Analysis of urban systems  

Introduction to the structure of the settlement network of Greece. General reference to the sizes of settlements, their form and their problems. The Settlement issue in Greece : historical reference to the formation of the settlement network. Economic situation, productive forces and settlements. The effects of economic choices on the sizes of settlements and their structure. The formation of the legislative framework (land-use, town planning, housing, etc.) governing the development and evolution of settlements. The consequences of the implementation, non-existence or non-implementation of the legislative framework on the settlement network. The new regulations (Kapodistrias, etc.) and their consequences. The methodologies and techniques for the development of settlements in Greece. Brief references to the identifications and the study of their physiognomy. Determination of boundaries, building conditions, restrictions, etc. as a result of the development process in Greece. Methodology for the formulation of a programme for a settlement plan. Standard specifications. Procedures and ways of implementation of settlement plans in the Natural Area. Comparisons of the settlement network of Greece with the settlement network of Europe and especially of the Mediterranean countries.
Analysis of urban systems

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