. "Physical Geography"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "River and delta systems"@en . . "7.5" . "Course goals\nThe intended learning outcomes are integrated physics-based, geomorphology-based and sedimentology-based understanding of the formation and dynamics of rivers and deltas, systems thinking and basic understanding of the societal context of river and delta dynamics, and data analysis skills and modelling skills. Specifically, after a successful course the student:\nhas acquired knowledge, explanations and advanced understanding of fluvial morphodynamics at length scales ranging from particles to valleys and deltas and seconds to millennia, and interactions between these scales\nhas advanced his/her knowledge and understanding of fluvial morphodynamics and system response to changing boundary conditions, thereby crosscutting disciplinary boundaries of fluvial morphodynamics, engineering, sedimentology and geology both in understanding and language of concepts\nhas developed quantitative skills, including physics of flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics, reconstruction and budgeting techniques, and programming\nis able to develop empirical, analytical, experimental and numerical tools to reconstruct and predict fluvial phenomena, and is able to evaluate critically the power and limits of these approaches\nis able to position the knowledge and understanding in the wider societal context of river basin and delta management, engineering and nature rehabilitation with the boundary condition of global change\nis able to analyse and interpret scientific data and literature on fluvial processes, morphology and modeling, and is able to apply this within the fluvial system framework of this course, and clearly present this in writing or oral presentations.\nContent\nFluvial and deltaic systems will be studied at all relevant scales from morphodynamics in a channel, to river pattern variation in a valley, to distributary dynamics in a delta. River systems cover about 80% of the Earth’s surface and about one-third of humanity lives in them. The entire course is a unique integration of process-based geomorphological, sedimentological and engineering approaches. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Within each theme, the necessary initial and boundary conditions for certain phenomena are studied, the underlying physical processes identified and derived, and the consequences for morphology, stratigraphy and so on described. The course alternates between reach and system scale, for longitudinally simple cases (one source, one sink) to complex systems with multiple sedimentation basins and terraced floodplains as well as entire deltas. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Systems thinking and the interactions between physical and biological processes and humans provide important concepts for understanding and forecasting. Some subjects:\nReview of channel flow, sediment transport and fundamentals of fluvial morphodynamics. This part mostly comprises review and deepening of required foreknowledge. References will be provided, particularly for students with deficiencies in background.\nRiver patterns: empirical descriptors and predictors for river patterns (which refers to bar pattern, channel pattern and to some extent floodplain pattern), and reconstruction how these patterns changed in response to late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change, sea-level rise and human interference.\nRiver displacement on plains and deltas is about how a river fills larger spaces by migration and displacement (avulsion). Such larger spaces include valleys, fluvial plains and deltas. Furthermore, in between the fluvial deposits peat develops, that later on might considerably affect the development of deltas. During displacement, channel bifurcations divide water, sediment and hazards over the delta, which can be understood from basic physical insights.\nFrom just below the mountains to near the sea is about the fluvial system from upstream alluviated valleys (e.g. with terraces) to the sedimentary (deltaic) zone. Given the required time of significant change, the system at this scale is strongly affected by boundary conditions such as base level change (downstream boundary), climatic change (upstream boundary) and forebulge dynamics (‘initial’ condition).\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills:\n \nThe computer practicals (Python) will improve your:\nability to work in a team (through collaboration with fellow students),\nwritten communication skills (through abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nwork ethic (through collaboration and submission deadlines),\nanalytical/quantitative and technical skills (through data analysis and modelling with Python). \nThe Delta research project will improve your:\nability to work in a team (projects will be carried out in groups of 3-4 students),\nproblem-solving skills (by going through the process of defining a research question, developing an appropriate method, gathering data, and analysing results),\nengagement with the scientific literature\nwritten communication skills (through extended abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nleadership and work ethic (through working in groups)\nadaptability (conducting your own research project will most likely involve dealing with unforeseen circumstances)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Statistics and data analysis in physical geography"@en . . "7.50" . "This course aims at preparing students for thesis research and introduces data processing and statistical data analysis techniques. The objectives of the course are:\nTo learn and being able to apply the elementary statistical techniques for the analysis of continuous datasets\nTo understand and apply regression analysis techniques\nTo learn and apply multivariate techniques for the analysis of complex data sets consisting of more than two variables\nTo understand the main geostatistical techniques for the analysis and mapping of spatial data\nTo learn how to perform effective and reproducible data processing and (statistical) analysis using R\n\nContent\nStatistics play an integral role in today's research in physical and social sciences, as they are used to quantify results of studies. Statistical analyses lend credibility to theories and are essential for the general acceptance of scientific statements. This course focuses on widely used statistical and geostatistical techniques in earth science research.\n\nThe first part of the course will cover the theory and application of elementary statistics, including topics such as distributions, covariance, correlation, statistical tests, regression, statistical significance, and an introduction to geostatistics. Students' understanding of these subjects will be assessed through a midterm exam. In the final weeks of the course, students will apply their acquired knowledge in a data analysis project conducted in small groups. The project will be assessed based on a presentation and a written report.\n\nThe course will be taught using the statistical software R.\n\nSpecific skills that will be learned by the student are:\nProblem-solving skills\nAnalytical/quantitative skills\nTechnical skills" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "River and delta systems"@en . . "7.50" . "The intended learning outcomes are integrated physics-based, geomorphology-based and sedimentology-based understanding of the formation and dynamics of rivers and deltas, systems thinking and basic understanding of the societal context of river and delta dynamics, and data analysis skills and modelling skills. Specifically, after a successful course the student:\nhas acquired knowledge, explanations and advanced understanding of fluvial morphodynamics at length scales ranging from particles to valleys and deltas and seconds to millennia, and interactions between these scales\nhas advanced his/her knowledge and understanding of fluvial morphodynamics and system response to changing boundary conditions, thereby crosscutting disciplinary boundaries of fluvial morphodynamics, engineering, sedimentology and geology both in understanding and language of concepts\nhas developed quantitative skills, including physics of flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics, reconstruction and budgeting techniques, and programming\nis able to develop empirical, analytical, experimental and numerical tools to reconstruct and predict fluvial phenomena, and is able to evaluate critically the power and limits of these approaches\nis able to position the knowledge and understanding in the wider societal context of river basin and delta management, engineering and nature rehabilitation with the boundary condition of global change\nis able to analyse and interpret scientific data and literature on fluvial processes, morphology and modeling, and is able to apply this within the fluvial system framework of this course, and clearly present this in writing or oral presentations.\n\nContent\nFluvial and deltaic systems will be studied at all relevant scales from morphodynamics in a channel, to river pattern variation in a valley, to distributary dynamics in a delta. River systems cover about 80% of the Earth’s surface and about one-third of humanity lives in them. The entire course is a unique integration of process-based geomorphological, sedimentological and engineering approaches. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Within each theme, the necessary initial and boundary conditions for certain phenomena are studied, the underlying physical processes identified and derived, and the consequences for morphology, stratigraphy and so on described. The course alternates between reach and system scale, for longitudinally simple cases (one source, one sink) to complex systems with multiple sedimentation basins and terraced floodplains as well as entire deltas. The course content is structured in four themes with increasing length and time scales of evolution. Systems thinking and the interactions between physical and biological processes and humans provide important concepts for understanding and forecasting. Some subjects:\nReview of channel flow, sediment transport and fundamentals of fluvial morphodynamics. This part mostly comprises review and deepening of required foreknowledge. References will be provided, particularly for students with deficiencies in background.\nRiver patterns: empirical descriptors and predictors for river patterns (which refers to bar pattern, channel pattern and to some extent floodplain pattern), and reconstruction how these patterns changed in response to late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change, sea-level rise and human interference.\nRiver displacement on plains and deltas is about how a river fills larger spaces by migration and displacement (avulsion). Such larger spaces include valleys, fluvial plains and deltas. Furthermore, in between the fluvial deposits peat develops, that later on might considerably affect the development of deltas. During displacement, channel bifurcations divide water, sediment and hazards over the delta, which can be understood from basic physical insights.\nFrom just below the mountains to near the sea is about the fluvial system from upstream alluviated valleys (e.g. with terraces) to the sedimentary (deltaic) zone. Given the required time of significant change, the system at this scale is strongly affected by boundary conditions such as base level change (downstream boundary), climatic change (upstream boundary) and forebulge dynamics (‘initial’ condition).\n\nDevelopment of transferable skills:\n \nThe computer practicals (Python) will improve your:\nability to work in a team (through collaboration with fellow students),\nwritten communication skills (through abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nwork ethic (through collaboration and submission deadlines),\nanalytical/quantitative and technical skills (through data analysis and modelling with Python). \nThe Delta research project will improve your:\nability to work in a team (projects will be carried out in groups of 3-4 students),\nproblem-solving skills (by going through the process of defining a research question, developing an appropriate method, gathering data, and analysing results),\nengagement with the scientific literature\nwritten communication skills (through extended abstracts written in English), \nverbal communication skills (by presenting your research to your fellow students),\nleadership and work ethic (through working in groups)\nadaptability (conducting your own research project will most likely involve dealing with unforeseen circumstances)" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geomorphometry"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "The applications of gis in physical geography"@en . . "no data" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Applied geomorphology"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied geomorphology and habitat"@en . . "6" . "This course deals with the geomorphological and geobiological characterization of benthic habitats, with an emphasis on marine benthic bioconstructions of the temperate Mediterranean Sea and the shallow water tropical reef environments. It focuses on field and remote observations of characteristic habitats and their multi-scale relationships with the associated abiotic components. Environmental issues, related to the role of habitat mapping and monitoring in marine ecosystem management, are explained and discussed using case histories.\r\nLaboratory activities will offer the students the opportunity to use traditional methods and techniques for mapping and modelling the distribution of marine benthic habitats.\nIntroduction to biogeomorphology: interplay between organisms and geomorphology in submerged environments. Mediterranean marine bioconstructions: from the shallow shelf to the bathyal zone. Examples of bioconstructions from tropical reef environments.\r\nApplied submarine geomorphology for ecosystem-based management: the role of habitat mapping.\r\nHabitat mapping, characterization and classification. The use of surrogates in habitat mapping practice. Habitat suitability models. Habitat mapping and ecosystem-based management.\r\nTutorials: Habitat mapping and habitat characterization techniques." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Fundamentals of marine physical geography"@en . . "6" . "- Data and methods in submarine Geomorphology. Seafloor mapping, seafloor sampling and visual surveys: tools and survey design.\n- Coastal landforms and processes. Beach and nearshore systems, coastal sand dunes, delta and estuaries, barrier systems. Rocky coasts and coral reefs.\n- Submarine landforms and processes. Drivers of seafloor geomorphic change in submarine environment (tectonic, sedimentology, oceanography and biology). Continental shelf landforms, submarine landslides, submarine canyons and gullies, channel and fans, contouritic drifts, oceanic islands and seamounts, mid-ocean ridges, fluid-escape features, abyssal hills and plains, trenches, bioconstructions." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Fundamentals of physical geography"@en . . "6" . "The aim of the course is to ensure the systematic learning of knowledge about the spheres of Earth, the processes and phenomena in progress, the diversity of their relationships according to generally recognized principles and methods. Objectives of the study course: students can use terms and concepts of physical geography. Students understand the physical environment of the earth, its systems and processes, and their drivers, by studying weather systems, climate, natural vegetation, inland waters, soil and landforms. Course teaching languages: Latvian, English\nResults Knowledge 1. Describes the current research directions of physical geography, data acquisition and analysis methods, as well as the terms and concepts used 2. Explains the nature of the Earth's endogenous and exogenous processes and their manifestation in the formation of the Earth's lithosphere and relief. 3. Describes the course of the processes taking place in the atmosphere and the ocean and their role in climate formation. 4.Understands biogeographical and soil formation processes and explains their role in ensuring the stability of ecosystems. 5. Explains the geological activities of the oceans, surface and groundwater and the course of modern processes in the waters. Skills 6. Assess the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, Earth's surface and biosphere, linking them to the dominant natural processes and changes over time. 7.Reads and interprets physiographic, biogeographical and soil maps Competences 9. Evaluates the interaction of the Earth's spheres and substantiates the consequences of this interaction, according to the geographical location of the site. 10. The expected results of the interaction of human actions and natural processes on a local, regional and global scale shall be substantiated." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Digital terrain models and geomorphometry"@en . . "2" . "The aim of the study course is to give students an insight into digital terrain models and their application. The tasks of the study course are: to provide knowledge about different types of digital terrain models; to promote understanding of impact of methods of storage and creation of these models on their quality and potential usage; to introduce popular open access and paid models; explain the sources of errors in digital terrain models and the adaptation of the models to various popular practical applications; to provide skills in the preparation of digital terrain models and acquisition of geomorphometric indicators based on them; to provide practical insight into the possibilities of using models in conducting applied research of physical and human geography. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian.\nResults Knowledge: 1. is familiar with different types of digital terrain models and their acquisition methods; 2. characterizes the impact of acquisition methods on quality; 3. explains the principles of error propagation in the process of development and application of digital terrain models; 4. characterizes geomorphometric measures and their potential use; 5. explains the possibilities of digital terrain model usage in the study of processes of different scales. Skills: 6. prepares digital terrain models; 7. prepares visualizations of digital terrain models; 8. critically analyzes the accuracy and errors of digital terrain models; 9. adapts models for selected application; 10. performs extraction of the geomorphometry characteristics of the terrain; 11. analyzes the directions and properties of water flow; 12. analyzes the visibility of the terrain. Competences 13. reasonably selects the digital terrain model acquisition methodology and storage method appropriate for the intended use; 14. assesses the impact of errors and uncertainties in the data and their analysis on the results obtained; 15. makes suggestions for improving data processing processeses in order to draw higher quality conclusions." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Geomorphology"@en . . "no data" . "N.A." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physical geography of hungary"@en . . "no data" . "N.A." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physical geography of europe"@en . . "no data" . "N.A." . . "no data"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to earth science and geomorphology"@en . . "3" . "This course introduces the basics of Earth sciences, principles of geology, and geomorphology. Participants will learn about the structure of the Earth, the processes of formation and destruction of the\r\nEarth's crust, and theirs influence of these processes on terrestrial landscapes. LECTURE: Earth sciences; basics of geology; mineral, rock, and soil; structure of the Earth, plate tectonics, formation and\r\ndestruction of the lithosphere; basics of tectonics; igneous processes; metamorphic processes; geomorphology: weathering, erosion, and sedimentation; basics of the geological structure of Poland;\r\nthematic maps as sources of geodata: geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology, and geomorphology" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geomorphology (6 ects)"@en . . "6" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary geomorphology"@en . . "5.00" . "Our solar system is endowed with a fascinating family of planets and planetary bodies. Some are giant gas planets, like Jupiter, but most are smaller rocky or icy bodies. This group of smaller planets and satellites includes Earth. Intriguingly, the other bodies in this group share many geomorphological characteristics with Earth, pointing to many shared environmental processes: all have a history of planetary bombardment and cratering; some have atmospheres and show evidence of wind-sculpting, e.g.Venus, Mars and Titan; volcanism has been, or is currently, an important surface-producing agent on at least three, Venus, Mars and Jupiter’s satellite Io; Venus is the near-twin of Earth in size and has a dense atmosphere but its evolution has been very different from Earth’s, with crushing surface pressure, searing temperatures and aggressive atmospheric chemistry; several large satellites are shrouded in a mobile crust of ice overlying a global liquid ocean, e.g. Europa, Ganymede and Enceladus; the giant satellite Titan has a dense atmosphere that is chemically very similar to the Earth’s first atmosphere and it shows abundant evidence of a ‘hydrological’ cycle (although not involving water), including the presence of rivers and lakes; Mars, tantalizingly similar to Earth, is distinctly not an identical twin but it is relatively nearby and has been visited by many orbiters and landers that have shown it to be, or have been, very Earth-like at certain places and/or times or in specific process-domains. Given the close, but tantalizingly different, planetary evolution of Earth and Mars, the wealth of data available and the potential Mars offers for learning and research, including learning more about our planet, it will be the primary focus of this module, with an emphasis on the processes and landforms associated with water in all its phases (i.e. ice, liquid and vapour).\n\nCurrently, the best way to understand the geomorphology of another planet, and hence the environmental processes operating at the surface of that planet, is to find analogous landform assemblages here on Earth and to study as many of their genetic factors as possible. Many landforms and geomorphological assemblages on Mars are analogous to morphologies on Earth that formed in volcanic, aeolian, fluvial, lacustrine, marine, periglacial, glaciofluvial and glacial process environments. These include: volcanoes and lava; sand dunes and yardangs; rivers, gullies and river networks; lake basins and shorelines; extensive marine basins, seabeds and shorelines; rock glaciers and glaciers, patterned ground (polygons), sorted periglacial landforms, thermokarst and pingos. The discovery of these landforms on Mars, in high-resolution images of the surface, has led to the conclusion that volcanism, wind, liquid water and ice have collaborated to produce a very Earth-like planetary surface. However, the geomorphology of Mars is showing evidence of one or more recent major changes in Martian climate, possibly including brief periods when water recently became morphologically effective. The likely cause for such a change is orbitally-driven variability in the axial obliquity of Mars. The same process is a major factor behind the repeated cycles of glaciation experienced by Earth over the last 2 Ma. If this can be confirmed, it would have major implications for our understanding of climate and water on Mars and would tell us more about the processes of environmental change on Earth, including the feedbacks between climate forcing, global warming, cryospheric stability and the hydrological cycle. Many tailored field campaigns are active on Earth, with research agendas that are Mars-specific and targeted, for example, at parameterization of key morphologies as proxies for those key processes, i.e. climate change, cryospheric stability and the cycling of water from sources to sinks. Insights from these analogue studies should provide a better understanding of the relationships between landforms, surface materials (including chemistries) and the surface processes of both Mars and Earth. For that reason, this analogue approach to planetary geomorphology will be the focus of this module, both conceptually and methodologically.\n\nLearning Outcomes:\nStudents will be introduced to the major areas of research in planetary geomorphology, the datasets available and the methodologies of planetary geomorphology, all with a special focus on the geomorphology of Mars. From working in and studying for this module students should gain an understanding of the diversity of planetary geomorphology and planetary evolution in our solar system." . . "Blended"@en . "FALSE" . . "Landscape evolution"@en . . "20.0" . "Module Description\nThis module is an introduction to the science of landscapes - sometimes called \"geomorphology\". You’ll explore the fundamental processes, in the air, in the water, and on land, responsible for shaping the Earth's surface and making it look the way it does. \n\nYou’ll learn about how we measure and characterise the Earth's different landscapes, how they have evolved in the past and how they will change in the future. You’ll gain fundamental insights into land-forming processes – their drivers, inter-relationships, complexities and rates of change – in order to better understand the natural and man-made changes that are affecting our increasingly populated planet. \n\nIn this module you’ll explore: \n\nhow landscapes are formed and how they evolve; \nthe agents responsible for landscape change, such as rock weathering, atmospheric processes, ocean circulation and glaciation; \nthe evidence for long-term climate change (last million years) and its impact on the Scottish landscape; \nhow humans are changing the landscape and the concept of the Anthropocene.\nDrawing on the most recent research we will study the processes, products and impacts of natural and human-induced landscape change over different timescales. \n\nLocation/Method of Study\nStirling/On Campus, UK\nStirling\n\nModule Objectives\nThe syllabus will cover the following:(a) the ground-rules for understanding landscape change(b) the major theories developed to explain landscape change(c) the links between geomorphology and geology, climate, hydrology and ecology(d) basic atmospheric and ocean processes(e) the conditions allowing rock weathering, soil formation, sediment release, sediment supply, transport and storage(f) the importance of connectivity in landscape change(g) the processes and landscapes relating to glaciation and sea-level change, with particular reference to Scotland(h) human landscape change and the Anthropocene\n\nAdditional Costs\nnone\n\nCore Learning Outcomes\nOn successful completion of the module, you should be able to:\n\nRecognise different landscape components and describe the different landforming processes operating on a range of spatial and temporal scales;\nExplain inter-related links between landscape change and geology, climate, sea-level, hydrology and living organisms;\nAnalyse and interpret geospatial, geochronological and palaeo-climatic data;\nManipulate and interpret elevation data, geomorphological and stratigraphical information;\nAnswer unseen questions on the module content in a time-limited format.\nIntroductory Reading and Preparatory Work\nThe recommended course text is:\nHolden, J. 2017. An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment. (4th Edition) London: Pearson.\n\nDelivery\nTotal Study Time\t200 hours\t\nAssessment\n% of final\ngrade\tLearning\nOutcomes\nReport\t30\t1,2,3,4\nComputer-Based Model\t20\t3\nClass Test\t10\t5\nExam (Canvas - on campus)\t40\t5\nCoursework: 60%\nExamination: 40%\n\n\nMore information at: https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=ENVU2LV&_gl=1*18ezij6*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjAzNjkxMi4wLjAuMA.." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" .