. "Astrodynamics"@en . . "6" . "Course aim\r\nAstrodynamics is the keystone of every space mission, thus the aim of the course is to provide the fundamental knowledge regarding body motion subject to gravitational and other forces. Students will learn to describe and analyze spacecraft trajectories, focusing on the mathematics and physics behind these concepts. The acquired knowledge will be applied by simulating body motion in Matlab and Simulink.\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nDuring the course students get familiar with the fundamentals of astrodynamics: body motion subject to gravitational and other (thrust and aerodynamic drag) forces, reference frames and orbital elements, two-, three-body problems are analyzed, including interplanetary trajectories and relative spacecraft motion.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astrodynamics"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit: Student is able to mathematically describe the motion of both natural and artificial satellites in the orbital trajectory. Student is also able to analyze motion in both 2D and 3D space.\nStudent can describe the gravitational field and determine the effect of perturbation on satellite trajectory and to analyze trajectories using flyby maneuver. Student knows how to program, display and evaluate the motion of satellite and its and trajectories . \n Course Contents:\nTwo body problem. Motion in inertial frame. Relative motion. Angular momentum. Energy law. Trajectories. Time and position. Three body problem. Orbits in three dimensions. Orbital elements. Calculation of elements. Orbital perturbations. Perturbing forces. Geopotential. Orbit propagation. Variation of parameters. Interplanetary trajectories. Gravity assist maneuver. Orbital maneuvers. Impulsive maneuvers. Hohmann transfer.Non-Hohmann transfer. Plane change maneuvers." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "orbital dynamics and orbital design"@en . . "7" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Astrodynamics"@en . . "9" . "The Earth Gravitational Field. Keplerian Trajectories. Inertial reference frame and orbit parameters. The problem of \ntime. The Two-Lines Elements. Ground track. Impulsive orbital Transfers. Perturbations. Averaging. Satellite lifetime. \nSpecial Orbits. Interplanetary fights: direct transfer orbits. Gravity assist. Inner and outer low energy transfer \ntrajectories. Ballistic Reentry. Reentry Corridor." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite orbits"@en . . "3" . "- Celestial mechanics- this lecture presents the fundamental laws of space mechanics that govern the movement of\nbodies around the Earth. It is illustrated with examples, analyzing differences in Keplerian movement and\nthe conditions of observation from the ground. It also provides the characteristics of the main orbits of Earth\nobservation satellites, with emphasis on the orbits of the GNSS satellites.\n- Satellite orbits - this lecture is based on the concepts acquired in the \"Celestial Mechanics\" class to apply them\nmore specifically to the orbit of satellites. By studying the relative movements between the orbit, the Earth and the Sun, it is focused on Earth observation satellites (and the very important case of sun-synchronous\nsatellites). It also studies the trace of satellites, their repetitiveness, the evolution of their altitude, as well as\nthe geometric conditions of shooting (swath, spatial and temporal sampling). It end with a brief study of\nsatellites around Mars or other celestial bodies.\n- Space law" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Vibrations and aeroelasticity"@en . . "3" . "Basic knowledge of vibrations phenomena. Basic knowledge of unsteady aerodynamics. Basic\n knowledge of aeroelastic phenomena. Basic competency in computational methods of vibrations and aeroelasticity. After completing his course student will have the basic knowledge of vibrations and aeroelasticity. He will be able to recognize various vibration and aeroelastic phenomena and implement adequate methods of analysis. He will be familiar with industrial methods of vibration and aeroelastic analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Numerical astrodynamics"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Basic orbit propagation/integration methods and options; simulation options in Tudat. Defining input for orbit propagation\n Linking analytical and numerical design methods in astrodynamics\n Details of numerical integration methods: multi-stage, multi-step and extrapolation methods (fixed and variable step size)\n Selection of numerical integration methods; quantification of integration errors\nIn principle, the course will only use Tudatpy (the Python interface for the Tudat C++ software). Depending on student interest,\npart of the C++ layer of Tudat may be covered.\nStudy Goals Set up and run a numerical orbit propagation using the Tudat software suite from a given set of simulation settings\n Critically evaluate and analyze numerical orbit propagation results\n Interpret numerical propagation results, and relate numerical results to theoretical predictions\n Select numerical integration scheme for a given astrodynamics problem" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite orbit determination"@en . . "6.00" . "Course Contents Course contents\n1 Dynamics\n Introduction to dynamics\n o Planetary Gravity field\n o Tides and the three-body problem\n o Hill radius and Roche limit\n o Relation to planetary sciences and astrodynamics\n Solving Equations of motion\n o reformulate orbit problem as a system of ordinary differential equations\n o efficiency and accuracy of numerical integration methods\n o implementation of numerical integration methods\n2 Observations techniques and reference systems\n Observation techniques\n o Laser, Doppler and Camera observations\n o Refraction, Electromagnetism, radio- and optical technology\n o Tropospheric and ionospheric refraction\n o Relativity and the definition of time,\n o Classification of time systems (UTC, TAI, etc)\n o Light-time effect\n o Quality of clocks (Allan Variance behaviour of clocks)\n Reference systems\n o Local and global coordinate systems\n o Definition of geoid and reference ellipsoid, height systems\n o Precession and nutation, polar motion, polar wander.\n o Newton or Einstein, consequences for reference systems\n3 Statistics\n Random variables, probability density functions, moments, hypothesis testing\n Least squares minimisation\n o unconstrained linear parameter estimation,\n o data weighting\n o nonlinear parameter estimation.\n Rank deficient equation systems\n o compatibility conditions\n o general and homogeneous solutions\n o constrained linear parameter estimation\n Mechanisation of parameter estimation algorithms\n o Choice of algorithms\n4 Orbit determination\n Perturbation analysis and variational problems\n o state transition matrix for initial state vector problems\n o partial derivatives for dynamical parameters\n Parameter estimation\n o Identification of parameters\n o batch least squares\n o Kalman filter, theory and implementation\n5 Applications\n Global Navigation Satellite Systems:\n o Technology and terminology,\n o various data processing strategies and available software\n o Modelling deformation of the solid Earth,\n o the Earths gravity field and thermospheric density\n Satellite laser ranging and Doppler tracking via DORIS\n o technology and terminology, results and applications\n Observing changes in the cryosphere with satellites\n Hydrology and Oceanography observed with satellites\n6 Homework assignments\n An exercise related to dynamics, observation systems or reference systems\n An exercise related to GNSS applied to orbit determination\n An exercise related to Kalman filtering\n Exercises with the Ghost software, typical examples are to solve:\n o initial value problems (state vector estimation)\n o problems with parameters in a dynamic model (drag parameter estimation)\n o problems with time bias parameters\nStudy Goals The candidate should be able to:\n1) Explain the physical and mathematical aspects of orbit determination (OD), the topics are\n1.1) Solar system dynamics\n1.2) Equations of motion and variational equations\n1.3) Parameter estimation\n2) Construct transformations between various coordinate and time systems that play a role in OD\n3) Examine error sources in satellite tracking data and implement error mitigation strategies\n4) Make use of parameter estimation methods in the context of tracking data for OD\n5) Apply relevant statistical techniques within the framework of OD\n6) Discuss scientific applications of satellite missions that depend on precise OD\n6.1) GNSS techniques to model the deformation of the Earth\n6.2) Satellite gravimetry to model the gravity field of the Earth\n6.3) Satellite altimetry to model the ocean topography\n6.4) Satellite altimeter missions to measure variations of land and sea ice\n7) Apply OD with state-of-the-art software" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of astrodynamics"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Introduction to astrodynamics; two-body and many-body problems; relative motion; coordinates, reference frames, orbital\nelements, and time; geocentric, cislunar, and interplanetary flight; introduction to orbital perturbations.\nStudy Goals You will be able to:\n1. Provide full and accurate descriptions of the fundamental concepts and phenomena of astrodynamics;\n2. Explain the relationships between astrodynamics concepts & phenomena and the mathematics & physics theory that describes\nthem;\n3. Apply the relevant relationships, models, and methods for astrodynamics analysis;\n4. Derive and manipulate the equations of motion for a spacecraft subject to gravitational and other forces;\n5. Apply the equations of motion, their solutions, and related equations to analyze the absolute and relative positions and\nvelocities of spacecraft as a function of time.\nAdditional detail will be available in the course syllabus." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Special topics in astrodynamics"@en . . "2.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Practical astrodynamics"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrodynamics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . .