. "Geoinformation theory"@en . . "7.5" . "Theoretical Basis of Geoinformatics - Historical Development\nConcepts of space and time and representation of spatial knowledge\nImplementation of spatial concepts and models in a Geographic Information System\nAdvanced data structures and modelling\nModelling of three-dimensional data\nSpatial analysis\nGeomatics\nSpatio-temporal Geographic Information Systems\nSpatial data infrastructures\nAccuracy, ambiguity and completeness" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Application of informatics in road transport"@en . . "7.5" . "Geographic Information Systems (GIS-T)\nGeneral. Role of GIS in Road Infrastructure. System Architecture. Data Organisation and Structure. Applications: Road Safety, Road Network Management, Optimal Route Selection, Public Transport Route Planning.\nAutomation and Robotics Systems\nGeneral. Definitions. Criteria for the selection of construction works. General System Architecture. Construction Environment Capture Systems and Accuracies. Automatic Positioning and Operation Control of Road Construction Machinery. Coordination of Automated Road Machinery. Research work on prototype development. Cases: Road Paving, Pavement Recycling, Pipeline Construction, Pavement Crack Repair, Bridge Reinforcement Repair.\nTelematics/Intelligent Transport Systems\nIntroduction to Intelligent Transport Systems (Technological components. Human Factor. Social Acceptance. Use and Applications of Telematics Systems). Intelligent Transport Systems and Road Safety. Intelligent Transport Systems and Traffic Management, Intelligent Transport Systems and Public Transport. Intelligent Transport Systems and Supply Chain. Evaluation of Intelligent Transport Systems. Localisation and navigation in transport\nUser requirements and localisation parameters in transport applications, GNSS kinematic localisation and navigation methods and techniques, GNSS system augmentation, implementation and evaluation of localisation systems for intelligent transport applications, integrated kinematic mapping systems." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Engineering informatics"@en . . "2" . "Adoption of the basic theoretical and practical knowledge in informatics through three basic parts: hardware, software and experts needed to easily learn the task during the study and application of the engineering profession. Through preparation\nand presentation of modern informatic topics, students are actively involved in expanding and upgrading their IT skills. Through practical tasks students learn the rules of desirable behavior in the Internet community, correct electronic\ncommunication and behavior on social networks. Understand the role of geodesy, geoinformatics and spatial data in modern world, demonstrate competences in measuring systems, methods and technologies of measurement and spatial data collection. \nUse information technology in solving geodetic and geoinformation tasks.\nCommunicate the results obtained by means of geodesy and geoinformation to clients and experts of geodetic and other related professions.\nKeep pace with and adopt new technological achievements in the field of surveying, geoinformation systems and services based on the position, and the changes in regulations, norms and standards. \nDistinguish, describe and define the physical components of a computer (hardware), software and operating system (software) and user segment and their interconnection.\nUse modern operating systems, office tools, e-mail and the Internet.\nExplain the division of computer networks, technology connectivity and protocol for communication over computer networks.\nThe ability to decent communication via the Internet (for example, correctly write an e-mail).\nRecognize the dangers of the Internet and apply adequate protective measures, and identify the reasons of data protection on the Internet.\nDescribe the role of open and commercial information systems and applications, and to explain their role and communication technologies in geodesy and geoinformatics." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space informatics 1"@en . . "5" . "The course will cover the fundamentals of informatics for application in the space domain. The course will feature two parallel tracks: “Informatics Fundamentals” and “Introduction to Programming”.The track “Informatics Fundamentals” will cover:Introduction to computer systemsOperating systemsData representation and file formatsPrinciples of programming languagesFundamentals of software engineeringFundamentals of networkingApplications of computingLimitations of computingThe track “Introduction to Programming” will cover:Python essentials (variables, data structures, control instructions, methods)Object oriented programming in PythonBasic algorithms and data structuresPython communication primitives and librariesQuality assurance for Python: methods and frameworksScientific computing in Python: numpy and pandasNotebooks and virtual environments: Jupyter, Conda, pip, Docker\n\nOutcome:\nAfter completing the course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: Organization of computer systems Operating systems Programming in Python Basic algorithms and data structures Software development principles and tools" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space informatics 2"@en . . "3" . "The course will feature two parallel tracks: “System Programming” and “Software Testing andStandards”.The track “System Programming” will cover:• From low-level programming languages to high-level programming languages and back• Basic features of the C programming language• Advanced features of the C programming language• Elements of the C standard library• Build process• System interfacesThe track “Software Testing and Standards” will cover:• Specification-based testing• Structural testing• Designing for testability• Test-driven development• ECSS standards• Documenting the testing process according to ECSS standards\n\nOutcome:\nAfter completing the course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: • System programming using the C language• Fundamental software testing approaches used in industry• Software standards applied by ESA" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geo-data and geo-informatics"@en . . "9" . "This is the module for students interested in exploring, mining and communicating the wealth of relevant information in state-of-\nthe-art geospatial data. Different ways to visualize and process geospatial data, in different formats and projections, on\ngeographic information systems will be explored. It will be discussed how to assess the quality of input Earth observation data,\nand how this quality propagates through a processing chain towards a quality description of a final product. Methodology will be\nanalysed to assess the spatial-temporal contents of data in terms of repetitive patterns and the scales at which information is\npresent in both the spatial and temporal domain. Finally, it will be discussed how such different information can be extracted\nfrom data, and how the significance of the extracted information can be accessed and communicated to different stakeholders in\neffective and attractive ways. After completing this module, students will be able to:\nAssess the quality of EO data and derived products \nDesign and apply hypothesis testing procedures to select the model which best represents physical reality \nApply spectral analysis techniques to extract relevant geophysical information from EO data \nModel and estimate the spatial and temporal variability of EO data and relate it to the underlying geophysical processes \nSelect and apply appropriate geo-informatics tools to extract, process and communicate information from EO data\nPresent findings in a precise and organized way, both numerically as well as graphically" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Bioinformatics for bioengineers"@en . . "6" . "Learning outcomes\nBy the end of the course participants will know relevant databases for biological data (incl. genomic regions, protein domains, protein-protein interactions, gene expression data, Gene Ontology). The course will give an overview of the main bioinformatics methods that the attendee can later use in his/her research projects that involve the analysis of genetic information and/or design of novel genetic circuits. The course offers an alternative to the classical form of bioinformatics courses in terms of additional modules focused on genome engineering and rational design of chromosomes. It also introduces an innovative Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL): a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology.\nParticipants of the course will receive the following set of skills:\n1) In silico analysis of cellular processes: genetic information and its manifestations.\n2) Ability to apply bioinformatics methods for analysing gene regulation (incl. sequence alignment and analysis, primer design, gene expression analysis, CRISPR).\n3) Will know relevant databases for biological data (incl. genomic regions, protein domains, protein-protein interactions, gene expression data, Gene Ontology).\n4) Basic skills in in silico assembly of synthetic organisms in the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL)- from hereditary material to metabolic pathways.\nBrief description of content\nThe course consists of three modules:\nI - Introductory bioinformatics module\n* In silico analysis of single genes and proteins - basic search algorithms (blast), retrieval options, file types, alignment options, phylogenetic tree building etc.\n* Design of primers for single genes - PCR primers, cDNA cloning primers\n* Analysis of genomic regions - enhancers, promoters, coding regions, intron-exon. structure, (alternative) splicing, overlapping genes (including miRNA genes)\n* Analysis of gene expression data (RNA seq, microarray, protein arrays, chip data).\n* Analysis of interactome and GO data.\n* Analysis of protein interaction networks." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Informatics"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Industrial informatics"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Environmental informatics"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "1st cycle integrated project in telecommunications and informatics engineering"@en . . "6.0" . "Prerequisites\nRecommended the completion of a minimum of 120 ECTS.\n\nObjectives\nThe integrated project may fall within one of three modalities: 1. Scientific project, 2. Company project and 3. JUNO project. Learning objectives will depend on the specific project, but in general students should: - apply the knowledge acquired during their degree to undertake a project of a scientific, technological or management nature. - extend their knowledge to areas not covered in their degree. - search, obtain, compile and summarize information (scientific, technical, legislation, interviews, polls) relevant to the project - plan and execute experiments, analyse and interpret data, develop mathematical models, perform computer simulations - develop Critical and Innovative Thinking, Intrapersonnal and Interpersonal Skills. - write and orally present and discuss a technical report. This project could serve as a seed for the master dissertation theme\n\nProgram\nThe project is initialy defined by the supervisors or under the supervisors guidance. It can be carried out individually or in groups, and take place at IST or outside IST (universities, research centers or companies). The following types are possible: 1. Scientific project: an in-depth and academically rigorous analysis of a scientific, technological or management challenge. May include experimental and/or computacional work. 2. Company project: individual project focused on a specific challenge posed by a host company that requires a solution or analysis targeted for short term implementation. 3. JUNO project: multidisciplinary team work based on real and complex problems/challenges posed by companies or other institutions that require inputs from students from different courses of IST or the University of Lisbon.\n\nEvaluation Methodology\nFor project types 1 and 2 a report must be submitted for evaluation and discussion by a juri of at least) two professores.\n\nCross-Competence Component\nDuring the development and evaluation of the project students have the opportunity to develop different sets of Soft Skills. While the specific skills developed will depend on the specific project, the students in general will have opportunity to develop skills related to i) Critical and Innovative Thinking (Creativity, Problem Solving Strategies), ii) Intrapersonnal Skills (auto-discipline, enthusiasm, preserverence, self motivation) and iii) Interpersonal Skills (communication, organization, decision, initiative, oral presentation, writing). The percentage of evaluation associated with these skills should be around 30%.\n\nLaboratorial Component\nDepends on the project topic\n\nProgramming and Computing Component\nDepends on the project topic\n\n\nMore information at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/lerc/disciplina-curricular/845953938490323" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "1st cycle integrated project in telecommunications and informatics engineering (electrocap)"@en . . "6.0" . "Prerequisites\nRecommended the completion of a minimum of 120 ECTS.\n\nObjectives\nThe integrated project may fall within one of three modalities: 1. Scientific project, 2. Company project and 3. JUNO project. Learning objectives will depend on the specific project, but in general students should: - apply the knowledge acquired during their degree to undertake a project of a scientific, technological or management nature. - extend their knowledge to areas not covered in their degree. - search, obtain, compile and summarize information (scientific, technical, legislation, interviews, polls) relevant to the project - plan and execute experiments, analyse and interpret data, develop mathematical models, perform computer simulations - develop Critical and Innovative Thinking, Intrapersonnal and Interpersonal Skills. - write and orally present and discuss a technical report. This project could serve as a seed for the master dissertation theme\n\nProgram\nThe project is initialy defined by the supervisors or under the supervisors guidance. It can be carried out individually or in groups, and take place at IST or outside IST (universities, research centers or companies). The following types are possible: 1. Scientific project: an in-depth and academically rigorous analysis of a scientific, technological or management challenge. May include experimental and/or computacional work. 2. Company project: individual project focused on a specific challenge posed by a host company that requires a solution or analysis targeted for short term implementation. 3. JUNO project: multidisciplinary team work based on real and complex problems/challenges posed by companies or other institutions that require inputs from students from different courses of IST or the University of Lisbon.\n\nEvaluation Methodology\nFor project types 1 and 2 a report must be submitted for evaluation and discussion by a juri of at least) two professores.\n\nCross-Competence Component\nDuring the development and evaluation of the project students have the opportunity to develop different sets of Soft Skills. While the specific skills developed will depend on the specific project, the students in general will have opportunity to develop skills related to i) Critical and Innovative Thinking (Creativity, Problem Solving Strategies), ii) Intrapersonnal Skills (auto-discipline, enthusiasm, preserverence, self motivation) and iii) Interpersonal Skills (communication, organization, decision, initiative, oral presentation, writing). The percentage of evaluation associated with these skills should be around 30%.\n\nLaboratorial Component\nDepends on the project topicDepends on the project topic\n\nProgramming and Computing Component\nDepends on the project topic\n\nMore information at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/lerc/disciplina-curricular/845953938490356" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "1st cycle integrated project in telecommunications and informatics engineering (informatics)"@en . . "6.0" . "Prerequisites\nRecommended the completion of a minimum of 120 ECTS.\n\nObjectives\nThe integrated project may fall within one of three modalities: 1. Scientific project, 2. Company project and 3. JUNO project. Learning objectives will depend on the specific project, but in general students should: - apply the knowledge acquired during their degree to undertake a project of a scientific, technological or management nature. - extend their knowledge to areas not covered in their degree. - search, obtain, compile and summarize information (scientific, technical, legislation, interviews, polls) relevant to the project - plan and execute experiments, analyse and interpret data, develop mathematical models, perform computer simulations - develop Critical and Innovative Thinking, Intrapersonnal and Interpersonal Skills. - write and orally present and discuss a technical report. This project could serve as a seed for the master dissertation theme\n\nProgram\nThe project is initialy defined by the supervisors or under the supervisors guidance. It can be carried out individually or in groups, and take place at IST or outside IST (universities, research centers or companies). The following types are possible: 1. Scientific project: an in-depth and academically rigorous analysis of a scientific, technological or management challenge. May include experimental and/or computacional work. 2. Company project: individual project focused on a specific challenge posed by a host company that requires a solution or analysis targeted for short term implementation. 3. JUNO project: multidisciplinary team work based on real and complex problems/challenges posed by companies or other institutions that require inputs from students from different courses of IST or the University of Lisbon.\n\nEvaluation Methodology\nFor project types 1 and 2 a report must be submitted for evaluation and discussion by a juri of at least) two professores.\n\nCross-Competence Component\nDuring the development and evaluation of the project students have the opportunity to develop different sets of Soft Skills. While the specific skills developed will depend on the specific project, the students in general will have opportunity to develop skills related to i) Critical and Innovative Thinking (Creativity, Problem Solving Strategies), ii) Intrapersonnal Skills (auto-discipline, enthusiasm, preserverence, self motivation) and iii) Interpersonal Skills (communication, organization, decision, initiative, oral presentation, writing). The percentage of evaluation associated with these skills should be around 30%.\n\nLaboratorial Component\nDepends on the project topicDepends on the project topic\n\nProgramming and Computing Component\nDepends on the project topic\n\nMore information at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/lerc/disciplina-curricular/845953938490356" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Summer field exercises in special geo-informatics eng. subjects (2 weeks)"@en . . "4" . "Summer field course based on geodetic subjects taught up to the 6th semester. The site and the exact subject is decided each year by the tutor after arrangements made with organizations and local authorities, in places outside the greater Limassol area. Technical report composition.\n-Field Course in Photogrammetry\nCompilation of an integrated project, which constitutes a practical work for the solution of photogrammetric issues. The project includes: The compilation of digital rectification of an object, such as the facades of a building or monument, by using control points or known distance lengths, or the compilation of stereo-restitution at an analytical or digital photogrammetric instrument, through air-photos or close-range photos taken either by a metric or an amateur camera, or the compilation of integrated photogrammetric surveys, which include both field work and office work, or the solution of special problems, by writing the proper software, or the use of specialised photogrammetric software, or the appropriate modification of general usage software packages for photogrammetric purposes.\n-Field Course in Remote Sensing\nPractical exercise involving applications of analogue and digital image analysis methods and techniques applied to projects of natural resources inventories and monitoring and in specific fields of interest to the students. Field work techniques for image processing and classification algorithms. Field spectro-radiometric measurements will be undertaken during the course (using field spectroradiometers).Sun-photometers will be used to measure the atmospheric optical properties for supporting remote sensing measurements.\n-Field Course in Higher and Satellite Geodesy\nTraining of instruments and measurements of Higher and Satellite Geodesy (GPS). Planning lay out and execution of works and measurements for the establishment geodetic networks of higher order using satellite techniques. Reductions and calculations on the reference ellipsoid and in cartesian reference systems GPS baselines computation and analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Information Theory"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .