Astronomical instruments  

Instruments and techniques for the optical region: basic types of telescopes, optical aberrations, telescope mountings and control systems, atmospheric observational effects, active and adaptive optics, ground and space based telescopes. Detectors for optical, near infrared and ultraviolet regions: the eye, photovoltaic cells, photomultipliers, image intensifiers, CCD, CMOS, increasing of signal to noise ratio. Instruments for spectroscopy and polarimetry. Instruments and techniques for astronomical image processing: digitization, standard astronomical graphical formats, basic algorithms and image transforms in astronomy. Instruments for radioastronomy: detectors, receivers, radiotelescopes, radars. Instruments for solar physics: solar telescopes, narrow band filters, spectroheliograph, coronograph. Outcome: After completing the course, students will have knowledge of astronomical instruments and the possibility of their application in astronomical observations.
Astronomical instruments

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