Processing, analysis and display of spatial data  

ategories of spatial data [maps, photographs, remote sensing images]. Cartographic data: Interpretation - classification. Creation of structures based on selected spatial models. Transformations between different structures. Photogrammetric data: Instruments, software, two-dimensional - three-dimensional rendering systems Photogrammetric networks, software, instruments, software, tools, 3D and 3D data processing. Orthophotography Remote sensing images: Digital processing of multispectral images Enhancement of multispectral images with point and spatial processing Classification of multispectral images with supervised and unsupervised classifications Cartographic data Synthesis - rendering of 3D models Synthesis of static dynamic maps - Visualisation elements Errors in spatial databases Spatial data analysis methodology Development of applications for the processing, analysis and rendering of all categories of spatial data using existing databases.
Processing, analysis and display of spatial data

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