Analysis and processing of geodetic measurements  

Adoption of theoretical knowledge and empirical skills in analysis and processing of geodetic measurements. Active empirical application of knowledge from analysis and processing of geodetic measurements in solving surveying tasks based on geodetic measurements data. Demonstrate competences in theoretical principles, procedures of computing and visualising the surveying Use information technology in solving geodetic and geoinformation tasks. Exercise appropriate judgements on the basis of performed calculation processing and interpretation of data obtained by means of surveying and its results. Recognise problems and tasks in the application of geodetic and geoinformation principles and methods, and select proper procedures for their solution. Communicate the results obtained by means of geodesy and geoinformation to clients and experts of geodetic and other related professions Explain the basic principles, concepts, methods and procedures for analysis and processing of mutually independent geodetic measurements. Use appropriate technical terminology related to the analysis and processing of geodetic measurements. Understand the laws of theory of errors, mathematical statistics and probability theory in the analysis and processing of geodetic measurement errors. Apply different criteria to assess the quality of geodetic measurements (precision, accuracy, reliability) and the criteria for evaluating the accuracy of mutually independent geodetic measurements. Apply the laws of variances propagation, weights propagation and cofactors propagation in the case of one or more functions of geodetic measurements. Apply adjustment of direct measurements in the three characteristic cases: classical direct measurements, multipe measured vectors and doube measurements. Apply adjustment of indirect measurements in the forms of regular and singular adjustment. Apply adjustment of conditional measurement. Develop standardized geodetic elaborates depicting the results of analysis and processing of geodetic measurements. Plan processing of geodetic measurements from the viewpoint of the volume and types of measurements, the use of appropriate mathematical model of measurement, the application of appropriate technological tools for the realization of processing and to optimize performance.
Analysis and processing of geodetic measurements

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