. "Discrete control systems"@en . . "9" . "Course aim\r\nLearn to design and analyze discrete control systems, design controllers matching specifications of discrete control system, apply those for control of various dynamic systems and get ability to use advanced informational technologies, design systems with incompletely defined information.\r\n\r\nDescription\r\nSubject \"Discrete control systems\" provides knowledge about design strategies of discrete control systems, block diagrams, the basis of mathematical models of systems: differential equations of discrete systems, discrete Laplace transform, transfer functions and stability analysis in frequency domain (Mikhailov, Nyquist methods) and Bode diagrams; and knowledge, required for system synthesis: principles of designing of proportional, integral, integral proportional and proportional integral derivative controllers and compensating elements; knowledge about modeling of transient processes using MATLAB software.\r\n\nOutcome: Not Provided" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Control systems"@en . . "5" . "Learning outcomes of the course unit:\nStudent will learn control design procedures for a dynamic system based on a state space model and its verification by simulation in Matlab/Simulink environment, will understand the respective practices and procedures and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the control of various processes in aerospace field. Introduces state-space representation of dynamic systems and state-space approach to feedback control systems. Covers modelling approaches for dynamic systems – data driven and first principle ones, nonlinear models, linearization. Design methods are focused on state space controller design including pole placement, linear quadratic regulator, state estimation, Kalman filter, LQG. Basics of digital control systems and digital implementation of controllers. Performance limitations and robustness. Extensive use of computer-aided control design and simulation (in Matlab&Simulink environment). Applications to various aerospace-motivated control problems, including basic DC motor (positional and speed servo), satellite attitude control, and navigation guidance (reference tracking) are considered throughout the course" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Control systems engineering"@en . . "3" . "Learning outcomes\nAfter passing the course successfully, the student will\n* have an overview and be able to describe dynamic systems behavior at basic level\n* understand and be able to use mathematical apparatus baseline for the description of dynamic systems\n* know the common principles of classic and modern control systems\n* be able to use software for simulation of control systems at basic level\n* be able to use frequency domain techniques on the design of basic electrical and mechanical systems\n* be able to create, analyze and tune PID control systems\nBrief description of content\nThe course gives an introductory theoretical and practical knowledge about behavior, modeling, and characterization of dynamic systems. Simplified overview of the required mathematical apparatus is covered. The characterization methods of linear systems (state-space equations, transfer functions) are studied; stablity, observability and controllability are discussed. Theory and practice of classical control methods (on-off control and PID control) are studied. Students wlll learn to analyze simpler control systems in practice." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft control systems"@en . . "5" . "Aircraft as an object of regulation in an automatic control system.\nMathematical description of dynamic properties of aircraft. Steering,\nstability and manoeuvrability characteristics of an aircraft. The con-\nstruction and principles of operation of semi-automatic flight control\nsystems, vibration damping automatics, longitudinal control auto-\nmatics, lateral control automatics, stability automatics, load auto-\nmatic, trim automatics, balance automatics and kinematic ratio con-\ntrol automatics. Technical structures, operating ranges, construc-\ntion and principle of operation of selected solutions of aircraft control\nsystems." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Flight control systems"@en . . "no data" . "Anotation:\n\nThe course is devoted to classical and modern control design techniques for autopilots and flight control systems. Particular levels are discussed, starting with the dampers attitude angle stabilizers, to guidance and navigation systems. Next to the design itself, important aspects of aircraft modelling, both as a rigid body and considering flexibility of the structure, are discussed.\nStudy targets:\n\nDesign and validation of flight control laws for aerospace applications.\nContent:\n\nFlight dynamics. Flight control systems architectures. Nonlinear and linearized models. Dampers. Attitude hold autopilots. VOR, ILS. Mission planning. Air traffic modelling and control.\nCourse outlines:\n\n1. Introduction. Motivation.\n2. Modelling the aircraft dynamics.\n3. Linearized equations of motion. Longitudinal and lateral dynamics.\n4. Longitudinal motin:dampers, attitude hold autopilots.\n5. Lateral motion:dampers, attitude hold autopilots.\n6. Quadratic-optimal design of dampers.\n7. Quadratic-optimal design and attitude hold autopilots.\n8. Path following problems: horizontal plane.\n9. Stabilization of vertical speed.\n10. Final approach.\n11. Automatic landing systems.\n12. Mission planning\n13. Automatic avoidance ad conflicts resolution.\n14. Air traffic modelling and control.\nExercises outline:\n\nLabs are devoted to two semestral projects - autopilot design and a satellite stabilzation hybrid control system design and simulation validation." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft attitude dynamics and control"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Intelligent control systems"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Systems theory"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents During this course the following topics will be covered:\nState-space representation of input-output system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nLinearization of a system.\nSolution of a linear system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nImpulse response and step response of a linear system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nAsymptotic stability, BIBO stability (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nControllability and observability (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nKalman decomposition.\nState feedback (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nState reconstruction by observer (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nSystem description in frequency domain.\nComposition of systems in frequency domain.\nRealization of transfer function.\nStudy Goals After a successful completion of the course you will be able to\nmodel an input-output system by a state space model (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nlinearize a system around a given solution.\ndetermine whether an equilibrium point of a linear system is asymptotically stable, weakly stable or unstable (both for\ncontinuous-time and discrete-time case).\ncompute the solution of a linear time-invariant system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\ncompute the impulse response and the step response of a linear time-invariant system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time\ncase).\ndetermine whether or not a linear system is controllable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\ndetermine whether or not a linear system is observable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nconstruct a Kalman decomposition of a linear system.\ndesign a feedback control (if it exists) which makes an unstable system stable or one which reduces the effect of disturbing\nsignals (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\ndesign an observer (if it exists) which produces an approximation of the state of the system such that the error converges to zero\n(both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nrepresent a linear system in the frequency domain.\nconstruct various realizations of a given transfer function." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Flight & gnc systems"@en . . "6.0" . "This module completes aspects required to complete the full automation of UAV including navigation, guidance and flight control. The first part covers the engineering principles behind navigation systems used for flight control of UAVs and conventional aircraft, including inertial and GPS-based navigation as well as Kalman filtering for sensor fusion. The module concludes with the application of guidance and control strategies on existing UAV testbeds in flight experiments." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Control systems"@en . . "9.0" . "The course is focused on the basic elements of the analysis and design of linear control systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space guidance and tracking systems"@en . . "6.0" . "Acquisition of analysis and synthesis skills of guidance and navigation systems in space missions and interaction with control, other vehicle subsystems. Applications of space surveillance techniques for the monitoring, prevention, and removal of space debris. Knowledge and evaluation of the effect of environmental perturbations on the evolution of complex orbital systems (i.e. megaconstellations, clouds of fragments, formations ...) and sustainability of space traffic." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft communication and localization"@en . . "6.0" . "GENERAL\nThe course introduces satellite payloads for telecommunications and navigation, together with their operating principles. For each of the two payloads: (i) the applications are studied, as well as their performance requirements; (ii) its complete reference space system is analyzed, with its typical space mission; (iii) the main design parameters are identified that have impact on the performance; (iv) the performances are studied as functions of the design parameters and; (v) the platform requirements are analyzed to ensure the correct operation.\nAs regards telecommunications payloads, satellite broadcast is considered, together with point-to-point data connection, satellite personal communication system, ground transfer of Earth observation data and telemetry. The modulation and coding techniques are studied in depth, together with the antenna systems and their impact on the platform and set-up, and the electrical power sizing.\nAs regards navigation payloads, global satellite navigation systems (GNSS) are considered, together with terrestrial and satellite augmentation systems to increase their performance. The used waveforms are studied in depth, together with the signal acquisition and position estimation techniques, the main sources of error and performance, the antenna systems and the electrical power sizing.\n\nSPECIFIC\nKnowledge and understanding: At the end, the student has acquired a basic knowledge on the two types of payload considered, on their main design parameters, and on the space systems and missions that are based on them.\nApplying knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to evaluate critically both the payload selection, based on the selection of its main parameters according to operational requirements (from the user requirements), and its integration with the platform.\nMaking judgements: at the end of the course the student has developed the autonomy of judgment necessary to integrate knowledge on the different types of payloads, to manage the complexity of the technologies used in the various space missions, and to evaluate their performance in the various application contexts.\nCommunication skills: at the end of the course the student is able to operate in a highly multi-disciplinary context communicating and interacting with information technology design engineers for space, with specialist technicians and non-specialist interlocutors.\nLearning skills: at the end of the course the student is able to autonomously investigate the new technologies used in the future evolutions of satellite systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Guidance, Navigation And Control For Space Systems (gncss)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . .