. "Cosmology"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Galaxies and cosmology"@en . . "6" . "To familiarize the student with the fields of galactic and cosmological astronomy, including some selected contemporary research topics. \n\nTo learn about basic underlying physical processes for the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. \n\nTo learn about world models and structure growth in the universe, building on a picture containing components of dark matter and energy. \n\nTo learn about how we can observationally constrain models of galaxies and structure growth in the universe." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Origin and evolution of the universe"@en . . "6" . "This course introduces the theoretical underpinnings and the observational evidence for modern cosmology.\r\n\r\nAfter reviewing the evidence for the hot Big Bang model, we study the basics of relativistic cosmology and the expansion history. We then discuss the measurement of cosmological parameters, dark matter and dark energy. Next we study the thermal history and physical processes occurring in the early universe, such as inflation, Big Bang nucleosynthesis and recombination.\r\n\r\nThis course covers the following topics:\r\nCosmic kinematics and dynamics\r\nMeasurement of cosmological parameters\r\nDark matter\r\nThermal history of the Universe\r\nCosmic microwave background anisotropies\r\nInflation\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completion of this course you will be able to describe the current cosmological model and the observational evidence supporting this. Moreover, you will be able to do relevant calculations and read the scientific literature on the topic.\r\n\r\nUpon completion of this course you will be able to:\r\n\r\nExplain the basics of the current cosmological model\r\nUse the Friedmann equations to calculate quantities in an expanding Universe\r\nExplain how cosmological parameters are measured\r\nDiscuss the need for non-baryonic dark matter\r\nExplain various milestones in the thermal history, including Big Bang nucleosynthesis, neutrino decoupling, recombination and photon decoupling\r\nInterpret observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background\r\nExplain how inflation solves the problems with the Big Bang model" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Large scale structure and galaxy formation"@en . . "6" . "How galaxies and the large-scale structures in which they are embedded form is a fundamental question in extra-galactic astronomy. It is an area that has seen tremendous progress, but is still constantly challenged by ever-improving observational data. This course introduces you to this fascinating subject and the underlying physics, starting from how small density perturbations grow into dark matter haloes, to how baryons cool and form the galaxy population we observe today.\n\nPhysical concepts are derived from basic principles where possible. The emphasis is on intuitive rather than mathematically rigorous derivations.\n\nTopics that will be covered include:\n\nLinear growth of density perturbations\nFree streaming\nTransfer functions and the matter power spectrum\nNon-linear spherical collapse\nJeans smoothing\nRadiation drag\nStatistical cosmological principle\nClustering and biasing\nHalo mass functions and Press-Schechter theory\nScaling laws and virial relations\nCosmic web\nRedshift-space distortions\nRadiative cooling and its importance\nAngular momentum and its influence\nReionization\nThe Gunn-Peterson effect\nThe thermal history of the intergalactic medium\nFeedback processes\nHalo models, semi-empirical models, and simulations\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completion of this course you will be able to explain how (we think that) large-scale structures and galaxies form and evolve and you will be able to carry out calculations of the formation of structures in the universe.\r\n\r\nUpon completion of the course you will be able to:\r\n\r\nCompute the growth of density fluctuations\r\nCompute the shape of the matter power spectrum\r\nExplain the morphology of the cosmic web\r\nExplain redshift-space distortions\r\nExplain galaxy biasing and clustering\r\nCompute halo mass functions using Press-Schechter theory\r\nCompute galaxy and halo scaling relations\r\nUnderstand radiative cooling processes\r\nEstimate the effect of radiative cooling on galaxy formation\r\nEstimate the effect of angular momentum on galaxy formation\r\nModel the process of reionization\r\nCompute the thermal history of the intergalactic medium\r\nCompute Gunn-Peterson absorption\r\nUnderstand the basics of feedback processes in galaxy formation\r\nUnderstand the basics of halo models, semi-empirical models and simulations of galaxy formation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interstellar medium"@en . . "6" . "The space between the stars is filled with matter, magnetic fields, and radiation. This course describes this ‘interstellar medium’ as an an integral part of galactic ‘ecosystems’. It provides an overview of the known constituents of the ISM (ionized, atomic, and molecular gas; dust; magnetic fields; cosmic rays; EM radiation), and the different environments in which these are encountered (the 2- and 3-phase models of the ISM) along with the observational diagnostics (atomic and molecular spectroscopy; spectral energy distributions).\r\n\r\nIt discusses the physical processes that govern the interactions within the ISM and with stars (energy balance; shocks). And it highlights the relationships between the ISM and stars and their host galaxies (birth and death of stars; supernovae; nuclei of active galaxies).\n\nOutcome:\nThe student will gain relevant background information and hands-on experience that will enable him/her to follow the current literature on the interstellar medium and to do research in this field." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Galaxies: structure, dynamics and evolution"@en . . "6" . "In this course we will study the evolution of galaxies. Fundamental astronomical processes such as star formation, recycling and enrichment of gas, formation of planets, etc. all take place in galaxies. Besides that, galaxies are the basic building blocks of the universe, and we use them to trace the evolution of the universe. This broad scope is why galaxy research is in the forefront of astronomy.\r\n\r\nThis course covers the structure of the galaxies, including dark matter, stars and gas as well as the large scale structure in which galaxies are embedded. It discusses ongoing surveys of the nearby and distant universe. A special focus will be on the evolution of galaxies. The course builds on the bachelor course Galaxies and Cosmology and assumes that the material in this course is known to the student. A very brief recapitulation will be given of the most important material.\r\n\r\nCourse work consists of exercises, a presentation, and an oral exam. The presentation is on a paper or current research project; the oral exam focuses on the discussion of a research paper.\r\n\r\nTopics covered:\r\n\r\nTechniques how the mass distributions of galaxies are measured\r\nModeling the equilibrium of a gravitational system with a very large number of point sources\r\nStructure of nearby and distant galaxies\r\nObservational programs to study these galaxies\r\nObservations that have been used to understand the evolution of galaxies\r\nThe role of dark matter in galaxy evolution and formation\r\nAdvanced models for stellar populations and their application to the study of galaxy evolution\n\nOutcome:\nAt the end of this course, you:\r\n\r\nWill be able to analyze recent research papers in the general area of galaxy structure and evolution, and summarize their content and list their implications\r\nCan describe the structure and evolution of galaxies and can list the observables of galaxies underlying this knowledge\r\nCan explain the main mechanisms responsible for galaxy formation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Observational molecular astronomy in galaxies"@en . . "3" . "Molecules pervade the cooler, denser parts of the Universe, in particular the reservoirs of the matter than forms stars and planets, and the gas in the centres of galaxies. These denser, cooler components of cosmic gas contain a significant fraction of the non-stellar baryonic matter in a galaxy and astronomers routinely use molecules to discover and explore these regions: the more complex the chemistry, the more details of the gas the molecules reveal. Hence, molecular line emissions offer astronomers exciting opportunities to learn how galaxies form, evolve and interact with each other.\n\r\nThe course will cover:\r\n\r\nA brief overview of what drives cosmic chemistry in different types of galaxies\r\nHands-on lectures on how to obtain useful astronomical information from raw telescope data\r\nDetermination of the suitable molecular tracers for many types of astronomical regions including starburst galaxies, AGNs, dwarf galaxies and high redshift galaxies.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Observational cosmology"@en . . "3" . "The purpose of this course is to provide a general overview of the observational basis for our modern view of cosmology. Topics that will be covered include:\r\n\r\nMajor tests used to establish the age of the universe\r\nHubble constant\r\nDark matter\r\nDark energy\r\nBaryonic content of the universe\r\nMatter power spectrum\r\nThe ‘w’ parameter\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Origin and evolution of the universe"@en . . "6" . "This course introduces the theoretical underpinnings and the observational evidence for modern cosmology.\r\n\r\nAfter you learn what evidence exists for the hot Big Bang model, you study the basics of relativistic cosmology. We then discuss the physical processes occurring in the early universe, such as inflation, Big Bang nucleosynthesis and recombination. Finally, you will study the origin of large-scale structure, and use this to interpret the observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background. During the exercise classes, you will apply the material covered in the lectures in more involved calculations.\r\n\r\nThis course covers the following topics:\r\n\r\nRelativistic cosmology (Friedmann equation, distances, basic parameters)\r\n\r\nThermal history of the Universe\r\n\r\nInflation\r\n\r\nBig Bang nucleosynthesis\r\n\r\nRecombination\r\n\r\nBasics of structure formation\r\n\r\nInterpretation of the Cosmic Microwave Background\n\nOutcome:\nHow galaxies and the large-scale structures in which they are embedded form is a fundamental question in extra-galactic astronomy. It is an area that has seen tremendous progress, but is still constantly challenged by ever-improving observational data. This course introduces you to this fascinating subject and the underlying physics, starting from how small density perturbations grow into dark matter haloes, to how baryons cool and form the galaxy population we observe today. It will cover the main theoretical treatment of perturbations, as well as how to interpret the main observational probes of large-scale structure.\r\n\r\nPhysical concepts are derived from basic principles where possible. The emphasis is on intuitive rather than mathematically rigorous derivations.\r\n\r\nTopics that will be covered include:\r\n\r\nLinear growth of density perturbations\r\n\r\nFree streaming\r\n\r\nTransfer functions and the matter power spectrum\r\n\r\nNon-linear spherical collapse\r\n\r\nJeans smoothing\r\n\r\nRadiation drag\r\n\r\nStatistical cosmological principle\r\n\r\nClustering and biasing\r\n\r\nHalo mass functions and Press-Schechter theory\r\n\r\nScaling laws and virial relations\r\n\r\nCosmic web\r\n\r\nRedshift-space distortions\r\n\r\nRadiative cooling and its importance\r\n\r\nAngular momentum and its influence\r\n\r\nReionization\r\n\r\nThe Gunn-Peterson effect\r\n\r\nThe thermal history of the intergalactic medium\r\n\r\nFeedback processes\r\n\r\nHalo models, semi-empirical models, and simulations" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Large scale structure and galaxy formation"@en . . "6" . "How galaxies and the large-scale structures in which they are embedded form is a fundamental question in extra-galactic astronomy. It is an area that has seen tremendous progress, but is still constantly challenged by ever-improving observational data. This course introduces you to this fascinating subject and the underlying physics, starting from how small density perturbations grow into dark matter haloes, to how baryons cool and form the galaxy population we observe today. It will cover the main theoretical treatment of perturbations, as well as how to interpret the main observational probes of large-scale structure.\r\n\r\nPhysical concepts are derived from basic principles where possible. The emphasis is on intuitive rather than mathematically rigorous derivations.\r\n\r\nTopics that will be covered include:\r\n\r\nLinear growth of density perturbations\r\n\r\nFree streaming\r\n\r\nTransfer functions and the matter power spectrum\r\n\r\nNon-linear spherical collapse\r\n\r\nJeans smoothing\r\n\r\nRadiation drag\r\n\r\nStatistical cosmological principle\r\n\r\nClustering and biasing\r\n\r\nHalo mass functions and Press-Schechter theory\r\n\r\nScaling laws and virial relations\r\n\r\nCosmic web\r\n\r\nRedshift-space distortions\r\n\r\nRadiative cooling and its importance\r\n\r\nAngular momentum and its influence\r\n\r\nReionization\r\n\r\nThe Gunn-Peterson effect\r\n\r\nThe thermal history of the intergalactic medium\r\n\r\nFeedback processes\r\n\r\nHalo models, semi-empirical models, and simulations\n\nOutcome:\nUpon completion of this course you will be able to explain how (we think that) large-scale structures and galaxies form and evolve and you will be able to carry out calculations of the formation of structures in the universe.\r\n\r\nUpon completion of the course you will be able to:\r\n\r\nCompute the growth of density fluctuations\r\n\r\nCompute the shape of the matter power spectrum\r\n\r\nExplain the morphology of the cosmic web\r\n\r\nExplain redshift-space distortions\r\n\r\nExplain galaxy biasing and clustering\r\n\r\nCompute halo mass functions using Press-Schechter theory\r\n\r\nCompute galaxy and halo scaling relations\r\n\r\nUnderstand radiative cooling processes\r\n\r\nEstimate the effect of radiative cooling on galaxy formation\r\n\r\nEstimate the effect of angular momentum on galaxy formation\r\n\r\nModel the process of reionization\r\n\r\nCompute the thermal history of the intergalactic medium\r\n\r\nCompute Gunn-Peterson absorption\r\n\r\nUnderstand the basics of feedback processes in galaxy formation\r\n\r\nUnderstand the basics of halo models, semi-empirical models and simulations of galaxy formation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interstellar medium"@en . . "6" . "The space between the stars is filled with matter, magnetic fields, and radiation. This course describes this Interstellar Medium (ISM) as an integral part of galactic ecosystems. It provides an overview of the constituents of the ISM (ionized, atomic, and molecular gas; dust; electromagnetic radiation; magnetic fields; cosmic rays), their relation and interaction, and the different environments in which these are encountered (the multi-phase models of the ISM), as well as the corresponding observational diagnostics. It discusses the physical processes that govern the interactions within the ISM and with stars (radiation, shocks), and it highlights the relationships between the ISM and stars and their host galaxies (birth and death of stars; supernovae; nuclei of active galaxies).\r\n\r\nThe following themes are covered:\r\n\r\nThe Galactic ecosystem: HII regions, reflection nebulae, SNRs, dark clouds. Distribution in the Milky Way. ISM mass budget. Objects vs. phases. Properties of ISM phases and cycle of material between phases. Energy sources and energy densities in the ISM.\r\n\r\nFundamental physical conditions: Maxwell velocity distribution and kinetic temperature. Lack of LTE. Excitation temperature. Statistical equilibrium.\r\n\r\nInteraction of radiation with interstellar matter: Description of the radiation field: radiation intensity, specific energy density. Definition of the Einstein coefficients for absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. Relation between the Einstein coefficients. Relation to cross section. Line profiles. Equation of transfer for radiation. Relation of emissivity and absorption coefficient to Einstein coefficients. Optical depth and source function. Kirchhoff's law. Population inversion and masers.\r\n\r\nThe HI 21cm line and the 2-phase ISM: the HI 21cm line. Equation of transfer in terms of Rayleigh-Jeans brightness temperature. Spin temperature. Deriving HI column density and mass from optically thin HI emission. HI absorption. Emission-absorption observations and the evidence for the 2-phase ISM.\r\n\r\nIonization and recombination: photoelectric absorption and radiative recombination. The hydrogen spectrum. Recombination lines. Case A and case B recombination spectra. Measuring star formation using recombination lines.\r\n\r\nHII regions: Strömgren spheres. Ionization of hydrogen, helium, and heavier elements. The role of dust. Structure and evolution of HII regions.\r\n\r\nCollisional excitation: Critical density for a 2-level system. Behaviour of the population ratio in limiting cases of very high and very low density. Implications for HI spin temperature. Generalization to multi-level systems. Line ratios as diagnostics for density, temperature and abundance.\r\n\r\nMolecules and their excitation: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, electronic, vibrational and rotational transitions; spectra of diatomic molecules; ortho- and para-H2. Molecular excitation and radiative trapping.\r\n\r\nMolecular lines and molecular clouds: Radiative trapping. Solving excitation and radiative transfer for very optically thick lines: escape probabilities. Using CO as a tracer of the mass of molecular clouds. Global properties of molecular clouds. The X-factor.\r\n\r\nInterstellar dust: Extinction curves and reddening. Definitions of absorption, scattering and extinction cross sections. Constraints on dust models. Constituents of interstellar dust. PAHs. Radiative heating and cooling of dust grains. Infrared emission.\r\n\r\nThermal balance of the ISM: Heating and cooling of HII regions. HII region temperatures. Heating and cooling of the neutral ISM and the 2-phase model.\r\n\r\nShocks: J-type and C-type shocks in molecular clouds. Supernova shocks.\r\n\r\nThe 3-phase model of the ISM.\r\n\r\nPDRs, XDRs, and the extragalactic ISM: Formation and destruction of H2. Self-shielding. PDRs and XDRs. The ISM at low metallicity and in the early Universe.\n\nOutcome:\nupon completion of this course you will be able to explain the basic physical conditions in the Interstellar Medium (ISM) and its various constituents, and explain the relation between these constituents. You will also be able to carry out basic calculations of physical conditions in the ISM under simple assumptions.\r\n\r\nSpecifically, upon completion of this course you will be able to:\r\n\r\nExplain the fundamental physical conditions in the ISM, including concepts such as kinetic temperature and excitation temperature\r\n\r\nExplain and apply the principle of detailed balance in the ISM\r\n\r\nSolve simple radiative transfer problems as applied to the ISM\r\n\r\nExplain the 2-phase model of the ISM, including the observational evidence for it\r\n\r\nExplain photoionization-recombination balance and the resulting recombination spectra\r\n\r\nCalculate simple properties of spherical HII regions\r\n\r\nExplain collisional excitation including the concept of critical density and the limiting cases at high and low densities\r\n\r\nCalculate level populations of atoms and molecules in optically thin conditions\r\n\r\nExplain radiative trapping, its effect on the line spectrum and level populations, and radiative transfer and excitation under optically thick conditions\r\n\r\nExplain the spectra of simple molecules and the use of molecular lines as probes of physical conditions\r\n\r\nExplain the properties, role and observable effects of dust in the ISM\r\n\r\nExplain the thermal balance in the various constituents of the ISM\r\n\r\nCalculate ISM temperatures under simplified conditions\r\n\r\nExplain the nature and effects of shocks in the ISM\r\n\r\nExplain the 3-phase model of the ISM\r\n\r\nExplain the nature and physics of PDRs, XDRs, and of the ISM at low metallicity and in the early Universe" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Galaxies: structure, dynamics and evolution"@en . . "6" . "In this course we will study the evolution of galaxies. Fundamental astronomical processes such as star formation, recycling and enrichment of gas, formation of planets, etc. all take place in galaxies. Besides that, galaxies are the basic building blocks of the universe, and we use them to trace the evolution of the universe. This broad scope is why galaxy research is in the forefront of astronomy.\n\nThis course covers the structure of the galaxies, including dark matter, stars and gas as well as the large scale structure in which galaxies are embedded. It discusses ongoing surveys of the nearby and distant universe. A special focus will be on the evolution of galaxies. The course builds on the bachelor course Galaxies and Cosmology and assumes that the material in this course is known to the student. A very brief recapitulation will be given of the most important material.\n\nCourse work consists of exercises, a presentation, and an oral exam. The presentation is on a paper or current research project; the oral exam focuses on the discussion of a research paper.\n\nTopics covered:\n\nTechniques how the mass distributions of galaxies are measured\n\nModeling the equilibrium of a gravitational system with a very large number of point sources\n\nStructure of nearby and distant galaxies\n\nObservational programs to study these galaxies\n\nObservations that have been used to understand the evolution of galaxies\n\nThe role of dark matter in galaxy evolution and formation\n\nAdvanced models for stellar populations and their application to the study of galaxy evolution\n\nOutcome:\nAt the end of this course, you:\n\nWill be able to analyze recent research papers in the general area of galaxy structure and evolution, and summarize their content and list their implications\n\nCan describe the structure and evolution of galaxies and can list the observables of galaxies underlying this knowledge\n\nCan explain the main mechanisms responsible for galaxy formation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Observational molecular astronomy in galaxies"@en . . "3" . "Molecules pervade the cooler, denser parts of the Universe, in particular the reservoirs of the matter than forms stars and planets, and the gas in the centres of galaxies. These denser, cooler components of cosmic gas contain a significant fraction of the non-stellar baryonic matter in a galaxy and astronomers routinely use molecules to discover and explore these regions: the more complex the chemistry, the more details of the gas the molecules reveal. Hence, molecular line emissions offer astronomers exciting opportunities to learn how galaxies form, evolve and interact with each other.\r\nThe course will cover:\r\n\r\nA brief overview of what drives cosmic chemistry in different types of galaxies\r\n\r\nHands-on lectures on how to obtain useful astronomical information from raw telescope data\r\n\r\nDetermination of the suitable molecular tracers for many types of astronomical regions including starburst galaxies, AGNs, dwarf galaxies and high redshift galaxies.\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Observational cosmology"@en . . "3" . "The purpose of this course is to provide a general overview of the observational basis for our modern view of cosmology. Topics that will be covered include:\r\n\r\nMajor tests used to establish the age of the universe\r\n\r\nHubble constant\r\n\r\nDark matter\r\n\r\nDark energy\r\n\r\nBaryonic content of the universe\r\n\r\nMatter power spectrum\r\n\r\nThe ‘w’ parameter\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Interstellar matter"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cosmology"@en . . "6" . "- dynamics of the Universe\r\n\r\n- physical processes in the early Universe\r\n\r\n- anisotropies of the cosmic background radiation and the origin of galaxies\n\nOutcome:\nAfter completing the course, students will know the basic concepts and ideas of the standard model in cosmology and know how to determine the cosmological parameters from the data of observations on anisotropies of relic radiation." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Early universe cosmology"@en . . "6" . "The student becomes acquainted with the general theory of modern, relativistic cosmology and its observational vindication. This includes the thermal and nuclear history of our expanding universe, as well as the formation of large-scale structures like galaxies from seeds generated in a primordial era of inflation. The student learns to appreciate the development of relativistic cosmology in the historical context of 20th century physics." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Philosophy of cosmology, space and space travel"@en . . "3" . "Course Content: \r\nThis course covers philosophical questions about cosmology and about the \r\nexploration of terra incognita related to space. First, we cover the meaning of \r\nexploration for mankind in general (exploration of new territories as well as of laws of \r\nthe physical world and laws in general). Second, we specialize to questions related to \r\nspace: What is the idea behind a finite or infinite world? What does the exploration of \r\nspace mean for the “position” of mankind within the Universe, for the world view of \r\nhuman beings? What would it mean for mankind if the search for extraterrestrial life \r\nwill be successful? In what sense can cosmology missions “uncover” the dynamics of \r\nthe universe from the Big Bang to the far future? What concept of time is involved \r\nhere and what counts as evidence and why?\r\n\nOutcome:\nLearning outcome/learning goals:\r\n• Knowledge of basic notions from the philosophy of the natural sciences (natural law, \r\nspace, time, infinity, …)\r\n• Basic insights into the aims of scientific inquiry and the generation of scientific \r\nknowledge (by means of examples from the history of cosmology)\r\n• Ideas involved in human self-understanding related to “other worlds” or \r\nextraterrestrial life\r\n• Basic knowledge of cosmology." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Interstellar matter"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Early universe cosmology"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Cosmology II"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nYou will learn to calculate the primordial perturbations produced by a given inflation model.\nYou will understand how these primordial perturbations develop into the present large-scale structure of the universe.\nYou will understand how these perturbations affect the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background and how the latter can be used to determine the values of the cosmological parameters.\nCONTENT\nCosmological inflation in the early universe as explanation for the initial conditions of the Big Bang\nInflation models and how inflation generates primordial perturbations (density fluctuation sand gravitational waves)\nStructure formation: how primordial perturbations develop into the present large-scale structure: Newtonian first-order perturbation theory; a little bit of relativistic perturbation theory\nCosmic microwave background anisotropy; its description and physics; connection to primordial perturbations and cosmological parameters" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Galaxy survey cosmology"@en . . "5" . "CONTENT\nLarge scale galaxy surveys are the main observational tools to advance cosmology during the coming decade. These surveys determine the three-dimensional distribution of galaxies in the universe and, by measuring distortions of galaxy images due to gravitational lensing, map also the distribution of dark matter. From these distributions and their statistical measures, including 2- and 3-point correlation functions, power spectra and bispectra, the large-scale properties of the universe can be determined. One key question is the nature of dark energy, the cause for the accelerated expansion of the universe. It can be probed by measuring accurately the expansion history of the universe and the gravity-driven growth of large-scale structure. These galaxy surveys include the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and the future space missions Euclid and Roman. Finland (Universities of Helsinki, Turku, Jyväskylä, Oulu, and Aalto University) participates in Euclid. The course PAP352 Galaxy Survey Cosmology focuses on the distribution of galaxies and the course PAP353 Gravitational Lensing on gravitational lensing, especially on weak lensing (shear) surveys." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Interstellar matter"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nYou will know the chemical and physical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM), in both its gas and dust components. You will understand the principles that determine the physical state of the ISM and the general stability of interstellar clouds. You will learn the main steps of the star-formation process, starting with molecular cloud cores and ending up in the formation of protostars. You will understand how the process is affected by the physical conditions within the interstellar clouds and how each stage of the process can be investigated with observations at optical, infrared, and radio wavelengths.\n\nCONTENT\nThe course covers the properties and physical processes in the interstellar medium (ISM), especially in connection with star formation. The course starts with a general description of the structure, evolution, and properties of the ISM, with an emphasis on dense molecular clouds. We will then study the interplay of gravity, turbulence, and magnetic fields that leads to the formation of dense cores within the molecular clouds and, as a result of their collapse, to the formation of new stars. The gravitational and thermal balance and the chemical evolution of the ISM along the star-formation process will also be examined. The course ends with a discussion of the observable properties of young stellar objects." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galaxy formation and evolution"@en . . "5" . "LEARNING OUTCOMES\nThe student will learn to understand galaxy formation as process. The student will learn to solve practical problems in observational cosmology. The student will\nmaster Newtonian perturbation theory required to explain the origin of galaxies. The student will understand the role of dark matter in galaxy formation. The student\nwill learn how the initial perturbation spectrum developed to the observed distribution of galaxies. The student will be able to describe the non-linear evolution of\ndensity perturbations using simple analytic models. The student will learn the dominant cooling processes relevant for galaxy formation and understand the importance\nof star formation and supernova feedback for galaxy evolution. The student will learn the properties and formation scenarios of disk galaxies, elliptical galaxies and\nactive galaxies. The student will learn to the importance of galaxy interactions and encounters as a force shaping the evolution of galaxies.\n\nCONTENT\nBasic elements of galaxy formation. The classification of galaxies. Statistical properties of the galaxy population. Galaxies at high redshifts. Robertson-Walker metric and the Friedmann equations.\nThe evolution of small perturbations. The Jeans' instability in a static and expanding Medium. Cosmological horizons and perturbations on superhorizon scales. Adiabatic and isothermal perturbations. Hot and cold dark matter in galaxy formation models. The two-point correlation function for galaxies. The initial power spectrum and transfer functions. The non-linear collapse of density perturbations. Top-hat collapse and the Zeldovich approximation. The Press-Schechter mass function and dark matter density profiles. The cooling and heating of gas in dark matter haloes. The cooling function and galaxy formation. Molecular clouds and self-regulated star formation. Supernova feedback: The ejection and heating of gas. Formation of disk galaxies and the origin of disk scaling relations. Galaxy interactions and encounters. Tidal stripping and dynamical friction. Orbital decay and galaxy merging. Structure and formation of elliptical galaxies. The physics of Active galaxies (AGNs). The formation and evolution of AGNs." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "The physics of the interstellar medium"@en . . "7,5" . "The course covers the physical processes that dominate in the interstellar medium. In particular, it covers\nphotoionization, recombination, line emission, continuum emission, dust and shocks. Applications are made\nfor planetary nebulae, supernova remnants, interstellar clouds, stellar winds and active galaxies.It is expected that the student after taking the course will be able to: - know and understand the physical\nprocesses that dominate in the interstellar medium and other similar gases - to estimate temperature and\nionization/excitation conditions in such gases and the temperature in dust that may exist - describe which\ncomponents that exist in the interstellar medium, their properties, and which of them that are in rough\npressure equilibrium and which of them are not - show understanding for the types of shocks that may exist in\nthe interstellar medium - show ability to independently acquire knowledge about the physical processes that\nare treated in the course, as well as in an independent way communicate this knowledge to other students and\nthe teachers - interpret spectral information from the emission and absorption of radiation which is produced\nin the interstellar medium and other similar gases." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Galaxies"@en . . "7,5" . "The focus of the course is on properties of different types of galaxies, but mainly on processes that are especially important for how galaxies evolve: star formation, dynamic processes within and between galaxies, and active galactic nuclei. and the underlying astrophysical processes that govern their formation and evolution. Specifically, you should be able to:\n\n describe different types of galaxies, and the astrophysical processes that give rise to the observable properties of them\n qualitatively describe star formation in galaxies, galaxy dynamics, chemical enrichment in galaxies, and the electromagnetic spectrum of galaxies\n solve calculation problems relating to star formation in galaxies, galaxy dynamics, chemical enrichment in galaxies, and the electromagnetic spectrum of galaxies\n show understanding for how galaxies are affected, quantitatively and qualitatively, as they evolve and interact\n show good insight in, and understanding of, modern extragalactic research, as well as discuss this at seminars." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced projects in cosmology"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology and the project course in Cosmology. The course will be an extension of the courser on the projects in Cosmology and it is a requirement that the student follow the projects course before starting on the advanced project course. The Advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Cosmology lecture course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Cosmology lecture course and the Cosmology projects with the advanced projects in Cosmology. The course will start in the semester following the Advanced Cosmology lecture course. The course on advanced projects in Cosmology will allow more extended projects than the course on projects in Cosmology.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology and the course on projects in Cosmology and will focus on in-depth advanced study and specialisation within research on Cosmology. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced modelling, simulations, advanced data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "10" . "This course provides a comprehensive overview of today’s standard cosmological concordance model and is based on an appropriate blend of theoretical and observational topics. By completion of the course the participants will be fluent in the key principles and observables enabling the establishment of our cosmological model. Participants will also be able to describe in detail key observational probes of our universe and use these to differential between different cosmological models. Finally, participants be able to describe active areas of research currently being pursued by practitioners of the field.\n\n \n\nUpon completion of the course the student is expected to be able to:\n\n \n\n-Identify the three pillars of the hot Big Bang model, the various rungs of the extragalactic distance ladder and an understanding of the accuracy of the measurements;\n-Construct an argument based on astronomical evidence that the Universe has evolved from a hot, dense state and compare the theoretical predictions to current observations;\n-Describe the astronomical observations and the theoretical framework that provide the foundation for identifying the existence of dark matter and dark energy and compare the observations to alternative cosmological models;\n-Present the currently favored cosmological model for the fate of the Universe, and outline the astronomical observations upon which it is based." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced projects in formation and evolution of the milky way"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth advanced projects and specialization with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way and the course Projects in Formation and evolution of the Milky Way.\n\nIt is basically an extension of the latter, and it is a requirement that the student follow the project course before starting on the advanced project course. This advanced projects course is non-obligatory for students that follow the course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of this lecture and the Projects in Formation and evolution of the Milky Way with these advanced projects. The course will start in the semester following the Formation and evolution of the Milky Way lecture course. \nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to: \nPlan and execute an advanced project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way and the course on Projects in Formation and evolution of the Milky Way. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Advanced stellar modelling, numerical simulations, advanced data analysis, literature studies. The specific possible advanced projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The advanced project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Formation and evolution of the milky way"@en . . "10" . "Description of qualifications\nObjective: the course will give the students a detailed account of the evolution of the Milky Way within our current paradigm of large-scale structure formation in a CDM Universe. The course will review the formation processes that shaped the Milky Way, the main structural components of our Galaxy, their chemical, physical, and kinematic properties by detailed analysis of its stellar and gas components, and their evolution and changes across the Hubble time.\nIntended Learning Outcomes:\n\nOutline different methods for determining properties of stars\nReview the observational characteristics and basic dynamics of the main components of the Milky Way (bulge, disk, halo)\nCompare predictions of dynamic and chemical models of the Milky Way with properties of resolved stellar populations\nReflect on the different physical processes shaping our Galaxy throughout its evolution based on state-of-the-art observations\nExplain the theory of galaxy formation in a cosmological framework\nContents\nProperties of composite stellar populations and star clusters\nStructural properties of the Milky Way\nStellar dynamics and chemical evolution of the Galaxy\nFormation and evolution of galaxies in a cosmological framework" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in cosmology"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is allow in-depth projects and specialisation with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Advanced Cosmology course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the Advanced Cosmology course with the projects. The main part of the course will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background following the Advanced Cosmology course. It is required to follow the Advanced Cosmology lecture course in order to follow the project course on Cosmology.\n\n \n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\n\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Advanced Cosmology and will focus on in-depth study and specialisation within research on Cosmology. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, littérature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Projects in formation and evolution and the milky way"@en . . "5" . "Description of qualifications\nThe aim of the course is to allow in-depth projects and specialization with a topic linked directly to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way. The projects are non-obligatory for students that follow the Formation and evolution of the Milky Way course, but the aim is to coordinate the teaching and content of the course with the projects. The main part of the project will take place in the last 2/3 of the semester in order to allow the student to obtain the needed background from the associated course. It is required to follow the Formation and evolution of the Milky Way lecture course in order to follow the project course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way.\n\nWhen the course is finished the student is expected to be able to:\nPlan and execute a project with a theoretical or practical focus.\nAnalyse data or perform modelling or simulations.\nSearch for relevant scientific literature.\nEvaluate the results and boundary conditions for a specific research project\nCollaborate in smaller groups with the aim of producing a scientific result\nPresent the results as a small talk at a final workshop day.\nContents\nThe course is closely linked to the lecture course on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way and will focus on in-depth study and specialization within research on Formation and evolution of the Milky Way. Both theoretical and practical projects are offered. Examples: Modelling, simulations, data analysis, literature studies. The specific possible projects will be introduced at the start of the course. The project is performed in small groups and under supervision - Support from other staff (incl. postdocs, phd-students, guests, etc.)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "large-scale universe"@en . . "3" . "Large-scale astrophysical individual and statistically defined objects: galaxies, clusters of galaxies, voids, cosmic web, baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmic microwave background fluctuations; Physical cosmology: hot big bang model (FLRW model, Hubble-Lemaitre expansion, cosmic microwave background, primordial nucleosynthesis), Friedmann equations, Einstein static solution, Einstein-de Sitter model, scale-factor--time--redshift relations, comoving arc length, angular diameter distance, luminosity distance, cosmological paradoxes, LambdaCDM model, general-relativistic models and their observational foundations, galaxy formation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "galaxies: formation and evolution"@en . . "5" . "Program of the lecture: 1. Present-day galaxies: photometric components, galaxy classification, morphological structures, mass distribution, gravitational potential. 2. Star forming galaxies, early type galaxies. 3. Stars, dark matter, interstellar gas, magnetic fields and cosmic rays. 4. Stellar orbits. 5. Statistical description of stellar and dark matter particles – Jeans equations. 6. Dynamics of the interstellar medium, star formation. 7. Gravitational instability and spiral structure. 8. Formation and evolution of Dark Matter Halos 9. Theory of Galaxy formation 10. Galaxy evolution." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galaxies & obs. cosmology"@en . . "no data" . "On completion of this module students should be able to describe:(1) The Milky Way Galaxy.(2) Galaxy evolution and the classification of galaxies.(3) The interstellar medium(4) Cosmological Models." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to astronomy and cosmology"@en . . "5" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Theoretical and observational cosmology"@en . . "6" . "History of cosmology. Newtonian cosmology, Friedmann equations and matter dominated \nuniverse. Relativistic generalization of Friedmann equations: radiation dominated universe, \ncosmological constant, general equations of state. Light propagation in expanding universe: \nred shift and angular distance. De Sitter universe and cosmological inflation. Inhomogeneous \nuniverse, evolution of instabilities in Newtonian theory (quantitative). Relativistic theory of \ngravitational instabilities. Fluctuations in inflationary scenario and primordial fluctuations. \nCosmic Microwave Background and cosmological parameters. Dark matter and structure \nformation." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Structure of the universe 1-2"@en . . "4" . "Semester 1: Cosmology\nBrief history of cosmology - introducion to general relaivity - models of the expanding universe - the standard cosmological model – thermodynamics of the expanding universe – paricles in the early universe – cosmic microwave background – dark mater and dark energy – paradoxes of standard cosmology – the inlaionary model\n\nSemester 2: Large-scale structure\nBrief introducion to galaxies – extragalacic distance measures – acive galaxies and quasars – galaxy clusters – surveying the large-scale structure – visible and dark mater – surveying the invisible mater – staisical descripion of the distribuion of mater – origin and evoluion of large-scale structure – the cosmic microwave background and its connecion to the large-scale structure" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cosmology and galaxy formation"@en . . "6" . "The course starts with an overview of the phenomenology of galaxies and of cosmological\r\nobservations (large-scale distribution of galaxies, the Hubble expansion, the accelerating\r\nuniverse, ...). Friedman-Lemaitre models for the dynamics of the universe. Evolution of cosmic\r\nstructure, from the primordial density fluctuations left over after inflation to the formation of\r\nvirialised objects, such as galaxies. Effects due to cold and/or hot dark matter. Numerical\r\nsimulations of structure formation. Recent observations of the power spectrum of the\r\nmicrowave background temperature fluctuations. Determination of the cosmological\r\nparameters and the concordance model. Shortcomings of this model and possible alternatives.\nFinal competences: \n1 Learn to apply the astronomical research method, which is usually based on observations and not on experiments, to this specific topic.\r\n2 Learn how to calculate certain observable quantities within the context of a simple cosmological model.\r\n3 Know how to apply methods drawn from other physical theories (e.g. general relativity or particle physics) to cosmological theories.\r\n4 Gain insight in the limitations of current cosmological theories.\r\n5 Learn to appreciate and communicate the philosophical and social importance of the subject" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Early universe cosmology"@en . . "6" . "1. The Expanding Universe\r\n\r\nKinematics and dynamics of expanding universe (cosmic evolution, Hubble law, Friedmann eqs)\r\nPropagation of light and horizons (geodesics, conformal diagrams, luminosity, redshift, distance)\r\ncomposition of the universe, status cosmological observations\r\n2. The Early Hot Universe\r\n\r\nThermal history\r\nCosmological nucleosynthesis\r\n3. Structure formation\r\n\r\nGravitational Instability in Newtonian theory (Jeans theory)\r\nGravitational Instability in General Relativity (cosmological perturbation theory, halo formation,…)\r\n4. Inflation\r\n\r\nThree puzzles (flatness, horizon, monopoles)\r\nSlow-roll inflation\r\nInflation as origin of cosmological fluctuations\r\n5. Anisotropies in the Microwave Sky\r\n\r\nGeneralities\r\nTemperature fluctuations: scalar and tensor modes\r\nPolarization\r\nObservations\r\n6. Quantum cosmology: which universe and why?\nGENERAL COMPETENCIES\r\nThe student becomes acquainted with the general theory of modern, relativistic cosmology and its observational vindication. This includes the thermal and nuclear history of our expanding universe, as well as the formation of large-scale structures like galaxies from seeds generated in a primordial era of inflation. The student learns to appreciate the development of relativistic cosmology in the historical context of 20th century physics." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galaxy formation and evolution"@en . . "8" . "The aim of the course is to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of the extragalactic astrophysics, and the formation and evolution of galaxies in the cosmological framework. The student will learn the physical processes which explain the observed properties of galaxies and their evolution. In particular: (1) the main properties of our Galaxy, star forming galaxies, early-type galaxies and galaxy clusters in the present-day universe, (2) dark matter halos, (3) the cosmic evolution of baryonic matter, (4) the physics of galaxy formation, (5) the first luminous objects, (6) the observational studies of galaxy formation and evolution." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cosmology"@en . . "8" . "At the end of the course, the student will have the basic knowledge of the modern cosmology, based on the General Relativity and on the Hot Big Bang model. In particular the student knows in critical way: the assumptions underlying the Big Bang model and their consequences; the thermal history of universe and the corresponding epochs; the model of inflation; the theory of formation of cosmic structures. Finally the student will be able to present and discuss in critical way the constraints coming from observational data." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "6" . "This course is intended to present the current understanding of the main advanced topics in Cosmology. After completing the course, students will acquire a thorough and updated knowledge of modern cosmological frameworks, with particular focus on dark matter and dark energy models, and on all the main cosmological probes. Furthermore, they will learn the primary statistical methods of modern observational Cosmology." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "The interstellar medium"@en . . "6" . "At the end of the course, the student has a detailed knowledge of the observational and physical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM). In particular, the student acquires knowledge of the main constituents of the ISM (ionized, atomic, and molecular gas; dust; magnetic fields; cosmic rays; EM radiation), the different environments in which these are encountered (the 2- and 3-phase models of the ISM) and the physical processes that govern them. In addition, the student will acquire some knowledge about the central role played by the ISM in the evolution of galaxies and AGN across the cosmic time." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galaxy clusters"@en . . "6" . "The aim of this course is to provide a broad-band knowledge of the physical properties of galaxy clusters ecosystem (dark matter, gas, galaxies and non thermal components). At the end of the class the student will be familiar with the current astrophysical research on the evolution of gas and galaxies in clusters. The student will acquire a deep understanding of several important processes, like AGN feedback, chemical enrichment, galaxy ram pressure stripping, relativistic particles physics, and more. The course will provide the necessary astronomical background and will dive deep into several key research topics, always comparing theory and observations. At the end of the course the student will be able to comprehend research papers on these subjects." . . "no data"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "6" . "not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Clusters of galaxies"@en . . "6" . "not available" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Cosmology"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE1 - Understand the basic conceptual schemes of Astrophysics\nCE5 - Understand the models of the origin and evolution of the Universe\nGeneral Competencies\nCG4 - Evaluate the orders of magnitude and develop a clear perception of physically different situations that show analogies allowing the use, to new problems, of synergies and known solutions\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\nTopics (headings):\n1.- The observable universe\n2.- Relativity applied to the universe\n3.- Cosmological models\n4.- Cosmometry\n5.- The primordial universe\n6.- The early universe\n7.- Basic concepts of cosmic radiation from background and the formation of structures" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Structure of the universe on a large scale"@en . . "6" . "Specific Competition\nCE1 - Understand the basic conceptual schemes of Astrophysics\nCE5 - Understand the models of the origin and evolution of the Universe\nCE10 - Use current scientific instrumentation (both Earth-based and Space-based) and learn about its innovative technologies.\nGeneral Competencies\nCG2 - Understand the technologies associated with observation in Astrophysics and instrumentation design\nCG4 - Evaluate the orders of magnitude and develop a clear perception of physically different situations that show analogies allowing the use, to new problems, of synergies and known solutions\nBasic skills\nCB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context\nCB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader contexts\nCB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments\nCB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous\nExclusive to the Theory and Computing Specialty\nCX5 - Understanding the structure of the Universe on a Large Scale\n6. Subject contents\nTheoretical and practical contents of the subject\n- Professor: Juan Eugenio Betancort Rijo\n- Topics (headings):\n\n1 Initial density fluctuations: random fields. Gravitational growth of density fluctuations in the linear regime.\n2 Formation of structures in a purely baryon universe: Jeans mass; Silk cushioning; difficulties.\n3 Dark matter: observations that indicate its existence.\n4 Formation of structures with hot dark matter: \"free streaming\"; resolution of the difficulties of the purely baryon model; difficulties.\n5 Tempered dark matter: \"stagnant expansion\"; issues.\n6 Cold dark matter: transfer function.\n7 Spherical collapse model for the formation of virialized objects.\n8 Cosmic mass function: Press-Schechter formalism.\n9 Two-point correlation function of galaxies: relationship to the power spectrum." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galaxies, observational cosmology & the interstellar medium"@en . . "5.00" . "The module addresses how galaxies form, are classified and how they cluster in space. The Milky Way Galaxy will be discussed in detail. A distinction will be drawn between Normal and Active galaxies. The powering of Active galaxies by supermassive black holes will be discussed in the context of the luminosities of galaxies. Galactic rotation curves will be discussed from the perspective of the estimation of galaxy masses. Such measurements suggest the underlying presence of dark matter which is not directly detectable.A description of modern cosmology will be given, based on experimental data from contemporary observations. Evidence for the accelerated expansion of the universe will be presented which points to the presence of a dark energy component of the cosmos that contributes a weak repulsive force throughout spacetime, underpinning the accelerated expansion.Additionally the interstellar medium will be introduced in particular with respect to describing the structure, dynamics and evolution of galaxies.\n\nLearning Outcomes:\nOn completion of this module students should be able to describe:(1) The Milky Way Galaxy.(2) Galaxy evolution and the classification of galaxies.(3) The interstellar medium(4) Cosmological Models." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Cosmology"@en . . "5,0" . "Description in Bulgarian" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Cosmology"@en . . "6.0" . "### Teaching language\n\nEnglish\n\n### Objectives\n\nThe overall objective of this lecture course is to develop in the students an interest in cosmology, communicating to them in a consistent fashion the basic principles as well as the latest developments in this area.\n\n### Learning outcomes and competences\n\nAfter the frequency of this lecture course, students should be able to: understand the fundamental assumptions behind the standard cosmological model; deduce the equations that describe the dynamics of the Universe; describe the observational evidence of the standard cosmological model; understand the successes and limitations of the standard cosmological model; understand the thermodynamic processes most relevant in cosmology, in particular recombination and primordial nucleosynthesis; describe the observational constraints on cosmological parameters and their consequences for the evolution of the Universe; understand the relevance of scalar fields in cosmology, particularly in solving some of the problems of the standard cosmological model; understand the linear and nonlinear evolution of fluctuations in the density of matter in different eras and scales; understand the mechanisms responsible for the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background and its relation to the large-scale structure of Universe; describe the observational evidence for dark matter and dark energy. This course also aims to develop a wide range of complementary skills in various areas, such as personal and inter-personal organization, written and oral communication, culture in physics and astronomy and the search and selection of bibliography.\n\n### Working method\n\nPresencial\n\n### Program\n\n**1\\. Introduction**\n\n1.1 Basic concepts in Astronomy\n\n1.2 Relevant observations for Cosmology\n\n1.3 Revison of concepts in Special and General Relativity\n\n**2\\. The expanding Universe**\n\n2.1 The cosmological principle\n\n2.2 The Robertson-Walker metric\n\n2.3 The cosmological redshift\n\n2.4 Peculiar velocities\n\n2.5 Equation of state\n\n**3\\. Relativistic cosmology**\n\n3.1 Friedmann equation: deduction and solutions\n\n3.2 Cosmological horizons and the age of the Universe\n\n3.3 Angular and luminosity cosmological distances\n\n**4\\. The primordial Universe**\n\n4.1 Cronology\n\n4.2 Particles in thermal equilibrium\n\n4.3 Entropy\n\n4.4 Decoupling of relativistic and non-relativistic particles\n\n4.5 Primordial nucleosynthesis\n\n4.6 The cosmic microwave background\n\n**5\\. Inflation**\n\n5.1 Problems in the standard cosmological model\n\n5.2 Inflationary models\n\n**6\\. Large-scale structure formation in the Universe**\n\n6.1 Linear evolution of density perturbations\n\n6.2 Transfer functions\n\n6.3 Evolution of non-linear density perturbations\n\n6.4 Statistical description of density and velocity fields\n\n6.5 Observational characterization of large-scale structure: distribution of galaxies, properties of the intergalactic medium, gravitational lensing.\n\n6.6 Temperature and polarization anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background\n\n6.7 Estimation of observational cosmological parameters: general methods, baryon acoustic oscillations and properties of galaxy clusters.\n\n### Mandatory literature\n\nRoos Matts; [Introduction to cosmology](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000263009 \"Introduction to cosmology (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-470-84910-X \nLiddle Andrew; [An introduction to modern cosmology](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000263013 \"An introduction to modern cosmology (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-470-84835-9 \nRyden Barbara; [Introduction to cosmology](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000291071 \"Introduction to cosmology (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-8053-8912-1 \n\n### Complementary Bibliography\n\nWeinberg Steven 1933-; [Cosmology](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000285334 \"Cosmology (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 978-0-19-852682-7 \nDodelson Scott; [Modern cosmology](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000279002 \"Modern cosmology (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-12-219141-2 \nPeacock J. A.; [Cosmological physics](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000228133 \"Cosmological physics (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-521-42270-1 \nMo Houjun; [Galaxy formation and evolution](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000295217 \"Galaxy formation and evolution (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 9780521857932 \nColes Peter; [Cosmology](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000259888 \"Cosmology (Opens in a new window)\"). ISBN: 0-471-48909-3 \n\n### Teaching methods and learning activities\n\nIn the lecture classes the contents in the program are taught and their application clarified through examples.\n\n### keywords\n\nPhysical sciences > Astronomy > Cosmology \n\n### Evaluation Type\n\nEvaluation with final exam\n\n### Assessment Components\n\nExam: 100,00%\n\n### Amount of time allocated to each course unit\n\nFrequência das aulas: 42,00 hours\n**Total:**: 42,00 hours\n\n### Eligibility for exams\n\nPresence in at least 75% of the lectures.\n\n### Calculation formula of final grade\n\nThe assessment for the Cosmology lecture course consists of a final exam. The final classification in this course will be equal to the classification obtained in the final exam.\n\nMore information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=498809" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "6.0" . "Recommendations\n\nStudents should have a previous knowledge of the following subjects taught in the bachelor’s degree in Physics: Astrophysics and Cosmology, Statistical Mechanics, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and, possibly, of High Energy Physics.\n\nCompetences to be gained during study\n\nBasic competences\n\n— Knowledge forming the basis of original thinking in the development or application of ideas, typically in a research context.\n\n— Be able to apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.\n\n— Be able to integrate knowledge and tackle the complexity of formulating judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the social and ethical responsibilities involved in applying knowledge and making judgments.\n\n— Be able to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.\n\n— Skills to enable lifelong self-directed and independent learning.\n\n \n\nGeneral competences\n\n— Be able to effectively identify, formulate and solve problems, and to critically interpret and assess the results obtained.\n\n— Be able to write scientific and technical documents.\n\n— Be able to communicate, give presentations and write scientific articles in English on fields related to the topics covered in the master’s degree.\n\n— Be able to critically analyze rigour in theory developments.\n\n— Be able to acquire the necessary methodological techniques to develop research tasks in the field of study.\n\n \n\nSpecific competences\n\n— Capacity to analyze and interpret a physical system in terms of the relevant scales of energy.\n\n— Capacity to identify relevant observable magnitudes in a specific physical system.\n\n— Capacity to test predictions from theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\n\n— Capacity to understand and use current theories on the origin and evolution of the universe and to learn the observational data on which these theories are based.\n\n— Capacity to critically analyze the results of calculations, experiments or observations, and to calculate possible errors.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\n— Understand the fundamental aspects of the current standard model of cosmology.\n\n— Become familiar with the geometry and dynamics of Friedmann models.\n\n— Understand the observational basis for the existence of dark matter and dark energy, and its theoretical treatment.\n\n— Understand the origin of the cosmic microwave background and the abundance of light elements and understand the calculations of the abundance of the relic density for dark matter candidates.\n\n— Learn some applications of the theory of phase transitions to cosmology.\n\n— Understand the problems that have led to the inflationary model and the main physical and geometric characteristics of cosmic inflation.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Spacetime and the expansion of the universe\n1.1. Luminosity and angular diameter distances. \n\n1.2. Distances and redshift, Hubble law.\n\n1.3. Space-time geometry. Cosmological principle. Cosmic time, scale factor.\n\n1.4. Robertson-Walker metric.\n\n1.5. Dynamics of expansion. Friedmann equation. Case of matter domination.\n\n2. Cosmic microwave background radiation\n2.1. Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Blackbody spectrum.\n\n2.2. Radiation density as a function of redshift. Dynamics of expansion with radiation.\n\n2.3. Dipole anisotropy.\n\n2.4. Recombination epoch. Reionization, electron optical depth.\n\n3. Cosmic budget and cosmological parameters\n3.1. Baryonic matter in the Universe.\n\n3.2. Evidence for dark matter: galaxies, clusters.\n\n3.3. Matter-radiation equalization epoch.\n\n3.4. Accelerated expansion, dark energy.\n\n3.5. Evidence for dark energy: supernovae Type Ia.\n\n4. Large scale structure\n4.1. Fluctuations in the Universe: growth of linear perturbations.\n\n4.2. Non-linear gravitational evolution and the cosmic web.\n\n4.3. Formation of galaxies and galaxy clusters.\n\n4.4. Anisotropies in the Cosmic Radiation Background: acoustic peaks and Sachs-Wolfe\neffect.\n\n4.5. Further evidence for dark matter and dark energy: the CMB spectrum.\n\n4.6. The Standard ΛCDM model. Matter power spectrum transfer function.\n\n5. Hydrodynamical variables and chemical reactions at equilibrium\n6. Early Universe: thermal history\n6.1. The radiation era\n\n6.2. Formation of baryons\n\n6.3. Neutrinos decoupling and out of equilibrium evolution\n\n6.4. Boltzmann equations\n\n6.5. Nucleosynthesis\n\n6.6. Recombination\n\n6.7. CMB\n\n7. Dark Matter\n7.1. Relic abundance via freeze-out\n\n7.2. Primordial Black Holes and Axions\n\n8. Elements of cosmic inflation\n8.1. The horizon problem\n\n8.2. Realizations of inflation\n\n8.3. Reheating\n\n8.4. Basics of inflationary perturbation theory and relation to CMB\n\n9. The cosmological constant problem\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nLectures.\nExpository classes.\nProblem-solving activities.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nWritten tests (5/10)\nProblem-solving exercises or oral presentations (5/10)\n\nRepeat assessment: Final examination in June\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nFinal written examination (10/10)\n\nRepeat assessment: Final examination in June\n\nReading and study resources\n\nBook\n\nDodelson, Scott. Modern cosmology. Amsterdam [etc.] : Academic Press, cop. 2003\n\n Enllaç\nRecurs electrònic Enllaç\n\nKolb, Edward W. ; Turner, Michael S. The early universe. Reading (Mass.) [etc.] : Addison-Wesley, 1990 Enllaç\n\n\nLinde, Andrei. Particle physics and inflationary cosmology. Amsterdam : Harwood Academic, cop. 1990 Enllaç\n\n\nMukhanov, V. F. Physical foundations of cosmology. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005 Enllaç\n\n\nPeacock, John A. Cosmological physics, 9. repr. with corrections. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b2064349* Enllaç\n\nPeebles, P. J. E. Principles of physical cosmology. Princeton : Princenton University Press, cop. 1993 Enllaç\n\n\nWeinberg, Steven. Cosmology. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 Enllaç\n\n\nIntroduction to Cosmology, Barbara Ryden, Cambridge University Press 2017 Enllaç\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568422&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Early universe"@en . . "8" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .