n4. Conducts potential customer research to validate the product/service market potential\n5. Designs business model for the ideas.\n6. Defends the business model.\nBrief description of content\nDuring this introductory entrepreneurship course, the student gets acquainted with the ideas of entrepreneurial life style. Concepts, like an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, failure, entrepreneurial team, and other will be introduced and experienced.\nCreation of the business ideas, entrepreneurial processes, evaluation and feedback of developed ideas will be the central focus of this course. Also, teams will perform a small customer survey and conduct interviews with entrepreneurs.\nFInally, each team will get a chance to present their ideas to real entrepreneurs and practitioners." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Reproducible data analysis in r"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nThe student will know how to work with different data formats, she is able to create pleasing, informative publication quality visualizations, fit and visualize linear models, and to analyse her data in an effective and reproducible manner. She will also have basic skills in using the R functions best suited for biological data analysis.\nBrief description of content\n1. file structures, git, RStudio, importing data (1)\n2. base::R - indexing, vector calculation, functions (1)\n3. ggplot (2)\n4. Data munging. dplyr (3)\n5. Regular expressions. stringr (1)\n6. working with datetimes. lubridate (1)\n7. apply/map (1-2)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Soft robotics"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter completing the course, the student can:\n1. define the application domain for soft robotics;\n2. explain the relation of soft robotics to robotics, chemistry, and biology;\n3. explain the defining concepts in soft robotics using relevant examples;\n4. list, explain and compare the prevalent technologies in modern soft robotics;\n5. critically read and elaborate on scientific texts on soft robotics.\n6. list the particular advantages of soft robotics, using relevant examples,\n7. explain the benefits of bioinspired design in relevant contexts;\n8. Identify elements in nature that are relevant for soft robotics and formulate their core principles in terms of robotics technology;\n9. apply the principles of soft (bioinspired) robotics by suggesting a new design in a practical setting;\nBrief description of content\nThe course gives an introduction to soft robotics discipline, its relevant technologies, and its relation to nature in the context of bioinspired design." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spoken and written communication in estonian"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Teams in organization"@en . . "3" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "The cell cycle: principles of control"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nThis course has two major objectives:\n1) To provide an overview of current topics in cell cycle control\n2) To provide experience in the critical reading and evaluation of research literature\nBrief description of content\nThe class will begin with a description of the phases and main events of the cell cycle and the main model organisms in cell-cycle analysis, including Xenopus, Drosophila, and yeasts. Later lectures will focus on the molecules and mechanisms of the cell-cycle control system, including the cyclin-dependent kinase family of protein kinases, the cyclins that activate them, and the signaling molecules that regulate them, and discuss cell-cycle control in development and the failure of controls in cancer.\n1. Events of the eukaryotic cell cycle\n2. Model organisms in cell-cycle analysis\n3. The overview of cell-cycle control system\n4. Cell cycle switches and regulatory modules\n5. Chromosome duplication\n6. Early mitosis: Preparing the chromosomes for segregation\n7. Assembly of the mitotic spindle\n8. The completion of mitosis\n9. Cytokinesis\n10. Meiosis\n11. Control of cell proliferation and growth\n12. Cell-Cycle responses to DNA damage\n13. Systems level modeling of the cell cycle\n14. The cell cycle in cancer" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "igem"@en . . "9" . "Learning outcomes\nThe course participant:\n1) knows how to find necessary information in the scientific literature;\n2) is able to plan the working time;\n3) is able to work in the lab both independently and in a team;\n4) is able to organise scientific public event;\n5) is able to analyse the results of the experiments;\n6) is able to write scientific texts;\n7) is able to present the results of the work on the scientific conference;\n8) is able to find funding for the project;\n9) is able to design and program website that contain all the information about the project;\n10) is able to cooperate with the other scientists and experts in the field;\n11) has aquired the most up-to-date information and experience about the field of study, which enables to make the consent career desicion.\nBrief description of content\nDuring the course students participate in the Worlds biggest synthetic biology competion - iGEM. Participants will get experience in every step of scientific research, from hypothesis to analysis of results, from searching for sponsors to engaging general public in science. Students would learn how to work both independently and in a team. They improve their lab working skills, communacation skills, teamwork skills, learn how resaerch is done in the real-life conditions. The course end with the international conference where students present the resuls of their work." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bachelor in Science and technology"@en . . "https://ut.ee/en/curriculum/science-and-technology" . "180"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The international three-year bachelor's programme in Science and Technology has innovative content and comprises selected parts of all taught in the Faculty of Science and Technology. It provides a broad overview of natural and exact sciences and technologies.\n\nIn the first year, students study subjects which give good basic knowledge and prepare them to work with modern technologies and materials. Later it is possible to choose a suitable field of specialisation based on the acquired knowledge about different areas. Students can choose a combined specialisation in genetics and biotechnology, bioengineering and robotics, or chemistry and materials science. Learning outcomes\nThe student who has completed the curriculum:\n1) possesses a sufficient level of knowledge in mathematics and natural and exact sciences to continue professional studies on Master's level and work in professions that require basic knowledge in the field and simpler working skills;\n2) understand the general principles of the main areas of natural sciences, orientates in the basic principles of the fields of natural sciences and can describe these by basic concepts;\n3) knows the main research methods used in the field and understands the nature of scientific method;\n4) knows how to collect professional information by using relevant methods and tools, and interpret the information critically and creatively;\n5) is able to plan and complete professional assignments, choosing and implementing the suitable methods and technologies;\n6) is able to analyse the issues related to the field in oral and written form and participate in the respective discussions;\n7) is able to assess the theoretical and application value of knowledge and skills obtained during the completion of the curriculum from both the personal and social perspective, taking into account the scientific, social and ethical aspects;\n8) has acquired the necessary learning skills and needs for constant professional development and lifelong learning."@en . . . . . "3"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bachelor"@en . "Thesis" . "6000.00" . "Euro"@en . "6000.00" . "None" . "The general objective of the programme is to provide students with a broad-based academic education in natural sciences, which enables them to continue studies at the master's level in any field of natural science or work in professions that require basic knowledge and working skills. For example, graduates can work at monitoring centres, different technological enterprises and laboratories as a technologically competent lab personnel members."@en . "3"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Science and Technology"@en . .